Alumni Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin Law School · be Dan Bernstine and Kenneth Davis....


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Alumni Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin Law SchoolVol. 9 No..4 Summer, 1978

leturn address:

:Jke (jargo'llelaw SchoolUniversity of WisconsinMadison, Wisconsin 53706

Second Class Postage Paid atWaterloo, Wis. 53594


Last year, in my annual reportto the alumni, I stressed the multi-ple goals of a large modern-daylaw school like the University of

Each year as part of the SpringProgram, the Dean gives a reportat the Alumni Luncheon. Its con-tents are of interest to all whoreceived their legal education atWisconsin, and are reproducedherein abbreviated form.

Dean's Annual Report 2 ff

Directors Meet 6

Fund Drive - Reisner 7

Fund Drive-

Annual Report 7ff

Awards Convocation 15

Coif Installed 16

Trial Advocacy 17

Law Review Changeover 18* * *

Wisconsin LawSchool. I did this inthe hope of conveying to you a bet-ter understanding ofour goals andoperations, for it is clear thatalthough our main goal is to pre-pare students for the practice oflaw, it is not our only goal. Thisyear I want to pursue that themefurther by focusing on the inter-nal administrative structure ofthe law school. I do this not toemphasize form over substancebut as a vehicle to illustrate and toinform you of the multiple facetsof our educational enterprise.First, however, let me reviewbriefly a few of the things whichnormally are dealt with in adean's annual report.

Our faculty continues to teach,do research and engage in avariety of forms of public servicewith enthusiasm. In September,1978, our faculty will be aug-mented by the addition of twomembers. Joining the faculty willbe Dan Bernstine and KennethDavis.


U. S. Solicitor General WadeMcCree addressed a capacity au-dience at the Law School in anoon-day lecture on April 5, 1978.He described the work of theSolicitor's office,which representsthe federal government in civillitigation before the United StatesSupreme Court. Of the 4,000 cases(includes petitions for certiorari)before the Supreme Court eachyear, the Solicitor General's staffparticipates in about 2,200 ofthem.



Solicitor General McCree is a1944 graduate of Harvard LawSchool. He served as a U. S. Dis-trict Judge in Eastern Michiganfrom 1961-66, as a member of theCircuit Court of Appeals for thesixth circuit, and became SolicitorGeneral in 1977.

He was introduced by his closefriend, Professor G. W. Foster.

THE GARGOYLEBulletin of the University of Wisconsinlaw School, published quarterly,

Vol. 9 No.4 Summer,1978Ruth B. Doyle, editor

Photos by G. SchultzArtist. Elaine Sweet

Publication office, law School, Universityof Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Second classpostage paid at Madison, Wis. and Water-loo, Wis.Postmaster's Note: Please send form 3579to "Gargoyle", University of WisconsinLaw School, Madison, Wisconsin.Subscription Price: 50¢ per year for mem-bers, $1.00 per year for non-members.



Last year, in my annual reportto the alumni, I stressed the multi-ple goals of a large modern-daylaw school like the University of

Each year as part of the SpringProgram, the Dean gives a reportat the Alumni Luncheon. Its con-tents are of interest to all whoreceived their legal education atWisconsin, and are reproducedherein abbreviated form.

Dean's Annual Report 2 ff

Directors Meet 6

Fund Drive - Reisner 7

Fund Drive-

Annual Report 7ff

Awards Convocation 15

Coif Installed 16

Trial Advocacy 17

Law Review Changeover 18* * *

Wisconsin LawSchool. I did this inthe hope of conveying to you a bet-ter understanding ofour goals andoperations, for it is clear thatalthough our main goal is to pre-pare students for the practice oflaw, it is not our only goal. Thisyear I want to pursue that themefurther by focusing on the inter-nal administrative structure ofthe law school. I do this not toemphasize form over substancebut as a vehicle to illustrate and toinform you of the multiple facetsof our educational enterprise.First, however, let me reviewbriefly a few of the things whichnormally are dealt with in adean's annual report.

Our faculty continues to teach,do research and engage in avariety of forms of public servicewith enthusiasm. In September,1978, our faculty will be aug-mented by the addition of twomembers. Joining the faculty willbe Dan Bernstine and KennethDavis.


U. S. Solicitor General WadeMcCree addressed a capacity au-dience at the Law School in anoon-day lecture on April 5, 1978.He described the work of theSolicitor's office,which representsthe federal government in civillitigation before the United StatesSupreme Court. Of the 4,000 cases(includes petitions for certiorari)before the Supreme Court eachyear, the Solicitor General's staffparticipates in about 2,200 ofthem.



Solicitor General McCree is a1944 graduate of Harvard LawSchool. He served as a U. S. Dis-trict Judge in Eastern Michiganfrom 1961-66, as a member of theCircuit Court of Appeals for thesixth circuit, and became SolicitorGeneral in 1977.

He was introduced by his closefriend, Professor G. W. Foster.

THE GARGOYLEBulletin of the University of Wisconsinlaw School, published quarterly,

Vol. 9 No.4 Summer,1978Ruth B. Doyle, editor

Photos by G. SchultzArtist. Elaine Sweet

Publication office, law School, Universityof Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Second classpostage paid at Madison, Wis. and Water-loo, Wis.Postmaster's Note: Please send form 3579to "Gargoyle", University of WisconsinLaw School, Madison, Wisconsin.Subscription Price: 50¢ per year for mem-bers, $1.00 per year for non-members.


Bernstine has been teaching forthe past three years at HowardUniversity SchoolofLawin Wash-ington, D.C. Professor Bernstinespecializes in Civil Procedure andalso will be teaching other sub-jects such as Labor Law.Mr.Davishas been an associate for the pasttwo years with the Washingtonlaw firm of Covington and Bur-ling. He will be teaching Corpora-tions, Corporate Taxation andSecurities Regulation, and alsowill participate from time to timein coaching our moot court teams.As far as I am aware, we will nothave any faculty members leavingus permanently, and so this bringsour faculty to full strength.

Our faculty members continueto be much in demand as visitorsat other law schools, and a num-ber of them were at other institu-tions during the 1977-78academicyear. In the fall semester, BillFoster taught at Arizona Stateand June Weisberger taught atMichigan. In the spring semester,Willard Hurst was at FloridaChuck Irish at Hawaii and Walte~Raushenbush at Arizona. TomHeller spent all year at theUniversity of Miami, and MarkTushnet spent the year at theUniversity of Texas.

In addition, a number of ourprofessors were on research orservice leaves, including JoelHandler who spent the springsemester in England under agrant from the German Marshallfund and Zig Zile who spent thefall semester at the University ofHelsinki under a research grantwhich is part of an exchange pro-gram between the University ofWisconsin-Madison and theUniversity of Helsinki. ProfessorStephen Cohen spent the year atthe State Department in Wash-ington, D.C. Professors ShirleyAbrahamson and FrankTuerkheimer continue to serve intheir respective positions asJustice of the Wisconsin SupremeCourt and U.S. Attorney for theWestern District of Wisconsin.THE GARGOYLE

As in the past several years, weare holding total enrollment atabout 880 students. We continueto get many more well-qualifiedapplicants than we can take, andin general there has been noabatement of the admissions pres-sures which we have faced in thelast ten years.

The job market for our gradu-ates also continues to be good.Wecontinue to place between 40 and50% of our graduates in privatepractice, with the next largestcategory being a variety of formsof law-related government jobs.

Let me return now to the themeof our goals, programs andorganizational structure. Themultiple goals of the Law Schoolare set forth in the mission state-ment which was last revised byour faculty in November, 1973.According to this statement, it isthe mission of the University ofWisconsin Law School to (1) pro-vide a basic law degree program ofprofessional legal education; (2)provide advanced professionaldegree programs; (3) engage incomprehensive scholarly researchin the law and the law's workingrelations to the general organiza-tion and processes of society; (4)provide teaching assistance to theUniversity Extension and othersimilar continuing education pro-grams; and (5) provide service topublic agencies, communitygroups and the like through theapplication of legal research andexpertise to the solution of societalproblems.

To accomplish these goals effi-ciently and effectively, a certaindegree of administrative organiza-tion is essential. We operate on atotal budget of around $3million ayear and have roughly a hundredemployees, including faculty butexcluding part-time lecturers.Almost exactly two-thirds of ourbudget goes for instruction andsupporting services. The re-mainder is divided approximatelyequally between expenditures forlibrary, research and financial aidfor students. About $700,000 ofthe total budget comes from fundsother than regular University ap-propriations, including the majorportion of the funding for student

financial aid, clinical instructionand research.

Let me describe briefly ourorganizational set-up. The Dean,at least in theory, is in charge ofthe administration of the LawSchool. He is appointed by theChancellor of the University ofWisconsin-Madison and serves atthe pleasure of the Chancellor. Hepresides over faculty meetings,appoints faculty committees, andis responsible for preparation ofthe budget and for seeing to it thatit is not overspent. He must beconcerned with a variety of exter-nal and internal relations, and ingeneral must muddle throughmountains of paperwork and redtape in the course of a year.

The main administrative officeand its various branches takescare of such matters as assuringthat admissions files are kept inproper order, students are pro-perly registered, student graderecords and other records arekept, typing for the faculty isdone, people are paid on time andin the right amounts, andmaterials are duplicated for class-work and other purposes.

There are two associate deanswho devote most of their adminis-trative effort to dealing with stu-dents and their various requestsand problems, scheduling ofclasses, assignment of office andparking space, and a variety ofother matters relating to theacademic program and some non-academic affairs of the law school.These associate deans are facultymembers who are appointed tothese positions generally forterms of two years and who devoteapproximately half of their time toteaching and the remainder oftheir time to the administrativework. This is illustrative of theclose relationship between teach-ing, policy making and adminis-tration in the Law School.


One Law Firm Says It W,th a Chec~There is an assistant dean for

placement and alumni affairs. EdReisner, whom many ofyou know,holds this position. He runs theplacement office and also devotessome of his time to the affairs ofthe Alumni Association as Execu-tive Secretary of that organiza-tion.

Many of you also know ArnonAllen whohas a joint appointmentas Chairman of the Extension LawDepartment and Associate Deanfor outreach services.

An assistant to the dean, RuthDoyle is in charge of financial aidsfor students, pre-law advising, andthe editing and production of ouralumni magazine, the Gargoyle.

Another member of our admin-istrative team is the law librarian,who in his administrative capacityis the equivalent of an associatedean. As most ofyou know, MauryLeon has held this position formany years and has done a finejob of running this major supportservice for our instructional andresearch programs. Our law libr-ary now contains approximately200,000 volumes.

The use of faculty members on apart-time basis in what sup-posedly are largely administrativepositions may not be the most effi-cient way to administer a lawschool, but it is consistent with theconcept of faculty governancewhich is strongly held at theUniversity of Wisconsin as well asat many other institutions of high-er education. In theory, the con-cept means that the faculty has adominant voice in educational


"Our partners believe thatqualified students should not bedenied the opportunity to ob-tain a law school education by

policy while the dean is in chargeof administration, but the distinc-tion often is difficult to draw. It ismore accurate to say that therespective roles of the faculty anddean have merged into a conceptof shared governance. In recentyears, students also have beengiven a voice in governancethrough participation in the ac-tivities of various committees. Infact, some committees are ratherheavily involved in administrationas well as policy making. I needtherefore to refer at least brieflyto the committee structure in theLaw School if I am to give you afairly complete picture of the ad-ministrative organization.

Committees are appointed bythe Dean at the beginning of eachacademic year. By way of illustra-tion, the following standing com-mittees operated during the1977-78 academic year:

1. Academic Planning. The mainfunctions of this committee are toadvise the dean on budgetarypriorities and to engage in lo, g-range planning.

2. Admissions. This committee,consisting of three faculty mem-bers, carries perhaps the heaviestadministrative burden of anycommittee. It must examine thecredentials of the roughly 2,000applicants for admission anddecide whom to admit in order tomake up the entering class ofroughly 280 students each year.

reason of financial constraints.Accordingly, we are pleased tosupport the scholarship pro-gram at the Law School."

3. Continuing Legal Education.This is one of our newer standingcommittees. Its main function isto act as a policy and advisoryboard for continuing legal educa-tion and outreach programs.

4. Curriculum. This committeeperiodically reviews the cur-riculum or segments of it and re-ports its recommendations to thewhole faculty. The committee hasbeen relatively inactive in the lasttwo years, but we may undertakea major curricular study nextyear.

5. Faculty Recruiting. As the namesuggests, this committee searchesout and screens applicants forpositions on the faculty andmakes recommendations to thefaculty as to whom to offer ap-pointments in a particular year.

6. Financial Aids. This committeeassists in the administration ofour financial aid program for stu-dents.

7. Legal Education Opportunities.This committee generally over-sees our Legal Education Oppor-tunities Program for minority anddisadvantaged students. Itengages in recruitment of suchstudents, reviews applications foradmission to Law School, makesrecommendations to the Admis-sions Committee as to whom to ad-mit, and handles a variety of othermatters relating to this program.


WLAA Boards Meet - Directors Adopt BudgetAs they do traditionally, the

Boards of Directors and ofVisitorsmet in connection with the SpringProgram on April 22, to discussthe Alumni Fund Budget for1978-79. There was lengthy dis-cussion of the deficit (approx-imately $11,000) which exists inthe Scholarship budget, attributedto higher than anticipated educa-tional costs. It was voted thatmoney from the long term loanfund be used to cancel the deficit.In a companion decision, the

Budget for scholarships in1978-79 was cut from $24,000 to$5,000, a cut of nearly 20%of thetotal amount available for non-LEO scholarships.The Board of Directors devoted

much of its meeting to a discus-sion of investment of Law AlumniAssociation funds presently man-aged by the University of Wiscon-sin Foundation. An ad hoc Com-mittee, of which President Russellis chairman, will give serious con-sideration to this matter in con-

formance with investment goalsapproved by the Board.

Retiring President Flaherty re-appointed Robert B. L. Murphyand appointed James Schipper,Viroqua, and William Rosenbaum,Madison, to the Board of Visitors.Lloyd Barbee, Milwaukee, waselected Chairman of the Boardand Mark Bonady, also of Mil-waukee, was named Vice-Chair-man. The annual visitation wasset for November 5-6, 1978.

Members of the Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Law Alumni As-sociation are as follows:

Term Expires1979 President

President Elect19791980198119791980198019811980198119791981

Graduate Representative1978

Secretary-Treasurerex officio

ex officioex officio

BOARD OF DIRECTORSTomas M.Russell, ChicagoIrvin B.Charne, MilwaukeePatricia Nelson Colloton,MilwaukeeGeorge Curry, PlattevilleConrad G.Goodkind, MadisonRichard L.Olson, MadisonDale L. Sorden, MilwaukeeGeorge K. Steil, JanesvilleRoyD.Stewart, RacineJohn E. Thomas, MinneapolisRichard C.Trembath, WausauPaul Van Valkenburg, MinneapolisWilliam J. Willis,MilwaukeeEmily Mueller, Racine

Edward J. Reisner, MadisonOrrin L.Helstad, Dean, Law School,U.W.MadisonDaniel T. Flaherty, LaCrosseLloydBarbee, Milwaukee

Members of the Board ofVisitors are:

Term Expires1979 Chairman1980 Vice-Chairman198019791979198119811980

BOARD OF VISITORSLloydBarbee, MilwaukeeMark S.Bonady, MilwaukeeMary V.Bowman, MadisonJohn W.Fetzner, HudsonJustice Nathan S.Heffernan, MadisonDeborah S.Kleinman, MilwaukeeRobert B. L.Murphy, MadisonHoward A. Pollack, Milwaukee


continued on page 10


BREAKDOWN OF ALUMNI GIFTS BY REGIONApril 1, 1977 - March 31, 1978

Wisconsin Regions

CountyRegion No. 1 - Milwaukee .Region No. 2 - Kenosha and Racine .Region No. 3 - Dane .Region No. 4 -Walworth, Rock, Green .Region No. 5 - Dodge, Jefferson, Waukesha, Ozaukee, Washington .Region No. 6 - Calumet, Winnebago, Fond du Lac,

Green Lake, Manitowoc, Sheboygan .Region No. 7 - Forest, Florence, Oconto, Marinette, Brown,

Door, Kewaunee, Langlade, Outagamie .Region No. 8 - Columbia, Marquette, Sauk, Waushara,

Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Vilas,Portage, Waupaca, Wood .

Region No. 9 - Crawford, Grant, Iowa, Lafayette, Richland,LaCrosse, Monroe, Vernon, Adams, Clark,Jackson, Juneau .

Region No. 10 - Buffalo, Dunn, Pepin, Pierce, Trempealeau,St. Croix, Rusk, Sawyer, Chippewa, Eau Claire .

Region No. 11 - Ashland, Bayfield, Iron, Price, Taylor,Barron, Burnett, Douglas, Polk, Washburn .

Other States (contributors total 171)Region No. 12 - Chicago (Illinois, Indiana, Missouri) .Region No. 13 - Minneapolis (Iowa, Minn., N. Dakota, S. Dak.) .Region No. 14 - New York City (Conn., Maine, Mass., New Jersey,

New Hampshire, N.Y., Pa., Rhode Island, Ver.) ..... , ....Region No. 15 -Wash., D.C. (Delaware, District of Columbia,

Maryland, Va. and W. Va.) .Region No. 16 - Detroit (Kentucky, Mich., Ohio) .Region No. 17 - Atlanta or Miami (Alabama, Arkansas, Fla.,

Ga., La., Miss., S. Carolina) .Region No. 18 - Denver (Colo., Idaho, Kansas, Montana,

Neb., Utah, Wyoming) .Region No. 19 - Phoenix (Arizona, N. Mex., Texas) .Region No. 20 - San Francisco (Alaska, Ca., Nev., Ore., Wash.) .Region No. 21 - Hawaii (Hawaii only) .Region No. 22 - Foreign .Total Contributors and amount (alumni) .J. D. certificate revenue .Total alumni revenue .

No. ofContributors Amount

119 $14,352.309 912.0098 13,123.8617 1,825.0017 738.00

20 1,670.00

18 1,356.00

29 2,056.00

20 2,135.00

11 696.50

~ 431.93364 $39,296.59

54 3,287.809 247.00

23 . 2,108.50

15 653.5016 1,130.00

12 584.42

5 150.505 228.0030 1,994.502 45.00

- 0 -535 $49,725.81


BOARDS _ continued from page 6



Edward J. Reisner, MadisonWilliam Rosenbaum, MadisonJames R. Schipper, ViroquaJames W. Soman, FennimoreCarl Thompson, Stoughton



April 1,1977 • March 31,1978

1912 1940Ralph M. Hoyt Patrick W. CotterVilas Whaley Andrew C. Fadness

1914 Class of 1930 1935 James C. Geisler

George E. Cleary John S. Best Allan W. Adams Alexander GeorgesErnest O. Hanson

1916 W.Wade Boardman William H. Churchill, Jr. Howard LattonHarry G. Newman Alfred G. Goldberg John E. Conway Conrad J. ShearerC. H. Herlache George A. Evans1917 Edwin J. Larkin Raymond I. Geraldson Joseph A. Sullivan

John Wattawa Raymond Wearing Robert D. Johns John P. VardaMarlin M. Volz

1920Jack H. Kalman Kate Wallach

Class of 1931 David PreviantRobert L. Peters Norman Baker Verne Freeman Slade 19411921 Carroll B. Callahan Frederick Suhr Malcolm AndresenLeon F. Foley I. H. Dawes Francis A. Werner E. Clarke ArnoldDorothy Walker Martin B. Gedlen 1936 Joseph F. Berry

1922James A. Martineau Richard W. Blakey Robben W. Fleming

Ray T. McCannMilton L. Meister Elmer A. Doege Daniel W. Howard

Richard H. TyrrellEleanore Roe Paul S. Kuelthau H. W. IngallsBernard Soref Herbert Manasse Karl A. Klabunde

1923 Vernon A. Swanson Edward R. KnightErnest H. Pett 1937 Charles Luce

Class of 1932 Walter M. Bjork Carl Mortensen1924 Lehman C. Aarons Donald E. Bonk Eldon J. MuellerR. E. Anderson Mary Eschweiler Jack Eisendrath Martin W. Peterman1925 Frank D. Hamilton Thomas E. Fairchild James PlierGeorge R. Currie Robert B. L. Murphy Leon Feingold Charles E. PrieveEarle F. Gill T. G. Schirmeyer Bernard Hankin Hugh RatherG. Sheldon Vance Marvin Z. Silver Connor T. Hansen Arthur P. RemleySamuel Soref Ernst J. von Briesen Henry Kaiser Perry A. RisbergLucius P. Chase Allen C. Wittkopf Daniel C. O'Connor Willard C. Schwenn

Charles Orth, Jr. Edward Weinberg1926 1933 Judson Rikkers George H. YoungLester S. Clemons Arthur C. SnyderMyron Stevens John S. Ascher 1942Eugene Williams George J. Laikin 1938 William F. Collins

John C. Stedman Edward J. Brown Jack R. DeWitt

1927Floyd W. McBurney John W. Byrnes Fred J. Griffith

Isadore G. AlkGordon Sinykin Norman C. Higgs Marvin E. KlitsnerArbie O. Thalacker Herbert T.Johnson Calvin G. Lewis

Laurence C. Gram John C. Tonjes Robert S. McDonald Don A. OlsonRudolph O. Schwartz Milton Padway

1928 1934 Herbert TerwilligerBerthold Berkwich Gerard H. Van Hoof 1943Frederick H. Clapp Ernest P. Agnew

Ralph von Briesen Catherine ClearyW. Roy Kopp Theodore C. Bolliger

John C. Whitney Emily P. DodgeR. Worth Vaughan Lloyd L. Chambers

1945David Connolly 19391929 Charles H. Jagow Max Bassewitz Lloyd LaFave

Melvin F. Bonn M. A. McKichan John C. DeWolfe, Jr. Ruth LaFave

Lewis J. Charles Roger C. Minahan Edward Dithmar 1946Jacob Federer Henry Schowalter Virginia Duncombe Richard W. BardwellJohn W. Krueger Harry A. Speich Richard E. Johnson Egerton W. DuncanHarry M. Schuck Norman A. Stoll F. A. Meythaler Albert P. FunkWilliam Voss Thomas S. Stone Willard S. Stafford Jean MenakerGustav Winter Richard R. Teschner Alex Temkin Peter G. Pappas


1947 Gerald J. Kahn 1954 Thomas W. EhrmannJohn Bosshard Kenneth Z. Kaiman William K. Fechner Aubrey R. FowlerJames P. Brody Jerome Klos Michael A. Jacobs Gerald A. GoldbergJames F. Clark George J. Laird Merton A. Rotter John C. LuchtArthur DeBardeleben Joseph A. Melli John E. Shannon, Jr. John MerrimanHenry H. Dillof Marygold S. Melli Burton A. Strnad 1961W. T. Doar, Jr. Franklin Moore William R. SutherlandThomas B. Fifield Egon Mueller Edward W. CaHanIrving D. Gaines Reuben W. Peterson, Jr. 1955 Gilbert W. ChurchThomas Godfrey William Rosenbaum F. A. Brewster William M. CoffeyH. F. Greiveldinger Frederick C. Seegert, Jr. Robert H. Consigny James A. DrillJohn Hofeldt C. P. Seibold Jack T. Jacobs S. R. Heath, Jr.John B. Menn George K. Steil John W. Krueger Richard L. MerkelE. B. Miller M. R. Tillisch, Jr. Bernard S. Kubale Alphonsus C. MurphyArden Muchin 1951 Maurice J. Miller David S. K. PlattBruce R. Rasmussen Milton E. Neshek Thomas RagatzJohn G. Vergeront Jerome T. Bomier James R. Schipper Nelson Wild

William A. Chatterton Jack U. Shlimovitz Thomas D. Zilavy1948 John W. Fetzner Robert E. Tehan, Jr.Joseph R. Barnett Leon Fieldman 1962Frank C. Conrad James T. Haight 1956 Shirley S. AbrahamsonDaniel Dykstra R. D. Hevey Thomas H. Barland Barbara B. CrabbKenneth H. Hanson Robert W. Lutz William F. Dolson James L. CummingsCharlotte Higbee Frank A. Ross, Jr. Robert A. Downing Eugene L. JohnsonDale E. Ihlenfeldt Theodore G. Schuster Kenneth J. Ehlenbach Allan J. JosephRobert R. Johnson Robert William Smith Yukio Gotanda Edward A. Setzler, Jr.Tray ton L. Lathrop Fayette G. Taylor James E. Jones, Jr. Roy T. Traynor.J. R. Long Robert L. Waldo Harry Lensky Richard L. VerklerMartin M. Lucente Charles E. White David MacGregor Stephen ZwickyHoward J. Otis 1952 1957 1963Carlisle P. Runge David E. Beckwith Kenneth Benson Peter N. DavisSterling F. Schwenn Kenneth E. Brost James Davis Timothy C. FrautschiMordella Shearer David Y. Collins James J. Fetek Bernard R. FredricksonWarren Stolper Frank Feil, Jr. Leon Katz James O. HuberE. W. Terwilliger Henry A. Field, Jr. Patrick M. Lloyd Angus R. McIntyreRobert C. Voss William Giese Alexander C. Perlos David B. Mills1949 Howard M. Herriot David S. Ruder Philip F. SchlichtingM. W. Bieber Don R. Herrling 1958 John M. WaggonerIrvin B. Charne Sherwin C. Peltin David D. WexlerGlenn R. Coates Lyman A. Precourt Forrest Brimmer

Edwin Dahlberg Lawrence M. Quigley Eugene Hodson 1964Eugene Jume Peter J. Barrett

Daniel T. Flaherty Eugene R. Sawall Kenton Kilmer Richard BaumannHarry F. Franke Ervin P. Topczewski Spencer L. Kimball Thomas H. CombsRobert F. Froehlke Wayne W. Trimberger Irwin Kirk Jerry FriedlandGeorge A. Hardy David C. Willis

William J. Willis Kenneth T. McCormick, Jr. Daniel HildebrandHans O. Helland Paul J. McKenzie F. K. KoepckeCharles Herro 1953Henry L. Hillard Frank L. Bixby Richard Olson Robert J. Lerner

Daniel L. Shneidman Bradway A. Liddle, Jr.J. H. Jackson Jules F. Brown James J. Vance Thomas J. SobotaJohn T. Loughlin Francis R. Croak

Robert L. Curry Frank D. WoodworthJohn L. Palmer Zigurds Zile 1965Frank Remington LeRoy L. Dalton Gerald T. ConklinLeonard S. Zubrensky Richard E. Lent 1959 Clarice R. Feldman

P. J. C. Lindfors David C. Brodhead David J. Hase1950 Milton LormanEdmund P. Arpin Paul J. Meissner

Thomas J. Drought Kenneth M. Hill

Robert E. Cook Richard MoenLarry Henneman Keith Johnston

Robert W. Dean John OttuschCharles N. Huber Wayne R. LaFave

Robert C. DiRenzo Walter B. RaushenbushEarl Munson, Jr. .Edward J. Pronley

Donald H. Droegkamp Arthur M. SellsPaul Van Valkenburg G. Lane Ware

Richard B. Eager Dale L. Sorden 1960 George K. Whyte

Charles R. Germer Royal Taxman Darryl L. Boyer 1966Warren A. Grady David L. Uelmen Arlen C. Christenson Calvin AndringaOrrin L. Helstad Allan B. Wheeler Frank M. Covey, Jr. Thomas J. Bauch


Susan BrachtlT. J. CondonPeter FetznerForrest HartmannRobert McDonaldJames K. PeaseMichael PriceJoseph W. SkupniewitzH. P. SoutherlandKay Ellen ThurmanGerritt J. Van WagenenFred Wileman

1967Stanley AdelmanStephen BellRichard ClintonJohn HendricksJoel HirschhornRichard KellyTimothy KohlPaul H. LamboleyWilliam F. MundtDouglas J. ReichJames N. RoetheJohn W. RoetheHarry V. RuffaloTomas M. RussellStephen F. SewellSteven C. Underwood

1968Jon AxelrodJames BairdJeffrey B. BartellDevereux BowlyHenry A. BrachtlJonathan 1.CharneyThomas GoseRobert ItoRobert A. LevineJean C. LoveJohn MahoneyLawrence SilverChristopher J. Wilcox

1969George BensonEugene BrookhousePatrick G. CollotonGerald A.DavisHeiner GeisePaul HahnLawrence J. JostEdward A. PribbleJeffrey T. RoethePaul E. RootMichael D. Schmitz

1970Robert V. AbendrothRobert E. BrownePatricia N. CollotonWilliam DussoHarry C. Holz


Robert HorowitzJohn K. MacIverMaurice J. McSweeneyLowell SachnoffPaul W. WalligWilliam G. Zastrow

1971Stephen AhlgrenJanice M. BaldwinThomas D. BellWalter DickeyDavid C. DiercksDavid GramsRobert N. MeyeroffJohn C. MitbyArvin PeltzRichard J. PrestonHoward B. SchoenfeldPeter C. WilliamsMark R. Wolters

1972Ronald L. BrandtClaude CovelliGeorge S. CurryJames S. GrodinVance S. GruetzmacherPaul HejmanowskiJohn E. KnightWilliam C. Lewis, Jr.James LorimerDouglas W. Lyons, Jr.Paul McElweeJohn F. McLeanEdward J. ReisnerCynthia SchneiderDavid E. SchultzLarry SetchellJames W. SomanEdward D. StylesJan Van DortDavid C. Whitcomb

1973Gordon BakkenWilliam J. DisneyMari GurskyJames HafermanA. R. Hanson, Jr.Charles JordanStephen G. KatzBruce D. LoringBruce MeredithEdward MoersfelderKarel MoersfelderF. Jack NathanHoward A. PollackMark S. RapaportMichael J. RemingtonBruce SteinPaul A. SturgulJohn M. WebsterAlvin E. Whitaker

1974Salvatore BarbatanoJohn J. DiMotto, Jr.Thomas DonohoeDaniel T. HardyBerta S. HoesleyHoward M. KesselmanJames C. McNeelyJoseph S. QuinnMart Daniel Vogel

1975Michael R. BabbittJohn L. BeardDavid EastonRobert L. GordonJames H. HaberstrohPeter F. HerrellThomas R. JacobsonScott JenningsJohn E. LangeManuel Padway

1976Sandra Lee EsraelJohn R. EvansGuy W. FredelJames W. Greer, Jr.Edward A. HannanJohn A. KaiserDeborah A. KleinmanFred W. Mattlin

1977Peter C. Christianson


1977 FUND DRIVE Disappointins Results

Ed Reisner, Director

In reporting on the major ac-tivity of the Association, one istempted to emphasize only itsgoodpoints. The total amount con-tributed to this fund drive was thesecond highest in the nine years ofits existence. The average gift wasslightly smaller than last year'srecord ($93.00). An encouragingamount of giving came fromyoung alums.

Sadly, however, it is also neces-sary to report the negative side ofthis Fund Drive. Efforts to buildboth the number of contributorsand the total size of the fund slip-ped during the past year. The$92,000 realized by the FundDrive is about 25%less than theamount given last year. Perhapsmore importantly, the number ofalumni making contributions fellby more than a hundred from thepast two Fund Drives. What wentwrong? Why this decline in in-

terest in the University ofWiscon-sin Law School?

We look vainly for answers tothese questions. The Fund Drivewas conducted at the same time 'and in a similar manner to theFund Drives of the past. Is a newapproach and goal necessary tostimulate interest? At their mostrecent meeting, the Board ofDirectors of the Alumni Associ-ation voted to create a study com-mittee to examine the goals andmethods of our fund drive. Con-sideration is being given to moreemphasis on class giving and giv-ing for specific projects to improvethe school and the quality ofeducation it can offer. This wouldsignificantly alter the current goalof raising funds primarily for stu-dent financial aids.

The lists attached to this Fund

Drive report describe in detail theorigin of the monies which will beused for activities of the Associ-ation this year. Our most heartfeltthanks go to those of our alumsand friends who have assisted usin the past. Our most sincereentreaties go out to those whohave not. No Law School canmaintain its greatness withoutthe monetary and moral supportof its alumni. Tax revenues pro-vided by the state for the mainte-nance of this school can and dosupport only the basic level ofeducation. Alumni money has inthe past and perhaps will be ap-plied more in the future to incre-ments of instruction and facilitieswhich assist this School in main-taining its reputation as one of thefinest in the country.Help us as we strive to meet

that goal.

WLAA FUND DRIVE - ANNUAL REPORT(Includes All Gifts - From Alumni and Non-alumni)


Annual GivingLawAlumni FundRestricted .Unrestricted .

Benchers .WLAAMemberships .ToRegents for LawSchooluse .

Endowment Gifts toWLAAJacob & Rosa Beuscher Fund .LloydK. Garrison Fund .Dean Harry S.Richards Fund .

$ 620.001,313.00




Gifts to the D.W. Foundation for the benefit of the Law SchoolJames Shaw Scholarship .LloydK. Garrison Fund .For general LawSchooluse .


$ 675.pO550.0'0

4,960.00 6,185.00$92,457.25

Deferred Endowments through Insurance Program48 participants (1970-1973)at $5,000 ($240,000)*

*This figure represents the ultimate commitment to the Fund, based on $5,000per participant. It does notrepresent income received.


Awards Convocation - Part of Spr',ng Program

As it always is, the Awards Con-vocation on April 22, 1978, whichoffers an opportunity to honor thespecial achievements of Law stu-dents, was a well-attended, happyand gala occasion, Parents,children, spouses and friends ofthe designated recipients attendthe presentations and the recep-

tion which followed. Law Partners(spouses of students) provided therefreshments.

The announcement of the newlyelected members of the Order ofthe Coif, the most prestigiousaward for scholarship, is theclimax of the events. All theawards follow:


U.S. Law Week Award Susan BittkerMost satisfactory progress during the third year.

University of Wisconsin Foundation Award . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rex EwaldTo the student most improved from first to third semester.

Mathys Memorial Award for Appellate Advocacy Susan Schauf

Milwaukee Bar Foundation Moot Court Prizes Thomas White,Steven Chandler, Jane Muller-Peterson

International Academy of Trial Lawyers Robert SchoenwaldFor achievement in Advocacy.

Constitutional Law Prize ,............... Gary Young

West Publishing Co. Book Award , , Mark SostarichFor scholarly contribution to the Law School.

George J. Laikin Award Ron Hammer and Joseph HartleyFor outstanding contribution to the Law Review in special fields.

William Herbert Page Award , Lea VanderVeldeFor outstanding contribution to the Wisconsin Law Review.

Lawyers' Wives of Wisconsin Award William FisherFor scholarship, character and leadership.

Wisconsin Law Alumni Award .. ; . , " David CharneFor important contributions to the Law School community.

Wisconsin Land Title Association Prize . . . . . . . . . .. Thomas PopovichIn honor of the late Professor Jacob Beuscher,

Duane Mowry Awards , ,., Susan GreenbergerElena Cappella

To the highest ranking students in the second year class.

Joseph Davies Award Sally WellmanTo the outstanding member of the second year class.

Daniel Grady Prize Dennis GallagherTo top ranking student in the graduating class.

Salmon Dalberg Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gary YoungTo outstanding member of the graduating class.

Ray and Ethel Brown Prize Douglas EndresonFor character, scholarship and contribution.


Happy E.nd\ng -Order of the Coif

Jonathan BeckerBarbara Ann BryantDavid George DeiningerWilliam Edmund FisherDennis James GallagherMargaret Eleanor GarmsMichael Wesley HooverJerard John JensenWilliam Layne KomisarPamela Ann Mathy

Thomas McDermottPierce Aldrich McNallyJeffrey T. MohrSteven V. PontoLaurence J. SchroepferDiane Cynthia ShermanMichael Jeffrey ShermanThomas Scott SimpsonJudith Elizabeth SpanglerRonald William Steffens

Charles Frederick StiermanPaul James TillemanLea Scherryl VanderVeldeGretchen Gay VineyLeonard Wei WangGerald Thomas WarzynRoger Douglas WiegleyGregory Raymond WrightGary Malcolm Young

library W,ng Takes Shape


It took 91 lawyers, 17 studentcourt reporters from MadisonBusiness College and MadisonArea Technical College, plus aspecial agent from the FBI toassist Professor Stuart Gullicksonin teaching 79 students in hisTrial Advocacy course during thepast spring semester.

The students were divided intothree sections. Usually the law-yers taught in teams of four. Mostteams demonstrated the examina-tion of a witness in which the at-torneys were the judge, witness,and opposing counsel. For the bal-ance of a class, the students weredivided into small groups and each


was supervised by one of the law-yers. The students then examineda witness with students filling thesame roles and the teaching law-yers conducting a critique.

According to Gullickson, the ob-ject of the course is "to begin thedevelopment of skills in examin-ing witnesses." It will not makestudents into trial lawyers, norhelp them to decide whether theycan eventually become trial law-yers.

"Not enough is known about theinner workings of peoples' mindsto be able to make that predic-tion," he said. "We don't knowhow to measure the human

qualities which producecourtroom success. Intelligence isone of them, but intelligence aloneis not enough. Advocates alsoneed an innate understanding ofhuman nature, a barrel of com-mon sense, and the tenacity ofbulldogs. They must be both sensi-tive and objective; both self-dis-ciplined and flexible. They mustbe so stable emotionally that theycan frequently 'lose' in public (aslay people, not as trial lawyers,perceive who 'loses' law suits), beso honest that they can resistpressures from clients for resultsat all costs, and be so ethical thattheir standards can undergopublic scrutiny in every trial."

The following lawyers participated:

Appleton Claude Covelli _WalterThurow Michael TarnoffMarie Stanton Barbara Crabb Sverre TinglumBeloit LeRoyDalton Frank Tuerkheimer Portage

Frank Kinast Donald Eisenberg Jack Van Metre Douglas Kammer

William Robson Charles Giesen John Winner Joseph Koberstein

Robert Ruth John D. Hansen Robert Wixson Arno MillerJames Herrick J ames Miller

Columbus Milwaukee John MillerCarroll Callahan

John Jenswold Ronald BrandtGrant Johnson David Cannon Prairie Du Chien

Janesville Percy Julian Jon Christiansen Leary PetersonJ ames Brennan Ralph Kalal Thomas Doherty RacineCurtis KirkhuffLancaster Charles Larsen

Edward Dudek Theodore HarrisRolland Roggensack Richard Lent

Franklyn Gimbel Charles SwansonJames Glover

Madison Bradway Liddle Laurence Hammond ReedsburgJohn Albert Kenneth McCormick Theodore Hodan James GerlachBradley Armstrong William McCusker Leah LamponeFrank Bucaida Jack McManus David Leichtfuss


Dennis Burke Carroll Metzner Robert LernerWilliam Reilly

John Burr John Mitby Kevin Lyons WaupunRobert Burr Earl Munson James Murphy John E. NugentBrian Butler Gerald Nichol Harry F. PeckRalph Cagle James Olson Gilda Shellow WausauJack Carlson Charles Pellino Edward Simarski Douglas KlingbergSteven Caulum Dennis Robertson Robert Slattery Gerald MaederRobert Christensen John Schmid Michael Smith Walter PiehlerJohn E. Clarke Raymond Schrank Alvin Stack Wisconsin RapidsJ ames Connors Clarence Sherrod .Fobert Sutton Byron Crowns


Changing of the guardLaw Rev\ew elects new edrtoes

Research and Writing Editor C. Fredrick Geilfuss, Milwaukee, WI

Note and Comment Editors Debra Peterson Conrad, Eau Claire, WIJudith Endejan, Milwaukee, WIMichael Fox, New York, NYTimothy Lavin, Elm Grove, WISara Mercer, Winthrop, MASandra Perkins, Boothbay Harbor, ME

At its all-day election on April28, 1977, Nicholas Z epp0 s wasnamed Editor-in-Chief of theWisconsin Law Review for1978-79. Mr. Zeppos, Milwaukee,is a 1976 graduate of the Univer-sity of Wisconsin-Madison.

Other editors selected are:

Managing Editors

Articles Editors

Kevin Guynn, St. Charles, ILR. Randall Kelso, Indianapolis, IN

David Harth, Madison, WIRobert Lindquist, Denver, COAnn Marie Meyerhofer, Lake Geneva,WI

Law Reviewv's. Faculty

For the first time in memory,the law review managed to sneakpast the Faculty in the annualdoubleheader softball game. Thescore in the first contest was LawReview - many, Faculty-not somany, while the second gamewas 'much closer.

To the Faculty's credit, thegame was played on a wet fieldand the Faculty squad was deci-mated by injuries, trades, leaves,desertions and the presence of twoducks in left field. Fielding star forthe Faculty was Arlen Chris-tiansen, third base, who at onepoint in the game managed astring of two consecutive attemptswithout an error. Observers alsocommented favorably on the BillWhitford-John Kidwell (pitcher-first base) pick off play. While theplay did not in fact pick any run-ner off, it did, along with a "nolead off' rule, keep the runnersclose.

Front: John Nelson, Dennis Gallagher, Mark Sostar ieh, William Fisher, Lea Vander-Velde.

2nd row: Joe Hartley, Paul THIeman, Gerard Jensen, Stuart Eiche, Jonathon Becker, ChristopherBugg, Ron Hammer.

Back: Susan Schauf, Leonard Wang, Pamela Mathy.


- REUNI N E-Chief J uslice Bruce Beilfuss (c.\ass


of '938) Addresses Reunion Luncheon



Robert B. Murphy (C\ass of 1932), left. Chairman of WlAA.Board of Visitors, pref.ents Distinguished Service Aw~rd

to J. 'Ward Rector (Class of 1931).

