AN endangered specie. The jaguars fur coat is yellow and tan with black spots. It is smaller then a...


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Describeing Jaguars The jaguars fur coat is yellow and tan with black spots. It is smaller then a tiger. It has very sharp claws and very sharp teeth . They have a tails eyes ears whiskers.

jaguarIf you destroy the jaguars home the jaguar will be very sad

and homeless


Eye ear jaw nose paw coat tail whiskers

Special featuresIt has four legs. Two ears and two eyes that shimmer.It has a spotted fur coat. It has

very sharp claws to pounce . It has very sharp teeth to hunt and carry it’s pray.

How the Jaguars movesIt uses its front and back legs to move and jump. The

jaguar speed is 34.6 miles per hour

What does it need to surviveThe jaguar builds its home to make a safe place to bred. They collett there own food and

for there cubs. The jaguar mum pretects it’s cub from predators.

Jaguars eat

Frogs,monkeys,deer,turtule,fish and any thing else they can catch.

What makes it specialUnlike other big cat’s they love to swim in water. There fur

is valuable.

Where jaguars liveJaguars live in south America. It makes it’s home in

rainforst,swamps and grass land’s.

Jaguars use to liveThe mighty jaguar once roamed from Argentina in South America all the way up to the Grand Canyon in Arizona.

What predators do they haveGray wolfs, poachers, African wild dogs and coyotes all kill

the jaguar for it’s fur and juisey meat.

When did it become endangered.The jaguar was listed an endangered animal on march 28


Why are jaguars endangeredpeople kill jaguars for there fur and they have heaps of enemys

HOW MANY JAGUARS LIFTThere is about 15000 to 2000 lift in the wild

What can people do to helpthey can not kill them just for fur

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