An Overview of Wind Turbine Failure andCondition ... · Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)...


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An Overview of Wind Turbine Failure andCondition Monitoring

(Static and Fluid Analysis)1Saurabh Apte, 2Soham Argade,

Abstract- Our paper,”An Overview Of wind turbine Failure and Condition Monitoring” intends to cite the causes of windturbine failure and the necessity of condition monitoring. The future of the energy sector depends upon the efficientharnessing of non-conventional energy resources. The energy of rotation of blade can be harnessed upto 60%. Efforts arebeing made to increase this number. A test case of a wind turbine located 40ft above sea level is considered. For this windturbine Static structural analysis is carried out and for the aerofoil profile of a wind turbine, Fluid Flow analysis is carriedout.


Wind Turbine, Failure Diagnosis, FMEA, Condition Monitoring, CFD, ANSYS


Like any piece of complex machinery operatingunder stress, wind-turbines also can undergolarge damage. Without right care and protectionpolicy, resultant claim can spiral out of control.For owners this can lead to lost revenue andoperational downtime. Despite manufacturersbest operational skills and guarantees windturbines fail to operate successfully over theyear.

1. Failure Of Wind Turbine

Failure of Wind Turbine majorly occurs due to:

1. Generator/Rotor Failurea) Design and manufacturing issues

b) Operational issues

c) Maintenance Practices

d) Environmental Conditions

2. Bearing Failure:a. Over greasing

b. Leakage from fittings

c. Overheating

d. Damage of bearing races

e. Bearing collapsed in housing

f. Lost Ball bearings

3. Gearbox Failurea) High variable load and speed

b) Low gearbox safety factors

c) Flexible foundation

d) Operating as speed increases

e) High Operating Temperature

4. Structural Failure

Very Strong Wind

Extreme temperature cycles

Fractures in Foundation

Strong Vibrations

Rotational Fatigue

5. Environmental Failurea) Wind loadingb) Thermal cycling

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 11, November-2014 ISSN 2229-5518 1442

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c) Contaminationd) Heavy storms

2. Detection Methods Of Gearbox Wear

Gearbox and Blades are classified as the mostexpensive and critical components of windturbine. Moreover these are prone to high riskfailure as compared to other parts of windturbine. Various detection methods have beenemployed to to check the gearbox failure

1. Bearing inner race micropitting2. Bearing race macropitting3. Bearing roller scuffing4. Bearing inner race axial cracks5. Housing and planet bore wear6. Planet gear retaining ring wear7. Planet bearing shaft wear8. Gear tooth micropitting

3. FMEA of Wind Turbine

Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) hasbeen extensively used by wind turbine assemblymanufacturers for analyzing, evaluating andprioritizing potential/known failure modes.However, several limitations are associated withpractical implementation in wind farms. Afailure mode is defined as the way in which acomponent, sub-system or system couldpotentially fail to perform its desired function. Afailure cause is defined as a weakness that mayresult in a failure.For each identified failure mode, their ultimateeffects need to be determined, usually by a cross-functional team which is formed by specialistsfrom various functions. A failure effect isdefined as the result of a failure mode on thefunction of the system as perceived by the user.RPN is calculated as






FMEA rating for severity of detection

Rank Description Criteria

1 Certain failure Monitoringconditions willalways detectfailure

2 High Likelihood offailure

3 Low Lesspossibility offailure

4 Impossiblefailure

Almost zerodetection offailure

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 11, November-2014 ISSN 2229-5518 1443

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1. SOLIDWORKS and ANSYSANALYSIS for locating criticalparts of turbine blade

Wind farm with wind turbines exposed toaverage weather conditions and average windspeed (20 km/h) has been considered. Takinginto consideration the height from sea level ofthe wind turbine following analysis has beendone.

A. Static Structural Analysis

Fig 1(a) stress analysis

Fig1 (b) strain analysis

A maximum strain of 2.7142e-006m/m and a maximum stress of4.857e+005 Pa has been developed in theturbine blade.

B. Modal Analysis

Fig2. Modal Analysis of turbine blade

After performing the modal analysis on the windturbine blade a maximum displacement of0.279m has been observed

C. Harmonic Analysis

Fig 3(a) Harmonic response

Fig 3(b) harmonic response plot

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 11, November-2014 ISSN 2229-5518 1444

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Fig 3(c) Distribution Plot

CFD Analysis of a Wind Turbine Blade

Fig 4(a) Pressure Plot of aerofoil

From the pressure plot we infer that as we goaway from the aero foil profile the pressure isuniformly distributed in the bounding box. Nearthe profile slight pressure variation of fluid isobserved.

Fig 4(b) Plot of Velocity Vectors by order ofmagnitude

The above plot demonstrates the actual traveldirection of fluid particles. We can infer thatmaximum fluid is flowing past the aero foilprofile and only a part of it is sticking andcontinuing to flow as a single fluid.

Fig 4(c) Pathlines demonstrating wakeformation around aerofoil

The CFD analysis has been carried out for awind turbine blade spanning about 50 ft. andmaterial Fibreglass. At a certain distance fromthe aero foil end the path-lines break awayforming a wake. It indicates the turbulence zone.

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 11, November-2014 ISSN 2229-5518 1445

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The wind turbine is horizontal axis. The windspeed observed during the time of supervision isabout 20 km/hr.

Condition Monitoring in Wind turbinesCondition monitoring systems (CMS) comprisecombinations of sensors and signal processingequipment that provide continuous indicationsof component (and hence wind turbine)condition based on techniques includingvibration analysis, acoustics, oil analysis, strainmeasurement. On WTs they are used to monitorthe status of critical operating major componentssuch as the blades, gearbox, generator, mainbearings and tower. Monitoring may be on-line(and hence provide instantaneous feedback ofcondition) or off-line (data being collected at

Condition Monitoring Techniques1. Vibration analysis2. Acoustic Emissions3. Ultrasonic Techniques4. Oil Analysis5. Strain Measurement6. Radiographic Inspection7. Thermography

Limitations of condition monitoring1. Overall condition monitoring is

difficult to achieve in largewindy terrains and placeswhich experience rapidweather changes

2. Condition monitoring hasdrawback where predictabilityis concerned.

3. Condition monitoring is acostly technique and costreduction needs to be achieved

4. Increased number of parts egsensors make the system bulky.

9. References

[1]. J Crabtree, Y Feng, P J Tavner - DetectingIncipient Wind Turbine Gearbox Failure-ASignal Analysis Method for On-line ConditionMonito,ring School of Engineering andComputing Sciences, Durham University,UK.(2010)

[2]. Wenxian Yang, Peter J. 3 Tavner, SeniorMember, IEEE, Christopher J. Crabtree, andMichael Wilkinson - Cost-Effective_Condition_Monitoring_for WindTurbines ,IEEE Transactions

[3] Mafmood Shafiee, Fateme Dinmohammadi-An FMEA-Based Risk Assessment Approach forWind TurbineSystems: A Comparative Study ofOnshore and Offshore,Energies

Saurabh Apte and Soham Argade, both are” BEMechanical” From PES Modern College ofEngineering, Pune University.

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 11, November-2014 ISSN 2229-5518 1446

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