Adopt-A-Pet by: Kayla and Carly



Adopt-A-Pet by: Kayla and Carly. Adopt-A-Pet. We like pets and that’s Why we chose this charity. There are lots of pets that don’t have homes. And this will help people That need a pet but don’t Have one. What If. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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We like pets and that’s

Why we chose this charity.

There are lots of pets that don’t have homes.

And this will help people

That need a pet but don’t

Have one .

What if adopt a pet earned money every time you searched the internet, Now it can. is a new Yahoo-powered search engine, with a social mission…

Every time you use GoodSearch, money is generated for Adopt-A-Pet.

It costs you nothing!


IIf you want to help an animals find a home

You can visit the Adopt-a-pet Website.

Lend a Paw

Learn how to donate, volunteer and more.