Africa & the Africans in the Age of the Atlantic Slave Trade. · 2020-03-23 · trade/barter...


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Africa & the Africans in the Age of the Atlantic

Slave Trade.Chapter 20

What stands out with pic below?

Maritime Trade

O Small scale

trade/barter → large

scale international

trade (gold & silver).

O Joint stock company

(East India

company)- investors

bought shares in


Commercial Revolution

O Large trade based

using silver & gold

due to:

O Overseas colonies

O New ocean trade


O Population growth

O Inflation (Price


Atlantic Slave Trade

O Portuguese led

explorations to

African coasts-set up

factories such as El


O More interested in

trade than conquests

→ more peaceful

relations with African


Atlantic Slave TradeO Slave trade developed

slowly as one of the many


O Development of sugar

plantations raised the

need for slave labor.

Trend Toward Expansion

O Approx 12m slaves

over 4 C.

O High mortality rates

(on board & on

plantations) kept the

demand high.

O Brazil rec’d about

42% of the slaves.

Demographic Patterns

O The trans-Saharan

slave trade was

mostly women

(concubines) in

Islamic lands, while

the trans-Atlantic

slave took mainly

men for agriculture.

Organization of the Trade

O Portugal controlled slave trade →(1630) competition increased & the Dutch seized El Mina in 1637 → the British Royal Africa Company was followed by similar French enterprises.

Organization of the Trade

O Purchases of slaves

were made through

local rulers (sporadic

slave raids).

O Dahomey & Oyo sold

captives to



O Indies piece: a

system of setting

prices based on a

healthy male slave.

Slaving & African PoliticsO Europeans tapped

into the established

slave trade, but also

intensified it.

O 2/3 males →

polygyny & women to

take on male roles.

East Africa & the Sudan

O The Swahili East coast

was part of the Indian

Ocean trading area,

bringing ivory, slaves &

gold from the interior.

O Clove plantation using

slaves developed in

Zanzibar & other


East Africa & the Sudan

O Bantu were organized

into chiefdoms & their

mov’t further South led to

contact with the Dutch

settlers who were in

search of farmland.

White Settlers & Africans in Southern Africa

O Under British rule from 1815, the expansion of the Cape colony led to warfare with the Bantu.

O Boer Great Trek: coincided with upheavals among the Bantu peoples.

Mfecane & the Zulu Rise to Power

O New leader (Shaka

Zulu) of the Nguni

peoples in 1818 led

to the development

of a powerful Zulu


O Shaka’s work was

part of the mfecane.

Slave Lives

O Slave trade not

only brought

slaves forcibly

into an alien

culture, but it

also brought

foreign products

into Africa.

Slave LivesO Middle


was always


for slaves &



Africans in the Americas

O Africans in





employed in


but other



American Slave Societies

O Hierarchy developed


saltwater slaves (newly

arrived) from their

creole descendants.

O The latter could gain

more skill work in

better conditions &

stood a better chance

at being manumitted.

American Slave Societies

O Slave communities were sometimes divided along lines similar to that of Africa.

O Population grew to as much as 80% of colonial populations.

O NA slave population had a higher birthrate & less need for newly enslaved Africans.

People & Gods in Exile O Africans in slavery tried

to maintain as much of their culture as possible (1 in 10 enslaved Africans was Muslim).

O Africans converted to Christianity but obeah survived (Brazil (Candomblé), Cuba (Santeria) & Haiti: (Vodun).

People & Gods in Exile

O Slave revolts were

common, but most

failed. Few


Palmares, a

community in Brazil,

maroons in Jamaica

& Suriname.

End of Slave Trade & the Abolition of Slavery

O Abolition resulted from changes outside of Africa.

O Main impulse came from intellectuals such as William Wilberforce.

O British stopped slave trade in 1807.

O Slavery was abolished in the Americas when Brazil stopped the practice in 1888.
