Anatomi Inferior




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O: T12-L5 vertebrae, transverse processes, lateral bodiesand corresponding intevertberal disks.I: Femur, lesser trochanterActions Flexes the hip Externally rotates the hipInnervation Lumbar plexus L1-L4

PsoasO: Ilium, iliac fossa and ala of sacrumI: Femur, lesser trochanterActions Flexes the hip Externally rotates the hipInnervation Femoral nerve L1-L4

IliacusO: Ilium, anterior inferior iliac spine (AIIS) and upper rimof acetabulumI: Tibia, tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendonActions Flexes the hip Extends the kneeInnervation Femoral nerve L2-L4

Rectus FemorisO: Ilium, anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)I: Tibia, medial shaft via the pes anserine tendonActions Flexes the hip Abducts the hip Externally rotates the hip Flexes the knee Internally rotates the kneeInnervation Femoral nerve L3-L4

SartoriusO: Ilium, anterolateral lip of iliac crestI: Tibia, lateral condyle via the iliotibial bandActions Flexes the hip Abducts the hip Internally rotates the hipInnervation Superior gluteal nerve L4-S1

Tensor Fasciae LataeO: Femur, greater trochanter, gluteal tuberosity and proximal,lateral lip of the linea asperaI: Tibia, tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendonActions Extends the kneeInnervation Femoral nerve L2-L4

Vastus LateralisO: Femur, intertrochanteric line and medial lip of lineaasperaI: Tibia, tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendonActionsInnervation Femoral nerve L2-L4

Vastus MedialisPalpatingO: Femur, proximal two-thirds of anterior shaft and distal,lateral lip of the linea asperaI: Tibia, tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendonActions Extends the kneeInnervation Femoral nerve L2-L4

Vastus IntermediusO: Pubis, superior ramusI: Femur, pectineal lineActions Adducts the hip Flexes the hipInnervation Femoral and obturator nerves L2-L4

PectineusO: Pubis, outer surface of inferior ramusI: Femur, pectineal line and proximal one-half of mediallip of linea asperaActions Adducts the hip Flexes the hip Externally rotates the hipInnervation Obturator nerve L2-L4

Adductor BrevisO: Pubis, between pubic crest and symphysisI: Femur, middle one-third of medial lip of linea asperaActions Adducts the hip Flexes the hipInnervation Obturator nerve L2-L4

Adductor LongusO: Pubis, inferior ramusI: Tibia, medial shaft via the pes anserine tendonActions Adducts the hip Flexes the knee Internally rotates the kneeInnervation Obturator nerve L2-L4

GracilisO: Pubis, inferior ramus, ramus of the ischium, and ischialtuberosityI: Femur, medial lip of linea aspera, medial supracondylarline, and adductor tubercleActions Adducts the hip Flexes the hip (anterior fibers) Extends the hip (posterior fibers)Innervation Obturator and sciatic nerves L2-S1

Adductor MagnusO: Ilium, posterior iliac crest, posterior sacrum, coccyxand lumbar aponeurosisI: Femur, gluteal tuberosity and lateral tibial condyle viathe iliotibial bandActions Extends the hip Externally rotates the hip Abducts the hip (upper fibers) Adductus the hip (lower fibers)Innervation Inferior gluteal nerve L5-S2

Gluteus MaximusO: Ilium, external surface between iliac crest and the anteriorand posterior gluteal linesI: Femur, lateral surface of greater trochanterActions Abducts the hip Flexes the hip (anterior fibers) Internally rotates the hip (anterior fibers) Extends the hip (posterior fibers) Externally rotates the hip (posterior fibers)Innervation Superior gluteal nerve L4-S1

Gluteus MediusO: Ilium, external surface between anterior and inferiorgluteal linesI: Femur, anterior border of greater trochanterActions Abducts the hip Internally rotates the hip Slightly flexes the hipInnervation Superior gluteal nerve L4-S1

Gluteus MinimusO: Sacrum, anterior surfaceI: Femur, superior border of greater trochanterActions Externally rotates the hip Abducts the hipInnervation Sacral plexus L4-S2

PiriformisO: Ischium, external surface of spineI: Femur, medial surface of greater trochanterActions Externally rotates the hip Adducts the hipInnervation Sacral plexus L5-S2

Superior GemellusO: Ischium, proximal part of tuberosityI: Femur, medial surface of greater trochanterActions Externally rotates the hip Adducts the hipInnervation Sacral plexus L5-S2

Inferior GemellusO: Ischium, inferior surface of obturator foramenI: Femur, medial surface of greater trochanterActions Externally rotates the hip Adducts the hipInnervation Sacral plexus L5-S2

Obturator InternusO: Pubis and ischium, superior and inferior ramiI: Femur, trochanteric fossaActions Externally rotates the hip Adducts the hipInnervation Obturator nerve L3-L4

Obturator ExternusO: Ischium, lateral ischial tuberosityI: Femur, crest between greater and lesser trochantersActions Externally rotates the hip Adducts the hipInnervation Sacral plexus L4-S2

Quadratus FemorisO: Long head: ischial tuberosityO: Short head: lateral lip of linea asperaI: Fibula, head and lateral condyle of tibiaActions Extends the hip Externally rotates the hip Flexes the knee Externally rotates the flexed kneeInnervation Sciatic nerve L5-S3

Biceps FemorisO: Ischium, ischial tuberosityI: Tibia, posteromedial portion of medial condyleActions Extends the hip Internally rotates the hip Flexes the knee Internally rotates the flexed knee

SemimembranosisO: Ischium, ischial tuberosityI: Tibia, medial shaft via the pes anserine tendonActions Extends the hip. Internally rotates the hip Flexes the knee Internally rotates the flexed kneeInnervation Sciatic nerve L4-S

SemitendinosisO: Femur, lateral condyleI: Tibia, proximal posterior surfaceActions Flexes the knee Internally rotates the knee


O: Tibia, lateral condyle and proximal half andinterosseous membraneI: Medial cuneiform, plantar surface, and base of firstmetatarsalActions Dorsiflexes the ankle Inverts the footInnervation Deep peroneal nerve L4-S1

Tibialis AnteriorO: Tibia, lateral condyle, proximal anterior fibula, andinterosseous membraneI: Middle and distal phalanges 2-5, by four tendons todorsal surfacesActions Extends the 2nd through 5th metatarsophalangeal andinterphalangeal joints Dorsiflexes the ankle Everts the footInnervation Peroneal nerve L4-S1

Extensor Digitorum LongusO: Fibula, middle of anterior surface and interosseousmembraneI: First distal phalanx, base on dorsal surfaceActions Extends first metarsophalangeal and interphalangealjoints Dorsiflexes the ankle Inverts the footInnervation Deep peroneal nerve L4-S1

Extensor Hallucis LongusO: Tibia, lateral condyle, head and lateral two-thirds offibulaI: First metatarsal and medial cuneiform, lateral sidesActions Plantarflexes the ankle Everts the footInnervation Superficial peroneal nerve L4-S1

Peroneus LongusO: Fibula, distal two-thirds of lateral surfaceI: Fifth metatarsal, lateral side of tuberosity at baseActions Plantarflexes the ankle Everts the footInnervation Superficial peroneal nerve L4-S1

Peroneus BrevisO: Fibula, distal one-third of anterior surface andinterosseous membraneI: Fifth metatarsal, dorsal surface of baseActions Dorsiflexes the ankle Everts the footInnervation Deep peroneal nerve L4-S1

Peroneus TertiusO: Medial head: femur, posterior medial condyleO: Lateral head: femur, posterior lateral condyleI: Calcaneous, posterior surface via the Achilles tendonActions Plantarflexes the ankle Flexes the kneeInnervation Tibial nerve S1-S2

GastrocnemiusO: Tibia, soleal line and posterior surface, posterior headand proximal surface of fibulaI: Calcaneous, posterior surface via the Achilles tendonActions Plantarflexes the ankleInnervation Tibial nerve L5-S2

SoleusO: Femur, distal part of lateral supracondylar lineI: Calcaneous, posterior surface via the Achilles tendonActions Plantarflexes the ankle Flexes the kneeInnervation Tibial nerve L4-S1

PlantarisO: Lateral, posterior tibia, proximal two-thirds of medialfibula, and interosseous membraneI: Navicular tuberosity, cuneiforms 1-3, cuboid, and basesof metarsals 2-4Actions Plantarflexes the ankle Inverts the footInnervation Tibial nerve L4-S1

Tibialis PosteriorO: Tibia, middle of posterior surfaceI: Distal phalanges 2-5, by four tendons to base of plantarsurfacesActions Flexes the second through fifth metatarsophalangeal andinterphalangeal joints Plantarflexes the ankle Inverts the footInnervation Tibial nerve L5-S1

Flexor Digitorum LongusO: Fibula, distal posterior surface and interosseousmembraneI: First distal phalanx, base on plantar surfaceActions Flexes the first metatarsophalangeal and interphalangealjoint Plantarflexes the ankle Inverts the footInnervation Tibial nerve L5-S2

Flexor Hallucis Longus