·aON:Dcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · NUKua21 Flour, Purk, Butter, Molassea,...


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, ' "


Flour, Purk, Butter, Molassea, Tea, Keroaeuc Oil whole· aale and re~l; Pitch, 'fa~r, Oakum, Linseed Oil, Ro~, Sp'ri'­of Turpentme, Putty, Wmdow Glue-Rll eizoa from 9 x 7 to 80 X 28, .

At Carbonear1 on Tborlda7, 17th I oat ..

after a tbort II neu, Ellxatlelb, dau&b· ur of tbe Jale Oenl• and Marcaret Bo­Oarlh7, aged M yeara.-lloeton and Chl­Cil!O papcra ple&N oop.r.

()a 14ooclay, Ma.7 iUh, of~-tDulll .. Frauee• May, tbo only daasbter of BJrlha aud Sc!lby l:'OICWOrlb7, a(ed 2 Jcara and 7 monlhL-8ato In the ar1111 of Jeao . .,..St.. John'• paPf<rl pleue copy.

General Post Office.



E PEAN COUNTRIES per S. S. "Siberi " will close on ONQt.Y, :z8th inst, n. •, l •,

• .H. J. . , P.M.G. , General Post ce. St. John's,

May :und, r906.

NQTieE.. t '" .... TENDERS wUl bo roeelved at' Jh ..

Oftlee U!CTlL SOO:f O!f TJUI !lSI~ J)A \• or l\I.A T 1 for t!tt conveyance of

Coal• and Snppllo:• to tho nndernamod UghlSatlone;-

OROUP NOt. COli PlUSES. Gulll•land, Cope John,~ t.ooa Coal

and Sopplloe.. . Nipper'• Harbor, Soppllea. Long leland, N • .0. lbJ, !10 tou

and SupplleL , Ore&( Denier leland, Suppllu. Lon~ Point, Twllllnjfato, :Joppllea. Twllllogato Wharf Light, Snppllu. Baccalliho lllond, JO tou COIJ and

Snppllea. tSoolh End Change lltlaod,JO toiU <Joal

aad Snppllea. Seldom CQJlle By f 'og Alarm, Ill tona

Coal and SoppUel. · Cann Jlland, Suppllu. TUt.on J!ari!Or, Suppllet. Joe Batt'• Arm (Brook Polnt), Sop.

pllea. Wadbam Ialland, 10 ton• Coal a.~

SupplleL •Penguin I1land, 10 tou Coal and ~op-

pUea. CaboUalaod1 10 too a Coal aud SuJI plica Pomn Jalaoo, Sopplles. UtUe Denier Snpplh.•a. Klng'a Cove Soppllct!. Cape Bona;tita, Suppllf'L ~oarey Head, Suppllea. Fori Point, Sopplf•·

OROUPNO.~ Random Ialand, 10 tone Coal and Sop-

plltt. . .





Leather aqd Leatberware-. Jlay, Oata, Meal, BnD. Naila-ell

Pucx Jalt • the ~{lular BuLL-TOE us to giVe satisfaction.·

' solicfleather all through. • TRY US. . . w.·J. JME.S.


STAPLE AID P ~we·have some linea of Dey QOOOa, the

equal ofwhich for. Quality and Price has never betor.e been seen in town ~ ·

Special lot of Caps-20c.·each. Summer Goods in endless variety. . l URt.. re~~J-~ite}~t ~ Gr~M_Bri~


Rurt'e Conumt, G tom CoAl and Sop­plica.

Haute Harbor, f ton• ·coal and Sop. pUtt.

OUr Boote and Shoes lead all others in Fit, · '\ Style anfl Quality. . An inspection ~'VVW"'-"""'""'"'""',...,...,...,...."""'"""'WVV' ___ ,...,...,..,..._'VVWVV" W.e hawe mnny speci$llines which for quality and price · \ is yours for the asking.- j D~!a~ler: "~· W. P. h88 durah~e and lRllting colorz~ beca'!te oonnot lie equt\lled. Call and see them. O'ROtTP :-;o:L

Oreen TAiancl, abonl 70 ton• Coal and 8upp1Jea; TClldna t.o a tale rate per \oD for Co&t.

OROUPNo4. <:ape SLFraocfi: aboattl) tooa Ooa1 and

lklpl)ll•; Teoclera toa&ace race per too lor Coal.

·j -~-cr'N-NJ~h=:~~~~;~~~~:!-i~'r~:~~~:~~:;~:~~~d~lt~~~~ .~PRAYER AND HYMN llOtil o~-an kinds. • • . · '

1 colors asecnnd to none for brilliancy 1\Dd l!trength; O}>t'rotes its J C R 0 N WAH R STREET,

HAB.BOR GRACE (Qp. Thomps~aJs Lrug ~tore) own l_in~eed o.ilmill an~ mnnufoctures nll ·t~e pur~ linseed oil • ' - a or Crace----: BlocaUeu, 8DPJIIIN only. Baohllft Fell Ala.rm, lJ t.ou Coal

ltPPUel. dROCPNol.

usetl tn 1ts pllmts; has 1ts own le~td and zmo mtnee. and em-Pu:bU.QNotioe. Public Notice. ploys a &tuff of 10 cbe';llists to maintain the standard of all .LUMBER I PROV:ISio· '~ ,.

. ~ _;_ . · products nnd raw mater1"le. · J.~ D Cape ~,aboa$.tou0oalud89-~~ 'l'iDUntoataa.ra .. pel' toD tor ....


Tbfpu~ ue hereby aotified that Ja accordance with Chapter 36 of "With materials of eqcb quality, combine4 with the thor-by the Dnmaiona or .Qaptr s6 or tbe tbc Coa10lidated Statutes. (Second ou~rb assimilating they receive in mixing and grinding, is Pii.me Mat~bed Bol\rd~ Pine n.nd Spruoe Plank. ~.Siatalelt ~ Series, Serlea), SWINE iuaured the most and durable colors it is possible 'Pine and Spruce Board, eine Clapboard. tbeJ ue·~JeqMiiiaaii'led!d to keep their !ouad a\ large bJ any penon, may t.o m.u1ufau:ture. P. wears 88 Jong aa nny paint can wear J Wit received from Hall's Bay Mills. Other sbip,D'en\a daily

YARDS AND PREMI~ES. be bopoaadc:d -in the nearest com· and retains 1ts and freshneBB for th~eat po88ible expected by train and schOC]ner. See th., prioee '"- hat all aODOal auila9celan6 moa poaacJ. Pehalty, aotexc:ceding time." Full stocks of Dry Goods, Gr~ries, Provisions, Hardware, - wtllch .e bltely to injure the ~tb':S~r Swiae 10 impoaa_d~, ....... _._ ......... ._... ___ ""'"""'....,...~"""'._...._...... __ ""'""'"""'--..,...,.... Picture ~ming, Furniture, Books, Stationery, &c.

~~~~p~t~~m~• pa:.. ~be. . AJ~L GOATS Sold by M UN N & C .. --~~: .... Feathers, Mattrn.sses, St.qok Condensed 'Milk jnat in.-

- raaninJ. at Jarrc moat be yoked, ~~~~~~~==;=;~===~~=~~~~:ir;~~ A THoaouGH INSPECTION :r:bi~~.:~rt:~~~nit!1:~ ·NOW-IN-s . THOMAS Ross:-· water street ., ......... w· md , .............. not .... •••••• -- -- • 6tlll dar to clay pleled. incbea ia length : otherwiee may be I

• en. owaen tJI louud in Impounded ill tbe· neareat common . . R D McRae & s· one bad Coddition will tie liable to. fine or pound by any person. Penalty. oot Oyol~ and Diamond Dyes. lrlat Patterns. ·• •

TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. excee:Jo'fNi~~fi:osliORsE r- Furniture, llattrasses, Iron Bedsteads. JL H. SEYMOUR, •\!all be allowed to go at large or Groceries, Pro~ .. "ons. Dry Goods, Blscw'ts. -Stipendiary Magistrate. aatray. Penally, uot exceedingW. Y 101

Police Oftb. Harbor Grace, CHAPTER 14L . New and full Sto"k or' M4y•o, •906- ~ · EVERY DOG ~

IUIZ - i 1

found at large ,.1tbout Ita owner or Door Locks Ketches Bolts and Hm" ges Y.-l8for - QTICE other person in charge thereof muat ' ' •

tbaa 00 lou. , . • h!'-Te faatened to ita neck a clo~ or Glothes and J>resser Books


/ Tbe term • 8uppllee''la1U& be uocler. \ p1ece of Wood of nolleaa than 71ba. • . • • • ~ 0

etood to emfrnOii eY~~ which n To whom it ;:Y concern : weight and aot leu tbat 18 inchea J Wit recetvPd. 1\ mce hne Of Pam t and W ull Brushes; a leo, ~lbeC:::• ..J7l0~@.1 to.,:-~:.; The und" ·gnc:d has been gnuY.cA in tentth. with . tbe name of the an t\BdOJttnent of mixed and enameled Puints. Nice colours. on*"' a& St • .Job:lf~ ,.._.a& the by the Supre Court letters or Ad· owner •tamped or marked thereon ; Marbleine-1\i'BOrted colours. nepectln 1taUon• l ety flom the or to be effectuo~IIJ muzzled, other· eeaattbeespeueof eQOotractor. ministration to ·the &tate or JOHN wise may be t>hot or d .... lroyed by ------~-----------------

It m~V\ bit dWi~U• "~ by DE""PSEY S '· f H bo C ~ .. ..,..,,. cooflractor tba& be 18 to take 011 '" • r., 141u: 0 llr r race, tbe police. This shall nat applJ to *rd a& tb•~lln•tattoaeaud land cooper, deceased. Poiutc:n~, Settel"'t. Spaniels or Ter· a& St. John'• auaaob Item. u t.be lla~t JOHN DEMPSEY, . ril!r11. htper may wt.b to forward. A leo that .1

Provisions, Grocerie~, Cadiz Salt. Tar, Pitch, Fishery Supplies, &c.

Beach · Pr\mises, : Harbor Grace. =l;H~"G·MAS RO~S,= ~BranchBusinessatGra~y,Labrador •

Water Street, Harbor Crace. WE BA VE IN STOCK: bemunproYicfe-kJ for laodlag ooal Administrator Estate of John No perliOn s hall h:we in his pos· at tbe"arlou. 1tallou. U 18 dUJrable Ot:mp!Cy, d~--ctaSt:d. &el>l!iou any Pointer. Setter. Spaniel that v .... l, nwtlnJ contraca. Jhonld St. John's, Nfld, M:ty , 5, ,9~. o r Terrier Dog. without a writtc:a be rudy t.o tatre Ill ~o by thellt day Jicenae from a Stin..ndrar" Ma••i• · ofJune. r- ./ "

A depoell or tho aum of~ wUJ be e~ 'R 1) I . lrnte. uucler a ~nalty not excced-roqntred (rom tboeo HOnrfns oootracte • iog $20. All such dOf.rti so lic:enled for connyanco of treJgb& to OronPII -o- shall wear a collar witl1 tbe owoer·a nnmbered I and 7 u a aoaranteo of tile .DR. CARNOCHAN name in {ull thereon. performance of tho work. . d · · h" · I p · Co 1 • P.nvelope~~ coverln~ teoclora for the mten s entenng mto p:anners 1p wuh ohce nstnb ea are requ1red to ~~·e .. ~~~j~~~ ~ntr':"~edad;r~ 1 Dr. AllfES, a!ld will ~ow to.ke cl)arge carry o.ut tbe a~ve Tegula~ions. to tbe lllntfter o( lfarlne aoci.Ft.herlu. of the proctJce dunng Or. A~ES'. Pe~alty for tlegle...t of dut1 •n rt:· S&.Jobn'a. convalt:iCellce. fusmg to deatroy Doge. ~ for first

• • E. DAWE, lltliJITU. I Usual office hours llt Dr. 1)::\IES' offence. .Department of )('arlne aocl Plaberif'e,St. bouse. A. R . SEYMOUR.

John'e, Ma)• Gth, 1908. Stipendiary Magiatrate.

NOTICE. · R. A. SQUIRES, LL.B. . Oue month after d;.le hereof, Q.p- SOUCITOB,


NOTARY PUBUC. plication wlll be made to Ria Excel­lency tbe Governor ht Council for the rigbl to uee the wate~ or Tor­reut River and S . E. River. Bawk"a Bat• and t W! Lakea and Slr~ama draining into...the aame. for the pur- • poae ofdrh•iolf machinery.

Or,.ce, - L KIMBERLEY ROW B.ltnT f;nu'l', .

JOSEPH CURRAN. Oambo. May 3r.d. 1906.

(Oppoaite Star of the Sea Hall.) Telephone 2661 ST. 1oBN'8


A New Masaey·Barril Bicycle.1 3 Second-Hand Dories

Ne,·cr· u~.:d. \V,Jl be ~ ld at a Ju ~ood condition. Will be sold l'1 B.,r~:;du. AI•P•Y .J\ Uu: •~.:!DARI.l .:heap. Apply 'to '

ome.:. 2 - .!"'I ~tltiad• Puso~a.

. '


. ' l I

Window Glass in nil stces rom 7 x 9 to 34 x 38. White Le:ul nnd Zinc Paint in 4, 7, 14, 28 :tnd 56 lb. tins Mixed Paint, 1 lb. tins in White nnd Colors. Doilcd and Raw Linseed Oil, Spirits Turps. 1

Roofing Ft:lt, 1, z, and 3 ply. Nails and T..ins. Red Oxide Paint n'nd Tar Coating. Cop:al Vamish. Va.mish Stains in Light Oak, ..Dark Oak, Mahoghany,

Ro,;ewood, Cherry a.nd Walnut. C:slvnnited a11d Bln.cl: Sheet I ron. . English Ovnl nnd Round Boilers, tinned and· untinned • Stove Kettles, S:mccpans, tinn<.-d Md enamelled. Des~ Md Oi11ncr Knives and Forks. Dessert Md Dinner Knives only. .Plated Forks. Table Sted.s. Tt::1, DC$5Crt and T able Spoons. Table Dells. Carvers and Forb. Poclrc:t nnd Sheath Knives. CArpenters' Hand Saws from 4oc to $t.8o


& E.. GOD'DEN, S.~:t,aJ.J>.:t.~t,.a... -~ Wal~r Strebt, l:Wbot Gl'IOI • ...,.._.,


(PBBBY ~A fiB') · -


Cramps, Colic, Diarrhrea, Chills, Colds.




Best ·· amily Pil.i rn' Us\ --------· J-Olt SALEH Y ,t/.1. In, .F.'>•s

Insi_st orr Having t n . " .

• 4 ,.., r

If you ·apprecio.t.e a really tirst-el.t!!-"~ Hiwcqit. •• t _:__moderate coat, ~ y'our Grc.x.'tlr f,lr---


hack the char old~ tM ln liD;...

on \he buata• ua,n u4 oatheBiaiM ..

fiiiCiniii;D'I>J fll~ ...... ecl teJa&lt ......... ., ....... lit

wu wlahe •IIIOWP

Olmme baek myUerold....,_tlaa&__. •ry IO\"U to keep. .

Whun • f'Uot, '&Ia a~ allll~ ...... dang~:r on the.d.,. P

The old·tlme aW'Jr.wud ~ jt'rk muu& few allow- ·

Wo~ald tha&•Carlew......aaohbaa,• t..la.l, <>h, U'• rbaatq _.., •

Olmmo baCk lbedtu'oi4~path way throop &be deU8 .

~ thu•·•hoolJKiale Ja 1M b'r=~a. •<~Wid or fw-d Wll

Ttoklln' 'Ot'Oit the • lila ...... -. of tb• blnha' brook a

Tbe old-tl.me dlo~, aa• U.. ..._. bade qowa• boolrl. . .


KIDNBY DISEASE-ORA V.Et. "1.-a aftllcted with kldne.1 dl.aalo

lllld Jr&YellD Ia. m01Uovero form, hav. IDI of&ea a atoppqe ot water aocom­pailled b~ \he moil~dreadtul ~ouv. lly UIIDJ D11. ('o.Ua'e KnllfiiY·LIVIICR PILU tbed~Mue wu eradicated from m1 IJ'IfOI'Il Ia IC~~t tban tilt IIIOOlbt. I baYt l,ed In welabt. tleop well, aod f"l ~ r Uaao I ba\re fqr t"'eot,. rur1." -KJ&. , .. .,., t-ori DalhotUlt, Ollt.

.. .. '"

• • 1t

cAUGHT COLD . . ON Til C.P.l

1 j LIMITF.Q.)

OF LONDON. &VIIIUiliBI.D OA:PIT.u ....... ...£11,000,000 at, TorAt.lln'aran Fmme up. •

wuDe or ........ ~_ ........ 2.7601000 Stg. AJnrV.U.l!WOOJUJ ortf'~ nr AAn,OOOStg

Tb!l OliA RN ',. l••11 n .. • llnkllau Engtl•h ' •~< · •~o ·-.... ,.,."'· 11f11r11 all lh1'8• •·•• "" •ac.- • " ' 1~1..-hl,. lOIn· ,~I'll. "11 .. ouul •I ll•~ •~hiUly, (aYOJ'o Abl~ term11 •n1l ' '"'"l'H•l ~"'llle.men~ on ~allru for 10141.

Tbe Ontfl'nt'IPl"'t b~<vin{( bun ap­polDw.i A~nle tor Nr-..toundland are prepafe\1 &o lquo l'oliaie~~ ol('linat loa• hJ~t~ •

T • .t ~ WrN f ER. St. Jobn,a. A. 0. 'ltlNN, fiAH&•a OIU.Clt, It\ H tlfl'l I l'lul• o\yi!Dt.,


. .

:; .


0. V. TRAV£RS, , · Agent an1Commisslon \...:.. . Merchant


-ary INSTITUTE ROOMS. (Malln'a Block.)

· Water S!reet, Harbor Grace. e~'Rt>.

BERTEAU & BOWLEY Barri8tera &; Solicitors,


Mr. HO'f'LBT wtll be ln Bazbor Oraoe a boat the Wtb of enry month, IUid wW be foond at tho Cochrane Bouee, Water Street.


P'aJD.n, May (, 1900 · The Hoa.,e rfl a\ 4 p.m., pul'lo-

an~ ~ adjouromenL • On motloo of Hon. Mr. Baird the

lntoatoens Llquora Bill was re­oom~lued to a ~mmittee nr the Wh<¥• Houe. Hon. Mr. llilley In the Obair. •

The pommil(ee and reported th-. hill with furtheramendmeot. The report wu reeeiYecl and the bill or­tt .. r .. tt.,to be read a third tlwe to· monow. , ,

On eaoUoo of Hon. SkeUoo the Hou+e reeolved i\aelf ln\0 Com· mlttee of the Whole on the Kev· en'u Bill. Hun. CApt. Blandrurd In Oae chair.

Tbe Committee roae and repnrled the bill without amendment. Tbe report was received and Lb" bill or· dered &o ~ read a thhd Ume to­morrow. ·

On motion of Hon. Dr. Skelto6 Uie Roue r•ohed UMlf in\0 tom· mittM of the whole on &tie Medical Bill, Hon. Mr. Ryan In the chair.

The committee roae and repnrled the Bill whhout amendmenL. Thf' report wu received and the Bill ordered \0 be read a third Liml to­monow.

On aaotioq or Ron. Dr. Skelton the Boaae resolved ltaelfintoCom · mlttee CJf &be Whole on the Min• and Mlnerala Bill. Hon. Mr. Anael in e chair. ·

Mr. Haney moved tbaUbe Wftl~d··~· omcera of any incorporated

,-to(UnJ)41bJ which il the owner of a ~~n., . ouL

JAMES D. MUNN. l.Jealer in R«Jl ~ Cbmmia-

•ion .Agent, ~~ ..A~ ••.

Hu.r'Jor lJrace, • NWI/~dlmad.

GEO. GORDON·, · Manufacturer-of and Dealer io

Tinware Sheetiron and Galvanized IrOn Want . - .

STOVES of allldnda now in atock.

:aaJea•dalle~•t wu carried, ani! ~ma1U\IIee rote and reported

aome amendment w,.~ receiied and the

ofdler~l<l Cb be read a tbird"m• to-morrow.

On motion of Hon., Dr. Skelton the Hq01e reaolved itaelfin&oCom· a.ittee or the Whole on the .Crown Lands Bill. Hon. Mr. Baird in lhe obalr. . ,..

The COmmU~e ra.e and repqrt· ed ' the 'Bill wlthooL amendment. The report waa teceived,•and the bUl ordered &o be read,. third time to-monow.

Hen. Dr. Skeltq,n moved the 110· cod readio1 of thl Doc Btll and in dolns 10 wilbed only &o remark that the lntenUon or the blll wu to pert:Dl~ the \118 or dogs In C&I'I'Jlntr mall•, over groDDd where the7 could be eonyenlenUy and advan

Funn~lling, Stove Fit-, taaeoM17 emploJed. The Bill tings, Fire Screens would perlaapl ·~ally apply to

1 St. Barbe or other placea wliere the -supplied promptly-and c:heap 1·- courier woold have to .&rani over

Sto- Grates and Linin- io atdclc. loJ!A dllt&Dcea In the wlnkr Ume • ...., D- The bill wu thin l'f'ad a aecond

Outpatt trade orders giveD r•w-..... Ume and orderkt to be co'mmit\ed attention. &o ' committee or the whole 'Houae


,, •..

or llon. Dr. Skelton BesulaUon Bill wu Ume and oadered tO

to a committee or

·rhe Weakne~ of Old Ap

As tho years go by tho blood get. thin, wntery and impure, &JJd

rails to supply the nourishment rl'quircd to keep vitality at high . vnter mnrk. Circulation gets bad, ilnd tha nervous system suff'ers. 8c::.ides the pains and aches, besides ' h.: weakness and dizziness, there tr~ fe~lings of numbness wblch tell

of the npproacb or paralysis ahd I.J.:omotor ataxin. ·

judging rrom the experience of th~ lhousonds of old people who ha\•e t~:.ted Or. Chase's Nerve Food, it seems to be exactly suited to overcohtil these conditions, conse qucnt on old age.

Unlike ordinary medicines, Dr. ChMc's Nerve Food is entirely restorntive in action, and cures by for•ning' new, firm ftesl\ and tissue, and building up the I)'Stem. 60 CCillif A box, at all dNlen.

Bill wl&la ••• ..-.IID6DL The N~li .... P.,otlncl a&ul &he 8Ul reM • llalri Uaeand orderecllO be ..,,, &o &bl/ Allem!Jwi&b a ai• 111• &ba& &bla Ro bad puaecl thPiallle.wl&b an menl.· . · 0o aodon of Bon. Dr. Skelton the Hn1111 naolYICIItaelfln&oOom· rnlttee or the Wbole OD the Lire In· IUr&nC 0ompanle1 811~ •

Hon. Cap~. BlaadCord in lilt chair. .

The Committee roM and iepor~ fld \b" Bill •ilh 10me amendment.. T ne r.-pun waa ncelftd - nd tbo sm noiad • third time, .,....a anrd urdered to be tent. &be .&.eaab 1 with a~ tbem tbat . RoaM &be


Obamberlalll'• Stomach aDd Lh·or Table .. an ~l wba' :yoa aNd when CIOD8U~Iilcl; WbeD JOG liaT• DO appet.lte, feel dUll altw eattDC eD4 wake ap wllb a bfod tute lD JOU tDOa&!a. Tb•J wtlllm· prov. )'OGJ' ..,.use, llleaue IUid tnvla· orate JOU •tomllllll ~ JI'U roa a rol'-11

~r ~~food. ""'--~· . 8. ~~S.Oil 4 _VIIIIrQUbol' Oraoe, w. ~ lla~t, OUIIOiaMr,



.QiamoDd Packaee Dyea for CoL· &on, Unen or MiXed Gooda will color, wool, eU.t, colton or linen i n the eame bath better than any other dyet ever produced. For the &nee~ reaulll, however1 dlfrorent atreDJtbl are needed 1or animal product., therefore the Diamond Dy11 give the Jadl11 one dJe Cor aUk or wool, and one dye for cot &on, linen. or mixed sood•.

The crude and weak package dyea put apby.eome •reculatora to lmltate the -niAMOND DYES, have hrouabl diemay and roln to many hom•. They produoedoll,blotcby and hldeou colora. deatroying good and yafuable oaaterlala and are poaltively dao1aro111 to handle. Such dJea are aol~ by tome mer­ohan&a for the sake of the bla pro&ta they :7ield.

In all well N&olded" and eco­nomical bomee, oor wocnen ., all ~lrJJea make uae or &be DIAMOND DYES when doiDI home colorinJ. Never accept rrom your dulo1r or merchant aubelitotea ror Diamond Dy•; no other dJet ean do your work u you would have It done.

Send your oame and addre~~ to Walla ct Rlcbard1oD Co., Limited, Mootrul, P. Q., for Ioetrucl.ion Book, Card or Dyed SampletL and V erae Story entitled, "Tbe LODtf .i!»bn'a · Trip....to the Klood1ke '' ~ to anJladyreelcllniiD Oaoa· de or M••fouocUIDcl.

oept for u.• KUJ .. )•i, Y, IDto Ulo ltoN laaaded m• a aDOtber botU. BaJtD.. I WIUil U 'D hr u oared me.• " ~

l'or aal4l b7 W. B. Tbollipeoa. .t: Co. Bubor OraMI W. B. Ba&t,Cubonear.

-8aD 1'ranol8e0'8 IOM 18 no• ]lot roUDdlJ u roar bu4nd mUllondoiJarw.


Ahra:r• azlM trom ])&J'UcJ .. of corrupt matter aopoelted In the alr-<:ell1, by lm • pm:e blood. Purity lb•t 1veam ol ut• Ud I& wUl yef'Y 800n carr')' oft and dee­lrOJ tbe pol80aOII8 mauer, IUid llko a eay•lal rinl"ftowlnl throaall a d ... rt. wUl brlaa wttb It aod ltaY• tbroa~Eh-oui Ua• bod7 the olomoohl of beal\h •ad •tnnatb. A• the rlnr, loanhr th• el .. mon&il of forUIIty In , .. ooarwe, CI&QH8 tb• befora banea wu&e to bloom wt&Ja ftowe.., and trait, 10 Jlure blood oall80 tho frame to rojoloe In •trengtb aod

~c;f~~:.:!ooD:.t~:::~.~~':!f. llftliiUI Boo& PiU..

-Doring tbe montb of April lmml· jlrauta ti'om Europe •rrlnd In New York 'lt tho rate of iwo pe.r mtnute.


c. ALfiu:DJM ES, M.D. .....

O~ce Boure-!-9 to 11 ~ -4 to 6 p.m.

RIDLEY HALL, Harbor Graa.

W"'S. Goodwin, D.J).S. Graduate of Philadelphia •Dental College and Bos­pit:ll of Oral Surgery ......

--.-Office in reaidenee-Water Street.

next door to the Baalr •

• Teeth utracted ablolutel.r 'With·

OUt pain by UIC Of yjta}beci air Or Tblrty.ftve men were 1hot for robbing perfect anaeatbetlc. ,

t~d~n='-th_• ~ot dJ~aer tn "CiNADA'B GRB!t£81' KORBBRIEl" CONSUMP'!;'JON CU RED.

Faox A10>aaw Anou:aa• of .PairBold, Maille. •

•" Seeing onmoroU8 oerUOcat01 In tho Maloo lt"''lrmor, ondQnlng tho Oroat LQoc 'Romecly, WIITAW8 lMLI'All OP WJL'D OllliRRY, I take a~eat plouure In st<rtna publicity to tho great cure 11 IIC· oompll•bed In my family :In tho year l8aG. During tho •ummer of that year m..r 80n, .H'oDrJ A. Arcli , now J)Ott.mu· ter of tbl8 pl~~ee, waa att ked with 1plt· Uag of blOod, coogb, eakn011 of lbo lunf., and general dobl ty 10 muob 80, tha our faintly _pbnlcla olllared him to bavo a ••eatillcf~neumpllon.• Rowu ~nder medical treatment .foi a number of month., bu' reoel<red n() boneftt. At IODgtb1 trom tho 10UoUat1on of blmtolf all(f otnorl, I WU IDdnced \o purobUI one bottle of Wlatar'• Bal .. m. of Wild Oberry, wblcb benofttted him 10 muqb I obtained another~ which In " abort time r .. torod blm to lil1 n1oal8tato of health. I can .. rely recommend thl1 remedy to othereln llko condJllon. for It u , I think, all n pul'J)Or .. to &,o-TIU! OnAT LU l'CO BUICbY J'OR '1'88 TUU181 The abovO statement, goot!omen, •• rny volo.ntary olrerlog \o yon In favor of yoor Bai~Am, auk t~ f• at your d ... po.,.l." ~ 60c., abd II per boUle. Sold bJ

dealer• generally, and, by, T. Mo¥urdo .t: eo.. St • .John'•· ----A 81. Loula brewer hu a bouae boll~ ot.lleer kop and~'·


pal Sooth Bar School Sydo~J'. N. 8., wrllot:-" I ..,,.. grea~Rr troubled wllh. ao"ou• dy1pep11a • .;a after moat• ~ otte• felt Uke Tomlllng ancl my1t.0maoh wu 110ro. 1 wu nervooa and worrlod, trectoen•ly bad ho•dt~cbeK aqd 1hortneu of breath. When 110\'t-ral doc tort t•lltd I deeldtd to ley ])n. ' trull'o~ N•nvK Jo'ooD, and It hu entirely C\lred mo. I I ball be IlK w ~ I be mean• of brlnJJ· In~~: th ... modlclnu ro tho notlco or anr one wbo 11 eolredog u 1 did.''

K!liarcl11 LIDlm-;;&;;llnH Dta.raJa~

.600,000 Ap.1le Trees for sale for Spr~ng

Delivery, 1906. Choicest Commercial an~ Docnestic

varieties, hardy and suitable for ' NC'Ir· foundlllnd, in ,extra tine three and four year old trees, s to 7 feet in height well branched and rooted.

We Want ~n Agent for Harbor Grace and District to sell them and other 'Fruit and Ornamental Stock. Swt now at best selling season. Write (or T~rms and Catalogue, &oc! send :zsc. for our ALuUtNUM P~ MICROSCOPE and 3oc., for our Handf Sa~tt just the thing for trimming trees# cul3 iron as well u wood •

STONE & WELLINGTON, Fonthil} Nurseries, (over ioo acrea,)


~~e 1Qatbot @tact ~tanbat'O -.t.lfl)-

,CO~OEJ>TIO~ DAY ADVERTJ8KB. II printed and pobl'-bod IY&ry PriclaT evening, at the 8TAI'DAR.D Olllo., VJO. tori& St., Harbor Graoe, by llaAD .t: Ok•

We do oot bold oanel"" reeponal* for tho oplalon• ospi'MMCI b7 oar oor­reapondent.t.

Sublclrlptlon RateL:-$2.00 per eDDADlJ fl.QO per lialf rear; to furelgo 1nbfcri~ er1 ttio ratea • ' Ill bo fU4

Advorll•ln!l: ICatH-40 cent8 per !Dell for Un~tlu~rtJ,.n; hvontJocn .. per IDol& for.~aoh contlllllatlnn. tlpeotal ra ... for threo or more mont hi. 1'h1 aambor.of loaorUooe of llodvortiUmen .. mll8t .., , •pelllJSed bJ thellllnru..r.


-Ma. ·o&O. NtcpoLIIOJI. Daa L&a.

Tblol•....,.• p· ....... ..... ~- ...... the dra• ud I l._ta io pioaeer iq. r. NlcJtoleoa aa the ~al d wback tcf eet· u/r! ill bfa iatrlct ir tbe wut o( roadL It mut cerlaial7 be dl ... cour&(hsr to Jlr. Nklaol8ollafter ~ 37 yean of ~ Ufe to be baalp­ered b7 wut of ~ O..·bia. drup tooa~ ~tual ad.....­lllellt. ud oae wlalcla 1lu tJae effect of crub~a~ral-te.r-

la the bi fmpt ra~ ·A ~ht rate fel'laead for cat-tle Ucl68ceata per berrel f« pota­toea from Dew Lab to .st. JOlla'• lea..a tbe ~IICIII' a "Nrf amall ~ .. of ~ ladeecl! frdrbt ratea WlD DOt ... todewelop ~ltare. It Ia a aboct afftteil pOUcy .oa tbe par\ of tbe JtaTiwa7 Oomju,.

Wllat ............ ..,...., will pa.J beat la NewfoalldJud?

Ia ., ~ ~ will P-1 tbe beat of u~ __.. Of far!ibia' qa Newfoaad.ucl, Potalloea.llq.oata aad wheat will &lao.-.. ~ aaltL llonea fetda a ~ &ltd c:aa. alace tile coaatiJ ... opeaed ap to lamber ~ be aold at~ aa4 I tb1ak be

Wltla .

• PBW BOOT- &BOB J'ACTORY. -Bia Lordabip Blaho'p Macdonald

atljtwed la~ lut week, ud ia ~ Jeaye there to-clay b7 tlai ateaeet ome f~r St. foha'L Bia Lordalalp..-.rrin.l may be looked fot DD Mood&y aut. We wiah the Biahop a afe arrival home. •

-Amoar the itema of the cargo of the atc&ll:ler Louiae Ia a.. billiard· table. which waa piU"chaaed io Gla .. pw. It It not known definitely where the table will be ulkd. but it Ia aap~ 'lo be for the Readiar Room.


1._. anb· ot1)rr lrtml. . ...-,.... ....... ~__.,_

-Xlaud .. LIILimeat I'D,.. dl•~•urn. ~

-TJae Sou of Bnglaad l..odae will al­teod MrTIQO Ia IL l'anl'• C'hnrob D~Xl 8auday mornHa.,. rbat day being tbe Order'• aoalnreary day.

-A maulmoolalen•nll•lo taku plane here aboa& the -.us of Jan.-. b~ wbleb oae of oar ba•laHa 11\'m• wlll IOH the 1enieo~~ of a lalonted ar •ouataot.. Tb~ &room 11 aa emploYee of a HL Jobo'• firm. Tbe CODjllo will re•lde Ia U1e eUy. Coa~tralalatloa• are Ia ordl•r. .

(I bu bMa ltaown and Ia known tbat Reel aro. OU kUI• tho m"-& aoa&e


. ' -~. ltlakllliQD ,,u·.,..~.r~ut•·IJale had

bot·t..d '"lhH'o an<l nufl•h a1111hlo abuut a m1111rb &!;<1,

-Ont·atp,;r ,.,;:;;;.-bat! on \\"t.'dnr• 4•1 lui rbn barh J.,r,. mado frnm w lllc­plag l frnll'1 nf h.-r ''"'11 raltln; lhll ~~ .

-we bell In ,.;r.;;;,'"ic.,l•(' tl,o r('"C!Ipt of a OOPJ' or thn llt'J ... rt r .. : ll\ t \"tar of &be LIUiallc Al)"lurn. which l\O ahall aotte. a& morell'II);IIJ lal<•.r I•D.

-Ynterd•.r wa~ A;::;•n•l•m ~ay, and wu ol»er"ed hy "ur U'''""n t'111hollo clUan. u & bollda\', !'rn ·lrea wore a1lo bald Ia thtt A,ngiJ;.an o:hurt.<ht ...

-At lhe armaal m~lln;r uf tb~ D..,_ I CaiCDT.-Some atepa aboald be

talrea bJ tboae latereated ia cricket to •tart a le.gpe &mo'lg aa, dabL

tile 8acb a atep WO.ld lead ap to ~ter for latereat ~ takea ill the aoble ~ WbJ DOt thole iaten:sted la

D&lD. The Jltron.-c Pahi lbe marktL Yor lalernal - !fetR.Lodll'<! nf t'onN[•IICJn lla)·, I.O.O,T.,

OXIOrDAII -r. MhaJ¥Oa Of 'arb,n"ar WU re-eleclell D&.ltlil!l C. T., her fVYIDI a m010t ealeMa& o1Dce1r.

• -Mr. BaC'YeJ Sheppard. formerl7 of tlala towft. receirid injary at the Wldtaey Pier. Sydney. ,receatly, by wbich three of b[a ribt ~rQken. aad wlaic:h kept him la the-fiOapital aome weeka. Be ia aow better. ucl wlU resume bia work ere 1~.

A report comes from Saa Fran· daco tba~ oamber of pcraoaa wbo aatfered from n.rioaa allmeata pre. Yioaa to the eartbqaake and fire ia that city &ad themtelfetl complete­IJ cured. One pcraoo wbo bad beea paralyaed J5 7eart ago. and had beea crippled by tbe dlaeaae eYer tlace. ia no• completely cared, and aameroaa other reoo•erh:a baYe been recorded.

Cdcftt la Cirboaear. BaJ Roberta. ~ Btul'aCoa-.taad Harbor GrMe IDeetaad ..Sa delepte to uotller .._ wllere tbe leape coUl be fclinaecf?

-Aa old. feace at the rear of the baildlaf lately aaed by the pollee Ia a daqV. to tlle pabUc. Tbe fence Ia reaf:lac at a a JDgle of 45 de2reea. aad thoae who pua tbroagli tbe laae are ezpoaed to (l'&ft lojury. WbV la etP.rybody'a bualaeaa ia no oae'a baaiaeaa, bat aomeone ia thla cue aboald act. Tbe bead of police reported the danger to the owner Ia St. Joba'a, but hie reply atated ,that the the leaae bad not expired, ud that the Couatabulary Dep:~rt· meat were the reapoaaibl.e parties. Tbe matter baa been also reported to the Public Work. Department. Sboald aome per10n receive injury by atrikiag the fence, the coat to the OWner 'llrlU be more lhao the eX• peote of correcting tbe trouble.

-Sncc& Tuesday week tbc! morn· lnr traiaa leniog Carbooear have atarted at 6.30 •ia Whitbouroe and 6.45 Yia Sbore Line. Tbe train• leaYe •tbe atatioa here at 6-48 ud 7.C8 Lm. Tbeafteraooa tfl,io from Carboaear doet not lea•e uotiH.30. ud bere at 4.55. The extra J( or aa hoar aow allowed ia to give the traiamea more time to do tbl!fr •ork. Tbeafteraooo mail does not cloae here uatll4.30. Tbese cb:1rll"Cs hue beea made without nor notice bela( gi•ea either by tbe Re1d NfJd. Co. or the P01tal authorilie11. A .. the c:haarea concern ont1 the out· porta the formality of giv•n: notice cau well be waiYed.

For &&11 bJ all .dnlutl.., or to be bad of ........ w,u; "'Thom~. eo.. Harbor o,_, or 0. J. Bi'oekJe. bani, Carbollnr.

Pauolf&r..-CapL Kerr, wbocaaae oat mu&er of &be 'LnaiM. II an old Y&.lltorlo lbll port. belna llere lut In 1~ In I be eciiOODtr Loebr&al!& ea..~ tic, which ,..,. IIIIJOIIded with IS•b that year for lf.,.n. JoluiMaan .t Co. Klnce that time, CapL Kerr wu a& St.John'• In tho P~nsuln aad Imotreoe. He wu to Rarllor llullot 80me 12 Jl.'&rl &&o on the h<-rrlns; O•h~ry bn1lnna. Slnee belOit bert' Ia~ I ftDite a ohao~ohu takcm plart•, the 11ld fam111aq lac• baYing 'l"lnt.hed, anti a n ..... onto­of affair• arla~n. C•pt.' Kc:.rr wiiiiJ'('Dd '- few day• htorl.' ~foro r~>lnrnlnlt 14 Olugow, hl1 nash·e place Tbo ('fl.'\\" of tbe llt'amer Loul,e were lhlpJ'M for tho run, and ba,·c J:DU~ 111 ~~. Jubn'l to •~ cure burtb• on other 1hlp10.

lllr. W. 1:1. Smith, formorh· elf lhfe town, Ia here frorn S\·duc), ·c.n., on a l.borl Yllllto frlendP. ~lr. ~mlth •rent a oouple or Je&r• at WhltbCiurao arrcr luring bert', and WI.'Dl t.o S,'l"dMy about three yoar•aao. Re •ecuft'd a Potltllin wllh tbe Whitney Company, ana Ia now niKbHoremao In the bl~k~Jmlth11' 1bop. )Jr. 8. wm .pend a row d•y• hero and at a.y Roberti, and ..... rotnrn to s,dnoy nost woek. Ula frlontla are pl\'ued to eoe him.

Nn. Tbomu O'Neil of Rayode-Verdo wu lu town durin~ lbo Wl!t'k on a ''1111. ~ho I• now at St. John'• ou a buaiUHI trip.

~rr. E. Botroo of N~w Ml.'lbonr'le, T.n~ wu In town lut WC'ek, en routo to Sr. John'• on butlnl't"-

:\Tr. ~lax. Cron, who rt~tnrned from h'­trlp to Brasil on rho ~elllo T.ouho latt weolr. hid trulto a plcc.an• erul•e aud hu boon 11noC!d brown by tho .un.

!\J r. Patrick Dusr~~;an, Cormerlv of ~J'anlard'• nr~,., arrh·ed by 1r11lu lrorn .Sow York oo Montlav on a ha•lneu trJp. Mr. D. hull<'cu ab-.•ni from Now.. fonndland for H yeanrlc7 of •~hleh hu been apenl In :\ew Yor • lie •~ IU'com· panted by Mre. Du;:s;an (nco ,\Jiu t:Uell Collello, of A\'Omlalo) and thtlr llttlb bo ~ .

B:~n. J. A. Ollrt and Mr. 0. 'l'nrnl.'r, of lbo A~rlaulturo aud !lllat• DcpRrtm~t, •·oro In town Tuea<h•y and Wed'nc.tay. They wmt to Hpanll\i'd'a Uay on Tburt· day·to aecbro the land DtN!UI\ry for tho

lfr. A. B. Uorlne ud Mr. B. ""~~o..&J<=anrv. Morille baa dlapoeecS of their iatereat Ia tbe Dall7 Bewa Pablllhiar Co. to Mr. Doaald lloriaon on beh.ilf of hlmtelf aad otberL Mr. J. A. Rob­laiOa hu charp peodlar farther a~tL 'l«r. Robi.D10a coa­tiilaea to edit that !oarilbill&"jODI'­

- .. :-.--th-e.., Rallwaf. Station there. 'rho •••lion will be boll , we oodoratand, allhl' Jnn.-lon

Yiait or tho roada,10me aGO)'ardt N.E. or the a..,.,.,.. pr~~eot atopplng plauo of the tnln •

aaJ tbe Free Preu. Mr. lloriae lea Yet~ at u early date,

parpoa._lal" to retara Ia Jaly to pay a farewell Yialt to hla coutitaeacy of ~urieta. prelimlaa!'I to the ,e. mont of himaelf aacl famUy to Cb· adL Mr. H. A. Morlae wiU re-eater railway work. -----

., ·- Thla I• oooalderC!d tho bC'tt •lfc, tho phie he AW other propo~od •116> to the 011.11 near tho dariag bla rambles throug h the ex· pond, being thought to be on .. lleftu~lorJ' canted, 1U1COYered ':rtioo of tbia on aecouu\ of •now during tho winter

I d t·r 11 and tho heavy blllL oace popu oaa an au t u tome Capt. N. Flta~erald hu been confined of wealth ud re1iaemeot. He aaw to bw boa10 Uie put wC'C'k with a bad ia tenra.l of tbe abopa viaited. toola attaek ot bronobllll. Capt. Flt&gorald'l almllar to tboae uaed at tbe preaeat trleoda hope lo 100 him aboal .;aln time. A doctor'a forceps. a ai!Yer ~l;. E. Oallahm, or ltlverbead, who ayrioge, &qllare, compaaaea.ca.lipera, bu been In Sydney for the put H yean, cblaefa, efc.. were nearly ide,ptical II bore on a vult to trleods. Uo lolendJi with tboee uaed nowadma. The retornln{ to Sydnor.; In a..•"eelr or two. Cl· ~cootalded about ""• t"obab•"t.. One of be Caoad anlllu•lrared paport

~ or a roeeut date contain• portralu of tho lUI waa 2 mile• in e.dent: and Vlotorla Oloe Club of Montreal, deeorlb­wu onrwbelmed in A.D. 79. It ed u one of the bell of tho •maller

-The ..int crewe to -t away bad ••iated for buodreda of yeara olubl or tbe aort In UIO ol•l:· One or lho .- ..... Jroop repreeeoled 11 :Ur. t.rn1111 Lamey, from thia port for Labrador thia ae&• prior to that time, God ita worka a former tow'o~o, wbo taket tho part IOtl will be BaDdy laluda ud Saq were aacb u to warrant one in aak- of ftuttonor I . the IDI'Ioly. HI• echool· Hatbor crewe of Meaara. Muaa & ln.,., .. Ia there anytbin~ new uader fellow• and o bo( IU)(joalntanoea here

• will Nl pleul!d ben of hlnl. Co., who wiU leaft b7 the atc&mer the Saa ?" A ayafem o water pipes Mr. Jaaiea Telf nl, •on of Mr. Robert LoaiaeuaooautbeweatberdearL ru tbroqb the cily'a atreeta. nod Tetforct1 arrtved rrom Sydnev on ~Atur­Se..era.l dealera here baye aeat mea ita :~:•rea. &c.. were auraplied with day ... , lo spend a llmo w11h frlcmda

hero. Rumor bu lc fbat ho will tAko dowa to the coaat b7 tbe Bawk'a fouo In• and pi pea w tere w-ater heoee 000 or the ralr dau"bton of Fiar-Harbor •baler, hi order to be firat could be had bJ thy people. A bor Oraoe.

·-An old and welllulo"wn resident their reapectlft harbora ud a.o ae· trough waa aeeo, on :the edgea or Mr. Du5ald ~lunn arrh·l!d In town l;ly of Bar Robert- Mr. Jamea Fleming cure tbe choice trap-bertha. which could be aeen tbe grooYea ~~~ ~~~~h: ~~~~~::~~&~~r~!.~h\ 1':c:~,~:; -died there Wedoe.clayweek, at the wora by men 'a banda as t!:ley atop- oxpoetl!d In St . .John'• lu~ Monlloy, 1he age of 69 Jeara. Mr. Fleming w:1a -Tbe weather daring tbe week ped todrlal(tbe water. The atreets Allau llnor lu whlo~ he took 1-"'"""

...__ n-..... ofllce abeft for May bOrn in Queenatown. Irelancf, and hu beea atormy, the blgb N.E. were pand with &tone of n 'I"Oicnnic hllberward belo~t • emt~rt oont; hu t ... ..., rvao·~· b 1 F ' th h C only arrived In & Jnhn'• abou~ nMn coataiaa a aote, intimating that came ere w •en a{oung man. or wind wt ea!1 aea preYeating pre- nature (tu a) and were worn by pus· y•lerdmy, tho •hlp belnR tlt layl!d by

after the &rat of Jalf the domeatic tbe greater part o his liCe be eo- paratioaa fortbe fiabery. Tbe atorm log cbariota. The lecture wna h•ghly lbo •tor my woathorol thos•" row da,·e. rate of poa:!f:.dwil be t1JO ceota rared ia farming aad bad quite a wbicb hu raged Ia mach like, al· iotereatlog, and throughout tbe Mr. Muon look• well ao onjoyt.'<l hi• _... ODDce iaa of three ceata per comfortable farm in Bay Roberta. tbou~b aot 10 heuy, u' the -eat lecturer'• worda bad a spit.! or trip. ...... H f b r tb b I .. f J 7 tOO<: •• • • Amooga~ tbo PIW!CIIfler• hy lho s. o..:. oaace. Thia redaction Ia a public e wu oae o t e crew o e ac r. r. eo aae , ~ •hen 10 mud1 humor. A oatYe allu11on wa.a made \•tenoa City ,.... III lA• !ltcc urdy, or boon aad coafera apoa oar people a Jemima. loat at Bell~ late forty yeara mare waa done oo the c:oaat and to the pill• aeeo in a doctor's abop lladde!ek, returnln,:: to lhl'l eltlo of tho beae&t wblc:h aboald hue beea afo, when C:lpt. Keefe and othera on the~ . in Pompeii. They were in boxes water afttor a trip of aome mnnth" to tht'

b ere dro -!a A · r b t b 'J d ' tb 1 Old Laod.4 Sho arrh·~l In town by lui ..__,_ -- ....... TheGo·e-meo"" o er crew w wno::u. wt e, u were e&Yty c:oate wt "'Y:l. 1 h 1 1 'u~~:UW ~-·• -- • '" • b " o p; "' ran on a vl'lll to her n lc-Qe, Ia to be congratulated on tbia great two 10oa and t ree daughter& are - Tbe body of Michael Mulcahey One pill the lecturer as ured hill Mn1. A. o. ~hlno ur uannerma11 llou.~. lmproYemeDt, bat a ~t mlttake left to mourn biadeath. Mr. Michael waa coanyed bere by train Jaat bearera. waa guaranteed to cure the Mr. w. A. Muon I• In town, having baa been made. due we aoderataod Flemiag of tbia towa Ia a aon of lbe night from Porti.IUid, Me. The de· worst caae of iodi~re•tion ever co~:, '?{b~-r'~o~':hi.':~~,!"~, ..

0,·er here

to tbe Honorable, Le(ialati•e Coaa- deceued. ceaaed had been W01'klal' in Sydney kaown. Mr . .Leggo Ia a gifted lee· oarly the woek on a bu~lnl.'a trip. ell QJemberL 'Pbie mla~ke it Ia al- for oYer a year, and left there tbft turer, aad we are aaaured that were Judge and Mra. seymour, •u•d ur, lowing the ounce welrbt lettera to - The Grand Lodf• or Nowfoundl•otl, wlater for Botto~ He went &abin$1' bia lecture. oo " A Visit to Rome. •· Aml'l arrived baek 111 to'"" by Ia t continue. The rate alloald be two ~~?·~~! g;.·~~o ~o&a~~~ue:: ~~o~b: from that port. aad waa taken Ill and "Pompeii" giYen to a public f~fr,h11~1 t~!1~0f:,C:.~.:rJ:*'~11.j.: ~~r.~~~o~;:: c:eDta per half-ounce laatead or one A namber of doltgattlll are expeotod on the fialuag grouada and landed audience, they would not be con· tho Doe tor' took «culon to do 1 111111 oaoce. Tbtt oaace 1relrbt ia a boon from the Lodlu In different parll or at PorUaod for treatment. He died tided dry or unintereating aubjecta anp;ll!cf at Oambo and ' 'lalnlty, and

buaine&t mea, Jaw1era. ~.who !~! ~!~ct ~~ ~~~~:~~~~:::~~~~·~a1~! 1

Ia boapltal after a~e daya· lllne&t. br any means. We hope next sea· ~::L ;.~~~~~~~~~id 11

fl'w II a,. a• ,.1,1t bea¥y paJX'r• and clrcalara, Dl1trlct Lod~te or Coooepllon Hay The deceaaed waa "'!_eara of age. 110n t~e the re•. gentleman before 10 the Rev. lllr. a111t ~tn. ~nrn, or

but for the anrage letter·&ender ~luen. .J. L. Okt', Dr. ClrJOdwln1 .Jarnre and leaYe& a lar(t! ircle ·Q#>..friende au audience of our citizcn11. nntl r~ Brookh·n, 11.0. l{alf-oaace rate is qalte aufllclent. D. Mnnn r~pre•enllnl( "flrllol'¥' T..ntll(" b~p: to regret hta eoatb. Bit fun· l •nre thl\t the r.:wult w•ll not be 1'bc~ boolur will nu rl•1ni•C (J,. 1tll tho

' ubd .. let~at~• and ~t. ~J. litarle, Dntc*'d t-ral 'W'Ul ......_. place 4 murrow an"'liafaetorr to t! ithcr tbe lu:tur r bctiM nf th to r,.,\. ""'~' "'"'lfd Jt_.,, - · · · · W II•'!•Y• and l.llu Eth11l P*tiUIII 111 - ;,r- . · " l,·hlllh throu11h vrc•• ut \\ork UC!r01 bo ~~· U~· l'tlllt~• llloll.t~U.. &U•maltt. thothlb(• or bta llt&rua.-Com. bad to 1 11 tlortb Ia IIC'X. I

. . \

. \

-:-l..t.altADOa S~na.-Tbt Walru wu lo btln Carbonnr ••ten1•1 to lake thaace the Dattlo llarbor cnwa of »111ra. Dslno, Johu•tone .t Co.; ,. ... ,.. )fuaa •\: t'o will lt'Dd their ale&mor Loulle olr u 11000 u WMiher permlte \dtb Sandy l•laod• and otb~r e"'w•: Moun. Jcrrett or llrlau b&\'e the Nim­rod rnr c:'nn'l"tt\'ln:; tbeTr or••• to 8mok7 Tlcklt'. Tho \'lr~lnla J.4ko wlllllko11' lttut on hl'r Or• ttrJf' about the lOth Of June, tbl\l dare l.etoa lhoUJthllo ... the ~~~~tor bt'r Or•t trip to tbo oouL

Mtsal'll. ~lunn .t C:o.'• ecbr. N~ollle LoutH, <'apt. llurkc, l•a• c-ll.'arwcl for Ma· eC'IO,~ ..,.-o 1lrumt of t'Odll•b.

Mo.nr. Murra,· ._t l'r•\\·ford 11 ~xpeto&. IDit tbe 110hooori \'era horo to lo.d with -· Clll. Tho Chaulottotown l('hr. v .. tolla, (PJ IOilJI, Capt. llarolo•r, Mrh·\'11 on l-lnnday 12 d&J'II from sydnco.r "'·lth hlu ton• ooci1 and ll,f11!1 fl'f'l h-ardwood plank tor Ml'*!lra. Munnol: l'o. 'l'hl•acboouer lila tbo marknl for nle.

The •chr. !llary from Sollly CoYe 'brougbt.O.l'ltlrLiut fall'• rl•h f11r M-ra lll.onn ~Co. l t "''U 1001 b1 Mr. Ueni"J' Pn•roy. Lt""l'll. i'ltonn o\: t'n.'il now purobue, lb :.Jl6 10n 'llltamer I.ouloo. <'apt. Ker,r, ~ bed p<irt on t~undrw 111 :!31 p.m .. ~ da~rolt\ Olrut;OI\', w(th coal1, cord~~ pa «~ !;be I• 1)1 ton• nl.'ll, wu built 1>,r t ~ Abcreorn Shlpbulldln~t {1o. I~ 1~ and wu on~:•!tcd Ia eout-mlaht· In~;. Sbc c•n llum 0 knota por hour, a nil will prO\·o a •ul I'IJ!!• boat for frC'IJ;hllng to and coll~l)nJr on lbe La­brador cour. Sbo wlllllkelr \'Dtt&«• Ia ooul·frtlgbtlng. Capt. Kerr report• hard Wt'alher-torme or wind and •~• tbrouahouc tho triJ). Tho 11eamor'• ore...- corulllld or 0 moo, one of whom wu a Japan~. 'rhHO tn4n ll'fl for SL John'• on Mondar, lO -..ore bertha oa other 'I"OIIMI.. 1




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