Advertising industry in hong kong


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HK4As- The Association of Accredited Advertising Agencies of Hong Kong

Mok Hiu Tung 20129851

Led by prominent members of the advertising industry

Maintaining high standards and integrity among member agencies

Assist people wanting information about the industry and encourage discussion between those involved in the industry

The HK4As Kam Fan Awards (formerly known as the HK4As Creative Awards), is organized by the HK4As every year since 1984 to recognize the best works in the market, and is highly regarded as the “Grand Prix” accolade of the industry.

Kam Fan, literally means 'Golden Sail', is in effect, the Grand Prix of the Hong Kong Advertising Awards.

There are currently 29 Full Members in this category

Members are, or are part of, a multi-national advertising agency network

They also organise activities, training course and student training programme
