Aim: How did the Tang and Song Dynasties rule China? Global History and Geography Regents Review...



Key Terms Tang Dynasty Tributary States Song Dynasty Gentry Calligraphy Pagoda Porcelain

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Aim: How did the Tang and Song Dynasties rule China?

Global History and Geography Regents ReviewUnit 2 Section 2

Big Ideas

• China has a strong government and a strictly ordered social structure

• The economy was strong• There were great achievements in the

arts and architecture• China influenced other cultures,

including that of Japan

Key Terms• Tang Dynasty• Tributary States• Song Dynasty• Gentry• Calligraphy• Pagoda• Porcelain

Tang Dynasty Song DynastyRuled China from 618 to 907 Ruled from 960 to 1279

First led by General Tang Taizong First led by General Zhao Kuangyin

Capital at Xian (Changan) Capital at Xian

Forced Vietnam, Korea, Tibet to be Tributary States. They were independent but had to send regular tribute payments to China

Traded extensively with Vietnam, Korea, and Tibet

Contact with Japan who studied Chinese culture and traded with the Tang.

Contact with Japan as under Tang

Reestablished Civil Service System Continued Civil Service System

Pushed Education and followed Confucius

Pushed Education and followed Confucius

Three classes of people; gentry, peasants, and merchants

Three classes of people’ gentry, peasants, and merchants

GENTRY Wealthy Landowners

Studied Confucian IdeasSome were Civil Servants

PeasantsMost of the people

Farmers Lived in Small Villages

MerchantsSome very rich

Lower status because wealth came from work of others

Bought land and educated a son so he could join Gentry

Women: Held authority within the

home. Were allowed to manage finances, impose

discipline on children, and

supervise servants. Boys were valued

over girls. When a girl married she

became part of the husbands family and

could never remarry.

Economic Achievements

•Land Reforms: Land was given to peasants who had to pay taxes to the government

• Trade: Flourished with trading partners; India, Persia, and the Middle East. Became expert shipbuilders and used paper money for trade.

• Canals: The Grand Canal linked the Huang He and Yangzi.

Literature and Arts• Short stories and poetry• Calligraphy which is fine writing• Building of Pagoda’s which were temples

with roofs that curved at the corners• Porcelain which is a hard and shiny


Japan Begins Adopting Chinese Ideas

600’s – 700’s 800’s 900’s – 1200’s

• Japanese study Chinese Civilization• Emperor builds capital city modeled on Chinese Capital• Japanese nobles adopt Chinese tea ceremony, music, dance, and gardens

• Japanese stop traveling to China

• Japanese keep some Chinese ways but build their own civilization• Japanese artists develop their own styles• Japanese change the Chinese system of writing
