all from the Staff of 6Jhe (J,rosse * * * * * * *...


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This Week'sJ<e"vie'zv






Gross. Poi"t.'s FIRST Newspaper _ ..




* * * * *' * * *merry Christmas to all from the Staff of 6Jhe

* * * * * * * *

Carrier BoysNow Collerting


rive foruildinglallnedschool building program

ected to cost from $500,000 I$800,000 is planned by St.1 Parish.eorge Herbert Zimmerman,dmg cOMIIUttee chairman,that a new school and an ad-

'on t<I the St. Paul convent one Shore road are bemg said tHat drchltects WIllmlt drawmgs shortly.ccordm; to Mr. ZImmerman,nd-ratsing campaIgn will geterway in January.e prOJect when completed ISted to relieve the congested

dltlon at the pansh's school onsse Pomte blvd.t.. Paul School has a recordollment of 6.75, ot'flclau dls-ed. Cluses etmtlnue from thegrade through lugh school.

'f The PointerMrs. Salome Chiera of 832tre Dame who celebrated

loath birthday last Oc-was hostess to the

men's Century Club Mon-y. Her speCIal guests were

. ElIZabeth Taylor of .rllgh-d, Mrs, Sarah Rowe of De-it and Mrs. Bertha KrieselDearborn The "girls" alled the century mark hadand posed for press photog,


Grosse Pointe Goodfellowlfell short of their $7,500 goalMonday at the Grosse PoiDbtLions 21st Annual Goodfel.lows Day news,Paper sale.

The LIons Newsboys' ~Grosse Pomte will observe by GrOll.!lePointe police and ftN.

Christmas with traditional men raised a httle more tbUchurch set'Vlces and holiday ? f6, and reunions. Carl SchweLkart, chlllrmlft of

C '11 11th h the drIve for the SlJdh straiIbtarolers Wi stro roug year, saId that It was the tint~dentia1 areas. time in the history of the ~

All schools will be closed Goodfellow! that they did act ..until Tuesday, Jan. 3. over the top. .

Local Churches WIll bold serv- I , He said that the LIons JDq' .... "fices on Chnstmas eve and L ~ • have to turn to tbeU' resene 'Christmas Day. A specIal ehurehl ~ fund to continue their ..,..;.directory appears on another I : around assIstance to thaee illsection of thiS newspaper. need.

• "We sold more papen thllll lIIiltMeanwhl1e the college set, at- " / year but the folJu were Dot ecm-tending schools acros~ the coun- ANDREW BENrioT ttlbutlng as mucll," he uplaiDeeLtry has ~n returning to the ''Many of our NeWl~ Aidcommunity by planes, trains and to G that "regulars" that often l:QIlooautos See College Cl1que col- ne reen trlbuted bills g a v e smallerumn for more detaIls amounts thu year,

Colorful hol1day parnes and Fu- e Casualty "Perhaps our loa! wu tooreuruons have been planned in . hIgh." he dId.manv homes and prIvate clubs. R H A look at the records show that

,', homecommg dance for the eturns orne the highest amoubt ever rIiIId "cO}-le set Will be held at the by the Newsboys was 111 tH,Memorial Cmter, l'ri4"y. Dec. 23. Andreqr J ~ 4O,_et. I23t ~theJ' ...... $CI,05a., 'Jlrurnexp"ai -olri~.;m- close at r MlrylaM; the l:dY QIj'iltf tJf ~ Mid tJa-. ..... :fMl" .....

Ioon saturday and the mlJorlty I the fire It AI Green'., Jelferaon at GeodfeIlow a-Jeets WllU1dIe dIll. 1of business, estabhshments WIll Nottingham, was rel~ from tributed to needy famili_ UwI "close at 5 pm. on that day. Both the Bon Secours Hospital Sunday Chri~groups resume dubes on Tuesday and IS Ilxpected back on duty He AId that th« WolftriDemormng, Jan. 3. I ChnstmaS Day. Cartage C~ h.u do!1ated the ...

Most Grosse Pointe retaIl gas- I MeanWhile he hu been ordered of one of their truc:k3 fa df:Io.ohne dealers WIll close theIr Ita- to rest at home. .trIbute the baskets. , .bons II p m. Christmas Eve U!Itll Benoot stated that he wu over- Pohce and ftremu will ~Monday mornmg, it is announced, come by smoke and lost con-

------ SCIOusneSS on the second floor of W00tls ReooyA"rtnrd Se.rv:~e the burning bnek buIlding.

""'" .,..... He said: f S ud"1 heard Capt. George DeCaus- or t yP:ns To Staff sin yell, 'Take as much as you

., can' 1 guess 1 tried to take too of 'C:ty Rule'A C. much" .,t ottage I Be~oot and other Park fIremen A. A. Ghesqulere, WoocIJ PAl-'

, credIted Wilfred ROjlgenbuck, 44, Ident, Sald that he Wl1l name •SIX veteran members of the, of the Detroit FIre Department, seven-man commIttee to study

Cottage Hospital staff received I fo:: );,1'12 .ese-v.;: the advantages and dISaCl:V'".:l-servlce PinS at the annual Cltnst- tages of a "cLty rule" govem-

• • • , mas party for Cottage Hospital Roggenbuck auo pulle~ Erwin ment.During the Inferno at AI ~rsonnel in the Nurses' Home Wleske, of the Detroit urnt. out .of He said that the study rroupeen's Friday some kIbitzer In Tuesday. the blaze He WlI.!!gIven first aId. will Include at least four prl1ra"

~::'~h~~~:~~e~~~'~~~k~ A Grosse Pointe couple that WIll cel€'brate thelr 50th The couple who resuie WIth thnr -;~;c~I~Mrs. Mrs. Henry B Joy, represent'j ~a::'~~l~~ Walsh alBo re- ~Idents of the IVllIallge, MerDle

-D td II th C. W. Kerr and her hushand will spend thnr golden Ing the Board of Trustees, gave qUlr rs ,ucrs of the rounCI WI comp tem," to hiS famous menu. weddmg anmversary on ChrUltmas ay sa a ey pinS to MIS$ BeSSIe MillIgan, MISS The fire was described as the the committee. and Mr Ghes-

• • • wanted for ChrUltmas 1$ "Peace and Happiness for the annIVersary at home. An mfonnaZ famtly dinner i& Mabel W1"1ght, MISS Margaret 'I worst In the history o()f the com- qUlere Will act as ex-of'flcloAmong the artl<ts awarded EntIre World." • planned. Forde. Mrs Nan Tanner. Mrs. munlty by Park FIre Commls- The VIllage preSident said tl\atIZes for their entnes m the They are Mr. D. T. Perry, 74. and Mrs Perry, 71, of They have two grandchildren. Angelme Stepien and Mr. James slOner Elmer Ulrich he expects to name the comnut-th annual Michigan ArtiSts 1255 Nottmgham, who were marTted on ChrUltma.s Day, Mr. Perry before hts retirement spent more than 50 Ivers 1 He comphmented the firemen tee at the next councll sessiOD,

Ibltlon at DetrOIt Art In- 1899, at Wheeltng, West Vtrgmta, thetr home town. years wtth the Wheehng Steel Company. The combined years of service for holding thl' blaze to Green's I Tuesday, Jan. 3.Itute were Ernest Wilham of these staff members IS 88 years and VOiCed hiS appreciation for'anes, 281 McKmley and S CHI h Off. Musl.caI Eras The committee In charge of ar- the asslstaOC@glVenbytheCltY!Woman61eplune P. Casgraln, 33 Wil. Whea t wea'rs OU,1 "y ea t teer rangements mcluded Mesdames I of Grosse Pomte, and DetrOit tire-j ,

W Lane • • • I Off- - 1~ 1;(, L I Off. . ls To Feature ~:nx:snd::~~l1~len;:, c~~~~a~: I~::~o~pa~~hlgan Consohdated IHurt bv Car-Mr. and Mn; James LYnch n lClall!' Warns oca "WP"W n ILord. and Arthur H. BUhl, Jr I F'!re Cluef Edward L Rector I 01

f CadIeux road were Informed 11'-'"-" Ce Se . I said the fire was started In the MISS Agnes Hollywood. 81. 01y the family phvslclan that f N C.t nter nes I I • I k . h '1923; Hovt. DetrOit. suffered a!!)' can expect the arm::: of 0 .L , e'~T 1 V I W«yne L-ountv s Health De-I 3-Contmue the Townslup I IKirby Named ,::p o~~s oc er room In t e :fractured' skull when she wase stork about Christmas Day .J partment does not h,H e the funds service until Dee 1, 1950. The War MemOrial Center'. .;m n 1 k f t t struck by an auto at Cadreux aIldThe ,'" hopes the Village of Gross~ Pomte ia~~~ I or staff to o;erve all Grosse I An~" enn!! a questIon from '1 cultural program for the new, S _ I put hl~a~~:::tt:':~t ';~heo~~d 0 ChC!Tlevolx. She was taken to

octor IS nght as It Will mean became an offlcla city a Pomte.' Dr DaVId LIttleJohn" Judge John Potter. a membf'r of year WIll be Inaugurated on 'I UpervIS()r The fire ~ read 'I kl t the Bon Secours Hospitalother dependent on hiS tn- pm Thursday, Dec 15 ICounh Health CommiSSioner, I the Township Board. Dr Llttle-IThursda" Jan 12 \Ahen the first IdInm roo~P It w:su~ (~Iced CltV po1Jce said they tax report for thIS year RenVille Whl'at of the Farm< I told Gro«e Pomtl' mUnIcipal and John said that It would be bE-st In a seTle;; of ~IXevemng lectures Farms CounCilman William G Ib hiM PIttman of ~r~o Mile ticket for reckless dnnng to the

• • • Charter Comml~slon preSided at school dl<tnct offICials Tue~da~ 'for all concerned If the local entitled' Hey Day~ m the Hl5tory Kirby named by hl~ assOCI- dY h . I d "Th ta operator of the car James E. Me-Bl-I$Y Santa found time to the hIstory makmg ceremony Dr Llttll'John al~o repeated <e:v)~ wa'! continued to Dec 1, of Musl~~ I~ presented . I ate~ on thl' Council to the Wayne I rive ~o~t~~~;J ~'pqoe ;) p ce Carthy, 17, of 11300 Balfour road.

,Sit Wlth 800 klddles under He swore In thl' nl'W counCil hl~ statl'ment that appeared In 19;>0 Loul<e E Cuyler Ph D and 1l'!- County Bnard of SU!>l'rvlson at _ DetrOitIght yean: 01d at Mason comprised of William G Con- thf' Rl'\ IPW reel'ntl" I ''That WIll j;/I\e us ampll' tlm!" t t' f f M I gy ill regulllr mel'hn~ Mnnda\ K. . K.dd.chool thiS wet'k nnlv Jr. Henr~ H Huhollrd, John Ow Cnuntv dep;rtment only I to obtam apprnpTlatlon~ to gne I~~<~~f' P~~I::~~tv° of ~:~~I~an Thf' Council illso nllml'd Det I I",,'aols 1 leg

• )of S Hutchmson, WllhamTG has <t<J'fICIl'nt fund< tfl pro~ldp Grfl':s~, POinte the ser\"lce Itl~lll conduct the"l\!('tures which Sl/1 Elml'r La Bad If' and DetlKarnh'al at "roodsCarl Schwelkart mtroduced Kirby. Richard L Maxon. !Il1'11for thr Cltv of Groc;.<f'POinte If .nf"l'(f~ "'-III be (l~n to thp l'ubhr Harold &>f'lov. Clt\ rnnstables IIS IlUl!I!t at the Gnorlfellows S McF.arhm, and GeorgI' L. Wf' illtempt tn SI'T\ I' all Grn<.,<eI He <aId he t ~Thf'\ \I 111 combine their po1.lre All rhlldren under 12 \'ears I'lf Iunrheon Mondilv nC'On as SchlaE'pfl'r Pnm!l' "'f''' III ;mplllr our entlrl' 'Our Cnun" depllrtmt'nt WI\h edR_rvat~on< are ;;Jw

26().~~cep- I work WIth their n e.... II<$IlV!' al{f' anrl thl'lr mother<; ar~ 1n\'lted

"Conlre~~man Alhert Engle M~ Whl'at 1l1so sv.ore m J prol{ram' a <taff of fh I' doctors ,md ~ at the !'nlE-r. - menlo to Mtl'nri thp "nrull.I r; ..........fu<kf'!!on Republican. you r ,BUrgett B""k, lTi a< .Ju<llce nf TnI' health offlcpr "fTl'r"ri lhr .... ",,"<..... ""1"'",<,1\1.. f,w oI711OM '!'''~ ~~~.;:~~.:: ••,~:y~e"'u",,,: Klrb\ J< th" Ihlrd Grn«e Potntl' Kl\\ilnl< Kldrlle~ Kllrtnon I

l1pxt "ov-emor 'P I 1 t I r('<,rlf'nls of Waynl' County A~ era. from 1500 to Iq(l() 1I~ fol. POinte offK:lal on thE- Countv I Karnn III at Woo d < Thplltre... eare a tl'l"la Ive< h' t ob I N d b dd f ap h \ou can .ee "I' a\!' qm I' a J ow~ Boarn Thp o!her< are Cad I Thur<rlav DeC't'mher 2Cl at 210 ew~ an plclures ehm pa«elllIiS_~ __ lIIB._M_. Follov.mll a fEo\,\,,"or < 0 ' I-Obtaln mort' fund. from t l' on our hllnd- now v.lthout Gro~<e Jan 12 ThP 16th Century "-h k t T h pm one th,< ....eek mclude

• ree-Iallon to the voter< Mr C t \ I .. - "" ~ 1'1 er 0\\ n. Ip <upel \ I<;or I: I ~h t turnerl the meetmg O\er n2un<; 1 I Cnunt\ <pnlce POinte, I' Rl'nals<ance and Chf'~ter Carppnll'r CIty Thf' program \\'111mdudl' <e\- No TI~1' for Wlllkout< Yes~ ea upp pmf'n I.\nn B.nettc of the ~hoo I J 19 Th Age of Bach and e-ouncllman 1'ral mO\le car loon'! and will fea- Vlrg'n'a. l'dltonal<.: to "'r Conno])" o,.tnct ann Hllr-\ Furton. Farms IH a; I - e _.______ turf' clo\An o<'1 .. t Don Adam anI! Holldav Tnmmlngs. Bdlhelor.:1 A fl'\'\ m,mltf'~ later Mr Cnn, =!==~=;;;;:=:;::;;;~===:::::::;:;;iii rl"rk <a,d thilt thp\' ,,"pre con-I an e hl< brnkf'n blC\c!e 'lct Yu1f'tldf' Tr"dltlon Mark~ Chnst->ll noll~ \\il- naml'n the Cll\ s nr.t " <ldrnnl1 <upplemenllnj;/ County: Jan 26-Thf' MlI<Jc of VIenna ,';fllp.DppO!fit Werner Yon .""lIman chairman ma<III II h -)<0 ~ ~ 2= I'" 2 R nd Vr;,o«e Pomt1' Nt>\ ,f"" Cal- ~ mil"or h\ h.. co eaj;/Ul"<"" 0 ~ =-5!~-~===~==-====I ~ervlce I reb - omantle-I<l'! a Ir- 8 PI d ilnnn\lncPO lh"t therp WIll hi' no A Chn'lma~ Me'~aie From the

f'n are n()" rnllE'('hn: illp 1\ appnmtN! R chard Maxnn ma\orj WATCH _ I (Contlooecl nn rue ~) tlJOSO't IBf'rh07. ChopIn Ll!tl OXPS aune I adml«Ion r.i1arl{p Rp\ "'-rdre", Rautho"liverv chalj;/f'~ of I'i<" for I pro-tpm HI' I~ th" <E'nlor ~()unC'lI I -------- ,and I'lther<) He .a'rt pach child \,\III rpc~1\ I' R..I/ V. ea, 'nl1 Class Hold Putv

lhf' ! memhf'r I NEXT WEEK'S T InJ.urpd Feb I6-W,llfner ann Brahms Modern <at"-depo<lt !'>oX!!; "'111 a <mall llift S"Cla!ltes R,ng In YuletIdebe I ------- I I rfO -The IClth Centurt In Paradox two lI\allahl" 10 dept'slt('lr< of Paul DI'ele, hilS aru!1ged ,. th Trot!\-.

~Ionth of Decem r 11 R' H 1.JF I Pas.<f'ni'pr Man Po" ,11 M "f '""b %3-French ImpresslonlSt9. Gr""'e POinte Bank h" Apnl 1. lran.portahnn for b/)~,! and {Iris PartllS and DIMeI'! Fe~s MaskIII lies e u or G PO'nte Review i D"tr01l sutYprPO , hrl'lk"n l~tt ------ lit ".~ II.nn"'unc~ b~ ol'rlcer< and frnm thf' Protestant C'hlldren $ and WI' Club

• Dt'('e.,,~r r~e\pt.. Ir,,! 'I E.J' K rosse I )P,Q' \I hI''' ("Jarenr" Wa".nn 30 Ch . t P" dlrl'<:tor~ .~f t!lf' bank Hnmp JUnlor LE-allue HolcU AnnualP-ll"1ted on pink p:lper ~ I ., r~. n"',n arrf"r I fOT Ih. 11th Annual ! 1l1.n Delro't 10<1 cl'lntrcll nf the rts rna.-e fir,) I In ernl'r to nf'tpTm nf' th~ ap. Chn<tma< Pa-t,

• Pl~a." aok \ our be ... for! R h 10 Mnnrla\ fl'lr I RY rar he \,\11<dn",n,ll ilnli <ma<hed Tom BnHI < t~ rn Annua: proximatE' numh~r of the, a 10U' Campra GOIlP Santa -\opear. an Palo] RUSS<lS~ rl'<'l'Ipt If /le~el;;,:r~ar;er nf 11; "'f'HI-' FIRST RA ~ tr~e a' <:;1 Pall I ann "nttl"'ll{- Chn<trr.Il' parh (or l>ll rhtldren I qdl' <afe-clf'pn<'! bnxE-<to Include Offer ,?<"holar~hIP ....wards To

iJl Mr \ 1 I co I OF THF: YEAR hdm Pa' k pnllc" , 1'p<>!!l'1i of the communltv " II ~ <ta,ll..-t In the 1n<laU"lIon I'll a nl'\\ \ aull Thp lheft 01 a '110\ II' caml'ra Po ntE' "omen_ Club.If ("illtW'" hI) look h('1 I I' ..,\In-, R' h h k t 't~. Th" "'''Mer p!l<>n 1.!P " IIIi \,\ h 'CO"TF"'T \1,.. pn~ I'll Wll< tilkpn 10 on' tomorro\\ \\ llh <;anlR a-n\ln~ , f' an l< al'<'I'p Inl( apPllra Ion. \alul'd al $/14; "a' ,l'portl'ct h\ T"ft School BO'v~ HO'l1e for' , '1 Rn ",", \P.r "0 ch " If, na\ ~t her f'1l1~ h h Ii Fo "NOlll< Ho<pltlll Wilt<"n "ho .t 11rl pm ann a frf'f' ~hn\\ III n"", for rl'nlal< Ra\mo"n W rnp<'t at Ht>nn.• H" 'i.'" t>,an I ., nr.n "h.' <"m lA Sun 1\ In" a f' f I .. I" "~ \,: I =====.:::_===::..'::_=:;;$~=~;::;;:;E < ,ffr crl ,..",,11 hr\l 'l" rN ~I\PO hf' F'''lu,rp I, ocr 2 In 4 r n' "amp)p< 01 1h~ h""r, \\ iii he ('~m('1il <;hnp Ij 114 K"" 111'\al F'\"l'~ c Plan~ fN Tf'f'n -\"1'_h -" <;.n'"lf\#Io" " thf!' "' __'ro. If rl r~ :lllt ... VII .;:lInq 'II.., ~(--- ~'~ t. .. '.

e 'n n,.lro t "r. lill ~,n a, " rl • \"r ~I \ ~ "~ I" ,r, f'r no1 h"vm~ 111<C.H. I hI" e " I, be a f,~l' j;/rt fnr l':!ch ()n ril~TlI~\ '" th" lohhy of thp It "".< 11<1<f'pn '" Ih!' ,hI'\\" wIn Op~n Ii '1 ,t>'l r,r"~ k Hra,n .n II ,"c, 'f),J = 1 h n 1.. •

•\ I \, Ilnn~r conlr" C II ,,,,nk <nnrll\ no\< C"lIellp C'llqllE'\~~~l!!ll~~~~1u.~,.lfi IMr< 1"10\n SfrlZmr Pr




'1.0'1I510NAL TAX Ulyrel'0 l.


GENnA!. TAX ~ BUSI:NIlSS S!l.vta. JNe.14M1 Klll.CIUV AI. AVENUI DIlTJ.OlT l'.),{]Qf)GAIf

., ALLIl'I' "'?It.

~utto Electrical Appliance Co.1"" MACKAVB.

Grolse Pointe Woodl Custom TailorOPERATED BY "JOE the TAILOR"


To AllZ101~ Mack Ave., ar~ RoIlya Roe.d




Holiday TrimmingsBy JOHNNIE BACHELOR

We plan to do our Christmas shoppIng "00 you beheve In Santl~"Friday. There's no sense In wutlng until He'll answer, "which On!!""the last mInute like some people we know, It would not surprISe us If thwho WIll try to cramp in all their holiday ize a Santa Claus union, WIth t @\' or....chores on Saturday, half for slttlngs oQ both knel'~ Irn@ alld..

There IS no excuse for such procras. Our carolers hlve even gnntmatJon. cia!. One band of splntual ral~tColllJntr,

Meanwhile we have a grIpe to make our porch each night they ar °h c~about the Yuletide season that cannot funds for the evemng mOVie e S Or! Iiwalt until Dee 25 to be unwrapped. They SIng JIngle Bell~ SIlent

Chnstmas has gotten too commercial. and other appropriate nU~bel5 Nl1&!l1The once reverend St. NiCk 18 now the The other night the r~lplent of

department stores' biggest gImmick. twO.bltS, a cocky.twelvl'-vl'~''''ld O!IThe once exclusive gent is as common marked: 0' re-

as ice In Alaska. "Thanks mlSter, for anotherWe have more Santas downtown than we'll give you our Ipeclal arraiU&r1tr,

of "Mule Tram." gerntlllshoppers.If you ask the average slx.year-old, Merry Chnstmas.

Cut off and blU'n the old top61 ~OOO P k G'of perennIals thIS faU. Don't ar 1ftleave them Iitandlnl over WIn- Palk emplo~ PI'S about Jill,ter, harboring funp spores and vlded $4.000 In gov@rnm~ntmsect ellS. as their 111ft from lhe Villa,.

NOT JUST LOOSE SURFACE DIRT. BUT You knew how naturally ,,,ft alld'"ALL DIRT IS FLOATED OUT BY NEW .hle «0041 fabrics are when nf'" AllPROCESS AVAILABLE ONLY AT Life.Tone brinp that IUlCuriOtl!\.p!..-BULOVA LIFE-TONE CLEANERS IN ant softness back hy gofftln, out ~DETROIT. embedded dirt that can makf fl~NflW ynl1T wool doth~ can he made hanh and !ltiff aft~r prl"'ln~ r~fr("<;h a~ n~, tnll~' dean. thanks to our wnolen 11\\ eaten. flnel't '1Ik~ qfItl ...

Life-Ton .. Pr~ ..'1'i - perfeded after « IIkirb-a11 ran be mad~ frP5h lnd tNII'\ear'!; of 'AlMrl'lton- te!lhnl:. .~ "lOW wHh Lif ...TMI..

LlFE.TONE CLEANINC is Cuar.n .... d to S,tisfy yO'-

Phon. Tod.y fo, wPm.nt Pick-up. I12430 MORANG DRIVE LAktY". 7.931

IULO!7~~~~ CLEAN!!~ t/'""~ItOC6SS'

Wonderful, important newsfor folks who valu •.good clothes andsmart appearance.



21 YEAItS AGOThe Rev. R. D. LInhart and

MISS Irene Welser were heardin an organ recital at Faith ILutheran Church

Grosse POinte boxers beganworking out at NeIghborhoodClub for a specIal card on Jan.18

15 YEARS AGOMrs. C. Henry Buhl, 828 Ellair.

report~ the loss ot a $2.500wrISt watch In a cab. "

The followmg cast appearedIn a Defer School play for thePTA: Jack Kerns. Sally Schulte,June Jaekel, Charles Bomont,Edward KlIse, Donna Le Mome,Tunothy Rahill, VIrgInia Als-helmer, Sheld Strong. EdwardZerbe, Thomas Jones, RobertRouseeau, Lorllne Dei n z e r,Charles Ohleson and RIchardOhlson.

TEN YEARS AGONorbert F". Denk, LIOlU Good-

fellow chllrman, saId the nthannual dnve netted $3,000.

Olive Lipp and Dorme andMonroe Shaw, led the GrossePOInte HIgh Debatmg team to aVIctOry over Royal Oak.

FIVE YEARS AGOK. L. Moore and Richard

Maxon, co~haJ.rman SIXth WarBond Drive, reported that thecampaign came close to $2.000,000War Bonds.

Lt Albert Beaupre, 274 Kerby,award the Di5tinguished FlYlDgCrout

ONE YEAR AGOTownship sought to obtain

Alger HoUM tor a commu"ity Icenter, . .

Carniel Tavely. 4, of 1339 IIMaryland, was rObbed by twoiU'S1

Bwldmg permIts for buildmpvalued at $370,800 were Issued In

the Farms during November,Farms engineer. Murray SmIthreported.

Farms Build

The NewLocation of

M F= BROWN Mo.,og~r

gJointe !Insurance


Fire - Auto . Workmen s Compen~tlon . GenerolL'l)"'d,ty Llne~ - All Risk Floater POIICIE'~. Etc

15110 KERCHEVAL VA 3-1022F"nnarh ,tOt I: Jefferson

2 - Th. Gro... Pointe Review_ Thunder, Dec. 12, ,,..9

Thumay, Dee. 22Junior League Chnstmas Party 1.30 - 5:30 p.m.Congregational Church Younc People" Group Dance .... 8 p.m.

Frlda.y. Dee. !3College gr9up-informal evenmg .•••••..•••••••••••. 8.30 p.m..

Monday, Dee. 26American LegIon meetin, 8 Jl m

Tuesday, Dee. 27 ,Hohday Open House-Teen A,e Group , 4 - 7 p.m.

WedJlesqy. Dee. 28SeDior GIrl Scout Troop Mother andDaughter Luncheoa ......•••••••••••••••••• 12 30 • 2.00 p.m

Wednesday, Dee. UMilton Setzer, Piano Recital................... .. .. 8 30 1'm.

Saturday, Dee. 31New Years Eve Dance (Younl Adult Danee) .... ll 30 - 2 Jl m


War Memorial Center•Calendar of Activities

EdItor's Note: ThIS Christmas message WIIS prepared bythe Rev. Andrew Rauth. mInIster of Grosse POInte WoodsPresbyterian Church at the request of the ReVIew.

Christmas IS the celebratIon of the birthday of Jesus ChriSt.It IS" worthy observance. It has had a long tradition and haaacqUIred a variety of practices.

The customs of nabons and peoples are of IDterest to manypersons They can be read in books and in magazines. The useof the ChrIstmas tree, brIght lights, special food, carol singingand gIft gIVing IS all a part of the practices of people aroundthe world

The central fact 01 CJuoiiau... Is the birthday of our SavIOW'.His birth. life, teaehIac. Ideria" death and resurreetloB hasmeant much to the ".rid. I. the .blen-uee 01 ChriBtmu, thereare certain trutbll to bow and kI appreetate.

Christmas means that God's love hu come to men. God hasrevealed himself in many ways. In the uDlverse are countlesslaws that work many blessings in theIr regularIty. The greattruth!: that have accumulated from the teachings of the prophetand of the sage have given gUIdance to man. But to appreciateIn our observance of Christmas, the truth that God hal come toman WIth His love, IS to feel its power and glory.

Christmas means that man's joy has been maae poSllIble. Thelines of the hymn "Joy to the World. the Lord Has Come" speakmeaning and encouragement It IS Jesus who saves men fromtheir SinS He has done It. He does do It. In the beWildermentand the stress of modern days, thIS meaning of Christmll!l canwork ,ood.

Christmas means that the world'. peace has bope. It I.reeorded. "Glory to God in the hip.. and OIl eartb peaet!&IIlOllI men In whOnt he is well pleued." Or as IOme aaelentauthorlties read "Peace, roodwill a_, IlU'n." Peace of theworld will not COllIeeasily. Mea of DlUy utioa will banto work at it IODI aD4I bard. They will bave to approaeh it fromJIlaDy aneles. However, iD ChrtlIt there la a ray of bope thatmankind CllDJIot ne~eet. CIu:Istmu f~ our atietdioll OIlthat ny. •, Christmas may have d.tveloped many chlldish and sentunental

observances ,These are no{ to be cntklzed or bel1ttled. They canbe used and appreciated. However, <::hri5tmal has depth and thereis an eternal sigmfieance for those who journey tq Bethlehem tosee what has come to pUll.



and 0


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see and hear about the County HealthDepartment the more we feel that It can.not render the service the people ofGrosse Pointe expect and should get.

Somewhere In these conflicting state-ments IS a medIan-an answer that w111solve this VItal health problem.

But, thIs medIan or answer WIn neverbe reached by "walklOg out." .

In fact. a great deal of the responsI-bility of finding the right answer falls onthe shoulders of Mr. Carpenter. He ledthe movement to replace the presentseI'Vlce.

True, Mr. Carpenter's community hasbeen assured of (.'t)mplete health serviceby the County, when the Township aban-dons Its department next April. but whatabout the other four communities, and theSchool Olstnct.

Mr. Carpenter hu an oblIgation to allGrosse Pointe.

It's time to drop personal and politicalgrievances.

Let's not walk out on the people ofGrosse Pointe.

can be an important mIlestone In yourhfe When your heart IS fired r-v the truespmt of Chnstmas. remember' that YOUcan retaIn that warmth Indellmtely If youearnestly dec;lre It

As ~ou attend that Chnstmas partyand see tne eyes of those "little ones"11l::ht lip "lth tre J"" w~"C~ 01'1" s1"!'lplef8lth can In<;plre remember. and kE'ep re-mE'mbenn~. that the ll~ht vau are Wlt-nessm~ v. rt~ kmdled two thousand \'earsn~l/ b v Clie i.rau ..

school offiCIals to "meet and comer withschool mstrict taxyayers.,t

Needless to say the public forums were'complete flops. Perhaps the school boardshould have scheduled the meetings at adowntown Christmas shopping center orother locations currently attractmg ourhighly civic-mInded populace,

Perhaps the School Board should join_the parade, and turn to Santa for the an-swer to the school problem.

They certamly need a Santa.


TV 2.65AA



OPJHMIrt~ G P Wooch Bn",lInr Aile,

Serving You Has Been A Plea~ure'May We Continue ~o Mertt Your

Plitronage and Confidence r

L B OLDHAM,Ch...... Mo Editor

Toni Eb r. Stott WriterDorl, MUOb, Stoff Writer

]1uL 91UJAAL poinfL lbwiJuvGross. Pmnt,'s First Newrpap~

may Christmas Joy be

26«3 MACK A VF..

Remember back In your chIldhood, 'when tf you cUd not play accordmg toJohnny's likIng. he would take hIs banand go home.

We saw the adult equivalent of the Township Health ServIce dLscusslonTuesday evp.nmg In the person of ChesterCarpenter, City of Grosse Pomte and a member of Wayne CountyBoard of SupervlSOrs.

The discussion was not proceedmgfavorably for Mr. Carpenter so he roseand left In "a huff "

His colleague, Nell Blondel. followedhim Out.

The question on the table was, "Canthe County Department provide the sameeffIcient health serYlce the Township isproviding'"

Townslup offICIals said "No"!Carpenter saId "YES,"Countv offICIals wd they can serve the

CIty of Gr06Se Pointe but not the rest ofthe communitles here unless more fundsare available.

From our neutral corner, the more we

00 you f@l!lthat you. as an IndIVIdualare too small a fractIon of the communityto mfluence Its ultimate destInies" Do vouthInk that you are such an InSignificantpart of Grosse Pomte that It makes nodIfference what you do or how \"ou reactto the 1remendous challenge which con-fronts us In these troublouc;. Yet glonousda\s'l If \OU have al1()....erl yourc;elr to slIpITltn thls habit of IrrE>c;poo<;lhlethlnkmg.If 'l."OU stIll do not reah7e the far-reachln~potential f'lr ~0od which ii Inherent In~!~~ ~:.!~~"... ~e:::-•• ~:!' Ch:"::'~~l::"; $,::0.....,';"'1

About 75 people attended the two massmeetlnJS sponsored by the Grosse PointeBoard of Educatlon relative to schoolbullding needs.

Thirty-two of that number were pres-ent at the aession mtended for the parentclubs of Grosse Pomte High School whichhave a combined membership of morethan 1,500.

The rest attend@'d Tuesday's forumwhich c:lunaxed an extensIve campaIgn by


OFFICES AT 15121 KERCHEVAL BElWEEN MARYLAND AND LAKEPOINTEVAlley 2.1162 - 2.1163.2.4558.2-4559

PUBLJSH1ID !:VERY THURSDAY BY rHE GRU&:iE POINTE PRINTING CO~.OOO Readers Ever, Thursday • • • • Subscrlp tlon Rate. 5 Cents per copy. By Mall 52 00 per year



NOTE' ~eprittting of the letter below, together with the original edito~'nett, h& become (I. Chnstml18 tradition with The e;,.osse Pointe Reviewbecause tt cama (I. rignijican.t message to adults aft4 children., alike.

(Back in 1897, 11ttle VlrgJ.~ia O'Hanliri .....-"SeIlse and sight. The eternal hght withWYatt the following letter to the editor of whIch childhood fills the world would betile New York Sun: "I am 8 years old. extmguished.

.-some of my little fnends say there is no "Not belIeve 10 Santa Claus~ YouSanta Claus. Papa says, 'If you s~ it 11\ mIght as well not beheve In fames!The Sun it's so.' Please tell me the truth "You nught get your papa to hIre men-is there a Santa Claus?" The edItor to watch in all the chunneys on Chnstmas

'wrote thIS newspaper and hterary cla5S1c Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if theyin reply to this childIsh plea. did not see Santa Claus commg down,

"Yes. indeed! what would that Pt.:0ve? Nobody sees -" . Santa Claus. but that IS no SIgn that thereVirgInIa, your btUe friends are IS no Santa Claus-the most real thmgs

W1'on~.. They have been affected by the In the world are those neither childrenskeptiCism of a skeptical age-they do ~ot nor men can see.beheve except what they ~they thmk "DId you ever see James dancing onthat .nothlng can be which IS ~?t compre- the lawn? Of course not, but that's nohen~ble by their lIttle mmds. ~ll mm~s, , proof that they are not there-nobody canVl1'~rua, whether they be men s or chU- conceive or Imagme in the wonders that<iren s, are lIttle. are unseen and unseeable In the world.

"In thIS great universe of ours. man is "You tear apart the bahy's rattle anda mere msect, an ant, In hIS mtellect, as see what makes the nOise inSIde, but therecompared \Jo'lth the boundless world about IS a veil covenng the unseen world whIchhim, as measured by the mtel1J.gence cap~ not the strongest man, or even the umtedable of grasping the whole of truth and strength of all the strong~st men that everknowledge hved, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy.

"Yes. Virginia. there IS a Santa Claus. poetry, love, romance, can push aSide the"He extsts as certamly as love and curtam and view and pIcture the supernal

generosIty and devotIon eXist, and you beauty and glory beyond.know that they abound and gIVe to your "Is It all real ?-ah, VIrglma, In aU thIslife Its highest beauty and JOY. Alas' now world there IS nothing else real anddrean' would be the world if there were Santa Claus' It would be as drearY as "No Santa Claus! Thank God'-Heif there were no Vlrgmlas. There would hves. and ,he hves forever-a thousandbe no chIldhke faIth then. no poetry, no years from now, VIrgul,la. nay, ten thou-romance to make tolerable thIS eXIstence. sand years from now, he wIll continue toWe should have no enjoyment, except in make glad the heart of chl1dhood."












Mon thru Sat.. 9 to 5'30 - Thu,rs -FrI. Eve. to 9 P.M.



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all 01 the stall

The Groue Point. Review - Thul'lday, Dec. 22. 1949-.J




1 2" I"- ,) ,)

(lflt'" l:, ('nin~!ii'Til Chrisltlla~

Th..... No rem ... ow- A 11lousand" VIol,ns

nO~IE .\PPIJ \ 'CE~Tt r.

Thl'VlIOund11\..1'maltlc. they pIa) III.emaltic-theo;e amaTlnlt little records WIth their revolu-

,tlonan new automatic plaler! Thoull8nda areItettmlt ne.. ptt>,,"ureout of music-and ,"ou willtoo. Join the su-ml! to "4'i"! '

Already 1';00 tItles to choog., trom ... Itreate5tI'..rformancp~ and bll~ltesthIt, of all tIme .•• andnpw.ont''1commit out t'ach ...~ ... "'II. u\for Tllr'I, r" R( " \ I' tor H rpm catalOlt "nd rt'mt'mbtor,\ou SA\ F. "'Ih 4'i rpm: on1\' 6.';( fot' rop record'l.only 'Sit for Red Seal recorda. (Plu'l tal )

...... 11 fM'tmn'l2:",' "i;'"rthll' mt and IQ'I'#'-'IUTtr'.\ in~ __"", ,n7fJ\--.4" rrm,.,.. or-.b on Ihf" "04"1d • ,.. ... ~1t1In.. .., \t 1,)\1\ II. dll.n~f'rAt ,.,." "mld " 1f'_t"1li1 pr~I hr '9J) ('0"' M'111l "n\ ...tinr",. ,,'Ii f'b.'" lit TN'""",(h

tnr Ufl to ~ ",inn11"1- nf mn.-l,~mf' dunQ.N ". hullt tntoht~".,."f prit'f"'d.,.u RIG.-~f'"t R( 1\ "kf~ fthJoe t'n"r


ENTURY OF YULETIDE 1 PLAYS HERE I AT CH.RISTMAS TIME PhysicianH N D. · d Annapolis Dadsnfl' as ever lsappolnte I _"ll Shoppers' Unusual Requests Warns Pointe Plan Dinner

ill te's 0 illest Resul ent Add To Merchants Headaches I Officials m::~"~'u:;"A~::::m':'I~;~:h:::lor

lC tlwt- doc~ not bellcve <III ~hc v,,,nh jOt CI\I"lma, I B) J)ORIS MILATZ Ill(noled the fatt thdt bllsll1ess I (Continued from Page 1) gether for a Father and Son dIn-\~ (. I,IU' ::'hould8~~ectNMI~ I ~hl~YCdl I' lonlmucd hedlth dnd Muth hd~ blcn ::'dld about the I~d~n't qUIte 'as u~uill' and asked They plan to hold further dls, ner dUring the holJdays 'PhI'lc (1111'1<\.of otle dpplnp" dl1d d 1l1lJliondOlJdl~" hHtlC tllhuldtlOns of the Chn::.t- Ilf 1 would glft wrap It. Of cOllrse. CUSSlOns group mVltes all Midshipmen, all"I", \ull ob::.erve hel 100th 'I 'ppnt dll m} monel on md' -hoppu, but what about the I tOuldn't Everything was still Naval Academy graduates and

tn,d' on December 25 ell! htmd' ,hol)pmg and I'm plClhlpm" of It en/led cu,tomers' ~(Jppml(wet So I gave her some CIty of GIasse Pom!e an their dads to the affair to be I

n,IIlvc of Gro,se POInte I)lohl'," 'h" ,aid I('qu"_h confwnllng the ~hop WIappmg pap 1'1 fOi hel to take Farms have notified Carl Schwel- held at 6 pm on December 29 at.t hl:"ltdte !o answel •Ye," MI' ChlCld 11111'pi nd hCI I tlPI k' In fd('t, d(tOldmg to a with her, and she went on her kart. Town~hlp superVIsor, that the Naval Armory In\ \I]p\lde $64 que~tlOn, 'Do 1I00tii l'hl "tmd" II Jth hpi hleat- RpVllW ,urvcy, ahout the only way agam and stili never said they Will not use the Township Dads, whose sons are away. or

rlH'1 I' 111 Santa Claus?" gldndrldughtel dnd hel hu~hdnd, thm/( eu,tomel s hdven't tnI'd to I O:le word about the fire or any. Hedlth Service after April 3, sons whose dads are out of town,h" nevel fdlled to :vIl d[\(! Mr~ Anthony Mdlndrdo, buy trom I,x al merchants IS good thmg" 1950. are urged to attend the dmner

nnl' furrn or another dUlmg I 825 RI\ 011 d bll d An mlol moll old Sdntd, hlln,elf I LdSt, but certamly not ledst, Thl~ actIOn prompted the which IS being put on by the,!,t 99 jCdrS," she ::.ald, ilS famll) dlnnel I~ pldnned EV<'I\ thing fl om mellhandl~e ,II e the shoppers of qUite a ten- Township Board to notlfy the newly formed Anna,poils Dads CAMERAS _ $6.95 up1.IPI1<,dgifts f{)r her gldnd-I ------- I v.hllh I,n't ,tOlked to dl'mand~ Idf>r dge who get lost and fie. Park, Woods and Shores that the group MOTION PICTURES~1. three gleat-grandchll-I A. Ie for good, <.Ompletl'ly opposite to I quently seek the aid of Florence local department would be dls- Efforts are bemg made to con. PHOTO _ FINISHING

and lh! ee great-great grand- I 'VltTt olltr((ct that sold hy the ~tOIe IS hemg Lphman of the Village Manor to contmued on April 3. as It would tact every Midshipman m theI'll ~oul(ht altel b} POinte Chrl~tmas I "go down the ::.treet and h~lp me not be able to operate for one Greater DetrOit area and those i Downtown Trainftll moments With MIS For Hospital ~hopper,--even mcludmg re- hnd my Mommle'" or two mUniCipalities mtere::.ted may make reservatIOnsil II no has hved to .1'1' her I que,1<, for parts of 01 store', fix. I The Township department costs by. contacting L H McQueston at and Camera Shop\' ('\tend to SIX genel'atlon~ With the le1lll1g of a tontldct ~'r tures G Fe taxpayers $25,000each year The TOwnsend 8-7839 or Ken Wright OPY" EVE'I"GS

IV IJton ~etzcr, 17, of 804 reen Ire t LAk 1 0291 IST'ltAlI. tholl St Nick 'lIld the years to the genel~1 umtl<lltll1g firm I Among the mOle unusudl things County service l~ free a eVlew _ L"T1L CHRk d h C l' .J Ul1lver~lty Place, will be hi -_____ 122 W ELIZABETHhll n Vl'ry III to 1'1 u unnm~hdll1-LII1'p, the SlS' a,kEod for. ho~ever, are SUI' (Contmued from Page 1) Chester Carpenter. City coun- Th U S S Ct'l'l<, and ~Ieep~ well dnd tels of !:>t Ju,eph hd\e Ir.0ved heard In a plano recital at thmg~ a. women S shoeldtes from .IS on file, but there IS not need ellman, who IS leadmg the move- e upreme our re- One Bloek North ofd( iIghtful sen~e of humor. tov.dl d earll lomtll.lltlOn of the 830 pm Wednesday, Dec Llebold'~ Men', Weal, accordmg Ifor alarm" ment to SWitch to the County turned only 110 opinIOns last I Tuller Hotel at Park

1'1 100th blrthdily last Oct. 1new St John Ho,pltal ,;t 22101 28 at War Memollal Center, to Carl Llebold or an unexpect-I service. accused Schwelkart of :.Ye~a~r~.~t:h:e~l:o:w:e:st~n:u:m:be~~r_l~n~2:5JI~~~~~~~~~~!!~:Ill' ihlked a cake for the Ed,t Se\en Mile Road, BUlldll1g J2 Lakel>hore road, undel l'r! demdnd for knife <h,;rpener~ The dmers left qUieti) attemptmg to perpetuate the I ::ears\ ,\lld did the dally dozen I' 10 begll1 before the fIrst of the dusplce" of Younl{ Peo- from the L W Korte Home Ap- I Chief Rector ~ald that Mr TownshIp admlnlstratlon by tak- \liIillll'Jill\fl:lllli!illlS:!i]ll!;.:llIliJllBlilili_:llIli:ll5ll1l'JiJlll'JjJlll'Jj:lllli!i:llllill!iii :=I'lIP.i""'''''(II - photog.Japhels the) eal , pIes CouncIl. ReCipIent of plldnles IGreen valued the bulldmg dt $40- mg a peSSimistic view on the J{ A MOST UNUSUAL AND LASTING GIFT I

"" ,pent all her holiday Onc of the 14 ploJed. of the Gros.e Pomte High School's Anothel pUllhasPI \\ ,mted 1d- 000 and the contents at $75,000. County service III~ m Glos~e Pomte v.lth the GreatI'I DellOlt Ho'pltdl Fund, Hoff MU<;lcScholars"llp last die. hoslelY from Hiller's Men's Walter Schelkart IS owner of The meetmg reached an un- ~ MELODIC GEMS III 11 of a few In Ca!Jforma 11he nel~ St John Ho,pltal \llll J h f d ' StOle, said EdWin HIller, while the building expected cllmax, when Mr Car- Vi •tral eled there and abroad be bUilt dnd eqUipped at a to::.t une, t e gl te young plan- WIIlIdm Kllegel leports that I BUlldmgs In the same block penter stated that as far as the t.< A PTogram of Soft Background Musk! I

• Il'e~ wIlh hel late hus- of $5,000,000, of whllh $2,000000 1St IS now a freshman at Krieger s Smal t Shoes \\ ere ex- suffered smoke and water dam- City was concerned the Town- J{ t )f

II ho died 1lI 1932 IS 10 be supplied b} the $19,- I Kalamazoo College The peeled to plOduce men's ties ilges ThiS Included The Cdmera ship Heal~ Department was a I Plays 15 out of every 20 minutes vta pnva • ~, remarkable woman said i 720,000 Ho,pltal Fund pubhc IS inVited There IS "They come mto our shop and Shop, Chargot Cleaners, Jakrmec thing of the past I telephone we ill------------1 De'Jgned by the anhltectulal, no admISSIOn charge. I want to buy fish food." said Don- Beiluty Parlor and EsqUire He left the sessIOn very dlS- II FOR MONTHLY RATE AND CHRISTMAS INSTALLATION 1&'ff P I fam of Maguolo dnd QUick to aId Sheldon of the Donald Flower fheatle turbed, followed by Nell Blon- ~ I

1'1 ro )eS jmeet the Intreasmg heallh needs T f S 1 1 and Gift Shop And Dave Morgan I Mr James Ho),t. owner of the del. City assessor. ' ~ INQUIRE1_-... :.0>£. w- of Detroll', ,east Side and the east'l ate 100 of the CUttlS Mower Distributing film shop, reported damage~ at FollOWing a few comments on i BELLE MUSIC CORPORATION

In 01 ODI3n ern suburban commumtles, St CO. I' receiving the opmlOn from $2 500. He said he borrowed a the hasty deparoture of the City i WOodward 3-3366 JUrlb suffered at her home John Will house accommodatIOns IBoys Horne shoppers' deSIres that hiS electn- i hau-dryel flom the beauty shop offICIals. the meeting was ad- Il! -"""-----!lleI¥BlQ!lI:: ~9iln!. __ ~tQ:_d fatal to Mr' LOUiseI for 270 adult and child pdtlents. eal appliance shop should also to dr} -out hiS film Journed. B!ll:,....._ ....._. ...... ,II 31 of 19405 KingsvIlle 168 bas,mets for nell born Infants F H l~J handle home furnlshmgs and Mrs Ho}t who operates a small BeSides the aforementioned

el1(To~ nshlp She was found Iand exten'lve mo~ern surgical, I or 0 UtaIy Iwilte-hes gift shop m her husband's store, Itaothose present mcluded 'n-liOUS on her !JvlI1g room materl1lty, X'I ay, laboratory and '" Of all the vall I'd melchandlse ~dld that the smoke and water I V t r DeB ke George Beau-Saturd<lVand taken to Sal a- :emergent v facl1ltJes. I Home for the annual Chrl-tmas obtamable at Tom Boyd. a clerk completely put her out of busl- h II' 0 C Jo::ph' Belanger Don IGenet'a( Hospital where sh-e t -----~- 'I hohday from the Taft School. recentlv had to sort through the ness She had no msurance to I G~~~~w . and Arthur Da~man'1 d I Thlee times as many men as Watertol\ n, Conn, are the fol- as~ortment for "a 10tatll1g center Icover her $500 losses 1

fTh B d •

.' I1n ay I ' g b I II I ht" I f r turn I 0 the owns IP oar",t mortem was to be made I \\ omen commit SUICIde,accord-, 0\1111 O)S gn Ig -a car ,lgna 0 Ii 1 About $3,000 worth of SUItS M S th F meershenff's deputies mvesh-I mg to the Brltanl1lca Book of I BenJamm Ch,;pman, son of \'Ir I mg tarnci-and which 1'n't at a II ere removed from Charg:ot urra.) ffil , arms eng .

Ihe case. the Yeal and Mrs Charles G Chapman Ia popular Item, said sales man-, Cleaners to their Harper and Dr T. S DaVies, Township------ 372 Provencal; Peter Fmk, son of a~er LoUISBrown i Bedford plant Some of the cloth. Health CommiSSIOner

Mr and MH. George R FlI1k, 69 I Equally rare wa~ the gelger mg was damaged Jules Berns. Woods attorney.Cloverly, Hal and Leonard SmIth, counter gift for hubbv that a Samuel Jaklmec. owner of the Grosse Pomte Park and Shores~ons of Mr and Mrs Hal H I woman shopper was seeking from I beauty parlor that se1-ves some were not representedSmith, Jr, 582 RIvard; Arthur the Village Hardware, which Ray of Grosse Pomte's most prom 1- i _Stock son of Mr and Mrs H I Vermeulerr believes IS sold only Inent clhzens would not estimate Wood T lks TurkeyThompson Stock. 107 Moran, and through a Toledo fil m Or the I hl~ dama es' S aMichael Hoev son of Mr and volume of "23000 Words Often' H dgth t h f d t Instead of government bonds

. , • I' sal a e was orce 0 h be th to _Mrs Wilham H Hoey 234 Mern- Mis-pronounced" that one ,hop-, as as en e eus m In preweather ' per bought from Elizabeth PreS-I cancel many Important appomt- V10US years. Woods employees

tt t the Grosse Pomte Book ments WIll each receive a 16-pound tur-Also Henry Caulkms, son of co "a 1 Damages were very small at I key for ChrIstmas. It was dls-

Mr and Mrs George P Caulkms, Stor the EsqUire Theater and It was I ed by A A Ghesqulere552 Rivard Allen Ledvard, son And Similar to the appliance open for the regular Saturday I ~~ods preslde~t ThIrty-sIx hav~of Mr and Mrs Hem y Ledyald, store's mablllty to prOVide furru, I matmee. been ordered. .104 Moran, Henry Shelden, son I!ure IS the hardware that M Iof Mr and Mrs Henry D Shel- Grieshaber wa~ asked for at theden. 16628 E Jefferson, SamUel! Grosse Pomte Furmture Store. ISherer, son of Mr and Mrs Jo- "People come Into our storeseph S Sherer. Jr, 190 Ridge, and want to buv the WIndow dee-Stephen Smith, son of Mr. and oratIOn." revealed Edward Pon-Mrs YatC6 G Smith. 854 Edge-I gracz of Pongl acz Jewelry store,mont Park and Cullen Sweeney I "We have a Chnstmas tree 111 the Ison of M~ and Mrs John S'-, wmdow tnmmed WIth balls from:Sweeney, Jr 122 Moran I CzechoslovakIa-but It s not for

I Chapman;s pIctOrial editor of' sale'" , ...the yearbook and a member of While not bewlldel I'd by uruque , ~the bUSiness board of the school I demands of customers, Mrs Lou- I

newspaper. 111 addition to servmg Ise ijoyt confessed that what did 1on the student government COUl\-amaze her was the total oblIVIOncil m which some cu,tomers seem en-

veloped at thIS time of the year,Fmk IS a member of the De. e'peclally those who enter her

batll1g and Glee Clubs Gift Shop.> i Hal SmIth IS a managel of th~ "The mornmg after the Al

j Glee Club and earned hiS varslt} Gleen fire, our store was m qUite Ihockey letter last wll1ter , a mess We found water about I

I StOCk, IS the manilger of the three mches deep In the store I1949-19;,0hocky team In aQdltlOn and our merc-handlse soaked Ev- I

to bemg a member of the De. ervone around was commentmg1

batmg Club and Christmas ChOir' upon It, speculatmg upon dam-IHoev, a new boy ilt Taft, IS a al(e or Just chatting a bit But I

member of the Camera Club lone' woman swept nght 111 wlth-I ' lout a glance at the floor or atVieroR I OBITUARY ~:~e1a:~emg~:~~:~d~~;tea~~1l~~:

ous to ever) thmg

1,------------- "Whf>n I finally managed to

KATHLEEN LUCILLE JAHN I wade around to the back and got I, Funeral servIces were held for her what she wanted. she stIll i

45 Sathleen Lucllle Jilhn. 4 month- I

RPM Iold daughter of Mr. and Mrs Program Chairmen CanFred L Jahn of 213 Man'landfrom the Verheyden Funeral Call On U-M DebatersHome Wednf'Sday :\;'o;N ARBOR-Var'lty debat-

,I Kathleen. ,\ho dIed on Del' 18, er' at the Unl\er'lh' of \'Ilch,gan

REcoRDS I l~ also 'urvlved bv a sl,ter, Pa- dre il\ allahlp for demon,tratlontrlcla, and her grandparent.,. Mrs d('hilte~ RilV Nilrl('3U.speech \11-

I Leonil F Burroughs and Mr and ,trllctor and debale CO;lrh, has• Mrs Fred J Jahn announc-ed I-- I l.JnI\ erQl" oehillHS hilve madf>i

HAROLD S. KNIGHT nllm('oru~ ilppcaran('f>' thl' year I

Rltes for Harold S Kl1Ight of on high ~("hool prl1gTilm" before'I162q North Renaud road \\ ho communltv scn 11'(' club, anddlf>d 'uddenlv on DE'<' 17. \\ere ot!)('r grl1up' Parli(:1pallon onheld Wedn(',dav from th(' Ver- prngT"ilrn' of ,hiS tvpe v.11l behe\ den Fun('ral HOlT'e c-notmn('d. :\'iloeilll -aid

I He I' 'un It I'd b\ hl_ \llfe, Inqn ne' iloont thl' 'el viceZclma a ,on, Hilrold. and a 'IS- 1 lV De d I ('{ led 0\ ~ d\ "' adeaut"r Mr' Ja\ Fl,c-\" of Kalama- ~()1I1 \nl((1 Hal l 111\1'\'\ \ of7~ L \1 ltl,gan .o\nn _~' bor i

, ~~~~~~M~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r "The Ideal ChrIStmas GIft For Her" IIi, The On]'" Front-Opening ~i ,. oJ ~

:1 DISHWASHER Ii !ii that give ~'OU ELECTRIC DRYING ~ In ~I~ ,..- gir ~~ ~I~, , -1 AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ~!f "/~~~" D1SHWASHERi~ ~~: ~~ No. al low •• ~~ B~; ~

¥ .' j ~269<):l~'iJ\ ~ .' I ~; .,-----. --- / ~

I~ KORTE HOME APPLIANCES ~If 341 FISHER ROAD TU 1-2313 ~II~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\:. II Fi!'<lwr Hoad

TU 2-0740


A1/110/1 lilt' (' •.~lt , Ilur

St J oime, LutheranMcHlllan near KerChe\~t~h ,Id a MldDlght Chr 1m ~Se b IS i;E.rVlce egln!llng at 1130 •

The ChrIStmas Da) S ~ tbegIn at 11 a m Th erll('l11n05 d S ere\1lJ~

un dy chool 011 tlla day~

Dr. Kate M. W'lllerD l Ph C

ebl1 0PIa( tiC' Ph\s7267 ~ J[I FERSo, (~\

OpposIte "'" Armon (I O. 7.9~18

OffIce Houfl b, APpo'l_RealdentJal CaU "'I

Junior Sodali~Plans Dance

Members of theSodality al e ~l ::'1ClairJf "", Illakor theu' nLrmlhlv d lnCpheld Tuebd II D anle to ~the parISh hall ~rfmber 2; •bon alk andA~~

CommitteeToOl VICldno I I tllllllbe ..Fl Idllman ...

owen, ~eclftdl BanToenJes, Melr} F~x Mar)"'-Molooh', POSlel> Dltk 4~db~Phil VIVldnv De r 4lIlltBaramka, PUl>IICJ\~ordtlonsJ~

The hlghlll'(~ltof Ihbe the selectlO!lof a ; d.nctIiAll young 1\ omen att;OW ~be ehgl ble fOI compeln011l( '4

IUOnMUSil \\ Iii be

J prOIJd"-'Immle BIO\, n dod h <u lband Thp rlanee t 15 ~.

, 'illl;pm TIckets will be at"the door

TU, 1.1460

. IB'l': WISMb ~ A.~~DAY



. '.


• • •



Catherine Kammer Bellll'y Salon20455 MACK

~ WISHYOU ~~ S ~~\1CHRIST M A 'r, .,~:.~

HAPPINESS ~\\l~ ~ ~~~~~- ('~W


16+17 E. WARREN

Agoln, W~ toke pleasure inexte id1ng greetings to our man\!

fr fnde, and patrons Man our rolldav,,(>o<.,onbe filled wltr hopplnec,-:

a,ld the New Year bring )OU SL.cce"s-


We al~o Feature HAMIL TON and ELGIN WollCI ....



16131 E. Warren

Carson L. WilliamsN~lrlyI ,


Plans Wedding 1 Church Staff~~,.. Sponsors

I Christ/llas PartyI The Glollse Pomte Congle,a-, tlonal Church FamIly Chrlstmu

part~, sponsOl ed by the ChurchSchool Staff will be held It Rich.ard School, Friday, December 3,dt 730 p,m

I Followmg the custom of pIe-VIOUSyears the members of theChurch School will have an op-portumty ot bemg Santa's helpersbv bl mgmg gifts for children

: overseas, for no one knows betterthan he, they Will be distnbutedWIthout dISCrImination to boysand girls of all races and Cleedsthrough the "Church WOlldService"

Members ot the churcn schoolWill present the Christmas .torythrough tableaux and musIc bythe three ChOIrs,

A MarIOnette show, featurIngthe return of "Applesauce" inthe story 'of "Let'. See WillyDoOlt" WIll be presented by theEd. Johnson Company.

Refreshments for Ihe party arebemg planned by Mrs RobertChoate and her commIttee

Busy ~ lth plans for hel 1\ ed-dmg m February 15 Mma JeanGallup, daughter of Mr. and MrsAsa 0 Gallup of 1320 Somersetroad. Her husband to be is Wll-l1am R. B. Froehlich, son of Mr.and Mrs. WIlham J. F. Froehlichof Jeannette, Penn Afler theceremony, the pair plan to retlldeID Pittsburgh.


MIS. Margal et E Morgan,daughtel of Mr. and Mrs JamesA MOlgan, Bedfold road, wallmal rled to Mr Rlchald T Bvonum, son of Col. and Mrs H .T.Bynum of Chicago. on Saturday,at a 7 pm. candlehght ceremonyIn the First PI esbytenan chulchot Ann Arbor

The bride's gown WliSfashIOnedWith a long waisted bodice ofexquIsite lace, long tight fittingsleeves endmg 10 a pOInt overthe hands, and a full candle1Jghtsatm skirt fiolVmg mto a longtram Her hngertlp veil of bridal ~IllUSion was gathered into a head-dl ess of ShIll ed IllUSIOn wreathedm 01 ange blossoms. She carrieda shower bouquet of white cry-santhemums centered With whitecamellas

Mrs Frederick Outwater ofAnn Arbor was matron of honor.BrIdesmaids were Mrs. JerryBrown of Stamford, Conn: Mrs.Kenneth StaIr of KnOXVille,Tenn, and MISS Betty JaneSprlngel of Indianapolis. Theirgowns were all of sage green Chu re h Names Scouts Meetsatm WIth full skirts and bustlebacks They wore matchmg 0f f . Members of Scoutmg's Order.headdresses and carrIed bouquets New leers of-the-Arrow, an honor camperot chrysanthemums s had i n g I society, Will hold their Annualthrough deep red and bronze The followmg new officers of Hohday Get-together at theThe bouquet of the matron of the Salem Memorial Lutheran Naval Armory, 7600 E. Jeffersonhonor was centered With talisman Church will be Installed shortly: Tuesday evenmg, Dec. 27.roses. Conrrelation: Pres. Mr H. Bab-I

Col Bynuni was hiS son s best cock, V. P. Mr. Aaron Lass, UshelS were John Herald, Mr. James Mickey, Fmanclal See.Hans Heilbronner, Frank White Mr. Paul Hacker, Treas. Mr. Er-and John MacRitchie, all of Ann wm Debandt, Trustee (3-yr.) Mr.Arbor. EdWIn Geffe, Elder Mr. Nelson

The mother of the brIde wore a Dleball (3-yr.), and Mr. John Igown of rose colored crepe \>Ith Foote (l.yr.).a matching hat. Her corsage was Luther Leque: Pres. MISSJean Ideep rose orchids. The mother of ClampItt, Sec. MISS Nancyleethe groom was gowned In aqua Ryan, Treas. Mr. Roger Dorn-crepe wIth a corsage of pale pink brock,orchids

The Ladies' Guild: Pres Mrs.A receptIon at the MichIganLeague followed the- weddlng, Hugh Carless, V. P. Mrs. E. De-and servmg at the receptlon were bandt, Sec. Mrs. E . Grundner,MISS ChrlStme Blair MIss Dora- Treas. Mrs. S. Ryan, Kitchen Cw.thea Leonard, MISS 'Joanne Blrk todlans, Mrs. J. O'Shea and Mr••and MISS Katherme Peabody. P. Hacker.

F b dd t. t Ch' Choir: Pres. Mr. S. Ryan, Sec.or er we mg riP 0 Ica- Mrs. E. Geffe, Treas. 'Mr N. Die-

go, the new Mrs. Bynum wore a ball Cho' M th M HSUIt of cinnamon brown gabar- .' Ir 0 er, rs. .

. FIchtner.dine WIth tangerme felt hat and Mothen' CJ b' P M Sblouse, brown alllgator shoes and u. res rs .bag. Her corsage was the flowers Berlm, V. P. Mrs. E. Grundner.from the center of her bouquet. Sec, Mrs J. MIckey, Treas. Mrs.

F. Bromley.After January 2, Mr and Mrs. Altar Society: ChaIrman, Rev

Bynum w1l1 be at home In Ann W. C. Burmeister; Secretary andArbor where the groom IS taking Treasurer, Mrs. Helen O'Shea.graduate work and where thebride IS on the staff of the deanof women. 1utheran ChOir

Annual MeetingDetroit Lutheran Male Chorus

WIll present Its third annualChnltmaa Concert at St. JamesLutheran Church. McMillan andKercheval Monday, Dee 26 at8:15 p.m MISS Vera Loeber Willdirect

White, inVItes all those who donot already have a church hometo be Wlth The Grosse PointeMethodist Church on ChristmasSunday mornmg at 11 a m

lBedford GirlIs Married

,lat Ann Arbor

From Ih~ I.nlirt. Staff or the

Ifi'UlI I\fAtK It! CiRA YTOl\i

Christmas SeasonOL II BEST \\ N{E!! ARt.Orrum To F.~CH Of')OL ••• \1" THI"CHRI-r"\~ TIH L) BE AH4PP' (hE.





i. \'~diil kMrs. Richard T. Bynum


Mrs. Jesse E. Antwright, Jr.

from 011 Over theWorld


4 - The Grolle 'ointe Review - Thursday. D.c. 22, 1949



16i24 E: Wan-enN""r BIShop

Kerch.v.1 It M.ryland

}elltet's LUlie',

with all good wishes

for a 9 IOrloUS Holiday Season

TU. '.6844

Pointe PairRepeat VO'f/S\1in Church

At I recent ceremony, Rita 'I1the Sock became the brIde of,Jesse Edward AntwTlght Jr

The ceremony took place at IS1. Ambrose Church WIth the IRev Minch presldmg

The brIde's parents are Mr andMn. LoUIS F. Sock of 1258 Way.bum and the groom IS the son ofMrs Clara AntwrIght of 857 Unt.verslty PI, and the late Mr JesseEdward AntwTlght Sr.' I

The bride chose an off theshoulder old fashIOn type wed- ~ding gown of white satm Thegown, train and slee\'es weretrimmed WIth accoldlan pleatedlace, Imported from France Herfinger tiP veil was also of acC'Or-1dian pleated lace and her head Ipiece was adorned With sea pearlsand beadmg She carried a muffof white satm topped With a Iwhite orchid and streamers flow-ing down, tied WIth white rosebuds The bride carried in hermuff a hand mltde white lacehandkerchief made by • friend

For her three attendants, shechose fall colors of green, goldand 10dlan orchid. The bride'ssister Janet WlUi mald-of-honor,wearmg green taffeta With a highIllusion neck line

Mrs. Wl1bam C has e, thegroom's Sister, wore gold, and hiScowm Jovce Jameson wore IndiaOrchid. Both dresses "{ere styledafter the made--of-honor. Theirhats were of a bouquet effect,which tied under the chIn, 1Dcolors to match their dreasea.

The brIde was given In mar-riage by her father Her COWIn,Mr. Arthur LaHaie was theeroom's b.e s t man Anothercousin, Mr. AI Osiwala, assistedas usher as dId Mr. WilllamChase, brother-m-Iaw of theJroom.

Followmg a honeymoon to NewOrleans and the Smoky Moun-tains, the newlyweds establishedresidence at the home of thebndegroom's parents.

6109 New Caces

Yuletide Rites'

Name Brabb',John H. Brabb ,of 1321 Berk-

Ihlre road., has been elected to atwo-year term as a member ofthe American RadiO Relay Leagueboard of directors, it was an-DOWlCed.

Brabb, an attomey WIth Brabb&: Waltensperger, Will dIrect theGreat Lakes DIVISion of theARRL, whIch comprIses theltates of Michigan, Kentucky andOhio.

docialttes TRiny [fn ., IPalmer Claims

Yuletide with 6f,.oths f;~~~id~irlIt's almost Christmas, but It Isn't Christmas tm.el that's I

sparkhng 10 the eyes and on the fingers of mOle Grosse Pomte I Wilham BelesfOid Palmel sonsocla1Jtes than can be counted upon one hand. Literally' nng 'mg II of MIS. Songyear Palmel of10 the Yuletide season IS the betrothal news of Charlme Bauer, Washington road, claImed MISSMma Gallup, E1.lene Macrae, Patricia McKean, Sally Ann O'Connor, Norma FIsher for hiS bride In a------------~@> and Lucy Wilson ceremony at Grand Rapids Sat-/"' d' to h' The betrothal of MI>S Bauer I urday.van Ie tg t to Brian Joseph Sweeney was I The new Mrs. Palmer IS the

• announced last Saturday at. a daughter of Mr. and MiS. Henry

R tOI pi 'd t famll~ dmner hosted by MISS H. Fisher of Grand Rapids.leS lanne a Bauer s parents. Mr. and Mrs.John Wilham Bauer of Mern. A small group of close mem-

D L h weather Road bers of the famllles attended therea ce ut eran The son of the WIlbam Patnck I ties.A ChrIstmas nudmght candle-' Sweeney's of Neff Road IS a After the ceremony, Ml. and

hght servIce will be held at Peace I 1student at M~chlgan State COl., Mrs.. Flsber .entertamed the wed,Ch ch E d ege, and his fiance attended dmg party at a famI! d

Lutheran ur.,. Warren an I Adrian's SIena HeIghts College y mner.Balfour, begmnmg at 11:30 p.m. and also Marygrove. The newlyweds departed for aChrIstmas Festival ~USIC Will b<; The fiance of Mma G~lup is' short tnp .to northern MIChIgan.prOVIded by the semor and gIrls 'WillIam Froehhch son of Mr ITbey plan to reSide at 645 Park-chOirS. The service WIll open With II and Mrs Wilham' J Froehlich wood, Grand RapidsBach's Christmas choral, "Break of Jeanette Penn and graduate ------Forth, 0 Beauteous Heav'nly of Carnegl~ Tech' who also at-I' C hLight." The 6D-voice combIned, tended Massachus~tts Institute of rrstmas ServicechoIrS will also 6Ing Adolph Technology and Yale. . K b S hAdam's "0 Holy Night" and Kes- MISS Gallup, whose parents, I at er y coolsel's "Glory to God" Mrs. and Mrs. Asa O. Gallup of Chnstmas Sun d M

~e Girls' ChOlr under the dl- Somerset Road, announced her WorshIp WIll be ~Jd a~rn~~~rectlon o!. Mr Walter Moeller forthcommg marnage In. Fe~- Grosse Pomte Methodist ChurchWIll smg No Candle Was There ruary, IS a member of Chicago 5 lD the new Kerb School Sundand No Fire," by Lehmann, and Umversal Opera Company and at 11 amY ay"That Holy Night," by WIlliams attended Wells College, and both' .The Sentor ChOir under the dl- DetrOit and Chlcago's Conserva-I Th1e chdolr Will present spec161rectlon of Mr. John Baden, will torles of MUSIC ,voca an Instrumental numberssmg Stamer's "God Rest Ye Apropo of the holldavs was the ~aturmg a wprano solo by Mrs.Merry Gentlemen" "The ChrIst- lIttle white Cl\nstmas Tree bear- red Asmus wIth a VIOlin obh-mas Song" (Ech~ Song) _ 13th mg blue ornaments revealing the gato by Mrs. Kenneth KimmelCentury Carol and "0 Little engagement of Ellene Hacrae. and ~~mpanled by Mr. Harry T.Babe of Bettu'ehem" by Stults I Victor Adams IV, which hIgh- onnell.Wlth MIss Joyce H1rschelman as lighted the cocktal1 party given The Church school WIll notsoprano solollt last weekend by the John Morri- me#t on tills Sunday and parents

On Christm~s Da~ the regular son Macraes of Balfour Road are ..urged to brmg their chlldrenServices WIll be held at 8 30 a.m. MISS Macrae attended Steph. Wit'" them as tJua. servIce IS forand 11 a m ens College, whlle the son of the whole faffilly.

On ChnstmlUi Eve at 7 p.m. the I Dr and Mrs. VIctor Adams III. The pastor, the Rev. Hugh C.h ld f th D d S da of Glendale Avenue, attended

c I ren 0 e ay an un y Ken)'on College.School will present the tradl- Arnvmg home for Christmas Ch . f f Sf M. h I'tlOnal chIldren's servIce, IB which vacation to announce her plans I rlS mas a 0 Ie ae Sthey WIll tell the story of the for a June weddmg to PhIllips Ibirth of Chnst In Chnstmas car- BUick Van Dusen, son of the C I Bl The congregation of St. Michael's EpIscopal Cilapel, Lochmoor Organized anti-Semitism InoIs The VIcar, Enno T. Claus, Pheron Va n!)u~ens of Metamora vd. and Fairway Dl'lve, Grosse Pomte Woods, WIll open ItI 1948 "'as at the lowest ebb sinceWIll preach the sermonette IS Patncla McKean daughter of I Chr~tmas celebration With a party for the Church School children the depreSSIon, according to the

------ the Robert E McKe~ns of Bisho at t e Parcells School, Thursday, December 22, at 7 pm. ThereR d p I Will be a program by the boys and gIrls and Arthur Sinclair Will Bntanmca Book of the year.

Clean Cruets O~ey plan to wed after Pa-' arnve d~rmg the evenmg. and refreshments Will be served by Itncla raduates from Smith COI-] Sl Anne s GUild. Those handhng the arrangements are. Mrs.

To clean VInegar cruets, allow II g d Ph III f W 11 Noble Tune, Mrs. Charles Chandler and Mrs James SnelgeOver half of Mlchlgan's 6109 *0 stand for a few hours Wlth cegl~' an t ~ Ifs r~m I ~ams On ChrIStmas Eve at 4 pm there Will be a famly Candlellght

DeW cases of tuberculOSIS last a solutlon of ammonia and Os etgeda I lams OVV"Il, alss Carol ServIce In the Chapel at which the solOISts w111 be Pearlyear were found 10 Detrolt' water. h a urs allYAe\"enIOn~Cwas, abeso Bhss Morgan and FranklIn MOigan At 11 30 pm the annual__________________________ W en a y nne onnor s - d' " .

trothal to Sydney John Reyn- MI night Choral Euchallst WIll be held With speCIal musIc byolds was told at a dmner given the chOir At thiS servIce the newly orgamzed boys' section Willby her parents Mr and Mrs SlOg for the first time With the regular chOir. The boys are: RogerJohn W. O'Con'nor ~f Grayton I Sautter, WIlham McQueen, Fred Mosdale, James Boeberltz, HaroldRoad Tune, Haskett and Tod HIlI. Audrey McAnaulty Jennlgs 1

A Michigan State College I Will be at the organ Igraduate Sallv Anne's fiance IS On Chnstmas Day the Holy CommunnlOn WIll be celebratedthe ~on ~f the -Bruce L Re ...nolds On Chnstmas Day the Holy CommUDlon whi be celebrated Iof Garland Avenue ,and I~ ~tud,,- I ~10 30 am. Tlus Will be the only service for the day. A cordIa] Img at the Umverslt~ of MlCh-1Igan I

And Sunday Mr and':Mrs Wll.liard O. Wilson of Bedford Road,told friends of theIr daughterLucy's engagement to Dr. Bruce IB Benson. son of Mr and MrsHarlJ F Benson of Mesa, An.zona

A Smith Collel(e grdduate 1<~~l"-< Wilson ....hill" her fiance ; ~received h,< doctor < degree at

I Yale. and 1< an a«l.tant profes., sor of ph) SICS at Amher<t Col.I lege-

-----------------------------1 --- - --GPH Choir Pleases I

I The Gro"Se POl/lte High School'I -\ Ca\){'lIa chOir/under the- dlrE'C-hon of Mr John Finch ciE'hghted

I membCl < of thl' Gro-<e Ponte Ro., ta.v Club \!OI'1c1<l\ <It tl,p Whlttle-r\, Itr <I 'Jalf '" n "gram ofC'1r "

-The Eternal Glona" Will bethe subject of the sermon onChnstmas Day at Bethany Luth-eran Church. Two servJ<:eS willbe held on tQat day, the early.ervice at 8:31r a.m.. and the HC-

cnd at 10:30 a m. P.tor OswaldRiess WIll preach m both serv-Ices. :eethany's cholI"S Will ren-der the "Hallelujah Chorus" byHlUldel, "Glory to God" by Kes-&e1, and "Break Forth, 0 Beau-teous Glonous Light" by Bach.Miss Esther Lange and Mr. Gor-don Klockaw wIl be the solOIsts






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Young People's Council IS Open HOUle at MemorialCenter Friday, December 23 at8 30 pm In honor of all thePomte's vacahonmg college peo-ple and thelr friends

Two of the men who are homefor the holidays are actJng as co~halrmen of the party RogerFitch and Btll Boales Will be a]-sl~ted bv Bal bara Goodrich, JimBrown, BIll Lord. CynthIa Blean,Pat Ford and Bill Lord I

There Will be dancmg and re-fl eshments There IS no adm:s.'IOn chal ge ,

The MemOl lal Center I eport~that reservations for the NewYear's Eve dance must be pickedup by Wednesday, Delember 28,01 they Will not be held. Thereare still a few reservations at the Center

The Gr~.. e Pointe Review - Thursday. D.c:, 22. 1949 - ,

() .Jen HouseFor Students



VA. 2-9000

A day your entire family will enJoyhaVing dinner together at this Family Hotel.

I h91;j EAST .J E"'F ERSO N



It's been our happy priyilege for along, long time, to send our Christmas,r •• tings each year to those of you whom

we have had the pleasure of serving. Welook forward each year to this occasion,principally because we learned long agothe value of loyal friendshipse

-9 And to those of you whom we hoye

been associated for many years, her,'. 0""usual, yet genuine, "Merry Christmas".

Grosse Pointe IIardware

\ I C~\ ,

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~Ke'e~ij'~iakeDIA".OHO liNGS

(~S~---J ..\HI ...... and C.lft ~h"ll

21.4fi \brk AvE', at ~ 'hit' Rd

RO'f"\lII .. III Cl4TU 1-5171,.lIun1 • 11f~


Village HardwareWE DELIVER

20259 MACK

irJf,CIJrisl1J1t1s PARTY FOLLOWS FINAL CLASS His/OJ)' Supports J . L H r JtOI)' Told n.i-\ Yi l /) 'M' unlor eague 0 as

Jl Broadcast f' ~'Of u e ale, A I V P tInc'tll.tChlbtmd.'!Ulthe .. ProfessorSlales I nnua I,mas ary

nlted State, WII. In the year76 II hen a dlSpU lted American The date of Delembel 25 was The annual Chnlllma.:, p,1I Iy fOI decorate<! the loom whel e themv made a come-back by cro%- \\ olkel. In the Sheltered Work- afternoon entel talft"' .... t and ~up-

not al bltl anly chosen for Chust- shop and Home Workel s of Ihe per took place~ the ICy Delaware RIve'! andptlH mg the Blltlsh tOile at mas but IS the result of a very DelJol\ League for the Handl- :\1ember~ of the C,dl dener'senton strong tradlhon to the effect that capped Woo held at the League's Committee ot 1\ hlCh M" Thomas

Chrlst'~ birth did occur near the headqual ters, 535 W Jefferson, Pet~old was pi eSldent, wel eThe ,tOly of the hl.t Chll.tma, Wednesdaythe Amencdn RevolutIOn Will end of December, a UnlV~rslty of The JunlOI League gardeners Mr Reynold~ ~halrmdll ;\lr~told In dlamatlc tashlon O\el Michigan scholar ot the cla-~Ics EriC Raln.tlum MIS William Joy,

e Uilivel-Ity of Mlchlgdn radlO ~ays MI' John HutchlO,on, MI' Ar-tlon and 21 other statIOns of OJ Flank 0 Copley, d.souate Sur r' T t thut BUhl, Jr '\1\, Robert

Iriligan on Dec 22 and tile professor of LatlO, says that the piS e 0 5 E\ ans, \11 s John Frenlh, Jr,ek follol\ mi: BdSIS fQr 11m Decembel date "Iests on such . h L II Ma H Hunter Wlllldm< \1r~

ogl am and other dramatlZatlulh eVIdence, admlttedty vague. as the Wit 0 1POP5 George HelIeran, and :,1r~ Jdme~a _elles on Amellcan hlSlol Y IS I eally church could ftnd for thE' McMillan

e VnJl el.ltys Clements L- I aduat day I Ch . t Board membel' of the LeaguedL' \lhlCh conlalns one 01 the I Me»t people wondel 110m on rl~ mas for the Hand.capped "'Ill, M,slion' best coUelllOns of lale I time to time how we know that GaIly colored lolhpop~ Will Guy C Smith a. plesldent Ilho,- and documents ot Amell- ,Membel~ of the Rug Weavmg Clel~s of the Adult ChllSt was born on Delembel m~ke your youngster's eye .hme acted a.. hoste.,se~ were

l1a I ~ducaAlOn Program here, held a pot-luck luncheon after 25" he comments It IS fre- thiS Christmas MI> Wendell Godd,H d thdll-In DelembeJ, 1776 the Ame'l-I elhr nal clal>s In the school board Qutldtng Pictured quently a.~urned thdt the date IS I man, Mrs Robert Keitel, MIS EI-n revolutIOn wa~ less than .IX I "'b'lt

k~ome of theIr handlClaft are frl,m left to nght a more or less arbItrary one, T~eY'Ie ea.y 10 cugest, and I roy 0 Jones, MIS J J Phelan,

nth~ old, but already the almy I ac row, Mt~ L B Oldham, Mrs S R Enberg Mrs E lho~en because It happened to be won t cause any upset tummies Ml~, Jeannette Nicol MISS Elean-der \Va'hlngton had SUffel eo a Blanchard M we' a time of reJoIcing In the dnClent LOLLIPOPS , 01e Hutzel, Mrs Walter 0 Child Ge"tIOU, ~tllng of deleal' Re- T R S ,rs ampbell, Mr. L J PaqUlth Mrs pagan \\odd Attradlle a, thl~ I 2 'Up. 6Ug,u BlIggs, Jr, MIS Edl\ard Roth- ren IVeat had followed reheat nntl!, pnngett, Mrs R F Tnpp Mrs C B Leo~hard theory IS, however It <s not I !, wp IJght corn loylUp man, Mrs John N Fallmg, andthe Ileeks before Chll~tma', and Mrs W B Hanfo!d, !Iont ro\~, Mrs 0 M Arnold, T' borne out by the facts' I 1 cup water MISS Susan Copland Yule Reeletal

l!.!llllgton found Immelf ('n- J Kelly, 1\11s \V B Milchrner, Mrs J. R. Parsons and The earliest eXlstmg e\ldence The JUOlor League Glee Clubtamped aCloss tile \Deldlla,e Mrs Geotge Vhchen (0' the date of December 25 j. Few drops any food ftavollng presented a plOglam of Chrl.-ot- Glosse Pomte Conservaton ofleI flOm TI enton HIS al mv ---__ _ _ _ found In the \\ ork of a Latm If you want to make your 10111. mas songs and the Chlysler, growmg smaller da} by da,' Pt' d D' hlstonan of the yedr 3M A D pops III sevelal different colors, Octet sang selelted numbels MUSIL Will gIve 11.$ Christmasdl'coUlaged soldJels de.elted ar les an Inners Fete who \\rote m an account of the you must dIVide the cooked Mr Belt DJerklss entellamed Program at 830 pm lomorrowmgo home for Chi Istma period of Caesar Augustus that syl up mto different pans, plaCing and lead the group tn smgmg th" school, StUdIOS, 15219 East

N d t filM k d I "Christ was born In Bethlehem each pan over hot water Then and supper musIc Jefferson.o recor eXI'S 0 le (1,<.( uf I a saW' C b H of J dah th f K' work fast, so s"rup doesn't hard. Artlcle~ made by the DeIlOlt,h ngton's deCiSion to 1/<' a n I9 u erE u. 111 I' reign 0 mg J

H od th hth d b fen un you League to. the Handicapped. a Jean Whitehurst, Joan Tllknor,.'mg of the Delaware and an • er, on e elg ay e oleth K I d f J d th Red Feathel Agency of the De- Eleanol Jones Carol Schumanc!< upon d supellOI fOI ce at Pl e a en ~ 0 anuary an e Combine !>ucar, syrllp and .,

nton The British had Indn- dn, dl e nOI\ In full ,\1 mg for th" alll\ al of the Ma'k and fifteenth day after the new moon" " .. ter. Place over medillm heat trOit Commumty Che.t, ale on Jdnet BallentJne, Arlen Zlck,Wig Club of the Unvel sltV of Pnnn~\ IVdnla \\ hen tIle all-male The Kid R sale at the JUlllOI League Shop InTrenton With an almy o( undeJgladudle . ~.J a en s was a oman re- and stir eonstlultly until sillar MalY Ahle NaoUl and Virginia

.,Jan,-the Gelman melCen_ .It the H~tttD~;::~:~ ~~e .~uslcal comed~~A~~~ant Ev,=-' ~~g~o~~s:e~~v;~~u:~;Ch came near has dissolved. <Undissolved su- ~~: ~~~~~ ~~~~:YSh~~II~;~r~~~ Hayes Will plesent plano selec-'€' WashlOgton kne\\ that tIle ThiS )eal ,Jdded mtelcst I, car will crystallize on cooldnc.l Pomte, 72 Kercheval avenue. tJOnsIsh would \\ alt onlv unt.! the pro\ Ided b' the VlSlt of HalOld mclude Mdllan Smith, Other e\ Idence doe. no more Then cook wUhont stirrlnc_ ----- _

er froze over and then thev E Sta~,en pl<'sldC'nt of the Um. I Ann Stunger, Isabel Baxtel, Ann 'han suggest that Christ was born Lllok syrup until thermometer Iuld malch the He,.lans altOS' \'ehlh of Penns,lvdmd Formel Hagen Peggy Book, Nona Hem- at about thl' same time, Pro- redches 300r to 310F or a IJtlle

attack tile Amellcan, The Govel nOI Stassen and Leonard metel, Pa"l Fl!dell. Ann Wlut- fessOl Copley says. In the days syrup dropped m cold water ISVl\ al of the cau~e of mde-I COlli of Phlldde]phld Pa an I tInghdm DOli' Shovel Jean ot the early church. he adds, brittle and hard Take off stove Idence depended Ullon the alumm soucty' officer \"111 be the Wnght Beth Keegm, SolI a Tlede- ChrIstmas wa~ not a day of re- and add t1avormg and coloring.

k tt 'fi , Y N P J Sh JOicmg but a day of fa<tlOg and Li Ie!lcans ma mg an a aCK r-t hou~e guests of 1'111 and MIS man, amy lel~on Odn eler, ne up the toothp cks (abouthe hl~tory of the Re\olutlOn John J. O'Brien of Kelcheval i Joan TayloJ, Jane Taylol, Suz- pennance 48) on greased baking sheets attold m the Clemens ~lbrdry I Avenue GlOsse POInte, on De.' anne Hughe" JOdn Badgley Bet. 'The day on whIch Godhead least 3" so lollipops won't,..[cates that one of \\ ashmg- l'ember 28 and 29 For the eve. 1 ty Jane Auck Katharme Ballan- ,uffered birth mto human flesh rllD tocether. Any toothpIcks< major problem' wa- the low nlng of Decembel 28 Mr and tme, Kdtharme 81 urn baum, Cyn- was an occasion for awesome reI - will do, but eolored ones are

rale of hLS own men They Mr~ O'B I hid I thla LoveJo~, Nancy PIl'I ce Suz- erence, not tor light-hearted prettiest_lo"t thlO"fightmg spmt so not- 'sm~ll dm~e~ par~~e f~l~:ne~ ba anne Ander~on, Jud} Loud and, teastmg and dUnking," Professor I Drop SYlUp !lom Side oi tea.'

e at Le"mgton and Concord a rece tlOn at 9 - o'clock \\ hlch Betty Jane Ste\\ art I Copley explam< "The early oon over lJ s ot tooth lCks to,\' con-Idered the war already Will b~ tt d d b On the evenmi: of December church reselved II! reJolcmg for s,p k I' hPd ks Wh P d

01 en e y approxi. 29, befO! e the curt am goes up the feast of the EpIphany, when ma e 4-mc IS en can yt 1\ a~ at th.s J.mctlOn that mately one hundred gue.t~ t Mr and MI s Sidnev S H Ii \ Ii Chi ISt.S dIVme naturlO" was re- IS firm, not hard, 1006en irom

1\ ntmg of an American pa- On December 29 at noon, the I be hosts at a dmnel pa~t\ ~~r veale<! to the world" bakmg sheet so lollipops \\ on't It Tom Paille, helped to turn Michigan Club of the Umverslty I Mr Stassen and Ml Dill at the I ---____ Clack I

tide The pamphlet called of Pennsylvama Will meet Mr D A.C Guests Will mclude Mr. Ib I -------e erls" , passed from hand Stassen at a luncheon to be gl\en i and MIS Robert L Hatch Mr. I E OW Grease Corked Kl1i-.,'eshand and from camp flre to I at the DetrOit AthletIC Club. and Mrs Clarence Blessed Mrp file III the encampment of I On the afternoon ot December I and Mrs Burt R Shull\' Jr Mr To remove machine 011, rub When clean,mg sharp kmves, IContinental Army Legend 29. the undelgladuate cast of and Mrs William 0 'E,III,' and \Vlft1 a httle lard and wash WIth I put the cleanmg powder on alIt that when the Amellcdns I 'Adamant Eve,' which tnrvels I Mr and Mrs Arthur Buterbaugh warm lIoap and water. large cork and rub the blade.

cked Trenton on the I1lght be- I more than 4000 ml1es by tram on I Followmg the pI e>entatlOn ofChllstmas. they went mto I thIS 10dd tllp, 1\ III ~top m at the I 'Adamant Eve," v, hllh Mr Stas-

Ie chantmg Pall1e'~ opemng I DAC pool fOi a ~I\ 1m to be fol-' <en Will attend MI and Mrs.d' m that document. 'These lo\\ed b~ a punlh Pdllv m the Robert Woodlut! of Blrmmgham

the times that try men's club s Pontchal tram Room 1\ III entertam Ml Stas,en at the5" I A COIp< of debs and Ulllvel Slt\' I cabaret partv at the UOII'ersltye fir>t Chllstmas for the students hdve agl eed to act a~ I Club Among Ihell gu(>st~ WIll

en can army of the RevolutIOn hostesses for the CdSt at the D A,C be MI and 1\11 < Theodore Yu-also the first major victory punch part} and at a (abaret, tema Mr and M" E P LoveJOY.

the Amellcan cause, tor the party to be held at the Umver,lty I Mr dnd MI s Fl ed Black. Mr andy which Washmgton trans- Club after the sho\\ Roberta Mr~ W S TeetLel In anothered across the Delaware m Macke) IS chaIrman of the Ho.- palt} at the UnJ\el'lty Cluby rowboats took the He'slan~ I tess Committee and 1\ III be as- Robel t Woodruff Jr \'111 be host

surprise and caph.,ed the fOlt slsted b,- PlUdence Saundel~ I to M.,~ Jovte Thom1s MISS Sallyenton Ga\'nor Jones and Pat Candler I Selo\ el, "Ill Rondld Ballantme,

MISS Cj nthld Booth, and Mr

W RADIO SHOW Wilham Saundel~At the same cabal et party Mr.

and Mrs John J 0 Brien \\ 111

ffer Scholarship A (carlls be hosts to a palh of foultpen.The inVited guests mclude Mr

Pew CI b and Mr~ Rlchald Jackson. Mrolnte 0men u s I and Mrs Howard Flmt Mr and II Mrs Jo'eph Dodge, D!. and Mr~

o the end that all DetrOit and Compan\ \\ II pi esent seven $109 J CI('men, Kolb. Mr Jo"eph Ie Pomte \~omen mav be Scholarship A\\ald~ ne"t May to Palker and Mrs RIchardson

r informed on 'I.hat makes studv and service clubs ot Met- Jacvson Two i:laduale membersI ropolltan DetrOit partlclpatmg 111 of the Mask and WIg \~ho are

counlt v tick-what makes I "'OMEN S TOWN MEETING OF II avehng v,lth the ~how \\ 111alsoJobs for more men and THE AIR The AI' ard~ \,,11 be be gue,t, of Mr and Mrs 0 Bllen

en-what makes for better based on member.hlp pel centage Before altendmg the <how, Mrmes and better !lvlng for' attendance m various size l(roup~ and Mr~ E Olnej Jone' of

em 10 ed person In Amer- The club' \I III be claSSified as Wdshmgton road \I, III be hostsp )0 follo\\~ Ctubs \\ Ith membership at a dinner partv ior Mr and

The DetrOIt Trust Company of 25 to 50 tho,e \\ Ith a mem- Mr~ Walter Scotten II Mr and IaugUlatmg a serles of thlr- bershlp of 50 to 100. \\Ith 100 to \fr~ Jame~ A. Humphre;s MI>~radIO progl am, to be knolyn 200 members 200 to 300 mem- Anne A 1ger. and Mr Peter Rol-OMEN'S TOWN MEETING ber,. 300 to 500 members 500 to 1m' from Dove New Hampshire

THE AIR 1000 membe'~ and tho,€, \\Ith Ml and \11< H()\\ald R Wal-ce the DellOlt Tru,t Com- mf'mbershlp rolh of 1000 or tnn of Ldthlop load ale al'o en.

'y launched It, filst Annual more tertall1l11g a number of gue~t' atards Program for Corporate Club~ functlOnmg In Gro"e a buffet supper at their home

rts In 1947 the officers of Pomte II III be eligIble for con. be(O! e \ the pl" formancecompanY have d I,Cm. ered a slderatlOn m the Scholar,hlp A dmn€'1 party wlli bl> gll en II

ber of Intere~tll1g facts A\\ ard~ to be pre~ented b\ The aho bv Mr and Mr~ Ho\\ ardf among them l~ the prepon. DetrOlt Trust Companv Bd lIant~ne mho n "r o( MISS

ce of women stockholdels 1ft h h Martha ~fU1rhE'ad a ,ophomore Iare lI1tE'I"('sted m annual n cta,e 0 t ~e m

dmem el~ lp .II Smith ColIE'g(' \I, Ith lI\entv-

cia I r I' p 0 r t ~ Apparentlv peru'dn agp a b E' n a t~eb t \I 0 Plght "f Martha' fl lpnd, 1I1 at-en are grahfied that report~ a\~ llr ~ ma\ 11e pre<en "th u t In tendancp A UPI lhe dl nner t he Ibecomll1g more under~tand. no cdase

b\\ I mal e an "eo group \\111 be the gue't' of I

to the alcragE' rf'ader 8\1,al ~ e 1(1Vl'n 1I1 an\ one '" ~Yartha s grandmother ;\11_ F.'7aext factor \1 a~ the mlerest group • .. _ Ru<t or "nn ATbill at the Ma-kenced b\ \\ omen m the reo THE \\ OMEN STOW N MEE. T- and Wig pel fOi mancp In~hlp bC"1 N'n the functIOn. ING OF THE AIR broadca"t pro. - --nf a fr&:>p pn1t\r!)rlC:p <::'\ dpm g"'a"'r'''' \1..,lT b@ J:r~;tl11fed e\.(fV

the profits madE' b\ the com- Tuesdav from Janulor" through Chfl"tma, Memo flom Iles In "hlch the'- had 1l1\ ",,,t- ROSEDALE JEWELERS

APIII 4, 1<1')0,over WWJ The " W 'their ~a\ mg< or ~urplu< or 10 DetrOit Tru<t Companv 1~ In?ug. ~, HArs ," I'~~::i~~~;~;~~,:::P:::::~~':~~:,~~'"promm'''' p"b- ~~ I

MTHAN ELGIN'~ ,\ rcHES - - - 2Q;") UJ'l




£hlJrrh Dir~eiory

of Crosse Pointe

Metropolitan Club

ST PAUl, EVA,"GELllAI I LTHERANJackoon Scbool Auditorium

Re", Cbules W. Sandrock, Pastor -The Sund~ School ChrIStmas pro- :ill!S~~~~~:lIlfl'Cl;:ll!lIS_ltlli5'IS:IlISll:::-~~~:::f\":!''<:: ~

~~~c~~ ~~ b~ulh~y~n!~h~~~ LY~~k~~ Iol G Pt W d M k ISchool on Saturday at 7 0 clock, Will' rosse e 00 5 ar etI~~r~u~~~ C'~~~~~~tlya:i:~~~ir.°~~:ti.'appearance smgm, three Chnstmas ~ 20385 Mack-Between Lancaster & Countr~ Club Dn'v.11anthems A speaking chOir composed •ot tbe Intermediate and JUnior De.partments of the Sunda~ School Will ~. CLOSED CHRISTMAS' D.\Y Irecite the Christmas Ston Both ~groups are under the directIOn of ~ IM,.. Hartle the parish \lorker tl: Open Again Monday, Dec. 26 I

The ~unller children of Ihe Ch,l. R1~~~~sr de~a"~in~~tn~~~r ~:~aar~~t~ I MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL Imas rec!tatlons and songs tI r

Christmas lifts Will be dlstnbuted lo! • Fresb Produce • Choice Meats • Quahlto all th echddren 'r '" GrOCerf!SIThe main Cllrlstmas worship ...,11 be ,.

held an Sunda\' morning at 11 o'clock Ill! TU 1.2008 ' WE DELIVER IWIth tile pastor Rev Charles W f:and. R •rock _preathlng At the Sunda\ School I ",' tdt 93t1 a Chrutmas film "III be shown l'o.~~~~~r:AIU!.~_g;s:lllln!:l:ill=~~':>:'~I;::!~ --


ManIstique and JellersonRev Theodore V l\foldenke, Mlnllter

Sunda~. December 2S- CnriltmasMormnll Worship service at 11 amThe pastor \\ III brmg the Christmasme......lle And special mUSic Will befurnished b~ the cholT The SundaySchool and Nurser~' \\ III also meet at11 00 a m SO that the enllre fam,lyca~h:r~rs~:ft ~r~stc~~r.::~:~ E\e Can-~~~~~tservlee from 11 30 pm. until

MId" eek Prayer service Wed.neBtlay,December 28 at 7 30 pm

A cordial In\'ltallon IS extended 10all who are "lthout a church home 10worship With us



Rev. Dourlas Toepet. PastorSunday. Dec 25-11 am, Rev Toepel

Will be preaching Tileme "HappyBIrthday. Jesus"

Sunda\' Dee 25-7 30 pm Pastor stheme "Four Wa" to Bethlehem"

Saturday Dec 24-8 p tn , there willbe Colored Slides of the ChnstmasStor~, and Candlehghllnll by the Chil-dren of All Nations There WIll bespec,al mUSIc three outstanding solo-Ists and a symphony \'loluust.


Puta,., Rev C. H Lance andRev. C. IE Sbowalter

Saturday. 9 pm, Christmas Eve~~;r-otfpe:c~~h'P, sermon. "TheSunda~ 8 00 a m Youth Chnstmas

sem.e 9 30 am, Chureh scllool forall ages 11 am, Chnstmas Day serv-Ice of worshiP. sermon "The Christof Power ,. At both services the threeChOIt'll of Faith Will sing plus themusIC of a strlng trio.

JEFFERSO," AVENUE METHODISTJellerson lla at MarlboroQ,h

Chrlst~':.~o~:e.B Boyte, Minister1030 pm-Worship sel"\".e conduct-

ed by the pastor and members ofChnst Method'st to which JeffersonAHnue members and frIends are m.vltedSunday. December 25:

10 00 Am -christmas ServIce Ser-mon sublect. "The Prince of Peace"

10 00 a m -Church School tor thechildrenTbursday:

7 00 10 00 pm-Recreation for theyouth of the chur.h and commumtyover 13 years ot age.


Vernor Hlchwav E at LakeviewCalvin F. Sti.kles. D. D, Pastor

T\\ 0 Identlcal Chnstmas Eve Can-dl"hght serviceS will be held at 8 30and It p m There Will be ChrIstmasmuS'l. The subject ot the pastor's ser-mon WIll be Good Ne". for All" Anorgan Y'@c,talof Christmas muSIc w,lIprecede both services The churchWIll be ltlumlnated WIth candles

ChrIStmas 08,. Dec 25-9 30 a m-Christmas lessons in all departments ofthe Sunday School 1 1Am MorntngWorsillp The pastor WIll preach on thesubject, "God'" Gift" Christmas muSIc


of the


I .>UC J Kerchevol


Young GroupOffers Pageant

Sunshine Bags'I The scvpnth annual dl",tTlbu-

tlon of 2200 ChTl<tma" Sun<;hmc, Bag<; <pon<;ored b\ the \\'omen'sI AUXIliary of thl" Lutheran Char-I Itle< WIll tx-l'lJn on Tue<;dav Dec120 at 11 am. 1

• QualifiedLleen.wd Gall

Rum'" Fxpel1s

ReI. PhoneTU 5-~609

•6 - The Grosse Pointe, Review - Thuudoy, Dec. 22, 1949

,1I Ij ..I L:!: Ilj

!; ------

i ' ITeenTal"~

"al 20229 MACK AVE.


GAS IIEl~T!!InrDfPdialply!

* Conversion Service * New Inltlll.tionsAll A. C. A. Approved




TU 1-1600E"p. rl .... r\'f'f'

On \11 ( ar,


1'( flRI'OR 0\ nil

154411 I 1< • .If'tr,.r~n., 't '1111 'I.m

We gIve your car the 4advantages of GemuneFord'Service-1. r.4-tr.' •• Mecll.ics2. FwdM I 4F ft_ IIetWsSo s,.iII hnI &j Ip ...4. .... hnI r.tI

F<lI' brake relming-foferery!lerVice need - we're"'home" to your Foro.

Tom Boyd,


Repre<E>ntmg DenIson Unl\'ef-'lty, Gram- 11IE>, Ohl(\, at d non-deCll'10n c,'ll('g \ale debate \\ a,Donald Danm'l her 'Oil of Mrand Ml s AI thu r D,mnel'ker of,,00 Cadieux HE' IS a Jumol

• •Salhe Slocum of 1241 Bedford

lad IS one of 21 glll< at Um-ersltv of l\f!chlgan named to the

fClllege board of l\1ademolSellelagazme

lI Bv JOYCE eL.. ,11:.., &,

The Blue DevIl basketball team 11' toiling 11ghl ,lIang, chdlkmgup Its thIrd \'lctor~ of the sedson dt Ro\ al Oak I~st Friday nIght

Home for Cr n,lllla' fl "Ill :'ul- IThe Acorns led m the first half dnd Ihe tenSion was eVIdent on---., "'-• ns Collegp, BII<lol VIrginia, I the faces of the l>pectdtol <; Bob Davidson. Art Puhlman, JoanIe Margaret HeJpn Clemens of ............ 1" KennalCl, Louise Lee. KirK Wabh, lnglld Petelson, MarHyn Brown,°89 S.~mer<;et, and Barbara ~" I Newell Wallace, Dick Kmgs\\ood. dnd TlUd, KlIeman The alumm

own of 281 Mern\\ ealhel ...' _ _.. haven't forgotten old GrOl>,e Pomte HIgh either, and Ted Latimer,They \1'JiJ return Janu3I \ 4 '- Tom Anton, GlOria James, Elame Cabot, Jack Corfield, and Bob

• • • 'h~tletoe has the traditional Coleman traveled to Royal Oak to see Grosse Pomte o\'ercomer>:alama ..:oo Colle!;( Snphomol e, ~lltnJficance for Percy Wood, Royal Oak, 35-29lllJam MOlldrn of 281 Rldge- "ho ~tar"> In CBS-TV's "Mama" Jane Le\erenz Wd, hO'le's atont road ha", been ,elected as ~erl(,'. and Judson Lane. seen as a Chi 1Stmas Tea fOI the glflS In

l member of the chorus for the her husband Lus, as the Han. her c I a s l> Satul da I' afternoon...en family prepares to enjov an S t J' P t',,!lege productIon. The Barter- old.fashloned Christmas. een en elmg ane s were a

'i Bride." Lawl!'l, Fran Townsend, LoazayRehearsals are unden\,<' for -------- Shendan. Gletchen Shmn. Jo-

''1e comlC opera to be presented anne Karnetz, Sue Sibbert. Alicelanuary 14 E 'padt' fa Pial'S James. AliCE Robertson. Anne

•• A I. II. Hoover, Carol Fredericks, andHarn D Garber, YdIe Cla>s of Pat Lee The conversatIOn flew

1950, of Gro<se POInte MIch. has jor leeJl-Agers alound the tea table when Patgeen named a Schl)lar of the Sec. Savage. Donna Steenrod, Gallond Rank for the AcademiC Year "0 U "I Ashton, Anne Hoffman, Elame1948-49 in Yale College 'PeJl L7.011se Brodeur, Barb Drmkaus, Nancy

Wilham C De Vane. Dedn of Ramsey, Janet Holtz, and DonnaYale College, made public the HeWItt met there Others SIP-lIst of honor students Garber PrepalatlOns are movmg for I pmg punch were B, J, Hoyt, Janice Gelhddl, Jedn Schdde. LIllianquahfied WIth a general average the teeners' Hohday Opan House Bundesen, Debolah Walsh, Nancy Hoyt, Emily Hardmg, Judy Mc-of over 85 to be held at the War Memonal 'Naughton, Linda Hunlmgton, Ellie Fnzzell and Molly Murphy

The son of ~11 and ~15 John Center on the afternoon of De. One of the most useful clubs 111 school, the HI.Y, has beenT. Garber, of 1336 Blshop. Garber: b 27 I busy spleadmg Christmas cheer Clothmg collected recently byprepared for Yale at the Gros,e' "em er I the Gold Chapter was given to less fortunate children In DetrOItPOinte High School Smce com_: The Youth AdVisory CounCil and last Saturday mght, the Blue Chapter spread good wIll amongmg to Yale. he has been a mem- I of the War Memonal Board IS I the ~tudents at their second annual Christmas Carnival. The pro-ber of the Political Umon. and sponsol'lng the all-school party. I ceeds of the carmval Will be used to give someone III and In need,the Plersnn College AdVIsory It IS a dress-up affair-sports, a Merry Chnstmas.CounCil coato and pa{ty dresses-for sophs SWlmmmg, dancmg, mOVies, and games of skill awaited Gene• Joyce Wlek, ddughter 9! Mr.1 through seniors from the whole Holbrook, Russ Etter, Bob Corliss, Phy!IJs Frank. Dick Yates 'nand Mrs Harold Wlek, of 244 Pomte I Peggy Lutton, Don Jones 'n Maddie Hackman, Russ Voltz, DanF1sher, a freshman at AlblOn Col. I Fled Slocum and Sharon Rlg- Manson, John Chase 'n Barb Kolp, Camilla Moldenhauer 'n Dicklege, has Just been pledged to the gert of the High School are ChaIr-I Lowery, Glenn Coury, Bruce TerriS, Judy McKlel. and Bobsy Bull.Alpha Chi Omega soronty there men of the party, which wllllast Concentratmg on throwmg balls at "Ken RIce and Wayne PetersonShe was one of 56 to receive m-I' from four to seven In the late I were Nancy Russell, Sally Steenrod, Leroy Pepltnskl, Willie Wmk-'\'ltatJons to membershIps m the afternoon ler, Bill Whlttmgham, Norman Laska, Bruce Bray, HOWle Clarke,national soronty chapters on the Vanous members of the Coun-: Dave Von Ostenberg, Don Stnker 'n Nancy Kaser, and George;&1blon campus. I ell mcludmg Sallv McKernan of I Parker.-------------- St: Paul, Nena Cunnmgham of I Sunday afternoon, Robbie Roberts' fnends feted her at aJI............. C;ountrv Day and Dan Barrett Christmas tea Robbie leaves for F!onda soon to spend the wmter,... of the High School, Will be nelp- I and blddmg her au revoIr at Judy MacMann's were Manlyn Brown,

mg to serve the plentiful and free I Gmny Hitt, Mary Allard, Terry Donahue, Schade Allgood, Annrefreshments all afternoon Punch I Glasgow, Karen Von Rels, Pat McKmney, Barb Strauss, Noel Wood,and home-baked cook;ies wllllpad I Barb Fitzgerald, Jeanne Corbett, Lee Eskridge. Geme Salmon,the tables I Sally Noble, MelJean Hoover, Grace Olert, and Barb Waldow,

The party IS free to all comers ; New Year's Eve IS rapidly approachmg, and chairman Bayardmcludmg stags hags and drag~' Johnson and hiS committee are busy plannmg for that big dance,m unllmlted nu:nbers: Card tables I to be held at the high school for those students who Wish to comeWill be set up m the sunrooms I and welcome m the New Year WIth their fnends.for canasta, bridge, and rummey

pl~:r~~mlllg the guests WIll be! Ch.lreh Direeiorymember<; of the Youth Council,: "HRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES lect. The Heart of the Gospel" bymcludmg Carole Jatkoe of the 'Chnstlan SCIence" wlIl be the sub- Dr G~ge To"nshend Chapters 9-12Convenl, Larry Daniels of mnth- : l:'i~o~c~~~c;e~"t,°~;c~e;~~~r~~:~~~h~; ;~e thO~o~~n!e ~\tnt~~,~~c~or~~e:grade PIerce, and John Drake of I \lorld on Sundav, December 25 to the pattern showed. to the In thethoe HIgh School . G'?:iy ~l~';,d I~e~e l;'~~:st~ ~~~ ~';; '8g~;:\o t~e"~dubl~ 40, Hebrews 8 5.

Nmth-graders flom all the I earth peace, good w,n to"ard men"P t h I t d .....II Among the B'ble Citations 's thIS THE JEFFERSON A\,ENUE BAPTISTam e sc 00 s are mVI e .01 y yassage (John 14 12) 'Verily, Hrlly, CHURCH!\1Jller and Mary Roll of Brow- [ sa~ unto vou He that behe-eth on East JetTerson at Lake'lewnell JUnior HIgh WII! be we Ie om- ::;:0 th~dwo:"~l~~a\/ort~ srha~~ht'he~~ J P. Henders~';ii"~;rr B. Sbarpemg their fellow sophomores sF~atlhlerh,,;do, because 1 go unto my The Church School meets at 9 45 am

P t P t f th C t d Ia At 11 a m Christmas mornmg wor-

a 0 vm 0 e onven an Correlal1ve passages to be read from sh,p ",th s"rmon and feS'tlval musiC IMary Clare McGlvnn of St Am- the Chrls!lan SCience te"tbook, by fuur chOIrsb h b '1 d I "Sc,ence and Heallh "'Ih Ke} to the At 6 30 m the e' emng Grac;' Samp-

rose ave een pace 10 charge SCrlplures' b' Mary Baker Edd~ m- son and the four chOirs WIll presentof decoratIOns In charge of House clude the follo",mg Ip 55' The I their Traditional Christmas Candlehght

promISes Will be [ulfllJed The time' ServIce.arrangements are Warren SI~man for th e-eappearlng of the d'vlne heal- Iof D U S and Leroy Pepllnsky Ing 1< throuthout all l1me, and ",ho- Iof the HIgh School I ;'?ia',erOlad~~mehISsc~ea~~~I}d:'~k~~h t~~ I

The Youth CounCil represents I Christ s cup no .... and IS endued ",ththe spmt and power of Christian Iall the Pomte schools. and It IS heahng"hoped that an equally ~arge ST PU'l E\ ~L IIJTHERANturnout from all over Grosse I Jukson School AudltotlumPomte WIll s",e11 the ranks of I Re, Charles W ~androck. Pastor

.. I Frida' Dee 2:l 6 30 Sunda, School On Friday, December 23 at 7 30:- the party-goers. If~,st~:;.lrra;~~cl~ i 30. JunIor chOir, pm. the Sunday School of St.~ Salurda\ Dec 24 7 Sunda~ "chool James Lutheran Church of Grosse

TO M BOYDIOn Countv Staff C~~~~";.~S~~~~m9 30 Sunda' School I Pomte \\;\11 pre"ent the ChflStmasI John Mazer of 867 Lorame' ;h~T1stmas film )I 00 Chnstmas \lor- , pageant. "The Star-Lighted Path"

- .. th e t 51 t t iXooda, D"c 26 7 3!l H,gh <;chool The cast con<;lsts of the follow-• roa" IS e n \\ e~ assl an 0 L th ' - Ch' u er ...,ague rJstmAs part\ at mg' AnnunCiator Gordon Fau~t.INCORPOR Gerald K 0 Bnen. Vilavne Coun- I home or Sail} Gordon- • ,

< ATED t t 1\1 t Thur<da" Opc 29 63(1 Brotherhood Rachel, Mane Pongracz. Naomi


y pro"ecu or azer. a \Var ye. 'oI''''Ion Socletv ChrIstmas dinner and LOI<;e Carbone Marv Shlrle;eran. recel\ted hI< law degree at I program (Martin Luthen Z k J h H •Wayne 'Umver~lt ' I . --- IC osep. erman Tauchert.

'~' BAnA r "ORI.D F,\ITH I Angels Bever])' ;\lan7plmann________ 'Irs FJo) d H '\fun~on Se('~" ' ..KNOWS FORD Tl' t-70SZ I Sherry Le<;he. and Shirley Fre-It I~ the old le<son-a \\ (1rthy "linda, Dec 25 103!l a m Children s k Sh h d R b t B I

BRAKESpurpo<e pat lent energy for Its cla« <uh]"CI The BIrth of Jesu<' n<; ep pr s. (1 er auer.

112 Moran Road Hal vev Henne« WIlliam Mann Iaccompll<hment il re<;o!utene<;s Tuesda, Dec 2i R 30 pm Dl<cu,' P . ,undaunted b\ diffIculties and <'on Group at 132 Moran Road Op<'n lerre St Amour: Wlsemen,then success • • I k':.rthh.,P,pubhc Subject Peace on Thoma< Wilson. Robert Sch\\ artz

[ \\ edn,,'da, ~c 28 8 30 pm D," ilnd Gerald Olsen. Star. Karen-Punshon cU""lOn Group at 452 F1<her Rd Sub- Jocz. FaIth Beverly Harn<on.II Pral<;e, Behv Thomas WorshIp I

ShIrley MatteI. ServIce Armmi Joez. Sacnfice, John Wres<ell






A BlessedChristmas!


MUWlter of MusicGrace 5amIOIl


Kercheval 6- Lakewood

E Jefferson at Lakeview

Tempororolv Jockson SchoolMarlborou~h ond Wavenev



11 00 am. - Mornmg WorshipSermon and Festival MWIC

Th. Rev. Dr. J. Clemens Kolb, Rector

Christ Church Grosse Pointe

-- Celebf~t ~The lU. Rev. Russell S Hubbard, D.D

Suftral8D BIShop



M.1rusterJ. P. Hendersho\


December 258:00 AM. - 10'30 A M -Sermon:

"Rome or Bethlehem:>"

9: 15 A M .-Sunday School: Showingof Christmas Film

11 00 -Christmas WOf1hlp

P-\",TOH RF\ (ll \9U:"., W S"' ....DROCKP-\RI:-B \\\)qKfR \115-' ROGF'\r H'>"RTJE

( BOIR nll~H'T()1 \IH C J \\ lCK\\IRE'\r\\ ~ln \ 11'>"1 H),\ ft \'\0 TnTH ,()f'

December 247:00 P M.-ehildren's Program

11 :00 P,M,-Sermon:

"Glory to God '"

Christmas Eve J 1 .30 pm, Choral Eucharist

Ctmstmas Day, 800 am. Holy Communion

Christmas Day, 11 ~OO a m Choral Eucharistand Sermon

Th. Gr.... Pointe Ref'ew - Thundo" Dec. 2%. 1949 -1















Rudolph H Bo~ce



lefferson East at Morlborough

As we raise our voices in thisold famd lar Christmas sona letv'us be reminded of the birth of

Him whom we worship on

Christmas morn May the spiritof HIS teachings gUide us to-\'\ard a world of better under-

stardlng With happiness andgood fellowship for all.

at4urt4 Struirt Ii(9 Come

all ye fIaitAful..joyful and!JriumpAant...


Message by the Rev. Paul F. Ketcnum.

Ebenezer Baptist Church21001 Maross Rood at Harper

Rl'\ F. Arthur Mc 6,.c;hPa<lor

•• 4. FRI£iIoDLY CHURCH _ GOOD \1'1 !YIC

["SPIRING I\-rr~qGf


" Sundoy School . 11 l5 0 mEvenmg Service ., 7 30 p m

.: ~. .*~~~~~~..~"~'B~ ,. .. .. II "COME AND WORSHIP"I


I CHRISTMAS EVE 11:30 P. M.i CHRISTMAS DAY 11:00 P. M.I Hear the ChrIstmas Story in "I SCripture and Song

1f,1 St. James Lutheran Church of Grosse Pointe .i: McMILLAN AT KERCHEVAL I


~ (PUBLIC INVITED) I!i~M"' 'III$OIfi5 __ Mi " 1 Telephone

I I VA 2.21211- 1.. .. ....... ,.

I Grosse Pointe Con~regationalChurch II'-------~-------~__I II I MEETING IN RICHARD SCHOOL IJ GROfo.: 'E • ' Chnstmas Sunday Morrun&, 11.00 a m.-Mornlnl

Iu~ POINTE I McKinley, near Kercheval , Worslup and Sermon-special vocal and instru ••I mental numbers by the cholf'. This aervlce ia

I UNIT ARIAN i Charles W. Scheid. Pastor I for the whole family-No church school clauesI held on tlus Sunday-brlng your chIldren with

" JEFFERSON AT RIVARD I I you to church on Chrurtmas Sunday.! Rev. Merrill Otls.Bates, Mln~tel I FRIDAY. 7:30 .PM. I Saturday, December 31, 930--New Year'. Eve.II / party for the whole church at the Bugbee home,I 36 Beacon HIlL

I Saturday~ Dec. 24. 11 30 pm --Candle 'ught ,I Church Family Christmas Party at Richard School II Sunday, January 1, 1950. 1045 am -Morninr

IWorship and Sermon by The Rev. Mr. Steuart

Service Special mUSIC Public cordially I I D. Wlute, guest pastor for the morning" t d • 3 pm -CORNER STONE LAYING CERE.'Ii InVI e I SUNDAY 11 A M MONIES for our new church bwldmg onII ll!'. . I Moros1\ Road between Kercheval and Ridge.I Sunday, Dec 25, 4 30 pm-Vesper Service. : The pastor, The Rev. Hugh C Wlute wJ11 pre-I ,; Chrl.stmas Worship Se-r:ce I aide and BIshop Marshall R Reed of The De-

S I .."'.. trOit Area of the Methodist Church willIa)' the •I ~clal musIc PubliC cordially Invited. I earner .tone.


S . .- 1045 a.m.-Morning WonlupI. CHRISTMAS AT I 10:45 a m-Church School for All Depari-menta.



SATURDAY. DECEMBER 24 I 11 :30 PM TO MIDNIGHT I11 00 P M.-C I Like the shepherds on the first ChrIStmas Ev~ may we come and warship the new born King! "

hrlstmas Eve Carol Services-Church Sanctuary (carols will b. sung by the il

church chclir beginning at 10.40 p m.) ,I II CHRISTMAS DAY SERVICE II AT 11 A.M. I

CHRISTMAS MORNING SER.VICE I"A CHRISTMAS VISION" will be the tOPiC of Dr. Moldenke's Sermon. IDecember 25 at 11.00 A M -Sermon by Dr. Frank Fltt. Sunday School and Nur5ery will be held Simultaneously With the ChurchI Service to accommodate all parents I

• ! A CORDIAL WELCOME IS EXTENDED TO ALL I, ..~ .... ,.... ....__ .,-_--_-..-~---' __ -__---_-..~ ---_--.__-_-_-_-.,._~lIIlailll:ll_lIIlai:llll3i~_-~-----------------I~---------------....I ST. MICHAEL'S I Christmas Services II EPISCOP AL CHAPEL I PEACE LUTHERAN ,II Lockmoor Blvd and Fairway Drive I CHURCH "

Rev. Edgar H Yeoman, VIcar I IfEAST WARREN AND BALFOUR _

IAudrpy McAnulty Jennmg~, Org,In'st and I I

ChOIr Director I -----I I ChflStmos Eve ChIldren's ServIce ....... 7 pm I.I CHRISTMAS EVE: I Chnstmas Eve Midnight Candlelighti 400 pm -Candehght Carol Service I Service ..... .. .... . 11 30 pm'It:: 3 Ch Christmas Day Services 8 30 and 11 a m. ,• 11 0 pm - oral Euchanst iI I Anthem. by the combmed ChOIrS at the . II CHRISTMAS DAY Chnstmas Mllimght and ChrlStma Day I

I 11 a m. aerv1C:es. III! 10 30 a m -Holy Communion and CalolsR I ----- Candlelight SerVIce -A service of carols andI A cordIal welcome IS extended to all. I REV. ENNO G. CLAUS, PASTOR-TU 1-0254 I anthenu. Four combmed chou ..~ --.< i I __. _M~. -.._~------------~------T-----------lIIlai~--~~-~--'----r--------Mi-~----~-------------- .....I I J SALEM I

It Christ the King Lutheran Church i LUTHERA~ CHURCH OF I IIIl I ~ J J\IE~tORIAL LUTHERAN! GROSSE POIXTE WOODS I THE REFORIUATIO~ I I;;l l! II Morass Rood ot Chester I! W J GF.FFERT PASTOR ~ Vernor Highway E at LakeView .11 Rev Wilbert C BUr'1'leT~ter Pastor I 'Y.'1SHES YOU A BLESSED CHRISTMAS ANDlll'" INVITES YOU TO A'ITEND THE» ~ I'D'hfor21no •hOlI I ('he", <ill be~m' at 830 p m i C..I,in F SI1,klt>< D D Pa<tol ! Greetmg~ to all on thl~ t'lt> BIrthday of Our I FOLLOWING SERVICESil !)j>, pmbpi 24th thp (hrldl pn of the Bq:mnPI' and i J Lord I)I pllll1 ...n Depaltment, or the Sunrl;l\ S,hool I Two Christmas Eve Candlelight Services ~ I Christmas Eve Dee 24. 7 pm --Children's,. 4 00 SERVICESI "ill pre'l'nl a Chll<tm", plogrdnJ at P Tn ll.' 8 30 PM and 11 00 P M 'If I song servIce

o\nothf'r plO11'ram Will hI' p\e<enlerl b, the t( 11 Frlr!,n, 710 pm-Chlldren< pro/(ram with.! !r » pageant bv the Sundav School ehrldren ! Ch 00 De 25 8 30 d 10 30,Jumor Inlt' med all' and Sf>nlOr Dl'partml'nh " ifl rlstmos y c on am! aT ~ on p rr tr SUNDAY DECEMBER 25 J Sdturd.H 8 pm-Annual ChTT<tmas E\e C~n- I Sermon' The Eternal Gloria"

I " dlehj[ht Sen Ice ID, /'n I,. I 2")1' I',l' "i: II -I" "n or tile Sund", i 9 30 AM.. Sunday School !

}I Ii' » Sundav 11 a m -Chfl~trna< Mornmg Senl<f' )I:zl "c h )()l " II hI' ~IOOPf'(1 \ ChI <'mil~ <onl! SCT\ lle fl. 11 00 AM Mornln" WorshIp ~ ~ f Outer DriveI ... }I "ror unto '-flU" onrn thl< ddV 10 top City of »

"ll he '1f'ld ~t 1100 a m Ii ' GOD'S CI Fr' .. D"',ld a S,nlOr "hu h 1<CPII~t the Lord' ill at ChatsworthDE'cember 31-8 30 P M Through Mldnlghl J i ! -Luke 2 11 I

I n J I_~__ ~~~~~L __ ~~~~~_M~~~~_M_m~~~M_M mM_MM __ .. - __ ~ M ~~__d~ M M_ .._ ..."' ....... .... lltoi '""":::-~.......... i: fA-- ...

I . .". .. ~ i Ch . E I Christmas Greetings i St. Paul E,.. l.utheran .i (~HA(.... "'\ :\ 't~ELICAL ~ rtstmas ve 2 from I (;lulr(.hI.uul REFOR\IEn CUI R(~H ~ Candlelight Service ~ GROSSE POINTE WOODS I1 I ,.epOiOlf' at "'''',h,,"1 i ! PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ~I ,'11 00 PM. lQ'l'iO \fad, <\'I'ntll' lit Torr<', R<><Id ! ~cember 24 7 OO-Sundoy School Program

SATuRDAY 24TH-l i 00 PM Il ItIi! ill RP<'ltalonc h, ~!ral1 C~ ld~en-Anthl'ms b,

I ' I' lC'mile Canrllpl.~hl C;" ,,(I' i "The Christmas Story" ~. Sundo). December 25 I! JUnior (~"'r-Ch' I-tma~ Stl'lr'\ bv 'Speaklnl'" 5 ChOlr of, 'un" pe,'pleI <;UND"Y 25TH CHRISTMAS MORNING , ...,4 om-Church School lun,or Deport.r C It! - 'ii Ilo:t 'I l' 'I II I' t ('I I. m~nt It December ~~ 9 30 -Sunda~ SchoolHRISTMAS DAY- II Q 0 • \1 ( 111 (, "" I n() ~p<'''' al (h '1' ae l[ .~ • J' art\. Iii ~. lO( (!'I • 11I1'f' 1 ~ !'"., II Chnstmas Folm

fIO(lOAM--<-hfl~tma.S{"('e i p,IUI{'C i East lefterson at Carland ! 11 00 a m-Wor5hlp Service 'TheBlrthdoy l't

~l'rmon ~lJbJl"<'1 The Pnnrt ,.t p~~ ...e" i 'I ()() ... \-1 "!,, n nj( \\" ,n p ann f!"h i ! of Ou, Saviour" ii C"mmUI r>n Ii M>nlster5 ! I I 00 0 m -Church Sc.hool 12 to 8 years of I

il) ()() A M -ChllT< h School lOT the Childrl'n , YOU ARt CORDI ALl Y WFlCOMFD W E K S~ym()ur --Wm G WO-;:N ~ ol(el !i ~ ~ WEI COME" 11i n le.

., to



L"u<'1'!OU '>« OR.,;

Blllh!\V dlt,') ,Mdttlll


MOl ~I" IIhdllll



HIGH n:AM3 Games

St. Puul 8u,('I;,,0.1 I~

l~PU#I'(~Stu,uli"!!ts1'I::AI\I S1'ANDING I l'"l1e

POint, F Ddn,bul \:16 J Zdl ~ell2.! P A IJdl(j ""

:.U 11\1)1 \ IIll '\1 III~I "GII- • «'lnIe,20 Ii ~'U1I"nIII L I3I<:'l hIIII '" BdlillIIIIII A17 J17 E1(j

14 L14 E14 GI.' P


NameM Smith .P Rup' It h .••.•••••.•.••..P M.lI till .••••••• , •••••• ,.E Lduel , ,H FUlton ~•• , ••.•••• , ••T TJ ombl) , , •.•. " •.•.. , .D Tlombl<,y , •••...•.•.• ,.T COI belt . . • .. • .•. , •. 'J Mdl ~dl'k •••••• , •••••••• ,P AJlal d .. , , ••. , , .••• ,L BI eeilt , , , .A V,tnBel'eldC'11.' .,., ,J "'11 ell , .L Dunov"n ', 'W GUllhc ..F Da.n,bUl \

o 1'1 tlmhll'v 2ll0lP Ruplllh , •.•.••..• ,... 25!l5P AlIal d 2576

Grosse Pointe Township


The 1949 Township Tax is now payable at the officeofthe Treasurer at 15115 E. Jefferson Avenue Grosse Pointe

Park 30, Michigan. (Grosse Pointe Park Municipal Buildmg.)

Adolph L. DamnlaI1.

This tax includes the County and School tax as \\ell 35

the Township Tax.

Treasurer.Gros..4ie Pointe TO\\'"!'hIP

will he added after .Janual1' ] Oth. 1950, as pro\ uied h~ law.

Payment can be made up to and including January10th, 1950.

Pay Your Taxes Before January 10th. 1950 ami \\oidthe Penalty.

To Taxpayers


I[on"ers" 611Leads TyposTo 4 Pt." Win


Merry Chnstmas






PARTY$10 Per Couple

Includes Full CourseTURKEY DINNERServed [tOm 6 30 to !l 30

Open to the. Public All Year








A ~parkllnlt tuneful fib-tickling perform.llncechl'lCk full of hllilTlOUSpunch lines .. , presented byIIn "II-male ca~t of under~aduates ~ ho conclUSIVelvprtne that It. really the woman who rules the roosl

Tee- TappiftlMUSIC

Dancing Starts 10 P.M, 'Til •••FUN - FROLIC - FAVORS


Mrs. Conroy Mt. Clemens 2556


~3.,", $2.41'1 Ulltl(",,IT G W Hllin WY.. 3-~l)



8 - The Grosse Pointe Re¥iew - Thursday. Dec. 22. 1949 J Nr-----__________ .errv avf I Sets r Nati~nal

Swim Mark

Your appliance dealer or Ed~S~;~ '11help von select the rtgomce WI J •

f. d and for every nenEl 'c' of coursetHere are aeetn •. II •

few quick suggestions:

ROAS1ER OVENSall tbe .d.

you Ilet of modernV1Illta"'~oolonll .,tbel4 thue "eleo;:one 0 '<Ilcbens.t r:l C ,,-where.PIli!! I ;::orbot forkeops Coo\.$ COlD'

~~~ lDea~1fp~c:dmall'!' .~19 9S tofrOID ~$499S


Tbese and m.ny other aprllances 'WIll be on dIS-play right up to ChraStmas at every Edl~n ofrce-as ""ell as In bard .... re. department ~nd appli.ance Itores. For yoar convenience EdiJOa ofiC'l!sare open until , Monday through Saturda).


Blue DevilsBeat Acorns;Reserves Win

By JOHN DRAKE By JOHN DRAKE Gro,~e Pomte Pllntel. led b\The Blue De\lls added d -elond Jell) Na\ .peedy star of the Alt Lou\\els' 611 belle~ took !OUI

"Ill to theIr ledgue recold by out- \\ Innmg Blue Devil tankers. pumts from Impcllal Cle.mel. mshooting the Royal Acorn- 35 to vaulted hllllsel! mto the ranks Gro •• e Pomte Bowling League29 at the away court la.t Fnda~' of national mterscholastic record-

Th matche. labt weeke Acorns pro\ed stronger holders by choppmg four-tenthsthan was expected They held a of a sel-ond trom the 120-yard Louwer~ posted !Cdllles of .!IOone-point lead at half hme, 20 to IIldlvldual medley lime and 235 CO! hu. l11gh tOldl He19 ..... e De\ Is' h dl g d also lolled mto the bo\\ !Jng s." I an In an At the W)andotte m~t lastaIm m the f1r<t t\\ 0 quarters was Frida) Nay swam a record hme' exclUblve gentry when he toppledoff, and It wa.< not untJl the of 1'16 S to top the old lime of a 7-10 splitMCOnd half that Gro<se Pomte [:169 held by Howell of Sag!- I He dLLolllpll,hed tile feal b),;ot Into stride naw Arthur HIli The four hm- hitting the 7 pm un the left .Ide

The [)e\'lls held Ro) al Oak to ers necessary to establ.1sh the It rebounded off the Lu,hlOll tuoply four pOInts 10 the final quar- record held tenth readings of 3, s\\eep the 10 pili 011 the 11001

tel' to put a stop to the \ arym, .~, S, and 6 Pete MoOi. added tu It> lIl.tIUds each team earned The next lace aflel the 120- place 1e a d by ~"CCplIlg IUUI'DeVil Coach Wernet ,tarted a edl J h Ch pomts Crom Turnel BUIck Joeciurerent llOeup from the la,t t\\, m ey saw 0 n ase, Jerry

Nay, and DIck O'Connell lie the I Hlggms po~t1Og a 50lJ .elle. 101games Jim Schoeck opened at pool record for the ISO-yard med-I GIrl Scouu are ~ture lovers Moor,centel, flanked b\ AI Mann, Du- ley set by Jenks. Lang and Mach- and remember to share the sea- Two dltlilult .p1J~ 1\ el e mddeW.Jyne Peterson. Bayard Johnson ns la~t year. TheIr time was IOD'S fUD with outdoor trlends. dS Gro,»e Pomte CUIlam. tuok(nd Bud McCoulough 1'44 7 ------ B Id CI

High Pomte scorer fOJ liJe I!'\ e- -.r *' G Ulree pomts from e 109 ean- S ed 'nUl' was AI Mann \\Jth eight 1'be Soutbel'1ll Cahtomla Challlber of Commerce probablv Thus \\Ithm three days the rr. I SCOtlt els. Bus Miller, a bdck-up mdn CAFEJ?Olnts. Bob Hafer !.dIlled for I hepes thIS Christmas (1ft will never be uwd-but Eve Arden~ Blue DeVIl tankers. led each time for GPC made Ihe ll-10 .pht b) BOESKY'S I Sie\'en, followed by BruCi! Allen I ~opted dauchters. Constance. and Li~,. are clearl, of another by Jerry Nay, have fsent four A . . . sl.1dlng the el&ht agamst the ten. ~~P."I~_l':. LOUNGE":?'~-~'1"th SIX Johnson and Peterson I ..unci. Their talented mother will be davldanr her time this Dee. %5 marks tumbling Nay broke the ctlvItles I Pete Wern~, d lepldLement fo!' IIeach got three. and Lowery and I betwHn the moppets and her CBS "Oar Miss Brooks" series 200-yard freestyle and the 120- IBeldmgs, convened the 4-7-10 Vi 15241 E. Warren at Barham Phone TU, 2.3883Pephmky sank a basket apiece 1---------------------------1 medley pool records at the Mon- The BlOwme Scouts of troop spht In the usual manner. I NOW STARRING

Grosse Point esank 15 baskets G dO. f L k roe meet 204 at Richard School had theIr M h t d f ')00 b!eut of 31 trIes on free shots I raIl peulllg 0 a ewood Nav swam an offICial 1:163 In fl.rst birthday celebratIon Decem- en w 0 pos e wles 0 - I( eRA ERoyal Oak sand three out of 12.' the 120 at the Monroe meet but ber I, \\hen all 21 of them re- or better 1111uded. • I RANOY N

The reserves lnumphed In the Th t Ch. t D the necessary four bmers were cevled their one-year pendant Joe DeSh}nk. 2l1, Tom Kelle) ' , \l!ea re rISmas ay The mothers of these BlOWOle 216, Bob Kehrer, 210, Bill Ford, ill.,petler, 38 to 28 . not present to set the natIOnalr~rd Srouts attended a tea on Novem- 207, Tom Allen, 204, Herb Heger, BETTY BLU E----- ! ~v W 203 202 t( WITH "SHl SI!\GS. TOO'CLesferfie'd Arena The newly remodeled and and outSide from the ground to Grosse Pomte won the Wyan. her 18 at the home of Mrs MII- 204; Bruce arren, • ; I I(

n fur nIl h e d Lakewood The-I the roof. dotte meet 57 to 24, The Bears ton Rueger. where they Wf're m- Dick Warner, l02. Pete We loS, IIS: GALAC., ell f H '.d troduced to the troop's ne\\ co- Bob GlOSS and Blll Neagle, 200'1 ill Tony Danon HI5 '«oroll.D ..OS or 0 lays atre, at 14249 East Jeffer,on, WIll Combln1O" the new innovations were d1squal1fied 10 the 180 med- and Orcbeltra NY' E• 1 A leader. Mrs. RIchard Le.he MIS STANDINGS Bob Du Rant's PIaJ10 Ma-tc ew ear s ve Pa""Closed because of the hohda:rs. open Its doors Chllstmas Day for, With first run plcture-, reSIdents ey. s m the case of the Mon- R bt B I IS:. '" ICh--te-"-ld Arena \\'111 '-. r-- ~ roe eet th 160 1 o. oyer, the eader, led a ~Ioor's Bar 27 I( Fl.OOR :>HO"-IJ\'mr;..

~~ 11J~ "" C a grand openmg to plevlew of the area are now offered de- m, e re ay was a dlscusslon of the program for the Janet's Lunch 25 U; TLESDAY. RU'tBA NIGHT C.nllDuou. lnl.rl>.mmtllIo~ned January 6 Local pro- thrIller The DeVils won out by II ChrIS Smltb and His Dancers $2 50 P Pmot-rs of th- grunt and groan the extensIvely Improved show I luxe movIe entertainment 10 an a skllnpy two feet. corning year. G. P. Printmc 24 It_ Z' AND • er enDn

~ ~ Troop 424 at Parcells School 0-1. Cl-aners 2A I( BOB RODRIGUE B (Open H.u•• InLO""l"emponum have dISClosed that house, ~ordmg to an announce- atmosphere of comfort and re- SUMMARY ... ~ .. t'iimmecilate future plans 10clude ment made b) manager Graham. finement, at the sparklmg new 40-yald freestyle: O'Connell, has been busy WIth ChrIstmas Bruce Wifle 23 ti Famous for Food HOLIDAY GREETINGSthe installation of bleacher seats Graham, d b f I Lak I Barker (W), Rogers. Time 19.7 preparatldons They mad e 20 Turner Buick 21 Ii atAor the con\'enlence of fans and The multitude of changes which I an uU u ewood 00 crosswor pUzzM books for the BeldiDg Cleaners 21 11! Moderate Prices To All Our Fnend,-f!om the.. I -yard breast stroke: Leach, 1\1a H tal t t th II Staff nd I'llthat they are workmg on a deal have been made are far more Behmd the ImpreSS1\'e new Carty (W), Schroeder Tune: rme OSPI pa len s. en Cramer Electric 21 If • LUNCHEONS a • anagement Iwhereby some "bIg name" wrest- than a Iemodehng Job, for the front the patron Will walk onto 1:15.0. donated and wrapped 34 gifts for G P Curtain %1 8( DINNERS •fers WIll be mcluded on the local theatre has been made complete- the new soft cal petm,!! of specIal 200-yard freestyle' Hesse. Glenn ~:~~,t~~~~~~n bv T~e:eR:~ft~r:~~1 l\hek-~ottiDfllam 19 ~ • Arter nteatr. Open Chl1stmas Da) As l:sual I I~. ly new, mSlde from seats to sound decoratIve deSIgn and be cour- (Wl, Barrett. TIme: 2:163 These BrownIe Scouts have Just Impe~1 Clea;nen 18 :t~Bll:_!fllU!AI".~gau •• u;._~ ~l1l:I!~~~~

teously seated ID special body- 100-yard back stroke Hedth fimshed maklDg presents for theIr WBohUtinteSOSI~~ceb'l 17 ~--'Ei----~----JllJii]tli;-~-~lll3l1iJ-formed foam-cushloned seats Chase, Po\\ell (W). TIme' 1'05.8: parents too y Ie 17 ~-The walls In the theahe are 100-yard freestyle' Tuns (W), On Decen;ber 15 they had theIr Kennelly Caterinf 16 I[ OUR

hung WIth speclal velour draper- Landls, Newell (W). Time: 1 01.3. Chnstmas puty, at whIch they Rustic Cabins 16 iles 10 a new and unusual wall 120-yard lOd1ndual medley' exchanged gifts, sang carols and Tom_B_O_yd 10 I NEW POLICY---'treatment Year-round aIr con- Nay, Endicott (\'I), Wlckmg ate Ice cream and chocolate I Idltloll1ng Will prOVIde the clear- TIme' 1'16~. Santas, St. Clare. Valet 'lie Iest and freshest of correct tem- Dlv1Og: Shannon, Church (W), ------ J.perature-air at all times. wlRter WIDk1er. GPH Cagers Win * * * Ior summer 180-yard medley: Grosse Pomte W. 3 St · h I

(Wyandotte disqualified). Chase 4t'l Stral.ght,. In l"aIg t II! lOnly the latest and best enter- Nay, O'ConnelL Time: 1:44.7.' 'I I(

tainment m pictures at popular 160-yard relay: Grosse Pointe. All N ts 15 Ct Clare CYO and Grosse If LUNCHEONS .... , . , , ... 7Scprices are promised by the man- Rogers, Hmchman, Fnesema ell e POlDte Valet, undefeated leaders II( Iagerrent. Hesse. TIme: 1:217. ' The Blue Devl1 cagers made it In the NeIghborhood Club Major PLATE DINNERS ..... $1.00 I

I four straight Tuesday by down- Basketball League chalked up 41Tillsel T'lvi,.l fa,. UDC Youth ~~~the Fordson Tractors 54 to ~=~.tll1rdWtnlloftheseasonthls I JUNIOR PLATES .. , ... ,55c IBy lANE LEVERENZ I to midnight. The occasion IS in lyT~:u~~o~~: P;:~:e ~~~~te~l~~~ 44Si~ C~~~ew~~~ S~a~~al~r::~ II HAMBURGERS ..•...... ,20c1 I

The U. D C Youth Group of I honor of all former members of three slow openers They were Rlley Motor 55 to 49. i fthe Glosse POinte CongregatIOnal I the U D C.'s and given by the WIthout the services of first-strmg Other games saw ManOl Bar II * * *Church IS In a tWIrl making plans present members of the hIgh center Spike QUirk \\ ho wlIl be I>:at St. David 38 to 34, and East ~ Ifor the Tmsel TWirl. The Tmsel school /lge group of the church. I out of play for an mdefimte tIme. SIde Sports trounced Ken Brown ; Cfl1lJUI iJJr•• ,l SWJ. · J

1 TWlrl IS a dance which IS to be AdmiSSIon IS by invitation only I QUirk dislocated an ankle dur- 69 to 32 ' III ~ 'Kl. Iheld at the MemorIal Center Fred Slocum, preSident, IS lD I 109 practIce the day before the Minor Leacutt Result. IThursday, December 22. from 9 h g f t F J 1 35 B '-- Ic ar e 0 mVI es. I ordson meet and may still be unga eel'S , omuers 33 I

out In January when he gradu- St. Ambrose 52, Metropolltan I Earl .. Allttritan Itstaurant-I, ates. 38. ~ IUp-and-commg DeVil forward Junior Leque Rl!!lults I OXFORD ROAD Gftd MACK AVENUE I

IBruce Allen topped hiS team- Turner 43, Wl1dcats 13 I HOURS: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.rnI mates for the evemng m scormg, Tracy 35, Flashes 25 ~_Bll:_~ ~ ~~J>ilIIlU~I With 15 pomts Startmg center I

IJIm Schoeck followed WIth 10

Grosse Pomte was never be-hind dunng the game, and heldI a half-time advantage of 21 to 16

I The game followed the recent ipattern of high totals of foul Ishots, With Johnson of Grosse IPOinte and Snyder, Herman and'Longndge of Fordson gomg out:on fouls In the fourth '

Fordson sank 16 of 26 free Ithrow trIes, while the DeVilS sank ithe same number In 31 tnes.Murphy led Fordson In generalscormg \\ Ith 14 pomts

I Thp Df'vll< moved theIr offen-

ISlve up to the guard spots andexhIbited good and speedy han-dling Many of their tallies were

Ion the Iebound shots

Allen and Snyder nearly mo-l nopohzed scoring 10 the secondI penod '" Ith 4 and 6 baskets re-I spectl\ely. Both teams ",ere' on"I In the final quarter and smklOg

I,many field goals.The Blue De" II reserves led

I by Harden With 12 pomts, '" onI their opener 37 to 27 Fordson: could score onlv 6 pomts In thefirst half to the POinters' 20


Let fnendshlp crepp gently toa height. If It rushe~ to It, It maysoon run Itself out of breath.



: ..

•, "'







•. ..





MIXED TO ORDD .,Will Not DlSappoint

LA. 7.2730VA. 4.7217


WA. 1-Z721 WA. 1.....


Why Dot let UI fellt ea." ....dresses for buUers aad maJdd.Also bed linens and u... f.special oeeuiou.

GasConversion Burn ....COMMERCIAL • RESIDUlTlA.L

ALSO 1lEP.J::~T!Ufto ..

/;_.~ ...La" ITLiI

r~ ~- CA.LOIA20844 Harper Al'.....

TU, 1-9494 TU. 5.3718

p.intin. and Decor.tia,

Linen SerYice











Repaired. Beplaeecl aJttt. .ClellDed-

Metal Decb-Porch.Flat Roofblc




VA. 2-4558

, .



When you bUll

,~ C1tull'tfled-Ad

This Newspaper's



HAMSTERSYour Choice $1 ea

For Space Reservation on Thu

J!aluable Directory Call VA.. 24558

Pioneer Roofingand Sheet Metat4708 EASTLAWN " VAlley 2-1541

D.Uvered by Carrier Soya

Ever,y Thursday - 15c " Month

Eastern Office Supply10%8 LAKEVIEW at JEFFERSON

(AloUDd Comer frolll leal'S)WE DELIVER VA. 2-5524




Men's and Lawes' Swta Tallored to OrderAlteratIons, RelmJng, Clea~ Preasuig

-"_:. 14931 E. JEFFERSON, AT Clft" LIMITSFred ... SChuman Est. 1925 Open Eves. Till 7:00 VA. I-IMI

BE SUREOf Reader Interest




ROBERT'S16330 E. Warren

TV. 2.4550 VE. 9,0880Open 10 a.m, 'tif 9 P.IIL

Guaranteed WorkPick-Up and DeUvery

HORSE MEATFresh. Canned - Frozen

TROPICAL FISHBreeden or Fine Quality Birds


13300 MACK VA. 3.0125


Radio Repair Servic.


The Grolle Point. R."iew-Thurlclay, Dec:. n, 1949-'I.








to Your



Want to


The Answer




Sell, Rent


Find Help


When You

When You


When You

Want to Buy




I NUl' Woods Theatre DEALER


VA 2-4558








WANTED Ladles fur coals In goodcondlUon ch,ldren. snow"ul~ all"17es cruldren I' "mter coats CiolZel6 to 10 Gr"".., Pomte Re.S.le Shopopen do:tlh (rom 12 10 7 1 142i Ker~che~al at Chalmers VA 2-6300

Ft RNITURE Wanted If ~ou ".,ean'thlng In tho hn. of hou.eholdfurntture and r\13s cln Iauc Neat-2~Hlrurnlture. 13930 Kercheval VA

Sell Them for Cash

Wanted to Buy


Wont.d to Rent-~ FI',Fn m <1<11. all:-d CO"1'1. n •• d

2 ""',...rll()om (H'~fI' trrr1~ nr In('''()mePlf"'''~'' (';+fl Tl 1 01~1)

MUlical InstrumentsSASY GRAND p,ano. reconcht1oned

and relullshed S350. 1010 Suckinl-ham. TU 1-1967

Milcellaneoul tor Sale

ASH AND fuel 011 drums beavy sleel,p81ftled. dellvered can VA 4.68S3.

HALF GALLON Ice Crum. 97c sevenlIavon November SpoclSl . Frult-Nut" W,lson Dairy Slore 11904Mack at Washington Open Sundaysand Holidays 10 a.m.l1 pm

WEDDING, party or reunIon Clndldlor home portraits

photolra"bY by DEERO&evllle 7001.W

Quallly TURKEYS for ChnstmaaBran ze. broad breasted. R~ed Onwire Order nOW Ellsworth TurkeyFarm TU 5-7428 •

A REAL BUY -Box of 24 candy canes.50 sIZe only 87c Wilson Dau-ySlore. 17904 Mack at W8lIhlnJrtonOpen Chrlltmas Day 10 am 10 ,pm

B~~~' s~.;.btxl{~xc~n:~~ltOB~i,~::sIZe 18 girls' SUIt size 18 excellentcondillon TU 5-8152

CHILD S tricycle. Colaon cham dnve.large Slze excellent condlt,on, h1fhchaIr Wllh pad will convert to plJly~~~~e811ll'S' 2~!M!ilSh mUng boots.

B9r',;~~o:;°'B~~p~~~r SIZ~'If ;:,~:;short overcoat, like new.. ,n!e 16TU 2-81&2

LARGE SIZ. maple baby bed. m..ttr ..and chlfJerobe. $40 coaster sled $5.~~~~. t:'Jdl% 'i;:~3 table and 2

BRITTANICA ENCYCLOPttlJ'A. fU:also Scott Dickens. St.venson othe,.~en:~n 11.:'3~~r. Studebaker "8" for

FOR HOLIDAY occ .... nns- Beautifulformal dresses. coats. like new On-ental rugs. dInette Rt cryml., I'I\Ir-rors lamp. additional Item. Rea-sonably priced LO 7-5484

TUXEDO. Ilke new hVlng room bed-room furnIture .. ~lrl15 skates .. mirror,o'\ercoats. sweater .'urls SUlt. ma-cenaneous 1309 Grayton

BmD CAGE WIth standard. nice IittVery rea""nab I. TU 5-430'7

DOLL CA~R1AGE. tull "'%1. l1ke new.~~'~~ ~ ~~n~r ~). 5~f' ,1.'1.


OIL BURNER WILl>maIoI'. Honeywellaulomallc controls. 220lank full o( fuel. excellent condition.reasonahle VA 2-4888-- .

\\ '" r" n 1" .. ,. ("I'" 1 r"'('" (' ""'l fI'''ll r. I Him /"q.,,'" Gr('l""ct" Po nte Ir1,.rl r,. ;Ilr:,.. 0T"\',H" Rn'l( 421

( ,........,. po "'l~ Rt\If''A, l,;121 Kt!'r.cheval

HauI.hold Gooe" for Sol.(COIlt!ftUed)


BREAKFAST SETSMAD~ co ORDER-Th ...... 1£ can tK

made up In all colora, mc:Judlnl yel-low. bh,e red Ireen tan Chaltl areupholstered In Duran plaatlc mltenalWhlle table. can be made !.o any IlzeIhape and malertal You can .electfrom :IS ddferenl Itylea Vlsll our (ac-:rr dl:e~Ydl~~~t ~~mthem':n~"c~~~~ I.. ve 33'. Odd chrome chain. onJ, $4 84i

METAL MASTERS MFG CO.24845 Gratiot Ave, E DetrOIt

Near 10 MIle RoadOpen dally Ul 9 P MEast DetrOit. MJelUl&n

Roseville 5690-WOpen SundaYI. 2 !.o • l' M

2-81802925 Holcomb

Say: "Char,.. It"


The GrossePointe Review






UNTIL I Real !Itot~- F;r Sale

Wednesday ! To -S;II~~A~~~-R~TEstate

I Martha S Bachersat 5 p. m. I VA 1-771 () --- VA 2-0438

For T1IuMn PutlllClltkln Iw. hI"" r-'''' 'trl( \\. l'IO\ e e~I'" f"\' "'''J').iI'h'' fl>. pn' ~1"~Pf"O"'1.\~,. ~ " c<"'l .... ~ "' ...... "'1j" lo"'\r"~"'1

VA 2-4558 'ov\. 'IAR'U,n AT lUFEllSOl'l• O~n t 10 t Da. , - I tn \ Slln~",

Phone: VA. 2-4558. Stop 1JI - orMall Your Adlll

HANSONChevrolet Co.

14259 MACK AVE.VA 2-9800

\\ AL""t;T bfooroom SlIltp "1I1rut oe:.13nd studlO ("("tUCti t1..n pnport

~:~ nt:~ ~tl4~a~~n~~adnd II~~~rMt1~~

FOR A BETTER rrade of ..... d furni.turE" "ee Isaac t\earn IV Furnl1ureat 13930 Kerch"al We alv. ays have~~ill~h,nJS you're 1001<1nl for VA

Birds - OOp • Pets

Cars WantedAutos. Wanted


A flME AND MONEY SAvtNGCONVENUl:NCE;- Inveltlcata Toda,

~OO HARPER AVENUETet Rosevlli. 1565-W

Employment AgenciesMlLLl!:R - Employment ageney. LO

7-2656. Domestl~ l1elp .womOll forLaundry and cleaning Part-time or'" eekly. Good laundre ... and cl.eanere


~:tef.m".~~~~~dsca~=~' ~:;or week. TrlJUty 3-7770•

Situations Wanted, FemaleLADY WANTS day work ROllOv1IIe


GIRL. 17 YEARS. speaks Flemisl1.~~e~:ih::~'~~p~Vl b:!HJ~ttjnl


Repairing and ReplacingPickup and Del ivery


16127 East WarrenNI0446


Window Shadel

PAUL'S SERVICEPuntmg - Cupboard BUlldlnl

Genel al House Repair, eteVA 4-6106 TU.2-4416

Woll Washin&VINCENT'S Wall Washln. ~ Up.

holstery cleanlul M"LlIW Q>o;lrte>dJIExpenenetd work.n Insured Com-mercial and re., Free Eot1-males Call VEnlcl 8-11770

OBRIEN BROSWindow Cleaning

ComponyStorm Sash and Screen Service

Wall WUIUrlIPaper and Calcimine Cleaned

Exterlor KOUM WaslUnl hlMrlencedMOIl for Every Job

Estunatel Cheerfu.lJy GivenA1waya A Goo<I Job

IMilcellaneoul Sel'YicesC Continued)

I tIeotna .

.. •• eIItl 111 "" ,.,...ntof " .. WA"I'I' All. P1U...talen U1. ad tn Ill. 1I t

..... ~f t1M ro._ Pom"'11m....

P1t... nnrr CLEA'IlLT... Il _nt. wo.... f ..

In the H"" 1>I1oWI

VA. 4.8004

Fine Interior DecoratingExt!!rior POinting

Neat, Clean Decoratingand Paperhanging

FIrst Clau Work GuaranteedEXPERT WALL CLEANING


VA. 1-8164



BLOND TABLE and 4 chaIr> Good194d"":O~1t~on 4-dp~:'0~~i .. ~lle"J:s cond,uon S30 TU 1-1962

,tatton TU ~-96IlO Mack and Bea- RAISI:-;" colored 9 x 12 bro.dl""m rUIIMnl'fl@'ld and pad In \en flood rond1tlon.

--- $5() Call TU 5-4011 "fler 6 10


MiICellaneoul SerYiceiCUSTOM-MADE slip covers and tnv-

erse drapenea. Guaranteed wOTk-manshlp F",e Qual1ty material Freeestimates TU"edo 2.. 158

Autos for Sole

ENGLISH SETTER male. 9 mo. old. Ph h' E -MlSS1SSIPPI Zev and Sports Peerless I otograp Ie qUlpment

EFFICIENT HONEST ANn Pride breedln' TU 2-8332REASONABLE IN COST I DACHSHUND 3 I CAMERA speeo grapnlc AJUllvenary

Graduate Tel .. ,slon and ElectrOnicS I teTed 1horoug"':.~~~:J.S'7 w~~s • .fuet:'t model 3'.x4I• ED. 1-3588

expert! ore "J,o thOTou(hly ~12O • GRAFLEX 31.x4'., -aled Ektar len ...expenfllncl!d I .......

CAR RADIO SERVICE A SPECIALTY 1 _' automatiC focus pTactlcally new.(Ample park,,,, space In rear) ElectriC Appliances SI30 Rose,lIle 7001-W.

PIck-Up and Delivery W . A IELECTRIC STOVE. In perfect ",orkin' eanng pparePRESTON condition Very reasonable TU


~Y~' !PU e~~~~nt eondlt1on Pr1ce15306E WARREN AT BEACONSFIELD P~;~ld~ ~~ ~~l~:'!Mrai.?IIOC~ -----

TU 1 "078 WA 5 3004 TUXEDO sIZe 39-40. 2 dress Ilurts. ., . - studs. and vest cheap TU 5-4759Household Goods for Sale

VA. 2-6588I



VA 2-11131 TU 2-5781

Pointin& and Decorotin&

REFRIGERATOR - And motor servolce. LIcensed and bonded Kelvlna-lor, Fn~r., Leonal'd. Coldspot.Un,\"ersa1 ano othen. WllllarnsVAlley 2-3111

Radio - Tel.vilion



JOHN FORTIER8916 Mock WA 1-4348



Reuonallie - Worll Guaranteed

Complete Decorating ServiceINTERIOR and extenor patntlnl. paper

removtftg. paper hanfUlll Best Qual.::relt~u..u~ceWorl< llUaranteM. 1m.

Eatunale. cheerfu.lJy l,venC.II I'ORSYTHE VA 2-9108

.PLASTERING - AII7 klrJd of repair

work. RtaIonabJe ratea "roe esti.mate .. Call TU 5-o3U. Leon Vermeu-Jen.

Piano TuningPIANOS Tuned and serviced Reason-

able ratea. All work lWU'anteed. L.O. Sel bert. TU :J:42'l9

Refrigerotor Service

LA 7.2952Free Estunates

(W1Un: YO\JR AT) HPlI;l


APPLIANCE CO14934 MACK al Way bum






(all Us for the Beat al'1I1ra.teot Appliance SerVlce

On the East Stde

Carpenter • General RepolrCARL v WATSON


LA 6-5501

ADDITIONS - Alleratlona - KIlchencabmets - stalrways - recreationrooms - atllcs - dormers CaU TU5-284t or WA. 1~

REPAIR InterIOr and exlenor En-closed front or rear porch KItchencabmets recreation rooms atticrooms, remodelml( Prompt servIce.Good workmanshIp S E Barber.20380 Nesbll TU 5.6184


LICENSED CONTRACTORInstall. repair all type. w1rIni. nnteb ..


Pick-up and De1JveryVA. 1.3014

KELLY & SONE1eetncal Contractor


•Basec'P~er~1XtU~~~'=lch"Souse WlJ1J:l1

J'luor--IeOnt I'ilrtUrtIVA 2-5727



Bric:k and Cement WorkSRICK AND Cement rellAu.. porch ..

and a!.one IteP.. drlvewa~, lara,.noora ~neral Repalrs DeGrne2646 Alter Rd VA 4-1l113 •


Corsetier.SPENCER CORSETS - IndiVIdUally

dealrned dre.. and 1IW'g1c:aJ lar.

;:;~~ ;:~eA~~~anC027~~"t"61-4312 368 McKlnJey

NO Joo Too Smal;

LAkeView 6-4864Landscaping

Drelsmakin&, AlterationsCUSTOM Dreamalanl. ladles and

ehildren dothes. SpedaIizinl litXg~e~~F.~ AltlraUolUI exPertJy

ALTERATIONS, Dresamalanl andUnlfornu. Re .. onable. Mrt KIbbleLAkevllw 8-5401

LADlES' SutTS and coats. alterations.~~I:~nl'17a~e~--=e~ee~ iEI-M49

DRESSMAKING and alterallonl All PAINTING. paperinl. ¥:per removed....ork luaranteed MInnie Rlf8ZZ1 MWe°rtrkensgu~~12ee.!l._1 Mulfor. Rnad.LA 7-1219 ..v --

TREE REMOVINGTrimming - Guying

TREE SPRAYINGGreater Detroit




I Bookkup1nc Qnd Ac:c:ollntina IMOYlng, Storage, CortageBOOKKEEPING SERVICE --e:STASUSHED 25 Y"!A.RS

BV THE MONTH S t SSOfax and Report Servlee N MOVI NG

~'ederal Sla .. and Canadl~n LOCAL ond EXPRESSNotary PUblic WIth Seal SERVICE

IiARR~ IiAA8 Tax ConauJlant PIOno and Appl1ance eauvJnIUIl41 KEJlCKEVAL AVE We Buy Furniture

l:orne, Aller Road VA l-1812 16621 Kercheval VAlle~ 2-2171



We Speclolize In Baggageto and From ALL Depots

and MOVingWithin Your Own ReSidence

Light MOVing - Any PlaceFormerly Dan Cronm

Pocking - Crating , Shipping

VA. 3-0032




J.,;1.94 J


IAd Mu,l Rf'arh l, On "f'rln~lI" for Curnnt "f'f'k.' IC!I1l' I




YOrR AD'S CI,ASSIFICATJOS. --Such a~ "Carpenter" _ "Per<;onal~" • J.!,sc. for Sale"-. "Boat' and Motors." etc..


j J.,81 .821.tlll 1n;1

118 " 1.%% I



Grosse Pointe

Write YOllr .d 11..T ASYOU WANT I'J' '1'0 BEPUBLlSRF.n 1n~IDd,nr

elf ... , yonr AnnRESS tlr

TELllJ'ROl'oE 'I. '\fliER ,..Nt" (ell II.r r~"" I. Z

.. orll.) PI and po>-lIle.t tIl ,..I~~ ...dMAlI to G.- Potnt.•• mw, 15121 KrrrH ....l.0,..,.... p"tnt. ,. "1.11.


minimum charll for CI8511-,ds \I 50e for 16 wol'(la.cents tor each additional



KNESS .PHARMACYaek at :t.eekftl0tlr Blvd.

EL'S DRUGSaek at Mol"OSS

a convenIence ads will bepted over the telephoneminImum charge rate IS

for 15 words. four cents foraddItiOnal worcL Pay-

t call be made by cashk or money order.

A 2-4558

and Found


NAME _._ .. _. ..•.........

ADDRESS __ ... _ ... - ... - _. - ..lONE ...•. Tel. No...•••..•...



LoeaU01UI Listed BelowFor Your Convenience

Tbe Groae POlnt. ReVIewAvailable Each Thundav

ft.moon at N.llhborhoodLoeatlonl

vidual Ctllllu Are nve Cents

'S DRUGSaclt .. ROIJ)'Il

~K PHARMACYeff.rson at Norttlnlham

LKER'S~FECTIONERYMaelt nr Lancaster

"tL BARCLAY21 Ken:heva1

~NINGHAM DRUGerehevaJ at Notre Dame

LER DRUGSlrerchllva1 at Way burn

TRE D.A,ME PHARMACYKercheval at Notr. Dame

Therosse Pointe Review1512 t Kercheval

~ Lakepomte and MarylandSay "Charge Itr"


~ ALER'S DRUGS!dack at B<rumemoutll



rZI014MACK AVEIe Pomte Woods. known as Loch-

Cabin has chsnged own.rshlp.C LIcense hao been tranorerred

W o\\ner5EXT!:R D WALTERS and



Call ClrculatioQ Dept.VA 2-4558


$2.&0 a Year by Man- - -



CHRISTMASDecember 25

Here a: e !I\ 0 rnembeuthe VIenna ChOIr B~,.from 7 to J2 \ ears, ;h~appear at tr e lvfa'OllledltOTlUm Januan 111ftcourse of Ih('lr secondwar tour The concertInclude sacred rnUS!folk song, e

FRIDAYDec. 23rd

It 1 :30 P. M.

~ '_._'_b, -..~.......- ,




............. F R E E ******:.. .~ """ Movies at the Esquire ~;: The"'. from 2 to 4 p.m. ~


*............................. ,

~NOTRE DAMI~,p~~~~(

... - " e' TU 5.2154


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10- The Gro... 'oj"t. k... i.w - Thu"My. Dec. 22_,__

St. Paul Scribes Continue To WinHi-Lights III Rotary Bowling League

By MARILYN SMITH G PReview m.amtamed Its Vandevelde ehurnm, 204, 211 iFriday aftel noon, durIng the the G P Rotary Club and 210, the Satt'ty F~t plUI- I

Iseventh period, the FI osh-Soph ~ad In Leo bv wlnnmg gers shot 950, the .eason II secondVel se C h 0 I r pI e~ented a pInY Bo\\ !lnll t tg:: Kopps Pharm-I hIgh. The lIerll~1Iendtd 3.1 in

,o,e, the public dddl"" .y.tclll four ~~n s /\ the first game favor of the Auto elub.The play entItled "Christmas ~~'V'13PI~ a~~ the last one by, Fraday's schedule bungs to-Eve" e>.pl essed the tIue meanmg 6 pms Capt Henrv Pephnskl gether Motor CIty Tires andof Chrl~tma~, the act of g}vmg, f th b d M ddlnot ,ecelvmg Actmg as an- personally accounted or e I HOU$ton-Auto Clu an I enouncel' was Bo~ Magee mIddle game, when he l'apped AU Transp Co.•Farnu Market

The plaY was followed by a out a 235, high for the night and Kopps Pharmacy-Mondrysel~tion 01 Christmas carols Mandl v Cleaner~ bouncea back I Cleaners and Earl Holzbaugh-sung by t"e FrOlllh-Soph Coral with a 'four bagger over Motor G.P, ReVIew and P & J CocktaIlcroup tlty Tlre~ They won the open- I Lounge and HarrISon CartMts vsSo thdt she could really appI e- er - by one lonely pm. RusS ~Plches Barber Shop.

clate the JOY that accompames a PIche, please take note, Andy: G,P, Review II ZIblrthda}, Margie Heldt began VarlpapPI WIll open hiS school 'I Earl Hohbaurh .••••• II 21

jher eIghteenth year by gatheltng for begmners next week. Farms Market S4 !6her frIends at her home Satur-I Farms Market. who I1cld been Houston Bros. Ine. " Uday aftel noon fOi a bIrthdaY tea I tied WIth Earl Holzbaul'h for Middle At!. Transp. ~,34 26

I Toastmg the bl1thday gal were second place, dropped four pre-j Auto Club .. ~2 21ealol Staub. Mal y Ann Burlm. I CIOUSPOints and are now tied Mondry Cleaner'll 31 29

i game, RIta Hoefel, Peggy Hyde, I \\lth Houston and MIddle AtLi P Ii J Cocktail LOWl,Il 30 30I Mary Ann Stuhldleher, Marg I for thud In the mdlVldual scrap, I Motor City Tires .. . 2t UILynch, Donna Klem, J an e t Frank Taylor (Holzbaugh) bes~- Harrboa Carpets U 3.KmgsbUlY Gerry KIrchner, and I ed Ed Taube (Farms). Taylor s Piebe. Barber Shop If'.'Nancy Downey. j 220 beat Taube's 219 and ~IS 583 Kop)III Pharmaey 11 U

Also shdrmg In the bu thday I senes took care of EddIe II 567celebl atlOn, which In c Iud e d I MIddle TU Transp Co. toyeddamty sandWIches, cookies. Ice WIth Pinches Barber Shop; they Icrepm and cake, were Pat Gant, too, nabbed four. The MIddles IBetty DIPaola. Mary Lou Ver- are In a wmnmg streak nowmer, Sally McKernan, Ann Dun- and look mighty dangerous. .gan, Dot Ar<:htto, and Barbara Leo Lltzau's 223 helped Barn.HoulIhan son Carpets wm the opener from

The brIght porch lIght and the IHouston Bros, Inc, but Arthne-up of cars mdlcated that I Runkle took charge from then Isome domgs were gomg on at lon, Houston wmnlng, 3-1,. Art's I

Sally McKernan's house Fnday I 220 In 588 stopped HarrIson t

nIght Sally inVIted some of her coldfnends over to welcome back to I P & J Cockt9Jl Lounge gotGrosse Pomte RIta Hoefel, a off to a flymg start by Win-former St Paul's student RIta, nmg the opener from the Autonow a reSIdent of Jackson, Mlchi. Club. With Larson, Dlij:lrest andgan, is a house guest of Sally'sdunng her short VISIt. I

The eveninJ beJan. with a.bang-the bang of a pmg-pongball baek and fotth acl'OSlIthetable. Partners in the gamewere Rita and Stu FreisJna. and~lary Ann 8urlinrame and AIKlem.Those who pleferred danCing

instead were Dorothy FItzgeraldand Duke Dalka, Pat Gant andAl Schweitzer. Mary Lou VernIerand Jack Pol1Jck, June Allard Iand John Kramer, and Sally andher date, Jan Drake .

As the evenmg progressed thegroup gathered around the planofor some song plaYing and smg.Ing Toasted cheese sandWIchesand hot chocolate made a perfeetsnack for the evnmg of fun.

St. Paul's is showing itsChristmas spirit in a way fami-liar to all Paulites. During tbillweek, tlie traditional Crib.Ceremony is being held beforethe b e a uti I u 11 y decoratedChristmas tree in the gym. Allstudents are participating inthe eeremony by sinrinr earols,readmr the Christmas gospel.and reeitihg Christmas poetry.When you plan your hohday

actiVItIes, don't forget to keepopen Deeember 27 ThIS IS the Idate for the "Hohday Open iHouse" at the Grosse Pomte 'VarMemonal Center. The tIme IS4-7,and the affaIr is dress-up A I"diSC-Jockey" has been inVIted to Iplay records for tho~e who WIshto dance. AdmIssion and refresh. I

I ments are both free.


STOP/IHOIE--' 181 elf

(Ipeci&l to Tile Revle.)Striker IS Just one of the kIds.

YULE d~corahon In the Lakeland avenueresidence of Mr and Mrs. SIdney Morgan 10-eludes real sleIgh bells from the sleigh drIVenIn by-gone days by Mr Morgan's mother. Eachyear h!en-age Mary Sue and Bob Morgan,armed WIth poster paint, do a pIcture on awmdow of theIr. house, somehmes CopyIng anappeahns ChrJ.stmas care!.

Reading DIckens' "A ChrIStmas Carol" todaughters DIane and Arlene IS the custom ofMr and Mrs. Arthur Koelbel of MeKIDley road.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest CollInS of MUIr roadstarted theIr own Chnstmas cu~tom. Threeyears ago Mr. CollInS made a WOoden frame.Mrs. CollIns covered It WIth candy. The resultwas a charmmg candy house WIth snowy roofand gum drop WIndow boxes Tlus year'shouse ,stands m the CollIns hVlng room.

CRRlSTMAS would not be complete In theCharles Lord hom~ on McMIllan without asmall blond angel. tenderly unpa<:ked every

• December and .Qung on the tree In thIs famIlyeach person must have an equal number ofpackages to open, even If It means dlvldmg apaIr of socks and wrappIng them separately.

Mrs. James Bordeaux of Roslyn road findstime to bake Chnstmas coolues for fnends.

Mrs. ErIk VonRels of Kenwood court tellsof hohday SwedIsh foods There.'s lutflslt (fishextraordmaf)-) and Chnstmas sausage calledkorv. Most tradlhonal IS dott i grytan (breadin a lIqUId)

The VonRelS famdy open gifts on ChrISt-mas eve, a SwedIsh custom. Quaint gnomes,made m S,\ eden and weanng scarlet caps,decorate the Von Rels mantel.

A thoughtful after-the-holldays suggestIoncomes from Mrs. Jerome RemIck. Jr. of RIdgeroad Instead of thrOWing away your tree, heon bIts of pop corn, suet and bread, then placeIt In the yard ••• a ChrIstmas tree for thebIrds I

THROUGHOUT our communIty happy mo.ments-to-remember WIll be shared thIS Christ.mas,

In the. mIdst of merrIment and laughter,exchange of gift and greeting, Pomters willpause to thmk agaIn of those who, long ago,followed a star into Bethlehem bear10g thefirst gIfts of All.


THY. Pl.ACE l!ii •

Earle RichardsSERVICE

2ll1\7 ",. K Tl 1.9SUGn')ll;~ Pomte WOO(1s

-\ ~A Sf'''' ,cop<;;',..1/ Ilnd r'''I'~trml' l'TodtlCf.t



-PhOIO by DeeSANTA CLAUS put 10 hiS appearance on Mack avenue tlus week as Paul Russo

mVlted hIm to pass out candy to all chIldren from the top of hiS Grosse Pomte ValetCleaners & Dyers bUlldmg at 17854 Mack. Startmg last Monday and contInuing throughChristmas Eve, St. Nick Will contmue to greet the children With dual microphones andgIVe them presents of candy. CIty pollee are cooperat1Og 10 handhng the traffiC Whichthe cluldren's patron has attracted. Santa's hours are 5 to 10 p. m.

By E. DENSLOW"IF people had ChrIStmas In thl!lr hearts all

year 'round, wouldn't It be wonderful!" some-one saId recently.

Lookmg mto th~ homes of our neIghbors.during thiS gay season we s~ many belovedcustoms come to life POlnt~ famIlIes, as Jrl

place$ near and far. celebrate the JOYous Yule-tIde m chfferent "Yays.

One again thIS ChrIstmas eve Meadow LanereSIdents WIll beat a path to theIr annualparty. Ongmated by Mrs. Morgan Shermanfourteen years ago, the party was held IJ\ herhome until last year' Now MIller Hall IS thescene ot tlus fine tradItIonal gathering of near-ly 100. There'll be pot luck dinner and carolsmgmg as always

LOVELY to behold these n I g h t s IS theis the brIghtly lIghted gIant fir outside theLakeshore reSIdence of Mrs Henry B. Joy.Mrs. Joy keeps ChrIstmas decoratIons In herhome until twelfth nIght

In the cozy red brIck house of the L. J Mor-I'lsons on UnIversity a tradItion, wluch IS dls-appearmg from many homes, IS observed. Thetree does not go up until Sara, age 2*. andTImothy, age 5, are fast asleep on ChrIstmaseve.

Little Sara is still very young But TimothyWIll make up on ChrIstmas morn and (ofcourse) hIS heart WIll move 10 a strange man-ner mSlde hIS chest. Because suddenly he'llreal1ze that It's ChrIstmas at last and some-thmg he doesn't qUIte understand ... some-thmg wonderful and excItIng . . . has hap-pened It took place m the room where heand Sara hung thelr sloekIngs by the fireplac.elast nIght.

THEN (of ecurse) will echo the happy cry.Santa's been here!"

What a magIc, overflowmg moment' Re-member'

Genume Chflstmas SpIrIt prevaIls In an-('thpr D!ll\erslty Place horne. Not one, butthree of thl' bIggest trees avatlable are putIn dIfferent rooms on Christmas eve, MtertfIe youngest child IS asleep.

The three older boys I,n thIS famIly help mkeepmg tradItion al1ve for theIr small sIster.You mIght say fOll' boys beeause, aecordmgto Mrs. FranCIS Stncker, at ChrIstmas tIme Mr.

i "And Then in a Twinkling I Heard on the Roof.I


Yuletide Tradition Marks Christmas


MUll V Friell(ls.,.AND


Publte Libra", Staff


VA. 2-1103

B & B CHEVROLET CO.Hou": 7:3fJTin 7 • Sat 7:30 TIn 2

"My grandmother wants amystery story about an old lady :\and a cat" The ingratiating gl'ln .. ~ ~' J' ~that accompanies the reque<t de-mands that I we won't let thE'~mall en\ oy down ~(\t too \\ellversed In our detectlve< \\ e arefanuhar \\ Ith the well-knownboys, Nero Wolfe, Peter Wlm~ev.Perry Mason and like Ilk, butget us Into the bypaths and wehave one recourse, to call themember of our staff who knowsher mystenes [rom A to Z. Mr~Boothe To (ontlnue our "Who'sWho In Your Llbl arv" \\ e pre-sent Mrs Helen Boothe I

Mrs. Boothe came to us two Iyears ago after bemg With theWyandotte PUbhc Llbrar" for a)Itime She receIved her Llbrarv ofScIence deglee from the UnIver-

1Sltv of Mldugan and has hadsome expenencp In the teachmgJ)rofession as well as In school h-brarles. She handles all regls~trahons and the many reservesand interloan requE'sts and 1~ alsoIn charge Q/. the department for~'oung :<ddts Two teen agedaughte-s k~!~ her abreast ofwhat young people like to read.While her husband was procunnghis Ph D In literature. Helenread WIth hIm and mamtams thatthe breadth of hET readmg mter-

'ests stems frnm thIS. For m-somnHI, she asserts she turns toeIther a fast movIng whodumt orone of ShakesPi!are's sonnets, a

. wide range but mdlcatl\'e of herreadIng 10 general.

If, as IS frequently mamtalned,the mystery story is on the wane,there IS no IndIcation of It In the-Grosse Pomte LIbrary. Whol"ead.!; the m? Deetor-Lawyer-Merchant-Chief. Mystery fanseount the great among their com-pany. Woodrow WIlson andFranklin Delano Roosevelt wereboth and addICts. That there ISmuch claptrap among the cnmeriories of today can t be dernedbut there are many mystenes of.quality, Mrs. Boothe has selected

,the followmg tJtIes, none of themnew, as a guIde fOr newcomers tothe m~stery fil!ld It IS poSSiblethat the veteran detectlye readermay bave mIssed some of thesetoo, along the way.

'Murder of Roger Ackroyd," by~atha Christie; "Strong POIson,"by Dorothy Sayers. "Above Sus-pIcion," by Helen Macinnes, "TheAdventures of RIchard Hanney,"by John Buchan;. "The Unsus-peeted," by Charlotte Armstrong;"17th Letter," by Dorothy Carn-erst>n DISney; "WIthout LawfulAuthonty," by Manmng Coles,"Widow Makers," by Mlehael81ankfort; "Alarm and Ex('llr-.$ion," by Vlrguua Perdue, and"Panther's Moon," by VIctorCanning

"Warrant lor X " by Ptuhp Mc-Donald; "Keep Murder QuIet,"by SelWyn Jepson. "The PaVIl-ion," by HIlda Lawrence, "Hor,- I.zODtal Man," by Helen Eustis

"Murder ls a Fox," bv Ellery Shubert Books Border C:t:ns Drop 'Tropll'Y' IQueen; "She Walks Alone;' by I • S(~HOOL II ~

.Helen McClov. and "League of 'M e l He - Several developments h a Ve the schools in advance of the-FrIghtened Men," by Rex Stout I USlCa It eome out of recent Border Cltles contests at a prIce decIded upon IFollOWing our tradItIonal' cus- Itom at th.s season of the year, "Fmlan's Rambow" the Broad- League actIVItIes. I b~' the school playmg host.there WIll be three Chrl£tmas way mUSIcal hIt whIch made a The Federation meetmg at The offiCIal balloting for theStory Hours These WIll be held. household word of Glocca Morra, I Highland Park Thursday, De- league all-star football team hasat the MalO Library, Fnday, Dec t ts I ted t th I cember 15, deCIded to abandon been tabulated Two POInters23 at 9 30 a m at the CIty s ar a Iml engagemen at e I I the proposed SportsmanshIp Tro-IBranch. 695 Notr~ Dame, Fnday, Shubert Lafayette Theater on -.T V ..1l7S 'I ph:;; The Cup would llave been ,,'ere cl::ctcd. Baj ard JohnsonDec. 23, at 10 30 a m At the I Monday evemng. December 26, I .l~ ..-;.,.. awarded mamlv on the baSIS of I fills the center pOSItion, and Pat IWoods Branch storIes Will be told II dIrect from record-breakmg en. MAIRE I spectator beha",or at athletic Brogan the quartl!rback spotSaturdav mommg, December 24 I : events. I Ends were Henderson of Royal,at 10 o'clOCk All ch'ldren grades gagements m New York, ChIcago, The kmdergarten mothers of I Oak and FerrIS of through four are mVlted. Los Angeles and San Franclsco.j Mrs. Vlrgmla Mernll's class held The decISion was reached be-, Franks (W) and QUinn of Ford- I

And no ......, to all our [nends. a Russ Brown, Harry Stockwell,! one of fthlelr motst mteresthtmghand cause the prmclpals of the BCL i son filled the tackles Guards

~ Ch <t nd H , suecess u mee mgs at e orne schools felt that the ta.k of \\ere Shepler of Wyandotte andN~Year,r~r~~h: IJbr~ry :r.W' Manlyn Day, Carmen Guterez, I of Mrs. CYril Record of WhIttier awarding the Cup fairly would Showneskl of HIghland Park

Charles Da"l~ have featured roles road be too dIfficult. In the backfield were left halfWhether hIS Commun'~t affJll-1 m the mUSIcal that ran rampant, The VItal POint of the dl~cus- The group also decIded not to Leet of Royal Oak fullback

at IOns are proved or not. It ap- I for two years on Broadway. sion was m connectIOn "'Ith the trv to standardIze prices of ath- Ohanian of Fordson. and rightpears he IS 'HI! on hIS way back I • FlnIan's Rainbow" WIll give Chnstmas festiVIties for the kln- lelle events because of var~ mg half Thlogmorton of W, andotte,to- the old country and the Iron I matmeE'll on Wednesday and Sat. I dergarten chIldren Ever:\,one finanCial setups m the schools Monroe dId not have a represent.:Curt81n I urdav only. I was Imbued WIth the "holIday Instead, t;ckets WIll be sent to alive .

•" SPInt" and enthuslastlcalv offer- _

i ~w~:g:~~~~r;~~\~~~ae;t~~~:.UI•• lll~~'I ~~ a 1::M:::P:es:::h::


:: 'adopted, whose purpose was to .have a combmed meetIng of th~ "I~~ T' Mothers and Fathers" of all the II DOORS - ROOFI NG - INSULA ION ANDkmdergarten groups on January 'I ~ A.LL OTHER BUILDING MA.TERIALS FOR24, 1950 m the Maire School. \\\\\\ NEW OR OLD CONSTRUCTION~;~l :::k:~rS}the as the prln'II\~\ By £HAPLO\V

ILum;nari~s .;Ueet ~\\II:At Detro;t Clinir ~

MNII('aI lummane, from all ~paM. of the Umted Sl.;lt('. \q!l ~sh;ue the platform .....Ith ]('aders a::~of the profe"slon In Mlrhlgan at 7/t

"r h P Cl '{A,!,!'!the .. IC l,I(an o.tgrilduate In- fleal lmtltute to be hC'1d In De- , I;

I'Itrolt Mal<'h 89-10 1950 1I<'<'01d- f//;,mg tn <'In anTJouncement today #~h

I from P L LrdwldlZe, ~1D, {)p- r!ll..I trOll Ch,llrmiln of the commIttee, 1~,~on A I I iln lZem('nl< III



