Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1900-05-08. · TUK8DAY «VENINO. MAY8, lOOO^...


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TUK8DAY «VENINO. MAY 8, lOOO^Thb Rack Problem .The firet cou-

fererjoe oí the "Southern Society for the

Discussion of the Race Problem in Re¬lation to the Welfare of the South" isto begin at Montgomery, Ala., tbisevening.The object of this society is to furnier;

by mean- of correspondence, publica¬tion and particularly through publicconferences an organ for the expree-ioiof the varied aod even antagonistic cor-

victions of representative southern m^L

on the problems growing out of tinrace conditions obtaining in the .-out1!,and thus to stcure a broader e<;uca km

of tbe public mind as to the fact* of th»situation aud a better understaudiug olthe remédiée for exleiog evils.

The "Sapho" Incident Oveb .

Miss Olga Nettarsele declared in NewYork yesterday that ehe would no

press her suit for «20,000 »gainst R-v

Dr Thomas O. Easton, of Washington,fo·'his sermon on "Sapho." The ac

tr*se regerdB tbe explanation by tbe

minister from his pulpit as sufficientvindication, and tbe matter will tie al¬lowed to rest. The explanation is re

carded ·ß ·? apology, end the advei-tising received by tbe play has certaio-ly been of considerable volume.

APleasure and a Duty.I consider it not only a pleasure but I

duty I owe to my neighbors to telabout tbe wonderful cure effected in m><a-e by the timely use olCbamberlainVColic, Cnolera and Diarrhoea Remedy.I wan token very badly with tbe fluxand procured a bottle of this remedy.A few doses of it effected a permanetecure. I take pleasure in recemmenti-ing it to others suffering from thatdreadful disease. -J. W. Lyncb, Djrr,W. V·. This remedy is sold by al'druggists. **a.aa«.

Beet for tbe Bowels.No matter what ail« yon. headache to »

cancer, yoo will never get well until yoi'ibowel· »re put right CA*CARET6 help lis¬

tare, cure yon without· gripe or psln, pio-duce ea*y, natural movemeate, cost yon just10 cents to start getting jour health bacn.CA8CARET8 Candy Cathartic, the genuineput up in metal boxes. livery tablet ha« ('.C. u stamped on it Beware of imitations.

¦ ....-'-

J. C Kennedy, Eoanoke. Tenn., «ays: "1cannot aay too much for PeWitt's Witch Hs-«el Salve. One box of it cnred whet the doc¬tors called an incurable ulcer on ray iaw '

Cur. « piles »mi »11 «kin diseases. Lookoutfor worthies« imitation«

COUNCIL ORDER OF MYbTIC SHRINKFor the Imperial Council Order of the My»

tic Shrine at Washington, D. C. May at«fc&4,the Pennsylvania Railroad »will «li ticket"to the general pubMc, from »U t »tione on itliu··, to Wafhii gion and return, at rese ot mmfare for the icund trip. Ticket* to be - Itiand good going iâàj 19-21, returning to ? ?»

28, incleeive.


Free to VirginiansIn Tbe Academic fcchoole.

Letters, >cience, Law, MedicinaEngineering,

Session Begins 15th Bepi ember.For Catalogues aid roe« P. B. Babbi no ß

Chaiiman, Chariot!eivllle Va my3 \2 u


ENTS th»t the CHR. HEUBICIIBKEWIN« C( MPANY, a corporation chnr:·eroi under the laws of the State of Virgii lahaving it« principal orfico in the city of Ai«·»·andri», Virginie, fard having a branch offinin the city o' Norfolk in the State of Virglni¦-,and being erg-ged in manufacturing »p.»Ibeer, leger beer, weise bf er and white bouand selling the »»me in bottles key« an'boie«, had adopted certain name« and othnmark« and device« which are {Tinted, stameed, engraved, etched, blow», impressed andotherwise µ?educed upon each bottle«, k gand boxee, according to the description hereinafter contained :Upon the bottle« used by nid company, tb

names and other mark» and devici« biowiand impressed are as follow«, to wit :

Pint. Upon tbe bottle« is impressed, blownor engraved a hop leaf, with a letter "H"thereon, all being enclosed in a diamond; at < ?

the diamond are the word· "NORM n ?BRANCH" and 'TRADE MASK," and b<-neath the diamonds are the words "(??.HECBICH BREWING COMPANY," all i,capital letters.

Second. Upon the boxes are printed tb<werde "NORFOIK BRANCH CHR. HEN¬RICH BBEWING COMPANY."

Third. Gpon tho keg· are pointed ihword« "CH. HELEICH BR'G CO. WASH¬INGTON, D. C»In witness wnereof, the Chr. Henrich

Brewing Company has caused this peper to b«igned by Chr. Henrich, it« President, and it«corporate seal to be hereto affixed, attested byiU Secretary, tbi« 28th day of April in thyear nineteen hundred.CHR. HEÜRICFJ BKEWING COMPANYby (Signed) CHRISTIAN HRDRICH,

President.Attest: (gigned)CHARLES MEYER,

Secretary.District ef Columbia, 1.

City of Waahington. \ to Wlt !

I, John Scriven-r, a Notary Public in en ?for ihe Ciry of Washington in the District ofColumbia. <io hereby certify that Cbr. Hen-rich. President of the Chr. Henrich BrewingCompany, whose nime is signed aeaoeht..the foregoing writing bearing .'ate the 28tlday of Apri!, 1900. hae atknowledged th-«me before ae in my city and district »fort

fi^(iVHa?n/d!r m,y .b'?? .·?<1 offici·1 ß«*1 »b-SSSth day of April, A. D. 1900(Signed) JOHN SCRIVENEPJ5yi^íiÍ_____JíotoryPublic, D. Q

ADMINISTBATOR'e NOTICE- Hart ¦qo.iifled a» executor of the . -?*"*late WILLIAM £ ???t???«!^^'»aid estate to preeent them, propon HUthm\tM5.ted.and ..1 person, indebted tïthe« i:esute are requested to make prompt p»Vment at oaee. WM. H. SMITH!?!7_i5L___.4imini«tratorTO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCKRff

Thi« is to certify that Cert'fi-»te a71578 for 100 Shares of tbe CoSo\TëlmAof the Richmond, FrederickeburK »nd Cmac RÄÜroedi^mneny.etandiaKintiienaincof Randolph H»rri»on McKim, Ch»rle» Mei».Robinson and Monrure Robinson, Jr., trustee*as declared In · deed ef June 1,1876 andd«ted Jane 2. 1876", kea been lost, and'thitapplication has been made for · renewal of th·.ame.


Substituted trustee in »ito· of MRobinson, Jr, dee*d.

ap21 law8w_Trnrteea.OTICE.

. *

paj any debu that may bed·, by hi.u andrecjueet »11 parties indebted to hin» to .adi u,d


PEAS »xe cheap at loo per «an.J. a MILBÜRN.


MI have been troubled a «rreat d»alWith a torpid liver, which produce· oooatlpa-Uon. I found CASCAKETS m be»11 yo»oHImfor them, and secured such relief tbe fint trial,tb«t I purchaaed another supply and waa eoto-pletely cured I »hall only be too alad to rec¬ommend Cascare ts whenever the of^ortoeityttpreeented" J. A Smith.

WtO Susquenanna Are.. Philadssjbxa, Pa


rsaos ataaa »ae»»rrt»«o

pVwuant. Palat.ihle. I'otent. T»8t» OOOO, Ot<#0o0. Never Sicken. Weaken, or Grip«. 00, ?,?


Mtrilaf lUetdj Coapaar, Chi*««», M.»tr»«l. %%m Tar*. ·»

.JA TA DAf* P°'<l and pn a ranteed by SilttTTa·»n\t· IU-Ö?? gisu to HKK Tc>t>»oeo Bab».


Commonwealth of Virginia,Governor's Ofliof»,

J»nu»ry 13, 1900."I have been more or less troubled with

indigestion, but since the use of OtterburnLithia Water for over » month h»ve been«really relieved »nd 1 think it principallydue to the efflcscv of the water. I cheerful¬ly reoommet.d it."

J. HOGE TYLER,operintendent of Public Instruction says :

1? desire to beer testimony to the greatvalue of tbe Otterbarn Lithi« Water ofAmelia county. In my own person I havefound this water very beneficial in indiges¬tion and gì ut.

JOS. W. 80rTHALL, M. D.Pr. George Ben. Johnston, esye;'I use it in gout, rheumatism, dyspesia,

lithacmis, end al forms of renal and bladdertrout-Ice. I preerribe so mineral water so

free y as tbe Otterburn."Dr J. G. Trevillisn says:"Several of my rases of kidney trouble have

improved mue rapidly under the use of th«Otterburn Water than Bethesda or BuffaloI.ithis."

State Chemist Speaks."Tbis spin g is of the Calcio-Msgnesie-

Aikaline rinse of waters. waters which sre ofapproved efficacy in a variety of disorders, es¬

pecially of the digestive and urinary o gane."WM. H.TAYLOB, M. D,

State Chemist."I have found the Otterbarn Lithia very

useful in my practice"WM M. SMITH. M. D.

"I regard Otterburn Lithia Water ae ore ofthe most valuable mineral «ratei· on tbemarket and use it extensively in my practice."

HUGH MoüülBE, M. D.

Sold by Claude M. Lennon, Sole Agt604 KINO STBEET.


KodolDyspepsia CureDigests what you eat.

Itartiiiciuily digests the< food and aidsNature iu strengthening and recon¬structing the exhausted digestive or¬

gans. 11 is the latest di«coveredd Igest¬aut and tonic. No other preparationcan approach It in efllciency. It In¬stantly relieves and permanently curesDyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,Sick Headache.Gastralgia.Cramps andall other result sof luiperfect digestion.Price 50c. awl $ I. Largo size contains 2"4 timessmall size.·. Book all aboutdyspepsia mailed freePrepared by E. C- DeWITT A CO., Chicago


\V.pyWül)LLS&SON,Wholesale ar.d Bétail Dealers in


VEGETABLES.Fine Old Wines and Liquors.




PURE WINES & LIQUORSWe hold largely in ?. T. bonded warehouse»

and carry in stock varioue brands of the beetPUBE BYE AND MALT WHISKIES MADE.

'.. .? iu storo superior grades of Foreignand American WINES, ALES, BBOWNSTOUT, AC.Jtar-Satisfaction Guaranteed as to Price and

Quality.-»*^Corner Prince and Commerce Streets.



Alexandria, V«.r roprietor of the Potomac Brand of Flou ?

which ia unexcelled

Coffees Freshly Boasted at Stcre.



ALL KINDS OF L1QÜ»ve on hand Gibson'· XX, XXX, XXXX

and pure Old Byo, < »Id Cabinet and MonogramWhiskies ; also Baker's and Thompson's PuaByo Whiskies, to which they invite the atten»tion oí the« trad«.Orders from the country for msreandis»

.hall receive prompt attention.Consignments of Flour, Grain and Country

Produce solicited, for which they guaranteethe highoet market prices and prompt returns,N. E. corner Cameron and Boyal street·.


Practica. Machinists and Engineera» » »t».

*ad eaUderr» efMARINE a^D ÓTATIONABT ENGIN¦Blaeik^thing and steam Fitting. Ex,..??? Md M^jiiourts Supplies, and ail «ort»-ÍA2Í rá *ï Î?2B with brick*work promoti, »xex-atad. Bexaüring prompt.JEÖ5_116E- n^AJexxvadrla, V«.W M. a l'OOBE ~-

Macuinist, Iron ¿?a I3rass Founder.???????G?? AND iiLiCKfliATm »

ot» DoMimo» woaxai«SOUTH UNION 8TRKET, AUiLXANDBrAWiU ftirnish and repair «all Wnd^f^£LSiiiry, Iron and Braes Casting», Wto^ht^HOast Iron Fence», Mill Work, Ship ana Black,¦imthiiig. Edge Tool«, M ill Pick«, Facing ¿amiman. «.-d «U kinds of Mill Work iiiadeaadi»·paiieel at in« «bortest notii» and st reasonableFri.«·

ss»*- Th» highest m*rk«t prie» paid for 014Wrought and Cm* Iron. Bra·» and Ceppar.

PllIMKSOFT FIGS 10c, 12c and 16«per pound at J. C Mil»BT*JT8. )

_??sG??? SALES.

By ?. F. Knox. Auctioneer

BY VIBTUK OF A DEC RRB OF THECircuit tonit of the city of Mexaid ia,

rei dei td m the 29th d»y of Muet, 1899,in the chancery c«u*e of Mary F. H.ll ve.

Alonso H Travet» »nd other», tho u d» r-

signed, speci»l cc ¿nBSiesi. nere of sale, appoint¬ed by »aid decree for that pa pose, will on

S4TURDAY,the 19th d«y of M»y, 1900

»t 12 o'clock m. in front of the Koyal «r. et

entrance to tbe Mari et Building in tho cityof AlixandiU, Viiginie, offer for «ale at tub-lie auction tbe following real estate, situatein «aid oity ; to wit :

(1.) U -TOP «BOUND ned IMPROVE¬MENTS beginning on the south side of Prir··roes sir et »t tbe e«et line of Joee Lewis;thence ea>t on Prince·» street to Henry street;thence south on Henry street 45 feet to thelue of Adam Anderson ; thence wo t psra 1?to Queen stieet to the line of Jesse Lewie,and thence north to this beginning

(2.) A LOT OF GBOÜND and iMPBOVEMENTS on the west «ide of Colurnbu« Mr 11,between Oronoco and Peudletoa streets, be¬ginning on Colurnbu« ttre» 1155 feet 9 inchesnorth of Oroni co «tre t thence north on Co¬lumbus street 18 feet ; thence west pevrc.ll.-l toOronoco (treet 123 feet 5 inche.-; thencesouth parallel to « oiumbu« strict 16 feet ;ihenco east 1*23 feet 5 inches to thebe^-ic·¦ting.

(3.) A LOT OF AROUND and IM1B)VK-MEN rs bofilnning on the sonth side of Prin¬cess street 30 fret east cf F«ye:t* ¿treet;thence eou:h 100 feet to a 10 fret alley;tbence west parili«! to Prince·««treet 30 feetto Fayette itieet; theme north on Fayette«treet 1(0 feet to Punces· street ; tbence e»«t30 feet to the beginning

(4 ) A LOT OF GROUND ard 1MPB0VF-MENTS on the south «ide of Princes« street3·> feet east of Fayette street; thence «outh100 feet t-i a 10 feet alley ; thence east 25fert ; thence north 100 fett, and tkence wett25 feet to tbe beginning.(6) A LOTOFOBoUNDandlafPROVF-

MENTS on tbe weat side of Henry etteet 47feet south of Print··*· street thence couth on

Henry »treet 70 feet; thence wtet 100 ieotto an alley ; thence north 70 feet, and thei.e*east 100 ftet to the be »in ? mg

(ß ) A LOT OF GROUND and IMPROVE-MENTS beginning at the wm line of a lot«old by Yeaton to Dugan and beginning on

the north aide of Queen street, between Heiry and Fayette «treete; thence north 1' 0feet to an ailey 10 feet wide ; thence wett 20feet to the line of £llae Colo; thence sou·»100 feet to Queen street, and tbence eaat 20feet to the beginning.

(7.) A LOT OF GROUND »nd IMPROVE¬MENTS beginning on the weet tide of Uemjstreet 158 feet north of Queen s'reot «nd atthe north line of Woolls; thence noiih ou

Hecrx «treet 21 feet to tbe line of Morrs ;tbence weet 100 feet to an alley ; thencesou h 21 feet, and thence east 100 feet to thebeginning.Term« of Sale..Onothird of the purchase

money in cash on the day of «ale «nd tbe iesir1 ne to be paid in two equa! instnlments htlix and twelvemonths from the date of sale,the deferred instalments to he evidenced b\the note« of the purchaser of purchasers bear¬ing interest at ix per centum per annum fromtbe day of sale until paid aud the title to I«retained until tbe payment of the purchasemoney in fall. Conveyancing at the cost ofthe puichaser or puicbisets.


Special ('( mm «sinners of Pale.

This is to certify that boDd ha* bren givena« required by tbede cree in the »love namedcause with approved personal security coi <li-tioned accordìi g to law in the penalty or ti ?thousand ($5.00000) dollar«.

JOHN S BEACH.d.rk.By Nxvsll S Gbeínaway

my2 td D. ('.

_MEETINGS.Alexandria, Vs., M»y 1, 1800

A GKNF.BAL MEETING of tbe stock hell-ere of the MOUNT VrBNON FikL·. IN-

rUBANCE COMPANY, for tbe eie.tion otofficer* »nd the tram·· tion of such otherbusiness a< may properly come before themeeting, will be held at the rHire of tie com¬

pany on FRIDAY, June I, 1900, at 12o'clock do. n. A. A. WABFIt LD,

myl td Secretary.April 24, J900.

THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stoek·holdem of THE NORI.'IS PETEBfe C ',

for tho election of office ? and the transactionof such other bueinese as may be neceofsaty,will b« held »t tbe office of tbe company in

tbe city of Alexandria, Va, on MAY 9ih.1900, at 12 o'clock neon.

DANIEL FRASES, PresidentPAUL L. WEBP, Secretary ap-'4 2w



INVESTMENT SECURITIESA General Banking Burinées transacted.Deposite received subject to check at eightCollections made.Letters of Credit snd Foreign Excbsnre


jr. Umax, 1 Í chah. ß. HoorrPBE81DZNT. j I CA8HIKB.

First National Bank/ALEXANDRIA. VA.

Designated Depository of theUnited States,



G. L. ??0???.Prompt attention given to all business, in¬

cluding collection« throughout tho UnitedIJUtee and Europe._UHOiri WHAAT, J I WM. H. LAM G ».11

PracMent. I \ CeahJ·».L DaINOEBEIELI), I ( W. F. LAMBEBT,Vice President. J J Assistant Casiiier,

Citizens' Nat!. Bank,CAPITAL «100.000.


<à»UaKilena mad· and promptly remitted,AU kind· ef Investment aecuxiti·· · «t»

.tally.OiraW-. B. Wheat, E. L. Dainrer'-'d

P. L. 8mitb, W. H. Lambert Worth Hulflsb.


CAPITAL PAID UP IN CASH $57,000.Fire, Marine and Plate Glass Insurance.

Losses Promptly and SatisfactorilyAdjusted

J. CLINTON SMOOT (ot C. C. Smoot A Son«Co.), President.

LAURENCE STABLER, Secretary.Directors:.George 8. French, (Sec, Alex.

Fert. at Cheni. Co.) ; Worth Hulfiah, (of J. F.Oarlin'· Son» Co., hardware) ; J T. Burke, (otBurke A Herbert, banker j ; M. & Harlow.(City Treasurer) ; Samt. H. Lunt, (Resi Es¬tete) ; Wm. H. Hellmuth (Hellmuth Bros.).Pince :.No 102 aouth Fairfax «treet.

There are Soda Cracker· and Sod» Cmkeie.HILL'S FAMILY SODA

i« a cl*ae in itseir uniformly good, invariably.ati»factory._

£ SELL TEAS LIKB WE DO EVERYTHING EIvE at reasonable profit.Onr Green Tea at 40c equal to any 50c Tea

in tbi« city. W. P. WOOLI> á SON

JAVA ANO MCCHA COFFEE, best gr»de.been, ground, or pelvenaed, none betterat any price, delicióos in fliror, ?d« per lb., »t


CHANBKRRIKa._F.ncy Cape Cod Cranberne» just received byJ.U MILBUBN.

AUCTION SALES._By ? F. Knox. Auctioneer.


Cut· mm to » decree rendered by the G«..??·retimi Cou «t «if the city of Alexandria, Vaon tho 23<i d»y of Jenuary, 19CO, in the« hancery cause time ? whereinCâceii» ?. Huity and husband are plaintiffs,and G«orgt> L. .-irnpson et »I*, are dtfei.daute,the undtrsig'ed, who by said decree were

appointed commieeioneis tor the purpose, willsell «t public auction »t the Boyel street en¬trance of the M&rket Puildlng at 12 m. on

THUBSDAY, MAY 17,1900,those three pieces of real estate in tho city of.lexaudri», Va., bounded »nd described asfollows :

(1 ) ALL THAT LOT OF GBOUND withtho BUILDINGS end IMPROVEMENTSthoreon on tbe rorth aide of King etreet, be¬ta·»· Boya atd I itt etioete, bounded as fol¬lows: Beginning at tbe west l'ne of a'ot ofground now. owned and occupied by W. F.I'r.ighton, formerly owned by «il.iamandJ ihn Arnold, «nd running ther co west on

King treet niueteen (19) bet three »id onthalf (3* inches: thrnco north parallel witiBoyal street fifty (50) feet to a three fee tal leythe »aid alley runnii g west to a eoort twentyfeet by ten feet, witb the light ef way cv ?

tho s»id a ley t > the said court »n.i the ase> oftho ssid alley »nd court in common with theowners a d occupants or the property »djoin-inp, and that b.oreby c>'.vejed ou tbeeasi;thence east ? r» 1.1 with King street nine¬teen (19) feet thiee and one-ha.l (3J) inches ;thence south pat allei with Boyal etreet fifty''"ii. feat to the beginning.

12.) AII that L<»T OF GBOUND with theBl'ILDlNUS «nd IMP« 0VEMENT8 thereonsi nated on ibe weet side of Boyal etreet, betwten Kiik and Cameron streets, formerlyoccupied by Henry !.. Simpson A r-aos, nowoccupied by George 1. Simpson, «nd boundedan.l described as .ollowe; to wit : Beginningon the weet el 'e of Boyal etreet fifty (50) foe;north ol its intersection with King street, audrunning tht-nc« northwardly with Boyal street»nd binding thereon twenty (20) feet to thline of James Coach, wiih tbe privilegeof u-iiig for building 4} inches of tbebrick wall of the hnuse of said Bosch adj¬oining said lot aud bnilt tieteou the said4¿ inches, Iheuce with said Beach'· li· ewest »ard ly and parallel with King streetfifty (50) feet; tbence parallel with Boyalene« t eoatbwaidiy eighteen (IB) feet, thenceeaelwardly and parallel to Kicg street twent3-two (22) feet; thence southwardly snd peri¬nei 1.1 boyal street two (2) feet; thenee east¬ward! ? »r-d p.- rail··! to King s reel twenty-eight (2T) feer to the beginning.

(8). ALLIH^T LOI OF OBOUND withthe building» and improvements thereon onthe eouth eide of King atreet, between Boyaland Fairfax streets, and beginning on tbesouth side of ? leg etreet at the middle of thewail of the tenement formerly occupied bythe 1 te Charlee C. Berry and of this piece ofproperty, supposed to be one hundred andfour (K4) feet eleven (11) inches to tbewest of Fairfax e reel; thence on King stieetwest «ightron (IS) feet six (ti,i inches; then, ?

south parallel to Fairfax etreet one hundredand five (105) feet; tbence east parallel toKirg etreet sir 6) feet five (5) inchee; tbem-reouth parallel 11 Fairfax street fifty six (56)f« et eeven (7) inches, more er lese, to » fifteenfort alley; ibence east on fail al ef end par¬allel to Kicg etreet nineteen (19) leet; theut-euoith panile1 tj Fairfax street tbe length otthe fourth line; tbence west parallel toK'ng etieetsix (6) feet eleven (11) inches:thence north parallel to Fairfax-etreet oikhundred and five (106) feet to ih« piece of b<-ginning. Also tbe use ot the said fifteen feetal.ov and all other »Heys thereto apiertaining.formt of Hale. < nc-third la-h and th.balance in one and two years, the deferredpayments to be evidenced by the notes of thepur. hasers bearinginrerestst six ner c-nt. ? r

ai num, ai d the title to be rcttiued unti' thev· ii r-le oí tne pinchase money is paid, Con¬voyant ing at tbe cost of the parchasen.


Commissioner· of Sale.

I hereby certify that Oardncr !.. Boot) e,out-of the above commissioner· of Bale, hasexecuted bond with approved security in ac¬cordent» with tbe ternit of the decree render¬ed in tl.o abovo entitled causi'.

JOHN S BEACH.e 1er k of the Corporation Court of the city of

A'exandria, V» ap30 te

By S. ?. ? unt. Auctioneer.

CIOMMP-bIONEL'S SALE..Fnnnant ta/ decrees of the Corporation Court of the

cily of Alcxcbdiia entend in tbe suit cf Al¬tert Stuart, conimissouer, »gainst Janes(irigg et ale the uudereigued will offer fosale at public auition on

TUESDAY, M»y 16, 1900,at 4 o'tloik p. m., in front of tbe premise-,Alexandria, Va, the following BEAL ES¬TATE, situate on the west eide of Pitt etreetbetween Prime sud Duko strette·, beginn.egat the centre of the squero and runningtbenoesouih on Pitt etreet 71 feet; thenceweet 123 feet 5 inches, thence nor.h 71 feetand thence cast 123 feet 5 inches to Pittstreet, the point of beginning.Terms .One-third cash and the residue in

two equal payments at one and two years,bearing interest; the deferred payments to beevidenced by note and secured by retentionof title or deed of trust.

If tbe property is not sold as one parcel twill be offered in lots of 23 feet ? inches fronton Pitt street


Commissioners of ssle.

I hereby certify that bond in above caueehas been executed by Commissioner of Sale.

JOHN S. BEACH. Clerk.By Novell S. Greenaway, D. C.

apll ts

By B. F. Knox. Auctioneer.


NEAB F« «UK-MILE BUN.As attorney forthe owners tbe undersigned will sell »t pub¬lic auction, in front of the Boyal etreet entranre to tbe Market Building iu the city ofAlexandria, Ve, on

TUESDAY,the 15th day of May, 1900,

at 12 m, ALL THAT TBACT OF LA"I>with the improvements thereon, situated inthe said county of Alexandria, and bounded«s follows : Bovi lining «t « point on tbe weetside of the Alexsndn» and Washington Turn¬pike road, 24.08 cbsins in · northerly direc¬tion from tbe Jorction of the seid turnp koroad with the north side of the old Ueorg.-town road, and running thence south s <

west 27.24 chains, about at right angles totbe said turnpike ro»d to tbe western bound¬ary of tbe larger tiact of land ; thence soilh2i° west 11 65 chains to Four-mi.e run;thence with th inesii'ii is of the asid run totbe said turnp Ve road ; tbence eouth Io eaet20.83 chains to the beginning, with tho rghtof wsy 20 feet wide along the extreme west¬ern line of Wm. H. Brown's land »nd adjoin¬ing the l»nd of Frank Hums, into the oldGeorgetown road, with tbe exceptionof88 100 of an acre sold to tbe electric rail¬way, and i ot an sere sold to Deoham an«)Galloway, the said tract of land containing32 acre·, more or less.Terms of sale to be announced at sale, and

sll expense« adjusted to day of sale. Depositof $100 required.

D0UGLAS8 STUABT,Alexandria, V«.,

ap24te Attorney for owner.

D. Harry Appich,526 King etreet,



the seasons come and go

rovident of all

lonty of fruit», and not», «nd sweets,

have at your «all.

andies, cakes throughout the year,

Appich'· stock will make good cheer-SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOB TB1

COUNTRY TEA DE.-w*The queen of all table cracker» is



R BALfc'.

The COMFORTABLE REMDBRCI, .No.219 north St Amµ? street ( between (»in.rjnand Que· ? »tree's.) Bathroom, etc. Applyat this office. mh27 if


SIX ACRES OF LAND at Lochabor, ulnorth of the city limits. Good place for«profitable market garden. Apply at thll

aflW d*r23 tf


lying immediately in front of tbe EpiscopalTh'oiopic»! Seminary. For terms »pply atIbi» offiee.


RICH CUT GLASSIs expensive, but we have just received s

BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF PBESSBTJGLASS that ia to ne»rl; 'ike the REA!THING that it takes an expert to Uli tb-difference. We have a full line on the veijnewest shapes in .

Water Kottle* 40c, Milk Pitchers 45Fruit Bowl« 35c, Berry Bowls 25o, HandledOlives h -, Fruit Sancer« 4c.

Don't let tbe low price m»ho you think thisis low quality warn. Tbere i« nothing bette r

then the Genuine Cut Glase and 9 out of 10peoi'le will think it int. We keep the fu 1line, to which we invite your inspection.




105 aiid 107 aouth Fairfax street.Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Mocine·, Palnte, ''ils, Dye Stuns, Spices, Drubgists' Fancy Goc/ds and Spocialtiee.

Wholeealo agcLts in Northern Virginia CoJ. C. Ayer's« and John Lucas ck Co.Tinted Gloss and Prepared Pilots, <sc.Manufacturer« of Standard Pharmaceutics

préparation«.We have made large additions to our «tot >

and are buying lesxli)./ Proprietory Articles.Chemicals, Ac., direct fniu the manufacturo.'We are thorefore enable·! to supply the trailwith all good« usually carried by a well-u;pointed WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE etprices as low ss those given by the best houi* tin larger cities. All good« forwarded by fiVtfioight or express after rt>:eipt of order.Promptness is our specialty. We guárante;

the purity of all drugs fumielieel. Corre-«pondence invited.


DRUGGISTS(.¦JENER PRINCE AND FAiRFAJS «T>.Preacrlption· a rpedalty,English, Frenen, German and Dome«-' c

Toilet Soap· ; Genuine Farina Cologne ; Mas ·

nolia, Hedyosimia, Geranium and Fiori·:«Water ; Genuino Lnbin's Extracts ; Sponges,Hair Brushes and Combs ; best English ToothBrushes; a full assortment of Patent Mod;·

.<* ; Ooxe's Gelatine, Corn Starch, Sea Mei1 Arine, Spices of all kinds, and a select stockof all articles sold by druggists at price« aa low.u the samo quality can bo obtained elsewhere

??? F. CREIGHTON A CO,Wholasale and Retail Dealvr· i»




»rn«r King and Royal «treeta,Alexandria, Yirf/r!

Pbysidan»' Proscriptions carefully ex¬

pounded.Orders will receive prompt attrition.


BY ELEVATING THE QUALITYof our coal we lower tbe price in economy ofconsumption. Consumers will find that it iacheaper to use our high grade Lee Coal, »nethas been screened and freed from «late andstone, than that of an inferior grade. It givesmor« heat, less ashes and burn« longer thanany other coal, and our prices are as low as

any. Coal and Wood under cover.J. R. ZIMMERMAN,

Foot of Queen street Alexandria, Va.Telephone 77._COAL!



LYKEN'8 VALLEY.From the famous mines of th«8USQUEHANNA COALOOMPA NY.

Pur· Coal, well screened, 2240 lbs to th« torALBO


COAL.Familie». Public Institution«, »nd Mann

facturer» supplied at lowest market rates.Ail orders left at office, 114 south St Asaph

¦treet, telephoned immediately tc yards.J. R. ZIMMERMAN,

Wharf »nd Yard«, foot of Queen »treet


(Jam be made comfortable by the delightfulbrtese of

An Electric Fao,Not a hvury, but juat as necessary as a waimstove in winter time. We can supply themfor residences, «tores, office· and factories.Bettor see us now so you will be prepared forthe first eiszard.



PEACHES, in cans, received and for sale by_J q MILBUBN




New York and Soutiiampton. New York and Antwerp,Shorteet route to Belgium, Holland, France, Switzerland, the Bbine »nd Italy

LYONS H. DOLAN, Agent, 112 south Alfred street.



In Effect M»y 1, 1900.FOB WASHINGTON.

Leave Alexandria, corner King and Boy»streets, also stops at King and Washington,and King »ni Payne streets, week 5 55, t» 25. ö 65, 7 20 (express), 7 417 56, 8 20 (express), 8 30, 9 00, 9 30,1000, 1035, 1104. 11 42 a m. (ex¬press), 12 26, 1 00, 1 06 (express), 1 25.2 00, 2 40, 3 01 (express). 3 12, 3 40.4 15,436 express). 5 00 631 (exprès*-)5 45, 6 06, 6 30 7 00. 7 15 (expie»*)8 00, 8 45. 9 30.10 15 and 11 16 p. m.Leave Alexandria fo' Four Mile Ban, oi ly,

»til 55 p. m and 12 35 a. m.Sundays-7 00, H 15, 9 00. 9 45, 10 25

10 45, 11 15 11 45 ». m., 12 15, 12 45,115 1 45. tí 16 2 45. 3 16, 3 46, 4 tA4 45. 5 15, 5 4 \ 6 16, ß 45. 7 16 7 45,8 15, 8 46, 9 »0, 10 15 and 11 15 p. ni.Leave Alexandria for Four Mile Bon oui;

at 11 52 p ni and 12 25 a. m

FOB ALEXANDBIA.Leave Washington, from the cornei- of

Pennsylvania avenue and 13% street, weekdava, 6 30, 7 04, 7 30. 8 00 8 35, 8 6»,9 25. 10 UO, 11 00. 11 35 a. m. 12 06 (ex-press), 12 20, 12 45, 1 20, (express), 1 452 00, 2 40, 3 00 (express) 3 25, 3 69, 4 15(express), 4 50. 6 05, 5 20 (express), 5 40,0 04. 6 30. 7 06, 7 3'), 8 00, 8 45, 9 30,10 15, 11 20 and 11 59 p. m.Leave Four Mile Bun for Alexandria 5 30

6 07, ß 36 and 7 05 a. m

Sundays.7 46, 9 00, 9 45,10 30. 11 00.1130 a. n... 12 00 noon, 12 30, 100.1 30. 2 00. 2 £0 3 00, 3 30, 4 00. 4 30,5 00 6 30, 6 00, b 30 7 00, 7 30, 8 008 45. 9 30, 10 15, 11 20 and 11 5J p. m.Leavo Four Mile Ban for Alexandria 6 4«

». ni.

FOB MOUNT VBBROrT.Leave Alexandria for Mount Vemon, week

days, at 7 02, 8 35, 10 32, 1132 a. m12 32, 1 48, 2 32, 3 32, 4 43, 7 38 aud9 16 p. m.r-undays-9 32 a m., 12 32, 2 32 4 33,

7 32 and 9 16 p. m.Leave Mount Vernon, week daya, at 7 40

9 14,11 14 a. m., 12 40, 1 33. 2 35. 3 084 1«), 5 0?. 6 30, 8 34 and 10 32 p. m.Sundays.7 40.10 14 a m., 1 43. 3 43

5 30, 8 34 and 10 32 p. m.


Leave Alexandria for Bosslyn, week days7 56, 9 00,10 00, 11 04 s. m., 12 26,1 06.2 CO, 3 40, 6 00, 5 45, 6 06, 7 00 «nd 8 00p. m.Sundays.All trains from 8 15 a. m. to

' 7 46 p. m., inclusive, make direct connoc-1 tion at Arlington Junction.

I Leave Bosslyn for Alexandria, week day»,8 31 9 34, lu 53 and 11 42 a. m., 1 04.

, l 42. 2 37, 4 21, 5 32, tí 27, 7 02, 7 66ind 8 38 p. ill.Sundays- Connection made at Arlington

Junction with all traine arriving in Alexan¬dria from 9 30 ». m. to 9 15 p. m., inclusive.Baggege checked and carried on the fol¬

lowing traine for Washington from Alexan¬dria week days, 8 30 and 10 35 a. m., 1 VS.3 12 and 6 0> p m.

Sundays.8 15 a. ni and 6 15 p. m.Parcele carried on all trains.Freight carried daily, morning and even*

ing. in each direction. No freight accepteduniese delivered at the statici at least 30minutes before the depártate of tbe freighttrains.G. E. Abbot, J. Col* in,

r. «ident. Superintendent

Southern ßailway.Schedule in effect May 7.1900.

8:23 A. M.-Daily-Local for Danville,Charlotte and way stations. Connects atCalverton for Warrenton; at M»naseau forStrasburg and Harrisonburg snd Stsnntondaily except Sunday, and at Lynchbarg withthe Norfolk and Western daily, and withC. A O. B. B. for Natural Bridge and Lexington.11:35 A. M.-Daily.THE UNITEVI

STATES FAST MAIL. Pullman Sleepers,New York and Washington to Jacksonvillevia Havannab; uniting at Salisbury with Sleep¬er for Asheville and Hot Springs, N. C;Knoxville. Chattanooga, aad Memphis,Tonn., and at Charlotte with aleeperfor Augusta, and at Columbia with Sieeo»rfor Charleston. Sleeper New York to NewOrleans, uniting at Charlotte with Sleeperfor Atlanta and Birmingham. Solid trainWashington to New Orleans without change,Dining Car service.11:50 A. M. Daily.Local for Charlottes-

villo, daily, connecting at Calverton for War¬ten ???.4:23 P. M..Local for Front Boyal, Stras¬

burg, and Harrisonburg, daily, except Sun·day.4:52 P. M..Local for Charlottoeville daily,

connecting at Calverton for Warrenton andFauquier White Sulphur Springs.10:10 P. M.Daily.NEW YOBK AND

FLOBIDA EXPRESS, carries Pullman buf¬fet sleeping cars New York and Washingtonto Port Tamps, via Jacksonville, connectingthere with Drawing Boom Sleeping Car forUt, Angustine, and Miami, »nd to Augusta,via Columbia with connection for Aiken, S.C. Through coach to Jacksonville. Diningcar set vice.10:10 P. M.-Daily-WASHINGTON AND

CHATTANOOGA LIMITED VIA LYNCH-BUBG with sleepers New York and Wash¬ington to Memphis and New Orleans throughBristol. Through coach to Memphis. Par¬lor and Observation Car between Bedford,V»., »nd Atta·!·, Alt. Dining Car service.11:05 P. M.-Laily .WASHINGTON


posed of Pnllmsn Vestibuled Sleepers, Din¬ing Cars, and Day Coaches. Sleepers NewYork to Nashville, Tenu., via Asheville,to Knoxville and Chattanooga ; New YorkNew Orleans, via Atlanta and Montgomery.Pullman Library and Observation Car be¬tween New York, Washington and Macon ??aAtlanta. Vestibuled Day Coach Washington toAtlanta. Dining Car service. Connect »t HighPoint, N. C, with train for Pinehurst, N. C.Sunset Personally Conducted Tourists' Ex¬cursion, through sleeper on this train everyMonday Wednesday and Friday to SanFrancisco without change.TRAINS ON WASHINGTON AND OHIO

DIVISION leave Alexandria 7:58 a. m.dally; 1:07 p. m. and 4:28 p. m. week day»;6:33 p. m. Sundaya only for Bound Hill;6:33 p. m., Saturdays for Leesburg; 0.33 p m.week days for Herndon. Betuniing, arriveat Alexandria 8:36 a. m. and 7:52 p. m.,daily; 8:36 a. m. and 2:37 p. m. week daysfrom Bound Hill ; 6:52 a. m. week days fromHerndon; 6:52 a. m, Mondays from Lees¬burg.Through trains from the South arrive at

Alexandria 6:17 a m.. 7:16 a. m. aod 1:52 ?p?., and 8:30 p. m daily. From Harrison¬burg, 11:35 a. m. week days and 9:25 p. mdaily. From Charlottesville 8:06 a. m. and9:20 p. m. daily.For detailed schedale figures, tickets, Pull·

ni»n reservation, etc., apply to A. C. MOéüs,ticket »gent, Alexandria, Va.FRANKS. GANNON,3rd Vice President A Gen. Msnsger.

J. M. CULP, Traffic Manager.W. A. TUBK, General Passengor Agent.L. 8. BBOWN, General Agent, Washing


Cars leave Bosslyn for Alexandria countycourthouse »rd Fall» Church at 6 25, 6 50,7 20, 8 30, 9 30. 10 30 and 11 SO a m.,12 30. 130 2 30.3 30,4 00,4 30. 6 00,5 30, 6 OO, 6 30, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00,10 00,11 00 and 12 00 p. m.

For Arlington. Columbia «nd N«ue-k »t6 20.6 50, 7 20, 7 50. 8 46,9 46.10 45,«nd i ? ..">»· ri. 12 46, 146, 2 45, 3 45,4 45, 5 45, 6 45, 7 45. 8 46, 9 45, 10 45and 11 30 p.m. fcbU

HILL'S COTTAGE LUNCHie an excellent tea oak« or for laucasen pur-pa

KIPPEBED HERRING jatt received byj o. AuLüím.




3TREET8.For Alexandria 4 30, 7 45 and 11 4? a W,3 07, 4 25 and 5 00 ? M. Bandaj 4 :ìqand 7 45 A. M. and 3 07 and ¦¦'>">¦ ?·_ ¿

Leave Alexandri» for Vvjwh.igtHM (44 >r,800 A. P., 12 14. I 08. 7 ¡¿0 ard H mP.M. Sunday 0 44 .1. ; 1 41 ?. M 7 on.ndll03P. vf.

7:55 A. M. Week ¡TTSBI L< ?PRESS.P»rlor....·, Utrunj Ca ;..,burg to Pitteburg.

10:60 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LIBPullman Sleeping, Dining, binomiObservation Cart Harriaburg toCincinnati, Indianapolis. m. Lolend and Toledc. Buffet Parlor ( ..· w M..-,riaburg.

10:50 A. M. FAST LINE-lOlln.Parlor Car to Harrisburg. BaftCar Harrieburn to Pitteburg.

3.30 P.M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOPBESS.Sleeping car Washington to et.Louie, and «leepinicand Diadibarg to Indianapolis, St. LaWI ?(via Cincinnati and Louisvihe; and (in.cago.

7:20 P. M. WESTERN EXPB.-'-Sleeping Car to Pitteburg amiDining Car to Chicago.

7:20 G M. SOUTHWEfciTERN EX]Pullman Sleeping Car« WaehuPitteburg and Harrisburg » ?Cleveland and Cincinnati. Dinin.

10:40 P.M. PACIFIC EXPRESS- mini*»Sleeping Car to Pittsburg.

7 56 A. M. for Kane, Canandaigua, Bodies:«,and Niagara Falls daily, except Sunday,10:50 A. M. for Elmira and feneve,daily, except Sunday. For Williauivortdaily at 3:30 P. M.

7:20 P. M. for Williameport, Rochester, KrisBuffalo and Niagara Fall« daily,Saturday, with Sleeping C»r W»to Rochester.

10:40 p. m. for Erie, Canandaigua, !..Buffalo and Niagara Fall« daily. 1 ilhaajSleeping Car Washington to Ba^sst« |t>nrdkya only.


4:00 P. M. "CONGRESSIONAL· LIMI iti).'daily, all Parlor Car·, with Dining c»r fru»Baltimore.

Begular at 7 00 (Dining (at). 7 '.?. 7 55,8 15, 9 00,10 00 (Dining Ur . mi 11 w(Dining Car from WUmLagton A. M.12 45, 3 15, 6 00 (Dining car tre 01 Bai.timore), 6 60, 10 00, aud 11 50 P M. unSunday 7 00 (Dining car 7 29 00, and 11 00. (Dining Carmington) A. M., 12 15, 3 16, 5 W car from Baltimore;, ß 50, LO 00 aal11 60 P. M. For Phiiadelii.i* eniy: 12 15 P.M. week d»?<, 2 ul and6 40 P. M. daily.

For Boston, without change, 7 65 A. M. weekdays, and 6 CO P. M. daily.

For Baltimore ß 20, 7 00, 7 2u, 79 00,10 00, 10 60, 11 t.0, A. M., M.d12 15,12 45, 12 58, 2 01. S 16, 3 ¿0,4 00 tlm'd), 4 20, 4 31, 5 00,6 41'. b 13,6 50 7 20, 10 00, 10 40, U 3.J »id11 50 P. M. on Sunday 7 00,7 2U, 8 16,9 00,9 06, 10 60 and 11 00 ?. M.. »lu12 15, 1 16, 2 01, 3 16, 3 30, n*ted), 4 20, 6 00, 6 40, 6 15. 8 80, 7 20,10 00, 10 40 and 11 50 P. M.

For Pope'· Creek Line 7 56 A. M. aad 411P. M. week day« Sunday« !» OS AM.

For Annapoli· 7 00 and » 00 a. m. »nd12 15 and 5 40 P. M. dailyday. Sunday 9 00 A. M. »nei 5 ?

Express for Florida and points ou A un¬tie Coaat Line 4 30 ?. ?, aad 107 F.M. daily; Richmond only, 11 45 A.M. »eckday·; Atlanta Special, via BichnSeaboard Air Line, 6 00 P. M. daily. Ac¬commodation for Quantico, 7 46 ?. Mdaily, and 4 25 P. M. week days.

SEASHORE CONNECTION-,For Atlantic City (via Delaware river bridge,

all rail route) 12:45 p. a», week day« unie·a*¡h Pullman Buffet Parlor Cu ¦'¦ 16,(4 00 "Congressional Limited") nini 11 5?P. M. daily ; vi» Market Street Wharf1000and 11 00 ?. M »11 ci 12 45 P.M.week day· and 11 50 P. M. d»i:y.

For Cape May 1100 A.M. week days and11 60 P. M. daily.Ticket office, corner 16th and G m reels ard

at the station, Suth and ? Street«, «her«orders can be left for the checking 0! m%to destination from hotel· and residences.J. B. HUTCHIN80N, J.B. Wtxin

General Manager General Patten



Bound Trip, 15 Cents.In effect on and after MONDAY, Setptem'·. r

19,1898._Leave Washington Leave Alexandria.

?. ? ? ?Colombia. 6 10 Bolle Haven... 5 OBelle Haven.... ß 40 Columbi»...«tombía. 7 30 Relie lleven. 7

Be<le Haven.... 8 30 Columbia...Columbia. 9 30 Belle BaveiBelle Haven ... 10 30 Columbia...Columbia-..11 30 Belle Haven... 11 #

P. M P. HBelle Haven... 12 30 Columbia..Columbia. 1 30 Belle HaverBelle Haven..... 2 30 Colombia...Columbia. . 3 30 Belle Haven ...

^ "

Belle Haven.... 4 30 ColumbiaColumbia. 6 30 Belle Haven.Belle Haven. 6 30 Columbi». °

N. B. Same schedule 8und»y«, estaiat 9 30 a m.POTOMAC BIVEB LANDINGS-STEAM¬

ER WAEEFTELD leave· Washington ??ß.day· at 7 00 a.m., and Alexandre »t»<0a. m., for landings aa far a· Nomini and n

Wedneedaya and Saturday· at same hoir· forSt. Clament'· Bay and Leonard town.



Tbe Norfolk and Wuhio^tooboat rompan}

Will run a DAILY LINE eomm» s

Monday, March 80, with their n«w wA ?·«*.rial iron «teamen


Leaving th· wharf at th· foot of Prit. « ·»·'··

»17 00 p. rn.

Returning will laav· Norfolk at 6.461 3

Sta*!· ton SB. Bound trip 86.C. W. WATTLES, Afeal


specialties"The George R. Hill Baker)',

National Biecult Company. Alexandri». V«.Travel«*·' Loch, th· great quttt cop goexli.

Animala, Lemon Nut·, Zoo*, Jvxeeiaior Butte'Cracker», Family e»oda Biacuit, N. B. C, Fol>man Oy«ter Cracker·, F»rin» Oy 1er ( rac««''Hill'· Cream Biscuit, very fino.Our line of «tapies i« unexcelled.9?»?".

Lemon«, Oyrtere, Sodas, Water«, Fenny ('·"'¦Do you know Uneed· BiecoitT In..«.»

Jinger WayfaV and the American ?·»«;;Uía#bi Snag· in pou3 benaü*.
