. .. _------------- .. By Mail, $2.00 per year; Sina'1e Copiu, 5 Ce.tI Former PoiDte Reaiclent P.... Goldea Jubilee Of ReIiaioaa Work Another dnmken driver cralhed into a parked car 011 Kack Ivenue last Friday evClling, out quiclcly s'obcred tlp the Deltt moming wilen Township Jus- tice James H. llcNally levied. a heavy $iS 6ne or 60 daYI ia the Detr"it House of Correctioa. The offender, Alfonso 'Van Luchene. 43. of 4816 Gnilford avenue, Detroit. paid the fine. Park police stated !'hat H 81--'--Vi . Van Lucheal: was intoxicated when he I at ~ I&IOD; rammed into the parked car near Bed- Driver Hits Parked ford road, inflicting considerable dams Car On Lake Shore Road age. Wind And Cold Cuts Down Ballot Tot.l; Provo Defeated In Upset A combifta.tion of zero weather and ice.laden winds ha.mpe~e4. Grosse Pointe and Gratiot township voters at lut Monday'. Ilrima!'J' electiee, and kept ballot returns far below expectations, The day's most 5tartlin~ upset occurred in Gratiot toW1lshi,. where Ift<:umbent Saperl'isor Provo _s llOSed oat by young Odie Houtekier. ZZJ the peace. race wal hcadell .". Han7 90tes to '71. William Stricker raa Gar1IWI with 142 ba1Jote, ... Feliz I)p third with 90 ballots. and aarence F, Hell .. with 1~. s Cayan ended up last with 13. Ja Grosse ~OI11te t~DShlP. th4i 0IdJ Gratiot's othet' illcumbent olicia!s. oppoud candidate, Vietor H. DeBacItc., EUll'ene Pioraack clerk and Frank incumbent ;ustit:e of the peace, tSefcatc4 J OaICi treasurer ~feate.i a handfUl of J obn J. 14iller, 1,143 Yates 10 904. U.. rivak'by amaJI ~ Piornack edged opposed ~dida.les IDd the ..... aI oat Joseph p, Korson, 244 votes to 206. b.UJots. recesved are: Norilert F. D.ka JOlla who received 170 ballots was supenuor (1,784): Cart Sc~ cha~ by Herman Rouelc' and clerk (1.810) ; Adolph L n. .. ~ Schaenmll' who both totaled treallJl'er (1~); Newtoe W. WWt.&e,r. slightly over 100 votes. The justice of board of rC?teW (1,452): fer coostaWeu John W. Tran. (983); FraU W. Deht (1,ll93) i Illd Charles ], ),(~. (994). Only 2,401 votes were' cast, .. .,;; over 16,000 relPstered votet's, As expected, three mcamloeat. J....- who arl: Grosse Pointe resideata, Ieil ill Motbet' ll, Clare. the fonsau lolial the large circllit coart dirisioa. J ..... Mary Gauk1er of Grosae PoiBte Sbores Lester S. lloD, of S08 UlIiftrlity ~ before eDteriJsc reJiaio- life, .... bOlt. beaded the tic ket in Groue Poillte ... ored last mOfttb by a dUtingaisbed Gratiot townships 4Jtd the City. 01 .. th~ of bishops, priests, &lid al_ Grosse PoUIte. with a toW of tSIM a.ae of CaDada's UnalilJe Sisten, wild votes. ]adge ThCOlkJre J. Riehl... 01 she celebrated the IoIcleIl jubilee of bet' 107J. Devonsbire ~d, Grosse Poiaf. WUl"k at Chatlwa. Oat... wbtt'l .be is Park, was second with I ~. of 1st vicar ~ of tbe Unaline -.-' ballots. Judlte Henry C. Nicol, of 1101 it,.. Dnouhire road, 'Dished thd witJl llotllw Care, ~ -(1M III Ole UfD vola. oatstamtiJla rcJiaioas ed1acaton ill Iowa- ----- Ca.nada" in • receat isaae of tIN Michi- Icy PaYelb6Dt Au::M .... Pll CatboIie, -_ bona in &oase D..:..- N ro_..:...L.-;.. ,Poiate ..... faai1J". ~, d"'''' ........ -, ...... ' knOWll as GuIker Peat, is tIOW __ AIaaa Mac:k A, I br Ecbe1 Fed. . . DurilIa' the j'lIbi1ee ~ ),(<<11- AItuaate,... 01 Ice t:ar'" ... 1-,,- A .J).year-o!d N~o W'OIIIIII, ~bo ~ Ch..; ~ I~ of ccila6 ~ ... ~ .... a~ ~_ •• ,-.. .~.£ had Den _pIoJedlJl I: Grasse P~ ca" , t II m. a- ......,P.,.. ~ ;;.. 1."...;. , .. .:""' . .;i .• 'z, . pq. XIL Ihdaer ....... -., -- fer. .-...w' ., .'., .'/ 1&It T1riInlIa7 ~ "!1'l"" ".- ~«.. ~ ~i.et.iduit. ... ,:•.... :.... _~. _ _ _. , .., J~~~ ~ ~~ =:-'.~.. all ~. ~-~.,M/&1«j .. -r .~~ Dr. Frank H. Pur~of 8I'J'J Up- After ~ of. Rmef.. _........ > •• : ..... } ~7,: ,~: I(JDt a..enue, at the time of ber arrest. .. cIrive alate (.. W' ) &.it NQr .. Haatin:tolI ~ ad .JIlIda;i A warrant received from tbe Lafayette her lIIOtber, the late llra. ]osep_ a car. driven by .Uria E. JOiDe, ~ ." prosccutinlr attorney'. office officially Gauklet. Gf Grosse PCliate SItorQ. ~ 1.clcIuttGGr BtnL, s1ci«hd oat ... _.' charged the mother with deserrinlr het' MotbU Clare atablished "Glcnprdia,N control and wa.s struck Iuoadaide ~~..-- "'4. ~. child, polic'i said. a 'WChool for retarded Canadian chi!- anothet' automobile operated ..,. Y.. Sheriff F, Earl Staley and Det. :Ken- dren. With anotbcr rift from Mrs. ll'inia M. Mye. U, of 4631 T.,..... neth Bowman arrived in Detroit from Ganlker, llothet' Clare also erected avenae, Detroit. Both Kline -at Mill Lafa)'ette on Friday. and returned with Brescia hall Dear tolldon. Oot. Mye were taken to Saratoea Gentnl the Negro woman the same da,. ------- hoIpita1 and treated for eutJ ... Drunken Driver Hib Muius. Kline lalued head ia.i..ne.. Car Parked Oa Mack and was beld for X-rays. Police cari- mated the total cIamqe to both cad It $650. . Woods police statC1l that ___ driver lost control au an icy Itretdl Dear Locbmoor B!vel, llId clipped 011 a long row of roadside mail boxes. A telepholle pole near Huntinlrtoa ...4" et'ed the same fate, wbile U:ft.aOft a" Fleetwood avenues were tile SCeDa 01 other alltomotivl: Iltercation .. Paychiatrist Ac:IcIreuea GroaaePoiate Motben' Club, Monday, Fe&. 24 u. of M. Concert Band Park Police Arrest Playa Ret1IrD CoIleert In Neareu On Child Groue Poiate March 12 DeeertioD Charge Army, Tabs Thirteen Reaideab; Docton Reject 2 VoIUDteera Two of Grosse Pcinte'l lint. large EathllsiutkalIy received at a GrOSSI: quota of IDCn ~d fora ,Ut's serv- Pointe concert laal ynr. the UIliYeS'- ic~ ill the Uni~ Stam ~ were lily of llidsipa'. .. lOO-pi«e IIuId rejectql ~ of ~ -C1caiPt last ..'. _ l~=~'.': t.- =~T.- .. >" .. ~h;VV-,,..~ .. .Jtit" "Wi' "::"':j~:~(;'~" ~.: .... -:w physic:id examinatioa &114 eebarkC1l for' - ---J' -..,. - _ Fort Custer in Battle Creek. Mick. 8:15 p.... Following a (. a.m. breakfast at the The COllCM W111be .ponsored by Neighborhood Club, the IS men were Gros" Pointe'J U. of ll. AJumai club transported to inductiou headquarters and tickeu 1liiy be purchased from any at 1040 W. Fort street in a chartered member of the following committee: DSR bus. The breakfast. prepared and Miss Bernice Moore (chairman), of sen-ed by the Grosse Pointe Girl Mari- Pierce Junior high; Mrs. Arthur Flem- ne'rs, was presided ol'er by C. Joseph ming, of 1025 Au~abon! Vincent Pet~r_ Belanger, justice of the peace in Grosse 500. of GrO$se POlllte hIgh school; Mus Pointe township and a member oi the Betty Shaffer, of the Pierce Public Ii- local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary; Dr. John Porter. of 1301 Stroh ed by the inimitable Norbert P. Neff Buildinr; Miss Efu:abeth Seibert, of clerk of the city of Grosse Pointe, and 1180 Bedford ~oad; ~r William Watkins George Elworthy, director of. the of Grosse POlDte blgh school Neighborhood Club, which is located at St. Clair avenue and Waterloo. Burna Henry Post 383 United States army physicians an. Completes Plana For :Jounced that Thomas G. Jones, of 1363 S;CltRally TomOrrow Somerset. and Alfred L. Jacobs, of 931 ae All parents of Grosse Pointe junior Beaconsfield, were the volunteers reo , jected due to visual defects, Officials Officials of the Major Burns Henry and senior high school ltudents have of Draft Board 57, which is located in American Legion Post 303 have com- been invited to attend the next lDCet. the Grosse Pointe Park Municipal I pleted arrangements for their second ing of the Mothers club on Feb. 24. at Building, stated that these two men IAmericanization Rally to be held on 7:30 p.m., in the school auditorium. would be made up in Call No.4 which.. . PI' 1A f Ad Ie is tentatil'ely scheduled for indoction I Fnday evening. F eb, 21. at 8:30 p.m. In "sycho Oglca ,pects 0 0 s- on March 12. Pierce Junior high school, Kercheval cence N is the subject chosen by the ~peaker. Dr. Louis A. Schwartz. Moved \,olunteers. "l'fh~ v..ere induc:.ed arc: a"enuc near ~otlingham. to Detroit as chairman of a committee D~le T. Gneshelmer, of I09J Lake- Guest speaker of the evening wit! be to investigate juvenile delinquency un- pOlRte, !,a,?es H, Roberts. of 1363 Som- John Gilmore, a past ),[ichigan Legion I der the Yale (;niversity Institute of erset. \\ lI~la~ M. Allard, of,2024 Haw- commander. Gilmore will discuss the Human Relations. which was sponsored Momentarify blinded when his bd thorne, ",lham P•. Leto. 0: 10:" ~al- close co-operation now exi~ting be- hy "The Children's Fund of Yichigan."I .• _ was Imockld over his eyes by a playful four, James G. Sm't~. of 9~1 ~olt~ng. t,,'een the federal bureau of in\"estiga s Doc\or Schwartz is at present consult. SKATING MEET 'child in the rear seat. Julian Coren, ... ham, s .... ntho~y A. Dehe, of &59~otll.ng. tion and veteran organi7.ations in the ing neuro-ps).chiatrist at Harper and ! of SlKl7 Chalmers avenue, Detroit, toW ~am. Franc.s C. Su1hl'3n. of 981 ~ot. present battle against the aeti,;ties of '\'omans' hospital, consulting psychiats A --.il7 ..... -. Grosse Pointe Farms police that ... tIDgham. Bernard W. Parmeler, of 1467 fifth columnists at ",'ork in the t'nited rist of the consultation burcau of the •••• onoI Ioy .... c..-.. Poiaa. lost control of the ""heel lut Satur o ":a)'burn, Thomas P. Cole,?an, of 890 Statcs. Detroit Community fund, and extension Lioaa ... 1ata17 ..... will... day afternoon and crashed iDto tbe LIDcoln road, Jack A. ja",l1mer, of J3 This event, planned as a Washings lecturer at the (;n;,'ersity of Michigan. ...... s.~~ aI--, F.. ZZ, rear of a parked car 011 Lake Shon Hawthorne. Ronald H. 0 Handlcy, (If ton.s Birthday part} •• "';11 also ",itness ------- .. LaIro St. CIairo at tile foot road in front of SI. Paul's church. 1112 Lakepointe, and William J. !ver- a musical concert by the famed Red Aged Park Invalid ", LanIawI ....... ia tile City The owner of the parked car, WiI- !On, of 1235 Beaconsfield, Arrow Drum and Bugle Corps. Two Di . H .I ", c:r- Poiato. liam J. Nesbitt, of 1051 Yorkshire road. henon, who .... as appointed as leader motion pictures, the official American ea m OSPlta It.- ...... _,. M .... at was in church at tbe time of the colli- of the group during the trip to induc- league baseball mo\;e and the ....... men-I -- 11M N~ 0.1., Water- siort. Corey is employed in the A-ria- tion headquarters, had been employed can Legion Boys State," will be shown. ~riss Julia Rochford, &2-)'ear-old in. 100 at St. Clair .... at tile otfiee of 'Ition di\'ision of the Briggs Manufae- as an. English .and i?urnali~m teacher Roben BU::5, past comman,l~f of ':llia ,dIe .p ;;~t1! Fd,. I haJ b~~~ in II ~. F .... M-. 1... K...... turing company, Farml police Itated. at P'erce JUDlor hIgh school. Last Burns Henry Post, will sene as master Ithe custody of Mr. and !ofn. \\ ,n,aID I n1 - Dama~ was set at $110 by police alto Thursday night, Pierce teachers pres of ceremonies. ~lonahan, of HZI Beaconsfield avenge. .. thorities. sented Iverson ",ith a portable radio These AmericanizatKln rallies, which i died early this ".eek in Se)"tllour hose - - _ at a surprise Nr.t~ h~ld in the school. are free to the puhlic. are ~1"(lmMeOI ~i!al at Eloise. Michigan. Grelle P~;nte 'P IT P , Humoro1lS f.slmtles IDc1urled a mock hy Ihe Le~on in an effort to foster a i Park pol,ce announced Monday a.ter- UZZ e hat ays drum and bU!l;le corps completc WIth "one for all ~nd all for one" ,pirit of I MO('on. paper hats, etc. Ei!(ht ".omen teachers national uni:,'. Burns HenT\"s fir51 Polire ~lalerl tllat the innlid had Starts N-.nth Week dramali'erl Ihe bus lrip from Gro"e nil" helrl eari, in Dccfmher .. fe~t:1terl :em1'C'nrily been remo)"ed fr0m the Pointe 10 indllcl;on heao~\larter$ ;n a an 'aodre's hy. RaymC'nrl J. Kell~', pa'! I ~fonaha" homr. after both the hmhand ~." ,hort side.'plitlin~ ,kit. Fr.nei~ C. S,II. . 1 d f h \ . ancl ,,,fe harl been f,,"nrl Ittli1tv by "The Puzzle That Pa., s cont .. t. ".hlch started ,n a Decemher u~ue of Th4I . .. nat,on~ c(lmman er ° t e . mrT1e~n 1 . ... . Gr"«e Po,nte Re",e,,'. h~~ r>roollcfrl hun<\r~ds of leller< from Renew readers, h,~n was rccfnt~y presen!ecl ",:., a I.f"i"n and a well kno\\"n Detroit at- Town_h,I' .!u\(l(e \ ,ctor H. ~eRaeh lanrl ]u<lo::r' are ha,in~ a rI,ffl('ult t.,1,: delrrmming fl ri1 r winner,. wn'l watch hr h" fellow em1'loycs al torney. "n recent charlles of '"!",Icallcn anrl La<t \\'rek', Re',,1T,-f'1r,! Ni>t, a. 5..1 (1() merehan""e orrin on the Form. Ihe Rri",,,s ~lanllfaeturing com[lany. ------- dj-!tlrhin~ the peace. ;}eBackc ,ent.! Reer ~t()fe. \Iack ",'.nu. at \{rK,nlry, ha' hern ,,,.;rrled 10 ~lr-. H. P. Bri;r- ~c"t :\[onday morninlt at 9.lO a.m., NEW CLUB FORMED cneed ~{n. ~I(lnahan to -eT\C 20 da\"s' ham. (Ii 41\3 ~Inr.n r".t1. r:.nqe r"in!r Farms. :-:cc(lnrl :,rl1e. a $200 merchandIse 10 draftees compri,inlt Board 57's Call in I;,C De:r"'t I!"u'e of Correction .. II "crier (In thc I inr'ln I!i!(hw".,' .T"r Company. I~Z21 Krrchen! a,.enu •. has beell X 3 .It h .d I rl C II ~ 4 '11 ~f' ~'S' f T' 0' l~ h . \1 """n oy ~{r'. J. C. S~"e. "f It" Tkrlf",rI r(l>rl. (or,,"e T'''lnte Park. Th:rd pr;,,, . (I. '" e In IIc:, a. 0. '" echng on I"e n"t un<:lay0 e,:erv, Mr ''''',\Car-"" "."m~n. w ° I' . rs. a. ~1 ,"0 menhandi .. ",rlrr (In the Rernrlt (;I;\,s C"mpan)'. 14.;27 Ea't JcffersOlll take O)"fr 40 men. ,tl, Ileltf\"cd. m"n:h. the personnel c,f Gr,,"e r",nle i ~l~nahan' sker. "ad hern c"nfined to >)"enu•. WITThe rrrei"ro ~~. Fa" Frrry, "j 3+; ~eff rqj.d, Cilv of Grossc Pointe. ------- \\"oods' p"lice anrl fire rle1'artmfnt_ re-l." unhe.ted berlr,,"m "ith a double .\11 w,nner, ,\111 Il. mililf<l the;r mrrrhan<li~e (lrMr-. - LOCAL YOUTH JOINS CLUB centlv Mltanized a social and athlrtlc II"rk ., lhc Beacomftcld residcncc. po, Anot"e~ "Puzzle That Pa ..... "i1\ he fOI1,,<1 in this is<ut Tn iumh!ed form. \V. Arthur Staub. of Grn<se Pointe clob: bec qid the pU7Zle eonlam, the namr of one ad'.er:lScr i"und he1"v.. the 1a'.'Ul. tht: P k 1 . d 0 ~ d' . . adrlre .. of another. and the telephone nlJ:oner of a : lird ad,.eniser. X" numeral ar .. was recent y aPlloTnte a m~ms n ~'In a, morn,n~. Feb. 9. Ihe ne'" ------- M letter mav be uvrl twice in the fin!!in", of the correct <"Iution. enlangle the ht; "I the German club at ~Itrce"b"r~ !l"r,,"1' elrctrrl Iw" "fj;cen. Lawre"ce SOCIAL MEETING 1'1l771. anrl "in a prire .'\'11 let'er< .,,<1 nllmeral< mll<t ~. lI;ed . \cadem':, fla. ' \lhrrl. [lor';"en:. >nrl C"rt Rene'. \CC-. ~{frrhandjse pr;res ".ill he a,,'arrl.rI f"r a 1'eri()<j "f 16 ".etl" tn the first \f; ...... v,h]<.. 1h('" (,i\n r,- \tr. .::Inr1 \!~,. -r~.:tn' -.f>,-l t~"~':lr~r. Rr"'~h m"n "'i(" j Tl,1'" :\':TP,r[r":< Ci7'cl('" n~~I,l~l("'r. t\f ~h'l"'l"'e ("(\n1t',.t,:lln1~ ~.h'l c'lhmit tht ('I"lTrtc:. nl".:t:!"q. :Inri m("l<C;t ('\n~ir"al '1:"11:1- r: LimC'r :-:l't~l~ nf l.~.~j Thr('e' \rnr ..,r';,lT11tcr f)7't'i'.('n. Thr- m("lT',11,. ",:::d',_ T"l,,.'b ,~,'l -:"',",1~ ;l ('''''(1~1 f:".("rOi'n, nn tl~n it' tht r-:l77.1t .H"",,.\,..,.. n", -'-:tt.~;" ~"""\ ... ~~~. ('I'" C'1 m:'t. ('If O:-1R1tUlI V~ , •I . . I.~ ~""'. I "OJ~J!l('n m,,\" hr. 1t \\:Il not h~\~ if: r""'anc(" tl"'l \"11 ,:rl1!"'Q ,I .~ C"('lrre(~. cLl'.r.:- .. 11~} 15 .aJ::.o.a member 01 ~hclr:-"~~: .1"-c re,', in Lie \\O(ld~ m";nl(l. ,I'''''I.-i~ ... 1"'\ ('l"ln:;:-. tr-. ....l. ~~ (,ann!"1 &..l.J I '.T. r . l' rEd' "Th G P' R ~ "I . .. I :'\\l'lr~c.~ :ll an,,\- tr~ tt' rt ':n.t i::4t :n (, Itor, e rO'lSt oaa. adlO club. pal bUlJdlng, ~Iac" avcnue at ADita. I R,enard r.ad, ;\m,:y at Parl.\l~w. Re\Je)'o.• 15121 Ke:che,.a~ GrosJe Po.nte Park, Micb. - - BOARD OF REVIEW ,Qt~~,,~rO~~t JPoi"tt )RtUitlll nlEoHOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSEPOIfn'E AND THE 'OURTEENni CONCUSSIONAL DISTRICf GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1941 POL!TlCIAlfS PLEASE NOTE n. brirw .... _ .-...& 'IritIl. tile er- P.... P.k ca..-,. A••• ILtiea .. ..,. .... au s' , ... k " .. .~ ....... ~ ... .. ~~ ..~~: ............. *";.J-fr<'s .......... A ..... iIrtiio&t ..... ... 10F va- Ii. W at.. - An '... .,....w.t, _ ........ .... _ "'" T....&a7 sUPt. e-. Ii... _ .. MIi- tai.I ill Jut ....... Reriew, W........ atatM, "If ,.. ... t too M fair u-t it, ,.. aIa-W ......,. priat tIoia reply.". Of ~ _ ... t to be fair, ... ...... ia a -..w.... aIICI it I waita fer _ .... !-£e-. I $*Xl per year. A check-up of village records .hows that P. V, Heftier. viII- ale attorney, is ilOilo'being paid $1,800 per year. Election expense of the Park il shown to be $iSO per year for two elections. Village records show that the 1940 primary Ind annual villa&,e elec- tion. actually cost $1.S8Z.46, A claimed revenue of over $10,000 from the intangible tax is sbown to actually total I~s than $3.soo. The statement that an efficient pa- lice radio in the Pa.rk could be operated for $1.000 ~ year. is meetill&' witb skepticism, Iavestigation .bows tbat most cities lilted on the back of the circular. showin&' reduCed election COlts. they are DOW" Uling voting machines, whicb COSt considerable money to in- staU oriiinally. Spoataneous action of Grosse Pointe Park voters has resulted in the for- mation of the Grosse Pointe Park "Minute Men,N a temporary organiza- tion set up to present facts regarding the proposed plan that are not being told by the Citizens'Association. Offi- cus of the new anociatioa a.re: J, Dun- ton Barlow. chairman; Ervin AlEes, secretary and treasurer. George Kretz- schmar, Henry Bl1Ilepp. Dr. WiUiam J. WatkiDs and Fred Kroha, members of the hoard. A pennanent orpnization pLan is bein&, drawn up. and aa edu. cational program is in progress to pre- sellt clearly all angIel of-the proposed city plan. Wood. Commi .. ion Againat Temporary School Addition Neil BI... o, .. _ of tile Citr of GroNe PoiIale, baa an' __ tII. clay. for tile 1"1 Bo.roI of Rniew .. Maa-do :J-4. EacJo .~, two day. Nt .... for tile ...,.,.. of . ;,.. the •• __ to compiW by tha _. The BlIUd of R•• 9Mw will .. eet .t t1.. cit" office, , 1715tMa_ agen-. between" tI•• hoan of ':31 aM 11:31 ....... 1:31and .:. p ..... For th_"'. j fi... it ilM:OIIlftllimt dvm, tbe , cia", thera win M e""in, ..... n I .. Itoth nicll.. from 7 to • p.... t Blonden ltat_ "nte..la" that , loa will weko_ the opport1anity I t. n-plain the u-esl_lIh to t1i_ ....... to who "";Ih to .nil t tltamoatna of thia aclnll~" _. • =- -= ., ... - --..... _ J At a meeting held last Tuesday nigbt, Grosse Pointe Woods' village commis- sion passed I resolutiol\ disapproving of any temporary addition to Mason school on Eight Mile road near Mack. After the meeting. a group of spokes- men stated, "\Ve are agai"st any tem- porary frame or portable addition to Mason. We feel we are a permanently growing community, therefore we de- sen'e a permanent addition to our school building." When informed of this step We~nes. day morning, a board of education offi. cial remarked, "We han been consider- ing a type of pre. fabricated addition to four elementary sc!loob, but nothing has been done as yet." EDITOR'S NOT,&.:..Thefollowiaa' ~icle was .. ubmitted to The Review by the "Minute Men. N an orpniA- tion of Groue Pointe Park residentl who are opposed to the Citiuns .u. lOCiation'. plan tl) chaqt the Park mto a city fonn of coverumeut. :VOL 16-No. Z1 w. It 0.... w- r , .... ...... e-w•• .a, ,. 0.- 1ST ..... Park Re.idents Form New Organization Opposing Proposed "City Plan" - .. ------------._ .. ,.... .. .............. A Pi ;iwt ~<P;"te residart appeared uIoaa the .... e1eded as of- idals of the llicbipn 1llIparuaent of tbc R.acTe Army Offica'. usodatioa at a twlHIay eoaftlltioa beld in the Fort SbeIbr hoIel last week. llaj. Henry W. Jones. of 1371 Whit-I tier road, Grosse PoUIte Park, was _cd senior vice.president. llaj. Le. land N. Jones, of Eut Lansing, was eJected pruident to SDCceed Lieut.-CoL Arlo A. Emer)', who bas resumed Ictive duty. Ovet' JOO olfiter. atteaded tbe COlI- ftDtion Ind chosl: SaBinaw :sa the sitl: for tbe lUInnal state convention in Kay. A militlry dance aud baDqUel cloSed the fe.tivitie.. Henry P. WiJJiama Dies At Age of 58 Opposition to the proposed city plan for Groue Pointe Park, sponsored by the Otizeu. Alsociation, promises to &ssame trtmendOlls proportiolU before the llarch 10th electiOll, when It wiU be voted OIL Last week, petitiona beaded "A Dec. Juatioa of Protest" received wide tir. ca1ation, and hundreds of voters havJ reaistered their disapproval of the city propoaitioa. The petitions empbuiz:e oppo&itiOll on fiTe COUllts: 1. Rush tac- tics of the .ponsors. 2. Fear tbat this chua'e is an initial atep towards an. lleatiOll of tbe Park into the City of Detroit. 3. Threatened IosI of township' health lad poJic:e radio services. 4. Lack of assurance. that economiel c.:ln be deded without loss of important pub- lic lei' ,ice DOW rt!HIet'ed by the town- Ihip and 5. Lad: of knowledge of com. plete facts by IpOIlJOl'l of the city pJan, u C\'idenced by their public ut- terances. ' ThIs -k, Gl'o$se Pointe Park was tOoescd with mail drcuJars by tbe Citiz. .. ' Associatioll, ucla &l;cOlDpallied by IOIidtatioll for feds. .F OW' palres *'" cIeYoted to facts ed figures. ..:J'hcse c:ireub.ra bne I1'OII5cd a Itorm. of protat. as it it dsuKed they eoatain 8IaIIT iDacc1Iracia or wilful dillortio!l ., tratllful facta. All ulltt'tioll iJ IIIlIde that the -riIlage attonie:y or the Park u nOW" beina paid Het!.'7 P. WiUiams, prominent .sa- Jear-old GrDsse Pointe Farms resident and Detroit civic leader, died suddenly last Th1Il"sday morning in his home at ~ Provencal road. Born in Detroit and educated in the city's public schools, Williams had long been associated with the real estate business and ",as serving as secretary- trelllurer of the Williams Land com- pany at the time of his death. A few of the many civic posts held by Williams included vice-president of the Detroit chapter of the American Red Cross, a member of the vestry of St. Paul's Cathedral, a director of the I' Detroit Community Fund. a member of Sophie Wright Settlement and the Y.'oman's hospital, and a member of the board of trustees of the Urban League, WiUiams also was a member of the Detroit Athletic club. Bl00I1l6eld Hins Covatry club, Detroit Boat club, and the Goontey Oub of Detroit. Funeral services ","ere held at 2:30 p.m.. Saturday afternoon from St. Paul's Cathedral. \\'ood~rd at Han- cock • .,,;th burial in \\'oodlawn ceme- tery. Sor\"h'ing are his ,,;dow. Elrna. Men. nfn. Ihrfe ~On!. Hentl' P. Jr .• Richard E., and G. Mennen; a ~i~ter. Mr!. Vin. cent S:ork. and 1"0 brothers, Robert C. and Charle~ c.. of Pandena, Calif. CORRESPONDENT SPEAKS At a meeting of the Detroit , .... dcnft club in the Hotel Statler on Monday, Fell. 17. Quentin Reynold,. nteran !l.".~t'ap.r ma.n and corre,pondent. told BRIDCE • TEA a capacity crowd of his e"periences in Tie Archconfra:.~rnily of S!. Oare France durinR the Xazi 1940 we,tern par. ;~. Grv;.'~ ;\,inte Park. "iil 'pons campai",n, c"lminat:n~ in the French ~or a hrid,;re-tea in Ihe Ern't Kern • "rrender. He ai,,, talkerl at lengih on a:;d,tori"m "n T"c,rlay aitfrnoon. Feh, Rrili 'h bomhinll'< Ily tile German air 2,;. ot 2 p.m. f"fa. the "l'n~l,,"ns of t'1e RA.F .. ~nrl ~Ir~.. -\ Klcffmon, d B1I"king""lll B, ,I1'h CJ<periencl: wit n American I r(lari. and ~{r<. 1\. ~Iccsla. of Ba!follr planet. road. are co-chilrmell, l , ,

0 It ,Qt~~,,~rO~~t JPoitt )RtUitlll - Grosse Pointe Public ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/41/1941... · local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary;

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Page 1: 0 It ,Qt~~,,~rO~~t JPoitt )RtUitlll - Grosse Pointe Public ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/41/1941... · local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary;

..._------------- ..By Mail, $2.00 per year; Sina'1e Copiu, 5 Ce.tI

Former PoiDte ReaiclentP.... Goldea JubileeOf ReIiaioaa Work

Another dnmken driver cralhed intoa parked car 011 Kack Ivenue lastFriday evClling, out quiclcly s'obcred tlpthe Deltt moming wilen Township Jus-tice James H. llcNally levied. a heavy$iS 6ne or 60 daYI ia the Detr"itHouse of Correctioa.

The offender, Alfonso 'Van Luchene.43. of 4816 Gnilford avenue, Detroit.paid the fine. Park police stated !'hat H 81--'--Vi .Van Lucheal: was intoxicated when he I at ~ I&IOD;rammed into the parked car near Bed- Driver Hits Parkedford road, inflicting considerable dams Car On Lake Shore Roadage.

Wind And Cold CutsDown Ballot Tot.l;Provo Defeated In Upset

A combifta.tion of zero weather and ice.laden winds ha.mpe~e4.Grosse Pointe and Gratiot township voters at lut Monday'. Ilrima!'J'electiee, and kept ballot returns far below expectations,

The day's most 5tartlin~ upset occurred in Gratiot toW1lshi,.where Ift<:umbent Saperl'isor Provo _sllOSed oat by young Odie Houtekier. ZZJ the peace. race wal hcadell .". Han790tes to '71. William Stricker raa Gar1IWI with 142 ba1Jote, ... Feliz I)pthird with 90 ballots. and aarence F, Hell .. with 1~. sCayan ended up last with 13. Ja Grosse ~OI11te t~DShlP. th4i 0IdJ

Gratiot's othet' illcumbent olicia!s. oppoud candidate, Vietor H. DeBacItc.,EUll'ene Pioraack clerk and Frank incumbent ;ustit:e of the peace, tSefcatc4J OaICi treasurer ~feate.i a handfUl of J obn J. 14iller, 1,143 Yates 10 904. U..rivak'by amaJI ~ Piornack edged opposed ~dida.les IDd the ..... aIoat Joseph p, Korson, 244 votes to 206. b.UJots. recesved are: Norilert F. D.kaJOlla who received 170 ballots was supenuor (1,784): Cart Sc~cha~ by Herman Rouelc' and clerk (1.810) ; Adolph L n. ..~ Schaenmll' who both totaled treallJl'er (1~); Newtoe W. WWt.&e,r.slightly over 100 votes. The justice of board of rC?teW (1,452): fer coostaWeu

John W. Tran. (983); FraU W. Deht(1,ll93) i Illd Charles ], ),(~.(994). Only 2,401 votes were' cast, .. .,;;over 16,000 relPstered votet's,

As expected, three mcamloeat. J....-who arl: Grosse Pointe resideata, Ieil ill

Motbet' ll, Clare. the fonsau lolial the large circllit coart dirisioa. J.....Mary Gauk1er of Grosae PoiBte Sbores Lester S. lloD, of S08 UlIiftrlity ~before eDteriJsc reJiaio- life, .... bOlt. beaded the tic ket in Groue Poillte ...ored last mOfttb by a dUtingaisbed Gratiot townships 4Jtd the City. 01.. th~ of bishops, priests, &lid al_ Grosse PoUIte. with a toW of tSIMa.ae of CaDada's UnalilJe Sisten, wild votes. ]adge ThCOlkJre J. Riehl... 01she celebrated the IoIcleIl jubilee of bet' 107J. Devonsbire ~d, Grosse Poiaf.WUl"k at Chatlwa. Oat... wbtt'l .be is Park, was second with I ~. of 1stvicar ~ of tbe Unaline -.-' ballots. Judlte Henry C. Nicol, of 1101it,.. Dnouhire road, 'Dished thd witJl

llotllw Care, ~ -(1M III Ole UfD vola.oatstamtiJla rcJiaioas ed1acaton ill Iowa- -----Ca.nada" in • receat isaae of tIN Michi- Icy PaYelb6Dt Au::M ....Pll CatboIie, -_ bona in &oase D..:..- N ro_..:...L.-;..

,Poiate ..... faai1J". ~, d"'''' ........ -,......'knOWll as GuIker Peat, is tIOW __ AIaaa Mac:k A, I •

br Ecbe1 Fed. . .DurilIa' the j'lIbi1ee ~ ),(<<11- AItuaate,... 01 Ice t:ar'" ... 1-,,-

A .J).year-o!d N~o W'OIIIIII, ~bo ~ Ch..; ~ I ~ of ccila6 ~ ... ~ .... a ~ ~_ •• ,-.. .~.£had Den _pIoJedlJl I: Grasse P~ ca" , t II m. a- ......,P.,.. ~ ;;.. 1."...;. , .. . :""'..;i .• 'z,

. pq. XIL Ihdaer .......-., -- fer. .-...w' ., .'.,.'/1&It T1riInlIa7 ~ "!1'l"" ".- ~«.. ~

~i.et.iduit. ...,:•....:.... _~. _ _ _. , ..,J~~~ ~ ~~ =:-' .~..all ~. ~-~.,M/&1«j..-r .~~Dr. Frank H. Pur~of 8I'J'J Up- After ~ of. Rmef.. _........ > •• : ..... } ~7,: ,~:I(JDt a..enue, at the time of ber arrest. .. cIrive alate (.. W' ) &.it NQr ..Haatin:tolI ~ ad .JIlIda;iA warrant received from tbe Lafayette her lIIOtber, the late llra. ]osep_ a car. driven by .Uria E. JOiDe, ~ ."prosccutinlr attorney'. office officially Gauklet. Gf Grosse PCliate SItorQ. ~ 1.clcIuttGGr BtnL, s1ci«hd oat ... _.'charged the mother with deserrinlr het' MotbU Clare atablished "Glcnprdia,N control and wa.s struck Iuoadaide ~~..-- "'4. ~.

child, polic'i said. a 'WChool for retarded Canadian chi!- anothet' automobile operated ..,. Y..Sheriff F, Earl Staley and Det. :Ken- dren. With anotbcr rift from Mrs. ll'inia M. Mye. U, of 4631 T.,.....

neth Bowman arrived in Detroit from Ganlker, llothet' Clare also erected avenae, Detroit. Both Kline -at MillLafa)'ette on Friday. and returned with Brescia hall Dear tolldon. Oot. Mye were taken to Saratoea Gentnlthe Negro woman the same da,. ------- hoIpita1 and treated for eutJ ...

Drunken Driver Hib Muius. Kline lalued head ia.i..ne..Car Parked Oa Mack and was beld for X-rays. Police cari-

mated the total cIamqe to both cadIt $650. .

Woods police statC1l that ___driver lost control au an icy ItretdlDear Locbmoor B!vel, llId clipped 011a long row of roadside mail boxes. Atelepholle pole near Huntinlrtoa ...4"et'ed the same fate, wbile U:ft.aOft a"Fleetwood avenues were tile SCeDa 01other alltomotivl: Iltercation ..

Paychiatrist Ac:IcIreueaGroaaePoiate Motben'Club, Monday, Fe&. 24

u. of M. Concert Band Park Police ArrestPlaya Ret1IrD CoIleert In Neareu On ChildGroue Poiate March 12 DeeertioD Charge

Army, Tabs ThirteenReaideab; DoctonReject 2 VoIUDteera

Two of Grosse Pcinte'l lint. large EathllsiutkalIy received at a GrOSSI:quota of IDCn ~d fora ,Ut's serv- Pointe concert laal ynr. the UIliYeS'-ic~ ill the Uni~ Stam ~ were lily of llidsipa'. .. lOO-pi«e IIuIdrejectql ~ of ~ -C1caiPt last ..'. _l~=~'.':t.- =~T.-..>" ..~h;VV-,,..~ ...Jtit" "Wi' "::"':j~:~(; '~" ~.: ....-:wphysic:id examinatioa &114 eebarkC1l for' - ---J' -..,. - _Fort Custer in Battle Creek. Mick. 8:15 p....

Following a (. a.m. breakfast at the The COllCM W111be .ponsored byNeighborhood Club, the IS men were Gros" Pointe'J U. of ll. AJumai clubtransported to inductiou headquarters and tickeu 1liiy be purchased from anyat 1040 W. Fort street in a chartered member of the following committee:DSR bus. The breakfast. prepared and Miss Bernice Moore (chairman), ofsen-ed by the Grosse Pointe Girl Mari- Pierce Junior high; Mrs. Arthur Flem-ne'rs, was presided ol'er by C. Joseph ming, of 1025 Au~abon! Vincent Pet~r_Belanger, justice of the peace in Grosse 500. of GrO$se POlllte hIgh school; MusPointe township and a member oi the Betty Shaffer, of the Pierce Public Ii-local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary; Dr. John Porter. of 1301 Strohed by the inimitable Norbert P. Neff Buildinr; Miss Efu:abeth Seibert, ofclerk of the city of Grosse Pointe, and 1180 Bedford ~oad; ~r William WatkinsGeorge Elworthy, director of. the of Grosse POlDte blgh schoolNeighborhood Club, which is located atSt. Clair avenue and Waterloo. Burna Henry Post 383

United States army physicians an. Completes Plana For:Jounced that Thomas G. Jones, of 1363 S;CltRally TomOrrowSomerset. and Alfred L. Jacobs, of 931 ae All parents of Grosse Pointe juniorBeaconsfield, were the volunteers reo ,jected due to visual defects, Officials Officials of the Major Burns Henry and senior high school ltudents haveof Draft Board 57, which is located in American Legion Post 303 have com- been invited to attend the next lDCet.the Grosse Pointe Park Municipal I pleted arrangements for their second ing of the Mothers club on Feb. 24. atBuilding, stated that these two men IAmericanization Rally to be held on 7:30 p.m., in the school auditorium.would be made up in Call No.4 which.. . PI' 1 A f Ad Ieis tentatil'ely scheduled for indoction IFnday evening. F eb, 21. at 8:30 p.m. In "sycho Oglca ,pects 0 0 s-on March 12. Pierce Junior high school, Kercheval cenceN is the subject chosen by the

~peaker. Dr. Louis A. Schwartz. Moved\,olunteers. "l'fh~ v..ere induc:.ed arc: a"enuc near ~otlingham. to Detroit as chairman of a committee

D~le T. Gneshelmer, of I09J Lake- Guest speaker of the evening wit! be to investigate juvenile delinquency un-pOlRte, !,a,?es H, Roberts. of 1363 Som- John Gilmore, a past ),[ichigan Legion Ider the Yale (;niversity Institute oferset. \\ lI~la~ M. Allard, of,2024 Haw- commander. Gilmore will discuss the Human Relations. which was sponsored Momentarify blinded when his bdthorne, ",lham P•. Leto. 0: 10:" ~al- close co-operation now exi~ting be- hy "The Children's Fund of Yichigan."I .• _ was Imockld over his eyes by a playfulfour, James G. Sm't~. of 9~1 ~olt~ng. t,,'een the federal bureau of in\"estigas Doc\or Schwartz is at present consult. SKATING MEET 'child in the rear seat. Julian Coren, ...ham, s....ntho~y A. Dehe, of &59~otll.ng. tion and veteran organi7.ations in the ing neuro-ps).chiatrist at Harper and !of SlKl7Chalmers avenue, Detroit, toW~am. Franc.s C. Su1hl'3n. of 981 ~ot. present battle against the aeti,;ties of '\'omans' hospital, consulting psychiats A --.il7 ..... -. Grosse Pointe Farms police that ...tIDgham. Bernard W. Parmeler, of 1467 fifth columnists at ",'ork in the t'nited rist of the consultation burcau of the •••• onoI Ioy .... c..-.. Poiaa. lost control of the ""heel lut Satur

o":a)'burn, Thomas P. Cole,?an, of 890 Statcs. Detroit Community fund, and extension Lioaa ... 1ata17 ..... will... day afternoon and crashed iDto tbeLIDcoln road, Jack A. ja",l1mer, of J3 This event, planned as a Washings lecturer at the (;n;,'ersity of Michigan. ...... s.~~ aI--, F .. ZZ, rear of a parked car 011 Lake ShonHawthorne. Ronald H. 0 Handlcy, (If ton.s Birthday part} •• "';11 also ",itness ------- .. LaIro St. CIairo at tile foot road in front of SI. Paul's church.1112 Lakepointe, and William J. !ver- a musical concert by the famed Red Aged Park Invalid ", LanIawI ....... ia tile City The owner of the parked car, WiI-!On, of 1235 Beaconsfield, Arrow Drum and Bugle Corps. Two Di . H . I ",c:r- Poiato. liam J. Nesbitt, of 1051 Yorkshire road.

henon, who ....as appointed as leader motion pictures, the official American ea m OSPlta It.- ...... _,. M .... at was in church at tbe time of the colli-of the group during the trip to induc- league baseball mo\;e and the .......men-I -- 11M N~ 0.1., Water- siort. Corey is employed in the A-ria-tion headquarters, had been employed can Legion Boys State," will be shown. ~riss Julia Rochford, &2-)'ear-old in. 100 at St. Clair .... at tile otfiee of 'Ition di\'ision of the Briggs Manufae-as an. English .and i?urnali~m teacher Roben BU::5, past comman,l~f of ':llia ,dIe .p ;;~t1! Fd,. I haJ b~~~ in II ~. F .... M-. 1... K...... turing company, Farml police Itated.at P'erce JUDlor hIgh school. Last Burns Henry Post, will sene as master Ithe custody of Mr. and !ofn. \\ ,n,aID I n1 - Dama~ was set at $110 by police altoThursday night, Pierce teachers pres of ceremonies. ~lonahan, of HZI Beaconsfield avenge. .. thorities.sented Iverson ",ith a portable radio These AmericanizatKln rallies, which i died early this ".eek in Se)"tllour hose - - _at a surprise Nr.t~ h~ld in the school. are free to the puhlic. are ~1"(lmMeOI ~i!al at Eloise. Michigan. Grelle P~;nte 'P I T P ,Humoro1lS f.slmtles IDc1urled a mock hy Ihe Le~on in an effort to foster a i Park pol,ce announced Monday a.ter- UZZ e hat aysdrum and bU!l;le corps completc WIth "one for all ~nd all for one" ,pirit of IMO('on.paper hats, etc. Ei!(ht ".omen teachers national uni:,'. Burns HenT\"s fir51 Polire ~lalerl tllat the innlid had Starts N-.nth Weekdramali'erl Ihe bus lrip from Gro"e nil" helrl eari, in Dccfmher .. fe~t:1terl :em1'C'nrily been remo)"ed fr0m thePointe 10 indllcl;on heao~\larter$ ;n a an 'aodre's hy. RaymC'nrl J. Kell~', pa'! I ~fonaha" homr. after both the hmhand ~.",hort side.'plitlin~ ,kit. Fr.nei~ C. S,II. . 1 d f h \ . ancl ,,,fe harl been f,,"nrl Ittli1tv by "The Puzzle That Pa., s cont .. t. ".hlch started ,n a Decemher u~ue of Th4I. . . nat,on~ c(lmman er ° t e . mrT1e~n 1 . ... . Gr"«e Po,nte Re",e,,'. h~~ r>roollcfrl hun<\r~ds of leller< from Renew readers,

h,~n was rccfnt~y presen!ecl ",:., a I.f"i"n and a well kno\\"n Detroit at- Town_h,I' .!u\(l(e \ ,ctor H. ~eRaeh lanrl ]u<lo::r' are ha,in~ a rI,ffl('ult t.,1,: delrrmming flri1r winner,.wn'l watch hr h" fellow em1'loycs al torney. "n recent charlles of '"!",Icallcn anrl La<t \\'rek', Re',,1T,-f'1r,! Ni>t, a. 5..1(1() merehan""e orrin on the Form.Ihe Rri",,,s ~lanllfaeturing com[lany. ------- dj-!tlrhin~ the peace. ;}eBackc ,ent.! Reer ~t()fe. \Iack ",'.nu. at \{rK,nlry, ha' hern ,,,.;rrled 10 ~lr-. H. P. Bri;r-

~c"t :\[onday morninlt at 9.lO a.m., NEW CLUB FORMED cneed ~{n. ~I(lnahan to -eT\C 20 da\"s' ham. (Ii 41\3 ~Inr.n r".t1. r:.nqe r"in!r Farms. :-:cc(lnrl :,rl1e. a $200 merchandIse10 draftees compri,inlt Board 57's Call in I;,C De:r"'t I!"u'e of Correction .. II "crier (In thc I inr'ln I!i!(hw".,' .T"r Company. I~Z21 Krrchen! a,.enu •. has beellX 3 .It h . d I rl C II ~ 4 '11 ~f' ~'S' f T' 0' l~ h . \1 """n oy ~{r'. J. C. S~"e. "f It" Tkrlf",rI r(l>rl. (or,,"e T'''lnte Park. Th:rd pr;,,,. (I. '" e In IIc:, a. • 0. '" • echng on I"e n"t un<:lay0 e,:erv, Mr ''''',\Car-"" "."m~n. w ° I' . rs. a. ~1 ,"0 menhandi .. ",rlrr (In the Rernrlt (;I;\,s C"mpan)'. 14.;27 Ea't JcffersOllltake O)"fr 40 men. ,tl, Ileltf\"cd. m"n:h. the personnel c,f Gr,,"e r",nle i ~l~nahan' sker. "ad hern c"nfined to >)"enu•. WITThe rrrei"ro ~~. Fa" Frrry, "j 3+; ~eff rqj.d, Cilv of Grossc Pointe.

------- \\"oods' p"lice anrl fire rle1'artmfnt_ re-l." unhe.ted berlr,,"m "ith a double .\11 w,nner, ,\111 Il. mililf<l the;r mrrrhan<li~e (lrMr-. -LOCAL YOUTH JOINS CLUB centlv Mltanized a social and athlrtlc II"rk ., lhc Beacomftcld residcncc. po, Anot"e~ "Puzzle That Pa ..... "i1\ he fOI1,,<1in this is<ut Tn iumh!ed form.

\V. Arthur Staub. of Grn<se Pointe clob: bec qid the pU7Zle eonlam, the namr of one ad'.er:lScr i"und he1"v.. the 1a'.'Ul. tht:P k 1. d 0 ~ d' . . adrlre .. of another. and the telephone nlJ:oner of a : lird ad,.eniser. X" numeralar .. was recent y aPlloTnte a m~ms n ~'In a, morn,n~. Feb. 9. Ihe ne'" ------- M letter mav be uvrl twice in the fin!!in", of the correct <"Iution. enlangle theht; "I the German club at ~Itrce"b"r~ !l"r,,"1' elrctrrl Iw" "fj;cen. Lawre"ce SOCIAL MEETING 1'1l771. anrl "in a prire .'\'11 let'er< .,,<1 nllmeral< mll<t ~. lI;ed .\cadem':, fla. ' \lhrrl. [lor';"en:. >nrl C"rt Rene'. \CC-. ~{frrhandjse pr;res ".ill he a,,'arrl.rI f"r a 1'eri()<j "f 16 ".etl" tn the first\f; ......v,h]<.. 1h('" (,i\n r,- \tr. .::Inr1 \!~,. -r~.:tn' -.f>,-l t~"~':lr~r. Rr"'~h m"n "'i(" j Tl,1'" :\':TP,r[r":< Ci7'cl('" n~~I,l~l("'r.t\f ~h'l"'l"'e ("(\n1t',.t,:lln1~ ~.h'l c'lhmit tht ('I"lTrtc:. nl".:t:!"q. :Inri m("l<C;t ('\n~ir"al '1:"11:1-

r: LimC'r :-:l't~l~ nf l.~.~j Thr('e' \rnr ..,r';,lT11tcr f)7't'i'.('n. Thr- m("lT',11,. ",:::d',_ T"l,,.'b ,~,'l -:"',",1~ ;l ('''''(1~1 f:".("rOi'n, nn tl~n it' tht r-:l77.1t .H"",,.\,..,.. n", -'-:tt.~;" ~"""\ ...~~~. ('I'" C'1 m:'t. ('If O:-1R1tUlI V~• , • • • I • • . . I.~ ~""'. I "OJ~J!l('n m,,\" hr. 1t \\:Il not h~\~ if: r""'anc(" tl"'l \"11 ,:rl1!"'Q ,I .~ C"('lrre(~.cLl'.r.:- ..11~} 15 .aJ::.o.a member 01 ~hclr:-"~~: .1"-c re,', in Lie \\O(ld~ m";nl(l. ,I'''''I.-i~ ... 1"'\ ('l"ln:;:-. tr-. ....l. ~~ (,ann!"1 &..l.J I '.T. r . l' rEd' "Th G P'

R ~ • "I . .. I :'\\l'lr~c.~ :ll an,,\- tr~ tt' rt ':n.t i::4t :n (, Itor, e rO'lSt oaa.adlO club. pal bUlJdlng, ~Iac" avcnue at ADita. I R,enard r.ad, ;\m,:y at Parl.\l~w. Re\Je)'o.• 15121 Ke:che,.a~ GrosJe Po.nte Park, Micb.







POL!TlCIAlfS PLEASE NOTEn. brirw .... _ .-...&

'IritIl. tile er- P.... P.kca..-,. A••• ILtiea .. ..,..... au • s' , ... k " ..

.~ ....... ~ .....~~ ..~~:............. *";.J-fr<'s.......... A ..... iIrtiio&t .....

... 10F va- Ii.W • at..- An '... .,....w.t, _........ .... _ "'" T....&a7sUPt. e-. Ii... _ .. MIi-tai.I ill Jut ....... Reriew,W........ atatM, "If ,.. ... t

too M fair u-t it, ,.. aIa-W......,. priat tIoia reply.". Of~ _ ... t to be fair, ......... ia a -..w.... aIICI it Iwaita fer _ .... !-£e-. I

$*Xl per year. A check-up of villagerecords .hows that P. V, Heftier. viII-ale attorney, is ilOilo'being paid $1,800per year. Election expense of the Parkil shown to be $iSO per year for twoelections. Village records show that the1940 primary Ind annual villa&,e elec-tion. actually cost $1.S8Z.46,

A claimed revenue of over $10,000from the intangible tax is sbown toactually total I~s than $3.soo.

The statement that an efficient pa-lice radio in the Pa.rk could be operatedfor $1.000 ~ year. is meetill&' witbskepticism, Iavestigation .bows tbatmost cities lilted on the back of thecircular. showin&' reduCed election COlts.they are DOW" Uling voting machines,whicb COSt considerable money to in-staU oriiinally.

Spoataneous action of Grosse PointePark voters has resulted in the for-mation of the Grosse Pointe Park"Minute Men,N a temporary organiza-tion set up to present facts regardingthe proposed plan that are not beingtold by the Citizens'Association. Offi-cus of the new anociatioa a.re: J, Dun-ton Barlow. chairman; Ervin AlEes,secretary and treasurer. George Kretz-schmar, Henry Bl1Ilepp. Dr. WiUiamJ. WatkiDs and Fred Kroha, membersof the hoard. A pennanent orpnizationpLan is bein&, drawn up. and aa edu.cational program is in progress to pre-sellt clearly all angIel of-the proposedcity plan.

Wood. Commi .. ionAgainat TemporarySchool Addition

Neil BI... o, .. _ of tileCitr of GroNe PoiIale, baa an'__ tII. clay. for tile 1"1Bo.roI of Rniew .. Maa-do :J-4.

EacJo .~, two day. Nt

.... for tile ...,.,.. of .;,.. the •• __ to compiW by

tha _. The BlIUd of R••9Mw will .. eet .t t1.. cit" office, ,

1715tMa_ agen-. between"tI•• hoan of ':31 aM 11:31 .......1:31and .:. p ..... For th_"'. j

fi... it ilM:OIIlftllimt dvm, tbe ,cia", thera win M e""in, .....n I.. Itoth nicll .. from 7 to • p.... t

Blonden ltat_ "nte..la" that ,loa will weko_ the opport1anity It. n-plain the u-esl_lIh tot1i_ ....... to who "";Ih to .nil ttltamoatna of thia aclnll~"

_. • =- -= ., ... - --..... _ J

At a meeting held last Tuesday nigbt,Grosse Pointe Woods' village commis-sion passed I resolutiol\ disapprovingof any temporary addition to Masonschool on Eight Mile road near Mack.

After the meeting. a group of spokes-men stated, "\Ve are agai"st any tem-porary frame or portable addition toMason. We feel we are a permanentlygrowing community, therefore we de-sen'e a permanent addition to ourschool building."

When informed of this step We~nes.day morning, a board of education offi.cial remarked, "We han been consider-ing a type of pre. fabricated addition tofour elementary sc!loob, but nothinghas been done as yet."

EDITOR'S NOT,&.:..Thefollowiaa'~icle was .. ubmitted to The Reviewby the "Minute Men.N an orpniA-tion of Groue Pointe Park residentlwho are opposed to the Citiuns .u.lOCiation'. plan tl) chaqt the Parkmto a city fonn of coverumeut.

:VOL 16-No. Z1

w. • It0.... w- r ,.......... e-w•• .a, ,. 0.-

1ST .....

Park Re.idents Form NewOrganization OpposingProposed "City Plan"

-..------------._ ..,....

.. ..............A Pi ;iwt ~<P;"te residart

appeared uIoaa the .... e1eded as of-idals of the llicbipn 1llIparuaent oftbc R.acTe Army Offica'. usodatioaat a twlHIay eoaftlltioa beld in theFort SbeIbr hoIel last week.

llaj. Henry W. Jones. of 1371 Whit-Itier road, Grosse PoUIte Park, was_cd senior vice.president. llaj. Le.land N. Jones, of Eut Lansing, waseJected pruident to SDCceed Lieut.-CoLArlo A. Emer)', who bas resumed Ictiveduty.

Ovet' JOO olfiter. atteaded tbe COlI-

ftDtion Ind chosl: SaBinaw :sa the sitl:for tbe lUInnal state convention in Kay.A militlry dance aud baDqUel cloSedthe fe.tivitie..

Henry P. WiJJiamaDies At Age of 58

Opposition to the proposed city planfor Groue Pointe Park, sponsored bythe Otizeu. Alsociation, promises to&ssame trtmendOlls proportiolU beforethe llarch 10th electiOll, when It wiUbe voted OIL

Last week, petitiona beaded "A Dec.Juatioa of Protest" received wide tir.ca1ation, and hundreds of voters havJreaistered their disapproval of the citypropoaitioa. The petitions empbuiz:eoppo&itiOll on fiTe COUllts: 1. Rush tac-tics of the .ponsors. 2. Fear tbat thischua'e is an initial atep towards an.lleatiOll of tbe Park into the City ofDetroit. 3. Threatened IosI of township'health lad poJic:e radio services. 4. Lackof assurance. that economiel c.:ln bededed without loss of important pub-lic lei' ,ice DOW rt!HIet'ed by the town-Ihip and 5. Lad: of knowledge of com.plete facts by IpOIlJOl'l of the citypJan, u C\'idenced by their public ut-terances. '

ThIs -k, Gl'o$se Pointe Park wastOoescd with mail drcuJars by tbe Citiz... ' Associatioll, ucla &l;cOlDpallied by• IOIidtatioll for feds. . F OW' palres*'" cIeYoted to facts ed figures.

..:J'hcse c:ireub.ra bne I1'OII5cd a Itorm.of protat. as it it dsuKed they eoatain8IaIIT iDacc1Iracia or wilful dillortio!l., tratllful facta.

All ulltt'tioll iJ IIIlIde that the -riIlageattonie:y or the Park u nOW" beina paid

Het!.'7 P. WiUiams, prominent .sa-Jear-old GrDsse Pointe Farms residentand Detroit civic leader, died suddenlylast Th1Il"sday morning in his home at~ Provencal road.

Born in Detroit and educated in thecity's public schools, Williams had longbeen associated with the real estatebusiness and ",as serving as secretary-trelllurer of the Williams Land com-pany at the time of his death.

A few of the many civic posts heldby Williams included vice-president ofthe Detroit chapter of the AmericanRed Cross, a member of the vestry ofSt. Paul's Cathedral, a director of the I'Detroit Community Fund. a member ofSophie Wright Settlement and theY.'oman's hospital, and a member ofthe board of trustees of the UrbanLeague,

WiUiams also was a member of theDetroit Athletic club. Bl00I1l6eld HinsCovatry club, Detroit Boat club, andthe Goontey Oub of Detroit.

Funeral services ","ere held at 2:30p.m.. Saturday afternoon from St.Paul's Cathedral. \\'ood~rd at Han-cock • .,,;th burial in \\'oodlawn ceme-tery.

Sor\"h'ing are his ,,;dow. Elrna. Men.nfn. Ihrfe ~On!. Hentl' P. Jr .• RichardE., and G. Mennen; a ~i~ter. Mr!. Vin.cent S:ork. and 1"0 brothers, RobertC. and Charle~ c.. of Pandena, Calif.

CORRESPONDENT SPEAKSAt a meeting of the Detroit ,....dcnft

club in the Hotel Statler on Monday,Fell. 17. Quentin Reynold,. nteran!l.".~t'ap.r ma.n and corre,pondent. told BRIDCE • TEAa capacity crowd of his e"periences in Tie Archconfra:.~rnily of S!. OareFrance durinR the Xazi 1940 we,tern par. ;~. Grv;.'~ ;\,inte Park. "iil 'ponscampai",n, c"lminat:n~ in the French ~or a hrid,;re-tea in Ihe Ern't Kern• "rrender. He ai,,, talkerl at lengih on a:;d,tori"m "n T"c,rlay aitfrnoon. Feh,Rrili 'h bomhinll'< Ily tile German air 2,;. ot 2 p.m.f"fa. the "l'n~l,,"ns of t'1e RA.F .. ~nrl ~Ir~.. -\ Klcffmon, d B1I"king""lllB, ,I1'h CJ<periencl: wit n American Ir(lari. and ~{r<. 1\. ~Iccsla. of Ba!follrplanet. road. are co-chilrmell,


Page 2: 0 It ,Qt~~,,~rO~~t JPoitt )RtUitlll - Grosse Pointe Public ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/41/1941... · local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary;


Thursd.y. Jl'ebruuy 3), 194J




16126 wi W."en.at BedfordPbo~h Ualu.IIUtaDed.

r>l,ollOlflJ1n. Howard RocordiafDiles. Needlea

Gresse P:oiQ.le Rderene ..

DerlODa1lncomeTuR.tunu Made Out

TU. 2.3185 After 5 pal

00 i't NOWIThe F ederaJ lOYetmilCllt will thlngea11 "dio ... tlon freq utilc:ie. }(arcb29, Tim mUDI that you MUST havead;ustlJlntl Oli Jour plI,h. buttODtuniq. Wake In appoialmeDt NOWfoc' this ~ervice I




If YOU Are IoteNlteclln '




At EiPt O'Oock


J!9pd.Cleaning'''e'' J).Y'lf'~!-'"


I A. M.......s...Iq ScI-l (Priaa-

I rJ....cIlwcIs .....I p,M....a.-eIs -.lea.... P ....... W...... ,. ..... 1..---R...... 11_ .... ..... ....,., 11..... Ie' Po ia.-hacIa, , •• Po ..!-I~-.

11M Public Is CordiaDy InYited to Attend


A fuD report of tIIi. l«tan wm lie ,..mt... in11MCrollC Pointe Review of llsarada,. F.. %7.

M..... ." die ...... ef Lec-"'Ip ." no. a..nIl,n.P'lnt CIlweII 01arial, sa-ticIe, II... ••• lei

First Church EdificeWbitemore Road At Second Boulevard


EatitW--a.nm- so.c.: Itl• nm.. on.- _ o,enti..-


Tuesday Evening, February 20, 1941

., 1lAltc:L\ !fETTINOAlthoqta the rtcordJ distribute4 t~

the Wiehipn Caauaittee for WIISicAppreciation dott't llIIIIe tbe artistl, theclarity aael maatery of tone is lltVer.Ihele ... as!ly diatiqvished.

Take. for Lastance, the powerful coo-densed "(lion of Waper'. "Loben-fria," frOlll &be exquisite strains of"E1.a'. Dream. tl) the revelatiOtl of"Ia Fortip Landa." Thr01lllhout the"DrelUD," the fairylik. straias of the"Prelude to Ad '" are heard. The DatstIec:tioa ia the recorc1ed ftfsioa of theopera is the, "Kill's Pra,.er," a 11ftIJId nr:r statel,. RIifjoua aria, to wbichthe other notables and Loheaaria hi.-Jelf as weD ••• fiDe llIea'l chorus adda word. Th;, poruOll of lhe opera IudaiDtO tbe areat final. to Ad L

la thit aectioa, for the 6rst lime, oaefeela that a fuD I,..phoar i. DOt pla,-inll. Th. ehorus work is COIIIplete, how-enr. to evtry detail. The hich aotelthat Elsa sinr. are aabelienbly clearalld fuU i.a this, one of the IDost stir.rinll parta of the erea t Genu. opera.

Becau.e of it. sU,btl,. IlIIaller iJIl-portance as hr as llIusic;ol arias .recoacerned, the second act of the operaia Dot recorded, bUt the music goesfrOlll the Fillale of .....ct I directly to IhePrelUde to Act III. Thil prelude illlrolNbly one of the but knowli andbest loved of th~ mu.ical lIlilJterpiecelfrom the pen of Warner. It. Itirri",and vigorous hannonie5 diminilll at th~chorus lin!r' the Irlditional Flnd..lChooru., By this time, Eha, unheedinllthe .. arllingl of the plo11inlf con~pira-tors a.ain.1 t~t throne. marr't~ Ihe filleand handsome Lohenlllin ....ho firJt .....~

I I.:no,,'n to tilt fon",..trs of Henrv T a,he came d.,..,.n 'h .. ri\'~r in I smail boatdra"'n 1>, a Ilea",i!,,! ...hil .. "un,

On th« bank of the ri ... r. Elsa ""asb~inl &Cculed of Ihe murder of herIlrother. Frtdtric1c, lIom .he dear Ivlo,'ed Tht are"' ..r r..al" an ""tIT':,,, th~ 1cinill, h"t hi, kind 'rf' ice to lhtROlal HlIrhnr', m.d .. hi ... ''''" .ea;)t .• hl .. ,,, .11. "'t!! t~, Irm or of :he IItr&IliU, 9o'bo UIIl1leduttlJl feU ill Iov'


Will of Auto Pi_ •• ,Probated in Court

CoIl... StudeDb PI.:PIaF to Liae FuDda

Detroit S)'ID~ Near' \with 11I.i, till llOIllIpirator .... aIlOt_ hia'it '10:'7 ud. hard achi~~eat - L.n..... Fire ChiefN--i. to t W-_I- obstaclo In ll4 MlJllle of II•• 11lr0ll.. (rolll belDl' 1doli.led by auUioas bere H~--~ At p.......-. .. .. at. -.; Au wllea LohotJllfin ww'" !:Ita tba.t and abroad, dal\ciaC at Emperor Hira- v~ _ ..,

, - , .ia.,wd Ibe q_tioa fl'OlP wheace be l1ito'l Coronation in Japan, at the Tbe Southe .. 'er:a .l.Iichipa FireThe DetrOlt S}'tIlphOllY orchestra WIll eame, he Ihould have to tet...... tbe Metropolitan in New Y,ork witb St~ Ch' I

-... v- Ie " A5iocia~ioa, presided OYer byeDIet the aut to the 1111 wMIl of III cOlupinlor ~ hlaMlf u,m,' t kowski cOllductin" and 111 the priy~te Edward 1. Rector, Grosse Poiate1940-<41 IUIOD witb the coaeerts of tunt the fa1tb of the Yot!.. bride.to- theatres Ind 5:&IOIISof the elf1e, be P;ork's assisl&llt ehi'ef• boaored relir.We4aelday af&eraooa Feb. 3lS, .114 be. ElM, bowem. was lII1touehed, IIId turned 10 the diffieYlt Iile of ~hc Ira vel- iIIA' clUer Huea Dclb. of the Laaaia.Satu.r4&, morai.atl aDd' SaturGaY llicht. plan. ler tbe we4cliq coatiaued. When ing baUet muter. lire clepartmea', at a puty b!lW at Cot.M...cll L OIICe in the bridal cham_. the "Irid- • Ifr's T.".,., Woodward at 12 KiI,

Vi.tot Kolar wUl coaduet all three at IhItl" tella cf the -biliIr El .. Colleetion Of CI••• ical road, last Thurlday ~aiq,F.b. 13.pt'ocUml, with Edith Rhetlt Tilton qUe'tiOllin,. her ~.,. LoIa~ ~, Reeorclt Prove. Popular OYCl' SO drieis Hd their IrieDds at.Itcllll'iaa at th. Wedoesday dletnooa hard to. 4isc?Ur.,. her llkiq h," teaded tbe pitty, aDd Bob. Hall pre--aDd Sa.tarday -.ornin, perfor&a.llce.t, ~ hIS berlt .. e ~ut ...... Eisa... A library ef recorded Illude, which leatil! the ",etlina'. principal speeeb.Thele .ill be tile final procralll' in th' .111. to hear" he tella her all, the dU- Chid Delf. was m&4e III hOll«llY lif,~trit. of free COIICerts for scbool chil. t101ure me;onll\&' IMt he .lIst al oltce was .tarted at Ihe firsl of tbe year, I. member of the ",oeratioa. H. 11&0rC'"dielt, tbt Yoaltl People'l CDl1cC!'tSand return to hia home pd 110 10aIrer re- now provinll' to be 0I'l* o! the Ill".l ceived • Ufe lIIembershlp ar4 !Ii theIh, pop profrllllS. lD&ia with her, POPUlar len'lces whicb the Grosse I laltru.a1ioual Fire 'Chiels' AUQciatioa.

AaAOllncelllent hiS beell made that Here follow, the ell.knOWll tenor Pointe public: library i, oft'eriq 10 iu A joiat lIIeelilll' 01 Ihe Southeasteraat lh, orcbettn'a lut COII«rt of tbe aria, .~ .Foc~u x... Tbia is the patrons. Chich' auociatioll and Ihe Detroit fireaeasort. th, pe.t coaductor wiU be I.. t se tiea UI the reeotdtd ytrPoa. ~f dop.rtlllent OJric:cr.' club wi1I be heldTauao Huaikaine • .Doted Fi.aiiD art- the opera bIIt the ,tory doe, aot end Fer a .mall rentlll fee phollOffaph at tbe Fort Shelby hotel oe Thursday,ill, .ho led tbe 1)'1lI~hony ill three COlI- he!e. Wllea Lobelllrin tel:. hi, sl,d records mai' bc borro'wed from the n- March 20.cutl ia -'-'-Dee-bu. This concart I" bnde, Elsa, that h •• a, Hat b7 PUll-_.- ~ braty. The purpose of the eoUectiOll IIcbeda1ed 'or ThU,.da, ui,ht. Wareh fal from the Holy Grail, wiler. Ile i.I •6 ud the procr.m will be 4... otcd to bitht. lie prepara to take IW leave is 10 alford an opportunity 10 hear the• . of'" ~ ... - "'- th '.... k bul. Dllllic, aad it abo il beio, UINthe ..... 0' Wiper Bralua. ,ad 51. we ~ ..' UII e ..... nyv _II.

beliUL I ,bat welcoeaed hia 01& lib IIIrinl, 1.0- by tho.e ....!lo wi'h to hear records inFutari.q an fiv, of the recordi .... beqria diIUt Iuto bia ..... ~W1l order to decide whether or aot to pur.

maele b,. the Detroit $)'laphon:r for boaL 0IIce .. H rnull tIq ilorribl' chase them for personal Ust.

Oceca last Ipri.... tbe orrh'l'ltra ....m wit~ft 01 .... eoaspiratotl .... the An atteDlpt il ~ina ~ade to cor-pla,. 0IIe of the aealOft" IDOIt 1rlIa.uat beallliful .. hite s.aa tlll'Sl iato Elsa', relate the collec:tlOll WIth prOl'J'UliPD9 coanrtI Sa.trda,. nitht. The in belov~ brother, Fre4erieIl. I.oheoeria Iplayed b, the Detroit Symphony. 10

workl wiD be played u recorded uDder ridel OGt of aiI"t, teavina beb1Jld bim. it wiU afford concert goon aa oppor-Kolar. Rouiai, Onrture to the Opera, an Eba, .. cl ia llte cleparture of her f tuait)' to become familiar with the DlU_"WiII~ TeU"; Griq, PHr Gyat lonr, but IIappy ia the r.lara of her sic beiq played. So f;or, 106 rel:ordsSait_WonWta Wood. AIt's Datil, brother. ~~ve beeD ~rrowed for home lilt.

Aaitra'. Daaee, Arabian Dallce Sot- R-u- -H-oocI---.-aU--et Aaou.m05t III 4ema~ ha,-e been:n_'s 5001 aDd Ia the Hall of the UIIIII Slepben Foster Album; Prokofieff,M_tala KilII; EIIII(.O, Firlt !loa- Will Appear. At "Peter and the Wolf.; TsclWkoY5ki.

Warnrore c:oIltp .... flIb are t&k- muiaa Rhapsod" in A K.;.; Rim. D! L_~ __. H,.-L "Nllt<:racl<er Suite"; Rimsk)'-Korsakov,m, .. Kti'" tart ia prepar.tion. for ~-Kor .. kolf. Symphonic S.u it e, r .... oRIIUIJI!"'"D "Sche!'.c.~d~ - ~j'myhUll'y Suite."tilt eiPth .. val scIk4ar,hip,la, to be "~de," Cp. 35 (~. aoIo, Amoll, the recent additioD. 10 thepea 0IlI th~ ca.-pa, Feb.. 21 au zz. II,.. ScllltolDilc); Herbert, ~ Few eomPQiea 01 utiltl art the reo coIledion art: "The Kikado," GilwrtThe proclDctioa, whicb is open '0 tM Futur. SIIIt of 10 c:arefal a teIectioe at the and Sullivan; "Sonata in A M.jor,"pnbHc. is rina eacb 7eaI' to raiIc $1,600 "'Our WodenI Orcheltra" it the lUll. Ill1lior Proaraau Bt.Det ~11", Fnnck; "Symphon,. No. 7 in E Ma-lor ICholauhip fu". , jed of, the Satur~! IIlOI'Diq !"GSt'.... hadecl by EdwlD Sttawbridl'e lael VIT- t ior," Brud::~er ~ "~ytDphony No~ 5 in

Two eVniiq performanc:ea wilt be at whieb ~tiOII. lu!unna per. " Willea' whidl wilt -< th E Flat MaIOI', Sibellus; and Sym~liven Feb. 21 ~d 22 at 8:30 p.1II. in CIIssiOll iastnmseau. will be played. For ,ulla .' , ...... orm e phOD:r No. 6 ill. B Miaor," Tscluikov-the coUete alMiitorium. A matiaee per. the fir.t time ill the Igq biator, of the ballet Robillhood bt.ore a ;yoathfll! au- 5ki.fOl'1lllACl wiD lie liyell t:ridar aftu- Yoaq PeopLe', concerti a cymbalUIII dience at Pierte ]uior ItlP school (II!

IIOOD at 2::30 PoIII. for IChooi children soloist will be: prcaeated. His Dam. it Saturday, Warch I.attalCliq lmasaculate Heart of Wary Frank Garbtr tile!. be is a metllber of SponJ:Ored b, the Pierce ~A, the5Cboo1a ill tbe dty. OtIe of the IDOIt popular down-rivu prQll\lCtIOtlW'iU be llyn by JIWOI Pro--

Th.. ~ win coasist of • three- HIlIIprial! Gyps" on:ootJ:a .. He will trIllIJ, lac«porated, IIItioaaJ a_.• ct .)'ItCl'J' pia", "Ia tb. AnIIa of tht play ,.pvap of llnaecocapaniell, slllot c~erdal,..,C7Of of '""",cd elll•La ...... ,wen b,. Itudents in the clra- for the cymbalulll, la in.tnJmellt t=t tl!!'1!1entertailatllt for the )'OUIII.matic, elepartment, aad Nearo .pirituaJa ~ appuraace resembles the ~d.tiau The COltctrt IIld duee stage, as weD'Ull. by IIIt1l1bers of the Glef:' dub. .pinet piuo, the '\:rinc' 91 which, bow- U 'the tbea~ ...ere eare~lI)' combed

------ evCl'. arc ,tl"1lell: by felted hllllJllers ia to 6a. artIlta who combiac daDdn,... -e _ ...... the bao4r of the perlOl'lllera. witb ac:tina azul paatOllliM aIllIity. It ~

co.- P -.r_ ------ 1111 lIltUSaal trouP O'f attnctiYe ,oang'Padic Authority mea alld WOilIftI who wilt display their1" "Hot CZ-6a" virtl108it, '" ~ to IHe ill 1Il0\'e-~.,... ....pvt.e Dlent, poelr7 _. __ ODe of the

be.t loyed 1tGrie. ill litentare. Ev.,.All the "hot spots" of the Pacific 'lVt1l member of tbe cut .... bora and traUt-

be Yislted III natul"lll color 1lI0tion pic:- ed io bis art in tbe United Stlt ..~. tie-ture. at t!le Detroit' Inotitute of Arts, spite their )'OIlth. aearly an of thelllWClOdwafd at ltirby, ftai SlIII.day 'ft- had profes.Hoaal SUCCtu in N_ York~.,- ...... at. J.~, NI-o."tt .. an4 othet- ~ ceaten of tile COUDtQ'"&, tt."...JJae,' _~ tr,artlbr .uacI ~1lfe .~, ,,-!-an~-

allthont1 011 J'aciic .!WI .~11 ~ damet hlator, by btiItsina bafter ~"Qrcle of Fire _ 25.000 llHea Around' c:hiWnD ud- ~- folk ill aJJ. rtaioMtbe Pacitic. . of tbe country in the lonjtst &lid wid-

The motion pictlU'el will include Ih. est-rall(ed toar o~ any profeuioIIaJ bal-Iut coloced pU:t1A'CS to COI.IlI 'ovt 01 lei con;aPlnY daDcina' t~y_ •Japan, cloH-ap. of Shangbai, Hona'- _ E/hVln Strawtlricla'~, pnnapal dancerkoBe .nd Sinppore, a COIIIIprehen,;ve a~d chorcOIRpher, IS largely respoll-pictorial llItTty of 1..... ud tour, of $Ible for tbe asaembly of the JlIlliQlthe P1IiIiPPilla, Gaam Ind HawP. Line ~r~ BaUtt COIIl~", ODe ,of tbe'W'IlI aradll&tcd frllGl the Univer.ity of l<>r'jR~l apon,eDII ~4 teachers ~ theIiicbipa in 1928 and has beea travel. dance III Amenc:a, setoa of aD emmelltijnll &l'0UIIc! the world sinct that time, fa~ily of Revolution." .tock. Straw--Jdnc documentary 1Iloti0tl pictures ot bndge u a boy outdanced pupilsforti .. Iuds. trai.oed from chi~ in Russia's 1m-

Thil motion pictllre lecture II- SpoD- penal ballet to ~t hiS ltart, ud thensored by the World Adventure' Series, went 011 to ~tehed .trialllpbs u athe Iect;ure coune at &be Detroit In- male. dancer ,m co~lnes Ibroucbootstilute of Art.. the ....orld. Ria. hll IleftI a Ul'C!!' of'

The fin;oI1\;11 of C, Harold Willi, aa.tioually fUlled aut~i1'C p10lleer ladchemical ,enius wbo died 011 Dee. .10,was admillecl. to PI'Ob-te ill 1uqeThOlll&I C. MlU'pby'l toart Ialt .... kwith the widow, two 1OftI, aad a _r-ried daUlhler .barillC ia the estate.

Josepb W.llb, Fred Eo WcC!eaf}',and Will.' 'Nill wen lI~ed Cl)oftecu.tors of the auto ..... t ••• eatatc. .. bichis believed "coa,iclerabl .. " Accardl., tothe provi.ion, of the ....iII. lln. llar:rC. Will" the widow, receive. aJl per.sonal eRects 'IIl'ilb the relllaillder even-ly diwided betwccn beneU and the two1Oft1. C. Harolcl, 1r ... nel lob.. C. WiJIa,1Iotb of Grone Pointe Shore .. A dau,P-ter, 'Wr.. Virriaia Nestor, of GronePoiate, has beell bequulhed $100, at-torney. stated.

Wills, wbo sllCcumbed at the ... of602, had been u,i,tina in fOYU1UIIentII&liona.I detetlH work lIP _iii thelime of his deatb. He WII but Imowtlfor the Wil1l-St. Clair. autOlllObile,which he lIWIuflcture4 ill a pfaat .tW...,-mlle, Wich~ .04. u ........,ofFord CDn from 1903 to 1919. Willa'paid.. "s OIIe 01 the few Detroitckatba eYer recorded in TilDe .....aiDe', uchuiYI obit.,. Ml:tioG.

'r' ..'~...• ' r


Om e.



Fast Deliveries


...-e Two

To POntiac Owners in 1be Poinlet We Say - CaD On Us For


Calvert Pontiac, Inc.15210 MACK AVE., ne.ll' Lakepointe - TU 2.0220

Groae Pointe Park


"Ve .extend to all our Friends andCtistol,ilers heartiest appr~iation

.tor the splendid reception ac-corded our Grand Ope~ing,

Friday, February 14th

Pic~ering's Beauty StudioIii.C•• '~ ..;.. w";'" (Ia ...... ...,) .m...~

FIae,eSIdU uRequiredDN,..-, No Sub.lit.,." .'~rEsperiMu •••

Freak LaDie PlateSeeken Fruatratedlb.New State Rule

TIIa~. why your .i.it to Pic:kering Beauty Studio win repayyou. twc>foTd. You will benefit by Miu E1catlor Carnes' mor~tbu 16 year. expertDe'l ia ber ptofcuioll,

;'_'~ :~ ..CatHs ~ .in balr tilltiaa:, and Wiss PickeriDC' man,~~. _. Ja£IS ;. .beallly work (whick ittcludet 10 ,.ears' permanent wave detllOJl-

ItratioIl work) qaality her U &II ~rator of distinctioft, you 'caa rtadilyMe how ,..,. Bt:agty ProWaIt will he eaail)' solved by tbis combina... of a1liII ueI ~



sev~raJ buren have toIyecl the problemby 6a4iq Ollt ~x1mately tb, timeth~ de.ired plate witt ~ liP La th,reguLar ord~r of bu~ineu anel havecamped at a cashier's ""indow rudy to

Many and devious are tht' .chemes step up at the right momenl. Ocuaion-.~ by l.hchiaa. car OWlIeu 111at.' ally, IWOperaons have $Ouant the same. , nWllber, and wilen it arrived haveteIIIpti to escape the rule eHablished 14».ed coin. fOf' poiselSion." IIarrJ " KeU", .ecretary 01 Itat.. ODe hopeful citUea, Oft trail 01 a eer.t_ aU Kellae plate. mutt be lold ill lain allmber. practkally lived in tb..-.rical onIC1' 011 the ba.is of lint Wooclwrard ayehllA olice IQI>three 4&yl.coee, 'ht served. Oe the thil'il day. with Ihe plate b.

:~ .lieeJlse plata BOW .are II1Iiform. souaht abotat 20th from the top, he de-wnla two Idten ud fOW' aualerala. ci4ed to step 0111for a cup of co!et.at..,. aaotorists wlao for-.erly sported la the aut few miautel a rush of-.caUed !.rick plate., oftell bean... businen developed, alld whea lhe citUi.their initials and houle or phoae nua- ea r.turlltd he fouad tbat the coveted~, or some .'elrd and COdlasiJlc at. plate bad beea sold.eortment such II 101:.2, are noWell- Departmenl huds bave 'lady reo_verina 10 locate a serin. the Ieltert fllsed buaclteda of reqaelll tbat uttaiaof wbic:h ",ill aeree ...-itb their nlllle, plates be resened or that citiuas bead • nWllber .,.,jth four identical ~it., DOtilied ....be. the DUllleric.a1 sequencencll u 5555. neared t~e plates the)' clewed.

Inquiries continuaUy IKlUr into the ----~-,..sa OfflCC at salO Woodward a",aue, EDUCATOa IPEAQ

" .. to where a cerW:a letter Mriea iI C!w:les A. Pucclla, DetrGit invut-... CICl salt. In 11W17 iDltaac .. , the Hri" meal banker uel preaideat of tbe

, IOlIPt ia - salt in _ ofi'ice WI' up GrotH Pointe IIoard 01 eclllCatioa, co ••:: :~ .. HCI then! ue ... ,. wl:aacft ot ductcd • dilcuaaioa of ICbool iD&DCe

DlItI'llit 0WIltr1 traY'e.. "..t dU. at the Otizetli CoDfcrOft _ Educa.taaea to obtaill the plates tJIey.... tioe. at Luuiq !alt Tuesday, Pucel1l

GettiIIc • plate with • certa.iIt CIlllft- COIIdllcted,. aillli1ar roud-table lIMet-....... of --... is cIilIicuk, but m. lut ,.tar.

, ' ... --

Page 3: 0 It ,Qt~~,,~rO~~t JPoitt )RtUitlll - Grosse Pointe Public ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/41/1941... · local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary;


!'-Ire Thre6

16111~tk at devouhir.

DINEin a quiet homelike atmospherewhere no beer or liquor is se""e4 atanv lime. All women chef.. -

-The D'ULAC"DbUq Room

15511 EAST W .... REN:-;E.~R :-;OTTIKGHAM

•SPECIAL - EVERY THURSDAYR.... t Toub, SSeDilIaet' _ _ .

SUNDAY MENUHalf Rout ChieM _ .$J .

With Fresh Cranberry $;alICeRaul TIU'Irey ..._. ....~.-.,

With Fre'h Cranberry sauceR_I Sir!oi.01BeeI __.._...._._ ....Baked VirPJa 1Wn _ •Park C&ep. _ "-.;._ .IS.

AD Aft CD .,1 Ie .0--.'

read,. 'l'iJ.lted the plac:. p1etwed; bGtal&o to the thov6an4s who Dlast III&btheir ncatiou trip. throqli tbe'-riu,ri.OWl mUI1I of DlOUOU pictures." PietRltstated.

Let Time Go By !(Don't Miabehave!)

Spend An Hour TODig}ltWith AI Belgrave !

diatinctive poruaitaplus a' complete photo;:oraphic service

.paul 5 brown


D.!fablhl 5.... Mule «;)IITite H.. .-t ar.a.

Eu,o to, Park Nice AEt.r thoo Theatre I

Join in the Commeity Siqiq I

Your FacelaYour Fortune .• 0 •

tu. Z-8Z40

And fOUl' haP -17_ ... a lot to do in determDt..m. ita worth. Come ill rep.IarIy far ahampooe,ac:aJp b'eatweata aDd rm.eI.Jaklmec Beauty SalonLEo t23I III B...... 16eJd at Jdenoa

Now You Can. Learn to Dance JD .America'. Neweat and Fineat Stadioa

Enroll iD MW dueee lor ...., tJpe of ... Lieti .......the bewtiful.alodena home of the

ELA'IHE A,R'N.DTSchool O'f Dance-

FRIDAYANDSAlURDAY F.....,.21 .... ZZ.'P.t O'Briea - Job Car&eId ill Ru: s-a'a "FLOWINC GOLD-

s.t8nIaJ" 11 p.m. ......~ Jliel cl ill "'WHAT A LIFE"

WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Fe11nsu7 ..... 17.Iaa H1IIlter - Jolm w.,.. ill "LONG VOYAGE.' HOM~-

P~h& Judy TheatreKerc:henJ at Fish .. Road Nt. _

Vacation LectareSeriea Started AtIn.titute of Arb

-SUNDAY; .MONDAY AND nJESDA Y F~ 23,............'C!uk CaLle - ttedy l.a.ar? iD "'COMRADE X.. .

17441 Mack AvenueJOHN KERN'S BAR

NI.0235• ++Z'UCi_liWW G •• c bE




By SQUARE DEALOF COURSE!The quality of oar Clean-

lil iq it a b7word ill GroaN 15226 CL- 1 •; l=e~ ~j~Lwatch- LE.~~;vnnr I~~~~ws.~~~~- - -MULIER'S MEATS


STEWING CHICKENS • . , Ill. Z8cfANCYSIRLOIN STEAK • • • . . 1b", 43cLEG 0' LAMB • . • • • • lb. 27cCOUNTRY ROLL BUTTER . !b. 34«:,

Coqreaman RabautSubnnt.AunendmBentToNewWPABUl

Louis C. Rabaut, G~osse Polate', "Vacations are. luch an import&lllcongressman, who for the put two period of one', life that we feel. theyyears has submitted an amendment to sbouldn't be pbnned haphazardly," .aidthe WPA appropriations bill to ex- George F. Pierrot, director of theempt heads of families 4S ye;ars or old. World Adventure Series, the public:er from the IS-month automatic Ia)'off lecture I:r;lurse at the D..troit Instituteprovision, has presented his viewpoint of Artl, Woodw ..rd ..t Kirby, in tell.directly to Howard O. Hunter, the act. ing of the new series of motion pictureing commissioner of "'PA, it was vaeation tours. "Therefore, -v,'e arelearned today with the rele ... e of the bringing to Detroit the loremost trav-records of hearings on the urgent deli- eller.lecturers, men who are right ..tciency appropriation bili for 1941. home in the territory about which tbey

Silting with the House deficiency ..p- are speaking. These men ..re famouspropriations subcommittee befo~~ whic~ Inot only for their highly entertainingHunter teslllied, Representatn e ~a shows, but also for the authentic, Ibaut said, "We leelthat the WPA II a .. -'. .

I . h' h td ',f, I '1' worthwhIle IIlformahon they IIlchldeP ace In '1j\ Ie o. er men ';\ L.. ami If:S.. • •

could find employment. The objec:t of In theIr commentary that accompawesthe amendment ",as to give employ- the motion pictures.ment to men who cannol find worle and "Tbis series should be most attractive5Upport their families, so that the \VP A Ilot only to people who are planningwloUlhdb~comde availabled.for t"'Othse peno- vacations, and to people who have al-p e I at III "stry, accor lug 0 e ge _eral statements that are. made. is nowdisc:riminating against, because of cer.tain d::\'c:!opmenh GO:lpled with tbemodern tr"ud in industry."

Rabaut asked Hunter for his opinionon this policy, to which the acting COll1.

missioner replied, "I think thOlt as em-plo}'meut picks up we "'-ill endeavorIDore and more to employ that il'0up."

Both R~presentative Rabaut's state-ments and the reply are printed in theofficial document cont~ning a tran.script of the heuini's, so that throughhis questioning, Congre,sman RabOlutwas able to obtain the first authorita-tive statement concertiing future 'VPApolicy with respect to .older people withdepend ..nts.

The deficiency bill, which was p;assedby the House recently, approprated Ia total of $.375,000,000 for WPA duringthe tout.month period between !'brc:h1 and June 30, 194!.

Wood. Citizens' LeagueEndorses Slate of SevenPoHtiealC4ndidatea

The Grosse Pointe "'coda ClUuns'Lea~e, IIU organization representingimprcwement associations of the ~e,ba.s endorsed a list of undida.te, farthe seven village offices that will bevoted. upon at the comirll' March 10elec:tion.

The Citizens' Leag'..Ie is taking lLI1 ac.tive interest in the coming election.for the pUrpOse of aiding voters in se-lecting village 0 'eeTS who are e:xcep-tionany VI'ell q lified to conduct abusinesslike g ent. ....1Uc:h 1riiWOTk fOt' the t iDterctts of aU theredd~nts of Gr Ie PoIate. Woodi. _

A Citizens' LellPe spokCSllWl statedTnesday, "The qliali5catiolU of the foI~lowing candidatl!s hue be.. carefullyinvestigated and they ha .... the whoie-bea.rted support of the ~ COII1~

munity associations CXltI1prising theCitizens' League."

The League's recommenda.tiotls are:For nllage president, Alois A. Ghes-

quire, incumbent.For village commissionets, (thtee to

be elected) Paul ~farco. attorne}', i90Oxford road; William C. Gray, of 2158.Fleet\'.ood Drive, purchas.ini' depart-ment, Detroit Edison company; (rtorge~!. Burgess, of 1776 Se\'erl1 road, reose;uch department, :Maxon. incorpor ..t-ed, advertising.

For village a,sessor, Kramer 'V, Fal-ter, liOI Brys drin:. real estate man-agement department, Union GuardianTrtlU company.

For \;Uage clerk, Charles 'V. Hitch.ings, ",ith Parke Da,;s & C-o, for thepa5t 11 ~.e~1"s.

For village treasurer, 'V iII i a In

Wright, 1595 Anita a\'enUe. incumbent.

Gable, Lamarr InNewapaper stOry

Esquire Theatre ThiefPlaced On Probation

In "Boom Town," Hedy Lamarr ro-manced with Clark G..ble, but IQlt him,which prompted thousands of fans torequest Metro. Goldwyn • Mayer toput them together ..5 hero and heroineia another picture. The result i, "Com.rade X," an hilarious, adventuresomecomedy, which comes Sunday to thePunc:h and Judy Theater tor a three.d;ay showing.

Tbis 4 G..ble's first re ..1 rollickingc:omedy .illc:e "It Happened OneNight," IInd again presents him ..s ..newspaperman, this time a foreign cor-respondent in Russia. It also opens an~ field for Miss Lamarr, who goescomedienne, with no punches pulled,as a 'Moscow lady streel Cdr "motor-man."

The film opens wilh Gable "'earinga beard and uncovering scoops aboutRu,siall revolts and famines. It is cli-maxed by .. dizzy, funny-bnoe ticklingesupe in a So\;et army tank, after theOGPC hat disco\-ered that he is theBUi!ty reporter.

Miss Lamarr not only joins Gablein his duedevi1 escapades, but oftentops him. She has a rough-and-tumblefight with him, and with another girl,.operates a s!Teet Gar and drJves a tank.

Fea ture4 in the IU9porting cast areD.tar Homolka, Felix Bressatl, one ofthe three comedy R'u,5ian conuniuarsin "Ninotchh," and Eve Arden. Theprodu~tion was directed by King Vid.or, 1.1Ie noted directOt of "NorthwestPusq~." and was prodUced by Gott-frieu Reinhardt, IOn of the famous lIIaxReinhardt.

Ray Lowe,. 19-year-old thief, whorobbed Grosse Pointe's Esquire theatreof $7S 011 Dee. 20, Was plaeed on pro-b..tion. for three years by Circuit CourtJudge Joseph A. Moynihan last Friday,and ordered to make full res titution ofthe swlen 2mount to thutre officials.

J~ Moynihan als" ordered Loweto pay the 'V..yne county auditor', of-fice the train fare used by Art L01lwers,Gro,se Poi.te P..rk d#ec:tive, whenLouwers traveled to St. Loui" MOo, toret1ml the. youthful c:rlminal who h;adbeen apprebended there two days a!lerthe crime.

Lowe, who 'l'I'a' ~t1 Esquire employe,had returned to tbe fbe ..tre after clos-ing time and forced the ca,hier'l tageand strong box. !.Owe h ..d attemptedto es<:ape to Dallas, Tex., by bus, batGrOl$tl, Pointe Park PQiice autllorjriesc:ontaciec1 51. Le;l.' oB"K:ia1s and tite.youth was tahA into e:tUitody when tbebus stopped in that city,

Famed ECODOmiat Pay.Town Hall A VISit

" '...'Feli Breo-.rt dIec~. the ClIlm .... hidd.n in Cl."" GaM.'. pOI'tabl.

rldio. T oe_ io fn>", "Comrade X" thnlli"!l comedy dr"", .. of Itn "",tri.Uft n«!' per- tor'N>a'POftCle"t •• ex-per;~ncel in Ruui,.. Hed, LamPlry- 1. co ..ota~ .nth Gable in this com<!dy whICh eom ... to th .. Punch and Ju~Tbeatn Ibi. Sunday, Mocc!.,y and T..., ,do,..

Sir ~orQlan Angen, internationallyknown as aa author and economist, andfamed as a lecturer through his speeche,in all the aniversities of the world, (allthe la.ger American universities, inEngland at Oxford ..nd Cambridge, at7he Sorbenne, Amsterdam, Jena Heid-leberg and Berlin), spoke at theDetroit Town Hall, in the Cass The.atre on Friday morning, Feb. 14, at 11a.m.

Allgell Ii eonsidered without excep-tion, the foremost anthority in theworld on the general problem of later.national. Relations. HI: sat in Patli ..-ment, and for 10 years on The CouncilCJf the Royal Instittrte of InternationalAffairs, was knighted b,. the king, andreceived the Nobel Peace prize.

Twenty-two years ago. wben a com.parativel,. yonng mall he produced oneof the few great political works of EVENING MUSICALEmodern times, "The Great Illusion." It An evening musicale, for the benefitis one of the great documents of his- of the Grosse Pointe t:nitarian churc:htory, has become a classic, it has sold building fund. will be held in the homeover a millioll copies and is widely used l of ~lr. and ~r","Standish Backu., 725as a textbook .. Critics and renewers Lake Shore road. Grosse Pomte Shores,praise Angell's impartiality and hOneS!}'., on Friday "'ening, Feb. 21, at 8:30and his simplicity of difficult subjects. p.m. ,

Reporter's Trick Exposed

,. R E GJt 0 SS'!: P 0 ftN T 'Z tt 'Z V t :!W


Committee Ora.ni ....Local Campaiaon ForGreek War Relief

Happy Conspiracyof. Ease and Style in


c;;: 5t+€RiffAn)S+tO€~ ,~~-7J' . -WE'"BY .,x- AY"

Opea EftDinp LE. 086S

Smart to-see, -._and a joy to. wear. Our new Air Steps with

the Magic Sole that cushionsyour fcot and keeps you"p- •. J, .. 1. Five." .


Kerby'SchooI NotaThe f~ clUl4ren ~'I'e entered

Kerb,. from other M:booh recelltl,.:Naney Bl'IUleaa frOlll MaeotIIb: .Datlie!Rea14Ue from Carlten,: Edward Sich-ler from Clark: Will,i ..~ Che,nut trODlMaire; Alice Anne Sichler 'from C1ark:Oall Chesllut frpm Maire and TOIII Wil-son from Clark.

• • •Thllre are 20 new children la the

kindergarten, which brinv Kerby's en.ro!hzl~t to a total of Z78. Thil is anuic~ease of 10 per cent ove, ..!;a,t Ie-mester.

tn.itialltePI in the orp!liz:bl6 of a De.troit Friends of Greece comlllittee weretaken !;alt week at a meeting held incall1paian headquarters established i.athe Hotel Statler.

Dr. A. P, PHide. alll10lJnud plan. illbehalf of the local comnUttee, whic:h itlupporting the national OfBallintion,Greek War Relief Auoci ..tion, Inc., inan effort to raise $10,000,000 in an ...tiollwide campaign for relief of theGreek war sufferers.

Members 01 the Detroit Friends ofGreece c:ommittee iUC Almer E. urned,

r- honorary ehairman; Mrs. Fred T. Mur-

'''':ende1J ~und, secre~ of the sta~e phy, who has accepted the honoraryadmlnistntive' board. Will represent Ichaitmaruhip of the women'. division j~. Murray D. Vu,Wagoner at the th- R Ed . - ••. it . h'joint COIl1IDunit,ypatriotic: 'Iervic:es to '" ev. wara J. nlc ey, ,:ce~ a~r.be held in tbe Richard .chool aUditori- !Z1;a1l; F;ed M. Alger, Jr., \'tce-ehalr-

. m..,,; ,\" ..Iter McLucas, trusurer,11m on Sunday 1II0rnllW, Feb. 23. at 11 The committee also includes Standisha.ln.T ' •. tl Backus, Fred 1!, Zutzel, Hugh Ferry,

he ~nn.ua1 'en:sc•e• held .'Ol~ y by L..wrence P. Fisher, Edsel Ford, Johnthe patriotic ~ CIVIC O~P!llzalJons of A. Fry, Edgar A. Guest, Emma!lltel N.the I~o,~e POinte uea IS open to the K.aray, Ell/fene W. Lewis, James Mc.pub IC. .' Evoy, C. A. Tsangadaa, Oscar Webber,

Henry Willeman and Fred M. Zeder..... sulft.~~~.,.,.~,-.~. I 1_ ... ...,..

'S,I! IN....... 'W"_ u.-.

1'164 dw.y-' .. Gru.I a.-.... .




.!He'll ahow you how to

. faD iD )ovewitb Food-!

You are hereby notified that the


CIIIWnt'.;... - ... SpeeMIIiaI. It

1Al.I.Q llD.... CHICkEN .

Village of Grosse Pointe Farm., Mich.vf ~eQi~t...ativn

1 Sunday Treatf.. the whoM f..rr.,

, auhe

.:.::rat. -75e..


Edgewood-.INN-. . - ,


F..,. IAtlI .sr......... CIIJcb.

Board of Registrationoldie

Village of Grosse Pointe, Farms, Michigan


win be in IeUion on t'riday, J'ebruary 28th, 194J, and Saturday,March tat, 1941, between the hour. of 9:00 o'clock in the forenoonand 8:00 o'clock in the evening, Eaatem Standard Time, at the Muni.cipal BuiJdinl" 90 Kerby Road, Groaae Pointe Farm., Michigan.

You are further notified that if you have not already regi ••tered, YOUmay do ao by appearing before the Board of Regiltrationupon the above mentioned day. or by regi.tering with the VillageClerk any clay up to and including Saturday, March I.t, 1941.


GOod New.Travel. Fut r

And.So H.. TheFame.Of

M....Schmuck'sHome-Macle ~en

PIES'l1Iey .... .......... ..........kal................F....h17 .... ...,.. ..,. at

Bruno's Pantry ShOD1.. E. WARREN , Nt 1847


Mack aDd Harvard~ -' LaDdse.' - oa.:....

I . Home..... Putriea


--HOOP:D~Docr--':~I~.JV.,......,. LOGIER'S GROVE Fto. SMw

-.csMaclr, O'-P ..... Woeda ,Fri..Sat.N_~



Page 4: 0 It ,Qt~~,,~rO~~t JPoitt )RtUitlll - Grosse Pointe Public ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/41/1941... · local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary;

TheHome Front

a1Jl08ZKT LAW ~

7'11' tnJlllfOnr. and bflt41'. :;Jlre"ea bv the 1Drlt#r, do ,nectuarUv flzpru. thole O/~t1l.14 publlclltfo".

ReportI of~1IIbial .w..eomlng from every pe.l'i of tillUn1trd 5tatM, must brlnl 201to thOle mast", pa.ttemmakera Iof world destruetiol1 hl:. Ber!!D-In the Deu~hes GeopoLlL!\l ...... 1stitute a number or the world',outstanding mlUtary 1tateetatl\work:, hand 1n glove, with ecoJl.omlsts psychologistl and popo..lititlons In directing the mov..o! the pr~nt attempt to 1II'l'lI6!tworld domination from the De-mocratic nations.

In the year 1914, the em p1aafor world conqueat wu put mte Ioperation. But the detest Of th.Hohenzollem aet-up, and theGerman K~. eauaecllt to bt,not acrappe<1, but re-n.mped.For .. while the plan wu bu.r1e4In the deb-1a of the old o-.aaEmpire. Dut 1t 1VU bUrled tasuch .. shallow IflloVi that 1t WUlea.s11y dug up r.p1n and ... 'f1~tallzed Intu the ne'If' and moNterrible resurrect1Ozl, 01U' 1I'CII'kIill now ezper1ene!na'. 1

So aeeret were th. ~tJdIof the oftlc1ala anet ~IIof the InBt1tute in re-ereatml _new pattern of destruction thUeven General Kurt van 8cble1.cher. 1n command of the troop8laround. !lerlln. at the time Add! rBlUer came Into power, tnewlnothlnr ot 1t. In fact th. ocr-m&n General Staff were not ap-pralstd of the plan tor the IleW"world order" until the fear 1QI.

1The psyeholoctsta of the ID.. !st1tute deveiOPed the ~Ifor the new "war ot nenra .. ,They too, created, &nd tnJne4'lthe elflclent "ruth coltul1!l" ot illlliloieur. whose llOI. Ilurpoee I1t was to destroy an enemy's b7tnd.ustr1a 1 polnta, and. to create.and. IUStaIn. contua1on aM dta-tress 1n the minds of the com-mon people. It was also the mallminded psychologists who fUr ..n1shed the technique, and train-Ing, for tbe great horde of sec-ret German agents who were to I

infiltrate into enemy terrltory todestroy the eftectlveness of la-Ibor-to cause unrest and dLgat.,tsfactlon 1n the rank and file of Ithe workers. (

Today. 1t Is easy to under-,stand why the eyes, and ear.. Iof the whole civilized world are;turned toward AmeI1ea. T 11• Icity of Detro!t be1Ilg the hub of,the American armament effort.'1t naturally. follows that lI1l aec-ret enemy aetiV1t1 18 cu.t.e:ed iIn the area 5WTOuncl1nr Mk:h1- Igan's metropolis. ,

The remaln1ng tree people Of ('the world are eagerly awa1~an answer to the folloWIng ql1el-tlons. Will American indUitry be.able to cope With the problem?Will the saboteurs be able toslow-up, or destroy, key po1ntl1n America? Will Amer1can Ia!Jorbe duped, and finally enslaved.the same as free labor 1n theconquered countries? Will anAmpn,.~ h.,..t\n'l6 0211~':'~!!~~ ~~

In the plan for r1fflrucl!01l andldesp&ir? I

The great problems imposed Iupon our government and upon.industry are no more llnporta.nt.to the Democratic way ot ute.than. the probIetlU, and tub,placed upon the shoulderll of theAmerican workm&n. Whether ourcountry is to'remain free. 1n &very luge measure. depends up_.on the loyalty, strength and...bility of her workers. Thenare no traitors among true Am~!ericans. They will not be decelV~Ied. and vanqUished. by the pro-'mlses or insane political philo-Sopher:;. .

On May 1st. 1933. your writerstood on the sidewalk on tInterDen Linden Strasse, near t h.Brandenburger gate, In Berlin.Adolf Hitler had proc:l&1med. &national hollday for Germany',workers. There was great joy 1nthe hearts of the people, for Na-tional Socialism had recogniZed.Iabor.s rlgM In the "new order."

On May :!nd. t.he next d.ay. anof the offices of the trade-un_Ions were raided. and the wort-ers fund,~ .<pl?pcl ~~ !C3.dCrlwere seized and thrown Into con-.centration camps-or shot. Therank al~d file or German laborwere forced to join Doctor Ley',r:c":';"n10;-ement. The whale planwas simp;icity Itself; for fa.1Iur.to Join meant no jobs or nobread.

So, to Amelican !n~tlstry, &.114'-American labor. resolves th.'herculean t3.sk of safeguarctil1l'our Lib~rt? and Freedom-(l Ur

. American way of Ltc.1'ationa.i securj~y ran only be

secured ;\I:d m a I n t a I n ed:thrO:J"C1 Ind\is~rjal peace andgood.,,:\!!. Failure to maintainpearC v j"hin O:Jr ind;gtries w1Ilmra, f'f'3. f,~r .~mer;ca. ~forelha:"\ ~a~. l~ "-::1 mean anotherre:'rea'> fr:,r.l reason-l1s happen-ed "':,!':: p.!)r,~e fell. and theworld p:1:'Hrrl the dark.,~« "'~lhf> ~lidC:;e •. ".il'es. If A.\'nerle&nlndus~ry, anj Amer:can labor1I\1s:. :.v remJ..::l free their courseis c:~.1r:y ::-:~rkcd. t;;a,ery forthe wo,id's ir.c:ustry and workeraIs the rr.ain therr.e in the Ger-rr,a:l plan [("or~ "new order".\rh1t. :::: . C"'''''jr.~~'J be, Inclustr'..aIP;:'J,CC 0: ~:an';-:, ? •

Fib. 18, 1941

Feb. 17, 1941

PO:!;.. 17. 1941

Feb. 18. 1941

Yaur. truly,JOSEPH T. KORSON,lll'JJ Killssville ,"venue,

Gratiot Towllsbip.

PaWic Letter8-0-X

Sincerely yours.WILLIA~f KAAKE,

o4<l8Belanger.Grosle Pointe Farms.

EtHtor.GroNe PoiIItt am.." 1

I wllb to take tbil opportuaity tothuk Neb .lId evety citizell of GratiotIOWUtblp that worked alld ~ted ior1Ile.

DII' Editor:The (;reM" Poi"te hia'h sebool billd

jOlUMyed to Dearbonl on Wednesdayel'tAilll', Feb. 19, to prueet a musicalprorram fOIl' the patiee!s of the Unit.ed Stltea Veterall. hospit.L

To the member. of the band, Mr.Watldu. &lid Mr. Ka1ember of the.. hoa! hoard, th, m.n'!!M'I'!e"t (>f theLalce Shore Coaclt lUla (wbo furwhe4the blue. anel the blls clrinrl wbo III.VCtheir pryicea), the Mljor Buras Henryhst txttllGa heart,. COIIITatuJatlollsfor thelt ,"cry lin. eOlllllluaity Iflirit.

WALTER R. HOYT,. Pelt Commander.

Feb. 18, 1941

Sincerely yourl.LLOYD LYI.E,

18949 Kingstille A,.e..Treasurer, Citizens Committee of

Gratiot Township.

&!iter:Gin endit where credit iJ due. Has

tbt .choot board rell.ehed th. Itasewheta it caIlnot bonor .ome of its 11&-t,jve bora citizellS?

With aU clue rCl~ct to put Supt.Samae.l BrowneIl. who came here fromthe &at &lid for 11 ~s was wellCClf(llpeuated for bb aen1Cel, I feelthat the additioll to Grosse Pointe qnaehooJ thoa1d be U1cDlJllllemoratioa ofoce of oar ative IOIU who has .mved&lid .tnlUlecl tbrOlllh ,ear. 011 thelChool board, .~ u a member ofthe board year. before the clllUOlida.tIott of the 1Ch001 district in 19Z2.

It. lIlU that ba. been an active mem.ber of tbe board linee 1916, none otherthan Charla A. Poapard, present treas.urer of Rural Scl100l Diltrict No. 1 ofGrOfse Poillie. .

JUUUS A. STORK. It. Taxpayer,Of City of GrOl •• PoUlte for 26 yeu ..

To the Editor,GToIH Painte RevIewDe&!' Sit:

I alii in CClIIlpleteqreement with Mr.H. C. Bellnett's letter, published ill,.oar pa~r on Feb. 13, in which hefavort retainilqr the present ball parkat ChalfOllte and Kerby road in GrossePojlltl Farms.

Tb. cClllllc:i1ed Mr. Harry Furton Iwould lik. to have this plaYifoulld lold,at a time 'Irbelt thia district is rapidly.bcinl built up and the number of ehil.1dreu are iIIcreasini witil Clch newbome. without first providinC all alter.cate playfield.

WOtI1d the euallCiluse the money ob-tained to develop the' other sites theyspeak of?

Or would they sell Kerby field andlet the children play in the Itreeu,whicl1 is what tbe chllurcn WCluldhaveto cIo u &l1 the other scl100l propertiesare too far distant Irolll this sectionto be available •

The traffic haurd of the present fieldwas also ltlClltioned. listing Kerby roadand Cbalfonte as bcins the chief offen-dUI, ;ret in three proposed sites. Chal-fonte WIS mentioned in two of thcmand Kerby road ill the' other •

I can't see either. their exCUSe for'eJlina a playiield jUlt because we hap-peu to bave a few Ichoola, a bospital,.ome Chl1l"cbes and a village hall ontax free lalld. They haven't said yetwhat they watlted to do with the moneythus obtained.

I think at a whole, the council's rea-..sons arc a little weak for selling apia,. field for :l. few more ta..; dollars topia,. witb.

To the Editor.Grosse Pointe Review:

As a member of the Citizens' Com-mittee of Gratiot township, I wouldIilce to t&ke this opportunity to thankita, maay friends and associates forthe splendid co-operaHon and supportci~en thi, committee durinII' the pastfew weeks..

Thia committee, composed entirely ofcitizelll of Gratiot tOWllship, came intobeinl for the purpose of informing andbetter acquainting the citizens of lhetowl15hip ",ith affairs vilal to the com.lIIU1lity. I

On behalf of the eommittee, I u:.tend an invitation to every citizen oiGratiot township to join this commit-tee, so that we may ha"e a govern.ment more to the desircs of thc people.

j Ple~e \'\"Itch for announcemenls ofmeetings.

SOCIAL SECURITY BOOKLETSoclaI Sec;urity boards ha1"e ju~t i~.

Illed a ne .... booklet explaining the diff-erence bet",een two programs intendedto provide security for children. Oneof these programs is part of the old.a~eand sun-ivors insurance feature of 1:1ejsocial security act. ",'hil~ Ihe other i.aid to dCDendellt childre~

Red Crou Worker.Off to Good Start

Ibrinlrs tit mind u old .. yi~ - "EvCl)"lIWl to his O'lrll opinionl"• • •

It N.,.er Failt to Oecar-Eftt7 rearwhen Feb. 12 tolls arOUlld, IIICIOP"bU-torWss 2Jld """&'t Ikelctoll ... wbCIMdokt" .licticm writers c1r .. oa~ the aidLiJJeolD uaasslutlOll Y&rIl eel kiCk itarOtlltd .0000e _e. Did leba WIIJreaBooth reaUy meet deatb at tbe handIof his plll'suen? Waf Uacoln'. bacl"acttlllly buried ill Spriapl1d, IlU Wuthe Presidellt'. deatb plotted by Con.federate SUPllOflm? Etc., ctc.. far iato1942.

• • •Aae Befctre 3~ 119.year-cW

Mcxieall WlItlWl ~tered as u aliealast mOllth in EI Paso, TQ., as requiredullder a rccCllt!y.paucO utiQu! Ia".The aaed ftllorita, wbo bas find III EJPaso for 80 years. had a dalll'bter whodied at the age of 99 Jast ,.ear. Herformula - "lmoek or fen a daily liCIt ..

Sur,ia1 dressi. for the tliUtedStates Army and knitted wear for warrclief, 1rill be fortb~ ill. .iznhl.qaanti~ from the lIew Red Crou !'to-ducticm."Statiotl No. I, loelted at JJ7Fisher road, Grolle Pointe FlInl1lI,iuq-ing frolll the start memben made thiIweek,

Production at tbe 11_ Red CrOll Ullitbegan Monday, Feb. 17. It wu orPII-ized u!1du the direction of !fn. ].Vincent Dwyer, production chairmanof this Comm1U1it,. Fund 1ICJlCY. Ura.Ezra Lockwood it ehaimIaJI of thestation, which '\\"ill open from 9 a.m.to 4 p.m. nch MOllda,. throurb Frida,..


Vice.chairman of tb~ unit is !!n.G~;.!=.d W. Gillia. Urs. Forr"t !fab-ker is chairman of the .~caJ dre .. -ing division. and Mra. Harold F. Ward-well is cbair:nlll of knittiu,r. AmonI'thOle who wilIlUY. as dIainIwl of theday are Mrs. Riehard Z. Cralle. lilll.1. M. Trudell. Mn. Frank Weisltrber,Mrs. Rollin N. Harler, Wr .. J. G.Thurber, ~frs. J. A. ~eatQlI, Mrs.Lester Ruwe, Mrs. Stephell Beale, Mrs.Gilbert P. Pingree, Mra. Lewie L.Smart and lIfrs. R. F. Barnum.

Olher members of the gait wbo areIcnitting and sewing for the Red Crossare; Mrs. H, L. DUainl, Mrs. AlfredB. 1Ioran, Mrs. J. T. McMillan, Mn.Donald RusheU. Mrs. R. J. iatea, Mra.F. Mesri!%, Mra. Richard Webber. Mra.Frederick Riddell, lilrl. F. B. McVeiah.Joan Slroh, Mrs. John N. Lard, Mra.George G. Power, Mra. R. a DO\lBhty,Mrl. DeWitt Taylor, Mrs. HaroldWadswortb alld lilrs. FraDk Book.

Mrs. Stephen Stackpole, Mra. 1.. S.Moore. !lIrs. Paul Austin, 1oIra. Gris-wold H~ .. ~<h,,!,!,.~rr!. F:a::c~ Crum.er, 1frs. Ingersoll Lewis, Ir .. Mrs. Ru-fus Lathrop, Mrs. F. E. Wertleken,1frs. F. C. Ford, Mrs. Harold D. Baker,Mrs. Perch.a) Dodce, Mra. H. F. Smith,Mrs. H. S. Finkenuledt. Mrs. DoualasCampbell, 1fr$. Harr" Clarke. Mrs.Villiam Arnoldy, !lfn. Harriet Spence,

~Ir .. De>:ter M. Ferry, Mrs. J. J. C0-burn, Mrs. S. C. Snow. Mrs. M. Beer,~!rs. W. Gonder. !.irs. Lawrence K.Butler, !lfrs. Lawrence Howard. Mra.Lloyd !I{urray. Mrs. John B. Ford, Jr.,and !lfrs. John R. Watkin •.

An estimlted m,OOO car QW1lerl inWayne county, and I total Of clOt. to900.000 for the wbole stlte, are stilloperating ,.,.;th 19040license plates, al-though the deadiin. 011 these tap t.midnigbt. Feb. 28.

Harry F. Ken,., sl!ere~ry of state,has made preparations to bandle ree.rod breaking last minute crowdl i1I .n21 hranch heense offices in tlte county.All ofi,ccs will be opcn daily until 9:00p.m. ~nd later if necessary the Iau twoor three days of the .. I..

• • •

• • •

Still Growing~

On Uarc~ 29. ra4io .tatiOll WWl.n.e Detnlit Ne"",, will chln&'e its lOn.1eJIath from 920 to 950 kilocycles. Tbi slI1O'Fe.lI!Ietioned b,. the Fedenl com.mllmcatiOlls COlIlJIlinion and designedto decrease interference from ~bootlca-"Mexicall Uld Cuban stations, will forceoW1lers of "push.button" radios to havetheir COIItrols fe.ldjusted to this newGiaJ .. ttin,.

• • •The thrillinll' experience 01 Grosse

Pointe Park.1 52-year-old heroine. Mrs.Richard GalId, was dramatized on R. G.Dunll" PllPter-5ned "News Comes toLife" radio broadt31t over a nation illhookup last Saturdiy uicht. )Jr .. GadJ,you will rfDlember, stopped a runaW2yDSR bus earl,. one morning last weeleafler the \Inver bad suffered a fatalheart attack wbile It the Wheel For awoman who bad never driven an auto-lIIobile beiore, Mrs. Gadd herewith re-ceives J941's first and only ".I:leginnl!r'sLuek" IIIedal.

• • •Well, 'Veil 1- Foreroin, a centuries.

old precedeDt, London's "bobbies" arenow beirlg .rmed with the latest typelutomatic re,'oh'ers. Realons _ I, 10

control looten ~f born!) ruined huilJ.in,. and 2. to "pop off" POssible :->azipanchute in,'aclers.

• • •Critkidtll a recetlt four.pale !;"read

picturilll the acth;ties of l(loCalsubdcb<,Anni. Ward Foster anel ~rary Loui!eC'.arle, sedate edilors of ~lichi4ran's ex.clusive -Social Rcaister; have ,.,.rittenliCe m~l'le stating; -The sllbdebs~ Detroit are, lenerally speakinll. atine, wholesome. normll lot of girls _not lhe ,.,;Id irresj)O:aible )'oun.q'rsyour artide makes t hem out to be.' Tomany. this Sktlch~ slap on the wr;H


.. ..

• • •

Z'c£ S ~ ...

~ ... _.-~---

• • •Fred !f. Zeder, "'.e1l liked CbmJer

COrpon,tioll vice.president, wbo lives at17500 East Jeffenon avmue in the Cityof Grosse Poillte, was elected prClidcntof the Detroit area council of the BoyScoub of America at a recent city.widelIIeetinc' held in the Gelleral Motorsaaditorium.

- .

caU5iaa tetrilic ~ The panchuleis of artlfidaJ silk, ITay rr- in color,which makes it U1viss'bleat nia'bl.

Down in Smithville, Min., citiuns"for~t" about their scheduled annualIllIlGicipaI eJectioll, but Gov_ Paul B.J oluuoD sol1"Cdthe hUlllOrOUI situatiollb,. .ppointiq a mayor. lIIarshal, etc.GrOise Pointe Park may SOOIl becomethe SOotCe of a llevo."Sartit!e similar tothis Olle, for judiing by the residents'placid reception of the Citizenl Asso-ciation's "city plan;' they may ahouforll'et" aboui it at the March 10th Two of the main thoroughfares illelection. Buenos Aires. capital of Argentina, are

• • • named 25 de Mayo (:'ofay 25th) andAfter a thorouah illvestigation. Alex- Avenida 9 de Jllio (Jul,. 29th avenue)

ander G. Ruthnn, U. of M. president, COlltClcmoratilli' I pair of I)eloved na-aJld Leo ;. Nowicki, assistant state tional holidays. In a fervent Pan.Amer-buqet director, have decided that two iean cestare, "N ews Digest" henceforthof the Ullivulity's buildinp "are llll. proposCi that \Voodward and Grand

Artific:W ailk cord frOIIl this land Afe and constitute a serious fire hat. River wiU be known as "May 30thmine panchate. This it also iTa,. ITIeII ard." Th.i, little anrioullcClllellt caused Superhill'hwIY~ and "July 4tb a\'enue I"alld resembl.. a ailIc drapery cord. collliderable campus chatter all Jast • • •Tbcr .. ITt JZ c:orcla oa eaelt parachute. lIIonth, and formed the basis for lIIall,. A hop, skip, alld three julllPS behilld

sl1ldezlt pro IIId COlt UCUlIlents. Bill recent national news events, come. Paft" ~ ...... $c;braidt, freahmatl frCltll GrOlle Pointe HoIl,.....ood.s _illy-oilly motiOll picture

~ of a ~ Ildl ~ \Vooc!s. ,topped the .how with bis studios. At present, the "Ricker" ma~.belt, ,,"tb CIIlPt,. cartriclcee. thiS wu ca1Qtic remark, "Th~se !l~ilC!jn~5 <:"..t, natcs ire slarinl' over several S...l~rlh,~fr;nmd ..UAthe ~eclAp 0'_ a Germe Ih~.... M~" .,t'!!!!:! :;;;::e ..... :'::e, lout service productions, that should arrive;:.:.~ w:.... :.. "<>1nl near \..Il&QI&lh, 111 bet sollie sophomores have beea. in Detroit sbortly before (or after) the

A ftIIl1lber of eplintcrl from bombs here IOllCer Ihan thill" Exit Mr. act it a:nended or repealed. Razor.ed ahells which Marshall ~ in Schmidt. tOCllUd comediall Bob Hope has thepart with a WUlIilll' apilIIt balldIme • • • lead in one film farce entitled "Caughttbetll with bar, balleb, becaase of tbe Holdout tillle is here &pin, and the in the Dr.ft. " Another picttrre, nO'oO{be.cluce:r of C1lta ud illfectioa from the ","'&ilof "Ollder.paid" profeuional bas .. fore the C&llleras. "},fother's Boys."very sharp ell" 1IOt cliacCT1llableto ban players u.n be heard far. fu into WIll feature a YOllIIJ' rookie actor frtshthe eye. the ui,hl. Now that Bobby Feller and from the minor le.\I1le _ Broadway.

.Blow.Blow" Newsom have .igned O!lA burned 0Ilt ilxeadiary bomb whieb Jthe dOlled line for "$.30.000 or o,'cr ••

fell on the roof of B.trc1aJ"s Bln1c ill C\"ery Ameriean Luaue slurcer aMRqent StrHt. in Olle of the "'1rrholesale Inlll.proclllcer 'rill undoubtedly enterdelivery" ~d .. This .1n' clarine olle 11941 contract nelotiations ,.,;th a biaof London s bad "I,hts, when St. I ",.,.hat's he ,ot lhat I huen't got" chipJamts chtrrCh "''IIS bruned OIlt a,," ,h~ , ;::.~!;,~ nis muscular sl\llolderrectory dfDlolishecL blade.

PI"' from m Gmun Meller.":.uaidt ~es, ODe from a 'bip shotdOWll ia SlIrrey Illd the other froltt aPlane which broke III pieces over Lon.doll.

Do YOUlike Booiie WOOIie? If yOU

dOll't, yOll'd beller cet HhepH =i4r!l17quick, for accordinll' to .... :: clItters iDthe QToo"e" it's definitely the caminathi", (if it hun't alread,. arrived).

T!le tin of sn inecadillfy bomb _hich jJfficial recordinll' o:iQ'inator cl -Eeatfailed to explode, .nd 1I00teaps from ~Ie Daddy." ~Scrub )ofe ~romtll .. " ete.,two British anti.aircraft sbella are alto I Will Bradley and hi. young ban<1 of,"eluded. i Booeie \\'oo.,ie mons:er! arc rspid:y

Mrs. Gar;lner resideS at 151 uke' scahnll' t~e heig~HS of p<:>;>lljarm::sicalShore road. Gros:e ~oillle .f:erma. _' &lIcceu _ 40 yoa dJi my jive? __ ........


FOIIfId« MIlCh II, l' ZII Qfica at 15121 Kerebt\'ll between lWTlaecI &ad Lab,o&rt.-n.. _ neJr40 lIe..,lper ~ &11 tbe ._ .. GreIM P*te ud

Gratiot TOWUlIliPt-L a. OUitr.uI " ,.. ~t .. al I'vMIIhIrDto: BooYc~I ".A.oci.i. E~it~koanT P. 0L.tIHAM ~1IWIIIi1tf II..,.

Sllbtcript!oa Ratu: U"),hi~sz.oo .. "..,: k "' CClPY,.... bJlshed Evel')' Thursday by The Groll' Pou1t, PrilltinK ComllU1

Lit. U61~"W, LEAD, OTHE~$ FOLLO'IV'"

Which Way,Grosse Pointe Park?


The ~ Pointe Rotary Cub recently addressed letters to allGrosse Pointe governmental 'units, -arging close Co-operation incommunity service. The Citizens' Association of Grosse Pointe Park~ dUlroy the only source of co-operati"e efforhbould their cityplan carry. They have attempted to .how that their city plan willeliminate duplication il'l governmental functions. This is question-• We. Adoption of the city plan would create far Kreater dupliationof government, because it would Ultimately result in five GrossePointe Citie., without COmmon tie.

. Citizens of Groue Pointe Park Ibould ponder 'fVe11 before trad.be • provea form of government for an idea, promoted by a minor-ity group. We do not know what is really in the mind. of thoseattempting to put across this city plan, but we do believe that withthe change to the Manager plan, which they told u. last year wollldaolvc .all of our problems for the future, we oUlil'htto be satisfied toCo along as we are, and at least try out their 1940plan before adopt-ing a 1941 model. Who knows, maybe it is annexation to Detroitthey're aiming at. Mr. Wehmeier raised that issue in his publicitycampaip Jast week.

COllection of BombincSoa,eain ReceivedBy PoiDhI Woman

The 'TIt war rciic:. or the Nul~ 01 3ritain to anin iA Dc.troit, ban bea reeeind by Mra. Anhlll'Gar4Der. chalrIIlan of the Detroit ehap-ter of BsmcIIea fen BritaiD at J Ker-~ a~tze, Groue Pointe Fal'lllS.

TII, --m -~e ~!1e~~ !:7 .6••

Eo IeusbaD, of Co4ner, CooIllbs alldDoWe. Ltc!., Loadon bootmaken. Iba letter to Mrs. Gardner, ~farsbaD toldof the 4iliadt,. be had ~nColllltered ill~ l>omb fraple'llll Ind otber'Il'ar 1OIIYeIlin. ],lanbalI also IllClltionedtbe talk of oIIta:rinJ a permit to shipt1Ie fOOnnir .. It required three monthsto usemble the cOUectiOll, he laid.

.... F......\\"hiIe p'berinl mfDlelltoes of bomb.

lne raids on London. Marlhall diJco",erect a frllllllellt of a delayed actiOllbomb. ,,'h;rh ..T ....'M~A " __:'~ !~~ !="=:'~Motor Car Comp~n,. aho,,'room, ill Re-acnt stftct. The fracment passed oYetPiuadill,.. hit the opposite carb in]tnIl:nt Itreet. _here his .tore is IQ-cateet, .. d rictXlletted back throqbtlM 'Irn.4ow. The bootm6ker's Ihop isthree blocks frOlll the Ford .howroom.Otber items in the display arc:

Part of a paracJillte csed to earry aland lllinc. It has a Spall of 27 ftet. Theland rsUlle il 931 feet long .nd 231 feeti.a 4WDeter. It !KP~ J.orizoclulb',

f'ocu Grosse Pointe Cummurdticl are tJlreatefte4 witb di1tU1»",tioa of vital public 1ervi«1 directly affectin,r the lin. of each ud"err citizen. They are the two most important - public healta and.. lety'. The villages concerned are Groue Pointe Park. Farm.,Sborel and Woods.

Oa the face of it, the attempt of Mr. Wehmeier ud tbe Ciwells-~tiOft of Grolse Pointe Park to change tbe 34 year old Tillq.lovenupent to that of a city. may appear to be o~:r .. move toward.• mot. modem form of rule. or it may be a cb&n«e in l1ame only.Bllt, like the Ulled up row of domil1oel, there milcbt nlult a aeriesof dwla"es that will have such far.reachinjt effects, as to seriouslytbreatal the onIy form of Co.operative elort that now exist. be.hreeIl the five unit I, that go to make up the Grosse Pointe ar ...~o ~rcak up theae semeCi may result in 'aerious consequences.

To begin with-Should Grolle Pomte Park adopt the propOleddty form of rovemmeat, the ecatire burden of the township ttovem-lQe~t wUl be sbifted to three villacel: Grosse Pointe FUII!s, Shora&Del WoodL It II onJy fair to presume that they could or would Dottab <wet this burden alone. ud wcmJ4 be forced to adopt a citycIwter. Thee what 'IIrOuld haAJeD to the toW1Uhip police radio,bo4rd of health and welfare departments? These services wouldJaav~ to be takCli over by the five individual cities. I

We POinted out wt week ~E be police radio mtions would J D ·tbe eatireI,. impracticaL From past experieace ta,r. is 110 &JSUTallce ~ • tu..t aD1l'Ct-tocether policy, involYiq commoa upeodituru emtbe L ~~ICXI ~BODYCOllB7¥eS ..rpart of Ii.. communitie, wouJ4 be feaaibJc. Witaa, the City of ~GrOIM Point,'. action in withdrawilll' from & wide~raalt. pOlicen4ie eenice &ad establilhing one of limited coYer&«e. The 8J)m t

of ~ty existing in each Grosse Pointe community is weU The LatClt IMide Dope 011 the Loul Iaternational Illcidellt (Detroit style)b9wu. Tbia tocether with a larre TUiation in bouded indebtedness B k"'''-U S't t. Bob H I f _ Pe--" ".-aa~ a pro.Nazi I"-rmaabaa been a seriou. bar to any plan to amalramate the five communi- u ...... IIq lOll- ar ey. 0 ~.~ ua; _ U'C

tie. into a .;., ...Ie city unit. JZI Rinrd Blvd .• Cit,. of Grone Poillte, cu,tOlller Icept "lIccclJjrlg" him about the--. it captain of U. of D. bia'h's above- present :"'U situltioa, the owner of a

The tOWlllbip gOvet1UDent is the outy link that binds .four Grosse a'Vttaae care qaintet this season. Sev. Greek restaurant 011Mack avenue de.PoiBte communities into a Common 1lJlion in the performance of ente~'Yur-old Hlll'ley, hizh up Oil his clued bia bel1ia'erency rec~t1y alldaoaM mi&'bty important public senica. Instead of a 6fth wl1ee! on squad', .coriail' collUJln, i, wtU on his bolUl~td several Sc milk bottlel off bistile wqon, it bas proven a pretty handy spare wheel, that is dolo#: ""',. 10 aU.city. feC08'!litiOlS 011 the 'I1t ... on15t'l llOIIill. Hauled into circlIitJQec YCly important work. metropolitan lIewtPaperl' amlcal "aU eoIll't, the OWlIcr (lililtiades K. Koliat.

.lat tUJlll" ••• Gordotl "Scotty" Tan. so) abandoned hi. Spline ofl'ensive andDiNoJutiofl of the tOWllship Ifovemment would throw the bard. 1lU, former Grosse Pointe hilh ace, iUIIlOllllced & peaceful retreat back into• of beaJth work in schools directly upon tbe sbOlllders of the Grosse who became .cboJuticall,. inelicible at the arms of neutrality.~oiate Board of Education. Dr. A. R. Van KJeeck, luperintendent tile be8innina' of the second .elllater,of tchools recently furnished filrUres .howm,: IOme of the accomp- is now playiqo with "Bnus Beauty * • •lisbntents of the township board of health. Here arc a few: This W "II . A, Lieul.Col Thomas F. Limboeker, of:rear 4)'00 pupil. have had their hearing telted by use of the town- are, a as~y. DetrOIt C1us ~A 611 Fisber road. 'cit,. of Grosse Pointe,Nip', DeW audiometer. The town.hip health officer. dentist and stiff outfil In a pr~nary pm~ p:ecechn! baa been transferred from his ){jchiganof lIuneI keep close check on .tudent health in our nine public a recent profeilional Detroit. ~Ies post to the Second Military Area inKhooJa. In one school alone;. 558 cases of conta«iou. diseases ranlil'- cont"t, Tann:r hoo~~d lZ bllr points. ~ew York City. Alter his arrival '"~ from the common old thoiouch pneumonia to trench mouth were wt Sunda,., :Scotty toared down to IDetroit in AlI&'Ult, 1939, Limbocker held!l'eactecl &Pel teIiIedia1 :.ctioa" taken. Daytoll, 0...WIth, tbe squad and. ~11- I vuiotlt local army o!fieel, the latest

Ned in a little llItetUate COIlJlpeti!lon, beilll' "piau. aDd trainin, officer" for. SIIaaW the woric in oW' ac:hoola become part of the activities of ••• Jim Garretaoft, u:-GrOise POllIte the MichiplI Military area.' ... ..,. of F!hIa.tioa - what about Ottr patocb.iatlChools, wbich bi&h 1IId. Wayne ~aivetsity court Itar,' \~- ftIC:ei .... thilame health aerrice from die township. State ~s been plac~ oil the ~ draft call. . --I...."'....w ~rolUbit tIae b- Iitt tchc4u1ed for ~tioa Qat Mon-

. .,Ierrice 1e puochiaI KIIooIi ODIy public achools da,., Feb. Zl Draft board oificia1a an.~t;--,.~- tbia aerrice. , dentalld thlt Garr~tSOll may pouibl,.";'~f"~.. :. ... ~. a Jut-lIIilla defer.llenl due tu..F"f . ~ PoUate bia'lIlChoo1 is located withm the l2lt1nicipall~its a case of "ftat feet.

eI Gro.e Pointe FartIls. ShouJd the Farms be forced into adoptionof • dty form of government. it wulr:l be unfair to cxpeC1ill citizens-paylor health service furnished to children {rom all Grolle Pointe'cea"'usoitia. The Board of Eduution would be compelled to take....

..... ",

Page 5: 0 It ,Qt~~,,~rO~~t JPoitt )RtUitlll - Grosse Pointe Public ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/41/1941... · local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary;

- - -- ... - - - -- - --

....... , • ~ - #- -- .. • • ,




"" .. n

PHILIP F. ALLARD,Yillage Clerk

Notice of



VIIIBge PresidentVillage ClerkVillage TreasurerVillage AssessorThree Village Commissioners

In the City of Grosse Pointe,Wayne County, Michigan

To All Taxpayers


Dated February 20, 1941

f. .

Annual Election

The Aueament Roll for tIie City of Groue Pointe, WayneCo1Dlty, Michigan. fOf the year 1941, having been compiled, a Meet-iq for the PW'POM of Reviewiq of same by the Board of Review willbe heldoD Moaday.Mareb 3,1941, ancI Tuesday, March 4, 1941, atthe City Hall, 17150 Maumee A.eaue, City of Groaae PoiDte, Michi-,gan, from 8:30 to 12:00, 1:00 to 4:30 aDd 7 to 9 in the eveniq.

All those deeming tliemselve8 aggrieved by Aid Auemnentmay then be heard.

Village of Grosse PointeWoods, Mich.


IYOU ARE HEREBY NOT IFIED that the Annual Election of ~

Village Officerl will take place in the Village of GrONe Pointe

Wooda on Monday, March 10, 1941.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that tJie polling place forsaid election .haI1 be:

EIectiaa Preciac:t No.1-AD that put of tIae ViJIap IJiq wed of MM:k Awaae fromtIae Soatheriy ViDap limits to tIae MIlCOaIb Coaat,' m.. also that pwt of the ViDqe .,....Eat of Mack Avenue and South of VerDier ROIId. Votiq ~ ..t the MIIIIici&* BlIiJdiq-Made cd Anita Aveuuea.

EJectioe Precmct No. Z-AD that part of the ViIlqe (:riD, North of VerDier Road andEut of Mack ATelIae. Votillr place at the MaIClD SdtooI-Vemier RoacI.

. And that the poll. for said £1 ection shall be open from 7:00o'clock in the forenoon to 8:00 o'clock in the evening, EasternStandard Time.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that candidate. for the fol-

lowing office. will be elected at said Election:

Women of the Pllfdue dab are fOf-malatina' plua £;no Otcir aiulaa1 Dridaeparty. wbicl1 will be be1c1Tuada,., Fell.25, at l::lO p.m., ui the Goodwill Inda.s- -tries building, 256 E. Conva. street.There wiU be table and door prizes.

Mrs. Robert Bruce Scott, of 1672.5,-Ashtop road, who is president of theclub. would like resuvations made uSOOD as polSibIe.

Tiekeh may be .ccW'ed from thepresidcnt or ITOUPleaders. I

itiColor Motion Picture ~Covera California'. ~IWide Range of 5c:eDery ,

IA nataB! color 1DOtl0ll picture tour J::

of California, featuring movie ,tan' ,homes. Catalina Island, Death Valley .'

j Scotty', mansion, the Tottrnamellt of ~Rgses, and all other tourist attractiObs !II

Iof that state will be presented at the iIiDetroit Institute of Art., WoocIward at :IiKirby, next Tuesday evening, Feb. 25. if!

I,at 8:30 p.m., by Branson De Cou, world Mtra\'eller and travel lecturer. !Ii

This is the fourth in the series of !IiImotion picture vaation tOllr, sponlor. med by the \Vorld Advenlure Series, the iIilecture coarse at the Detroit Institute 1.-of Arts. ;-----Funda From War Relief •Polo Contest Purchase !eFour Kitchen Units I

Four mobile kitchen anits alld five !@hospital beds will soon bc sent to Eng- it;land, as the rCllllt of the e"ceUent rc- : =sponse Grosse Poinle and Detroit resi- m

Idents exhibited at a ",'ar relief polo iF:game between Cornell and Yale uni-I\'ersities held in the slate fair &rounds -

Icoliseum on Feb. 7. ::The game was s»onlored by the ;

1IIchiian commiltee oi the British War I it!Relief Society, Inc., which allO recent-I it!1y cgllected $79.50 irom Grosle Pointe Mprinte and public school chIldren. The !Iichildren's c:ontribution wiTI go toward Imthe purchase of anothn kitchen to fe~d ~the women and chilt:ren of ""ar-torn I ;'tiEngland. IfiI

HALF A CENTURY i ~I The "old girls" of St. Ch"rle, Bor-! ~,r(.meo c:1urch, St. Paul avenue at' t!i Agone;.held their ~:r..h annual banquet i ~!at the Sanrine hotd J"st Tue.d.iy eve-! ~Ining, Feb. 11. The club wa.< original1;' I '

started by ~fi;s Helen 5d:ell, and has'heen In existence since 1891. Three oi!l'e organiUlion's charter members ,were presenl .it the banquet. I : _

I~ri;s SChell has be' n dead 'e-vera!: ~

ytar,~. hut t'1e ("b1-> ~liU rn(:et~ on t;-:t':: ~ :11. c.rc(f"~ i i:(I~rl:: cf ("o(';-y r-:cnth. ~f('m.! ~

IIL~l ...j'",,:, (tJ':'"i.' ... ~:1d It,..,,:.: "'e(l~ u stn:cti ::;The <.,i",:nal o':rnb.r <.f .,5 hu d".;ndled .I~d"~'n t.) 16. }"H "',est I"'Jr.c.~er r.'~~s. a ::

l"""~""'Ii':-. T~,.. P~I.~.~C't ,~~"" ':;:-f.1n'p:t" ~"'.'~ ::::

I ~!'r<;dr j ("r-. -', C;r, • '<:;: :en:. ~.:'<, , ~.~:.".". '!.I.!!.lL!IiL". 'WW'.IJI, ar@:aret (,:.,.,n. _ l;,;l;'jmi!F.i1J1ii;j.i~"'iJii¥'"-.rrllF'''


Few women hive the time to labcourlC5, even the extension ones. inlandscape design or planning, so it iswith great pleasure that the DetroitGarden CeDler invitel every home own.er or anyone interested to take a"Short Practical Course in'Dnian andPI'!ntin, of the Home Garden" to be Local Library Aiclaheld on TUC5day,and Wednesday, Feb. I Def '11., k B25 and 26, in the auditorium of the J..n enae "or y.1.. Hudion slore. Purcbaae of Booka

The .ubject of the four .e .. ionl willbe as follows: !n an tffort to uabt mm who are

Tuesday, 10 a.m. - "The Home training for national defense work, theGrounds - A Place to Enjoy." Grosse PoiDte public library i1a. reo

Tuesday, 2:00 p.m. - "Details" - A cently purc:hased the but boolcs 011 air.continuation of the moraing talk. claft maUstenance and repair, die de-

Wednesday, 10 .. Ill. - "Beds and: sip and diCUIakinc.blue print., ma.Borders." Location of the beds and Ichine shop practice, de:.

borden and thelr plantin,. " . Theil! boob will be 011 display untilWednesday, Z:OOp.sn. - SpeCIal " da F b 24 t tb . lib .

P bl " Th bl f had f II "",on y, e. , a e main ra.ry Inro cms. e pro em 0 I e a a the Pierce Junior hign .c:hool, 154JOKerCheval :j.venue.After that dat~ thebook&may be bolTowed for home use.

SOlJIeof the titles are:"Aircraft Enaine ~ ailltenance," by

Brimm. "How to RI.i&d Aircraft Blue-print.," by OwelU."Simplified Mechani.cal Drawillg," by Crook. "Welding En.cyclopedia," (ninth edition) by Mac.

IKenzie. "Metal Castings," by Campbell.I"TooI Making," by Cole."Plistic: Work.ing of Metals ;md !.'ower PreIS Op-uation," by Crane. "Machine Shop Op-erations," b" Barritt, "Jigl and Fix.tures." by calriu. "Gear Cuttiq Prac-tice, .. by Cahin. "Metal Patteru Mak.Iq," by Fu11er. "Foraiq- Practicc," byJohnlon. "Industrial Sheet Metal Draw-ing:' by PaulL "Machine Shop TrainingCourse," by JOIIes. "Workinll', HeatTreating and Welding of Steel:' byCampbeU."PIa,tics in Engincering," by 1__.:=Delmonte. "TlIlTCt Lathe Operators _Manua!," by Loncstreet..------ ...Purdue Club Women ~Plan Annual BridaeParty for F ebl'UiU'y 25


William Q. Stamrnan,

Ftb. 19, a ..I.ua in contract brldee Wal fly easulll' champion. Th, fee in thl, deiTccs. Iori'anized in room ,10 of Grosse Pointe IO.week clan haa been ,et at $4 for Thi, prolNluivl COIInt!, o!ered freehigh IchooL Under the lupervilioD of re.ident., and $6 for uon.reeident,. of charae, II... been made ponible by I~lr•. Ruuell Harkness, of 17J6 Roslyn Forrelt GUI')', hi&h .cbool athletic the ,enuos!t,. of the 1l1ichiian Horti.road: Grosse Pointe Woods, the class director and vanity baskelball coach, cultural society. IWIllInc;u~e 10 les.sonsfor a fce o{ ~3.()() hal been appointed adult education The coW'" wiU be conductcd by a{or a l.olllte r~'ldtllt, and HSll for" head by board officials. Geary, who nalionall .. known Iandacape architect InO'I'resldent b t t'" , ther Info 11"_ # .'• ~Iay e ~on ac c.. ,or 'Ul t1. Robert Sturtevant of NaahvIlle, Tenn..

Tuesday, a clan ill fly and bait cast. lion at Ill.!. 2?00' hat warned t.hat n.rly Slurtevant has tauiht this lubjec:t for Iin;;:11';;5 slarted under tIle direc:tion I)f reservallons In. the lIy ~nd b~lt c*al~ng many years at the Lothorpe School ofCharles Wilcox, !Jrc.cnt Mi,higan state cl,3ss ar.e .adYlable aln,e IllSlnlct'vll L.andac;apeArc:hitec1W'c.Smith Couece'l

will be limited to 18 member.. Simmons Collef., &lid the MusachlJ-

Detro."t Garden CA-ter selb Univenity Extenlion. He i. now IM k lI:lU doinC cOIl.ullin.. worle in the South in ,ar et Will Hold Two-Day the Winter, and ¥uue!lusett, in the I

Home Garden Courae Summer, .. weU II lecturing aU overthe counlry,

There will be roolll for e\'eryone In. 1lerested, and &II" further detiils maybe had by caHinl' Mr.. George L Bou-ty~i, '::~u:;~i.urQi the Garden Center tram1 to S p.m. any rl.y exc'1l'l Sundayand Monday.



The VoliD .. Booth in the Municipal Bailclia .. aitaatecl on Jefhraon Aft-nue betweea Maryland Avenue and Lakepointe AVellue in the Villq-e ofGrONe Pointe Park for Voting Precinct No. 1 which IIhall embrace all terri.tory South of the ~=tc line of Kercheval Avenue for it. entire lenirlh in theViJlqe of Groaae PoiDte Park.

The VotiDlr Booth in the George Defer School .ituated 011 KerchenJAvenue ~tweea Nottingham Road and Balfour Road iD the Villaae of Groll.Pointe Park for Voting Precinct No. 2. which .haIl embrace aD territ0t7North of the center line c.f Kercheval Avenue for ita eutire lenirlh in the Val-Ia,e of Groue Pointe Park.

. You are hereby notified that on

Notice of ElectionGrosse Pointe Park, Mich.To ~lect Village OfficersTo Vote on Incorporating the Village

of Grosse Pointe Park as a CityTo Elect A Charter CommissionTO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THEVILLAGE OF GROSSE POINTE' PARK: '

An election will be held in the Village of Grolae Pointe Park for thefollowing purpoaea;

Monday, March 10th, 1941

nunda)". February 20, 1941 _____

To elect three Village Commi .. ionerl for two-yearterm.To elect one Village Clerk for two-year term.

To vote on the question of incorporating the Villageof Grone Pointe Park as a city without change ofboundaries. To elect a Charter Commialion con.ailting of nine (9) members for the purpose of fram ..ing a charter for the City of Grosse Pointe Park, ifthe aforesaid incorporation Ihall be accomplished.

You are further notified that the polll for Aid election .baIl beopen from 7:00 o'clock in the forenoon to 8:00 o'clock in the evening,Eutem Standard Time.

You are further notified that the pollina' places for said election.haI1 be the following places:


You are further notified that if you have not alreaCly relristereC:l,you may do 10 by appearing before the Board of Registration whichwill be in session on Saturday, February 15, 1941 and Friday, Febru ..ary 21,1941 between the hours of 8:00 o'clock in the forenoon and 8:00,,:,'d~k !!'!. !he e~e!'!.i!'!.g, Eastern Standard Time at the office of theVillage Clerk in the Municipal Building, aituated on Jefferson Ave-nue between Maryland Avenue and Lakepointe Avenue in the Viii ..age of Groaae Pointe Park.

You are further notified that reg;.tration may alao be made withthe Village Clerk any time up to and including Saturday, March 1,1941.


-0 uta tan din g F0 0 d S p e cia Is !_Rath'. BlacJdaawk Bacon 33e Standing RibdBacoa. .need, lb.............. Rout From j----------- Swift'. Select ' . i

0rIiq'. Frankfurters 30e :pBeefd 30e , '''''i~ :;Gra.de A, lit....................... 0Q1l, .... . ,,,",. .

IGrouud Rowe! Steak 33eLud O'LUea Butter 36c Pouad ..RoD, Ut. INucoa Olemarrarine 1gePOll'. Cnamed Cottage 10e ~ound .Cheeae, lit. Red Heart 001 Food 25c

3 can. for ..:::0':~or JSe ~~:e;r;:..~.~~19c

Adult EclucationPro ... am EnlulredBy Two New Clasae.

Enlltled tbi& wcek by the additionof two llew classes, the Gro>se PointeBoard of Education's adult instructionprol"am I, now rapidly develol'ini intoa well-roundcd community enterprise.

Yuterday. afternoon, Wednesda)',

Page 6: 0 It ,Qt~~,,~rO~~t JPoitt )RtUitlll - Grosse Pointe Public ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/41/1941... · local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary;



roo Ze1'1'

Tbur&di.y, February 3), 194f,



Boy,ohBoy!Ain't IT NiceTo walk right in anti eet theRecord You.Want!

Complete Stoe:ka of Columbia,VICtor, Bluebird, Decca and OkehRecorda.

BaHour FQod Market15725 MACK :: TU.2-9730 I------ WEDELIV£R.- _

~uallt~ Meats.~nd e("()ce..-ies;'.-------AT THE----- __


"E~ CAe who '1I'Ol'ks'in commerce fol,ks wh~ are plan?inj' to .eek CIQlp~or ilIdusb'y Ileeds • IOCiaI security ac_/ment Will save time and ~crt lW

her .. Po!loek tat d M cia thellllelves alld their employer. if theeount Dum, I e on 'T. numbers are obtalned beror. work-It

"Even wbere the 'Worker is WIder 18 started and tbe card shown to the.the employer is required to live the so. ployer at the time the urvlcc beciD.

, ci~' .ecurity account number of this East Side residents may obtaitt ori8iualperson, if tbe job is one which is cav- j and dllplicatc loci~ .ecurity number.ered by the lOCial Jecurity act. Young at our ealt side office," Pollock added.



Notice of


tookina' for jobs, ilia" obtaJa IOdaJ Ie-curlt,. ICc;.ount IIUlDbCfl, aceordiq toElmore E. Pollock, m&Dqer' of the s0-

cial "cunt,. board field office It 8037Harper, lIear Vall Dyke.

To be Held' in the Villag,e of

Scalp or Facial Treatments NOW will revita-lize your hair and skin - And make yourSpri~ Permanent truly ~Iorious.


M. Evel)'D Butler, HairdreaerlfZ35 M.-II: at 'I'hNe Mile om.

n... ~6 F~ E....,. 8,. A.... taeat TU.z._

Victor H. DeBaeke

At which Election the following officers are to be chosen viz:

To Voters ofGrosse Pointe



The Reconditioning Season'. Here!

sr.c.. .........tioa ad poateEaJ tLab lorIIOIDiaatiDc - .hutiee of the Peaee at. the GnJNePoiate TowuIUp PrimaJy EIeetion.

Grosse Pointe Farms, l\'lich.To the Qualified Electors of the Village ofGrosse Pointe Farms:

,THE HOUSE OF ANTIQUES(Wri. Sta4: ., U..-J Asatiq_)

II a....u.. A__ at WoocI...... I 810cb Nort& of GnuMI BeaIenrd1(.., Fi6IM¥ 8~


Monday, March 10th, 1941

You are hereby notified that the Annual Election ior theelection ot officers in accordance with the Village Ch~rter will beheld in the Village of Grosse Pointe Farms on

and that the polls for said Election shall be open from 7:00o'clockin the forenoon to 8:00 o'clock in the evening, Eastern StandardTime, at the Village Hall, 90 Kerby Road. .

You are further notified that there will be only one polIin~place for said Annual Election which shall be at the Village Muni-cipal Building, 90 Kerby Road.


-- THE GROSSE POINT~ 'R!:V!!!:,..

Footban Francbiae Buy AD,. Worker Can ObtaiDlavolvea Two Reaidenb Soci.1 Security Number

s,. DICK BODYCOMBETwo eminent lo<;a1 re~ideuts, D. 'Vorkers ot any agtl or those ",'ho are

Dwlalll Dou&Ia., of .. Rathbone place,

ICity of Groue Pointe, and Leo J. Fitz.patrid, , of 93 Cloverly road. GrouePomte Farm., and two othe:r noted De-ITfit blnineu men hal'e recently pW'-c:hued a fnncMse in the ne",ly.formedAmerican Professional Foctbal! league.bllt because of the lack of a .uitablepla.;y~ field actual operatioll wiU Dotbeaill until 194Z.

Doucla, alld. Fitzpatrick wag vdth\Villiam Dillon. who i. vice-pruidentof the Scotten.Dillon Tobacco compa..,.,and Charles T. Fisher. chief executiveof the Fisher Body corporalioll, pUdan ullannOllnced SUlll lvr the Americanleague fTanchise, whicb il considered aKl'iou. rival to the present NationalProf~sslotlal Football league of whichthe Detrol Liolls arc a parL

10 a becJ&jde statement Monday eve-IliIll;"Dour!al. who has been strickenwith ... lieht attack of the flu, stated,"My associates and Iwill deliaitely 'lotdo anyt.hiqo with oar purc... uDtil1942. We hope to lie tM' francbUe infor the good of Detroit. It is too !atefor 1941, bllt Wlil hope to produce CCX'drcsults in 194Z." Dougla, is U'ecuti'revice-president of the Chicqo. Dn1nth,and GeMaian Bay Transit campan;y.

Leo J. Fit%patrick, who ~s a formervice-president of th'.! Detroit Liona 'CIll-

der the old owuliirsMp of George Rich-ards, is 'cenera1 manager and vice-presideDt of radio station WJ R.

The new American Profcssioaa.lFootball league. dubbed an .outlaw"circuit by. several ~eU. known Sportswriters. rt;;ti;;ed muc!: n.:tkmal PUbli-


.at;y latel,. wben the New York entryo£f'ered huge sums of cold cash to AlI-AlIiericans John:11 Kimbrough, from ITexaa A. & M., and Michigan's Tom.Harmoo for their fignatures 011 Olll!- I;rear contracts. I

Since announcement of Detroit'sAmerican league franchise. mucb spec. q::ulation. as to whether or IIOt the new IorpnizatiOl1 can .Darlii playing rightsat Bna. StadiUII) for 1942, has flown i •back and forth across the cit,.'s inlier i :sports circles. Only time will tell i :

17.Year-Old Groase :;Pointe Youth Making I!Name in Bowling World' :

II,- DICK BODYCOMBEAt the ripe &Be of 17, with. six ,cars

of b4.'1i1lg experience already behindhim, bobby DeBacker. of 1453 Balfourroad, Gr-ossc Pointe Park, recmt!;y em-barkell on a record-breaking spree that~s 1PidIy advanced him from the~jast Dother schoolboy bowler class" _

to the front rank of Detroit's finest 1-yollag pin top pIers.

Last week Bobb,., who is a seniorat Grosse Pointe high school, C$tab. _lished the all-time high !eriel total at •East \Varren Recreation wben he I "

spilled 733 pins on indil'idual games of II-ZJ8, 260, and ZJS. Art DeBacker, Bob's: =father, owns and Operates both the I~Ealt Warren establishment and the:;newlY-opened Motor City Recreation' mon Connor avenue near Mack. ~

Bawling \\"ith Pabst"s Distributors in ithe Detroit Tra\'e!ing league, Bobby is ~....ell up among the leaders with a 1'0. ,,~

bust 192 average. Back in late Decem-I=ber, ,.oung DeBacker gathered consid-craJ>le publicity in Detroit daily papers _""hen he rnl1..ti a th!'~~ .;.:~c t0t4] ur I ~

708 and topped the league's SUU-odd,;;-bowlers for that week. I_

Accumulating experience and con6. =dence 'frith each new day of bowling, _Bob Is 6nnly entrenching himself as aruI threat' to be reckoned Tlith in the...ery near future.

Pace Sfz

Look Out Fordson!

....- e.- .... w.Ia .-..r •......,.. ... I 41. 01 "-k om-. tricb little ..... who to __ •...... ea-w. .....- , ......... ~ tIM Io.J toaor-tow ..--. ill • --..e •ei) "'1. to kPa at Is ta Po _ At tM ........... F e..- P..... ' II I'" ..die CideaL.p.' paitio..

iOae Defenae Slow. 'Up nearest (:(IIlIpetitor. The only OlJtstaDd~C%---=-_, 1"" Pam.. Ie .inc :feature;- ~f tm, contest, was the~UIII; unJItM accurate shooting of.Jack Bre~ 6 ft.Still T .. II-L .~Ia • IlL' ':-t- of'the "~"".ts.Bretz es-nullua.,..,. ;J • _ _ \.AJWC

~ tab!iahed • uew Ieque ICOnll&' reeord1IIr DIiQt .... TCmIItZ . 'II'J- be C'1llIMtled 011 11 field aoals

.~~&~ - dsat &ad - cbarit;y ton f.23 pQllla" bet.4ii&i( ~ ~ ai'o=d Jib nab- terinc the preYious record of Z2 held.. :W. Groue .Pobde' Jdeb. edIooJ' •. by Doe, JlotrisoIl &lid Jack Brace..... ladiBir buketbaJ1lquad stole a 'The Verheyden-Estex contest proved~imPhiuiTc 25-J!} 'rictDry from to be the bc.st pme of the week, withW;yadone high last Frida, eT~ on V'erheydCII emerging the .Jetor 35.26,CIu: home court. This wu Verhe,den's lecond win in a.nu. latat cage triumPh. the "Bhle row and definitely proclaimed them &I

Devils" Diath in 11 slUts, was just one a. threat 'for the chamPionship. Thepart of ~ itr.ulge wcelcend of Border battle was a see-saw encounter all theCities league COlltests Which saw both way with Brad O'Connor supplying theFon!Jon and Ro;yal Oak (Grosse last-minllte spark Deeded to clinch thePoiate~ two most dreaded opponents) game for his mates. Ra,. Van Wassen.aqueae out narrow 28-27 wins Over bove. rangy Verheyden center. was.upposedJy "weaker' team.. high S\Oint ma.n with three hovps and

Doug Graham, young pusbo$hot utist four free throws for 10 points.recentl,. adval1Cliidfrom the "Devil" re- The Eastminster and the City ofaene squad, helped hinruli to a majOr GfO$se 'Pointe Police and Firemen cag_.hare of the evenina:.s lrlory while ers battled it out for second place Fri-Grosse Pointe's offensive was slowed day niaht with the "Churcb bo) .... com-@wn to a walk and held to scven ing out 011 top by the SCOre of 49.35.points ill the fint quarter and six in Trailing 26-11 at intermission, the Po-each of the remaining three periola. lice and Firemen made a brilliant come.Graham bOOked three field goals a.nd back in thlii third quarter and werefn.e free throws for 11 large points. trailing by a mere four points, wb.cnCapt. Charlie Marzolf a.nd Leal! Tom Eastminster got ~hotW and drew away.Coulter did morlii than their part, each Eddie CIa.aue topped tbe scoring of thea(!dinr five di8its. . victors with IS points, follawed closlii-

\Vhile exceptionally strClllg OIl de- Iy by his tUlXlmatC& Elmer Schram andtense. Wyandottt's scoring ability was Bert Mclaughlin with IZ apiece.about a! effecth'e as shooting rainbow I The Indians went into a tie fortrout I'.ith a water gun. Limited to but third place by defeat.in the Club 15 DEATH INCREASE:

. , Automobile fataliti~s for 1940 were _fn"e points in the opening period and 40.13. The "Rednlen" took a commanl1- •. • d 1,62Z .II compared "ith l.536 for 1939.only a single foul shot 111 the s~con ing lead of 21.6 at half time. and _I

'0 according to the Michigan department ••q,u.arter, the Olles impro"ed con sid. coasted into \'ictory. Bern Allor was -mof health. It ""as the second successi~ejl: ••liiub!y in the LtH half bllt could n::;t the top ,corer for the St. Paul bo,'" _

J increase, but still well und~r the .111-bridge the gap that the Pointen had .gathering in 13 points, George Roberts time high of 2,175 automobile deaths inIopened earlier in the contest. Don Red. top"ed the losers with seven points.

... 1937. December auto deaths were 141 :Imond, \\'~'andolle iorwud, rang np The Trojans and Spartans slugged it •b f . compared "ith 159 in the month of :Imo askeh and our charIty tosses, out for last piace honon Tuesdiy Iii.e. .. _

I :\'o,'ember. =.taking ~ccring honc:"~ :(Jt' hi! team. ning". ~ith the Sp.rt.~ns coming out ~n iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'.Grosse Pointe's spectacular reserve: I top 26-17. In what proved to be a I _I_

sq.ua~ also conri?l.led merrily alon.g its rough and ready game, the Spartans I .""fll1lng "".y, <lo",hmg off toe \\)'an- kd by ~ra."C Trustham and Jimmy Knoll PERFECT IticlUlte secondary ~quad 40.19 to notch pulled awa}. from the Trojans in the ~it. ninth "let,)ry l:l !') games so f.1r latter part of the third quarter and DRY CLEANING:1fithIS season. Glen Holt t\cOl'ed nine neYer relinquished this lead. Trustham I~pc;.int~ and paced the "Blue Dey'!!" at. and Knoli uch scored eight points, Wetre Careful Of Itack, ,,".hicn ~a!>bed a 14.~ lead at the while Lester Clinton with £i\'e points COLORS N F di N: =.condus,c:! ot the first penc;.d. was high for the losers.. • 0 a Dg, 0 I '"•

Friday nig-hr. FordsO:!'1 ~teamini: With the playoffs slated to begin next RunnIng of Color ;~"T:actou" ,,'jll c~ur:'t into .Gr~se, month some very interesting games are I FABRICS Life and Pate. -S.POInte and do banle for undIsputed, in the making-. The teams arc starting I =t-:=fir,t plac~ .hc.n::.rs. ,.-;t" :"e 1;;H,ff set: down the st.retch, and ne"d a .~ <oyer. tern Is Preaervf!d ~for 8 0 (.,oc~. E.u:y In D~cember,. age to quahfy for a plal'of!' pOsllton. ,SHAPE Careful PreiS- !t!Gro"e, Po.nte s r<ial".ely untried ~as.1 All games arc open to the public, and! • Gi N LOf i=ers rc.l:ed t!,ro'~g" Dearl.>orn. ~ur;msed there is no admj,<;on charge. lng vea ew 1 e ~tl':cmseives by mar;,i::g up a ~1-18 ,.;c- Tonight the Police and Firemen meet I PRESSING All Hand- fIito'}', and lei: a !orrcwf~l goro::" A the Arro,,'s at 7 ~.m. in ....hat ShOUidl

l' Work Expert ~

~Tra(ton" 5mo\lj~ering in t::ril ;,ugt i prove to te an interesting contest. I • • • ':fi~\:t s;:e,,~ Io<:kcr rOGm. Rcnrdle,s .vf i STAND!NGS i R..~t as.ured that e....,~ your fineat, mOil mI.~e "'lle-,m. eo!!'"" '''G~; c\Crl"" 5 Ill'. '" L r(' d"ltUlt" Il'"rm~"" .....11 "etc,'\"t 1"",*,. ~1,.1<,: f~':;""" ,.<,:1 ""'!Y"b'cdl,. ",ir. (.):11.'5 f, 0 1 "",1 eor",," dean,ng t ... 81rn~"t .t Jled",<X>d *

. " t b' " 'r E <... ~. Cleaner •. Try '"~ next time ... it ~o,u ~roe's :~e )ca~s ees preil as.c ~J. a~!m'nster 'J " ./~ no more .ad if, 10 mll~b betterl I_~cra". F'ol:a ar.d fIremen.. . .. 5 .' .633 I ..

------ !r:dians - 5 .3 ..6JJ f zNeighborhood Club Flftern Club ' _ 4 4 S(J: ~

C!lge League Reporb E"ex .... C. 4 4 .Wi' ~

W k f Co "ah.:;de" ...._ - _ 4 b .~IXI: =;1:Big ee 0 nteata S"ar1.3ns - __ ._ - 2 6 .250 I TU. =Ire,jar.s _..- ....- -_ .._ 1 7 .1~5 I 2.0067 ~

or ~.t ~t~........,. ,~.ac:""': '7 C"J:T:r~s ha:d !:~1'c .\ ~ 7 I)::: _• •.• ..,rrc.,':S - -. - -- _. .• • .-1: 16118E. Warren .t Bedford " ;_iti.-f. ,". I~':I>' -;- a': ....': "-d r.1'1~rG ""

T1I. R....._ II 011L • "'"rt,'.,' n_, ' _~ti./- •••••• 0 •• "._"'" t.-<~ i,q ,'r.< !.,r In ••• 'J' OT rro;",~ p,:, :'. 1-; n':",<ry ~t!

1-" ,.,." '","';-' . " ;'. ". 'w 1 medium ~... eri1t C1ltin T o,.albip j ~, '.' ',: ~~l'~~lInl"RJII'Nl.'"l'1IW.oljtDJ..'Qj"A~i=I""'rnIll"'. "'!n'~""'J!i!Il!m.IIl!!l!l!UIIlIll!_lIllll!llOlFi'II!II!iIl!ID!~.l!Il!I!I!I!!lII~I~J.!'!_,"l."'.' ..~nj!J"!l!l"".~'~..il...pc; ~.....em ~'.1,~ i;.J 11i a ;-n e~ "r.ead of t :ltlr j of Gro... PoiD-..I, •••••••••••• _. -.1ii'i"n"T.'1?'nVJI'!i"ii'ilii'ili, .'n .''''''ilii'iI''n'''il"nliTAliTii'i!'''1iiiililqfif'''''ii'iTiIlifriTiflifi\1iil"IfiIfiiiilijm!iliiJ&iIlIifliItlmo\ijfffjjljffi~A:a:A:'Iii-;jTIiJi1ii1i1ii1ii';l"'''lI'i,,"if,i'iTAJFIilIlffli'FrW-

Page 7: 0 It ,Qt~~,,~rO~~t JPoitt )RtUitlll - Grosse Pointe Public ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/41/1941... · local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary;


------..REPAIR WORlt


"Pointa and Pointe ..."

OLD CLOTHESBest Prices Paid ForOld Qotbes and Fan

TOwnsend 8.Q973,.I TENNYSON AVE.

PlumbiDg-neati~Everhot Water He.t ...Stova. Refrireraton. W .

Harry N~Sprenkle1332%EAST JEFFERSON

LE.3ZI4Opu I .... to I, ....

Opentml' zs Y_ ie Y_ N...........


e:.-.w. ............s.m-w. 5 ie <:--'1FAMILY WASH-IS .

li11S MACK TV WIll

Backed b,. 1. ,..... 01 ..............a\"C demonstration experience, MiilJ e5>ie L Pickering, owner of Picker.ing'l B.auty Studio, SOZI Courville neatEalt Warun, i. well qualified to civeyour hair the penonalize4 individuallervic. it need. to retain natur.1 las-ter and beauty.

Another Pickering operator, !.IisaEleanor Carnes, i•• hair ti!!!in:: expert.....ith over 16 year. c,xperience in het'specialized profession.

If )'ou hal'e a particular hair proDolem, ~[is, Pickering will b. more tha ..glad to h"'e you comult her.

Bruao'. Purr, 'hI>, IGZI E. W...Ten, is the m(\;ci. thht da>~ (or troub--led hostesses who, i!l their t.-antiesearch for something new in culinaryan, have found .in Bruno's a veritablegodsend.

Bruno's is the headquarters for Mr ..Schmuck's home'made chicken pies,whOle fame h .. become city-"ide. The.....is. bostess ,,'ilI save herself hours of,.ork, and will be r.warded by manyeomplimenUry "Oh's" and ......h.I, .. ffshe sen'e. ber guests these tast, chick.en pies.

Bruno's ha\'e -delivery service, ofcourse, .nd can be reached by callilllXIasara 08-17.


Velm FiDiaIa 1r:SHIRTS -.C


15 u.. 8geAD flat ... iDc:IaIII ........

dUeh _atifaDy ir-.LAll weariq apparel letaa'"

reHy for ireD...We Specialize ill CartaiM

~ Pick.U, .1141 DeIiYw,. ....L!. an

... Coplin, n.- JeI_


for the coming Wednesday ",in be:"The Way to Gethsemane."

On Sunday, Feb. 13, the last of a setof four sermons au "Great Things ofChdst" will be delh'ered, the lubjectfor the d.y b.ing: "A Great ]ourney."The senice will be&in at 11:15 a.m. The •Sunday schOOl llo'i11 meet at 10 a.m.

Groue Pointe's MayorSeek. GOP NominationFor l:J. of M. Regent


Sunday school at 9 :15 a.m.Bible study classes at 9 :45 a.m.Morning service at 10 :45 a.m."Friendly Visit" of the congregation

will begin Sunday, Feb. 2J, for the he-ginning of Lent to deepen the acquain-tanceship, interest, and loyalty of themembers.

The impressive L.nten services alFaith church will begin next Wedl!es-da). enning, Feb. 26, at 8 o'clock. Pas-tor R. D. Linhart will deliver a .~ri~.of sermons on uSeautiful Savior."


M' B • - ~ .. ~ • Pictur, bv R.view Srd P"or~lIpMr'.'- o~ .. D... ,., ~ It"'....... DOI"OtI.,.A.m Aokock, 01 1'_, _r. 01 Mr. EJIiott Adcock ef er- .

Po....t..... Pll:hIreII aettiJll a bnath of wiliter wiBd at tIae Gro. .. P.... te Vm.... P......

New Adult Education -------------Cia.. Schedule

(Sponsored by G. P. Board of Ed.)Art metal-Starting Monday, Feb. 24,

7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Charles Peterson, in.structor.

Personalized typing-Starting Mon.day, Feb. 24. class meets Monday andWednesday, 7:30 to' 9:30 p.m. Mrs.Agnes "'ilson, instructor.

Fly and Bait casting-Starting Tues-day, Feb. 25, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Charles\\'ilcox, inslructor.

Gregg shorthand-Starting Tuesday,Feb. 25, class meets Tuesday and Thurs-day. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Mrs. Agnes Wil.son, instructor.

Beginning Photography - StartillgWednesday, Feb. 26. 7 :30 to 9:30 p.m.\\'illiam ~Iann, instructor.

All classes meet at Grosse Pointehigh school. For further informationcall Forrest Geary, director of AdultEducation. at XI. 2000,


"1' H E G R.o SSE P 0 r N T ERE V r E W

WATCH, CLOCK REPAIRIT ISN'T !\ecessary to pay a bir

price to have )'our watch Or clockrepaircd. Th. reason: My shop in myhome. "'ork lI:uaranteed. Jess Gallagh.er, 1329 Chalmers. 32 years experience.


hanging. Reli ni'hing done rea,onable.For etsim ..tes call !\eighborhood Deco.rator. TUxedo 2.2356.

PAINTING and decorating. Guaran-teed workmanship and material plus

JO vears 'experience. \Von't vou letme adl'lSe and estimate yuor worknow? Call TU. 2.i143.

KOSHER Corn beef, Kosher rye andPumpernick.1 bread. KOSher dill

pickles. Full line of imported and do-mestic table delicacies. \Varsaw Bakery,11224 Macle Avenue.

Lecturer DiacuuesThe United State,'Pan.American Future

E;~vcmu.t to Speak AtTo~ Hall Thii Friday







, I


PHON'OGRAPH - Get an auttlmUicphonoarapb for your next house POU'.

ty .. Best orcheltr .. on the latest rfC-ords. Alae used pin ball machines,I$5and up, and l!argains all uled records.Roberti' Y!lsic, Nt 58(A.

'1iiii:cE-EuUlliui iarge rooms, lI\'mgroom, bedroom and kitchen with tile

sink and electric Itove. $35 per month,include. stoker heat. Couple or singleperlon. NIag.ra 3991. Call after 6 p,m.

8IW NOTTINGHAM-Attractive singleroom. RU,lanable. Call TV. 2-9429.

GIRL OR WOYAN - Two to eighto'clock, «casional eveniap, $5. NI.


WORK WAN'I"£I)....F[MALECALL £LLA WHITE:-For experienc-

ed colored workers. Week's work,day., part-time help furniihed. RivardEmployment. J69Z Rivard. TE. 2-9163.

WC~ WA.":"rED-MALEEXPERIENCED - Chanffeur a IId. hOllsemaR. witb .cod recommenda-tions. Call TYler "-7'985. I

WANTED TO BUYWANTED TO BUY....Qffice delk. 10461

Beaconsfield. •TV. 2-1915.

In opening her talk on books rel.tmgto "The Pan.American Prospect." OliveDeane Hormel, lectur.r for the L'ni-versity of Michigan Extension Service,quoted the r.cent a~peal of Paul Green,a Pulitzer prize.winning playwright,that ,,'e must remember in these timesof aggression alld defense that "mani~ by nature of his very sell a creator,not 1I. d.stro)'er."

Chlr task is not only preparedness tofight and assistance to those alreadyfighting for us, but the creative one of(()lIservation and enhancem.nt of thecuitute of the ages which is now findingrertJge in the: \Vestern Hemisphere.

Miss Oli\'e Harmel's lectur., present.ed last week at the John D. Pierce

REFINED ~ Girl wishes room and ]unior high school under the sponsor-board in Groue Pointe Home. ship of the Unj,'ersit)" of Michigan

reference) e"echall&"ed.Call FL 2961 af- Alumni club of Gross. Pointe township,ter 5:30 p.m. h Ii" J1' • f_______________ ....as t e tth In the ,,",ver'lty 0 Mich-

HOUSE FOR RENT igan extension seri.s On contemporaryliterature and drama.

4ZZ NEFF R~ P .... te, Ea. The lecturer pointed out that reading~ ..,..-_ lower tat ie .....

uIIeat coa&ti-. lara' in the right way can be creati"., andparticularl,y so the intelligent readingof these books that make for bettert:nderstanding of "our neighbors to theNo~th and South." The goal of Ourgovernment's ~Good Keighbor Policy"presents one of the gTCfltest creati,',challenges of a\1 time, the consolidationof 21 separate nations of the 'VesternHemisphere into a harmonious and re-ciprocally beneficial unit}. for the ulti.mate good of the whole world and thehigher status of the indi,'idual withinthat worid.

T•• .~ ...hre baa.., .-. ... '. quanenwido batIL. Cua8e .attacheoI. Oil Ia_t,$111 .... tIs. CaD .t ___ A...n.IIl...-HAWTHORNE ROAD, • - e-

Poiate S...... .u-._ brick. hno• u... ...... ......... ~, b!atls.SIMa ..... t, ... fria-tiOL T_ .......... - ....... SIMowIa ., ............. t-1,-. UNION GUARDIAN TRUST.;0. CR ....

HOUSE to REXT-Three bedrooms.Buutiftll interior!. 1#4 Gn.)'ton,

South of Mack.

MUSICJmSR!lU"':-~ .PlanO;- vOict,; and theqry;'Yoar requiremcnnulIghtIn an expert maDDer. 3So4 Moran Rd.TV. 2.1l978,-

PIA'NO LESSONS-Oassical or popu-lar. Clrildre n or adnl ts. Your nom e.

Experienced teacher. !'il. 4287,


T___N... ....,.eta.danlI __0.- aa- - Leuoa SIc

•• 1

table, GIRL'S PLAID-BellOy cap (brown,'lJ1'een aDd tan) matches my coat.

Kindly phone N'ancy TV. 2.0969.


• • ... T" I


•• I I" I.


Inuanda,. February .m•.1P41


Phil Geist'. Beer Store<P-t, _ • ......,

17531 MACK AVE. NIAGARA 2020....N.R"

~&~I, CAN


w. W.. h .... Tria An 1:....D...... AD B...... Board.d ..,. 0.,. _ )I.t"

11115 MACK AVENUE NI. 4221

"'.' ALNllT Dinin, .uite, lure, buffet and chain. Nt 8448.

ONE Complete set ComptOll" PicturedEncyclopedia. CaU alter • o'c1oc~

Tv. z.osJ6.FOR SALE-1937 Terraplane, A-I can.

ciliiOll. New tire!. Radio, heater. Fill-isb like new. NI. 5881. 61"2 Bishop.

CHILD'S Youth' bed. Complete. AlsolIigh ehair. Bedroom ru, 8xJ by 10x6.1336 Henard. .

MAHOGANY Foor PGll bed. Dre~ser,chelt of drawers, uQlIsual dining room

Itt. Easy washer and mangle like new.Hoosier kitchen cabinet. Chairs. Babyirand piano. Tope ruR', bird cages, etc.Le.ving town. ?lV. 5759.

COCKER PUPPY-Kine month. old.Sired 'by Champion, AKC reg;Uered

and immunized. Reasonable. 04510Bis.hop Road. .

FOR S....LE - Two-piece JjvilllJ roomsuite, in good .condition. Cbup. 1708

Brys Drive. TU. 2-8657.

1939 CHEVROLET-Town .ed.n. De.luxe equipment, Excellent condition.

1941 plates. Must be .een te>be appre.ciated. Private owner. Nt 0797.

'tW0-Boys' suits, size 16. Very rea-.onable. SI. 1686.

EXAMELED-Bedroom lUite. Doublebed sprinK', Chest of drawen. Vanity

with full length mirror and bench.Splendid condition. TU. 2-8911.

T~VC :eRC.A..DLCC:.\.~_ri.u .......~~!Z ......-! i~.- - HiGH SCHOOL-Boy desire I any odd9;,;14. RtiiH'IL"iLle. 277 Ridgemont Rd. jobs. Rull. errands. Has at. Nt 4929.Cross. Pointe Farms. . _


PI ,. Prift.. L.Mu

STROH BRE~~Y .COMPAI'ii' :~~~r. Ji~~~.tRT_ ~ __ OI._t,_M_ichip.t m Iuw..d MUrray 5a7----------------

APOLLO GRAND PIANO-Solid ma.~ogany._ electric reproducer. Oricinal

flflce, $3.000, 180 rolls. Bargain for cash,For appni"tm-:o"t ~~11 Tt)",edc 2-6745,

ASHI.EY, 4904I-At Mack. Bungalow,moder". three bedrooms, breakfast

1I0c,k, double gara~e, side drive, terms.Low interel-t. TU. 2-8545.

HUD'SON SEAl-Fur c02t. Beautiflll-Iy lined, splendid condition. Size 16.

. Ollly $15. Worth considerably more. 344Fisher Road, !'Tagara 2062.

Ifl'ST SELL tiiy Hudson. 1940 De-. LUlI~•. Victoria coupe for best' cashoffer.' Has heater """':11 guards. CA1496. • .. '~

Graue Poiate A ....... SIrrice...... MacIam.. V_ a..-.I..-., F1Mr ~ uPe ...... F.... W ir ...~

Mason P. Rumney, mayor of tbe City M .-11 C 1 .1

t of G.,,;s~ r'ui,a ...... 1 "ice-president of - GROSSE POlIn'B VD.CHRISTIAN SCI 'cr the Detroit Steel Products COlJ11Iafly. ..... c..a 1ft. ..

who 1lI'aduated from the. ~.-riq - CAablEr WCJ8It.~EW .J7A1'1CE. Sl'UDIO ~ "Mind" will be the sabittt. of the co1le~ oi tbe' University c.f llichisa ~ - • _' ~ ..... _.J

The new studios of Elaine Arndt, usson.Sennon in all Chris'an Science "itb the clan of 1967, is __ beiDc Iz- .."America's Foreign Policy and Our popular Grosse Pointe dancing instrac. churches throughout the w.-ld on Sun- actively advocated for the Repllblicaa IW. ... I' I ..

Trade Abroad" ....ill be the subject of tor, is now open to accommodate new day, Feb. 23. nomination fot' regent of the university Q.' ADERa talk by the eminent practical eCOnO' classes in ballroom, tap, ballet and acro. The Golden Text (Phil. 2 :13) is: "It by a large (lTOtip of Michigan &lumm, •mist and lecturer, M. E. Kriegal, to. batic dancing. is God which worketh in you both to business men and civic leaders. mtl!!'- GltOISE POIJfTE CAIIDIET lIIIOPmorrow, Friday morning, Feb. 21, for ~fiss Arndt is planning a series of will and to do of his good pleasure." ested in the welfare of tbe Wlivusity ....... f ,... III ... ,..... ....the Detroit Town Hall at the Cass functions to signalize the formal open. Among the Bible citations is this His qualifications, a=dinc to ]ame. .. ~ ..,.. _ .....Theatre, • ing of her school early in March. Miss passage (Prov. 16 :1. 3) : "The prepara- ~f. (Pal) O'Dea, chairman of this _h ,., , ••

Kriega] is contributing editor to lead. Arndt's modern school is the only tions of the heart in man. and the an. group, mah him an ideal candidate. ------- _ing American economic magazines, and building of itl kind in America, de. swer of th. tongue, is from the Lord. Rumney has been a director of the DAIRY-POULTRYis well known as a pioneer in educa- signed and constructed e.('"dally for J Commit thy work. unto,) the Lord, and Xational University of Michigan Alum-tional broadcast radio. He aha is the dance education. It is located at 750 thy tho"ghts shall be established." ni Association for many yeus and d"r-author of "Armaments Assail America" Alter road, the first cornu louth ef ing his three years as president of tbe GROSSE POIJIITEand "State Securit\. Acts" Jefferson av~nue. association was r.sponsible foe maki~ LIVE POULTRY MARItET

In his recent 10 .month~' nationwide ------- MESSIAK LUTHERAN it the strongest collegiate alumni or- StrictJp ..... En-suney of economic conditions his in- Catholic Theater ganization in the L"nited St"tes. He has P....., ~ WWIe y_ w.

t' t' f f On the .vening of A,h.Wedncsday, performed man alu bl .. h LE. 3113 151t1 E. ...... _'t.

es~ga lons ."h'.rel r~m Irst hand in. Presents New Play IFeb. 26, the lirst of six special ~[id- interests f 'thYv .a e ~t.r\'lces tnd! e

..rer"Je~$ 4""t eadlng industrialists. un I 1 n" ~'~~k l.~nte~ ~~!",,";:=~:~.4:!~b:,,: h_"M. ,!".c,._ ~_ ~~~ L:~_",,~. ~ _.~~l~'e~.sly ~c~or ~~ •••••••••••••••'ilrm n::ilaers, representauves of con .. , oac;nelQr Darn - - - - , lIvu5 ...:.Jew Ul::lug uu ------sumer and all labor groups, agricul- __ time of the .enice is 7 :45 p.m. The personal undetlHiting of the major E Dtural areas and mining regions and The Catholic Theater-of Detroit will general theme of the six sermons will part of the fund required for the pur. CAR FAR M Sthese anal)'ses of national and inter-, present its fourth production of the be: "Jesus in Gethsemane." The theme chase of land which alloweU the board Grade A Poultry Farmnational affain were broadcast o\'er all . season, entitled "Bachelor Born" at the ------.--------- of regents to construct the Mosher. E!he major stations coast to coast. and art institute on Feb. 20, 21 and 22. Staff of 51 Students Jordan dormitory for women, one of 1'1"In Canada. Kriegal is director' of the Ian Hay "'Tote this che.rful talc in Named for Spring the unil-ersit)':s linest buildings. LiYe aad Draaed p~National Speech Institute and member 1936, and'it ""as first produced in Lon. Those advocating Rtimney'l nomina. 172t1 MACK at ST. CUl8of the American Academy of Political don at the Appolo the!ter enjoyinr tre- luue of "Proem" tion as r.gent point to his continuedand Social Science. mendous succe.s. It ~as never been and enthusiastic interest in the L"ni. LAUNDERING

------- produced in Detroit, although it played Barbara Swain, 12A student, has \Crsity of :'Iichigan athletic programNew Change Increases for se,'eral months on\Broadway. been named senior editor of "Proem" \Vhile an "nder.g-aduate, RumneyS--~ The play reYeals the tribulations of a Grosse Pointe high school's litera:y played for two years on the varsity. ~ in Helicopter bachelor housemaster in an English magazine, and Dorothy Duncan, 9:\, iootball team and after gradualion de-

public school, who rules his boys with has been chosen j"nior editor, vot.d much time as an amateur aSiist-"i~h asuccessful .. helicopter air.plane'l a firm ~ut humorous hand. Suddenly, Together with.a combined staff of ant on the coaching staff. He also oar.

.' speed. h\lce as great as tr,at of Iupon thIS purely monastic and mascu. 49 olher members, ?liss Swain and ticipated in track athletics and in're-pre\ ~~~s hellcopters, has bcen made line selling, there descends his three I :'Iiss Duncan will choose the s_ories cent years has been nationally known~~SS.I, e by a de\"Clopme~t reported by' ,'ery yo.ung and attracth'e wards. The I poems. and other interesting article; as one of America's leadinjf !ailing- ,,~rd .... Stalker. prolessor of eng;. aClion of the play becomes "Ilarious which ....ill appear in the spring I'S<U- yachtsmen.

neenng at th T"'. '. f 'I' h' , -, Ru . d t 1 .to t . e ...n,\trslt) 0 ., IC Igan, "hen the housemaster attempts to gov. of the magazine. mney s a \"oca es a 50 POint to the

S.' he Inst,tute of the Aeronaullcal ern them in the same firm man ... r he TweJi!h iTade Itudents on Ihe suff nlue of his b,l>inc,s experience Onclcnees last week. h lb' '" the uniHr,ity board of r .....ents. In 30Th hr' uses on t e ma e mem ers of the stu- who ",,11 as5'S! ID sel.ctlng th. manu. ..

~W~j~W&j~ii~!~I~JiMi&I.!!!S&b~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~f!&!!~iJ~~!. ~ e Icop.ter. like the better.l.-nown tient body. scripts to b. used are: Anila t'\'ick, years he has risen from the tanks to a-,. --: au.~lro~,h3~ m!ot~ad of the usuaJ wings, Paul Lil1y 1!!I directing "Bachelor Sal1~. \\"edder. ARnn Tburett. Gillie place o.f pr('1minr.nce among the stile'.

H BUCKERlre a. "'mdmIll.hke rotor ano\'e it but un. Born." and there are other ,,,,11 known Lee \\'ri"ht \farih'n B... I". \,,_ ,"dllSI".1 execut".c,_ Last rear, Rum-, E &: SON IIke the au:o",ro, it has no propel/or in east side members of the Catholic the. Boor. Jea~ Xeff, ]~ci.: CUdli~,.v~~d]~~~ I n~y.wa, pos~ comma?der of Alger post

COMPLE'PE PLUMBING ... HUnHC SERVICE fron.t, depe~dlng ,,'holl). "pan the rotor aler group in th~ cast. Keogh. 01 tne Ameflcan Leglon.Electric....... I 100,. kit. ~-L..........I for Its m(l!lon as w~1I as smpension inSerTioe ~ ~ -- Ihe air. Thi, rotor ;s built like two Ele\"enth graders are: Helen Briggs.

57 K can. • ~ ill en... Poillt.. Dau ht fA. :.rarshall Coult~r, Care-l Saniord. Pau,'1 08 er-L--al LEno" 67"0 crossed airplane pr,,;>c1lor,. exee",t th.t g era 0 merlcan \\.. .QIC" .. • C hue. Sarah Kantcr. Jim ~lcGoori\\'in,eacn blade is only ,I",htly .:'''dler than olon.'sta Elaine Rais" Kay Alkin;on, and ~Iu-

th~ "inlt of the ordinar\" airplane. Tl,e joric l.i',I~.

lauto~iro ,.n only m(l, e ior\\arn, "",,cre. T',C \1:(l,i~'n ".I't- "o,,'.t,. of th- T A nn:r .. l in "sweN and swin>:" in-~. .,., - " ,enth ~rade 1',ll'il< aTC: J,'''n SI,ic1d" d h;l(, the hrT1copt('f <'fin R"O in ;a.,y dir("C'.. n' ~ \ . C . atl;;r~;;atr ~ e Irillrfltion (If a two~ni~ht,. . . '''Il ':,0< 01 . men,an ,'Ionists 1!c1d R.,'1cct T',oma'. 1b:,. Carol,n- ""d- I 11 I 1.' . f 'r,'n. t":',"ro. hark"ard. 0r "oewa.'s. or l ' . h In' ~ d ' •• ' (lp al 11c ",wr"., (l \!!(higan on

. I a "'1 '" "(";>:I,)n rre II:C part)" fur "",;;:it lIas'''lhlad, ),1ma ]e"n Gallnn F h 14 d 1- \1 h • _.m,H :0\(':'" ~t::ttif)n~,..,. H'l i1, ...... :.. ..1 ~ ~.r-:-.t .:::-..:> .li.;~G " ~ _ "i.i(,5~:l;. ~a". :'hirTc\" ~ a.rT... rl D' • ~;I . l" C'. an >. ore f a.n 2 ..:-00 lnt ...

I Prolc"or Stali-.cr", deHl"pment c"n.IT'Tr.d'" I'ch lR at 'he horn f:'I \1' h-c ~"han. ,,'!th• \\"'0'" I,cr,,:)" of \t,c 1I,.n '!""~"t, an<l t!"wr• siqs of c:pm:l1n;r the rf":or h\. hlo,\\j~"" a: R' 'j" ..'~ '.. I 1 co. rs I . rm rrS.0 t e Junl0r ~ta.ff who "in I .':'1l("!S, rl.:tn('rl to (.~ mt ....jc ('If Genej... 1 E 1r {'Ill 1 '-"'i;Jq tire nln:h O'raocr;; IT".

lar ....e ma« 01 a,r t!lr(),ll1l1 <1'1' In ' c I \'- ". I: '""I k .' ,. r ~ , . "mcs rooT"1 ", 1T~a ann R," :nnr,n ~..n': at :l,e fo•.• ~'.' ~ .\1 d,' 1'( ~, Il( \\,i"i C la1!"m'ln m (j-itr. ('.an lonn~ r "I ~f.' ~ ,

fO!or ~la(]('". il1,.r1l 01<; ~.c t",mll1.u l.:i\n l;.-i"~f" 1)[ :llf' ;otr1;j,jr. ~ild \\A" a"'i~I.-,.I:-'!.i4111r""",<l J.... "[ l~" . Jell,l, r~~Iil1<1' drr,: p,;'ol:r_~\' -"n , .• ;(:1'4 ..... rn~ll •. \\:~~le

.. 1 .. • •. . ...il • C""n ..\.:c Clim'-fln nrc\' ""~I'" 1- _ •• P, I J •c;.p.ln1'>..lcr jC\(\ "CO" ')\ the torl~~ 0t \\~:rr h\. \!-~ (' (l,,"k R0"~ \r ........I",m \\" "'I' "1'1 If' .. \:. ',(,(~" liI,,1 11A "oin,~r l('Alt:rrri .\H~~

"1' I ., '. c< . ,n" "" I1re,' C\\lIl !lrbcc \Ielc'e' I .: . "!In,n,, ' "c'rd! ':. BL.ne, d t"e rn:cr \. T""C ".< In''n r' 1..:1 \1- I' 'I h n . ." "'1'\ ,n", m.l<le 0: nrnn,' G.)(ldm.n and ,,--. 'I I . ,. rln .. ,~. "'l::tl"'_ lar t'r . .ann lck \f'rrc; , h .I

arc rl('1 ..... \\. ",: •• : ~iirC. r1n:-':n~ :'l"'r 'rl R ......'.'1 'f-- Tr"') r ,. I I" '.' r;l, ,,-l"fI_ RUSSELL' .r •. • " , ,.... I,. \1. .:tnr ('~ '1.10.; 1~'1 R'r:<lfk ~t~Hi("nt(, ~re' J""\P ;,..,. " .J '_) •f"'nt"'ll nn 'I"~'l t('l .....rl::ri h()"('Inl l::'!'-{.lrr. 1\('(" ~ .. (l \f l' T'I 11) \\. I \f . -.::!. r t!tnllln.'l 1.,,,, .Hr'i""l "'1'"('\"" r;":<\u.rti'rn:.:..,.l '\.1\'1 I, . __ ' <, ,~. ') , ~ ,\1~'" ,l-('l'M. (Ir,)"~(', r;.";.:~).lr;l ',1nl~1', (~il fi,1nJ.l- P.l'n1r \~tff'" :\fJ;.;. p,.,~'rp , ........ :.

t (' ;l:,. r~l~~r" \', '(''1 r,r~(':-.,;dl"T" 1'1',. '\ ...~:1 n, .. rl,.. h, ,,, ... I •.~.. (~. I r 'I I." n I . f'". \ 1, ,In.::tj):lml,(d',i1'n~~ o.hl. ....frc;, :':--Or.lt\H"h'"""()iIFi"~"(1 r n.-i...,(')n i~.'~!" "'R"'I'I'.I~'" ';I""~r :(l"'(':-. "':11 t,:i"cr, :--~n}I.\I(,~";'I~Jf" }i.lr- r:"i!(;, O'R4I Gr-I'lZI1. ,., . " ., ', .. ' r'. a p, r,anllc',:ar" Lo', (".ane I R I R . .~~'t' ji,1,....... IF \\ 1-nC''' '! To I I cr. .. J I •• • anl .1.r~ ('I,.." (,,1:::(f, P,lf:-Ifi.:t Ynlln~, Q......h('l,i

., , .•• r~ 1'\1))rr "'~~1m0n r',lfl R:l",('l1 , . f

l~'(' ,:.(, °1 ,"t-t,:~ ~"j"r'. Pr ;,.,cnr \,,~ l,hl:'l.,i If j,.'(';lrr \f II" .....r !,' I. rhU'-"~, r. ....l~\' Ihrll1,. r>t:-lllf.l r,ir." l" I . r... .lr- • 11\ .11.[('. 1m ""111'1 h. T" . 1, .. ~ ~} ", .:J L..r'" r""~'<r (, :', "<~':!.i II,... In.I"l", ';" \ Rrr ~ 'it~ r' ,""'r', \! '! I" I . • ,f'.'\ I .n. "I :. (1"11 prn. 1')."r~,I;I

h - . . f',. , .,.\ ('b,..l > ,j , '11 III r). " I \\ " , I n'H' ", r 1 IIIn 1 (' ttf'l'l -..; "-'\,1'''' f1\,.~,!. Hr',co':). \~_<;. (!.~ ....lr~ If \1.. I' .' ' , . I' -', \)1'1'" ,(": crt. 1 r' • 11 ".r .. \f,.f (1.;:( \f~ .

1 • (,,~,.,r,. aT/( m~n\ '.1:1Q \~A' '.::l'(' \'1('''' '.... ...,' l' ' ....:("!'"'(; ", ...... >!' ,:;.~ ...... ~r .>(":~1 1:1 \~.:lr"tnl" 1'" "po:.. • ! ..... '.' lL .... ;(.(' ,'r (In,~. ,'C"r"n' . .::l"1r1 P.,-:., Fr..,~.('1

f r r(((tj' 'r:-':.=- .; ... : ic-, .. '_I ....",',n~ , Ir '("\('1' t~.',( ;-";. ,', r" . (' , .... fl". ,\1: .....T-:r,"~r' ~ "r .' \'~ ,~; •. e"t'~ I': t.r . ~.:.,. \1 .• l ~r. \~. "'r~t' \:',11 ,,,- r ., i'. ~' . , ,,- ('. ',c-('\l

,1:- .1):'. ,( .'1', (';-' .. - " : I~C. \'l.JOcrc. 4llrp : i ~',C t) •• ;ldntH,ll,jC "OfK o{ the j~, ,"-l'lt iv:l .\ . : ~.- , ,"; l . i ,!' ~. r"j :.1 •• '1'porLJ ....(re \iiJ.&\.illi&tHe., j d.Y l~(rl \\~l! liIct oli:) .) ... rICI.jll,('~ r -1;-r '. ~"'(' I..... ;nl'_"~l~>'l

oc.c:y. \llor. _._ ~IU GruilzH IS a'OPd,jmJf. _




Page 8: 0 It ,Qt~~,,~rO~~t JPoitt )RtUitlll - Grosse Pointe Public ...digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/41/1941... · local draft board. Belanger was assist- brary;




COFF ...E3. PO~BAc37C

Pennanent ProbleJDISolved in Our SaloaAs experts ill. the arl of ,uc«uW ,..;manent ""a\'ing, we guard apilllt ~,sible failW'e by stud)-ing carefuDy ..texture and condition of hair :'proceeding with a pel'1l1ill1lllltlQYII 'eration.Come in and let us dialt'QOM UJ' .... :prQblell1 you may be experielKi ... ' , ,TeIepIa_ N_ for All "''' £'p •• 1<.

NI. tziZ <. >.SIMICH BuW-B..-,. ~,' ~,17.&W~~~:


'.'./:'; -.'.o!'

- '~"

~1t (J

i~ . care fir -.... 1 .-.--r -- .. -•..A_~"'~......,. ..~ ...__f. ,_Ilair .. ~I.-na laair r.s4iaM ....IiIwtint IeftIlaees __ ..-..pan ..,....Y*.--tit1. SowprJliBpj ..apensift.



DR. 1311



~JI' £~rROGER~

Cleaned and Preued



POWDERED - LICHT OR DARk BROWN SUCAIl----3 1 ......... ai


JUICt: ~ 29c


"!.omato a.__?E:,. Cigarettes 1 1Q::.oup v 6IIU\,., [ Cart_ .... tu: A .... t7


FL~~~ 83c Pepper = 15cKOGER'S BIG BEN SIZE a.ocx

BREAD. • • 2~lOcLibby Dills • crt. I5c I PRUNES 4 ... I9cCan Milk • 4 ~ 25c Wheaties ,... IOcPEaCHES •• 2N::'~25c,lara Syrup - De

i Heinz Ketchup::t2 f... 3ScP&G Soap • 3 ban IOc:Ch, P' 2-l9cerrres. Ie

TunaFish. 2~: 25e PekoeTea. , ~.. 31cChipso L.... • 2 pq.. 35c I £ATMORE Oleo 3 ... 25cFels-Napbtha , 6 ban 2& I CRISCO or Spry 3 .. 44c

DetI'Git IlYtitute ,of Arb






• • •'Fhe various posta of the Ninth clis-

trict of the VtteraQi of Foreigu Wan,Frank'KeDy, cOllltiiander, ",,11 hold tbeirclistnCt lIIeetiaqr its tbe Alger Post dub-rooms OIl'Yonday, Feb. 24, at 8 p.1Il... '"

The ladies. alll<iliary of Alger Post995, V.F.W., will prestslt "Papa Be-have," an all-girl musical shaw in theauclitorium of Grosse Pointe high schoolon Thursday evening, Feb. 'D, at 8:00p.ns. The P1lbic: is inTited.

ROTAllY CLUB MUTINGRi&;bard C. Hedke, rice-pruident alid

I'em:ral IIW1qer eaf the' E-aton-Oartcompany, win address a mutinr ofthe Grosse PoilJte Rotary club eanMon"y, Feb. 24, iu the Whittier bo-tel at 12 :15 p,.m. •

Hedke was president of the DetroitRotary club from July. 1926 to July,1927, district gOYemor from J aly, 1928to' July, 1929. and director of RotaryIntemational frOlll July, 1930 10 July,1931. The week of Feb. 23 wiD celebrafeRota17 InternatiOllar:. 36th annivers;ary.

Marillac GuildPlan. Lunc:heoaE'YeDtFebruary 25


Prhe. wiD ..a•• " _ COI'nCt-.... ..bIeN ....

.............. wII....no. • _ h_....... OD MIect~.. ... JIU'ticipat~... .. daM .....




17m M_ Nt IZZ1WE DEU\'ER




..... Aw. at IIcKiuIIeF IW.Croue PoiuIt. F ....

~ e-t_ DeIi'tw7Beela Shoe Store

AIr S........... AM ~COMPLETE UNE OF

FREEMAJn SHOESVlRCINIA SHOES fa. CWiIre.lSUZ MACK ro. I.-... W.,.. ... M..,-..

Turner' •Siaclair Super Sernce

W......... iuG ....Batteriea

1_1 M.ck at .,.......,_


Puzzle That Pay.

It Pay. to Work The



r.-.t-a.- e:- W ......t....... -. ao..v


ne __ Gnde n..t ......La. ,w,.r-. ...... N. c::s.ar.w

Stowe ",1.$US - Hat .....$USZENITH COAL 6 cou: C0-m' L,- A-. LE. an

GEO. S. DEETSFlab Market

.... "' SEA.!JO~WE RAVE IT"'uu. MACK-ro, ZoI751

LiDcoID. Hiah.ay TireHOME OF $2.45u.c:. ...... u. _

JIfew A u.N r.. E' u'v.. '.,IGZI URCHEV AL - LE. In.

It T U 5 R• P E R ER V I C S,A K V A M

7 I 0 4 RN 1£ • S I 7,

C _L 1 0 4'7 1 C I U M

, .



• o.w.a P. • " '*1;.'" ..., ...~GI' . m8 ..' 1tI... I•...cJIp .... N.t..• si.. i Sill". F~•r.......,...,. "C.. & I. HI FweI Oil.

.. ,. Altndh. 1MI.. C"nk.

". '")

- ~'.,' q" - i..5,. l~ttiq ~ AlL~ ....."-a,i 7 t: .... "....... '.n. __ .. the ... ~ ............. .... ,.. f-.I ... eernct __ or Isriac to

- . ....-., ,....... A letter or ,~ ..... -br- .-' '--_-.,III i" ._ ,... _... .

.IPtnca~.,FA•• t OAK"~.>'- --'iiOVrNc co. ~THIS~!


_. " LE. all CaW F ~ _

Wat oul PJ,."Boat La.IIer

It Pap to Work The

V.. BeceJaere B....'1ioa1LGAS ... ODVCTs.naa UTTE.tlES


IIUf IIAat-fQ. In......... Hardware

A. ... COCIDI, ......

............... ea-• 11:. ... 11 JIlL IllS..... P.-.. F__

I..-.Whlldln CoalCo.L ....--=:7!:*'- PL 8SOO

, .-:,....

-'PIIIST PRIZE".1Iir \ ';.• CNI) PRIZE.... _.,- *n

~..... , • l.e........ ,' ,

~ ....


ALSO LAUNDIY17.., .... Aw.-1\J. UUII

~PItIZE....., .

D.. A.., ...... p......15141 MACX-TU. Z..fISI

}feat ta ~ n.a..Free Pick.Up ..... DeIiftry

J. Verbeke',P-'-- FOR CUARANTEED RADIOStore uuneT WEIW.er Phil'. -NI. an SERVICE

FRESH ECCS ~ ~~It~~ Roberta Radio Shop....". ~ WIll. Yo. OF BEEl AND WINE III. Eo Wan. nr. ae.ordVi. At p ........ Pn-o.Slts MACK NI .... ZI77I MACK _ Cor. ANITA TU.2-4S5t

C. F K ., Q---.!-- I _L ood H cIw Refric'entor Senice• c.D • ~ I Id&~ ar are ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR

T_ PNhcta • T Ssm. "-OIDpan,. I 1"\..---- & M N. I• , ......, It '" 1t...,Ju "" ow ~ M..,..... ~ C ICOe., - £...,-t "- W ~ SPORnNC GOODS Jam a..rte-i" .t w.,.-.

PAINTS TU Z II'"' Ni,hta, S...... Holi.1'_..... _. N.tf Nt. - • • --... TR. 2....17tt? MACK TU.2-iMS "


ENHOUSES Redwood Cleanen DRY GOODSHA.RY CAltTWltICHT. Prep. 5petial ni, w .... 0.1,--- for AD Oeeuions c. W. MALLON. p .....r --- Lad;,.,' SI()()ImJ M.cIr Atre. at RinnI 1'1J8 E. W.rren COTTON~RESSES ..., . ,

1'1. - w. CaD and DeIinr ,etl KERCHEVAL LE. 1Za

oJ; ' .. &W YUIOIf an to'rfted wttk fI'oet or -. Clear IVilIqe Service aU lIIW1icipal !PtteTt lAd policy with- the,. perform. The,. II!UJIf I'tPOI1~ - Would 10G drift J'OW visioft I, ft~slJ'1 to .. fe ~, "Ad-. . tratioD" in the lidlit. U lei up in the' Chal'ttr. tb")Ilp tile --Ullee combenltiq

~ fJ11 •• t Tbat'. Jail what 10ll ~ ill wiAter whulII""'" Iluarda ~DI' The PresideDt preside. at aU eoe- with that ~ deparlllltDt. Thur.da,., Feb. 20, 8:30 p.ns. Free.. ,.... .......,.. ... wiBdllIieW .... lDOre QlIrioa, .,. A. A. GHEJQUIEaE millioll Illedina', *hkh are held twice This .. holt Mt-llJ make, for the betl lecture COW'se: (Illustrated) UVictoriall

. ~. :~ v-... t, ar- r... W .... IIIoOtIthly,tbe irat ... tlaird. Tlltlda)'. potllbl, dflcicat a4llliniatraUoD of YiU. HOI1Ses. by Joyce Blacle Gnau..'~.:.:~ , Pur Qt to a poIic," adopted lODIe of eaclI moeth &ad any lpecial 1II«t. alai,.. QDder PftIe.t circumstances. Friday, Feb. 21, 3:30 p.m. Paid lecture

........... ;;;;;=_==;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;Iiiii_;;;;;;;a;;u --.; tiee a of 1c~lIg the re,ident. of iqa that nsay be a.tetslary. He allO It rellect. ia eyery detail the Ameri- cOlICse: (I1huitrated) "The WesterD Es.

I',",0 • '" Grosse Poitlte Woods informed Oil civic appain.', .,ubject to the approval of. the eall way of doiq thina" fot the pub- pansion of IslalllK: Art" by Adele CoIl.'.•• ;'II.r. of Fuel Value lIIatten, I will QOW write anotber ihort Co~IiIOD, .the ~O&Id. of ll.~v~w. lie bcQllfil._____ liJl Weil>el.~ terict of informative articles. Chief of Polke •. Flte Chief, Buddiaa r Friday, Feb. 21,8:30 p.m. Free lel;lure

. ..... ... Beeaulli of the fact that dllti.q the &ad P1l111lbina'[Qspedors. Attorn.,., Ea- course: (Illustrated) ''The EJIlpir, of. , ' Pa,t few year. tbere ha. bttll a It'tat aineer: Health Oliicer aDd heads of "BEYOND the Iaeas" by Marion Leland Hnth.

' .it'.. 1:" - '" ,... PER IEAION M'.... i1dhur; of IIClW resideQts, aad because the Hl8'hW'ay, Water, aDd Sewer De-. THE BENCH" Saturday. Feb. 22,7:45p.m. Radio~ ." - .-&. ill the Dear future, on March 10 to be PartlDents... talle. Station WWJ, "The Human Side.w. :.tub

,........ 'M. '" ..... .. ... .. exact there will be aQ election to III. The PresideDt must," t1l&lall tJteH I '\ of Art" by John D. Mone .. ~ ... ;.~ "'. led the perlOlli wha shaD 611 the Tan. offlCer~ of Ihe ~illaae faithf~ coc.a- .. JUDGE TIIOIIAJ P. SiL\Ua Museum hours: Tuesday, ThW',day,

. cas offICes in the TiUace admiAiltra- ply. Mth and clischUKe thetr offICial Of .,.... e-. and Friday, 1 10 S p.m. and 7 to 10:."tH AT 800 D CGAL" tioD, I think it w0ll.ld be well to sin dillies a,ad that they ell.force -aD laws p.m.; Wednesday,l to 5 p.m.; Saturu.ay• a hrief outline of the lIWlJIer in .. bich ~ .ordill.aDce~ a~ leport to the c~. 9 a.m. to 5 p.OL; Sunday, 2 to 6 p.lII.:

' ........ W .... lit II. ... ......... the TiI1qe 10Tet1lll!lent and buliness i, lDISSlon any. V1OIa~s of tbelll tbini_ TIle P__._ .. & w..., r...w- holidays, 1 to 5 p.m. Admission to thecotldDded,. aIld frOlll time to time make reeom- The operatioa of aa automobile reo building is free at aU times •

..... ..:tf._ . • sistiJsa of lIIet1datioa. reprdinc thtdl or any qlIil~ of the driver the Itrictest alten. Exhibitions-The Detroit Institute of.. ee y ..... " ~.lOI5 e~ other lllcuure. that may be upedi. tion to his nhicle and the road ahead.

six members and the pruidrnt, cotS- t. Arls, Feb. 14 to March 16-Paintingsb. f h en Far too lIIallV accidents are caused bydbCts alld transacts all Uillun 0 t e •• t tb 'tk th I k,' II' ftom the Whitney ~[useum oi ADIeri.I,,:u.-e aad makes aU laW1 aDd o.rdin- tie, Ole er WI e c er SliJI' a III<)(WU wbe permit their asinds to can Art (25C except Thursdays) •

..... ordinances. warraIltll for ~ymetlts or WaJlder frD5ll .Ihe import&llt worle r.taDCeL It makes liP aU b1ldlet. and sets l;ollectiOlu, and any coctracts the Vii. Iwtd and their eyes 10 slray fnam the Alger House, Grosse Pointe branch:the tu rate. It makts aU purchaaes ,.- t' t Jan. 29 to March 2 _ Useful ObJ'ecU• lay ... e may ell er 1110. ,treet.aDd ~es and ~'. all em

p• es. The Prcsideftt it the ehief esecuti'e HUIIWJ beinas call act and react ill. t:nder $10.

It a1ldits and pays aU bills and III re- for the ViJbae and it dected for a !IO m.&1l1 clilferellt wa)'l that tbe be- An exhibitioo of "The First Centuryspomible for aD u:petldit~es of ~.y t_ of 0IIII year. He doe. not rec:eive !lavior of motorists ha, tralfic safety of Print-Making (1400 to 15(0)," com-

.!dad. It is m act a ~ttee of ClII. aDy sa~ or compeuatioQ for his ~lIthorit' 1'_ sc-tcbin.. their heads to plete with woodcuts and medalcutlI:s<eM of the n1l.ac~ that nlUS aU the • ~ ......,. ...• &ftd •. -If' of the com. 1tf'FlUs. fiDd the allswer. If lIIeD and women from the collection of Lessing J. Ros-

P1l~ and ~th a;:::. horit Tht commissioD is at the preseQI could be made into perfect automatons enwald, of Philadelphia, will be held....my .. e aat y Oil. time ,lit up iQ yarious committees that that lIever fail to see a red light or ney. in the Alger House frOlll March 7 to

nominaIl~ head *qe various depart. er make a pedestrian dive for the curb March 30. Evelyn FoUmer, secretary ofmenta of the VilJace, lWDely: The Po. to let out of tbe way, there would be ---lice, Fire, Watq. lUId Sewer, Hieb- no acridenll and' traffic judges and PAlNTIHG and DECOUTIlfGway, BlJildina'. aad the Filw1ce. Eacb traffic poJic_ ~uJd be looking foecOllUllittee consis .. of two cODllllislioa. ~L __ ........ INTERIOR - EXTERIOR

--'-'-_. ......,.. JVV" .s.. CHAS. A. SCHRADER. r...a ...en and thept'QIUC8t and III 10 arn.II&- .... s.a on- a•• ' .... i t_.eel that each _ba- it the bead of a N~ lIIuCh has been &aid aboat aYe COIL M tIaaa • :r-a .,....n.eommittee aDd i. also 011 llIIotber COllI- tbe pa.~er aa a meQ&ce to tralfic _.asittee. Tbtse committeu naalee fIICOIil. nftty. The another-in.law and ba.:k .. GLOVERmendatiotU to the 1;000000i,aioaIfrom leat drivtl' have received, tbeir .haretim~ 10 ~e and guide the alaira of of attelttiGn,. perhaps mor~ tbaQ theythear vanous .de,partments. • c1esene. Bllt 0lIII of the most formid-

The COIDmJsSlOt1ersue elected for able enemia of tbe otherwi~ ailfet"ea year terms. (Three .bela. el«t~ driver is the talkative passenger whCIeach year aad tlltee boldiq oyer W1til wisls on Iolviltg the trollblei of thethe fol1owing year). They lecm 110 world, with gesture'S.salaries ~or their sernces. • The ~iIettt pa.StlIger II the be.t paa-

The Viltage aerie r~~ds the ~- ~er. Arpmetlu may generaUy be~tes of aU the CommiSSIon mtttials, COIIdllCted safely in the home or at theII tbe gell.era! accoantan~ makes OIIt 'oftic:e, bat not 'in a motor vehicle.~ checks and togetber. Mth tbe Pra. DiscipWle 'm lbe family is eVen moreIdent ~d Treasur~ 'IpS th~; He importaat lis In automobile. ChildrCllcouotenagns aU ordinances, ,?iIds and haTe mat difficaJty. it 'is true, sittingcontracts. He acts I~ purcba~lJIg age!!-t in oise place, but it doesu't lIIalee theof the Village. He'ls cultodian of aU fadbfy aft .. fer if ]oh1Ulie is climb-~~t boxes and e~~ luppJiea and ina'aB o~ fatber while he is at tbe'S 111 I;harge of rll8"strabon of 'Voters. wheel of the family ear Ind' mother is

He is. also general ace~tml of ~nd yeWar directioDl (rom the back leaLresponll~e felt the coDectl.:lll 0 laB bl'" It ia impossibj. to paa. laWi. tea goy.of tbe. Water Depu;menL • . ern the beba~ of passeqers, yet TU. %... 801- TU. %-1&0.

He ISSl,lea aB perllUts and Iicetlses and COIdIllOll 'ense dicta tts that the,- letis in cbarge of the ~tiolla ~1I the dmer akJae.and collects aD amount. ID c:onnect1on _

therewith. Local V. F. W. PoatHe prepares the badget for the ap- PL_~ M . ' Pia

proval of die Commission aDd,ryes ..... ~I 'Y.that bocIy periooiic iDallCial ~,He- ADd .M-ia1 Serftceis _ -.' 01,.... Vi1tace efiW-.. . ; ---~ .""" it' CIpt1I "try week day e'lu:ept Tbe membership of the' Gels. Rus .....nSatarda,. ~.., a.m. 1IIIill 5 p.m.., ami wand eo.: Fmerick M. Alger POlIt011 SatunlaYI from 9. a.m: unti~ 1 p.nL 995, V.F.W., of Groslll Pointe, win

He at the presen~. tUlle IS aas.. ted .by assist in a Wubilllton's Birthday me-a deputy clerk who II 1youq lady Mlh 1IIOria1 service at the GrOll" Pointe.tenlllrt'&phie and aceonolior qualifica- Lutllerae clturch ill the Gabritl Rich-

. tions. d school, 011 Sunday II5Ot1UIIJ, F eb.The aerie is elected for , ttTIII of %.1, at 11, ....

two yeats and receivtS at present asala ry of $2,900.00 per year.

The Treasurer collects aU taxes anddeposits th em in the various (ed. andthe Bank as designated by the Com-mission. He i, ('u'stodian of an themoneys received by the Village. He isin charge of an tax roDs until they areturned oYer to the County Treasurerfor the collection of taxes when tbe,becOllle delinquent. He signs an checkstogelher with the Presidetlt and Clerkfor sneh amoant, to iii paid OIlt aa tbe

I Commission authorUell.He is assisted by a deputy treasurer,

'who is a younr lady with S1eoDgraplricand accounting qnalilications, and "homakes oat aU tax bills, Itatement., andrepons. Thi. youq lady a110 assists ;,tvarious times the depnty clerk with herwork in nt&ru for receiving assiltanceat tu: collection tillle in the making O1Itand mailinr of tax bills.

She is at the Village Office togetherwith the aerk and Deputy Clerk dOT•ing office hovrs •

The treaSlW'er i, considered II apart-time worker and che~ks perioclic.ally with t he deputy treuarer the vari-OUs coilections aod funds.

'He is elected for a twO-year term 'adreceive. a .alary of $400.00 per year,

All of Ihe trea.turen' and clerks' Ie •counts and funds are at pre$Cnt beingaudited quarter~y by an outside finn A "George Washington luncheon andof auditors engaged by the Village gallles party" is the patriotic title thatCommiuiotl. members of Marillac Guild hne chosen

The Auessor ASseun an property Ii. for the eYent they win hold in theoble tea assessment for the purpose of Wayne Medil;&l college auditorium.lev;-ing tues. Mullett al Antoine, on Tuesday, Feb.

He makes oat complete anus. 2S at 1 p .•ment folll conring all the properties Mrs. Edward J. Beyer il chaimani., the Vmage and presents it to the and hll chosen 's her assistants. Mrs.C0mmis~i('ln for confinnation and then Harold G. Frear, Mn. )as. W. flost-t" the Clerk ",ho turns it o"er to the ,.-ick, Mr •. Kluges. Mrs. Henry Platt.Tre.,urer to be made into' ta:a: ron. Mr, .. "nth<>ny M. Gabriels, and Miss I

R P Kro"eJ". New ProcessHe cau .. s the amount of all ta:a:e. o,e as so .....in d<'Tlm .nd ctnh as authoriud hy The re!lU1ar monthly meetinlil of the I TENDERA Y BEEFthc C0mmi.,ie>n to he a.',e'sed llnd col- "rganinti"n "'as heM on Tuesday. Fell. BONELESS LARGE HEADItctc<l t" lle ratahly assessed. Ill. at 1 :30 p.m. in the Wa~.ne McdiCal S . R Ib. 39", LETTUCE hd. " 5c

. . auditorium. A delightfUl program ",as irloln oaat ...He aho as~esses .. n propert,el In- I presented. and tea ....as ser,-ed "'ith N f:' W

1;.l"'\h .... ,.1 ;,.,~ t ........ 0:0 ............ 1 ..... P .. ,.~- I .....l FRESH DRESSED I

mi~~5 . 'i~~;~~t;;;;.~~: -------- - ••. 'I ~r\/ ~::~o~. ~~~~:y :sn~o~t:~s~:~rn- TURKEYS lb. 27C IPotatoea .. . 6 lba. %5cTnt, mwrn-'s office is considered. !.[n. William J. Wieblehans "-ill ha,'e : Chuck Roast lb. 2ScICS£pLLloNPAHACNHEPA,ClCA..C,E, 1"-

pHt-I,me l"lh a~~ at pre,ent commands I !!'eneral charge of the • nnnal "Sprin~, K

• ~alary of $,50,00 per year. He II: Promenade.~ and hu cho~en Saturday, I SIRLOIN OR ROUND W .. J>e.d. ClMMOi, Reedy ta e.-elrrted for a term of Iwo years. Allril 26. as the date for this inlere~tini> I STEAK lb. 39<:j Grapefruit 5 for ZSc

The ,'ari"n. drpartment head~. ~u.ll party.I .. the .',ief of police. fire chief. watcT; ~r.d hi"h""r stlpcrinttn<lrnt. are di- WASHINCTON'S BIRTHDAYI -",Iv in d'~,,,r "f ~n<l rr'!,o1'1<rhle fM The r."ar<ll~n '\nRrl ~o<l~hlr h.. ~n.

"'('"r nri".::1!'"1m('ntr, .:l"lr! ~rc .11<0.0 rl1i("(~r~.. n(H1ntrrf a (;("('lrt:~ \\'.:tc:hinl::'ton "'in:'''jI rt'!,0n"hlr '0 thr \ ,TI':<e C"mmi"'0n <lay card porh' to ht htl<l 0n Frida\'.and m"'t report to them pwod,can,' I Feb. 21. at 8 ,;() p.m, in the school ha:1. I

I reiardlni the operatioQl allll fUIlCtiolls I :Mrl. Lane is r.lJairman of tbe event. I
