An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Taosetup the requisite environmental variables. If this is...


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An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao

David Sagan and Chris MayesJuly 15, 2020


1 A Guide for the Perplexed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.1 Overview: What is Bmad? What is Tao? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2 How to use this Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.1 Distributions and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.3 Minimum Bmad/Tao Version Compatible with Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.1 Bmad Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4 Bmad Based Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

5 Starting Tao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5.1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5.2 Tao Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5.3 Tao: Online Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5.4 Tao Initialization Files and Tao Command Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

5.5 Exercises [Answers in section §24.1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

6 Introduction to Bmad Lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

6.1 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

7 Tao Show Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

7.1 Showing a List of Elements in the Lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

7.2 To Show the Attributes of a Lattice Element . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

7.3 Using Wild Cards in Element Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

7.4 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

8 Introduction to Plotting in Tao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

8.1 Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

8.2 Displaying a Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

8.3 Scaling Plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

8.4 Getting Information on a Plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

8.5 Changing Plot Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

8.6 Custom Plotting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

8.7 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

9 Model, Design and Base Lattices in Tao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 2

9.1 Changing Model Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

9.2 Using the Base Lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

9.3 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

10 Multiple Universes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

10.1 Multiple Universe Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

10.2 Using Tao With Multiple Universes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

10.3 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.6] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

11 Control Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

11.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

11.2 Example Lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

11.3 Control Element Organization in the Lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

11.4 Overlay Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

11.5 Group Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

11.6 Girders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

11.7 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.7] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

12 Machine Coordinates and Patch Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

12.1 Coordinate Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

12.2 Element Geometry Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

12.3 Local Coordinate System Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

12.4 Laboratory Coordinates Relative to Global Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . 46

12.5 Element Misalignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

12.6 Patch Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

12.7 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.8] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

13 Particle Phase Space Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

13.1 Particle Phase Space Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

13.2 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

13.3 Reference Energy and the Lcavity and RFcavity Elements . . . . . . . . 54

13.4 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.9] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

14 Superposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

14.1 Example 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

14.2 Example 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

14.3 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.10] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

15 Multipass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

15.1 What is Multipass and What is it Good For? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 3

15.2 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

15.3 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.11] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

16 Lattice Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

16.1 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.12] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

17 Forks and Branches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

17.1 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

17.2 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.13] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

18 Tracking Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

18.1 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.14] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

19 Optimization with Tao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

19.1 What is Optimization? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

19.2 Optimization Overview and the Merit Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

19.3 Lattice Design Example: Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

19.4 Data in Tao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

19.5 Variables in Tao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

19.6 Key Bindings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

19.7 Running an optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

19.8 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

20 Lattice Correction (Including Orbit Correction) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

20.1 Correcting the Orbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

20.2 Twiss Parameters Correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

20.3 Twiss Parameter Correction Example Input Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

20.4 Data Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

20.5 Variable Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

20.6 Plotting Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

20.7 Measured Data and Variables Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

20.8 Running the Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

20.9 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.15] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

21 Beam tracking in Tao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

22 Wave Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

22.1 Example Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

22.2 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

23 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

24 Answers to Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 4

24.1 Chapter 5.5 “Starting Tao” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

24.2 Chapter 6.1 “Introduction to Bmad Lattices” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

24.3 Chapter 7.4 “Tao Show Command” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

24.4 Chapter 8.7 “Introduction to Plotting in Tao” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

24.5 Chapter 9.3 “Model, Design and Base Lattices in Tao” . . . . . . . . . . . 111

24.6 Chapter 10.3 “Multiple Universes” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

24.7 Chapter 11.7 “Control Elements” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

24.8 Chapter 12.7 “Machine Coordinates and Patch Elements” . . . . . . . . . 112

24.9 Chapter 13.4 “Particle Phase Space Coordinates” . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

24.10 Chapter 14.3 “Superposition” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

24.11 Chapter 15.3 “Multipass” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

24.12 Chapter 16.1 “Lattice Geometry” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

24.13 Chapter 17.2 “Forks and Branches” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

24.14 Chapter 18.1 “Tracking Methods” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

24.15 Chapter 20.9 “Lattice Correction” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 5

1 A Guide for the Perplexed

This tutorial is a guide to introduce the reader to the Bmad toolkit for relativistic charged–particleand X-Ray simulations. Additionally, this tutorial serves as an introduction to Tao which is asimulation program based upon the Bmad toolkit.

It is assumed that you know something about accelerator physics. For example, it is assumedthat you know something about beta functions, dispersion and closed orbits. It is also assumedthat you are familiar with the basics of Unix and how to use a command line interface.

1.1 Overview: What is Bmad? What is Tao?

BmadBmad is an open-source software library (aka toolkit) for simulating charged particles andX-rays. Bmad is not a program itself but is used by programs for doing calculations. Theadvantage of Bmad over a stand-alone simulation program is that when new types of sim-ulations need to be developed, Bmad can be used to cut down on the time needed todevelop such programs with the added benefit that the number of programming errors willbe reduced.

Over the years, Bmad has been used for a wide range of charged-particle and X-ray simu-lations. This includes:

Lattice design X-ray simulationsSpin tracking Wakefields and HOMsBeam breakup (BBU) simulations in ERLs Touschek SimulationsIntra-beam scattering (IBS) simulations Dark current trackingCoherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR) Frequency map analysis

TaoThe disadvantage of Bmad is that, as a toolkit, one cannot perform any calculations withoutfirst developing a program. To get around this, the Tao program was developed. Tao is ageneral purpose simulation program, based upon Bmad. Tao can be used to view lattices,do Twiss and orbit calculations, nonlinear optimization on lattices, etc., etc. Additionally,Tao’s object oriented design makes it relatively easy to extend it. For example, it can beused for orbit flattening in an online machine control system.

1.2 How to use this Tutorial

This tutorial is meant to be “hands on”. That is, you should be using Tao as you read throughthe chapters. Additionally, it is expected (nay, necessary) that you consult the Bmad and Taomanuals for information on topics that are only partially covered in this tutorial (and in fact, theexercises at the ends of the tutorial chapters are meant to motivate further reading of the manu-als).

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 6

2 Orientation

2.1 Distributions and Releases

Distributions and ReleasesA Distribution is a build of Bmad and associated libraries and programs (including Tao).A Release is like a Distribution except that it is created on the Linux computer system atCLASSE (Cornell’s Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education). For thepurpose of this tutorial, Releases and Distributions are considered to be the same.

It is assumed that you already have access to a Distribution or a Release and that you havesetup the requisite environmental variables. If this is not true, and there is no local Bmad Guru toguide you, download and setup instructions for a Bmad Distribution can be found on the Bmadweb site (§3).

If everything is setup correctly, the environmental variable ACC_ROOT_DIR will point to theroot directory of the Distribution or Release you are using. For a Distribution, this directory lookssomething like:

> ls $ACC_ROOT_DIRPGPLOT f f t w l a t t i c e s i m _ u t i l sbmad f g s l open_spacecharge taobsim f o r e s t openmpi u t i lbui ld_system g n u _ u t i l i t i e s _ s r c p l p l o t u t i l _p rogramscpp_bmad_interface gs l p roduc t ion x r a y l i bdebug hdf5 rec ipes_ f −90_LEPPexamples lapack reg ress ion_ tes t s

For an explanation of what directories contain what, see:

Another useful check is the accinfo command which shows the environment variables that havebeen setup for a Distribution or a Release:

> accinfo

DIST_DEBUG=/Users/dcs16/Bmad/bmad_dist_2020_0712/debug/binDIST_OS=DarwinDIST_BUILD=TRUEDIST_F90=gfortranDIST_UTIL=/Users/dcs16/Bmad/bmad_dist_2020_0712/utilDIST_BASE_DIR=/Users/dcs16/Bmad/bmad_dist_2020_0712... etc...ACC_EXE=/Users/dcs16/Bmad/bmad_dist_2020_0712/production/binACC_CMAKE_VERSION=2.8.5ACC_DEBUG=/Users/dcs16/Bmad/bmad_dist_2020_0712/debug/binACC_BUILD_SYSTEM=/Users/dcs16/Bmad/bmad_dist_2020_0712/build_systemACC_PLOT_DISPLAY_TYPE=X... etc...

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 7

One common mistake, if you have multiple Distributions on your system, is having the envi-ronment variables pointing to a Distribution other than the one you want to use. The accinfocommand is a quick way to tell if there is a problem.

Revisions of Bmad and Tao are indexed by date. A root Release directory encodes the date inthe root directory’s name. For Distributions, the date is generally encoded in the root directoryname. If there is any doubt, the date can be found using the command:

svn i n f o $ACC_ROOT_DIR/ bmad

2.2 Prerequisites

Bmad and Tao are generally used with Linux or Mac OS-X. Historically, while Bmad could bebuilt under Windows, running Tao was problematical due to graphics issues. As present, thesegraphics issues have been resolved. Using Bmad and Tao in a virtual environment such asDocker is also possible.

Except when using a Python interface, Tao is accessed through the command line. Thereforeyou will need to run a terminal program to be able to run Tao.

2.3 Minimum Bmad/Tao Version Compatible with Tutorial

This tutorial can be used with any version of Bmad and Tao dated July 12, 2020 or after (§2). Forversions of Bmad and Tao before this, some difficulties may be encountered.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 8

3 Resources

More information is readily available at the Bmad and Tao web site:

Links to the Bmad and Tao manuals can be found there as well as instructions for downloadingand setup:

After you have finished this tutorial, there are lattice file examples in the directory (§2)

$ACC_ROOT_DIR/ examples

[From now on, all directory paths are implicitly assumed to be with respect to $ACC_ROOT_DIR.]Example Tao initialization files are in the directory

tao / examples

To keep in touch with the latest Bmad developments, there are two mailing lists for Bmad. Thebmad-l mailing list is used to send information on Bmad developments. The bmad-devel-l mail-ing list is for programmers. The volume of e-mail is small – Typically less than one a week.Instructions on how to sign up can be obtained from the Bmad web page.

3.1 Bmad Directories

A quick introduction to the most important directories in a Distribution or a Release:

bmadThe bmad directory holds the code for the Bmad library.

bsimThe bsim directory holds the code for some Bmad based programs for simulating syn-chrotron radiation (programs: synrad and synrad3d), dynamic_aperture (program: dy-namic_aperture), intra-beam scattering (programs: ibs_linac and ibs_ring), etc.

debugThe debug directory is like the production directory except that the executables in thedebug/bin directory have been compiled with the debug flag. These executables can beused with a debugger but, since they typically run much slower than their counterparts inproduction/bin, these executables should not be used for normal running.

examplesThe examples directory holds example programs along with example lattice files.

productionThe production directory is created when the code in a Distribution or Release is compiled.It contains various libraries, modules, and other files. In particular, the production/bin di-rectory contains executable files for Tao and other Bmad based simulation programs. Note:

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 9

Many directories will themselves contain a production directory. For example, there will bea bmad/production and a tao/production directory. Do not confuse these directories withthe top level production directory. The second tier production directories do not containanything of interest.

taoThe tao directory holds the code for the Tao program as well as example input files in thetao/examples directory.

utilThe util directory holds various build scripts.

util_programsThe util_program directory holds the code for various utility programs including programsfor converting between Bmad lattice files to other formats (MAD, SAD, etc.).

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 10

4 Bmad Based Programs

Below is a partial list of simulation and helper programs that are based upon Bmad. All of theseprograms are included in any distribution or release. The program executable will be in theproduction/bin directory (§3.1).

Documentation for some of the program can be found at:

Example input files, along with documentation source files and other information, can generallybe found in the directory that holds the source code as noted below.

Note: Before running any program, the appropriate environment variables must be setup. [Thesetup for running programs and the setup for compiling Bmad based programs is one and thesame.] Ask your local Bmad guru about this or consult the Bmad web page (§3) for directions.

bmad_to_mad_and_sadThe bmad_to_mad_and_sad program converts Bmad lattice format files to MAD8, MADXand SAD format.

bbuThe bbu program simulates the beam breakup instability in Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs).The source code is in the directory bsim/bbu.

dynamic_apertureThe dynamic_aperture program finds the dynamic aperture through tracking. The sourcecode is in the bsim/dynamic_aperture directory.

ibs_linacThe ibs_linac program simulates the effect of intra-beam scattering (ibs) for beams in aLinac. The source code is in the bsim/ibs_linac directory.

ibs_ringThe ibs_linac program simulates the effect of intra-beam scattering (ibs) for beams in aring. The source code is in the bsim/ibs_linac directory.

luxThe lux program simulates X-ray beams from generation through to experimental end sta-tions. The source code is in the lux directory., madx_to_bmad.pyThese python programs will convert MAD8 and MADX lattice files to to Bmad format. Thescripts are in the util_program/mad_to_bmad directory

mogaThe moga (multiobjective genetic algorithms) program does multiobjective optimization.The source code is in the util_programs/moga directory.

synradThe synrad program computes the power deposited on the inside of a vacuum chamber

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 11

wall due to synchrotron radiation from a particle beam. The calculation is essentially twodimensional but the vertical emittance is used for calculating power densities along thecenterline. Crotch geometries can be handled as well as off axis beam orbits. The sourcecode is in the bsim/synrad and bsim/code_synrad directories.

synrad3dThe synrad3d program tracks, in three dimensions, photons generated from a beam withinthe vacuum chamber. Reflections at the chamber wall is included. Source code is in thebsim/synrad3d and bsim/code_synrad3d directories.

taoTao is a general purpose simulation program described in §1.1. The source code can befound in the tao directory. Documentation is available from the web (§3).

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 12

5 Starting Tao

5.1 Preliminaries

To find out if everything is properly setup. Issue the command

> which tao

The response should be the location of the Tao executable which will look something like:


If the which command does not find an executable, consult your local Bmad Guru. One commonproblem is not initializing the Bmad environment variables (which is the same setup used whenprograms are to be compiled).

To see if X11 windowing is properly setup, run the xeyes program (just type “xeyes” on the com-mand line) and a pair of eyes should pop up. Note: xeyes is not automatically installed on allsystems so if you get an error message about “command not found” you will either need to installxeyes or just skip this test completely.

5.2 Tao Startup

To run, Tao needs as input a Bmad lattice file that describes the machine to be simulated. Latticefiles used in this tutorial are available for download from the web. Go to the Bmad web site (§3),Follow a link to either the Bmad or Tao manual page, and there should be a further link to examplelattice files. Alternatively, the lattice files are available in any Distribution or Release (§2) in thedirectory:


And each lattice shown in this tutorial lists the lattice file name on the first line.

Note: Other lattice examples can be obtained from the directory:


As an example of how to run Tao, the lattice file shown in section §6 will be used. This lattice fileis named simple.bmad. Make sure that the directory from which you are running Tao does nothave a file called tao.init since this file will affect things (more on that later). Copy simple.bmadto your working directory and run Tao with the command:

> tao -lat simple.bmad

(alternatively just supply the full path name to simple.bmad.) Tao should open a window forplotting as shown in Figure 1. If this window is too large for your screen, you can adjust the sizeof the plotting window by using the -geometry option at startup. Example:

> tao -lat simple.bmad -geom 400x400

Consult the Tao manual for a list of command line arguments or start Tao with:

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 13

Figure 1: Initial graphics when Tao is run with the simple.bmad lattice file.

> tao -help

After initialization, there should be a “Tao>” prompt where you can type Tao commands.

5.3 Tao: Online Help

When Tao is running, to get a list of Tao commands, use the help command:

Tao> help

Type ‘‘help <command>’’ for help on an individual commandAvailable commands:alias readcall restorechange reinitializeclip run_optimizercontinue scalederivative setend_file showexit single_modeflatten spawn

... etc...

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 14

Note: For brevity’s sake, “... etc...” is used when the output has been truncated. Also the outputshown is sometimes modified to fit the printed page.

Tao commands are documented in the “Tao Commands” (§11) chapter of the Tao manual. Whenrunning Tao, this same documentation can be displayed using the “help <command>” com-mand where <command> is the name of a command. Example:

Tao> help set

The "set" command is used to set values for data, variables , etc.Subcommands are:set beam_init {n@}<component > = <value>set particle_start {n@}<coordinate > = <value>set bmad_com <component > = <value>set csr_param <component > = <value>set curve <curve> <component > = <value>set data <data_name >|<component > = <value>set default <parameter > = <value>set element <element_list > <attribute > = <value>set floor_plan <component > = <value>set geodesic_lm <component > = <value>

... etc...

When running \tao, to see documentation on any of the subcommands , use thehelp set <subcommand > command. For example, help set elementwill show information on the set element subcommand.... etc...

Two commands, set and show, are complicated enough so that they have “subcommands”. Theoutput of“help set” and “help show” will give you a list of the set and show subcommands. Onceyou have a subcommand list, You can then type, for example, “help set curve” for help on the setcurve subcommand.

5.4 Tao Initialization Files and Tao Command Files

Besides lattice files, Tao uses Tao specific initialization files for doing such things as configuringplotting and setting optimization parameters. These initialization files are discussed in the TaoInitialization chapter of the Tao manual.

Besides the initialization files supplied for this tutorial, example Tao initialization files can be foundin a Distribution or Release in the directory:


Tao initialization can be split among several initialization files but there is always one main ini-tialization file that will reference secondary initialization files if needed. The default name for themain initialization is tao.init. The main initialization file can be specified using the -init optionwhen starting Tao.

Tao initialization files use namelist input. The general syntax is:

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 15

&namelist -nameparameter1_name = value1parameter2_name = value2... etc...


The namelist starts with &namelist-name where namelist-name is the name of the namelist. Thenamelist ends with the slash “/” character. In between, there is a set of lines that set appropriateparameter values. Example:

&tao_design_latticen_universes = 1design_lattice(1)%file = "lat.bmad"


A detailed discussion of namelist syntax is given in the Namelist Syntax (§10.2) section of theTao Initialization chapter of the Tao manual.

Tao can execute command files which are files that contain a set of Tao commands. Commandfiles can be executed at startup or while Tao is running with the call command. If a command fileis used at startup, it is also considered to be an initialization file. The initialization command file,if there is one, will be executed at the end of initialization. By default, a file called tao.startup, if itexists, is used as the initialization command file. The name of the startup command file may bespecified either in the main initialization file or on the command line using the -startup option.

See section §19.3 for an example.

5.5 Exercises [Answers in section §24.1]

5.1 Create an initialization file named tao.init (which is the default name for the main initializa-tion file) with a tao_design_lattice namelist that specifies simple.bmad as the lattice file.With this, you should be able to start Tao without the -lat option.

5.2 Create a command file that runs the command help <argument1> where <argument1> isthe (first) argument when the command file is run using the "call" command. For example,if the command file is called "doit", the command "call doit flatten" should run the command"help flatten". See the section “Command Files and Aliases” (§2.4) in the Tao manual.

5.3 In your tao.init initialization file from the first exercise, put in a tao_start namelist (See§10.3 “Beginning Initialization” in the Tao manual) that sets the startup_file parameter ofthis namelist to the name of the command file from the second exercise. What happenswhen you start Tao?

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 16

6 Introduction to Bmad Lattices

The basis of any Bmad based simulation is a lattice file. The following is a simple example:

! Lattice file: simple.bmadbeginning[beta_a] = 10. ! m a-mode beta functionbeginning[beta_b] = 10. ! m b-mode beta functionbeginning[e_tot] = 10e6 ! eV Or can set beginning[p0c]

parameter[geometry] = open ! Or closedparameter[particle] = electron ! Reference particle.

d: drift, L = 0.5b: sbend, L = 0.5, g = 1, e1 = 0.1, g_err = 0.001 ! g = 1/design_radiusq: quadrupole , L = 0.6, k1 = 0.23

lat: line = (d, b, q) ! List of lattice elementsuse, lat ! Line used to construct the lattice

Note: Part I of the Bmad manual covers lattice syntax so please refer to that for information thatis not covered here.

Some comments on the above lattice:

beginning[...], parameter[...]Global parameters (parameters of the lattice that are not associated with any one given lat-tice element) can be set using constructs like beginning[...], parameter[...], particle_start[...],etc. See the Lattice File Global Parameters chapter in the Bmad manual for a completelist of parameters that can be set.

parameter[geometry]The parameter[geometry] parameter sets whether the geometry of the lattice is consideredopen (like a 1-pass accelerating linac) or closed (like a storage ring). If the lattice is closed,the closed orbit is used as the reference orbit and the computed beta functions correspondto the periodic solution. If the lattice is open, the orbit and beta functions are computedusing the beginning orbit and beta functions as set in the lattice. The default geometry isopen if the lattice contains an lcavity (linac accelerating RF cavity) element and is closed ifno lcavity is present.

beginning[beta_a], beginning[beta_b]The beginning[beta_a] and beginning[beta_b] parameters set the beta functions at be-ginning of the lattice. The beginning beta functions will be only used by Bmad if the latticegeometry is set to open. Note: Some programs will use the labels beta_x and beta_y forthe beta functions. This is inaccurate since the beta functions are associated with the nor-mal modes of oscillation of the beam and, if there is horizontal/vertical coupling, the normalmodes will not correspond to purely horizontal and purely vertical motion. By convention,in the limit of no coupling, the a-mode will correspond to horizontal oscillations and theb-mode will correspond to vertical oscillations.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 17

beginning[e_tot]The beginning[e_tot] parameter sets the reference total energy at the beginning of thelattice. Alternatively, beginning[p0c] can be used to set the reference momentum at thebeginning of the lattice.

parameter[particle]The parameter[particle] parameter sets the reference particle. Besides fundamental parti-cles, ions can be used. For example, the reference particle could be set to #12C+3 whichis triply charged carbon-12. The default reference particle is a positron.

d: drift, ..., b: sbend, ..., q: quad, ...The lattice element named d is a drift element. That is, a field free region. The elementnamed b is a dipole bend and the element named q is a quadrupole element. See theElements chapter in the Bmad manual for more details.

lat: line = (...)A line consists of an ordered list of elements that the beam goes through. lines are usedto define the ordered list. In this instance, a line called lat contains the elements d, b, andq in that order. See the “Beam lines and Replacement Lists” chapter of the Bmad manualfor more details.

use, latThe use statement in a lattice file identifies the particular line used to construct the lattice.This is needed since a lattice file may define multiple lines and lines can contain sub-lines,etc. In some cases, a use statement may reference have more than one line. More on thatlater.

6.1 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.2]

6.1 Element b is an sbend. What exactly is an sbend? And what is the meaning of the g andg_err parameters of element b? Hint: Information on sbend elements can be found in theBends: Rbend and Sbend section (§3.5) of the Elements chapter of the Bmad manual.

6.2 Make a simple closed geometry “FODO” lattice with a single cell: [drift, quad1, drift, quad2].Set both drifts to have the same length and both quadrupole to have the same length (doesnot have to be the same as the drift length). Set the quadrupole k1 value of quad2 to havethe opposite sign as quad1 and adjust the k1 values so that the machine is stable.

6.3 Make a FODO lattice with ten of these cells. [Hint: Make the "lat" line a subline of an-other line and use a repetition count as explained in section 6.2 “Beam Lines and LatticeExpansion” of the Bmad manual.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 18

7 Tao Show Command

The show command of Tao is used to display information on anything from the makeup of latticeelements to particle positions within a tracked particle beam. This chapter gives an introductionto using the show command.

Start Tao as explained in section §5.2 with the lattice file simple.bmad. The show command hasa large set of subcommands, To see the list of subcommands, use the help show command:

Tao> help showThe "show" command is used to display information.Format:show {-append <file_name >} {-noprint} {-no_err_out} <subcommand >show {-write <file_name >} {-noprint} {-no_err_out} <subcommand >

"<subcommand >" may be one of:alias ! Show aliases .beam ... ! Show beam info .branch ... ! Show lattice branch info .building_wall ! Show building wall info .... etc...wall ... ! Show vacuum chamber wall info .wave ! Show wave analysis info .

The "show" command has "-append" and "-write" optional arguments which can beused to write the results to a file. The "show -append" command will ...

For example, to see information on using the show branch subcommand, use the command helpshow branch.

The output from the show command may be piped to a file or appended to an existing file usingthe -append or -write switches which must appear before <subcommand> on the commandline. For example:

Tao> show -write abc.dat lattice

This will dump lattice information to a file named abc.dat.

7.1 Showing a List of Elements in the Lattice

To show the elements in the lattice use the show lattice subcommand:

Tao> show lat# Values shown are for the Exit End of each Element:# Index name key s l beta phi ...# a a ...

0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 --- 10.00 0.000 ...1 D Drift 0.500 0.500 10.03 0.050 ...2 B Sbend 1.000 0.500 7.87 0.104 ...3 Q Quadrupole 1.600 0.600 3.50 0.217 ...

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 19

4 END Marker 1.600 0.000 3.50 0.217 ...# Index name key s l beta phi ...# a a ...# Values shown are for the Exit End of each Element:

The s column shows the longitudinal position from the beginning of the lattice (§12.1) and the lcolumn shows the length of the elements.

Comparing the output of the show lattice command to the simple.bmad lattice file, notice thatBmad adds two extra elements to the lattice. A zero length beginning element called BEGIN-NING and a zero length marker element at the end called END.

Each element has an index number associated with it. the BEGINNING element has index zero,the next element has index 1, etc. Generally an element can be referred to in a command by itsname or its index.

The “show lat” command, like many other commands, has optional parameters to customize thetable of information printed:

Tao> help show lat

Syntax:show lattice {-0undef} {-all} {-attribute <attrib >} {-base}

{-blank_replacement <string >} {-branch <name_or_index >}{-custom <file_name >} {-design} {-floor_coords} {-lords} {-middle}{-no_label_lines} {-no_tail_lines} {-no_slaves} {-orbit}{-remove_line_if_zero <column #>} {-s <s1>:<s2>} {-tracking_elements}{<element_list >}

Show a table of Twiss and orbit data, etc. at the specified element locations.The default is to show the parameters at the exit end of the elements.... etc...

For example, the -attribute switch makes it easy to make a custom table of element attributes:

Tao> show lat -no_tail_lines -attrib b1_gradientValues shown are for the Exit End of each Element:Index name key s l b1

gradient0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 --- ---1 D Drift 0.500 0.500 ---2 B Sbend 1.000 0.500 0.0000E+003 Q Quadrupole 1.600 0.600 -7.6620E-034 END Marker 1.600 0.000 ---

When using the -attribute switch the first five columns are fixed and additional columns arespecified by each instance of -attribute appearing on the command line. In this example thereis one additional column showing the b1_gradient element attribute. The string — is printedfor elements that do not have this attribute (The string used when an element does not have aparticular attribute may be changed using the appropriate show lattice switches).

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 20

7.2 To Show the Attributes of a Lattice Element

Use the show element command to show the attributes of a particular lattice elements. Example:

Tao> show ele b ! Or "show ele 2" since element B has index 2.

Element # 2Element Name: BKey: SbendSub Key: SBendS_start, S: 0.500000, 1.000000Ref_time: 3.340005E-09

Attribute values [Only non-zero/non-default values shown]:1 L = 5.0000000E-01 m6 G = 1.0000000E+00 1/m7 G_ERR = 1.0000000E-03 1/m8 RHO = 1.0000000E+00 m10 FRINGE_TYPE = Basic_Bend (7)11 FRINGE_AT = Both_Ends (3)12 HIGHER_ORDER_FRINGE_TYPE = None (1)13 SPIN_FRINGE_ON = T (1)14 EXACT_MULTIPOLES = Off (1)19 E1 = 1.0000000E-01 rad29 L_SAGITTA = 3.1087578E-02 m... etc...

Twiss at end of element:A B Cbar ...

Beta (m) 8.65422245 9.11594461 | 0.00000000 ...Alpha 3.56155250 0.86569936 | 0.00000000 ...Gamma (1/m) 1.58126929 0.19190939 | Gamma_c = ...Phi (rad) 0.10144612 0.10228316 X ...Eta (m) 0.12252488 0.00000000 0.12252488 ...Etap 0.47990496 0.00000000 0.47990496 ...

Orbit: Electron State: AlivePosition[mm] Momentum[mrad] Spin |

X: -0.12240995 -0.47942554 | t_particle [sec]: ...Y: 0.00000000 0.00000000 | t_part-t_ref [sec]: ...Z: 0.02055389 0.00000000 | (t_ref-t_part)*Vel ...

Note: By default, only non-zero attributes are shown. Use the -all option to see all the attributes.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 21

7.3 Using Wild Cards in Element Names

Wild card characters can be used with element names. The wild card characters are:

"*" -- Matches to any number of characters (including zero)."%" -- Matches to any single character.

The general syntax is:

<name_with_wild_card_characters > ! or<element_type >::<name_with_wild_card_characters >

where <element_type> is the type of element (drift, quadrupole, etc.). [Actually the syntax isa bit more complicated than this. See the “Matching to Lattice Element Names and OtherAttributes” section (§2.8) in the Bmad manual.]

In the examples below a more complicated lattice is used. Start Tao with:

> tao -lat $ACC_ROOT_DIR/tao/examples/cesr/bmad_L9A18A000

For example, to show all elements whose name begins with "Q" use the show element com-mand:

Tao> show ele q*

870 Q00W 2.1635 Q00W\CLEO_SOL 1.7556 Q00W#1 2.16310 Q01W 3.87414 Q02W 5.932

... etc...Number of Matches: 110

Or to show all sbend elements the command is:

Tao> show ele sbend::*

22 B03W 11.94924 B03AW 13.97030 B04W 18.65338 B05W 23.69846 B06W 28.743

... etc...Number of Matches: 84

Element names with wild cards can also be used with the show lattice command. For example:

Tao> show lat q%1*

# Values shown are for the Exit End of each Element:# Index name key s l beta phi ...# a a

10 Q01W Quadrupole 3.874 0.950 66.94 0.173

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 22

100 Q11W Quadrupole 67.129 0.600 4.57 1.100178 Q21W Quadrupole 149.739 0.600 7.35 2.145266 Q31W Quadrupole 235.539 0.600 5.30 3.195... etc...

# Index name key s l beta phi ...# a a# Values shown are for the Exit End of each Element:

Note: When rbend (rectangular bend) elements are read in, internally they are converted tosbend (sector bend) elements. Thus, a search for sbend elements will include all rbend elements.

7.4 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.3]

7.1 Lattice elements have string attributes named type, alias and descrip. These parameterscan be used for sorting elements. Modify any lattice so that, say, elements have a non-blank alias. Open Tao with this lattice and use the show element command to, say, searchfor all elements whose alias attribute begins with the letter “z”. Hint: See the “Matching toLattice Element Names and Other Attributes” section (§2.8) in the Bmad manual.

7.2 Start Tao with a lattice with, say, multiple elements named q and determine how to showthe second element in the lattice with the name q. Hint: See the “Matching to LatticeElement Names and Other Attributes” section (§2.8) in the Bmad manual.

7.3 Explore using other show commands. For example, what does show universe show? Howabout show global?

7.4 What is the command to show a list of prior commands that you have typed in?

7.5 After looking at the documentation for “show lattice”, construct a “show lattice” commandwith the appropriate arguments so that there is a column showing the value of the quadrupole“k1” for the elements.

7.6 Construct a “show lattice” command with the appropriate arguments so that only rows forsbend elements are shown.

7.7 Look at the output of “show ele -all q” and “show ele q” and observe the differences.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 23

8 Introduction to Plotting in Tao

First: Start Tao as explained in section §5.2 with the lattice file simple.bmad.

The default is to have three plots as shown in Figure 2a: beta, dispersion, and orbit, along withwhat is called a lat_layout plot situated at the bottom of the window that graphically shows thelattice elements as a function of longitudinal position. Note: If you do not want Tao to display theplot window, use the -noplot option on the command line when you start Tao.

Plotting is described in the Plotting chapter in the Tao manual and the setup of custom plots isdescribed in the Initializing Plotting (§10.12) section of the Tao Initialization chapter.

(a) Initial graphics when Tao is run with the sim-ple.bmad lattice file.

(b) Graphics after a place r22 floor_plan com-mand.

Figure 2: Example Tao graphics.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 24

8.1 Nomenclature

A given “plot” has a number of “graphs” associated with it. A graph consists of horizontal andvertical axes (which may or may not be displayed) along with a number of “curves”. A curve isa set of (x, y) points. These curve points can be plotted by drawing a symbol at each point orthe points can be connected together using line segments. For the curves in Figure 2a, Taocalculates enough points per curve so that the line drawn to connect the points looks smooth.Some graphs, like the lat_layout do not have any associated curves.

In Figure 2a, all four plots have exactly one associated graph. The lat_layout graph does notdisplay its axes and has no associated curves. The other graphs each have two associatedcurves.

8.2 Displaying a Plot

To change the plots that are being displayed, you have to tell Tao what plot to draw and where todraw it. The show plot -templates command prints the list of plots that can be displayed:

Tao> show plot -templates

Templates:Plot Description---------------------------- -------------------alpha Twiss alpha functionb_div_curl Magnetic Field Divergence and Curl.b_field Magnetic Field Along Orbitbeta Twiss beta functionbunch_sigma_xy Bunch transverse sigmasbunch_R1_R2 Bunch phase space plot.cbar Cbar coupling matrixdbeta Chromatic normalized beta beat

... etc...

The output of show plot -templates shows plot “templates”. A plot template specifies the pa-rameters needed to draw the plot: what is to be plotted, the number of associated graphs, the xand y-axis scales, colors to be used for the curves, etc. Tao defines a set of default templatesand custom ones can be defined by constructing the appropriate initialization file. Directions forconstructing templates are given in the Initializing Plotting (§10.12) section of the Tao Initial-ization chapter of the Tao manual and an example of how to construct a template plot is given inSection §20.6 below.

To see where in the plot templates can be placed in the plotting window, use the show plotcommand without any additional arguments:

Tao> show plotLocation on Page

Plot Region <--> Plot x1 x2 y1 y2----------- -----------------------------------------layout <--> lat_layout 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.15

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 25

r11 <--> 0.00 1.00 0.15 1.00r12 <--> 0.00 1.00 0.58 1.00r22 <--> 0.00 1.00 0.15 0.58r13 <--> beta 0.00 1.00 0.72 1.00r23 <--> dispersion 0.00 1.00 0.43 0.72r33 <--> orbit 0.00 1.00 0.15 0.43r14 <--> 0.00 1.00 0.79 1.00... etc...

The output of the command shows a list of plot “regions” along with what plot (if any) is associatedwith a given region. A plot region is a rectangular box within the plot window into which a plotcan be placed as illustrated in Figure 3. With the present example, there are four regions thathave a plot. For example, The r13 region has a beta plot.

The position of a region within the plotting window is determined by four numbers as shownin Figure 3. x1 and x2 determine the horizontal position with a value of 0.0 corresponding tothe left border edge (which is a distance x1b from the window edge) and 1.0 corresponding tothe right border edge (which is a distance x2b from the window edge). Similarly, the y1 and y2numbers determine the vertical position with 0.0 corresponding to the bottom border edge and1.0 corresponds to the top border edge.

Values for x1, x2, y1, and y2 are given in the right most 4 columns of the output of the show plotcommand. In the present case, for example, the r13 region has x1 = 0 and x2 = 1 so the plotoccupies the full horizontal width of the page. See the Initializing Plotting (§10.12) section ofthe Tao Initialization chapter of the Tao manual for more details.

The place command is used to place a template plot into a plot region. Example:

Plot Window

Region 1

Region 2 x2b




Plot Area





Figure 3: The plot window is divided up into a number of rectangular regions into which a plottemplate can be placed. Regions can overlap but if a plot is placed in a given region, plots in anyother region that overlap are cleared. The border, within which regions are placed, is displacedfrom the edge of the window by distances x1b, x2b, y1b, and y2b.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 26

Tao> place r22 floor_plan

This places a floor_plan plot in the r22 region (the floor_plan plot draws a bird’s eye view of themachine). The result is shown in Figure 2b. Plots associated with regions that overlap the regionthat is used in the place command are erased.

Example place commands:

Tao> place r22 none ! Clear a regionTao> place * none ! Clear all regions

Note: Plots of the same type can be placed in multiple regions. For example, there could bemultiple orbit plots displayed with each plot, say, having differing x-axis scaling.

8.3 Scaling Plots

Plots can be scaled vertically using the scale command:

Tao> scale beta 0 20 ! Set y_min = 0, y_max = 20.Tao> scale r13 0 20 ! Same as above if the beta plot is in the r13 region.Tao> scale beta ! Tao will calculate nice bounds.Tao> scale all ! "all" = all plots.Tao> scale ! Same as "scale all".

The x_scale command can be used to scale the horizontal axis and the xy_scale command canbe used to simultaneously scale the x and y axis (used for floor_plan plots).

Tao> x_scale beta 0.8 1.0 ! Scale horizontal axisTao> xy_scale floor_plan ! Combined scale and x_scale.

8.4 Getting Information on a Plot

To see the parameters associated with a given plot use the command “show plot” with the nameor region of the plot. Example:

Tao> show plot beta ! or "show plot r13" is equivalent.

Plot: betaRegion: r13Visible = TLocation [x1,x2,y1,y2] = .000 1.000 .717 1.000x_axis_type = s... etc...x%draw_label = Tx%draw_numbers = Tautoscale_x = Fautoscale_y = Fautoscale_gang_x = T

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 27

autoscale_gang_y = Tn_curve_pts = -1Graphs:g

The output shows that the beta plot is associated with the region r13. Also the output shows thatthere is one associated graph called “g”. This graph can be referred to as “beta.g” or “r13.g”. Tosee parameters of the beta template plot, use a “T::” prefix. In this case the the command wouldbe “show plot T::beta”.

To display information on a graph use the command show graph. Example:

Tao> show graph beta

Region.Graph: r13.gPlot.Graph: beta.gtype = datatitle = Beta Functiontitle_suffix = [model]component = modelmargin = 0.15 0.06 0.12 0.12 %BOXscale_margin = 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 %GRAPH... etc...y%max = 1.02000000E+01y%min = 4.20000000E+00y%major_div = 3y%major_div_nominal = 4


Here the “show graph beta” command works since there is only one graph associated with thebeta plot. The output shows that the graph has two associated curves called a and b. The acurve can be referred to as “beta.g.a” or r13.g.a” with similar names for the b curve.

To display information on curves use the “show curve” command. using the “-line” option withthis command will display the set of points that are used to draw the curve:

Tao> show curve -line betaRegion.Graph.Curve: r13.g.a

r13.g.bPlot.Graph.Curve: beta.g.a

beta.g.bdata_source = lat... etc...draw_symbol_index = Fsmooth_line_calc = Tline%width = 2line%color = 4 Blueline%pattern = 1 solid

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 28

Figure 4: Example of what can be done with custom plotting.

... etc...

# Smooth line points:# index x-axis a b

1 0.000000E+00 1.000000E+01 1.000000E+012 4.000000E-03 1.000000E+01 1.000000E+013 8.000000E-03 1.000001E+01 1.000001E+014 1.200000E-02 1.000001E+01 1.000001E+01

... etc...

8.5 Changing Plot Parameters

The set command can be used to change plot parameters. The various subcommands that affectplotting are

Set command Corresponding Show cmd Notes-------------- ---------------------- ------set plot show plot Set plot parametersset graph show graph Set graph parametersset curve show curve Set curve parametersset plot_page show plot -plot_page Set global plot parameters.set lat_layout show plot -lat_layout Set lat_layout shapesset floor_plan show plot -floor_plan Set floor_plan shapes

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 29

8.6 Custom Plotting

The default template plots that Tao defines are sufficient for many purposes but at times youmay want to define your own. Custom plotting is out of the scope of this tutorial but the reader isreferred to the section on Initializing Plotting (§10.12) in the Initializing Tao chapter of the Taomanual. Figure 4 shows an example of what can be done.

8.7 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.4]

8.1 Try placing other plot templates onto the plot page, such as b_field.

8.2 Use the set command to set the draw_symbols curve logical for the curves in the beta plotto True. What does the beta plot look like now?

8.3 Start from Figure 2b and enable the drawing of the beam orbit in the floor_plan plot. [Hint:First read the “Drawing a Floor Plan” subsection in the “Initializing Plotting” section of the“Tao Initialization” chapter.] The beam orbit deviates from the reference trajectory throughthe center of the elements due to the non-zero g_err in the bend. To make the trajectoryplot more interesting, give the beam an initial energy offset. [Hint: Either put a parti-cle_start command in the lattice file (see the Bmad manual) or use the set particle_startcommand in Tao.]

8.4 What is the command to scale the x-axis for all the plots with one command? Use this toscale the x-axis for all plots to be the range [0.5, 1.5].

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 30

9 Model, Design and Base Lattices in Tao

When Tao runs, Tao instantiates three lattices (Technically, Tao instantiates three lattices peruniverse. See §10):

Design LatticeThe design lattice corresponds to the lattice read in from the lattice description file(s). Pa-rameters in this lattice are never varied.

Model LatticeInitially, when Tao is started, The model lattice is the same as the design lattice. Parametersin the model lattice are allowed to vary. That is, all commands to vary lattice parametersvary parameters of the model lattice.

Base LatticeThe base lattice is a reference lattice used so that changes in the Model lattice may beeasily viewed. The Design lattice can also be used as a reference lattice but since theparameters of the design lattice are fixed, this is not always desirable. The parameters ofthe base lattice are set by setting the parameters of the base lattice equal to the presentstate of the model lattice.

9.1 Changing Model Parameters

To see the difference between the model and design lattices, start Tao as explained in sec-tion §5.2 with the lattice file simple.bmad.

Now issue the following commands:Tao> place r23 orbitTao> place r13 orbitTao> set plot r33 component = design ! Bottom plotTao> set plot r13 component = model - design ! Plot difference orbitTao> scale

The “set plot <plot_name> component = ...” command sets where the data to be plottedcomes from. The result is shown in Figure 5a. The bottom plot shows the design lattice orbit, themiddle plot shows the model lattice orbit and the top plot shows the difference in orbits betweenmodel and design. Since the two lattices are the same when Tao is started, the difference orbitis zero.

Now change the model lattice using the following commands:Tao> change element b vkick -0.0005 ! Changes by a given deltaTao> set element q hkick = 0.001 ! Another way of changing a parameter.Tao> scale

The change command changes real numbers by a given delta. The set command sets a param-eter to a specific value. Unlike the change command, the set command can also be used withinteger, string and logical parameters. The result is shown in Figure 5b. Since now the modellattice is not the same as the design lattice, the difference orbit is non-zero.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 31

(a) Initially, the model lattice and the design latticesare the same.

(b) The set and change commands will modifymodel lattice parameters.

Figure 5

9.2 Using the Base Lattice

The base lattice is used to view changes when the desired reference lattice does not correspondto the design lattice.

Continuing from the previous section, issue the following commands:

Tao> set lattice base = model ! Set the Base lattice = Model lattice.Tao> set plot r33 component = model - baseTao> set ele q vkick = 5e-4Tao> scale

The set lattice command sets the base lattice equal to the model lattice. The third commandvaries the model lattice. The result is shown in Figure 6. The bottom plot of the orbit differencebetween model and base is not the same as the orbit difference between model and design.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 32

Figure 6: The base lattice is used to view changes when the reference lattice configuration doesnot correspond to the design lattice.

9.3 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.5]

9.1 Modify the middle graph in Fig. 6 so that the vertical orbit curve becomes the horizontalorbit of the design lattice.

9.2 To save on typing, alias commands may be defined. Define an alias command called setitso that typing “setit 1e-6” is equivalent to “set ele q vkick = 1e-6”. Hint: Look in the manualor type “help alias” to get more information on setting and using alias commands. Note: Donot confuse Tao alias commands with the alias string component of a lattice element.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 33

10 Multiple Universes

Tao has a concept called a universe. A universe consists of model, design, and base lattice asexplained in Chapter §9. Tao can be initialized with multiple universes. This can be useful in anumber of situations. For example, the simultaneous analysis of multiple data sets to correct themachine optics as discussed in Chapter §20. Universes are discussed in the Tao manual in thechapter titled “Overall Organization and Structure”.

10.1 Multiple Universe Example

The example files used to illustrate multiple universes are in the directory


Copy these files to your working directory. There are four files here:

tao.init ! Tao i n i t i a l i z a t i o n f i l e .setup.tao ! Command f i l e run a t s t a r t u p .lat1.bmad ! L a t t i c e f i l e f o r un iverse 1 .lat2.bmad ! L a t t i c e f i l e f o r un iverse 2 .

Here the main initialization file is named tao.init. The tao.init file contains a tao_design_latticenamelist which specifies that there will be two universes:

&tao_design_latticen_universes = 2design_lattice(1)%file = "lat1.bmad"design_lattice(2)%file = "lat2.bmad"


The lattice file lat1.bmad will be used for universe 1 and lat2.bmad will be used for universe 2.

The tao.init file also contains a tao_start namelist that specifies the command file to run atstartup:

&tao_startstartup_file = ’setup.tao’


Since “tao.init” is the default name for the main initialization file, and since this file sets the latticefile names, Tao can be started using just the “tao” command without any arguments.

10.2 Using Tao With Multiple Universes

With the example files copied to your working directory, start Tao with the “tao” command. Taostarts up with the default set of orbit, beta, and dispersion plots as shown in Figure 7a. Foreach plot curve, there is an associated universe where the data used to construct the curve isobtained. To see what the associated universe for, say, the horizontal orbit curve is, use the showcurve command:

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 34

(a) Universe number 1 graphs. (b) Universe number 2 graphs

Figure 7: Two Universe Example

Tao> show curve orbitRegion.Graph.Curve: r33.g.x

r33.g.yPlot.Graph.Curve: orbit.g.x

orbit.g.ydata_source = "lat"data_index = ""...ix_bunch = 0ix_universe = -1...

[Note: In this example, since “orbit” is a plot name and not a curve name, the parametersshown are for the first associated curve which is orbit.g.x and which is what is wanted.] Theix_universe index for the curve is set to -1 which indicates that what will be plotted is what iscalled the “default” universe. The default universe is printed in the upper right hand corner ofFigure 7a which shows the default universe to be universe #1. Additionally, the titles above eachgraph in Figure 7a show that all the curves of all the graphs are associated with universe #1.

To print the default universe use the show global command:

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 35

Tao> show globalTao Global parameters [Note: To print optimizer globals use: "show optimizer"]%beam_timer_on = F%bunch_to_plot = 1...

Tao Parameters:Universe index range: = 1 2default_universe: = 1 ! Set using: "set default universe = ..."default_branch: = 0 ! Set using: "set default branch = ..."...

To set the default universe use the command set default universe. In this example, to save ontyping, an alias command called view has been set in the setup.tao file that changes the defaultuniverse and scales all the plots:

alias view set default universe = [[1]]; scale

So using the command

Tao> view 2

will produce Figure 7b.

Besides plotting, the default universe also plays a role when using some Tao commands. Forexample, the show lattice command will show the default universe unless the optional -universeswitch is used override the default. Example:

Tao> show lat -uni 2 ! Show lattice elements from universe 2

Another example is the set element command which sets lattice element parameters. Here the@ prefix can be used to specify the universe

Tao> set ele 2@b g_err = 0.01 ! Apply to elements B in universe 2Tao> set ele *@b g_err = 0.02 ! Apply to all elements B in all universes

10.3 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.6]

10.1 For the beta plot, use the set command to set ix_universe equal to 1 for the a-mode curveand ix_universe equal to 2 for the b-mode curve so that the beta plot will always look thesame independent of the setting of the default universe. Verify this by changing the defaultuniverse.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 36

11 Control Elements

11.1 Overview

Control elements are elements that control the parameters of other elements. There are threetypes of control elements: groups, overlays, and girders. Groups and overlays are convenientto do such things as simulate control room "knobs". For example a power supply that powersa chain of magnets. Girder elements (§11.6) are used for simulating lattice element supportstructures.

Note: Group, overlay, and girder elements are known as “minor lords” since they only controla subset of an element’s attributes. The other type of lord elements, multipass lords (§15) andsuperposition lords (§14) are called “major lords”.

11.2 Example Lattice

The lattice used to illustrate control elements is named control.bmad:

! Lattice File: control.bmadbeginning[beta_a] = 10beginning[beta_b] = 10

parameter[particle] = muonparameter[p0c] = 1e9parameter[geometry] = open

q: quadrupole , l = 1b: sbend, l = 1ll: line = (q, b)use, ll

ov1: overlay = {q[k1]: a+b^2, b[g]: 0.1*a+tan(b)}, var = {a, b}, a = 0.02ov2: overlay = {q[k1]: 0.7, q[x_offset]: 0.1*hh}, var = {hh}, hh = 0.01gr1: group = {b[e1]: 0.4*sqrt(z)}, var = {z}

See the group (§3.22) and overlay (§3.37) sections of the Elements chapter of the Bmad manual.


• The overlay ov1 controls two parameters: The k1 attribute of element q (denoted q[k1])and the g attribute of element b (denoted b[g]).

• Overlay ov1 has two variables called a and b that are used to control the two attributes.

• The formulas that overlay ov1 uses to calculate the values of the two controlled attributesare a+b2 for q[k1] and 0.1*a+tan(b) for b[g].

• Since overlay ov2 also controls q[k1], the value of q[k1] is the sum of the contributions ofov1 and ov2.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 37

• The given "formula" for the control of q[k1] by ov2 is just a constant: 0.7. This is a shorthandnotation and the actual formula used is 0.7*hh. Note: When this shorthand notation isused, only one control variable (in this case hh) may be used by the overlay.

• The initial values for control variables may be set when defining the control element. Forexample, hh of ov2 is set to 0.2. Control variables default to a value of zero.

11.3 Control Element Organization in the Lattice

Start Tao as explained in section §5.2 with the lattice file control.bmad. To see the elements inthe lattice use the show lattice command:

Tao> show lat

Values at End of Element:Index name key s l beta phi ...

a a ...0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 --- 10.00 0.000 ...1 Q Quadrupole 1.000 1.000 9.83 0.101 ...2 B Sbend 2.000 1.000 9.60 0.204 ...3 END Marker 2.000 0.000 9.60 0.204 ...

Lord Elements:4 OV1 Overlay 2.000 --- 9.60 0.204 ...5 OV2 Overlay 1.000 --- 9.83 0.101 ...6 GR1 Group 2.000 --- 9.60 0.204 ...

Index name key s l beta phi ...a a ...

Values at End of Element:

The list of lattice elements is divided up into two sections:

• The "tracking" part of the lattice are the elements to be tracked through. Here the track-ing part of the lattice contains elements with index 1 through 3 (the beginning elementwith index 0 is not tracked through and is present to hold Initial parameters like the Twissparameters).

• The "lord" section of the lattice are where the lord elements reside. Here the lord sectioncontains elements with index 4 through 6.

• Group and overlay elements get assigned a longitudinal s-position based upon the s-position of the first slave element. This does not affect any calculations and is done sinceit can be useful information when using the show lat and other show commands.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 38

11.4 Overlay Control

To see how things are controlled, use the show element command. Examining lord ov1 shows:

Tao> show ele 4 ! Or: show ele ov1

Element # 4Element Name: OV1Key: Overlay... etc...Slave_status: FreeLord_status: Overlay_LordControl Variables:

1 A = 2.0000000E-022 B = 0.0000000E+00

Slaves: [Attrib_Val = Expression_Val summed over all controlling overlays.]Index Ele_Name Attribute Attrib_Value Expression_Val Expression

1 Q K1 2.7000E-02 2.0000E-02 a+b^22 B G 2.0000E-03 2.0000E-03 0.1*a+tan(b)

... etc...

• All lattice elements have a slave_status which shows what type of slave the element is anda lord_status which shows what type of lord the element is. overlay elements automaticallyhave a lord_status of overlay_lord. In this case, ov1 has a slave_status of free since thereare no other lord elements that control parameters of ov1. In general, overlay and grouplords may control parameters of other lords as well as non-lords.

• When an element parameter is controlled by one or more overlays, the value of that elementparameter is the sum of the values for each overlay. Thus in the above example, thecontribution to q[k1] due to overlay ov1 is 0.02 (= a+ b2) as shown in the “Expression_Val”column above. There is also a contribution of 0.007 (= 0.7 · hh) due to overlay ov2 makingthe value of q[k1] equal to 0.027 as shown in the “Attrib_Value” column above.

Examining the q slave element shows that indeed the k1 attribute has a value of 0.027:

Tao> show ele qElement # 1Element Name: Q

... etc...1 L = 1.0000000E+00 m4 K1 = 2.7000000E-02 1/m^2

... etc...Slave_status: Minor_SlaveController Lord(s):Index Name Attribute Lord_Type Expression

4 OV1 K1 Overlay a+b^25 OV2 K1 Overlay 0.7*hh5 OV2 X_OFFSET Overlay 0.1*hh

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 39

Lord_status: Not_a_Lord... etc...

The slave_status of element q is set to minor_slave to show that it is controlled by one ormore minor lords. The lord_status of q is not_a_lord indicating that it does not control any-thing (“tracking elements”, that is elements in the tracking part of the lattice, never control otherelements).

Since the value of an attribute that is controlled by overlays depends directly on the overlayvariable values, the attribute may not be directly changed. For example, trying to change q[k1]directly will result in an error:

Tao> set ele q k1 = 0.02[ERROR | 2017-AUG-26 13:29:26] attribute_free:


11.5 Group Control

Overlay elements use what is called “absolute” control since the value of a controlled parameteris determined directly by the settings of the overlay variables that the controlled parameter isslaved to. On the other hand, group elements use what is called “relative” control which isdifferent from absolute control in two respects:

• Only changes in group variable values affect controlled parameters.

• With group control, a controlled parameter may be varied directly.

Looking at an example will make this clear. Starting from the control.bmad lattice, consider theeffect of changing the z variable of the group gr1 to 0.01.

Tao> set ele gr1 z = 0.01

Tao> show ele gr1Element # 6Element Name: GR1Key: Group

... etc...

Slave_status: FreeLord_status: Group_LordControl Variables:

1 Z = 1.0000000E-02 OLD_Z = 1.0000000E-02Slaves:Index Ele_Name Attribute Attrib_Value Expression_Val Expression

2 B K1 4.0000E-02 4.0000E-02 0.4*sqrt(z)

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 40

For group elements, Bmad keeps track of what is called the “old” value of a variable. The nameof the old value is the variable name with a “old_” prefix. In this case the old value of z is giventhe name “old_z”. Before the set ele gr1 command was executed, the value of z and old_z iszero. When the above set ele gr1 command is executed, the value of z becomes 0.01. Bmaddetects that z and old_z are different and updates b[k1] using the following procedure:

1. Evaluates the formula for b[k1] using z and old_z and takes the difference. In this case thedifference is 0.4*sqrt(z) - 0.4*sqrt(old_z) = 0.04

2. Changes the value of b[k1] by the difference (0.04). Since the old value of b[k1] was zero.The new value of b[k1] is 0.04.

3. Sets the value of old_z equal to z.

Now consider the effect of the following commands:

Tao> reinit taoTao> set ele gr1 z = 0.01Tao> set ele b k1 = 0.02Tao> set ele gr1 z = 0.04

The result is:

Tao> show ele gr1... etc...Control Variables:

1 Z = 4.0000000E-02 OLD_Z = 4.0000000E-02Slaves:Index Ele_Name Attribute Attrib_Value Expression_Val Expression

2 B K1 6.0000E-02 8.0000E-02 0.4*sqrt(z)

1. The “reinit tao” command resets Tao to its initial state.

2. The “set ele gr1 z = 0.01” command acts as explained above.

3. The “set ele b” command sets the value of b[k1] to 0.02. This is independent of the stateof element gr1.

4. The “set ele gr1 z = 0.04” command sets the value of gr1[z] to 0.04 which causes thevalue of b[k1] to increase by 0.04 (= 0.08 - 0.04) from 0.02 to a value of 0.06.

What is a group element useful for? Example: Consider the situation where you want to controlthe chromaticity (change in tune with particle energy) of a ring by varying sextupole strengths. Tochange the chromaticity by 1 unit you want to change the sextupole strengths by some amountthat you compute. Here you don’t care about the value of the sextupole strengths per se, youonly want to vary the sextupole strengths by a certain delta. So the sextupole “knob” can besimulated using a group controller which may look like:

raw_xqune_1 : group ={SEX_08W:-.6415E-03*k2,...}, var = {k2}

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 41

Note: In this case, since the parameter to be controlled for the sex_08w element was not speci-fied, the parameter is taken to be the same as the variable of the controller. k2 in this case.


• Group and overlay elements can control other group and overlay elements.

• A given element parameter may only be controlled by a set of group elements or a set ofoverlay elements but may not be controlled by both group and overlay elements since thiswould create an ambiguous situation as to how to evaluate the parameter.

11.6 Girders

A third type of controller is the girder element which can be used to simulate support structureslike an I-beam that supports a number of magnets or an optical table supporting an optical setup.This is discussed further in Section §12.5. Also see the Bmad manual for more details.

11.7 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.7]

11.1 The function that a controller uses to control a slave attribute may be specified using anarithmetical expression as in the above examples, or may be specified by a list of “knot”points with spline interpolation used to evaluate the function in between points. As anexercise, setup a controller that uses knot points that mimics the action of ov2 at least oversome limited interval. Hint: Look at the documentation for overlay or group elements in theelements chapter of the Bmad manual.

11.2 Group controllers are good for varying the longitudinal position of elements. Starting withthe file simple.bmad add a group controller that varies the s-position of the upstream edgeof element B while keeping the length of the entire lattice constant (hint: The lengths ofboth B and D must change in tandem). This situation occurs frequently enough that thereis a shortcut attribute called start_edge that can be used instead of directly varying thelengths of elements. See the documentation on group elements (§3.22) in the Elementschapter of the Bmad manual for more details.

11.3 Modify the lattice file simple.bmad to include a girder element supporting elements B andQ. Use the show ele command to verify that indeed the girder is supporting these twoelements.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 42

12 Machine Coordinates and Patch Elements

12.1 Coordinate Systems

As explained in the Coordinates chapter of the Bmad manual, bmad uses three coordinate sys-tems to describe the positioning of lattice elements as shown in Figure 8:

Global CoordinatesThe (X, Y, Z) global (also called floor) coordinate system (notice that capital letters areused) is independent of the accelerator machine and is "attached" to the building the ac-celerator is in. Typically, the Y-axis is taken to be pointing vertically up and (X, Z) is thehorizontal plane.

Local CoordinatesThe global coordinate system is not convenient for describing where particles are as theymove through the lattice. For this, shown in red, there is the local (also called labora-tory, also called reference) curvilinear coordinate system. Laboratory coordinates are alsoused to describe the nominal (that is, without any “misalignments”) position of the latticeelements. The laboratory coordinates start with a curved line often called the “referencetrajectory”. The distance along the reference trajectory is denoted by s. At each pointalong the reference trajectory, there is a Cartesian (x, y, z) coordinate system with the ori-gin at the reference trajectory point. The z-axis is always tangent to the reference trajectoryand the x and y-axes always transverse to the reference trajectory.

Element Body CoordinatesElements can be shifted ("misaligned") from their nominal position. To describe thingslike electric and magnetic fields or apertures (which can depend upon the elements actualposition), element body coordinates are used. The element body coordinates are thecoordinates attached to the physical element. Without any "misalignments", the elementcoordinates correspond to the laboratory coordinates.





Global (”floor”) coordinates

Local coordinate systema.k.a. The laboratory coordsa.k.a. The reference orbit



Nominal elementposition

Element bodycoordinates

Actual elementposition




Figure 8: The three coordinate systems used to describe lattice element positioning: Global,reference, and element body coordinates.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 43









A) Straight B) Bend




C) Patch & Floor_Shifty


Figure 9: Lattice element geometry types: Straight, bend, and patch. All elements have anentrance coordinate system and an exit coordinate system.

12.2 Element Geometry Types

All lattice elements have an “entrance” end and an “exit” end. Normally a particle will enter theelement at the entrance end and exit at the exit end but it is possible to simulate particles goingbackwards or have lattice elements that are reversed longitudinally.

Lattice elements in Bmad have one of four geometry types. Three of them will be discussed hereand are shown in Figure 9. [The fourth geometry type, used for X-ray simulations, is used withmirror, multilayer_mirror, and crystal elements.] These three types are called straight, bendand patch based upon how the (x, y, z) laboratory coordinates transform as a function of thelongitudinal s position from the entrance end of the element to the exit end.

Straight GeometryThe straight geometry shown in Figure 9A is used with elements like drifts and quadrupoles.The orientation of the (x, y, z) coordinates is independent of s and the reference trajectoryis a straight line so that the z-axis at the exit end is co-linear with the entrance z-axis.

Bend GeometryThe bend geometry shown in Figure 9B is used with sbend and rbend dipole elements.With this geometry, the reference trajectory is a semi-circle. The (x, y, z) coordinates rotateabout an axis which is perpendicular to the z-axis. The default is to have the rotation axisparallel to the y-axis which keeps the orientation of the y-axis independent of s.

Patch GeometryThe patch geometry shown in Figure 9C is used with patch and floor_shift elements. Withthe patch geometry, the exit coordinates can be arbitrarily positioned with respect to theentrance coordinates. See section §12.6. The reference trajectory within the patch regionis undefined since there is no good way to define it.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 44









Figure 10: The local coordinate system is constructed by taking the ordered list of lattice ele-ments and connecting the exit frame of one element to the entrance frame of the next.

12.3 Local Coordinate System Construction

The local coordinate system is constructed by taking the ordered list of lattice elements andconnecting the (x, y, z) exit frame of one element to the (x, y, z) entrance frame of the next (justlike LEGO blocks). Given a line constructed as:

lat: line = (A, B, C)

The result could look as shown in Figure 10. The reference trajectory is shown in red.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 45











Projection of thez-axis on the X-Z plane

Global Frame


Figure 11: The global coordinate system.

12.4 Laboratory Coordinates Relative to Global Coordinates

For any given s-position on the reference orbit, the local coordinate system is described withrespect to the global coordinate system by 6 parameters as shown in Figure 11:

• (X, Y, Z) global position

• θ azimuth angle in the (X, Z) plane.

• φ elevation angle

• ψ roll angle.


• The default is for the beginning of the lattice (s = 0) is to have the local (x, y, z) coordinatesystem aligned with the global (X, Y, Z) coordinate system with θ, φ and ψ all being zero.

• For a machine that lies in the horizontal plane, the φ(s) and ψ(s) angles are zero for all s.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 46





(a) Effect of x_offset and x_pitch on a straight line element




(b) Effect of a tilt on a straight lineelement.

Figure 12

12.5 Element Misalignments

Once the reference coordinate system is established, the position of any physical element canbe shifted (“misaligned”). [Note: Patch and floor_shift elements cannot be misaligned.] Forstraight elements, the element attributes that determine any misalignment are:

x_offset, y_offset, z_offsetThe x_offset, y_offset, and z_offset attributes offset the element in the x, y, and z direc-tions respectively. See Figure 12a.

x_pitch, y_pitchThe x_pitch and y_pitch attributes rotate the element. A x_pitch of π/2 would rotatethe element around the +y-axis so that the body +z-axis is aligned with the local +x-axis.Similarly, a y_pitch of π/2 would rotate the element around the -x-axis so that the body+z-axis is aligned with the local +y-axis. See Figure 12a.

tiltA tilt rotates the element around the +z-axis as shown in Figure 12b

Note: The above only applies to straight elements. Patch like elements are explained below. Fora discussion of misalignments for bend type elements see the Bmad manual.


! Lattice File: misalign.bmadbeginning[beta_a] = 10. ! m a-mode beta functionbeginning[beta_b] = 10. ! m b-mode beta functionbeginning[e_tot] = 10e6 ! eVparameter[geometry] = open ! or closedq: quadrupole , L = 1, x_offset = 0.1, x_pitch = 0.04

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 47

lat: line = (q) ! List of lattice elementsuse, lat ! Line used to construct the lattice

Start Tao as explained in section §5.2 with the lattice file misalign.bmad. The misalignment canbe viewed using the -floor option with the show element command:

Tao> show ele q -floor

Element # 1Element Name: Q... etc...

Attribute values [Only non-zero/non-default values shown]:1 L = 1.0000E+00 m13 SPIN_FRINGE_ON = T (1)31 L_HARD_EDGE = 1.0000E+00 m34 X_PITCH = 4.0000E-02 55 X_PITCH_TOT = 4.0000E-0236 X_OFFSET = 1.0000E-01 m 57 X_OFFSET_TOT = 1.0000E-01 m

... etc...

Global Floor Coords at End of Element:X Y Z Theta

Reference 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 ... ! Without misalignmentsActual 0.11999 0.00000 0.99960 0.04000 ... ! With misalignments... etc...

In the “Global Floor Coords” section, the Reference row shows the nominal position of the exitend of the element without misalignments. [Due to space constraints the phi and psi columnsare not shown. They are zero in this case.] The Actual row shows the position of the physicalelement at the exit end.

Associated with each misalignment attribute there is a corresponding attribute with a “_tot” suf-fix. The difference is that an attribute like x_offset is the misalignment with respect to any girder(§11.6) that may be supporting it while the corresponding x_offset_tot is the total misalign-ment of the lattice element with respect to the element’s nominal position. Another differenceis that misalignments attributes are set by the user while the corresponding _tot attributes arecalculated by Bmad. If there is no girder support, the _tot attributes will be the same as themisalignment attributes as it is in this case so x_pitch is equal to x_pitch_tot, etc.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 48





(x_offset, y_offset, z_offset)

x x_pitch

(a) The body coordinates at the exit end of a patchis set by the element attributes x_offset, y_offset,z_offset, x_pitch, y_pitch, and tilt.

(b) Lattice with a patch element. The patch ele-ment is the coordinates patch element in a lattice.[Note: The default is not to draw patch elements ina floor_plan plot.]

Figure 13

12.6 Patch Elements

Patch elements are used to shift the reference orbit. As a consequence, the nominal placementsof all elements downstream of the patch are affected. This is useful in simulating things likeinjection or extraction lines where the patch is used to reorient the reference orbit so that itfollows the injection or extraction line.

For patch elements the same six parameters that are used to misalign straight line elementsare, for a patch, used to set the placement of the exit frame relative to the entrance frame. Thetransformation from entrance coordinates to exit coordinate is:

1. Initially the exit coordinates coincide with the entrance coordinates.

2. The origin of the exit coordinates is translated by (x_offset, y_offset, z_offset)

3. The x_pitch and y_pitch rotations (in radians) are applied. The x_pitch rotation rotatesthe +z axis towards the +x axis (rotation around the +y axis). The y_pitch rotation rotatesthe +z axis towards the +y axis (rotation around the -x axis).

4. The tilt rotation (in radians) rotates the exit coordinates around the exit coordinate’s +zaxis.

This transformation is illustrated in Figure 13a. The transformation from patch entrance to exitcoordinates is the same transformation from laboratory coordinates at the center of a straightelement to the element body coordinates at the center of the misaligned element.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 49


! Lattice File: patch.bmadbeginning[beta_a] = 10. ! m a-mode beta functionbeginning[beta_b] = 10. ! m b-mode beta functionbeginning[e_tot] = 10e6 ! eVparameter[geometry] = open ! or closed

b: sbend, L = 0.5, g = 1 ! g = 1 / bending_radiusp: patch, z_offset = 1, x_pitch = pi/4q: quadrupole , L = 0.6, k1 = 0.23

lat: line = (b, p, q) ! List of lattice elementsuse, lat ! Line used to construct the lattice

Start Tao as explained in section §5.2 with the lattice file patch.bmad. Create a floor_plan withthe command place r11 floor. The result is shown in Figure 13b except that, by default, Taodoes not draw a patch element so, in the figure, the patch has been drawn in by hand. Theglobal coordinates of the nominal positions of the elements can be seen by using the show lat-floor command:

Tao> show lat -floor

Values at End of Element:Ix name key s X Y Z Theta ...0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ...1 B Sbend 0.500 -0.1224 0.0000 0.4794 -0.5000 ...2 P Patch 1.207 -0.6018 0.0000 1.3570 0.2854 ...3 Q Quadrupole 1.807 -0.4329 0.0000 1.9327 0.2854 ...4 END Marker 1.807 -0.4329 0.0000 1.9327 0.2854 ...

A patch represents a field free space so a particle traveling through a patch propagate as ina drift. The difference is that in a patch there is a coordinate transformation from entrancecoordinates to exit coordinates.

12.7 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.8]

12.1 Modify the lattice file simple.bmad to include a girder element supporting elements B andQ. Misalign the girder and verify that a supported element will have _tot attributes differentfrom the misalignment attributes.

12.2 Create a lattice with elements drift, followed by a mirror, followed by a drift. Give themirror a finite graze_angle and verify that the laboratory coordinate after the mirror arerotated by twice the graze_angle with respect to the coordinates before the mirror so thata photon traveling on the zero-orbit before the mirror will stay on the zero-orbit after themirror.

12.3 Using lattice simple.bmad, calculate by hand the floor coordinates at the exit end of elementQ and compare this with the coordinates as calculated by Bmad.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 50

13 Particle Phase Space Coordinates

The previous chapter showed how to describe the placement of lattice elements. This chaptercovers how to describe particle trajectories.

13.1 Particle Phase Space Coordinates

Figure 14a shows the reference orbit. As explained in the previous chapter, the reference co-ordinates (x, y, z) associated with a given point a distance s along the reference point has thecoordinate origin at the given point and the z-axis tangent to the reference orbit.

A particle being simulated has its own trajectory as shown in the figure. Given a particle at somepoint on its trajectory (blue dot in Figure 14a), there is a point at position s on the reference orbitsuch that the z coordinate of the particle is zero in the (x, y, z) coordinate frame associated withthe reference orbit point.

With this, the particle’s position and momentum P can be described using the coordinates:

(x(s), y(s), Px(s), Py(s), Pz(s), t(s))

where t(s) is the time that the particle is at the given point. From now on, to simplify the notation,the s dependence will be dropped.

For tracking purposes, canonical phase space coordinates are used with the convention thatupper case P denotes (unnormalized) momentum (Figure 14b) and lower case p denotes phasespace momentum. The phase space coordinates are denoted

(x, px, y, py, z, pz)


px = Px / P0



Center ofCurvature




|g| = 1/ρ

s = 0



(a) Particle coordinate positions are relative to thereference orbit.







(b) Particle phase space.

Figure 14

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 51

(a) Initial orbit. (b) Orbit after adjusting the starting px phase spacecoordinate.

Figure 15

py = Py / P0pz = (P − P0) / P0z = c ∗ β ∗ ( t _ r e f − t )


• P0 is the reference momentum. See section §13.3.

• c * β is the velocity of the particle,

• t_ref(s) is the time the reference particle reaches the point s. The reference particle is afictitious particle that can be imagined to be traveling on the reference orbit. Frequently,this reference particle is thought of as describing the center of a bunch of particles.


• Do not confuse the canonical z coordinate with the z coordinate of the particle in the (x, y, z)coordinate frame. By construction, The latter is always zero.

• For a bunch of particles at a given s position, in general, the particles will have differingtime t.

• If the reference particle has the same β value as a particle, canonical z will be the longitu-dinal distance the particle is with respect to the reference particle. Positive z indicates thatthe particle is in front of the reference particle and vice versa.

13.2 Example

Example lattice:

! Lattice File: orbit.bmadbeginning[beta_a] = 10. ! m a-mode beta functionbeginning[beta_b] = 10. ! m b-mode beta function

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 52

beginning[e_tot] = 10e6 ! eVparameter[geometry] = open ! or closedbmad_com[spin_tracking_on] = T

particle_start[y] = 0.01particle_start[px] = 0.06particle_start[pz] = -0.2particle_start[spin_x] = 1

b: sbend, L = 0.5, g = 1 ! g = 1 / bending_radiusq: quadrupole , L = 0.6, k1 = 10

lat: line = (b, q) ! List of lattice elementsuse, lat ! Line used to construct the lattice

Start Tao as explained in section §5.2 with the lattice file orbit.bmad. Here spin tracking is turnedon (bmad_com[spin_tracking_on] = T) and a non-zero initial orbit is set using particle_startparameters. The resulting orbit is shown in Figure 15a.

The initial phase space coordinates can now be varied using the change or set commands. Forexample:

Tao> change particle_start px 0.04Old New Old-Design New-Design Delta

0.060000 0.100000 0.000000 0.040000 0.040000

The result is shown in Figure 15b.

View Orbits with show lattice command

Tao> show lat -spin -orbitValues at End of Element:

Index name key ... orbit ... spin... x ... x

0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele ... 0.000000E+00 ... 0.000000E+001 B Sbend ... 5.027722E-03 ... -1.414516E-012 Q Quadrupole ... -1.599068E-02 ... -7.350543E-023 END Marker ... -1.599068E-02 ... -7.350543E-02

or the show element command

Tao> show ele 1Element # 1Element Name: B... etc...

Orbit: Positron State: AlivePosition[mm] Momentum[mrad] Spin |

X: 5.02772161 -44.34051580 -0.14145163 | Particle [sec]: ...Y: 9.52710654 -1.27804602 -0.00171549 | Part-Ref [sec]: ...Z: -4.78648430 -200.00000000 0.98994368 | (Ref-Part)*Vel [m]: ...

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 53

13.3 Reference Energy and the Lcavity and RFcavity Elements

Every lattice element has a reference particle, a reference energy called E_tot, and a referencemomentum named p0c (in eV). The three are interrelated so knowing the reference particle andeither the reference momentum or energy, the third quantity can be calculated. The referencemomentum is used for normalization of the phase space momentum (§13.1) as well as normal-ized strength parameters. For example, for a quadrupole element, the b1_gradient parameter(units: Tesla/m) can be used to specify the linear field gradient and the k1 parameter (units:1/m2) is the normalized field gradient normalized using the value of the reference momentumas discussed in the “Magnetostatic Multipole Fields” section of the “Electromagnetic Fields”chapter of the Bmad manual.

For lattices with an open geometry (§16), the reference energy/momentum at the beginning ofthe lattice is what is set in the lattice file. The reference energy/momentum for a downsteamelement inherits the reference energy/momentum of the element just upstream. The exceptionis for Lcavity elements, which represent an RF cavity, where the reference energy/momentumat the exit end of the lcavity is set so that a particle entering the cavity with zero phase spacecoordinates leaves with zero phase space coordinates and in particular phase space pz willbe zero at the exit end. Lcavity elements also have p0c_start and E_tot_start parametersthat are set to the reference energy of the upstream element. Notice that with rfcavity elements,which also represent an RF cavity, the reference energy/momentum is the same as the upstreamelement. Example:

! Lattice File: cavity.bmadbeginning[beta_a] = 10. ! m a-mode beta functionbeginning[beta_b] = 10. ! m b-mode beta functionbeginning[p0c] = 1e8 ! eV

parameter[geometry] = open ! or closedparameter[particle] = He+

q1: quad, l = 0.1, k1 = 0.14q2: quad, l = 0.1, b1_gradient = parameter[p0c] * q1[k1] / c_lightlc: lcavity, l = 1, voltage = 10e8, rf_frequency = 1e9rf: rfcavity , l = 1, voltage = 10e8, phi0 = 0.25

lat: line = (q1, q2, lc, q1, q2, rf)use, lat


• For a lcavity phi0 = 0 corresponds to peak acceleration.

• For an rfcavity phi0 = 0.25 corresponds to peak acceleration.

Start Tao as explained in section §5.2 with the lattice file cavity.bmad. Examining the lcavityelement shows:

> tao -lat cavity.bmad

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 54

Tao> show ele 3Element # 3Element Name: LCKey: Lcavity... etc...51 P0C_START = 1.000000E+08 eV BETA_START = 0.0268115152 E_TOT_START = 3.729740E+09 eV DELTA_E = 1.000000E+09 eV53 P0C = 2.910237E+09 eV BETA = 0.6153058854 E_TOT = 4.729740E+09 eV GAMMA = 1.268571E+00

... etc...Orbit: He+ State: Alive

Position[mm] Momentum[mrad] Spin |X: 0.00000000 0.00000000 | Particle [sec]: ...Y: 0.00000000 0.00000000 | Part-Ref [sec]: ...Z: -0.00000000 0.00000000 | (Ref-Part)*Vel [m]: ...

The reference energy at the start of the element, E_tot_start, is not the same as the referenceenergy at the end of the element E_tot. The particle orbit, which started out with zero phasespace coordinates (there were no particle_start statements to give a non-zero starting orbit),still has zero phase space coordinates at the end of the lcavity element.

Compare this to the rfcavity element:

Tao> show ele 6Element # 6Element Name: RFKey: RFcavity... etc...53 P0C = 2.9102374E+09 eV BETA = 0.61530588354 E_TOT = 4.7297409E+09 eV GAMMA = 1.2685712E+00

... etc...Orbit: He+ State: Alive

Position[mm] Momentum[mrad] Spin |X: 0.00000000 0.00000000 | Particle [sec]: ...Y: 0.00000000 0.00000000 | Part-Ref [sec]: ...Z: 140.37425587 494.97867675 | (Ref-Part)*Vel [m]: ...

Here there is no E_tot_start parameter since the ending reference energy is always equal tothe starting one. Here, the pz coordinate at the end of the element is nonzero.

13.4 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.9]

13.1 Modify the lcavity in the cavity.bmad to have a small length (so the transit time is small),and set the beginning momentum small enough so the relativistic beta is significantly thanone. Starting the particle with a finite z, calculate the ending z after the cavity and veritythat the cange in z is consistent with the equation for z given in §13.1.

13.2 Lcavity elements have an attribute phi0_err which varies the RF phase that a particle seesbut does not change the reference energy. Add a finite phi0_err to the cavity element and

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 55

verify that the reference energy does not change but that the phase space pz of the particle(which is the normalized momentum deviation from the reference §13.1) does change.With the cavity.bmad lattice, there is a range of values for phi0_err where the cavity willdecellerate the particle enough so that the particle will turn around and not make it throughthe cavity. Approximately what is this range?

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 56

14 Superposition

Superposition is used when elements overlap spatially. In such a case, Bmad creates “slave”elements that will be tracked through and “lord” elements that represent the individual elements.Some examples will make this clear. Note: Superposition is discussed in the “Superposition andMultipass” chapter in the Bmad manual.

14.1 Example 1

Superposition works by defining a line as done in any lattice file and then defining an elementthat will be “superimposed” on top of the line. To superimpose an element you need to specifywhere the element is placed. To do this, a reference position is specified and the superimposedelement is placed at that position shifted by a specified offset as illustrated in Figure 16. Thelattice file superimpose1.bmad illustrates how superposition is done.

! Lattice File: superimpose1.bmad

beginning[beta_a] = 10. ! m a-mode beta functionbeginning[beta_b] = 10. ! m b-mode beta functionbeginning[e_tot] = 10e6 ! eV Or can set p0cparameter[geometry] = open ! or closed

q: quadrupole , L = 1, k1 = 0.2d: drift, L = 1

m1: marker, superimpose , ref = q, ref_origin = beginning , offset = 0.3m2: marker, superimpose , ref = q, ref_origin = end, offset = 0.4

lat: line = (q, d) ! List of lattice elementsuse, lat ! Line used to construct the lattice


Reference element Superimposed





Figure 16: The placement of superimposed elements is determined by an offset from a referenceelement.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 57

Here two marker elements named m1 and m2 are superimposed on the lattice. The offsets form1 and m2 are 0.3 meters and 0.4 meters respectively. The reference position is determined bythe reference element, which is specified by the ref attribute, and the ref_origin attribute whichspecifies where on the reference element the reference position is. In this example, the referencepoint for m1 is the beginning (upstream) end of element q and the reference point for m2 is the(downstream) end of element q. The element origin is similarly defined using the ele_originattribute. In this case, since marker elements have zero length, the setting of ele_origin isimmaterial.

Start Tao as explained in section §5.2 with the lattice file superimpose1.bmad. The lattice lookslike:

Tao> show latValues at End of Element:

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 --- 10.00 0.000 0.00 ...1 Q#1 Quadrupole 0.300 0.300 9.83 0.030 0.00 ...2 M1 Marker 0.300 0.000 9.83 0.030 0.00 ...3 Q#2 Quadrupole 1.000 0.700 8.22 0.107 0.00 ...4 D#1 Drift 1.400 0.400 6.97 0.160 0.00 ...5 M2 Marker 1.400 0.000 6.97 0.160 0.00 ...6 D#2 Drift 2.000 0.600 5.37 0.258 0.00 ...7 END Marker 2.000 0.000 5.37 0.258 0.00 ...

Lord Elements:8 Q Quadrupole 1.000 1.000 8.22 0.107 0.00 ...

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

Values at End of Element:

The quadrupole Q has been split by marker M1 and so has become a super_lord element:

Tao> show ele Q

Element # 8Element Name: QKey: Quadrupole... etc...

Slave_status: FreeLord_status: Super_LordSlaves:Index Name Type

1 Q#1 Quadrupole3 Q#2 Quadrupole

The two super_slaves of Q, elements Q#1 and Q#2, will be used when tracking a particlethrough the lattice.

If parameters of element Q are modified, Bmad bookkeeping routines will automatically updatethe super_slaves. Thus if the k1 attribute of Q is modified:

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 58

Tao> change ele Q k1 0.11Old New Old-Design New-Design Delta

0.200000 0.310000 0.110000 0.110000 0.110000 Q

The change will be reflected in the slave elements:

Tao> show ele 1Element # 1Element Name: Q#1Key: Quadrupole

Attribute values [Only non-zero/non-default values shown]:1 L = 3.0000000E-01 m4 K1 = 3.1000000E-01 1/m^2

... etc...

Slave_status: Super_SlaveAssociated Super_Lord(s):Index Name Type

8 Q QuadrupoleLord_status: Not_a_Lord

Parameter values of the super_slave elements are determined by the super_lord and may notbe directly set:

Tao> change ele Q#1 k1 0.01

[ERROR | 2017-AUG-28 22:38:36] tao_change_ele:ATTRIBUTE NOT FREE TO VARY. NOTHING DONE


• The default value for ref_origin and ele_origin, if not present, is center — the center of theelement.

• The default reference element if ref is not present is the zero length beginning element atthe beginning of the lattice.

• With closed lattices (§16), a superimposed element may "wrap" around so that part of thesuperimposed element is at the end of the lattice and part of the element is at the beginningof the lattice. See the example in Section §16.

• No super_lord element is made when a drift element is split. Thus in the above example,there is no D super_lord and the two elements D#1 and D#1 are not super_slaves. Driftsare the only type of element where, if split, a super_lord element is not created. This isdone to simplify the lattice. If you don’t want this behavior, use a pipe in place of a drift.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 59

14.2 Example 2

The second superposition example involves superposition of an element with finite length:

! Lattice File: superimpose2.bmadbeginning[beta_a] = 10. ! m a-mode beta functionbeginning[beta_b] = 10. ! m b-mode beta functionbeginning[e_tot] = 10e6 ! eV Or can set p0cparameter[geometry] = open ! or closed

Q: quad, l = 4D: drift, l = 12S: solenoid, l = 8, superimpose , ref = Q, ele_origin = beginningM: marker, superimpose , ref = S, offset = 1

lat: line = (Q, D)use, lat

The superimposes a solenoid on top of a quadrupole and a drift. Start Tao as explained insection §5.2 with the lattice file superimpose2.bmad.

Tao> show latValues at End of Element:

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 --- 10.00 0.000 0.00 ...1 Q#1 Quadrupole 2.000 2.000 10.40 0.197 0.00 ...2 Q\S Sol_Quad 4.000 2.000 11.60 0.381 0.00 ...3 S#1 Solenoid 7.000 3.000 14.90 0.611 0.00 ...4 M Marker 7.000 0.000 14.90 0.611 0.00 ...5 S#2 Solenoid 10.000 3.000 20.00 0.785 0.00 ...6 D#1 Drift 16.000 6.000 35.60 1.012 0.00 ...7 END Marker 16.000 0.000 35.60 1.012 0.00 ...

Lord Elements:8 Q Quadrupole 4.000 4.000 11.60 0.381 0.00 ...9 S Solenoid 10.000 8.000 20.00 0.785 0.00 ...

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

Values at End of Element:

The Q\S super_slave element has both quadrupole Q and solenoid S elements as super_lords.This makes Q\S a sol_quad or combination solenoid and quadruple element.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 60

Tao> show ele q\sElement # 2Element Name: Q\SKey: Sol_Quad... etc...

Slave_status: Super_SlaveAssociated Super_Lord(s):Index Name Type

8 Q Quadrupole9 S Solenoid

Lord_status: Not_a_Lord


• This superposition works since Bmad has a sol_quad element which is a combinationsolenoid/quadrupole. On the other hand, Bmad does not have a combination quadrupole/-sextupole element. When a quadrupole is superimpose with a sextupole the result is anem_field element and the tracking method (§18) is switched to runge_kutta.

• Jumbo superposition can be used to superimpose elements whose combination cannotbe represented by a corresponding Bmad element. The drawback in this case is that theparticle tracking through this element must be done via a Runge-Kutta or similar trackingmethod. (§18). See the Bmad manual for more details.

14.3 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.10]

14.1 Create a lattice with a sextupole superimpsed in the middle of a quadrupole. Make thelength of the sextupole shorter than the length of the quadrupole. Make a second latticesimilar to the first but this time use jumbo superposition. Compare both lattices.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 61

15 Multipass

Some lattices have the beam recirculating through the same element multiple times. For exam-ple, an Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) will circulate the beam back through the LINAC part toretrieve the energy in the beam. In Bmad, this situation can be simulated using the concept ofmultipass. Another situation where multipass is useful is for modeling the interaction region in acolliding beam machine. In the Bmad manual multipass is discussed in the “Superposition andMultipass” chapter.

15.1 What is Multipass and What is it Good For?

Consider the following lattice:

A: quadrupolell: line = (A, A)use, ll

The lattice has two quadrupoles both called A. These two elements, even though they have thesame name, are independent:

Tao> change ele 1 k1 0.01 ! Can modify first A element.Tao> change ele A##2 k1 0.02 ! And can modify second A ele independently.

Now consider an ERL. With an ERL, the beam will go through the linac section multiple times.An ERL lattice might look like:

linac: line = (...)arc: line = (...)dump: line = (..)erl_line: line = (injector , linac, arc, linac, dump)

Here you don’t want the elements of the fist linac in erl_line to be treated as separate from thesecond linac in erl_line since they represent the same set of physical elements. This is wheremultipass comes in. Multipass is used to describe the situation where multiple elements to betracked through are actually the same physical element and you want that fact to be enforcedwhen element parameters are varied.

In this case, the solution is to mark the linac line as multipass to tell Bmad that the first instanceof linac in erl_line contains the same physical elements as the second instance of linac:

linac: line[multipass] = (...)

With a multipass line, Bmad will setup appropriate multipass lords and multipass slaves to con-nect together all elements which represent the same physical element.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 62

15.2 Example

! Lattice File: multipass.bmad

beginning[beta_a] = 100. ! m a-mode beta functionbeginning[beta_b] = 100. ! m b-mode beta functionbeginning[p0c] = 10e6 ! eVparameter[geometry] = open ! or closed

cavity: lcavity, l = 1, voltage = 10e6

linac: line[multipass] = (cavity)erl: line = (linac, linac)use, erl

expand_latticecavity\2[phi0_multipass] = 0.5

Start Tao as explained in section §5.2 with the lattice file multipass.bmad. The lattice looks like:

Tao> show latValues at End of Element:

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 --- 100.00 0.000 0.00 ...1 CAVITY\1 Lcavity 1.000 1.000 78.87 0.011 -0.00 ...2 CAVITY\2 Lcavity 2.000 1.000 42.09 0.028 -0.00 ...3 END Marker 2.000 0.000 42.09 0.028 -0.00 ...

Lord Elements:4 CAVITY Lcavity 0.000 1.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 ...

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

Values at End of Element:

Bmad creates a multipass_lord called cavity to control the multipass_slaves called cavity\1 andcavity\2:

Tao> show ele 4Element # 4Element Name: CAVITY... etc...Slave_status: FreeLord_status: Multipass_LordSlaves:Index Name Type

1 CAVITY\1 Lcavity2 CAVITY\2 Lcavity

Since the cavity element represents the physical element, any change in the parameters ofcavity will be be reflected in the slaves (just like superposition lords and slaves). As an example,changing the attribute of the lord:

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 63

Tao> set ele cavity x_offset = 0.001

changes the corresponding attributes of the slaves:

Tao> show ele 2Element # 2Element Name: CAVITY\2Key: LcavityS_start, S: 1.000000, 2.000000Ref_time: 6.675633E-09

Attribute values [Only non-zero/non-default values shown]:1 L = 1.000E+00 m

... etc...36 X_OFFSET = 1.000E-03 m 57 X_OFFSET_TOT = 1.000E-03 m

... etc...

The exception to the rule that the multipass_lord completely controls the multipass_slave at-tributes is the phi0_multipass attribute of lcavity and rfcavity elements. phi0_multipass allowsfor different settings of the RF phase for different passes through the cavity element. From theabove lattice:

expand_lattice ! cavity\2 is created during lattice expansioncavity\2[phi0_multipass] = 0.5 ! Shifts the RF phase for cavity\2 by 180^deg

The expand_lattice command “expands” the lattice to create cavity\2 (see the Bmad manual formore details) and the next line shifts the phase of cavity\2 by 180 degrees.

This 180 degrees phase shift makes cavity\2 decelerating instead of accelerating. Thus thereference energy after cavity cavity\2 will be the same as the reference energy at the start of thelattice:

Tao> show lat -attrib e_totValues at End of Element:

Index name key s l etot

0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 --- 1.0013E+071 CAVITY\1 Lcavity 1.000 1.000 2.0013E+072 CAVITY\2 Lcavity 2.000 1.000 1.0013E+073 END Marker 2.000 0.000 1.0013E+07

Lord Elements:4 CAVITY Lcavity 0.000 1.000 2.0013E+07

Index name key s l etot

Notes:• Bmad does not demand that the global position of the multipass_slaves of a multipass_lord

be in the same position in the global coordinate system.

• Since the reference energy is changing, the transfer matrix through a lcavity will not besymplectic.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 64

15.3 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.11]

15.1 Modify multipass.bmad so that there are two element in the linac line called cavity andverify that Bmad does the proper bookkeeping (that is, there are two cavity multipass lords.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 65

16 Lattice Geometry

The parameter[geometry] parameter in a lattice file sets the lattice topology to be open or closed:open

For open lattices, Bmad computes the reference orbit and Twiss parameters by taking thebeginning[...] Twiss and particle_start[...] orbit settings as the initial values and propa-gates them to the end of the lattice (like you would do for a linac).

closedFor closed lattices, Bmad calculates the Twiss and orbit periodic solution (like you would ina storage ring). In this case, Bmad will ignore Twiss and orbit settings in the lattice file.


! Lattice File: geometry.bmadparameter[p0c] = 1e9parameter[geometry] = closed

d: drift, l = 2q1: quad, l = 0.5, k1 = 3, hkick = 0.001, superimposeq2: quad, l = 0.5, k1 = -3, vkick = 0.002, superimpose , offset = 1

lat: line = (d)use, lat

Figure 17: Bmad computes the periodic Twiss and orbits for closed lattices.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 66

The lattice looks like:

Tao> show latValues at End of Element:

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 --- 5.93 0.000 0.00 ...1 Q1#2 Quadrupole 0.250 0.250 5.57 0.043 0.00 ...2 D#1 Drift 0.750 0.500 4.32 0.145 0.00 ...3 Q2 Quadrupole 1.250 0.500 4.32 0.266 0.00 ...4 D#2 Drift 1.750 0.500 5.57 0.368 0.00 ...5 Q1#1 Quadrupole 2.000 0.250 5.93 0.411 0.00 ...6 END Marker 2.000 0.000 5.93 0.411 0.00 ...

Lord Elements:7 Q1 Quadrupole 0.250 0.500 5.57 0.043 0.00 ...

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

The result is shown in Figure 17. The q1 quadrupole has been superimposed placing its centerat the origin s = 0. This results in q1 being “wrapped around” so that first half of q1, q1#1, comesat the end of the tracking part of the lattice and the second half, q1#2, comes at the beginningof the lattice:

Tao> show ele q1Element # 7Element Name: Q1Key: QuadrupoleS_start, S: 1.750000, 0.250000... etc...

Slave_status: FreeLord_status: Super_LordSlaves:Index Name Type

5 Q1#1 Quadrupole1 Q1#2 Quadrupole


• Bmad does not demand that a closed lattice be closed in the sense that the global positionat the end of the lattice be the same as the beginning. This makes sense since sometimesyou want to take a lattice section and get the periodic solutions even though the section isnot physically closed.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 67

16.1 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.12]

16.1 It is sometimes convenient to switch the lattice geometry from closed to open while main-taining the same beginning Twiss and orbit values. Create an open geometry lattice fromthe geometry.bmad lattice. While it is possible to code the beginning Twiss and orbit val-ues by hand, an easier way is to have Tao write a bmad lattice file using the write bmadcommand. This new file will contain the proper settings for the beginning Twiss and orbit.

16.2 There is another way to change the geometry besides creating a new lattice file and that isto use the set branch command (see chapter §17 for an explanation of branches). Run taoand experiment changing the geometry of the geometry.bmad lattice.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 68

17 Forks and Branches

A fork or photon_fork element marks the point where multiple lines can merge or branch offfrom. Forking elements can be used to describe such things as X-ray lines branching fromstorage rings (see Figure 18a), injection or extraction lines, etc.

17.1 Example

! Lattice File: fork.bmad

beginning[beta_a] = 10.0 ! m a-mode beta functionbeginning[beta_b] = 10.0 ! m b-mode beta functionbeginning[e_tot] = 10e6 ! eVparameter[geometry] = open ! or closed

b: sbend, l = 2, angle = pi/3f: fork, to_line = extract_line , superimpose , offset = 0.4q quadrupole , l = 2

extract_line: line = (q) ! The line forked to.extract_line[geometry] = open

lat: line = (b)use, lat ! Line used to construct the lattice

In this example The lat line is used as the basis for the lattice due to the “use, lat” statement. Thisline contains the bend b and, via superposition, the fork element f. The fork element f connectsto the to_line called extract_line which contains a single quadrupole element called q.

To see the geometry of the lattice, start Tao as explained in section §5.2 with the lattice file

x-ray lines

(a) Fork elements can be used to construct inter-connected lines like x-ray lines branching from astorage ring.

(b) Simple fork example.

Figure 18

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 69

fork.bmad and create a floor_plan plot:

Tao> place r11 floor

The result is shown in Figure 18b.The fork element is the red circle. The lattice is looks like:

Tao> show latValues at End of Element:

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 --- 10.00 0.000 0.00 ...1 B#1 Sbend 0.400 0.400 9.77 0.040 0.03 ...2 F Fork 0.400 0.000 9.77 0.040 0.03 ...3 B#2 Sbend 2.000 1.600 5.32 0.249 0.75 ...4 END Marker 2.000 0.000 5.32 0.249 0.75 ...

Lord Elements:5 B Sbend 2.000 2.000 5.32 0.249 0.75 ...

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

Values at End of Element:

The show lat output does not show q. Where is the line that was forked to? The answer isthat Bmad creates a set of branches to hold the different lines. Branches are assigned an indexstarting from 0 and information on them can be seen with the show branch command:

Tao> show branchN_ele N_ele ... Live

Branch Track Max ... Geometry Branch From_Fork0: LAT 4 5 ... Open T1: EXTRACT_LINE 2 2 ... Open T 0>>2

DefinesFork_Element Forking_To Direction To_Branch?0>>2: LAT>>F 1>>0: EXTRACT_LINE >>BEGINNING 1 T

This shows that the lattice has two branches. When there are multiple branches, elements areindexed using the notation:

branch_index >>element_index

so that, for example, “0>>2” represents element number 2 in branch 0. That is, the fork elementf.Each branch has its own set of parameters like the geometry, reference energy, etc. These maybe set using the syntax

branch_name[parameter] = ...

For example the “extract_line[geometry]” was used to set the geometry of extract_line infork.bmad.

The show lat branch, by default, shows branch 0. To see other branches use the -branch option:

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 70

Tao> show lat -branch 1Values at End of Element:

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

0 BEGINNING Beginning_Ele 0.000 --- 9.77 0.040 0.03 ...1 D Drift 2.000 2.000 8.04 0.268 0.34 ...2 END Marker 2.000 0.000 8.04 0.268 0.34 ...

Index name key s l beta phi eta ...a a a ...

Values at End of Element:

Forked lines can, in turn, have forks to other lines. And lines can connect back to existing lines.In this way an entire accelerator complex can be simulated.

Notes:• The difference between fork and photon_fork is that the default species for fork is the

same as the line forked from while for a photon_fork the default species are photons.

• A fork element is not restricted to forking to the beginning of a line. The place where a forkelement connects can be set by the to_element attribute.

17.2 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.13]

17.1 Using the fork.bmad lattice, vary the beginning Twiss and orbit (using set and/or changecommands) and verify that the Twiss and orbit in branch 1 varies appropriately.

17.2 For a more complicated example, play around with the lattice:

examples / tu to r ia l_bmad_tao / l a t t i c e _ f i l e s /wave_analysis / chess−u_6000mev_20181120 . l a t

This is a lattice that is used for simulation of the Cornell CESR storage ring. The latticeincludes X-ray lines so that the effect on the X-ray beams due to things such as magnetmisalignments can be simulated. [Note: Be aware that Twiss parameters are not calculatedfor X-ray lines.]

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 71

18 Tracking Methods

For each lattice element one can vary the method used to track particles through the element.This is useful, among other things for optimizing speed and/or accuracy. There are severalelement parameters that control tracking. These are:

tracking_method ! How a p a r t i c l e i s t racked through the element .mat6_calc_method ! How the element ’ s t r a n s f e r mat r i x i s ca l cu la ted .spin_tracking_method ! How a p a r t i c l e ’ s sp in i s t racked through an element .field_calc ! How the e l e c t r i c and / or magnetic f i e l d i s ca l cu la ted .


q1: quadrupole , l = 0.6, ..., tracking_method = runge_kutta

For the tracking_method parameter some possible values are:

bmad_standard ! Fast , t h i c k element formulas .symp_lie_ptc ! Symplect ic Lee i n t e g r a t i o n t r a c k i n g .taylor ! Tay lor map.linear ! L inear t r a c k i n g .custom ! Tracking wi th custom code .runge_kutta ! Track through f i e l d s .e tc . . .

Much more information in the Bmad manual in the Chapter on “Tracking, Spin, and TransferMatrix Calculation Methods”.

18.1 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.14]

18.1 Some tracking methods are faster than others. Some more accurate than others. To seehow accurate different tracking methods are under different circumstances, there is a testprogram called tracking_method_test in the directory

$ACC_ROOT_DIR/ reg ress ion_ tes t s / t rack ing_method_tes t

[This program is part of a suite of regression tests. A regression test is a test that will checkto see if results of executing some code change after changes to the code. This is helpfulfor spotting bugs that are introduced.] The tracking_method_test program reads in alattice and, for each lattice element, tracks through that element multiple times using all theallowed tracking methods for that element type. The particle position at the the beginningof the element is set to the settings of any particle_start commands in the lattice file. Theending particle position (phase space and spin) for each track is printed out.

Using a lattice file with only one or two lattice elements, run the tracking_method_testprogram to see how accurate the different methods are. Vary input parameters like magnetstrengths or the starting position to see how accuracies change. Note: typically runge_kuttatracking is accurate but slow. To run the program, use the command

> tracking_method_test <lattice-file>

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 72

where <lattice-file> is the name of the lattice file. The program can be run from anydirectory.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 73

19 Optimization with Tao

19.1 What is Optimization?

“Optimization” is the process of varying (model) lattice parameters to create a lattice with acertain set of properties as close to a “desired” state as possible. Optimization is covered indetail in the “Optimization: Lattice Correction and Design” chapter in the Tao manual.

Optimization problems generally fall into one of two categories. One category involves “latticedesign” where lattice parameters are varied to achieve some set of ideal properties. For example,varying sextupole magnet strengths in order to give maximum dynamic aperture.

The other category of optimization problems involves “lattice correction”. Problems in this cate-gory involve matching the model lattice to actual measured data. For example, orbit flatteninginvolves varying steering in the model lattice so that the orbit calculated from the model latticematches as close as possible the measured orbit. The steering strengths in the model latticecan then be used to calculate what changes are needed to correct the orbit as discussed sec-tion §20.1.

An example of lattice design is given below. An example of lattice correction is given in Chap-ter §20.

19.2 Optimization Overview and the Merit Function

Optimization involves “data” and “variables”. Data are the parameters to be optimized. Forexample, orbit positions when flattening an orbit or the value of beta at the interaction point whendesigning a lattice. Variables are what is to be varied which can be steering strengths, magnetpositions, etc.

Each datum has a set of associated parameters. For example, each datum has “model” and“design” values which is the value of the datum as calculated from the model and design lattices.Each datum also has a “measured” value which is set by the User. This value can be from anactual measurement which is typical when doing lattice correction or may be the desired value ofthe datum which is typical when doing lattice design. This is further discussed in section §19.4.

Like datums, each variable has a number of associated parameters. For example, each variablehas a “model” value which controls the corresponding value or values (a variable can control mul-tiple parameters simultaneously) in the model lattice. There are also “low_lim” and “high_lim”values that can be set by the user that are used to keep the variable model value within a givenrange. This is further discussed in section §19.5.

Optimization involves minimizing one or more “objectives” or “merit functions”. Tao itself imple-ments “single objective” optimization. For “multiple objective” optimization, there is a separateprogram called moga that can be used (§4). The general form of the merit function M in Tao is






[δVj]2 (1)

where the first sum is a sum over the data and the second sum is a sum over the variables. The

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 74

wi and wj are weights specified by the user and the δDi and δVj are functions of the data andvariables. The merit function is discussed in depth in Chapter §8 in the Tao manual.

The form of the δDi can be different for each datum and similarly the form of δVj can be differentfor each variable and will be illustrated below in the example optimization.

There are several different optimizers that can be used with Tao. The one optimizer that is goodfor finding global merit function minima is the de (differential evolution) optimizer. All of the othersare good for finding local minima.

19.3 Lattice Design Example: Initialization

An example of lattice design is given in the following section. For a lattice correction example,see chapter §20.

The files used to illustrate lattice design optimization are in the directory


Copy these files to your working directory. Here the main initialization file is named tao.init.Since this is the default name for initialization files (§5.4), and since the tao.init file contains thename of the lattice file, Tao can be started without the -lat option (§5.2).

There are five files here:

lat.bmad ! L a t t i c e f i l e .tao.init ! Pr imary Tao i n i t i a l i z a t i o n f i l e .setup.tao ! Command f i l e run a t s t a r t u p .tao_plot.init ! P lo t setup i n i t i a l i z a t i o n f i l e .optimized_var.out ! Output opt imized values

The file tao.init is the main initialization file (§5.4). The file is divided into three parts. The firstpart sets some general parameters while the next two sections setup data §19.4 and variable§19.5 lists.

&tao_startstartup_file = "setup.tao"


&tao_design_latticen_universes = 1design_lattice(1)%file = "lat.bmad"


&tao_plot_pageplot_page%size = 500, 400place(1) = "layout", "lat_layout"place(2) = "r12", "beta"place(3) = "r22", "key"


An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 75

Namelist format is used as explained in Section §5.4. A single universe will be used (§10) andthe lattice file name for the universe is “lat.bmad”. The command file “setup.tao” will be run afterall other initialization is complete.

The tao_plot_page namelist sets some plotting parameters. The setting of plot_page%sizeoverrides the default size of the plot window and the place(1), place(2), and place(3) settingsdefine initial placement of plots (§8.2).

The startup command file setup.tao defines an alias commands:

alias opt run lm

This defines the command “opt” to be equivalent to “run lm”. The run command starts optimiza-tion and the “lm” option specifies the Levenburg-Marquardt optimizer which is a good optimizerfor finding a local minimum. See the Tao Commands chapter in the Tao manual for more details.

19.4 Data in Tao

In order to optimize, you must tell Tao what data will contribute to the merit function. A detaileddescription on how to do this is given in the “Data” chapter of the Tao manual.

The data that is used in the present example is defined in the middle section of the tao.init file:

&tao_d2_datad2_data%name = "twiss"n_d1_data = 2


&tao_d1_dataix_d1_data = 1d1_data%name = "a"datum(1) = "beta.a" "" "" "END" "target" 12.0 1e1datum(2) = "alpha.a" "" "" "END" "target" -0.4 1e2


&tao_d1_dataix_d1_data = 2d1_data%name = "b"datum(1) = "beta.b" "" "" "END" "target" 12.0 1e1datum(2) = "alpha.b" "" "" "END" "target" -0.4 1e2


In general, the data is grouped into a three level tree as illustrated in Figure 19. Nodes at thethe highest level are instances of what is called d2_data structures. For example, a d2_datastructure may be setup to hold orbit data. In the present case, there is a single d2_data structurenamed “twiss”.A d2_data structure will hold an array of one or more d1_data structures. For example, aorbit d2_data structure may hold “x” and y” d1_data structures which represent horizontal andvertical orbit data. In the present case, the twiss d2_data structure has two d1_data_structures

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 76

named “a” and “b” representing the two transverse normal modes of oscillation. The syntax torefer to a particular d1_data structure is:


So with the above example, the a structure would be referred to as twiss.a .

A d1_data structure will hold an array of one or more datum structures. For example, the xd1_data structure contained in an orbit d2_data structure may be setup with an array of datums,one for each beam position monitor in the machine, with each datum representing a horizontalorbit measurement at a specified BPM. In this case, both a and b d1_data structures hold twodatums, one representing β and α Twiss values. To refer to an individual datum use the syntax:


where datum-index is the index for the datum. So with the above example, the first datum intwiss.a, which is the a-mode β, would be referred to as twiss.a[1] .

An individual datum is structure that has a number of components. With the present tao.init file,seven components of each datum are set. These components are, in order:

data_type ! Type of data: "orbit.x", etc.ele_ref_name ! Name of reference lattice elementele_start_name ! Name of starting lattice element when there is a rangeele_name ! Name of the lattice element where datum is evaluated.merit_type ! Type of constraint: "target", "max", "min", etc.meas ! Measured datum value.weight ! Weight for the merit function term

Thus for the twiss.b[2] datum which is set on the line:

datum(2) = "alpha.b" "" "" "END" "target" -0.4 1e2

d2_data[EG: “orbit”]

d1_data[EG: “x”]


datum[Index: 36]

datum[Index: 37]


. . .

. . .

d1_data[EG: “y”]


Figure 19: Data is grouped into a three level tree. A d2_data structure holds a set of d1_datastructures. A d1_data structure holds an array of datums.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 77

The data_type component is set to “alpha.b” [For a list of data types that Tao recognizes, seethe Tao Data Types section (§6.8) of the Data chapter of the Tao manual.], the ele_ref_nameand ele_start_name are set to the blank string. These parameters are not used in the presentexample.

The ele_name component for twiss.b[2] is set to “END” which is where the datum is to beevaluated. Since the merit_type is set to target, this means that δD in Eq. (1) is evaluated usingthe equation

δD = model − meas

where model is the value as calculated from the model lattice and meas is the “measured” valueas set on the datum line. For twiss.b[2], meas is set to -0.4. Also the weight w for twiss.b[2] isset to 100. Thus if the model b-mode alpha function is, say, 1.0 at element END, then this datumwould contribute 100 ∗ (1.0− 0.4)2 to the merit function.

Start Tao (remember, no -lat argument needed). The d2_data structures can be shown with thecommand show data:

Tao> show data

Name Using for Optimizationtwiss.a[1:2] Using: 1:2twiss.b[1:2] Using: 1:2

To see a list of datums for an individual d1_data structure append the d1_data name after showdata. For example:

Tao> show data twiss.bData name: twiss.b

... | Useit

... Ele Meas Model Design | Opt Plot1 beta.b <target> ... END 1.200E+01 9.292E+00 9.292E+00 T F2 alpha.b <target> ... END -4.000E-01 -4.427E-01 -4.427E-01 T F

... Ele Meas Model Design | Opt Plot

... | Useit

To see the parameters of an individual datum append the datum name after show data. Forexample:

Tao> show data twiss.a[2]

%ele_name = END... etc...%data_type = alpha.a... etc...%model = -4.42701763E-01%design = -4.42701763E-01... etc...%good_model = T%good_design = T%good_base = T

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 78

%good_meas = T%good_ref = F%good_user = T%good_opt = T%good_plot = F%useit_plot = F%useit_opt = T

The useit_opt logical indicates whether the datum will be used when the merit function is evalu-ated. For example, if the meas value has not been set, Tao will set good_meas to False and thiswill cause Tao to set useit_opt to False. The user also as control as to whether a datum will beused in optimization and this is controlled by setting the good_user component. The commandsthat control this are use, veto and restore. Example:

Tao> veto data twiss.atwiss.a[1:2] Using:twiss.b[1:2] Using: 1:2

In this example the two twiss.a datums have been vetoed. It can be checked that the twiss.adatums now have their good_user components set to False.

Notice that it does not matter to the optimization process how data is divided into d1_data andd2_data groups. It is only a matter of convenience to the user. Also a given d1_data group ofdata does not have to contain data of a single type. Thus the twiss.a datums include both betaand alpha type data.

19.5 Variables in Tao

In order to optimize, you must tell Tao what variables you want to vary to minimize the meritfunction. A detailed description on how to construct variables is given in the “Variables” chapterof the Tao manual.

The variables that are used in the present example are defined in the bottom section of thetao.init file:

&tao_varv1_var%name = "quad"search_for_lat_eles = "Quad::*"default_step = 1e-4default_attribute = "k1"default_merit_type = "limit"default_low_lim = -50default_high_lim = 50default_weight = 1ix_min_var = 1default_key_delta = 1e-2default_key_bound = T


An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 79

Just like data, variables are grouped into a tree but in this case there are only two levels. Thetop level nodes of the tree are called v1_var structures. In this example a v1_var structure isdefined called quad which controls the k1 attribute of all element whose name matches quad::*.This will match to all quadrupoles. In this case, the lattice has 6 quadrupoles named Q1 throughQ6. Thus there will be an array of 6 variables associated with the quad v1_var structure.

To refer to an individual variable use the syntax:


where var-index is the index of the variable. For example, the first variable in the quad structureis quad[1].The parameters like default_step in the above namelist establish a default value for the stepattribute of each variable that is created for the quad structure. The step attribute is used byTao to calculate derivatives that are used by some of the optimizers. Essentially, to calculatederivatives, Tao varies the variable by ±step and looks at the changes in the data. Like manyattributes associated with optimization it is important that the step attribute be set properly. Tosmall a setting and round-off error can throw off the derivative calculation. On the other hand, ifthe value of step is too large, nonlinearities can throw off the calculation.

The weight of a variable sets the value of wj in Eq. (1). Since the merit_type in this case islimit, the δV used in the merit function is:

δV =

model− high_lim model > high_limmodel− low_lim model < low_lim0 Otherwise


That is, the contribution to the merit function will be zero if the value of the variable is betweenlow_lim and high_lim which in this case is -50 and 50.

Running Tao, the v1_var structures can be shown with the command show variable:

Tao> show varName Using for Optimization

quad[1:6] 1:6

To see a list of individual variables of a given v1_var structure, append the v1_var name to theshow variable command:

Tao> sho var quadVariable name: quad

Index Controlled Attribs(s) Meas Model Design Useit_opt1 Q1[K1] 8.6924-311 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 F2 Q2[K1] 8.6924-311 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 F3 Q3[K1] 8.6924-311 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 F4 Q4[K1] 8.6924-311 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 F5 Q5[K1] 8.6924-311 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 F6 Q6[K1] 8.6924-311 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 F

Index Controlled Attribs(s) Meas Model Design Useit_opt

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 80

To see the parameters of an individual variable, append the variable name to the show varcommand. Example:

Tao> sho var quad[2]%ele_name = Q2%attrib_name = K1... etc...%exists = T%good_var = T%good_user = T%good_opt = T%useit_opt = T... etc...

The useit_opt logical indicates whether the variable will be used in the optimization process. Theuser has some control as to whether a variable will be used in optimization and this is controlledby setting the good_user component. The commands that control this are use, veto and restore.Example:

Tao> veto var quad[4]quad[1:6] Using: 1:3 5:6

Variable properties can also be changed within Tao. For example,

Tao> set var quad[1:4]|low_lim = -1

will set the lower limit for the first four quads.

Notice that, like data, it does not matter to the optimization process how variables are dividedgroups. It is only a matter of convenience to the user. Also a given v1_var instance, the array ofassociated variables does not all have to be of a single type.

If you want to have one Tao variable control a set of parameters, construct an overlay or groupelement (§11) and then have the Tao variable control the overlay or group. For example, thefollowing overlay gangs the k1 parameters of elements Q1 and Q3 together:

ps1: overlay = {Q1, Q3}, var = {k1}, k1 = 0.8

19.6 Key Bindings

Tao has two modes for entering commands. In single mode, each keystroke represents a com-mand. That is, with a few exceptions, the user does not have to press the carriage control keyto signal the end of a command. This is to be contrasted with line mode, which you have beenusing up to now, where Tao waits until the return key is depressed to execute a command. singlemode is useful for quickly varying parameters to see how they affect a lattice but the numberof commands in single mode is limited. Single mode is covered in detail in the “Single Mode”chapter in the Tao manual.

The main purpose of single mode is to associate certain keyboard keys with certain variables sothat the pressing of these keys will change their associated model value of the variable. This iscalled a key binding and is illustrated in Figure 20.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 81

Start Tao using the example optimization files (§19.3) or use the reinit tao command to reinitializeTao. The plot window should look like Figure 21a. The key_table plot in the middle shows whatvariables (§19.5) have been bound to what keyboard keys. In this instance the quad[1] variableis bound so that pressing the “1” key will change quad[1] by +delta, and pressing the “q” key willchange quad[1] by -delta. Pressing the shift key when pressing the “1” or “q” keys will changequad[1] by +10×delta and -10×delta respectively. Similarly, the quad[2] variable is bound tothe 2 and w keys, etc.

Single mode and key bindings are useful for getting a feel for how variables affect the lattice. Getinto single mode by issuing the single_mode command. Play around with varying variables. Toget out of single mode press capital Z.

Var #1Var #2

Var #10Var #9

Var #8Var #7

Var #6Var #5

Var #4Var #3

Figure 20: Ten pairs of keys on the keyboard are bound to ten variables so that pressing a key ofa given pair will either increment or decrement the associated variable. The first key pair boundto variable number 1 are the 1 and Q keys, etc.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 82

(a) Initial plot window showing the initial beta func-tions.

(b) Plot window after optimization showing the opti-mized beta functions.

Figure 21

19.7 Running an optimization

Start Tao using the example optimization files (§19.3) or use the reinit tao command to reinitializeTao. The plot window should look like Figure 21a.

To see what data and what variables are being used in the optimization, use the show data andshow variables commands as illustrated above or use the show optimizer command:

Tao> show optiData Used:twiss.a[1:2] Using: 1:2twiss.b[1:2] Using: 1:2

Variables Used:quad[1:6] Using: 1:6

optimizer: lmGlobal optimization parameters (use "set global" to change):%de_lm_step_ratio = 1.00000000E+00%de_var_to_population_factor = 5.00000000E+00%lm_opt_deriv_reinit = -1.00000000E+00%lmdif_eps = 9.99999996E-13%merit_stop_value = -1.00000000E+00%svd_cutoff = 9.99999975E-06

... etc...

There are many parameters associated with optimization and it is important to carefully considerwhat values these parameters have in order to be able to have a successful optimization.

To see what the biggest contributions to the merit function are use the show top10 command:

Tao> show top

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 83

Constraints ... Ele/S Target Value Merittwiss.b[1] beta.b <target> ... END 1.200E+01 1.513E+01 9.82E+01twiss.a[1] beta.a <target> ... END 1.200E+01 9.292E+00 7.33E+01twiss.b[2] alpha.b <target> ... END -4.000E-01 -2.527E-01 2.17E+00twiss.a[2] alpha.a <target> ... END -4.000E-01 -4.427E-01 1.82E-01quad[6] Q6[K1] ... 3.80 -5.000E+01 -1.000E+00 0.00E+00quad[5] Q5[K1] ... 3.30 5.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.00E+00... etc...

figure of merit: 1.738388E+02

List of non-zero contributors to the Merit Function:Name Merit Sigma [= sqrt(Chi^2/N)]twiss.b 1.0034E+02 2.2179E+00twiss.a 7.3499E+01 1.9149E+00

This shows, among other things, that the value of the merit function is 173.8 and that the largestcontributor to the merit function is twiss.b[1] which has a contribution of 98.2 which is over 50%.

To run, say, the lm optimizer use the run lm command. In this case, this command has beenaliased to the opt command by the setup.tao command file that was run at initialization (§19.3):

Tao> optOptimizing with: lmType ‘‘.’’ to stop the optimizer before it’s finished.[INFO] tao_dmodel_dvar_calc:

Remaking dModel_dVar derivative matrix.This may take a while...

Cycle Merit A_lambda1 5.4532E-01 1.00E-042 8.7067E-02 1.00E-05

... etc...19 3.5034E-04 1.00E-2220 2.9333E-04 1.00E-23

Written: var1.out21 2.9333E-04 0.00E+00

The optimization has managed to reduce the merit function from to 2.9E-4 or about six ordersof magnitude. Further reductions in the merit function can be had by running the optimizerrepeatedly. At the end of optimization, Tao creates a file var1.out which contains the optimizedvariable values:

Q1[K1] = 7.76217267682967E-01Q2[K1] = -1.40330956873957E+00Q3[K1] = 8.78773428675319E-01Q4[K1] = -1.07943627873167E+00Q5[K1] = 1.29072113653010E+00Q6[K1] = -4.57469896955973E-01... etc...

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 84

This file should be virtually identical to the optimized_var.out file (§19.3). The format of this fileconforms to Bmad lattice file syntax so this file can be used to create a lattice with the optimizedvalues. One way to form a lattice with optimized values is to create a new lattice file that calls theoriginal lattice and var1.out. That is, the new file would look like:

call, file = lat.bmadcall, file = var1.out

Note: At any time to print in Bmad format the variable values used in the optimization use thecommand:

show var -bmad -good

To save directly to a file, add the write option:

show -write solution.bmad var -bmad -good

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 85

A) B)

Figure 22: Optimization to keep a machine within existing building walls. A) Initial setup. Theend of the machine (a 1 meter long dipole) is outside the walls (red and green semi circles). B)After optimization the machine is safely inside the walls.

19.8 Exercises

19.1 Start with the files in examples/tutorial_bmad_tao/lattice_files/lattice_optimization.Change all the quadrupole strengths to zero in lat.bmad and change the alpha Twiss meastargets to -1. Now run with the opt command and verify that the optimizer does not not finda good solution! Why is this? The problem is that the good solutions (and there is morethan one) are outside of the local minimum that the optimizer is stuck in. Note: To easilyreset the lattice use the command:

set lattice model = design

19.2 Start with the situation in Exercise 19.1 and find a good solution by first using single modeto vary the quadrupole strengths to find an approximate solution. Then run the lm optimizerto polish the results. This is a general strategy, often there is no single method that will workso a combination of methods is what is needed.

19.3 Start with the situation in Exercise 19.1 and find a good solution by first using the de op-timizer which can find global minimums. Then run the lm optimizer to polish the results.Warning: Success here depends upon finding the right de parameter settings to use. Thiswill take some thought and experimentation so successful completion of this exercise willnot be quick.

19.4 This exercise shows how to do an optimization with a constraint that the machine staywithin existing building walls. If you get stuck, a working example can be viewed in thedirectory:


(a) Construct a lattice with a single element which is a 1 meter long bend with zero bendangle.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 86

(b) Setup a Tao input file that defines two building wall sections as shown in Figure 22A.The sections are two circular arcs of radius 0.8 meters and 1.2 meters.

(c) Setup two datums: wall[1] and wall[2]. The first datum constrains the end of thelattice to be to the inside of the outside (left) wall with a 0.1 meter clearance. Thesecond datum constrains the end of the lattice to be to the outside of the inside (right)wall with a 0.1 meter clearance.

(d) Setup a variable to vary either the g or angle component of the bend.

(e) Run the lm optimizer to produce Figure 22B. Voila! The machine is within the wallswith the desired clearance.

(f) When you startup Tao and the dipole is unbent, you should get the warning:

[WARNING] tao_init:DATUM EXISTS BUT CANNOT COMPUTE A MODEL VALUE: wall[2]INVALID SINCE: No wall section found in the transverse plane

of the evaluation point.

Explain why you are getting this warning. Also explain why this warning goes awaywhen the dipole gets bent enough. [Hint: Read carefully the description of how thedatum value is computed.] Note that not being initially able to compute a model valuedoes not hinder the optimization.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 87

20 Lattice Correction (Including Orbit Correction)

The previous chapter (§19.1) discussed optimization and, in particular, how optimization couldbe used for “lattice design” type problems. This chapter discusses “lattice correction” type op-timization. In particular, this chapter shows how to calculate corrections to correct the Twissparameters using measured orbits. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the material inthe previous chapter.

Side note: With an actual machine, calculating corrections is only one step in the correctionprocess. Also needed is the ability to take data and the ability to load corrections. The objectoriented nature of Tao’s design makes it relatively straightforward to implement machine com-munication within Tao itself. This allows Tao to act as an “online model” for the machine controlsystem. Programming with Bmad and Tao is outside of the scope of this tutorial and the readeris referred to the appropriate sections of the Bmad and Tao manuals.

20.1 Correcting the Orbit

Before discussing Twiss parameter correction, consider the simpler case of correcting the orbit.The design lattice will represent the state we want the machine to be in. Typically, the orbit inthe design lattice will be zero but that is not a necessary condition. The analysis starts withan orbit measurement. By varying steerings in the model lattice, the orbit, as calculated in themodel, can be fit to the measured orbit. If the fit is good, the orbit is corrected in the machine bychanging the actual steering strengths Kactual by an amount dK given by

dKi = K(design)i −K(model)

i (3)

where i denotes the iþsteering, and K(design)i and K(model)

i are the design and model values forthe steering strengths respectively. Typically, the design steering strengths are zero but that isnot necessary for the analysis.

Eq. (3) is derived using the following logic: Once a fit to the measured data has been made,the model represents the actual state of the machine. On the other hand, the desired state isrepresented by the design lattice. Thus the difference K(design)

i −K(model)i represents “desired -

actual” so the final state of the steering magnets after correction will be

Final_State = Initial_State + Change= Actual_State + (Desired_State - Actual_State)= Desired_State

There are a few points that should be kept in mind here. First, it does not matter to the correctionwhether the deviations of the orbit from the ideal are caused by steering strength errors or othererrors such as dipole rolls or quadrupole offsets. To the extent that the measured orbit can bewell fit determines the extent to which the orbit can be corrected. For example, if an unwantedkick is generated by some element at a spot that is far from any correctors, it will not be possibleto fit the measured orbit well and it will not be possible to make a good correction. If, on the otherhand, an unwanted kick is generated next to one corrector, the measured orbit can be well fitand the model lattice will have a strength change from the design for that one corrector. Varyingthat one corrector can then cancel out the unwanted kick.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 88

Another point is that the correction algorithm will work with varying any set of parameters as longas the variation in the parameters affect the model data. Thus an analysis can be made usingdipole rolls and/or quadrupole offsets as variables or any combination thereof. If the fit is good,rolling the dipoles and moving the quadrupoles will correct the orbit. With Tao, the User hascomplete freedom to vary any parameters in the fitting process.

A third point is that the fitting process is independent of the strengths of the parameters in thedesign lattice. That is, the fit involves the actual machine state independent of what the desiredstate is. It is not until the values needed for the correction are computed that the parameterstrengths in the design lattice come into play.

Typically, at the start of the fit, the model lattice is, by default, equal to the design lattice but thisis not necessary. Generally, the actual machine state is near enough to the design machine stateso that the machine will behave roughly linearly with the variation in the parameters (typically, ifthe machine parameters are far from the design values, it will not be possible to store beam totake a measurement in the first place). This means that there will be only one minimum meritfunction state so that the parameter values (steering strengths in this case) at the end of the fitare independent of the starting state. To put this in other terms, the User generally does not haveto worry about the initial state of the model at the start of a fit. This is in contrast to the latticedesign example in chapter §19. With lattice design, there are typically many local minima and itcan take days of work to find a good operating point. With lattice correction, on the other hand,the near linear nature of the problem means that finding a solution in a machine with hundredsof correctors and hundreds of BPM readings can be done in seconds.

20.2 Twiss Parameters Correction

As mentioned in the previous section, with Tao, the User has complete freedom to fit to any arbi-trary set of lattice parameters. Tao also gives the User complete freedom to optimize using anyarbitrary collection of data. In particular, as discussed below, by varying quadrupole strengths tofit a multiple orbit data sets taken with multiple steering strength settings allows correction of theTwiss parameters.

One way to correct Twiss parameters is to vary, one-by-one, the steerings in the machine and foreach varied steering, take before and after orbits. By fitting the measured orbit differences us-ing the model quadrupole strengths, the strengths of the quadrupoles can be determined. Withthis, the difference between the model quadrupole strengths and the design strengths gives theneeded quadrupole corrections. See Eq. (3) where, in this case, the K ’s represent quadrupolestrengths. In practice the steering strengths will also be included in the variable list. This correc-tion scheme is similar to the Orbit Response Matrix (ORM) approach in that both uses multipleorbits to correct the Twiss parameters.

It should be mentioned that even without doing the correction step, the fitting of the data in itselfgives values for the optics in the current state of the machine.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 89

20.3 Twiss Parameter Correction Example Input Files

The example files used to illustrate correction of the Twiss parameters are in the directory


Copy these files to your working directory. There are six files:

create_data.tao ! For c rea t i ng " measured " data .lat.bmad ! L a t t i c e f i l e .tao.init ! Pr imary Tao i n i t i a l i z a t i o n f i l e .tao_plot.init ! P lo t setup i n i t i a l i z a t i o n f i l e .startup.tao ! Command f i l e run a t s t a r t u p .set_meas.tao ! Set measured data .

The lattice being used here has one horizontal steering named H1 and one vertical steeringnamed V2. Two universes (§10) will be needed to store the measured data. The first universewill hold the measured data from changing H1 and the second universe will hold the measureddata from changing from V2.

The file tao.init is the main initialization file (§5.4) and is similar to the tao.init file in Chap-ter §19.3. One difference is the the tao.init file here initializes Tao with two universes instead ofone:

&tao_design_latticen_universes = 2design_lattice(1)%file = "lat.bmad"design_lattice(2)%file = "lat.bmad"


Here both universes use the same lattice.

The tao.init file lists the secondary initialization files in the tao_start namelist:

&tao_startstartup_file = ’startup.tao’plot_file = ’tao_plot.init’


20.4 Data Setup

Data (§19.4) for the optimization is setup in the file tao.init file. There is just one d2_data blockcalled orbit:&tao_d2_datad2_data%name = ’orbit’universe = "*"n_d1_data = 2default_weight = 1e8


An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 90

&tao_d1_dataix_d1_data = 1d1_data%name = ’x’search_for_lat_eles = ’det*’


&tao_d1_dataix_d1_data = 2d1_data%name = ’y’search_for_lat_eles = ’det*’


There are two d1_data arrays for the horizontal and vertical orbits. A datum will be set up foreach element whose name begins with “det”. That is, at the four detectors in the lattice det1through det4. The universe = * setting results in an orbit data block being setup one for eachuniverse.

20.5 Variable Setup

The variables (§19.5) setup is in the file tao.init. There are three v1_var blocks — for quadrupolestrengths and tilts, along with steering strengths. By varying quadrupole tilts, the coupling canbe corrected. [Typically, coupling — that is, coupling between horizontal and vertical orbits dueto skew fields — is corrected by adjusting the strength of skew quadrupoles. Here, to simplifythings somewhat, the same quadrupoles are used for both beta and coupling correction.]

The variable blocks are defined in tao_var namelists The quadrupole strength block is

&tao_varv1_var%name = ’quad_k1’search_for_lat_eles = ’Quad::*’default_step = 1e-4default_attribute = ’k1’default_merit_type = ’target’default_weight = 1ix_min_var = 1default_key_delta = 1e-2default_key_bound = T


The search_for_lat_eles setting will searches for quadrupole elements in all universes. Allquadrupoles of a given name in all universes will be bound together with a single variable. Inthis case there are two quadrupoles named q1 and q2 in each universe so the quad_k1 variablearray, which has the name quad_k1[1], will have two elements. One element will control the k1attribute of the q1 element in universe 1 and the the k1 attribute of the q1 element in universe 2.Similarly the other variable, quad_k1[2] will control the k1 attribute of the q2 elements.

When a variable controls multiple elements, the controlled parameters (the k1s of the two q1quads in this case) can have different values as long as the model value of the variable is nottouched. When the model value is set, either during the optimization or with a set or change

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 91

command, all the controlled parameters will be set to the same value as the model value of thevariable. This setup mirrors the orbit measurement conditions were the quadrupole strengthswere the same for all measurements.

The merit_type is set to target which means that the contribution to the merit function in Eq. (1)will be

δV = model−measured (4)

Here measured is the value of the quadrupole strength as “measured” when the orbit was ob-tained. Typically, magnet strengths are “measured” using the known calibration between currentgoing through the field windings or, if it is a permanent magnet, the measured value is taken tobe the field that was measured on the bench before installation.

The reason why the merit function is setup to have a contribution from the variables is to avoidnear-degeneracies where, if there where no δV terms, inaccuracies in the orbit measurementcoupled with magnets that have a similar effect on the orbit results in the optimization minimumbeing a state where the near-degenerate magnets have large unphysical strengths but the modelorbit will look reasonable since the effect of the near-degenerate magnets nearly cancel oneanother. The trick is to adjust the weights for the δV terms to be large enough to keep the magnetstrengths reasonable but not too large that the fit of the orbit is degraded due to inaccuracies inthe variable measurement value.

The second variable block defines variables that control quadrupole tilts. These variables aresetup similar to the quadrupole strength variables.

The third variable block holding the steering strengths is setup with

&tao_varv1_var%name = ’steering’default_step = 1e-4default_merit_type = ’target’default_weight = 1default_key_delta = 1e-2default_key_bound = Tvar(1:2)%universe = 1, 2var(1:2)%ele_name = ’h1’, ’v2’var(1:2)%attribute = ’hkick’, ’vkick’


Here there are two variables steering[1] and steering[2]. steering[1] controls the hkick attributeof element h1 in universe 1 and steering[2] controls the vkick attribute of element v2 in universe2.

20.6 Plotting Setup

For details of how to setup custom plots, see the Initializing Plotting (§10.12) section of the TaoInitialization chapter of the Tao manual. Here the plotting setup is done in the tao_plot.init file.This file defines a plot template (§8.2) called data_orbit in a tao_template_plot structure:


An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 92

plot%name = ’data_orbit ’ ! Name of template plot.plot%x_axis_type = ’s’ ! Graph x-axes are longitudinal s-coordinate.plot%autoscale_gang_y = F ! So scale command scales the graphs separately.plot%n_graph = 2 ! There are 2 associated graphs.


This template plot has two associated graphs defined in two tao_template_graph namelistsbelow the tao_template_plot namelist. The first graph’s namelist looks like:

&tao_template_graphgraph_index = 1 ! First graph.graph%name = ’x’ ! Graph name is "data_orbit.x"graph%box = 1, 1, 1, 2 ! Graph is in lower half of the plot region.graph%title = ’X Orbit [mm]’ ! Graph titlegraph%y%label = ’X (mm)’ ! Graph y-axis label.graph%n_curve = 3 ! And there are three associated curves.... etc. ...

This graph is named “x” so the fully qualified name is “data_orbit.x”. There are three curvesassociated with this graph and are defined further down in this namelist. The parameters of thefirst curve are:

curve(1)%name = ’lat’ ! 1st curve name is ""curve(1)%data_source = ’lat’ ! Data is drawn from lattice calculations...curve(1)%data_type = ’orbit.x’ ! ... In this case the horizontal orbit.curve(1)%draw_symbols = F ! Do not draw any symbols.curve(1)%draw_line = T ! But do draw a orbit curve.curve(1)%line%color = ’blue’

This curve draws the horizontal orbit (data_type = "orbit.x") as a curve (draw_line = T) withvalues calculated from the lattice (data_source = "lat"). The default, since the component of thecurve is not set, is values will be extracted from the model lattice.

The second curve of the graph is defined in the namelist by:

curve(2)%name = ’dat’ ! 2nd curve name is "data_orbit.x.dat"curve(2)%data_source = ’data’ ! Data is drawn from a data block...curve(2)%data_type = ’orbit.x’ ! ... In particular , the "orbit.x" data block.curve(2)%draw_symbols = T ! Draw symbols at the data points.curve(2)%draw_line = F ! Do not draw lines between the data points.curve(2)%symbol%height = 25

This curve draws a symbol at each data point of the orbit.x data block. This data block definesdatums at each detector element. The default, since the component of the curve is not set, isvalues will be extracted from the model lattice just like the first curve. The result is that symbolsare drawn on top of the line drawn by the first curve.

The third curve of the graph is defined in the namelist by:

curve(3)%name = ’meas’curve(3)%component = ’meas’curve(3)%data_source = ’data’

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 93

curve(3)%data_type = ’orbit.x’curve(3)%draw_symbols = Tcurve(3)%draw_line = Fcurve(3)%symbol%height = 15

This is similar to the second curve except that the values for drawing the symbols comes fromthe “meas” component of the orbit.x data block.

The second graph associated with the data_orbit graph is similar to the first except the data isdrawn from the vertical orbit instead of the horizontal orbit.

Besides setting up the data_orbit template plot, the tao_plot.init file places plots using thetao_plot_page namelist

&tao_plot_pageplace(1) = ’r12’, ’data_orbit ’place(2) = ’r22’, ’data_orbit ’place(3) = ’layout’ ’lat_layout ’


The plot page will have 3 plots: Two data_orbit plots and one lat_layout plot. In the startup.taocommand file that is run at startup (since the startup_file is set to this file in the tao_startnamelist in tao.init), there is:

set graph r12 ix_universe = 1set graph r22 ix_universe = 2

This sets one of the data_orbit plot to use the data from universe 1 and the other data_orbitplot to use the data from universe 2.

20.7 Measured Data and Variables Setup

The “measured” data and variable values are set by the command file set_meas.tao which iscalled by the startup.tao file:

set dat 1@orbit.x|meas = [2.9627E-03, 3.1590E-03, 2.3705E-03, 2.1821E-03]set dat 1@orbit.y|meas = [-1.1841E-03, -1.0370E-03, -1.3810E-03, -1.5749E-03]set dat 2@orbit.x|meas = [-1.0481E-03, -1.1265E-03, -9.6521E-04, -8.8252E-04]set dat 2@orbit.y|meas = [7.6870E-04, 6.6229E-04, 8.6742E-04, 9.6448E-04]

set var steering[1:2]|meas = [1e-4, 1e-4]set var quad_k1[1:2]|meas = [1.0, -1.1]set var quad_tilt[1:2]|meas = [0, 0]

Since the lattice used in this example does not represent an actual machine, the “measured”orbit data had to be generated and this was done using the file the script create_data.tao:

set var quad_k1[1]|model = 0.9set var quad_k1[2]|model = -1.05set var quad_tilt[1]|model = 0.1set var quad_tilt[2]|model = -0.05

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 94

(a) Plot window at startup. The measured orbit datapoints (red) are far from the model orbit orbit whichcorresponds to the zero orbit.

(b) Plot window after optimization showing the mea-sured orbit points is fairly well fit by the model orbit.

Figure 23

set var steering[1]|model = 1.2e-4set var steering[2]|model = 0.9e-4show value 1@orbit.x|model + 5e-5*ran_gauss() -form es12.4 ! Add 50um noiseshow value 1@orbit.y|model + 5e-5*ran_gauss() -form es12.4show value 2@orbit.x|model + 5e-5*ran_gauss() -form es12.4show value 2@orbit.y|model + 5e-5*ran_gauss() -form es12.4

This file represents the state of the machine at the time the orbit measurements are made. Theresults of running this script was, with a little bit of reformatting, been put in the file set_meas.tao.The “measured” values for the variables in set_meas.tao is somewhat different from the “true”values create_data.tao to simulate inaccuracies inherent in measuring these variables. Addi-tionally, 50 µm Gaussian noise has been added to the orbit data.

20.8 Running the Optimization

At startup, the resulting plot window is shown in Fig. 23a. It is no surprise that the model orbit,being zero, does not well fit the measured data. Running the optimization (§19.7) with the run

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 95

command and after doing a scale command produces Fig. 23b. Now the measured orbit data isfairly well fit.

Even though the optimization can fit the orbit fairly well, the model values for the variable pa-rameters are a bit off from the “true” values (that is, the values when the “measurements” weremade) which are the values as set in the create_data.tao file (§20.7):

Tao> show var *Variable Slave Parameters Meas Model Designquad_k1[1] [1:2]@Q1[K1] 1.0000E+00 9.8011E-01 1.0000E+00quad_k1[2] [1:2]@Q2[K1] -1.1000E+00 -1.1711E+00 -1.1000E+00quad_tilt[1] [1:2]@Q1[TILT] 0.0000E+00 8.8747E-02 0.0000E+00quad_tilt[2] [1:2]@Q2[TILT] 0.0000E+00 -7.2506E-02 0.0000E+00steering[1] 1@H1[HKICK] 1.0000E-04 1.5353E-04 0.0000E+00steering[2] 2@V2[VKICK] 1.0000E-04 1.1896E-04 0.0000E+00

This is due to a combination of the errors that were introduced and some degeneracies amongthe variables. Even though there is a significant differences between here between true andmodel values, a correction using Eq. (3) does a good job of correcting the beta function. Tosimulate a correction after the fit was done, the following can be done

Tao> run ! Run the optimizerTao> set lattice base = model ! Save the model fit values in the base latticeTao> call create_data.tao ! This will load the "true" valuesTao> set var *|model = *|model + *|design - *|base ! Load the correction.

The result is shown in Fig. 24. Fig. 24A shows the design beta function. Fig. 24B shows theshows the “true” beta functions that existed at the time of the measurements. Finally, Fig. 24Cshows the beta functions after correction. Fig. 24C is close to Fig. 24A showing that the latticeis fairly well corrected.

20.9 Exercises [Answers in Section §24.15]

20.1 With orbit correction as discussed in section (§20.1), it was explicitly assumed that thedesign orbit was the desired orbit one wanted. But what if this is not the case? Supposethat the desired orbit is one that has been empirically determined to minimize, say, thebeam size, or, say, maximize the lifetime. How should orbit correction proceed in this casewhere the “golden” orbit is not the design orbit?

20.2 One important component in the optimization process is the setting of the merit functionweights for the datums and variables. This can frequently be done empirically by varyingthe weights and while observing how well the data is fitted and how well behaved thevariable values are. Try varying weights in the example in this chapter to see what happensto the fit.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 96

A) Design

B) Actual

C) Corrected

Figure 24: Beta plots showing the Twiss parameter correction. A) Design Beta functions. B) Betafunctions before correction. C) Beta function after a correction. The corrected Beta function isnear the design which is what is wanted.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 97

21 Beam tracking in Tao

Tao has two basic particle tracking modes: single and beam. Single particle tracking is thedefault mode. In this mode a single particle is tracked and this tracking is used for orbit andTwiss calculations. This is the mode that has been used up to now in this tutorial.

With beam tracking, Tao does the same single particle tracking as in single particle trackingmode and, in addition, Tao tracks a beam of particles. A particle beam is made up of a numberof bunches with each bunch being made up of some number of particles. Typically beams withonly a single bunch are simulated. Beam tracking allows for interparticle effects to be simulated,for example, Coherent synchrotron Radiation (CSR).

The example files used to illustrate optimization are in the directory


There are five files here:

lat.bmad ! L a t t i c e f i l e .setup.tao ! Command f i l e run a t s t a r t u p .tao.init ! Pr imary Tao i n i t i a l i z a t i o n f i l e .tao_plot.init ! Secondary i n i t i a l i z a t i o n f i l e .beam.tao ! Command f i l e to t r ack a beam .

These are similar to the files used for lattice optimization (§19.3.

The initial beam distribution is determined by the settings of the beam_init structure in thetao_beam_init namelist. With the present example, beam_init is set in the tao.init file:

! Simple Gaussian beam&tao_beam_initbeam_init%n_particle = 1000beam_init%a_norm_emit = 1.0e-6. ! 1 mm-mradbeam_init%b_norm_emit = 1.0e-6. ! 1 mm-mradbeam_init%bunch_charge = 1e-9 ! 1 nCbeam_init%sig_pz = 1e-3 ! 10^-3 relativebeam_init%sig_z = 0.00059958 ! 2 ps * cLightbeam_saved_at = "*" ! Save distribution at all elements.


Documentation on setting the beam_init structure is in the Beam Initialization chapter of theBmad manual. The initial beam distribution can be set from a file of particle positions or byspecifying general parameters like the emittance, etc. In this case, there is a single bunch with1000 particles with normalized emittances of 1 mm-mrad in both planes, etc.

When the beam is tracked, beam distribution statistics like the centroid are calculated at everylattice element. Since saving the particle distribution is memory intensive when there is a largenumber of particles, the particle distribution is only saved at lattice elements specified by thebeam_saved_at parameter in the tao_beam_init namelist. In this case the particle distributionis saved at the exit end of every lattice element. To, say, just save at every marker element,beam_saved_at could be set to “marker::*”.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 98

The tao.init file specifies that the setup.tao file should be run at startup. This file defines somealiases. To switch to beam tracking mode,

Tao> set global track_type = beam

This will immediately track these particles to the end of the lattice. Statistics from beam trackingare stored at the end of every element, and seen from the show beam command:

Tao> show beam q5Cached bunch parameters:Parameters for bunch: 1Particles surviving: 1000Particles lost: 0Particles lost (%): .000Charge live (C): 1.00000000E-09Centroid: 6.45361481E-12 -5.64470815E-13 -1.24096868E-11 -8.79861917E-13 ...RMS: 6.75168709E-04 8.93956548E-05 8.21313385E-04 1.12761136E-04 ...

norm_emitt beta alphaa: 9.98698154E-07 7.24443183E+00 5.10465184E-01b: 9.98705861E-07 1.07200175E+01 -1.22746781E+00x: 9.98699589E-07 8.92076260E+00 6.28587261E-01y: 9.98704411E-07 1.32005818E+01 -1.51150120E+00z: 1.17181728E-05 5.99704551E-01

Sigma Mat x px y pyX 4.55852786E-07 -3.21209371E-08 -1.42999858E-12 1.89319887E-13 ...Px -3.21209371E-08 7.99158310E-09 4.14153134E-13 1.10347243E-14 ...Y -1.42999858E-12 4.14153134E-13 6.74555677E-07 7.72383921E-08 ...Py 1.89319887E-13 1.10347243E-14 7.72383921E-08 1.27150739E-08 ...Z -9.15470557E-12 5.66620835E-13 9.99050861E-12 5.43154863E-13 ...Pz -6.75696744E-12 5.60363622E-13 1.20598961E-11 8.99073770E-13 ...

Note: Individual particle positions are saved at this element.

The beam_saved_at element list will save the full particle distribution at the end of the matchingelements, in this case all elements.

These particles and their statistics can be plotted. For example,

Tao> place r12 bunch_sigma_xy

will display line plots along the beamline. The x− px phase space can be plotted as:

Tao> place r22 bunch_x_px

With this type of beam, the number of particles can be changed by:

Tao> set beam_init n_particle = 5000

The reference element for the plotting can be changed by:

Tao> set curve r22.g.c ele_ref_name = Q5

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 99

(a) Basic beam size and phase space

-3 -2 -1x (mm)






p x/p0 (m


X-Px [14: END]

-3 -2 -1x (mm)









ity (n



Bunch Histogram: X [14: END]

(b) Custom plot templates, with histogram

Figure 25: Beam plotting. Particles can be colored by their attributes, in this case simply by thepx coordinate.

Any changes to the lattice (including optimization steps) will result in re-tracking the beam. Toreturn to single particle tracking mode, set:

Tao> set global track_type = single

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 100

22 Wave Analysis

Wave analysis is a method for finding isolated “kick errors” in a machine by analyzing the appro-priate data. For example, consider the orbit of a beam. In some region of the machine, assumingare no orbit kicks in the region (and assuming no x-y coupling), the horizontal orbit x(s) of thebeam will be “wave” given by the standard formula

x(s) = A»βx(s) cos(φxs+ φx0) (5)

where A and φ0 depend upon the position of the beam at the beginning of the region and β(s)and φx(s) are the standard beta and betatron phase parameters. Consider then choosing someregion of the machine and fitting the data from an orbit measurement in this region to Eq. (5)using A and φx0 as fitting parameters. If there indeed where no kicks in this region, and if thedata is perfect, a plot of the measured orbit minus the fit orbit will be zero in the region. If thisplot of orbit minus fit is extended to the entire machine, the plot will become non-zero after anypoint where there is a kick to the beam. In other words, a plot of orbit - fit can be used to locatewhere a kick is happening. This is the essence of wave analysis [1]. In practice, two fits are doneto two different regions on either side of where a kicker is thought to be located. This allows fora more accurate calculation of where the kick is.

Wave analysis can be used other types of data besides orbits:

Measurement Type Error Type

Orbit Steering errorsBetatron phase differences Quadrupolar errorsBeta function differences Quadrupolar errorsHorizontal/Vertical Coupling Skew quadrupolar errorsDispersion differences Sextupole errors

Table 1: Types of measurements that can be used in a wave analysis and the types of errors thatcan be diagnosed.

Wave analysis can not only find errors in a machine it can be used to measure calibration con-stants in magnets. For example, by measuring the coupling at two different setting of a givenskew quadrupole magnet, the magnets calibration can be determined. For further information,see the Wave Analysis chapter (§9) in the Tao manual.

22.1 Example Analysis

The example wave analysis presented here uses actual data taken at the Cornell storage ringCESR. Two measurement of the betatron phase were made the second one taken about twodays after the first. The betatron phase is measured by shaking the beam at the betatron res-onance frequencies and measuring the turn-by-turn response at the BPM detectors[2]. Theamplitude of the sinusoidal response gives the beta function and the phase of the responsegives the betatron phase. The horizontal/vertical coupling can also be extracted from the data

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 101

using the ratio of the response in the two planes. In practice, the betatron phase data is lessnoisy than the beta measurement since the phase is fairly insensitive to errors in measuring theoscillation amplitude. This being the case, it is the betatron phase that will be analyzed here.

Input files for this example are in the directory:


The relevant files are ! Lattice filesetup.tao ! Startup command filetao.init ! Tao init filewave_anal.tao ! Wave analysis commands.

A wave analysis works on data so the tao.init file sets up data for the betatron phase:

&tao_d2_datad2_data%name = ’phase’n_d1_data = 2


&tao_d1_dataix_d1_data = 1d1_data%name = ’a’search_for_lat_eles = "type::BPM*"


&tao_d1_dataix_d1_data = 2d1_data%name = ’b’use_same_lat_eles_as = "phase.a"


Setting search_for_lat_eles to “type::BPM*” works since, By convention, BPMs are repre-sented in CESR lattices by marker elements whose type attribute begins with “BPM”.

The phase data is set in the setup.tao file:

set data phase.a[1:20]|ref = [-54.2921, -52.0007, -51.8171, ...set data phase.a[21:40]|ref = [-34.7387, -34.2289, -33.0380, ...set data phase.a[41:60]|ref = [-16.7037, -16.6183, -16.0310, ......

set data phase.a[1:20]|meas = [-54.2560, -51.9583, -51.7726, ...set data phase.a[21:40]|meas = [-34.7252, -34.2236, -33.0035, ...set data phase.a[41:60]|meas = [-16.6726, -16.5874, -16.0207, ......

The ref data represents the first measurement and the meas data represents the second.

The setup.tao file also modifies the betatron phase plot:

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 102


Figure 26: Betatron phase difference between two measurements taken two days apart in theCornell CESR storage ring. The dashed lines indicate approximately the oscillation centroid ofthe B-mode phase difference.

set plot phase x_axis_type = indexset graph phase x%label = ’Index’set graph phase component = meas - refset curve phase data_source = dataset curve phase draw_symbols = Tplace r11 phase

The setting of x_axis_type to index switches the x-axis variable from s-position to data index.This is done for convenience later on.

Start Tao and the plot window should look like Figure 26 which shows the change in the “horizontal-like” a-mode phase φa (blue curve) along with the change in the “vertical-like” b-mode phase φb

(orange curve). In the figure, a dashed line in red has been added to approximately show theaverage of the oscillations of φb. Even before doing a phase analysis, a lot can be learned bylooking at the plot:

• In a region where there have been no changes in quadrupole strength, the oscillation cen-troid of the phase difference is constant. In Figure 26, the oscillation centroid for the φb

difference is shown approximately by the red dashed line. As can be seen, there is a largejump in the centroid near detector 90 which indicates a quadrupolar field change in thatregion.

• The a-mode phase oscillations are small to compared to the b-mode phase indicating thatthe quadrupolar field change near detector 90 is at a point with large βb compared to βa.

• With the exception of the discontinuity near detector 90, the oscillation centroid of the b-mode phase has a slope but is not obviously discontinuous. This indicates that here hasbeen small changes to the strength of many quadrupole magnets distributed throughoutthe ring.

Now run the wave analysis on the phase.b data:

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 103

Figure 27: Wave analysis of the phase.b difference data. The blue boxes show the locationsof the A and B fit regions. The data has been extended past the end of the lattice to allow awave analysis for the region near the ends of the lattice. Top graph: The original data. Middlegraph: The data with the A-region fit subtracted off. Bottom graph: The data with the B-region fitsubtracted off. Notice that the y-axis label is simply taken from the original plot so that the factthat the label mentions φA should be ignored.

Tao> wave phase.b

The result is shown in Figure 27. There are two regions, called A and B where the data is fit toa betatron phase wave[1]. Initially, the placement of these two regions are somewhat arbitrarilychosen by Tao. In this case, the A-region is from datum 5 to datum 15 and the B region is fromdatum 94 to datum 104. Notice that, in order to be able to analyze the region near the ends ofthe lattice, the data has been extended by 1/2 of the length of the data array. In this case thephase.b data range was from 1 to 111. Thus in the extended curves in Figure 27, datum 112 isderived from datum 1, datum 113 is derived from datum 2, etc.

In Figure 27 the top plot is the original phase.b difference data, the middle plot is The differencedata with the A-region fit subtracted off, and the bottom plot is the difference data with the B-region fit subtracted off. Since the difference between the data and the A-region fit is near zeroin the A-region, and similarly for the B-region, this shows that both the A and B regions are wellfitted. That is, there were no significant quadrupole changes in the fit regions in the time periodbetween the two measurements. The goodness of the fits, “Sigma_Fit/Amp_Fit” is printed as

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 104

Figure 28: Wave analysis of the phase.b difference data after the fit regions have been adjustedto bracket the quadrupole error. The circle in the middle graph marks a bad data point.

part of the output of the wave command:

ix_a: 5 15ix_b: 94 104A Region Sigma_Fit/Amp_Fit: 0.035B Region Sigma_Fit/Amp_Fit: 0.067Sigma_Kick/Kick: 0.033Sigma_phi: 0.020Chi_C: 0.804 [Figure of Merit]

Normalized Kick = k * l * beta [dimensionless]where k = quadrupole gradient [rad/m^2].

After Dat# Norm_Kick s-pos ele@kick phi20 0.13 77.48 248 D083 16.34023 -0.13 103.39 290 B16W 17.91125 0.13 126.07 307 D104 19.48227 -0.13 137.80 320 B20W 21.05330 0.13 161.15 344 B23W 22.624

... etc...

A value of 1 indicates a poor fit and a value of zero indicates a good fit. In this case, with thegoodness of the fits are both below 0.1 indicating a good fit. See the section on Wave Analysis

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 105

Commands and Output (§9.4) in the Tao manual for more details.

Since the fit regions are far apart, there are many possible error locations. To narrow down thepossibilities, the fit regions need to be moved as close as possible while still maintaining goodfits. Since the B-region fit shows a strong error just to the left of the B-regions left edge, it makessense to move the A-region towards the B region.

The reader is invited to play around with adjusting the fit regions. Or just set:

set wave ix_a = 74 92 ! Set A-region boundariesset wave ix_b = 94 104 ! Set B-region boundaries

The result is shown in Figure 28. A unique solution has been bracketed:

ix_a: 74 92ix_b: 94 104...Normalized Kick = k * l * beta [dimensionless]where k = quadrupole gradient [rad/m^2].

After Dat# Norm_Kick s-pos ele@kick phi93 0.27 683.95 956 D408 63.314

This shows a quadrupole error at about s = 684 meters. Nearby elements are:

Tao> show lat -s 681:687# Values shown are for the Exit End of each Element:# Index name key s l#

946 D404#2 Drift 682.171 1.684 ...947 D14BE_RFA1_SEG Marker 682.171 0.000 ...948 D404#3 Drift 682.350 0.179 ...949 DOG_LEG_14E1 Kicker 682.594 0.244 ...950 D405 Drift 682.856 0.262 ...951 DET_13E Marker 682.856 0.000 ...952 D406 Drift 682.874 0.018 ...953 SEX_13E Sextupole 683.146 0.272 ...954 D407 Drift 683.208 0.062 ...955 Q13E Quadrupole 683.808 0.600 ...956 D408 Drift 683.998 0.189 ...

So the likely candidate is quadrupole Q13E. The show element command shows that the b-modebeta function at this element is about a factor of 10 larger than the b-mode beta which explainsthe small phase.a signal. Subsequent investigation showed that there was a ground problemwhich was corrected and further observation showed that this fixed the problem.


• In the middle plot in Figure 28, there is a data point, marked by a red circle, within theA-region whose value is far from the its neighboring points. This indicates a bad datapoint. To get a better fit, this data point can be removed from the plot and the fit using thecommand

veto data phase.b[90]

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 106

• To make the setup.tao command file run faster, lattice and replotting calculations are sus-pended by the following at the top of the command file:

set global lattice_calc_on = F ! Stop lattice calculations.set global plot_on = F ! Stop replotting.

with corresponding commands at the end of the file to re-enable calculations. This is not abig factor here but in other cases can save a significant amount of time.

• For the wave analysis to work the right edge of the A region must be to the left of the leftedge of the B-region.

• To increase the accuracy of the analysis, the quadrupoles and skew quadrupoles in themodellattice should be varied to fit the model Twiss parameters to one of the measurements.This is especially true when calibrating skew quadrupoles since the the effect of a skewquadrupole is proportional to the tune difference between the a and b normal modes.

• Data where there are multiple error locations that are well enough separated can be ana-lyzed by varying the A and B regions to successively to bracket the individual error loca-tions.

22.2 Exercises

22.1 Create your own data for doing a wave analysis. A easy way to do this is to introduce errorsinto the model lattice and then set meas (or ref) data:

set data phase.a|meas = phase.a|model + 0.1 * ran_gauss()

The ran_gauss() function adds noise to the data so you can experiment with how noisedegrades the analysis.

22.2 By creating your own data, experiment with how well you can resolve two errors that areclose together.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 107

23 References

[1] D. Sagan, “Betatron phase and coupling correction at the Cornell Electron/Positron StorageRing,” Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams, vol. 3, p. 102801, Oct.2000.

[2] R. L. D. Sagan, R. Meller and D. Rubin, “Betatron phase and coupling measurements at theCornell electron/positron storage ring,” Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, vol. 3, p. 092801, 2000.Note: While the paper does not mention it, Bmad is the software being used here for theanalysis.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 108

24 Answers to Exercises

24.1 Chapter 5 “Starting Tao” Answers

5.1 The tao.init file should look like:

&tao_design_latticen_universes = 1design_lattice(1)%file = "simple.bmad"


5.2 The command file should have the line:

help [[1]]

5.3 Add to the tao.init file:

&tao_startstartup_file = ’doit’


When starting Tao, no parameters are passed to the startup file so when the command fileis run, the help command with no arguments is executed.

24.2 Chapter 6 “Introduction to Bmad Lattices” Answers

6.1 An sbend is a dipole bend whose nominal shape is a circular sector. The g attribute isthe reference bending “strength” equal to 1/rho where rho is the reference bending radius.The reference bending strength/angle is used to establish where the next latticel elementis placed (discussed in Chapter §12). The g_err attribute is the “error” bending strength.The actual magnetic field of the dipole is proportional to g + g_err.

6.2 Try:

beginning[e_tot] = 10e6parameter[geometry] = closedd: drift, L = 0.5q1: quadrupole , L = 0.6, k1 = 0.23q2: q1, k1 = -q1[k1]lat: line = (d, q1, d, q2)use, lat

6.3 Continuing from the previous exercise, remove the use command and replace with:

lat: line = (d, q1, d, q2)lat2: line = (10*lat) ! Equivalent to: lat2: line = (10*(d, q1, d, q2))use, lat2

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 109

24.3 Chapter 7 “Tao Show Command” Answers

7.1 Use the example lattice with:

q1: quad, alias = "z quad1"q2: quad, alias = "z quad2"q3: quad, alias = "abc"line = (q1, q2, q3)use, line

Run Tao and use the command:

Tao> show lat alias::z*

7.2 The name Q##2 will match to the second element named Q.

7.3 Try it and see!

7.4 The show history command shows the command history.

7.5 To create a column of k1 element parameter values use

show lattice -attribute k1 ! or tryshow lattice -attribute k1 -undef0

7.6 To show only sbend elements use

show lattice sbend::*

7.7 With the -all switch more parameters are shown.

24.4 Chapter 8 “Introduction to Plotting in Tao” Answers

8.1 To place the b_field template plot use something like

place r11 b_field

8.2 To set the draw_symbols to True for the beta plot curves use the command:

set curve beta draw_symbols = T

8.3 The particle orbit is enabled when the orbit_scale component of the graph is non-zero.To calculate what orbit_scale should be set to to produce an orbit that looks nice, use thefollowing logic: The maximum (horizontal) orbit excursion is at the end of the lattice whereat the horizontal orbit is about 0.4 mm (the show lat command will show this). The scale ofthe floor plan plot is of order 1 meter. So a “reasonable” plotted excursion would be, say,0.2 meter. This gives an orbit scale of 500 = 0.2 meter / 0.4 mm. So set orbit_scale usingthe command:

set graph floor floor_plan%orbit_scale = 500

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 110

To change the starting particle energy use, for example:

set particle_start pz = 0.002

8.4 To scale the x-axis of all plots to be in the range [0.5, 1.5] use the command

x_scale all 0.5 1.5

24.5 Chapter 9 “Model, Design and Base Lattices in Tao” Answers

9.1 The show curve r23 command will show that the curves are named r23.g.x and r23.g.y.[Note: using the alternative name that begins with “orbit” will not work here since there aremultiple orbit plots.] To use the r23.g.y curve to draw the design horizontal orbit use thecommands:

set curve r23.g.y data_type = orbit.xset curve r23.g.y legend_text = ’X’set curve r23.g.y component = design

Note: By default, orbit plots have a non-blank legend_text which is why the legend_textneeds to be changed. What happens if, instead of setting to “X”, the legend_text is set to ablank string?

9.2 alais setit set ele q vkick = [[1]]

24.6 Chapter 10 “Multiple Universes” Answers

10.1 The show curve beta command shows that the curve names are r13.g.a and r13.g.b (orbeta.g.a and beta.g.b will work in this instance). To set the universe indexes use:

set curve r13.g.a ix_universe = 1set curve r13.g.b ix_universe = 2

24.7 Chapter 11 “Control Elements” Answers

11.1 A knot based overlay to replace ov2 would be:

k2: overlay = {q[k1]:{0, 0.7}, q[x_offset]:{0, 0.1}},var = {hh}, hh = 0.01, x_knot = {0, 1}

11.2 A group element to vary the entrance edge of element B:

gedge: group = {B[start_edge]: ds}, var = {ds}

11.3 In the simple.bmad lattice file add:

gg: girder = {b, q}

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 111

24.8 Chapter 12 “Machine Coordinates and Patch Elements” Answers

12.1 In the simple.bmad lattice file add:

gg: girder = {b, q}, x_offset = 0.1, y_pitch = 0.02

When in Tao, to see the global position of, say, element b use the command:

Tao> show ele -floor b

12.2 Lattice with a mirror element:

parameter[p0c] = 1e3parameter[particle] = photond: drift, l = 1m: mirror, graze_angle = 0.1l: line = (d, m, d)use, l

Verify the coordinates with the command:

Tao> show lat -floor

12.3 The end floor coordinates can be calculated by hand using the equations

z = ld + ρb sin(θb) + lq cos(θb)

x = ρb (cos(θ)− 1)− lq sin(θb) (6)

where ld, lb, and lq are the lengths of elements D, B, and Q respectively and ρb is the rhoattribute of element B.

24.9 Chapter 13 “Particle Phase Space Coordinates” Answers

13.1 In the cavity.bmad lattice file replace the appropriate lines with

beginning[p0c] = 2*mass_of(He)lc: lcavity, l = 1e-6, voltage = mass_of(He), rf_frequency = 1e9particle_start[z] = 1e-3

The command show ele lc will show that the beginning beta is 0.740and the ending beta is0.916 The ratio of the betas is the same ratio as the ratio of the beginning z (1.00 mm) toending z (1.24 mm).

13.2 Approximately, for phi0_err values above about 0.2502 or below -0.2502 the particle willnot make it through the lcavity.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 112

24.10 Chapter 14 “Superposition” Answers

14.1 For the first lattice:

beginning[beta_a] = 10.0beginning[beta_b] = 10.0beginning[e_tot] = 10e6parameter[geometry] = open ! Or closedparameter[particle] = electron ! Reference particle.s: sextupole , L = 0.5, k2 = 1, superimpose , ref = qq: quadrupole , L = 0.6, k1 = 0.2lat: line = (q)use, lat

For the second lattice add the line

s[create_jumbo_slave] = T

24.11 Chapter 15 “Multipass” Answers

15.1 Replace the definition of the linac line with:

linac: line[multipass] = (cavity, cavity)

24.12 Chapter 16 “Lattice Geometry” Answers

16.1 After creating the lattice file using the write bmad command, modify the geometry line to:

parameter[geometry] = open

16.2 The show branch command shows that the lattice has one branch with index zero andname “LAT”. So either of the following commands will toggle the geometry:

Tao> set branch 0 geometry = openTao> set branch lat geometry = open

24.13 Chapter 17 “Forks and Branches” Answers

17.1 To vary the beginning Twiss and orbit use commands like

Tao> set particle_start px = 0.001Tao> change particle_start y = 0.02Tao> set ele 0 beta_a = 10Tao> change ele 0 eta_x = 0.1

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 113

24.14 Chapter 18 “Tracking Methods” Answers

18.1 The orbit.bmad lattice in the lattice_files directory can be used here.

24.15 Chapter 20 “Lattice and Orbit Corrections” Answers

20.1 The “measured” orbit used for the analysis should be

measured = actual_measured - (golden_orbit - design_orbit)

20.2 Use the following commands to increase the variable weights by a factor of 10 and refit:

Tao> set var *|weight = 10 * *|weightTao> run

With variable weights of 104 the oribit fit is noticeably degraded.

An Introduction and Tutorial to Bmad and Tao 114
