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World War Looms

Take-Home Homework Packet 100 Points

Honor Code

I understand that this is an independent assignment and that I can not receive any assistance from any other person. I will conduct all of my own research and will answer the questions to the best of my ability.

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___________________________ ___________ ___________________________ Parent Name Date Parent Signature

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.1 Dictators Threaten World Peace pp. 528-535

OUTLINING YOUR NOTES: Take notes as you read the text. Use outline formatting. Nationalism Grips Europe and Asia

o Failures of the World War I Peace Settlement

o Joseph Stalin Transforms the Soviet Union

o The Rise of Fascism in Italy

o The Nazis Take Over Germany

o Militarists Gain Control in Japan

o Aggression in Europe and Africa

o Civil War Breaks Out in Spain

The United States Responds Cautiously

o Americans Cling to Isolationism

o Neutrality Breaks Down

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.1 Dictators Threaten World Peace pp. 528-535 TERMS AND NAMES: For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. 1. Joseph Stalin

2. totalitarian

3. Benito Mussolini

4. fascism

5. Adolf Hitler

6. Nazism

7. Francisco Franco

8. Neutrality Acts

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.1 Dictators Threaten World Peace pp. 528-535

MAIN IDEAS: Answer each question as you read the text.

A. Why did the new democracies set up after World War I fail?

B. What are the characteristics of a totalitarian state?

C. What factors led to the rise of Fascism in Italy?

D. What were the key ideas and goals that Hitler presented in Mein Kampf?

E. Why did Japan invade Manchuria?

F. What foreign countries were involved in the Spanish Civil War?

G. What factors contributed to Americans’ growing isolationism?

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.2 War in Europe pp. 536-541

OUTLINING YOUR NOTES: Take notes as you read the text. Use outline formatting. Austria and Czechoslovakia Fall

o Union with Austria

o Bargaining for the Sudetenland

The German Offensive Begins

o The Soviet Union Declares Neutrality

o Blitzkrieg in Poland

o The Phony War

France and Britain Fight On

o The Fall of France

o The Battle of Britain

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.2 War in Europe pp. 536-541 TERMS AND NAMES: For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. 1. Neville Chamberlain

2. Winston Churchill

3. appeasement

4. nonaggression pact

5. blitzkrieg

6. Charles de Gaulle

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.2 War in Europe pp. 536-541

MAIN IDEAS: Answer each question as you read the text.

A. What moves did Germany make in its quest for lebensraum?

B. What was appeasement, and why did Churchill oppose it so strongly?

C. How did German blitzkrieg tactics rely on new military technology?

D. How did Hitler rationalize the German invasion of Denmark and Norway?

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.3 The Holocaust pp. 542-549

OUTLINING YOUR NOTES: Take notes as you read the text. Use outline formatting. The Persecution Begins

o Jews Targeted

o Kristallnacht

o A Flood of Jewish Refugees

o The Plight of the St. Louis

Hitler’s “Final Solution”

o The Condemned

o Forced Relocation

o Concentration Camps

The Final Stage

o Mass Exterminations

o The Survivors

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.3 The Holocaust pp. 542-549 TERMS AND NAMES: For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. 1. Holocaust

2. Kristallnacht

3. genocide

4. ghetto

5. concentration camp

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.3 The Holocaust pp. 542-549

MAIN IDEAS: Answer each question as you read the text.

A. What problems did German Jews face in Nazi Germany from 1935 to 1938?

B. How did the United States respond to Jewish refugees?

C. What was the goal of the Nazis’ Final Solution, and how was that goal nearly achieved?

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.4 America Moves toward War pp. 550-557

OUTLINING YOUR NOTES: Take notes as you read the text. Use outline formatting. The United States Musters Its Forces

o Moving Cautiously away from Neutrality

o The Axis Threat

o Building U.S. Defenses

o Roosevelt Runs for a Third Term

“The Great Arsenal of Democracy”

o The Lend-Lease Plan

o Supporting Stalin

o German Wolf Packs

FDR Plans for War

o The Atlantic Charter

o Shoot on Sight

Japan Attacks the United States

o Japan’s Ambitions in the Pacific

o Peace Talks Are Questioned

o The Attack on Pearl Harbor

o Reaction to Pearl Harbor

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.4 America Moves toward War pp. 550-557 TERMS AND NAMES: For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance. 1. Axis powers

2. Lend-Lease Act

3. Atlantic Charter

4. Allies

5. Hideki Tojo

Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Class: _____

For use with McDougal Littell THE AMERICANS: RECONSTRUCTION TO THE 21st CENTURY © 2005

16.4 America Moves toward War pp. 550-557

MAIN IDEAS: Answer each question as you read the text.

A. What impact did the outbreak of war in Europe have on U.S. foreign and defense policy?

B. Why did Roosevelt take one “unneutral” step after another to assist Britain and the Soviet Union in 1941?

C. Why was the Atlantic Charter important?

D. Why did the United States enter into an undeclared shooting war with Germany in fall 1941?

E. How was oil a source of conflict between Japan and the United States?
