American House of Spring Lake


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American House of Spring Lake18100 174th Avenue | Spring Lake | Michigan | 49456

November 2016Who’s Who at American HouseSpring Lake

Executive Director..Penny GlaesmanExecutive Assistant Director..Barb DekkerAdministrator Assistant..Jeanette WozniakClinical Director..Becki Goudreau RNMaintenance Director..Bob McDonoughCulinary Director..Rob SchweiflierHR Assistant..Paula DeWallHousekeeping/Laundry..Lisa HenryChaplain..Dennis PerkinsLife Enrichment Director..Liane MartinoWillowbrook and TimberbrookManager..Char Strong, LPNPebblebrook and StoneybrookManager..Lacy Zoldan, LPN

Phone NumbersMain Office ... 844-2880• Stoneybrook...844-2877• Pebblebrook...844-9277• Timberbrook...844-2862• Willowbrook..844-2893Harbor Transit ... 842-3200Tribune... 842-6400Muskegon Chronicle.. 231-722-3161Four Pointes Senior Center ... 842-9210Charter Cable ... 800-242-7837Spring Lake District Library ... 846-5770Leppinks ... 842-7020Pharmacy ... 842-4706North Ottawa Com. Hospital ... 842-3600Annie Martinez...231-730-3867Guardian Alarm... 888-349-2400

Gratitude, Thankfulness, Appreciation....It would appear that counting our blessings on a

regular basis can improve our mood and overall levelof happiness on health, but expressing thatappreciation to others will do so even more. And thegood news is that noticing, appreciating andexpressing our feelings for life’s little blessings canproduce just as much benefit as noticing themonumental moments.

When asked to write down five things for whichthey felt grateful for, once a week for 10 weeks in arow, exciting results emerged. People reportedfeeling less stressed, more content, optimistic andsatisfied with their life. These were similar to findingsof other researchers, which showed that participantswho counted their blessings on a regular basisbecame happier as a result.

Say thank you to our veterans every day.


Shopping Time

RememberWhen: Holiday

CatalogsLong before the

days of onlineshopping or headingto the local mall,many gift lists werecompleted by way ofmail-order catalogs.Montgomery Ward iscredited withpopularizing themodern catalogbusiness beginning in1872. Over thedecades, the retailer,along withcompanies such asSears and JCPenney,enticed customerswith large,semi-annual editionsthat included alltypes ofmerchandise.Because manyreferred to thecatalogs as a “bookof wishes”—especially childrenwho would pore overthe pages of toys—in1933, Sears begantitling its holidaycatalog as the WishBook.

Villa NewsNovember brings us closer to winter

and begins our month long celebrationsof gratitude. We have so much to bethankful for.

We are planning an outing to theFord Museum in Grand Rapids. Thisbeing the “presidential” month, we cansee how Gerald R. Ford inspired ournation. We will be visiting on November3rd, Thursday, at 1:30, $7.00.

On November 22nd at 1:30, we willsee the Festival of Trees at theMuskegon Art Museum.

For our “Education Station” we willhave the Disability Network here fromComfort Keepers on Nov. 1st @ 2:30.

Nancy Buchanan will be doing aprogram on “The Forgotten War” onWednesday, November 9th @ 2:00.

Tom Buettner will be here onNovember 8th @ 2:00 to do histravelogue on “Daniel Boone’sKentucky“.

The Senior Nursing Care Serviceswill be here to do a Health Clinic at10:00 on November 15th.

The Center for Vein Restoration willbe here November 29th at 2:30 to doa program.

A great music line up for November.The Gentlemen of Ragtime will be hereNovember 4th at 3:00. Silverados willbe in town again on November 11th at3:00. A new musician will be here onNovember 18th at 3:00, RandyHeidema.

Penny for Your Thoughts

Thanksgiving is a word ofACTION not just a holiday on thecalendar.

“Once you start practicingbeing grateful and thankful forthings, people, and events, youmay notice that you start toattract more positive things,people, and events in your life.”

Giving Thanks is a call toaction. How many people andthings are you full of THANKSfor? Stop!!! Thank the people thathave made a consistency tocreate a habit. My challenge toyou is to THANK someonesincerely for the positives in yourlife for the next 21 days. Practice,practice, practice and watch forthose positive things, people andevents that will be comingyour way.


Birthdays in NovemberNov 4th Elinor R. -SBNov 12th Marie H.-VNov 13th Mryna L.-VNov 13th Andrew S.-VNov 16th Lucille P.-VNov 19th Sylvia W.-VNov 23rd Chuck K.-PBNov 29th Nancy P.-SB

Other Important Datesin November

Nov 6th DaylightSavingTime EndsNov 8th General Election DayNov 11th Veterans DayNov 24th Thanksgiving DayNov 25th Black FridayNov 27th Advent starts (Christian)


BirthdayOur Staff Celebrating

Birthdays in NovemberNov 4th Barb ReesNov 12th Kristen HendersonNov 15th Jodi MalotkeNov 17th Maddy SesselmannNov 19th Romesha BeasleyNov 22nd Anthony WilsonNov 26th Jessica Arnold

Wit & Wisdom

“I am grateful forwhat I am and have.

My thanksgivingis perpetual.”—Henry David


“If you are reallythankful, what do

you do? You share.”—W. Clement Stone

“Best of all is it topreserve everythingin a pure, still heart,and let there be for

every pulse athanksgiving, and forevery breath a song.”—Konrad von Gesner

“If a fellow isn’tthankful for what he’sgot, he isn’t likely tobe thankful for whathe’s going to get.”—Frank A. Clark

“The thankfulreceiver bears

a plentiful harvest.”—William Blake

“Be thankful for whatyou have; you’ll end

up having more.If you concentrate onwhat you don’t have,you will never, ever

have enough.”—Oprah Winfrey


In Memorial

Please rememberthe family of Barb your prayers.

Nose FluteOrchestra

We had a brieflesson on how toplay a nose flute withFred Walker. Theseare very hard to playand yet make a greatsound.

Grandparents Day= Family,Fun, & Foam


Pinch Pot Pottery Painting With AmberBack by popular demand was

Amber Wilde teaching another class inacrylic painting. We had a small classof 5, but they were very successful atpainting a fall scene of a maple tree.She will be back in the winter.

Turkey Time

By Brian K. Rosso,R.D.

The traditionalholiday ofThanksgiving iscelebrated thismonth. Turkey is themain food consumedduring this holiday.

• On average,Americans eatmore than 16pounds ofturkey annually.

• The largestturkey on recordwas 86 pounds.

• A turkey eggtakes 28 days tohatch.

• It’s estimatedthat 675 millionpounds ofturkey will beeaten thisThanksgiving inthe UnitedStates.

• Turkeys see incolor.

• Only maleturkeys gobble.

• Wild turkeysactually sleep intrees.

• The first mealeaten on themoon wasturkey.



Herb of the Month

Amazing Herbs:Sage

A popular herbused in Thanksgivingrecipes, sage is alsocommonly found insausages and dishescontaining beans,cheese, tomatoesand eggs. Itsbotanical namecomes from the Latinword salvere,meaning “to besaved”—anappropriate monikergiven its extensivehealing properties. Anatural preservativeand antiseptic, sagehas been used totreat wounds, bitesand ulcers forthousands of years.More recently, theherb’s essential oilshave been studied inAlzheimer’s research,due to evidence theymay enhancememory andcognitive function.


Out &

November OutingsNov 2nd Goobers Bakery 10 (AC)Nov 2nd Station Grill 12:30 (V)Nov 3rd Dollar Tree 10 (AC)Nov 3rd Ford Museum 1:30 (AC)Nov 9th Once & Again 10 (AC)Nov 9th MC ride 1:30 (MC))Nov 10th Vets Breakfast 10 (AC)Nov 10th Mall shopping 1:30 (AC)Nov 16th Walden Green 10 (AC)Nov 16th Walmart 1:30 (AC)Nov 17th S.L. Library 10 (AC)Nov 17th MC Library Prg 1:00 (MC)Nov 22nd French Academy (V)Nov 22nd Festal of Trees (AC)Nov 23rd Dollar tree 10 (AC)Nov 23rd Antiquing 1:30 (AC)Nov 30th Shop @ Aldi (V)Nov 30th Olive Garden 12:30 (M)KEY (AC) all campus

(V) Villa (M) Manors

Save the DateChristmas celebrations will begin

December 5th at Willowbrook at5:30, and at Timberbrook onDecember 6th at 5:30. These willbe sit down meals, soreservations will be needed witha limit of two guests per family.

Open House for Pebblebrookand Stoneybrook will be December8th- 5:30 to 7:00. These will bebuffet style, so reservations willbe needed. Limit of two guestsper family due to seatinglimitations.

The Independent Villa parties willbe on Saturday, December 10th.First one at 12:00 noon for MapleVilla and upstairs Cedar, andsecond one at 2:00 for Aspen Villaand downstairs Cedar.

Reservations will be neededand limited to two guests perfamily due to seating limitations.

Please look for your invite in themail in the next few weeks.

Nov. 2nd Catholic Mass @ 10:45 @ TBNov. 6th Ferrysburg Church Service @ 2:00 @ TBNov. 13th Service @ PB to be determinedNov. 20th Bill and Delores Stopler @ 2:00 @ TBNov. 22nd Protestant Communion Service @ Villas @ 3:30Nov. 27th Little Black Lake Baptist @ 2:00 @ SB

Catholic Eucharist minister visits every Wednesday


Memory Care CornerLove is Ageless- Memory Care

ManorsTo enhance our environment we

have added an aromatherapy diffuserinto the environment.

We look forward to adding somespecial spa days in November withfoot soaks and facials. There is sometalk about doing a “Glamour Shot”day which will get the ladies all dolledup for some fun photos.

There is a new intellectual groupcalled the “Wise Owls” which ponderover trivia and brain games. Dennis,our chaplain has regular spiritualprogram and a great hymn sing on thefirst Thursday of every month withJohn Heim at the keyboard.

We have other music events withDebra Farber and Christopher Sloan.They both provide different butengaging music.

Routine movement programs havebeen added daily. Tea parties, milkshake Mondays and cookies and milkprovide a low stimulation social.

The Spring Lake Library provides acommunity program once a monthwhich includes all local care givers formemory care seniors.

We attend and sponsor many ofthese programs.

Importance of Exercise WithJoe Who Is 99

Health: ChooseYour Exercise

You may have tried to exercisebefore and become frustrated—butdon’t give up on it! With regularaerobic exercise (five to seven timesper week) you can change yourmetabolism! And a good metabolismis what you need to burn fat. You mayhave to work hard, but if you arediligent in your exercise, you will beable to pretty much eat what you wantand still be as thin as those “lucky”people born with a great metabolism.To really make a difference, you mustbe consistent with your exercise ...otherwise you may be wasting yourtime. You may not love aerobicexercise, but you will love what it doesfor you. It should be done every dayand be as natural as brushing yourteeth to really make a difference.

Football Fever

Game TimeNov. 5th Michigan

vs. MarylandMichigan State @

IllinoisNov. 6th Lions @

MinnesotaNov. 12th

Michigan @ IowaMichigan State vs.

RutgersNov. 19th

Michigan vs. IndianaMichigan State vs.

Ohio StateNov. 20th Lions vs.

JacksonvilleNov. 24th Lions vs.

MinnesotaNov. 26th

Michigan @ Ohio St.Michigan State @

Penn State

November 2016
