Alyssa&Byar& Elkhorn&High&School& A32& · Gomez more than me and then...


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11 EntertainmentFebruary 13, 2013

Whats the worst way to get broken up with?Andy Asks:

“Having a Mariachi band come and sing the break up to you,”Josh Smith, 12

“A post-it note,”Ms. Schieffer

“Telling me that they love Selena Gomez more than me and then running away to Elope,”Jayden Kyncl, 11

“Having your boyfriend or girlfriend come at you with a car”Andrew Christensen, 9

“Over voicemail”Allisa Olson, 10

From the moment the movie starts, it’s easy to tell that Warm Bodies isn’t your typical zombie apocalypse story. For starters, the main character is not D�VXUYLYRU�RI�WKH�HSLGHPLF��¿JKWLQJ�WR�DYRLG�EHFRPLQJ�DQRWKHU�]RPELH��Instead, he is a zombie, or “corpse”, WRUQ�EHWZHHQ�KLV�XQGHDG�XUJHV�DQG�KLV�KXPDQ�WKRXJKWV�Another peculiarity is the romance between R, the main character, and -XOLH��WKH�GDXJKWHU�RI�WKH�OHDGHU�RI�D�VWUXJJOLQJ�JURXSV�RI�VXUYLYRUV��,W¶V�cute and quirky and awkward, all at the same time, yet somehow it works.The movie was hilarious and HQWHUWDLQLQJ��7KH�DFWLQJ�ZDV�SUHWW\�JRRG��DQG�WKLV�VWRU\�KDV�D�VRUW�RI�TXLHW�intensity. Witty commentary helps us understand a main character who can’t talk.7KLV�¿OP�KDV�VRPHWKLQJ�IRU�HYHU\RQH��It’s part romance, part comedy,


Warm BodiesWarms our Hearts

by Emily Benes

Kissing Tips:1. Make sure you use good dental hygiene and chew gum and breath mints

2. Find the right guy or girl, just don’t go around kissing the ½VWX�TIVWSR�]SY�WII


4. take your date to HMRRIV�½VWX��

���½RH�XLI�TVSTIV�EVIE�to create the right mood

6. Lean in and let the WTEVOW�¾]��(

demonstrated with socks


11 EntertainmentFebruary 13, 2013

Whats the worst way to get broken up with?Andy Asks:

“Having a Mariachi band come and sing the break up to you,”Josh Smith, 12

“A post-it note,”Ms. Schieffer

“Telling me that they love Selena Gomez more than me and then running away to Elope,”Jayden Kyncl, 11

“Having your boyfriend or girlfriend come at you with a car”Andrew Christensen, 9

“Over voicemail”Allisa Olson, 10

From the moment the movie starts, it’s easy to tell that Warm Bodies isn’t your typical zombie apocalypse story. For starters, the main character is not D�VXUYLYRU�RI�WKH�HSLGHPLF��¿JKWLQJ�WR�DYRLG�EHFRPLQJ�DQRWKHU�]RPELH��Instead, he is a zombie, or “corpse”, WRUQ�EHWZHHQ�KLV�XQGHDG�XUJHV�DQG�KLV�KXPDQ�WKRXJKWV�Another peculiarity is the romance between R, the main character, and -XOLH��WKH�GDXJKWHU�RI�WKH�OHDGHU�RI�D�VWUXJJOLQJ�JURXSV�RI�VXUYLYRUV��,W¶V�cute and quirky and awkward, all at the same time, yet somehow it works.The movie was hilarious and HQWHUWDLQLQJ��7KH�DFWLQJ�ZDV�SUHWW\�JRRG��DQG�WKLV�VWRU\�KDV�D�VRUW�RI�TXLHW�intensity. Witty commentary helps us understand a main character who can’t talk.7KLV�¿OP�KDV�VRPHWKLQJ�IRU�HYHU\RQH��It’s part romance, part comedy,


Warm BodiesWarms our Hearts

by Emily Benes

Kissing Tips:1. Make sure you use good dental hygiene and chew gum and breath mints

2. Find the right guy or girl, just don’t go around kissing the ½VWX�TIVWSR�]SY�WII


4. take your date to HMRRIV�½VWX��

���½RH�XLI�TVSTIV�EVIE�to create the right mood

6. Lean in and let the WTEVOW�¾]��(

demonstrated with socks

