Animals of Antarctica



Animals of Antarctica. By: Kade McFarlin. Antarctica: is the Southern most continent. 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice. Most of it is at least 1 mile thick. As a continent, Antarctica is:. - The Coldest - The Driest - And windiest place on earth. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Animals of Antarctica

By: Kade McFarlin

Antarctica: is the Southern most continent.

98% of Antarctica is covered by ice. Most of it is at least 1 mile thick

- The Coldest - The Driest - And windiest place on earth.

As a continent, Antarctica is:

The animals range in size, from this very small shrimp like animal called Krill

To the largest animal on earth – the Blue Whale.

Up to 108 feet long.

Weight as much as 172 metric tons.

The largest animal to have ever lived, even larger than dinosaurs.

How big are Blue Whales?

Blue Whale & Man

Blue Whale with calf.

Blue Whales were hunted almost to extinction until they were protected in 1966.

Orcas or Killer Whales.

Orcas are actually the largest of the dolphin family.

Giant Squid

Giant squid caught by fishermen.

Fur seals

Fur seals were hunted in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Baby fur seal.

And Lots of Penguins!

Emperor Penguins

King Penguins

Chinstrap penguins

Gentoo penguins

Rockhopper penguins

Antarctica is a hard place for animals to survive. It’s cold, icy and full of danger but many animals still call it home.

The End
