Anyae animal reasearch orangutans




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Orangutan’s teeth are as strong as our

teeth. They have 32 teeth

and they get cavities and

They can even eat a hard nut and crack it with its teeth.

Their hand gripping is like our hand gripping.

Its very similar . The orangutans bones are the same as our bones.

They make sure there fruit is the right.

They spend most of the day looking for food.

They like fruit the best.

Mangos Plums Figs Banana Durains Insects Bark Leaves Soil Birdseggs

Orangutans live in the forest and some tropical jungles of southeast Asia.

They live on the island of Borneo and Sumatra.

Orangutans chare the jungle with other animals.

An orangutans long arms help it move from tree to tree.

Their feet are smaller than their arms .

Their arms are ½ longer

Than their feet.

They look like people there nick names are people of the forest.

Males grow cheek pads when they get older.

When a male orangutan

gets older they grow breads like humans but their beards grow a different color than their fur color.

Orangutans jaw is stronger than humans.

Orangutans have four fingers & opposable thumbs so they can grip tools or other things.

An orangutans toes are long & prehensile that means that they can grip things

The orangutans plays a major role with its lips

They pucker up to fell the texture of the fruit& they can hold fruit with their mouths