All of Top 200


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  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    Top 200Generic Brand Primary Indication

    Prednisone Sterapred Various allergies and automimmune disorders

    Methlyprednisolone Solu-Medrol; Medrol

    Hydrocortisone topical

    Triamcinolone Acetate topical Kenalog Topical corticosteroid Inflammatory dermatoses responsive to steroids

    Clobetasol Topical corticosteroid





    Primarily as an anti-inflammatory orimmunosuppressant agent in the treatment of a varie

    of diseases including those of hematologic, allergic,inflammatory, neoplastic, and autoimmune origin.

    Locoid; Entcort;Cortaid (OTC);Cortizone-10 (OTC)

    Topical (or rectal)corticosteroid

    Relief of inflammation of corticosteroid-responsivedermatoses

    Clobex; Cormax;Olux; Temovate

    Short-term relief of inflammation of moderate-to-sevcorticosteroid-responsive dermatoses

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    Fluconazole Diflucan Anti-fungal agent Treatment of candidiasis

    Ketoconazole Topical Nizoral

    Hydroxyzine Pamoate Vistoril

    Etanercept Enbrel Moderate to Severe RA

    Topical Anti-fungalagent

    Treatment of tinea corporis, tinea cruris, tineaversicolor, cutaneous candidiasis, seborrheic dermati

    First-gen H1Antagonist

    Treatment of anxiety; preoperative sedative;antipruritic

    Antirheumatic, TNFBlocking Agent

  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    Week 2

    Adalimumab Humira

    Adapalene Differin Treatment of acne vulgaris

    Benzoyl Peroxide/Clindamycin BenzaClin Treatment of acne vulgaris

    Antirheumatic, TNFBlocking Agent

    Moderate to Severe RA; also moderate to severeCrohn's Disease

    Topical Acne


    Topical AcneMedication

  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim Bactrim; Septra

    Cephalexin Keflex

    Amoxicillin Amoxil Penicillin Antibiotic

    Lantus Long-acting Insulin

    Insulin Aspart Novolog Rapid-acting Insulin

    SulfonamideDerivative Antibiotic

    Oral treatment of urinary tract infections due to E. co

    Klebsiella and Enterobacter sp, M. morganii, P. miraband P. vulgaris; acute otitis media in children; acuteexacerbations of chronic bronchitis in adults due to

    susceptible strains of H. influenzae or S. pneumoniaetreatment and prophylaxis of Pneumocystis jirovecipneumonitis (PCP); traveler's diarrhea due to

    enterotoxigenic E. coli; treatment of enteritis caused Shigella flexneri or Shigella sonnei

    1st Gen CephalosporinAntibiotic

    Treatment of susceptible bacterial infections including

    respiratory tract infections, otitis media, skin and skistructure infections, bone infections, and genitourinatract infections, including acute prostatitis; alternativ

    therapy for acute infective endocarditis prophylaxis

    Treatment of otitis media, sinusitis, and infections

    caused by susceptible organisms involving the upper

    and lower respiratory tract, skin, and urinary tract;prophylaxis of infective endocarditis in patients

    undergoing surgical or dental procedures; as part of multidrug regimen for H. pylori eradication

    Insulin Glargine onset 2-3 hours.

    Basal Insulin/baseline. No peak,

    duration 24 hours. QD.

    Treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulindependent, IDDM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus(noninsulin dependent, NIDDM) to improve glycemic


    Treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulindependent, IDDM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus(noninsulin dependent, NIDDM) to improve glycemic


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    Week 4

    Metformin Glucophage

    Glyburide Diabeta

    Glipizide Glucotrol

    Pioglitazone Actos

    Biguanide AntidiabeticAgent

    Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (noninsulindependent, NIDDM) as monotherapy when

    hyperglycemia cannot be managed with diet andexercise alone. In adults, may be used concomitantlywith a sulfonylurea or insulin to improve glycemiccontrol.

    SulfonyluraAntidiabetic Agent

    Adjunct to diet and exercise for the management oftype 2 diabetes mellitus (noninsulin dependent, NIDD

    SulfonyluraAntidiabetic Agent

    Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (noninsulindependent, NIDDM)


    Antidiabetic Agent

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (noninsulin dependent,

    NIDDM), monotherapy: Adjunct to diet and exercise,improve glycemic control

    Thiazolidinedione/Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (noninsulin

  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    Week 5

    Exenatide Byetta

    Sitagliptin Januvia

    Sitagliptin/Metformin Janumet

    Repaglinide Prandin

    Glucagon Like PeptideReceptor Agonist

    Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (noninsulindependent, NIDDM) to improve glycemic control

    Dipeptidyl Peptidase IVInhibitor

    Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (noninsulindependent, NIDDM) as an adjunct to diet and exercisas monotherapy or in combination therapy with otherantidiabetic agents

    Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV

    Inhibitor/BiguanideAntidiabetic Agent

    Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (noninsulindependent, NIDDM) as an adjunct to diet and exercisin patients not adequately controlled on metformin ositagliptin monotherapy

    Meglitinide Derivative

    Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus (noninsulin

    dependent, NIDDM) as an adjunct to diet and exercis

  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    Week 6

    Sildenafil Viagra

    Vardenafil Levitra Treatment of ED

    Phosphodiesterase-5Enzyme Inhibitor

    Treatment of ED and treatment of pulmonary arteriahypertension (WHO Group I) to improve exercise abiand delay clinical worsening


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    Tadalafil Cialis

    Testosterone Androgel Androgen

    Phosphodiesterase-5Enzyme Inhibitor

    Treatment of ED and treatment of pulmonary arteriahypertension (WHO Group I) to improve exercise abiand delay clinical worsening

    Androgen replacement therapy in the treatment of

    delayed male puberty; male hypogonadism (primary hypogonadotropic); inoperable metastatic female brecancer (enanthate only)

  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    Loestrin 24 FE

    Ethinyl Estradiol/Norgestimate Prevention of pregnancy; treatment of acne



    Estrogen and ProgestinCombination


    Prevention of pregnancy; treatment of acne; moderato-severe vasomotor symptoms associated with

    menopause; prevention of osteoporosis (in women asignificant risk only)

    Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo;


    Estrogen and ProgestinCombinationContraceptive

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    Week 7

    Ethinyl Estradiol/Etonogestrel Nuvaring Prevention of pregnancy

    Ethinyl Estradiol/Norelgestromin Ortho Evra Prevention of pregnancy

    Estrogen and ProgestinCombination


    Estrogen and ProgestinCombinationContraceptive

  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    Progesterone Prometrium Progestin

    Levothyroxine Synthroid; Levoxyl Thyroid Product

    Prevention of endometrial hyperplasia innonhysterectomized, postmenopausal women who arreceiving conjugated estrogen tablets; secondary


    Replacement or supplemental therapy inhypothyroidism; pituitary TSH suppression

    Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in

  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    W k 8

    Ibandronate Boniva

    Vitamin D N/A Vitamin D Analog

    Conjugated Equine Estrogens Premarin Estrogen Derivative



    Treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in

    postmenopausal females

    Treatment of refractory rickets, hypophosphatemia,

    hypoparathyroidism; dietary supplement

    Treatment of moderate-to-severe vasomotor sympto

    associated with menopause; treatment of vulvar andvaginal atrophy; hypoestrogenism (due to

    hypogonadism, castration, or primary ovarian failureprostatic cancer (palliation); breast cancer (palliationosteoporosis (prophylaxis, postmenopausal women a

    significant risk only); abnormal uterine bleeding;moderate-to-severe dyspareunia (pain during

    intercourse) due to vaginal/vulvar atrophy ofmenopause

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    Estradiol Topical Estrogen Derivative

    Raloxifene Evista

    Estrace Vaginal;Vagifem

    Treatment of moderate-to-severe vasomotor sympto

    associated with menopause; treatment of vulvar andvaginal atrophy; hypoestrogenism (due tohypogonadism, castration, or primary ovarian failure

    prostatic cancer (palliation), breast cancer (palliationosteoporosis (prophylaxis); abnormal uterine bleedindue to hormonal imbalance; postmenopausal urogensymptoms of the lower urinary tract (urinary urgencydysuria)

    Selective Estrogen

    Receptor Modulator(SERM)

    Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis inpostmenopausal women; risk reduction for invasive

    breast cancer in postmenopausal women withosteoporosis and in postmenopausal women with higrisk for invasive breast cancer

  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    Fexofenadine Allegra

    Desloratadine Clarinex

    Mometasone Nasal Nasonex Inhaled Corticosteroid

    Triamcinolone Nasal Nasacort AQ Inhaled Corticosteroid Management of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinit

    2nd Gen H1 Receptor


    Relief of symptoms associated with seasonal allergic

    rhinitis; treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria

    3rd Gen H1 ReceptorAntagonist

    Relief of nasal and non-nasal symptoms of seasonalallergic rhinitis (SAR) and perennial allergic rhinitis(PAR); treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU)

    Relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestationscorticosteroid-responsive dermatoses (medium poten

    topical corticosteroid); treatment of nasal symptomsseasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis; prevention ofnasal symptoms associated with seasonal allergic

    rhinitis; treatment of nasal polyps in adults;maintenance treatment of asthma as prophylactic

    therapy or as a supplement in asthma patients requioral corticosteroids for the purpose of decreasing oreliminating the oral corticosteroid requirement

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    Budesonide Nasal Rhinocort Aqua Inhaled Corticosteroid

    Montelukast Singulair

    Albuterol Beta2 Agonist

    Levalbuterol Xopenex HFA Beta2 Agonist

    Budesonide Systemic Inhaled Corticosteroid

    Management of symptoms of seasonal or perennialrhinitis

    Leukotriene ReceptorAntagonist

    Prophylaxis and chronic treatment of asthma; relief osymptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis and perennialallergic rhinitis; prevention of exercise-inducedbronchospasm

    ProAir HFA; Ventolin


    Bronchodilator in reversible airway obstruction due to

    asthma or COPD; prevention of exercise-inducedbronchospasm

    Treatment or prevention of bronchospasm in childrenand adults with reversible obstructive airway disease

    Pulmicort Respulesor Flexhaler

    Maintenance and prophylactic treatment of asthma;includes patients who require oral corticosteroids andthose who may benefit from systemic dose


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    Week 10

    Beclomethasone Systemic Qvar Inhaled Corticosteroid

    Fluticasone Systemic Flovent Inhaled Corticosteroid

    Budesonide/Formoterol Symbicort Beta2 Agonist

    Tiotropium Spiriva Anticholinergic Agent

    Maintenance and prophylactic treatment of asthma;includes those who require corticosteroids and those

    who may benefit from a dose reduction/elimination osystemically-administered corticosteroids. Not for relof acute bronchospasm.

    Maintenance treatment of asthma as prophylactictherapy; also indicated for patients requiring oralcorticosteroid therapy for asthma to assist in total

    discontinuation or reduction of total oral dose

    Treatment of asthma in patients 12 years of agewhere combination therapy is indicated; maintenance

    treatment of airflow obstruction associated with chroobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD; including chrobronchitis and emphysema)

    Maintenance treatment of bronchospasm associated

    with COPD (including bronchitis and emphysema);reduction of COPD exacerbations

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    Lansoprazole Prevacid Proton Pump Inhibitor

    Pantoprazole Protonix Proton Pump Inhibitor

    Esomeprazole Nexium Proton Pump Inhibitor

    Omeprazole Priolesec Proton Pump Inhibitor

    Short-term treatment of active duodenal ulcers;maintenance treatment of healed duodenal ulcers; aspart of a multidrug regimen for H. pylori eradication t

    reduce the risk of duodenal ulcer recurrence; short-term treatment of active benign gastric ulcer; treatmof NSAID-associated gastric ulcer; to reduce the risk NSAID-associated gastric ulcer in patients with a hist

    of gastric ulcer who require an NSAID; short-termtreatment of symptomatic GERD; short-term treatme

    for all grades of erosive esophagitis; to maintain heaof erosive esophagitis; long-term treatment ofpathological hypersecretory conditions, includingZollinger-Ellison syndrome

    Treatment and maintenance of healing of erosiveesophagitis associated with GERD; reduction in relaprates of daytime and nighttime heartburn symptoms

    GERD; hypersecretory disorders associated with

    Zollinger-Ellison syndrome or other GI hypersecretordisorders

    Short-term (4-8 weeks) treatment of erosiveesophagitis; maintaining symptom resolution andhealing of erosive esophagitis; treatment of

    symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERDas part of a multidrug regimen for Helicobacter pyloreradication in patients with duodenal ulcer disease

    (active or history of within the past 5 years); preventof gastric ulcers in patients at risk (age 60 years

    and/or history of gastric ulcer) associated withcontinuous NSAID therapy; long-term treatment ofpathological hypersecretory conditions includingZollinger-Ellison syndrome

    Short-term (4-8 weeks) treatment of active duodenaulcer disease or active benign gastric ulcer; treatmenof heartburn and other symptoms associated with

    gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD); short-term 8 weeks) treatment of endoscopically-diagnosed eros

    esophagitis; maintenance healing of erosiveesophagitis; long-term treatment of pathologicalhypersecretory conditions; as part of a multidrug

    regimen for H. pylori eradication to reduce the risk ofduodenal ulcer recurrence

  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    Can raise blood sugar

    Can raise blood sugar

    Counsel onhow to take

    Counsel on

    how to take

    Wash hands

    after usingand don'tuse in openwounds(apply q 6 h)

    Apply 2-4times perday, andwash handsafter use

  • 8/8/2019 All of Top 200


    Space away fromantacids for 2-3 hours

    either way

    Space away fromantacids for 2-3 hours

    either way

    Counsel on drowsinessand avoid alcohol

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