Alexander the Great The Spread of Greek Culture. Macedonia Macedonia is the farthest area North in...


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Alexander the Great

The Spread of Greek Culture


• Macedonia is the farthest area North in Greece

• It was a war-like area, muchLike Sparta


• Phillip II was Alexander the Great’s father

What's happening the World?*

• NOT FOR NOTES– So, what else was happening around 350BC?

1. First crossbow made in China2. Mayan civilization begins3. Socrates is killed4. Rome is just becoming an city

Early Life

• Alexander dislikes his father but clings to his mother.

Phillip is Killed*

• King Phillip is killed during a banquet to celebrate a wedding

One of Phillips friends kill him.

Some claim Olympias was involved

Greek Ideas Spread

• As Phillip and his son conquer new territory they spread Greek ideas

• Question: What would some of these ideas be?

Alexander takes over

• Phillip was assassinated in 336 BC

• Alexander now claimed the throne and went to Asiato battle the Persians

Invasion of Persia

• King Darius III waited for Alexander

• He leveled the battlefieldfor his chariots and 200,000 men

Alexander had 35,000 men

Battle Plan (Not for Notes)

• Alexander uses new tactics:– The mouse-trap: open your lines and surround chariots– The Wheel: Alexander tricks Darius and rides splits his army in two

In the end Alexander’s own line breaks and he can’t chase down Darius.

Persia Falls

• Alexander won, losing only around 400 men

• DariusIII lost 40,000 andfled the battle

Alexander chases Darius

King of Persia

• Darius is killed by his own men

• Alexander is saddened,he saw Darius as a good leader and challenger

He takes over Persepolis


• After Persia Alexander’s army marches to India

• Here they fight battles against elephants and larger armies than ever before

Alexander Dies

• In 323 BC, in Babylon, Alexander dies of Malaria

• His empire is split between his generals

• He had conquered most of the known world in less than 15 years
