Alley Cats Donation Letter




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For a Beautiful


PO Box 1407 Ellicottville, NY •

Dear Friends of the Alley Katz,

Th e Alley Katz are in the process of planning and selecting the fl owers for the forthcoming Spring/Summer to beautify our village. For those of you who may not be familiar with the work of the Alley Katz, we are the group of volunteers that plant and maintain the fl owers in the village and also decorate the gazebo with a tree and lights during each Winter Season.

Some funding has been received from the Village and the Town of Ellicottville, however we need additional funding in order to cover all of the expenses. In the past, many individuals as well as businesses have made donations to make sure that we do not run out of funds. Lately, due to rising costs, our resources have dwindled to the point where we may not be able to do the work we presently do.

We are asking for any fi nancial assistance that you can manage. Anything would be greatly appreciated in order to help us continue to make our village as special and as beautiful as it is.

Donations may be made by check payable to Alley Katz. Mailing address: P O Box 1407, Ellicottville, NY, 14731. If you have any questions please contact: Debbie Yantomasi 716-699-5239, 716-803-3388 or email

Th ank you very much, on behalf of the Alley Katz.

Debbie Yantomasi,Chairperson
