[Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference,...


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  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions solved with explanation,reference, all four sets (A,B,C,D)


    Internal Breakup

    ParksParks and hills

    Parks and riversWildlife, Flora-FaunaMacaque

    Equatorial forests

    Swamp Deer

    Spider monkey


    Agro/soil relatedMycorrhizal biotech


    Nitro cycle

    ContourSuga r byproducts

    Pollution RelatedE-wa ste

    Wate r pollutants

    Wate r co nsumptio n in industries

    Acid Rain


    Ecology theory relatedfood chain


    DecomposersEcological succession

    Ecosystem productivity

    PrologueIn UPSC prelims 2013 General studies paper, 22 out 100 MCQs were from environment and biodiversity (EnB). Last year (2012)it was 23. So UPSCs obsession/infatuation with EnB has remained or less the same.Like last year, few question on agriculture related things (bio-fertilizers, soil conservation etc.)

    Nothing from EnB related Acts/ policy/ Polity / judgments. Nothing from the three major conferences (RIO+20, Doha and Hyderabad). Although doesnt mean preparation has gone in vein because those topics remain important and relevant for Mains.

    Internal Breakup


  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    National Parks 2

    Wildlife flora n fauna 5

    Pollution related 5

    Agro 5

    Ecological Theory 5Total 22


    Parks and hills

    1. Consider the fo llowing pairs:

    1. Nokrek Bio-sphere Reserve : Garo Hills2. Logtak (Loktak) Lake : Barail Range3. Namdapha National Park : Dafla Hills

    Which of the above pairs is/are correctly matched?

    a. 1 only b. 2 and 3 onlyc. 1, 2 and 3d. None

    As per tourism website of Meghalaya government , Nokrek is the highest peak in Garo Hills.=>#1 is right.

    If you observe the school atlas, Loktak lake and Barail range are away from eachother =>#2 is wrong.

    Eliminate options accordingly

    a. 1 only b. 2 and 3 only

    c. 1, 2 and 3d. None

    Thus answer=>A only 1.

    Parks and rivers

    2. Consider the following pairs about parks and rivers passing through them:

    1. Corbett National Park: Ganga2. Kaziranga National Park: Manas3. Silent Valley National Park: Kaveri

    Which of the above pairs is/are correctly matched?

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    a. 1 and 2 b. 3 onlyc. 1 and 3d. None

    Option Rivers passing

    a. Corbett National Park : Ganga River Ramganga (West) and River Kosihttp://www.jimcorbettnationalpark.com

    b. Kaziranga National Park : Manas Brahmaputra, Diphlu, Mora Diphlu and Mora Dhansirihttp://www.thehindu.com

    c. Silent Valley National Park : Kaveri Bharathapuzha ,River Kunthihttp://silentvalley.gov.in

    Ans: (D) None of the rivers flow through these Parks.

    Wildlife, Flora-Fauna


    1. In which of the following States is lion-tailed macaque found in its natural habitat?

    1. Tamil Nadu2. Kerala3. Karnataka4. Andhra Pradesh

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

    a. 1, 2 and 3 only b. 2 onlyc. 1, 3 and 4 onlyd. 1, 2, 3 and 4

    Lion Tailed Macaque had been in news because last year, IUCN took it off the list of Worlds 25 Most Endangered Primates list.

    As per: iucnredlist, this Macaque is found in India (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)

    Eliminate choices accordingly,

    a. 1, 2 and 3 only b. 2 onlyc. 1, 3 and 4 onlyd. 1, 2, 3 and 4

    Thus answer=> A

    Equatorial forests

    2. Which of the following is/are unique characteristic/characteristics of equatorial forests?

    1. Presence of tall, closely set trees with crowns forming a continuous canopy2. Coexistence of a large number of species3. Presence of numerous varieties of epiphytes

    Select the correct answer using the code given below:

    a. 1 only b. 2 and 3 onlyc. 1 and 3 onlyd. 1, 2 and 3

    In equatorial rainforest,..fourth layer is canopy layer. The tall trees grow so close together that their crowns interlock to form acontinuous canopy which blocks out the sunlight in forest (O level geography By Francis Mathews Green)=>#1 correct.#2 is correct as such.Tropical forest is found in equatorial and tropical zones..Epiphytes are also common. (Geography By Surender Singh) =>#3

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four



    Hence answer (D) 1, 2 and 3 correct.

    Swamp Deer

    3. Consider the following fauna of India:

    1. Gharial2. Leatherback turtle3. Swamp deer

    Which of the above is/are endangered?

    a. 1 and 2 only b. 3 onlyc. 1, 2 and 3d. None

    As per IUCN, 1, 2 are critically endangered. 3 is vulnerable. So (A) 1 and 2 only.Some websites mention Swamp deer to be endangered but as per the official page on IUCN (click me) it is shown as vulnerable (that isone step less than endangered).

    Spider monkey

    4. Consider the following

    1. Star tortoise2. Monitor lizard3. Pygmy hog4. Spider monkey

    Which of the above found in India?

    a. 1, 2 and 3 only b. 2 and 3 onlyc. 1 and 4 onlyd. 1, 2, 3 and 4

    1, 2, and 3 are found in India if we refer iucnredlist.org

    While spidermonkey lives in forests from southern Mexico through Central and South America to Brazil (Britannica) Hence answer (A)only 1,2 and 3.


    5. Consider the following animals:

    1. Sea cow2. Sea horse3. Sea lion

    Which of the above is/are mammal/mammals?a. 1 only

    b. 1 and 3 onlyc. 2 and 3 onlyd. 1, 2 and 3

    Mammal are animals in which the young are nourished with milk from special mammary glands of the mother.

    Mammalyes/no? As per Britannica

    SeaCow Yes Sea cow, very large aquatic mammal.

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    SeaHorse No

    Sea Horses fall under gasterosteiform fish order.Reproductive behaviour of sea horses is notable in that themale carries the fertilized eggs.

    Once the eggs hatch, the male convulses his body and expels the young through a single opening in the pouch.

    The young receive no further care from parents=> no milk involved, hence not mammal.

    SeaLion Yes mammals under under Otariidae family.

    Hence answer (B) 1 and 3 only.

    Agro/soil related

    Mycorrhizal biotech

    1. Mycorrhizal biotechnology has been used in rehabilitating degraded sites because mycorrhiza enables the plants to

    1. resist drought and increase absorptive area2. tolerate extremes of PH3. Resist disease infestation

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

    a. 1 only b. 2 and 3 onlyc. 1 and 3 onlyd. 1, 2 and 3

    As per page 187-188 of Plant Biotechnology By Rita Singh,

    Mycorrhizal plants have tolerance to adverse soil, PH , high temp., drought and toxic heavy metals.The most important role of Mycorrhizal fungi is to absorb nutrient and water from soil and transfer them to their hosts.Mycorrhizae helps plants withstand root diseases the oxalic acid production by mycorrhizal fungi contributes to diseasesuppression.

    Hence all three statements are correct. Answer (D).


    2. Consider the following organisms

    1. Agaricus2. Nostoc3. Spirogyra

    Which of the above is / are used as biofertilizer / biofertilizers

    a. 1 and 2 b. 2 onlyc. 2 and 3

    d. 3 only

    Nostoc is a species of blue-green algae used as biofertilizer (TheHindu 2002 article).=>Hence #2 is correct.

    As per Page 251 Biotechnology of Biofertilizers by Sadasivam Kannaiyan

    Although, the algae grow on their own in the rice fields, but all of them are not beneficial to crop . The green algae likeSpirogyra compete with the crop for nutrient and reduce tilering in the crop.=> #3 is incorrect.

    a. 1 and 2 b. 2 onlyc. 2 and 3d. 3 only

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    Agaricus is a mushroom, havent found reference for its use as biofertilizer. So answer (B) only 2 (or may be A hahaha)

    Nitro cycle

    3. Which of the following adds / add nitrogen to the soil?

    1. Excretion of urea by animals2. Burning of coal by man3. Death of vegetation

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

    a. 1 only b. 2 and 3 onlyc. 1 and 3 onlyd. 1, 2 and 3

    NIOS EnB Chapter 5(Page 88): Nitrogenous Waste products of Living organisms such as urea and uric acid and dead remains of organisms are converted back to inorganic ammonia by the bacteria=>1 and 3 is correct.

    There is no mention of burning of coal in this N cycle section. Moreover, in the same chapter, it is mentioned that burning of biomass releases CO 2 into the atmosphere as part of Carbon Cycle.=>2 is incorrect.Although some websites do mention coal-burning power stations are responsible for emissions of millions of tons of sulfer andnitrous oxide. But that is adding nitrogen into atmosphere and not soil as such. hence statement #2 is false.

    Eliminate options accordingly

    a. 1 only b. 2 and 3 onlyc. 1 and 3 onlyd. 1, 2 and 3

    Hence Answer (C) 1 and 3


    4. Contour bunding is a method of soil conservation used in

    a. desert margins, liable to strong wind action b. low flat plains, close to stream courses, liable to floodingc. scrublands, liable to spread of weed growthd. None of the above

    As per the Indian Geography book by Khullar(Page 180)

    Contour Bunding is associated with terracing, to check the flow of water on a hill slope in order to reduce soil erosion.

    As per Britannica

    Contour bunding (or contour bundling), involves the placement of lines of stones along the natural rises of a landscape. It helps tocapture and hold rainfall before it can become runoff . It also inhibits wind erosion by keeping the soil heavy and moist.

    As per Human Geography: The Land By Pradeep Sharma

    Terracing and contour bunding across the hill slops is a very effective and one of the oldest methods of soil conservation..Theydivide hillslopes into numerous small slopes, checks the flow of water, promotes absorption of water by soil and saves soil fromerosion.

    from ^these references, we can conclude that contour bunding is associated with hill slops and meant for protecting soil from erosion by rainwater.

    desert margin, strong wind action =>A is incorrect.low flat plains, stream course=> B is incorrect.scrubland and weed growth=>C is incorrect.

    Hence answer is (D) none of above.

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    Sugar byproducts

    5. With reference to the usefulness of the by-products of sugar industry, which of the following statements is / are correct?

    1. Bagasse can be used as biomass fuel for the generation of energy.2. Molasses can be used as one of the feedstocks for the production of synthetic chemical fertilizers.3. Molasses can be used for the production of ethanol.

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

    a. 1 only b. 2 and 3 onlyc. 1 and 3 onlyd. 1, 2 and 3

    Recall Bagasse Cogeneration topic from article on Economic Survey Ch.11=>statement 1 is correct.

    Recall Ethanol blending article=>statement 3 is correct.

    and I havent been able to dig any reference where molasses is used for production of chemical fertilizers.=>#2 is incorrect.

    Eliminate answers accordingly

    a. 1 only b. 2 and 3 onlyc. 1 and 3 onlyd. 1, 2 and 3

    Thus we are left with answer (C)

    Pollution Related


    1. Due to improper / indiscriminate disposal of old and used computers or their parts, which of the following are releasedinto the environment as e-waste?

    1. Beryllium2. Cadmium3. Chromium4. Heptachlor 5. Mercury6. Lead7. Plutonium

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

    a. 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 only b. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 onlyc. 2, 4, 5 and 7 onlyd. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

    As per pib.nic.in,

    Heptachor is an insecticide.Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants aims to eliminate its usage.

    So, eliminate choices involving heptachlor (#4)

    a. 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 only b. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 onlyc. 2, 4, 5 and 7 onlyd. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7

    we are left with answer (B).

    Another approach is looking @plutonium (#7), which is radioactive and hence not used in day to day computer/electronic items as

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    such. Eliminate choices involving #7 and youre still left with (B).

    Water pollutants

    2. Which of the following can be found as pollutants in the drinking water in some parts of India?

    1. Arsenic2. Sorbitol3. Fluoride4. Formaldehyde5. Uranium

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

    a. 1 and 3 only b. 2, 4 and 5 onlyc. 1, 3 and 5 onlyd. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

    In the earlier e-waste question, you could apply common sense that plutonium, being radioactive, is not used in day to day electronicitems. However, same analogy/common-sense cannot be applied here that uranium, being radioactive, is not part of drinking water


    Because uranium in ground water is indeed a problem in Punjab and leading to birth of mentally retarded children. Both Indianexpressand TheHindu have been highlighting this story.

    So answer must contain uranium (#5). This eliminates option A.

    Arsenic (#1) and Fluoride (#3) are well known water pollutants. So answer must contains #1 and #3.

    a. 1 and 3 only b. 2, 4 and 5 onlyc. 1, 3 and 5 onlyd. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

    Sorbitol (#2) used as artificial sweetener and laxative. Formaldehyde (#4) used in coating, laminating etc. Neither of them not as famouswater pollutants as arsenic and fluoride.

    Accordingly Answer (C): only 1, 3 and 5. (or debatable D)

    Water consumption in industries

    3. Which one among the following industries is the maximum consumer of water in India?

    A. EngineeringB. Paper and pulpC. TextilesD. Thermal power

    As per TERI policy brief of Dec 2012, Page 2, Table 1

    Sector Percentage of water consumed

    Thermal power plants 87.87

    Engineering 5.05

    Pulp and paper 2.26

    Textiles 2.07

    Steel 1.29

    Sugar 0.49

    Fertilizer 0.18

    Others 0.78

    Total 100

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    Hence answer is (D) thermal power.

    Acid Rain

    4. Acid rain is caused by the pollution of environment by

    a. carbon dioxide and nitrogen b. carbon monoxide and carbon dioxidec. ozone and carbon dioxided. nitrous oxide and sulphur dioxide

    As per NIOS EnB Chapter 10, page 167, Table 10.3 Ans: (D)


    5. Photochemical smog is a resultant of the reaction among

    a. NO 2, 0 3 and peroxyacetyl nitrate in the presence of sunlight b. CO, 02 and peroxyacetyl nitrate in the presence of sunlightc. CO, CO2 and N02 at low temperatured. High concentration of N02, O3 and CO in the evening

    Answer is (A), as per the chemical equations given in NCERT Chemistry class 11, Chapter 14, Page 404

    Ecology theory relatedfood chain

    1. With reference to food chains in ecosystems, consider the following statements:

    1. A food chain illustrates the order in which a chain of organisms feed upon each other.2. Food chains are found within the populations of a species.3. A food chain illustrates the numbers of each organism which are eaten by others.

    Which of the statements given above is / are correct?

    a. 1 only b. 1 and 2 onlyc. 1, 2 and 3d. None

    #1 is correct because food chain shows the order / sequence of feeding.

    Food chains are not found within the populations of a species, because technically, Food chain is the sequence of organisms throughwhich the energy flows. If the species starts eating itself, then flow of energy will not proceed => 2 is wrong.

    Food chain doesnt show numbers of each organism eaten by others=> #3 is wrong. This eliminates (C)

    Hence we are left with answer (A) only 1.


    2. Which one of the following terms describes not only the physical space occupied by an organism, but also its functionalrole in the community of organisms?

    a. Ecotone b. Ecological nichec. Habitatd. Home range

    IGNOU EnB material, Chapter 4, Page 73

    Gauses competitive exclusion principle states that two species having identical requirements can not occupy the same nicheindefinitely.This brings us to the question-what is a niche? A species niche is its unique functional role or place in an ecosystem . Henceanswer=B

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    for more, refer NIOS EnB chapter 4 principles of Ecology.


    3. With reference to the food chains in ecosystems, which of the following kinds of organism is / are known as decomposerorganism/organisms?

    1. Virus2. Fungi3. Bacteria

    Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

    a. 1 only b. 2 and 3 onlyc. 1 and 3 onlyd. 1, 2 and 3

    NIOS EnB material, Ch.5, page 78

    Decomposers: Also called saprotrophs. These are mostly bacteria and fungi that feed on dead decomposed. Hence 2 and 3correct.Viruses arent decomposers.

    Answer (B) 2 and 3 only.

    Ecological succession

    4. In the grasslands, trees do not replace the grasses as a part of an ecological succession because of

    a. insects and fungi b. limited sunlight and paucity of nutrientsc. water limits and fired. None of the above

    Primary succession looks like: lichen => grasses =>trees. Meaning, trees replaces grasses. The question is why dont trees replacesgrasses in grassland?

    Page55, A Textbook on Environmental Studies By Dr. Rajan Misra

    Secondary succession occurs in an area that became bare due to destruction of existing community by fire, draught , landslide,earthquake etc.

    Although another interpretation/viewpoint/doubt could be that even after secondary succession, ultimately tree will replace grass under that succession- hence answer should be (D) None of Above.

    But that (trees replacing grass) doesnt always happen with grasslands:

    Consider following

    1. Grass ecosystems are an early stage of succession in regions where the mature ecosystems are forests. However, grassecosystems are climax ecosystems in grassland regions, where there is not enough rainfall to support a forest. (e.g. in our option

    C water limits and forest fire) (ref. Page 149 Human Ecology: Basic Concepts for Sustainable Development By Gerald G GMarten )2. Ecological succession of a grass land is desert. (Page 3.17 Environmental Studies By Anjali Bagad )3. Two factors for evolution of temperate grassland biome, i) Extreme continental climate with limited supply of water due to low

    rainfall, ii) human activities mainly burning of vegetation. (Ref. Page 619, Physical Geography by Savindra Singh)

    Hence answer (C) water limits and fire.

    Ecosystem productivity

    5. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of ecosystems in the order of decreas ing productivity?

    a. Oceans, lakes, grasslands, mangroves b. Mangroves, oceans, grasslands, lakes

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four



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    c. Mangroves, grasslands, lakes, oceansd. Oceans, mangroves, lakes, grasslands

    Debatable choices depending on how you look at productivity?

    Viewpoint #1: Answer (C) (rate)

    Page 49, Comprehensive Environmental Studies by J.P. Sharma

    Productivity is the rate of organic matter or biomass production. The productivity of an ecosystem is of two types: primary andsecondary.

    Now, according to one source http://kingfish.coastal.edu/biology/sgilman/770productivitynutrients.htm

    The average ocean productivity is about 50 grams carbon per square meter per year.Average land productivity is 160 grams carbon per square meter per year.(thus) The productivity of the open ocean (ocean away from coasts) is comparable to desert production.

    On this line of logic, the answer choice (Descending order) should be : *** > *** > ***> oceans.

    There is only one such option (C).

    Besides, as per various sites, mangroves are highly productive. Hence C is the answer

    some more references in favor of Answer (C)


    Viewpoint #2: Answer (D) (amount)

    As per http://www.world-builders.org/lessons/less/biomes/primaryP.html

    The total primary productivity of the ocean is about 8 times the primary productivity of all the land surface.Hence in descending order it should be Ocean >*** >**** >grassland. There is only one such option (D)

    Anyways, final arbitrator is UPSCs official answerkey.Thanks Mr. Shiva Ram, Mr. Palas Nuwal, Mr. Manu Jha and Mr. Siriyal Patel for their inputs.This concludes answerkey for all 100 questions asked in UPSC CSAT 2013 General studies paper.

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    195 comments to [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions solved withexplanation, reference, all four sets (A,B,C,D)

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    Older Comments 1 2

    tanyaReply to this comment

    @Tarun n Ram Bihari jiI wish people understood the concept of sarcasm..

    MacintoshReply to this comment

    @Tanya :Probably in the 2014 CSAt (Paper II) they can include a question based on the concept of Sarcasm :D

    RAJReply to this comment

    regarding Q 4. Contour bunding is a method of soil conservation used in?? the contour bunding is given as Solutions to desertificationas per Britannica


    .. means contour bunding is also done in desert margin to conserve soil from strong wind action and it is also written in G C LEONG thatcontour bunding is done near to desert area to conserve soil and prevent erosion SO from these reference option A is absolutelycorrect..

    # In mains 2012 also UPSC asked about causes and remedial measures to desertification.. so may be again want to ask same thing in other way in PT 2013

    khaltsReply to this comment

    u r correct buddy ..@mrunal sir plz clarify

    KDReply to this comment

    Dear, i m searching in GC LEONG but could not found.can u mention the page no. because i also marked A here.

    aspirantReply to this comment

    Frnds I request you all to pls share your answer for CSAT ppr 2 decision making question no 78 (Sugar allocation)

    All classes have given C OR D as the two best answersbut i have marked option B..i still think ans should be either B OR CPls share your views as to why option B cannot be right

    vamsiReply to this comment

    Its mentioned as You do not want to spoil your friendship with him in that question. If you go with B, there are chances that friendshipwould get spoiled. Thats that I feel and didnt chose that option.

    vigneshReply to this comment

    In the question it is clearly stated that You do not want to spoil your friendship with him. Also please check Mrunal sirs articles ondecision making questions. Being rule-bound is not good. So B may not be the right answer.

    I feel in this question even D may be wrong as you are washing your hands off rather than making your friend accepting thegovernment order. It may be C/D or C alone.

    aspirantReply to this comment

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    @vigneshagreed buddy..option D should not be right as it shows that you are running away from your responsibility to save your friendship..so D is out..but the question also mentions He expresses annoyance when you tell him about the Governmentsrestrictions on this matter.He feels that since you are the District Magistrate you can release any amount...this indicates that youhave already had a discussion on the matter with your friend and still he wants you to (mis)use your power as a DM..so why wouldyou further persuade your friend to accept what is morally right and moreover what is the need to show him the copy of govtrestrictions as mentioned in option C..if he is your good friend he should believe you and also understand your stand andresponsibility towards the society specially in such times of shortage of goods..so i think even option C cannot be right..that leavesus with option B as i think it is straightforward and upright..if he is your good friend and above all a sensible man he would notbreak ties with you even if you refuse him extra sugar..but since upsc has two right answers for decision making i think option B or C should be given full marks contrary to C/D as given by many classes in their keys

    khaltsReply to this comment

    @aspirantsame here dude.my thought process was exactly same as of urs so marked B

    VasanthReply to this comment

    exactly i also marked B. i interpreted in same way..also that District magistrate decision making question..all academy hasmarked C/D. i don think so D will come..that is a Magistrate moving out to attend other meetin will nt collect application frm avillager .n QUICKLY note down few answers..it sounds vague n irresponsible for that posteither he/she must call senior subordinate or ask the villager to submit application to juniorB and C both r similar coz both option means junior toMagistratei think B or C s answer any opinion..?

    tanyaReply to this comment

    Rahul..kudos to ur friend..ur comment though in good spirit can mislead some..i know a guy who scored just 220 last year ( compared to ur iit guys 320) and secured a rank in top 75..so all m sayin is dat it dosent matter whether u r from iit or some c grade college..its ur hardwork everyone has to prove themselves in every single exammoreover 320 is no different from 220 as dey both qualified n these marks r not even counted.Moral of da story- study for da mains now..prelims n cut off ko bye bye karo

    AbhishekReply to this comment

    Correct Tanya. Good luck!!!

    owaisReply to this comment

    And wat about 2nd ranked Ms. Rukmani Riar (2011) who got only 199 in pre when cut off was 198 :D :D

    RahulReply to this comment

    Sure Tanya. You rock.

    tarunReply to this comment

    so u mean u have found a totally different meaning of sarcasm great discovery tanya

    NikhilReply to this comment

    How does it matter if any one has scored 220 or 330I am not intrested in him/her and i doubt if nebody really ismy interest is just mymarks and my success..(and that does not mean i do not take motivation from succesfull ppli do but m not ovwerwhelmed by anythinganything in excess is harmful)..the worst thing (according to me) in this otherwise splendid website is the comment column(though at timesthere are useful and helping comments too but very few) I know m wasting my time too in commenting gud for nothing comment but after wasting so much time in reading some of the self boasting and some comments boasting others I could not resist myself from commentingsry for wasting time of those who read this comment but pls guys it is gud that u scred fabulous marks but now wats the use of advertising ur

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    WUD BE marksand d most irritating comments are I have scored 250+ marks shud i prepare for mains.man grow upi dont knowhow u scored 250+ markseither ur IQ is just zero or ur only motive is to demotivate guys over here ..newys peacend sory if I hurtsomeoneand yupp best of luk to everyone

    Kartik SehrawatReply to this comment

    It is part of the exercise and one must take such things in his stride. people are not going to stop. Simple.

    owaisReply to this comment

    And wat about 2nd ranked Ms. Rukmani Riar (2011) who got only 199 in pre when cut off was 198 :D :D

    pradeep kmReply to this comment


    anshitaReply to this comment


    sumitReply to this comment

    1. few viruses are aquatic decomposersso it should be considered while answering.2. agaricus is also used as biofertilizers3. form of counter bunding where stones are used in desert region so option A is correctalso its considered as UN as a method againstsoil erosion

    plz reply


    rdReply to this commentmrunal bhai plz give main strategy as soon as possible

    AnuragReply to this comment


    Just an observation..

    This is what i found out.

    Both Seahorse and Sea horse exit(Mind the space between sea and horse ). when we say seahorse(no space) it refer to a fish in whichmale carries eggs(as mentioned by you)but when we say sea horse as asked in CSAT it is common name given to Walrus(mammal)which is also called Sea horse So, i think only UPSC can tell the right answerbecause technically when we refer to fish, seahorse is

    one word there is no space in betweenthank youplz care to comment

    Sudhir Reply to this comment

    Good inference But to be honest I think you are dwelling much deep than necessary.

    pradeep kmReply to this comment



  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    Reply to this comment

    Yes sir i agree with u but who knows whats in the mind of UPSC.

    rustyReply to this comment

    A food chain illustrates the order in which a chain of organisms feed upon each other.is NT the WORD EACH OTHER should be noted here.becaue this means in a chain lower divison organism also eats the upper levelorganism.In my opinion it shuld be D. NONE what u say!!!

    dbReply to this comment

    decomposers bacteria and protozoa are lower group of organism feeds upoon the dead body of the upper group of organism

    rustyReply to this comment

    Ecology theory relatedfood chain Q1 ,

    A food chain illustrates the order in which a chain of organisms feed upon each other.is NT the WORD EACH OTHER should be noted here.becaue this means in a chain lower divison organism also eats the upper levelorganism.In my opinion it shuld be D. NONE what u say!!!

    vigneshReply to this comment

    At least one guy is thinking like me. I still feel there is an outside chance for this question to have the answer as D. Lets hope for thebest

    ratpackReply to this comment

    no offence implied, but why are you making a straight forward and simple question into something so big. this is something beyondpostmortem. keep it simple friends..

    prabhat upadhyayReply to this comment

    the obvious is the easiest to miss..!i marked None.

    casearre leave it yaar agar 230+ hain to move on with ur mains preparations.. in sab questions ke galat hone pe bhi koifarak nahi padta sala top thode hi maarna hai pre me. @ratpack u r right, this is just overanalysis.

    roReply to this comment

    OUCH!OUCH!OUCH!OUCH! wow the more u look . the more dimensions open up .this paper is slowly turning into a black hole.ever consuming never revealing . even after a week 20 Q in dark and more get added

    prabhat upadhyayReply to this comment

    A food chain illustrates the order in which achain of organisms feed upon each other.each otherdo they really feed upon each other..bcoz a food chain is esentially unidirectional inflow..some definitions-

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    - A food chain is a linear consequence of links in a food web starting from aspecies that eats no other species in theweb and ends at a species that is eaten byno other species in the web.- The sequence of the transfer of foodenergy from one organism to another in an ecological community.so ans. shud be None.

    prabhat upadhyayReply to this comment

    another tricky question..

    In which of the following States is lion-tailed macaque found in its naturalhabitat?

    wat is d role of d phrase natural habitat here..& wat is d role of d option kerala ( only )..

    if we read about d silent valley national park , we find dat kerala fits better than option A.

    rustyReply to this comment

    exactly!!! ididnt attemted it but i also got the same after surfing.

    sachinReply to this comment

    dude i know for sure that it is found in karnataka. Any one who has gone trekking in western ghats near sharavathi wildlife sanctuarywud know it as there are posters of lion tailed macaques along side the road which is passing through the jungle .It is also not verydifficult to spot it there! I guess it is found throughout western ghats.

    prabhat upadhyayReply to this comment

    obviously they r found across d western ghats..

    but these r called Fragmented Habitats.n not natural habitat.u must have read it smwhere..

    okey guys read these articles ..bt read it completely.




    plz do tell me aft. reading it.. if im wrong..

    sachinReply to this commentWhen natural habitat gets divided into fragments due to deforestation ,human settlements and hunting it becomes fragmentedinto many smaller habitats. They still remain natural! The consequence is that different groups of same species get separatedand find difficult to freely move from one fragment to another without getting affected by human beings. hence we also talksometime for natural corridors for wild animals (elephant corridors).second point is that there is no natural division between kerela karnataka and tamil nadu (all of them form part of westernghats) which means they have same climatic, topographical conditions. In the question only andhra pradesh region isgeographically separated from western ghats and differs in climatic and topographical condition.

    Any way in iucn the whole of western ghats is considered as natural habitat specificall mentioning kerela TN and Karnataka. Ihave provided a link below.

    khanReply to this comment

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    mrunal please help me with some good reference material for political science.

    dbReply to this comment

    u definitely have a point hereregarding lion tailed monkey

    but i dnt think there is so much to read in the food chain oriented questioni dnt think UPSC will twist questions on grammatical front to that extent

    prabhat upadhyayReply to this comment

    wen i first read d food chain quest. i felt watsd catch..! it was too obvious a question.. to be asked..bt den d each other phrase had it all..n it is not that subtle..besides , upsc does play such tricks.. as is evident from past 2 yr paper analysis..may be.. they wanted to confuse usby mixing d food web concept here..

    sachinReply to this comment

    lion tailed macaque karnataka- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharavathi

    sachinReply to this comment

    http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/12559/0 kerela tamil nadu karnataka

    rustyReply to this comment

    thnx for the info!!

    dbReply to this comment

    This is my last comment regarding food chain

    Bacteria / fungi are lower group of organism who feed upoon the upper group of organism :P

    dbReply to this comment

    Regading food chain wala question.. this is the last post.

    1. Lower group of organism do feed upoon dead body of the upper organism e.g. decomposer

    2. in order they feed upoon each other it implies the sequence they will feed on each other

    rustyReply to this comment

    I know that we all are controlling our nerves :-) and every question is important for atleast for me kind of guys who is on boundry (205-215) but its OK because in my view gaining knowledge is more important than cracking an exam.i felt that*Its a linear flow of energy means one who gain energy from other,the other cant get energy from the first one.*Decomposers do make there food chemicaly(organic substances are broken down into simpler forms of matter)it doesnot mean thatwhether it is an animal or vegetation(even apple).here also apple or dead is not going to eat bacteria LOL.

    dbReply to this comment

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    u r ryt

    its no point in banging head now :P

    dbReply to this comment

    n just for the records,the phrase .. in order they will feed on each othernegates the argument u put forward in the last lineanywaysas i said no point no point in banging head now

    luckyReply to this comment

    yes it correct , in a food chain organism does not feed upon each otherIt is a unidirectional flow.It could be one group of organism or of a tropic level feed on others.

    dband that is signified through the phrase in order

    now its upto us in what way we interpret.no point in arguing

    since winning argument here wnt change the mindset of UPSC :P

    divyaReply to this comment

    180 sc me koi chance hai kya????? aap sabke number dekh ke to mujhe darr lag raha hai

    dbReply to this comment

    m expecting around 215SCbut i m still not sure.wat it wld turn out to be :)moreover was hearing that cut off will b low owing to the fact that lots of guy wld b called for mains as the number of seats for mainshas been increased primarily as intake for IRS will be high this year

    At the end of the daythe bottom line is no point in getting scared n speculatingu have scored decent scorenow relax n study for mains :)

    divyaReply to this comment

    thnx for replying atleast one guy has a time to comment.letc whats going 2 be happen me to hear the same observation from the various coachings at delhi..btw thnx i hav only one hope last yr my frnd xpecting 165 n from sc cat vth help of various coaching answer key bt whn result came he got185 n qualify from the mains .i despertly wish god do the same thing with me

    dbReply to this comment

    chill yaar..this time waise bhi calls will be high for mainssince they will take in large number for IRS

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    amitPl follow this link and have look. http://90paisa.blogspot.in/2013/06/additional-posts-to-be-created-in.html

    Still you have the same stand? Pl do response.

    shilpaReply to this comment

    how did u get to know that seats in mains have been increased? any official notification???


    debojyoti burman (db)Reply to this comment

    got some source.. :)

    pradeep kmReply to this comment


    saransh sainReply to this comment

    Sir, i am calculating around 195 to 200. So, is their any chance to qualify the prelims??

    bacchaReply to this comment

    Sir ji pre pass karwane ke liye dhanyvaad. Ab mains ki taiyyari shuru karwaiye.

    rahulReply to this comment

    is some one going to attand CABINET SECRETRT EXAM ON 16 JUNE????ANY IDEA???

    pradeep kmReply to this comment

    i have to appear but could not understand the job profile of dfo(gd)..its a travelling job i guess which will hamper my cse prep so still indilemma

    itishri.kumbhar Reply to this comment

    Thanks sir.

    lokesh k nReply to this comment

    sir can u tel me wch book to refer to enviornmental and ecology.and also general science.

    KinshukReply to this comment

    Please help !!10th June, 2013 HINDU newspaper says that a national cyber coordination center has been propose by the government. When we alreadyhave NTRO and CERT, why do we need another agency?

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


    taraka ramayyaReply to this comment

    Mrunal sir,Please write a sample essay on the recent trends in violence against women in India for newbies and explain how to write essay in thecontext of UPSC.

    SriReply to this comment

    Natural habitat of Lion tailed Macaque (para.5, line.2)-


    raiReply to this comment

    @sriit is written anamalai hills..as anamalai hills are both in tamil nadu as well as kerala.bt there is no such option available.so i think answer given by mrunal sir is correct..

    bt agar kerala hua to i ll b happier hahaha

    helloReply to this comment

    sbi po result declared

    ankitaReply to this comment

    hi,frnz plz tell me ans of the ques regarding Mural paintings

    ankitaReply to this comment

    I am struggling between 208 to 220 as there is huge variation in the answer keys :( selected or not :(

    HeheReply to this comment

    National park and riversriver bavani flows through silent valley which is a tributory to kaveri. Is that enought to say kaveri flows through thepark.. Plz clarify

    kiranReply to this comment

    swamp deer is also endangered sir http://indiasendangered.com/swamp-deer-numbers-increase/Swamp deer also known as the Barasingha is a highly endangered species protected under schedule 1, of the Wildlife Protection Act of India 1972. It is also included in the red data list of the rare animals of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

    RahulReply to this comment

    Yeah right. There are 3 spelling and so many grammar mistakes. Typical profile of a guy who scores above 300, right? Wrong!

    3490Reply to this comment

    No.u r already out of world

    pradeep km

  • 8/10/2019 [Answerkey] CSAT 2013 Environment & Biodiversity (EnB) Questions Solved With Explanation, Reference, All Four


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