Antoine Georges Collège de France and Ecole Polytechnique · Condensed Matter Theory Antoine...


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Condensed Matter Theory

Antoine Georges Collège de France and Ecole Polytechnique

Master CFP October 2012

Condensed Matter Physics:

- Understand structure and physical properties of « organised forms » of matter

- Relate their MACROSCOPIC properties to their MICROSCOPIC constituents

- Collective phenomena

What is this all about ...? De quoi s’agit il…?

Our playground… an atomic-scale « LEGO »


« Buckminsterfullerènes »

Lonsdaléite Graphite

Carbon nanotubes Amorphous (glass) Image : wikipedia

Organised forms of CARBON

The Nobel prize for Physics 2010

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010 was awarded jointly to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov

"for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene"

Folding graphene onto itself: carbon nanotubes

Diamètre: quelques nanomètres 1 nanomètre= 10-9 mètres

= 1 millionième de millimètre


La2-xSrxCuO4: a superconducting oxide with « high » critical temperature

CuO2 plane

LiCoO2: an intercalation compound key to « Lithium – ion » batteries

Li ou Sr

Other architectures …



Solide cristallin

Cristal liquide


”Soft” Matter

« Artificial » Materials

Molecular Beam Epitaxy Building a solid

atomic layer by atomic layer

Iron/Chromium multilayers: The discovery of Giant Magnetoresistance (A.Fert, P.Grünberg, Nobel prize 2007)

Image: A.Fert

Structuration… Towards the nanometer

Images: Groupe Quantronique CEA-SPEC-Saclay

An Aluminium wire 50 nm in diameter !

A very small bridge

New Frontier: Ultra-cold atoms and Condensed Matter Physics

Optical lattices: « Crystals of Light and Atoms »

Imaging atoms with single-site resolution…

Bakr et coll. Nature, 2009 Group of M.Greiner, Harvard

The 3 « driving forces » :

•  Synthesis and elaboration of new materials •  Experimental investigation of their

properties and instrumentation • New fundamental questions and theories

Fundamental motivations

Application-driven Enjeux appliqués

Condensed Matter Physics

cf: Donald E. Stokes « Pasteur’s Quadrant » Brookings Inst. Press

Emergence o collective phenomena at large length-scales: a fundamental challenge

10-10 10-9 10-6 10-3 (meters)

Å nm µm mm

Atomic Mesoscopic # Macroscopic#


10 1 10-3 10-6 (electronvolts) Energy / Temperature:

(Degrees Kelvin)

105 104 10 10-2=10mK

7 orders of magnitude !

Paul Dirac, 1929 ``Quantum Mechanics of Many-Electron Systems’’

P. A. M. Dirac, "Quantum Mechanics of Many-Electron Systems“, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, Vol.123, April 1929, pp 714.

``The general theory of quantum mechanics is now almost complete (…).

The underlying physical laws necessary for the mathematical theory of a large part of physics

and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known, and the difficulty is only that

the exact application of these laws leads to equations much too complicated to be soluble.''

La « grande équation universelle » ? Fonction d’onde: {ri} positions des électrons, {Rp} des noyaux

Interaction électrostatique de Coulomb (1785)

1ère ligne: énergie cinétique des électrons et des noyaux 2nde ligne: interaction entre noyaux, entre noyaux et électrons,

et des électrons entre eux (c’est le terme difficile à traiter !)

(Schrödinger, 1926)

Two classes of theoretical approaches…

I.  Directly at large scale « Low energy » theories of emerging collective

phenomena II. « Bottom-up »: from atomic scale upwards

Effective theory of low-energy excitations in graphene: Dirca fermions!

  Study of relativistic Phenomena in the solid-state context

Quasi one-dimensional conductors: « Bechgaard salts » Field theories in in 1+1 dimensions,

conformal field theories

TMTSF (tetramethyl-


Conducteurs organiques (TMTSF)2X

X=PF6, ClO4,…

 Théories des champs effectives en 1+1 dimension (Liquides de Luttinger)  Théories des champs conformes

« Bottom-up » Microscopic Theories

Start from the atomic scale To understand the physical

properties of a material

Dircet numerical simulation of fermionic systems faces two dramatic diificulties:

•  Huge size of the Hilbert spce, which grows exponentially with particle number.

•  In Quantum Monte-Carlo methods: random sign of amplitudes to be summed up.

  Need novel theoretical and algorithmic methods

Materials with « strong electronic correlations »: a challenge to physical understanding

A « Mott insulator »: LaTiO3

Transition Metals

Rare earths and Actinides

The Mott phenomenon: repulsive interactions block

electronic motion

Animation: par permission de Hidetoshi Fukuyama

1986 : A revolution in Superconductivity

Température de L’Hélium liquide (4 degrés K)

K.A. Müller J.G. Bednorz

RFeAsO (2008)

Température de L’Azote liquide (77 degrés K)

Copper-oxide superconductors: a rich phase diagram with mysterious

electronic phases !

Mott Insulator Hole injection Electron injection






Superconducting state

Magnetic State (AF)

« Strange » Metal (not a conventional Fermi liquid)

Selective destruction of « quasi-particle » excitations and « pseudo-gap »

Photoémission - A.Kaminski et al. Phys Rev B 71 (2005) 014517

Pic de quasiparticule sur la diagonale de la zone de Brillouin

Absence de pic de quasiparticule loin de la diagonale


-  Pourquoi ces matériaux sont ils supraconducteurs ? (Qu’est ce qui apparie les électrons ?)

-  Comment expliquer les étranges propriétés de l’etat metallique juste au dessus de Tc ?

The quest for new superconductors: new discoveries, new questions…

MgB2 (Tc ~ 40 K) Akimitsu et al., 2001

Les nouveaux pnictures de Fer (Tc ~ 55 K) Hosono et al., 2008

Challenges and Frontiers…

•  New Materials (« somputer-assisted » discoveries ?)

•  New experimental probes •  Challenges for Theory •  Algorithmic challenges •  Nouveaux domaines frontières atomes froids, …

A non-exhaustive list of research teams in the Paris/Saclay area

•  LPS-Orsay nombreux domaines

•  LPTMS-Orsay atomes froids, effet Hall, mésoscopiques •  CEA-Saclay: IPhT et SPEC systèmes fortement

corrélés, mésoscopiques, spins frustres •  Ecole Polytechnique: CPHT: systèmes fortement corrélés, atomes froids, structure

électronique ab-initio

LSI: structure électronique ab-initio •  Institut d’Optique (IOGS) atomes froids


- ENS (semiconducteurs, mésoscopiques, atomes froids…)

- Université Pierre et Marie Curie: LPTMC – nombreux sujets

LPTHE -  Université Denis Diderot Paris 7 – LMPQ
