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CICbiomaGUNE i o


ContentsPresentationSummaryOrganizationFundingScienti ic Out utraining cti ities and Outreac


CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 4


Presentatione Center or Coo erati e esearc in iomateria s C C ioma cic iomagunees , ocated in San Se astian S ain , as o icia y o ened in ecem er 6 C C iomais a non ro it researc organization created to romote scienti ic researc and tec no ogicainno ation at t e ig est e e s in t e as ue Country o o ing t e io as ue o icy in order tocreate a ne usiness sector ased on iosciences sta is ed y t e o ernment o t e as ueCountry, C C ioma constitutes one o t e Centres o t e C C net or , t e argest as ueCountry researc net or on s eci ic strategic areas, a ing t e mission to contri ute to t eeconomica and socia de e o ment o t e country t roug t e generation o no edge ands eeding u t e rocess t at eads to tec no ogica inno atione irst ase or t e setting o C C ioma as to ui d a oratories to ouse u to 8researc teams e scienti ic eaders ere se ected rom t e internationa scienti ic communityong and 8, t e acti ity concentrated on ui ding t e o ecu ar maging Faci ity,ic as a ro ed as a ationa Faci ity y t e S anis o ernment in 1 e most recentandmar as een t e a ointment o a ne Scienti ic irector in 1 , ic sett ed t ematurity o t e CentreC C ioma as esta is ed a state o t e art researc rogram at t e inter ace et een t ec emica , io ogica and ysica sciences it a main em asis on mo ecu ar sca e ro ertiesand a ications o io ogica nanostructures e ina aim o t is rogram is to contri ute tot e understanding o t e unctioning o io ogica systems at t e mo ecu ar and nanometer sca ee main researc ines ie it in t e design, re aration and c aracterization o io unctionananostructures and t eir in itro and in i o io ogica e a uationese researc ines inc ude t e synt esis and c aracterization o io unctiona nano artic es,studies on mo ecu ar se assem y, nano a rication tec ni ues to ard nano de ices,iocon ugation o sur aces and study o inter ace rocesses, researc on asic as ectso t e inter ace design and t e roduction o io ogica y re e ant atterns at t e nanometersca e or rotein sur ace and ce sur ace interaction studiesis asic no edge may ermit, in t e ong run, to im ro e t e a i ity to inter ene at di erentstages o a disease y de e o ing ear y diagnosis met ods, smart treatments, as e astriggering se ea ing mec anismse o ecu ar maging Faci ity is a tec no ogica at orm o ig re e ance at t e uro eane e , in rec inica imaging t em o ers t e researc ca acity at C C ioma and ro idesig e ertise ser ice to researc centres, os ita s and com aniesC C ioma , in c ose co a oration it C C io , is committed to identi ying neo ortunities in t e ie d o iosciences t roug a at ay o e ce ence in researc , otans ering to internationa c a enges and contri uting to t e de e o ment o a ne iotecsector in t e as ue Country

e enera irector is Prof. José Maria Mato and since anuary 1 Prof. Luis Liz-Marzán is t e Scienti ic irector o C C ioma , succeeding Prof. Manuel Martín-Lomas, o aseen t e Founding Scienti ic irector o C C ioma , rom 6 to end o 1e assessment o t e scienti ic acti ity o C C ioma is carried out y t e nternationaScienti ic d isory oard S , com osed o internationa y distinguis ed scientists acti e inC C ioma s researc ie ds t is current y com rised o t e o o ing mem ersProf. Peter MorrisSir Peter ans ie d agnetic esonance Centre, ni ersity o otting am,Prof. Lia Adaddieizmann nstitute o Science, e o ot, sraeProf. Itamar Willnernstitute o C emistry, e e re ni ersity o erusa en, sraeProf. Helmuth Möhwalda P an nstitute o Co oids and nter aces, ermanyProf. Peter Seebergera P an nstitute o Co oids and nter aces, ermanyProf. Jon Dilworthe artment o norganic C emistry, ni ersity o O ord,Prof. Samuel I. Stuppnstitute or io anotec no ogy in edicine, ort estern ni ersity, S


CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 6


Organizationc ange in t e interna organization o t e researc grou s as im emented during 14e re ious y e isting researc units io unctiona anomateria s, iosur aces and o ecu armaging eresu ressedandeac a oratory asgi enas eci icnamet at ro ides in ormationa out t e researc ine eac grou carries out e ne organization resu ted in t e o o ingresearc grou s

FundingSince anuary 14, 1 ne grants a e een a arded it a tota contri ution o ,84 , 8

Scienti ic Out uturing 14, 117 artic es in ig im act scienti ic ourna s a e een u is ed

raining and Outreac cti ity

so in 14, 6 PhD t eses a e een de ended and one ne atent a ication as een i ed

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 8

ORGANIZATIONORGANIZATIONOrganizatione ta e e o ro ides t e distri ution o C C ioma s ersonne as er o em er14C C ioma S PersonnePrinci a n estigators 11ssociate esearc ers 8isiting Pro essors 1esearc ssistants 1P at orm eadsa oratory ec nicians and P at orm S ecia ists 1nima Careta er 1Postdoctora researc ersP studentsirection and dministrationand aintenanceiosa ety and adio rotection 1ota 1 8

Pedro amos Ca rer oined t e a oratory in ay 14r amos Ca rer graduated in 1 4 in c emistry y t e ni ersity o Santiago de Com oste a neo tainedaP romt eP ysica C emistryo Co oids a oratory, ni ersityo Santiagon 8 e o tained an Sc degree as e ert in e erimenta anima s or iomedica researc , CCategory y t e ni ersity o ranada e or ed as ostdoctora researc er at t e n i oa oratory, a P anc nstitute or euro ogica esearc Co ogne 1 1 6 tera ong eriod a road, e returned to S ain as Parga Ponda esearc er a ician o ernmentat t e C inica ni ersity os ita o Santiago de Com oste a 1 6 1 and t en asigue Ser et esearc er S anis inistry o ea t at t e same os ita 1 1 14e as een isiting researc er at t e a oratory o anomedicine o t e rans ationa ando ecu ar maging nstitute at ount Sinai os ita in e or 11 1 , co a oratingdocent o t e e artment o edicine o t e ni ersity o Santiago de Com oste a 8 14and mem er o t e ioet ics committee o t e same uni ersity 11 14 e as an indeo 1, u ications in inde ed ourna s, 4 registered atents, 6 oo c a ters and o er 6a ers, courses and in ited ectures e as een rinci a in estigator o researc grants ot e S anis ationa P an, and one o unta de a icia, and artici ated as a researc er inCS net or s and in 1 ot er grantsa ier eguera mez er as ue esearc e o oined t e ionano asmonics a oratoryin o em er 14r eguera recei ed a ac e or degree in P ysics in 1 and a P in ateria s Science in8 at t e ni ersity o a ado id S ain From 8 e or ed as assistant ecturer att e sc oo o ndustria ngineering at t e same uni ersity e er ormed ostdoctora or at11 and at PF 11 14 n 14 e oined C C ioma as er as ueresearc e o a ier eguera as co aut ored o er artic es and t o oo c a ters, icrecei ed o er citations eading to an inde o 1 e o tained t e est doctora t esisa ard y t e rou o Po ymers o t e S anis oya Societies o P ysics and C emistry and t ee traordinary rize y t e sc oo o Science ni a ado id e as a so een a arded it aFu rig t e o s i is researc acti ity at C C ioma i ocus on t e se assem y oanisotro ic nano artic es and t eir use in iomedicinee esearc ersuring 14 t ree researc associates oined C C iomaFernando ez a ego er as ue esearc e o oined C C ioma in anuary 14r ez a ego studied ioc emistry at ni ersidad ut noma de adrid and o tained isP in mo ecu ar io ogy at t e same uni ersity in en e as ostdoctora associateat t e ni ersity o innesota rom to 1 n 1 e as a arded it a uan de aCier a e o s i to or as researc associate in t e nstitute o Cata ysis and Petroc emistryCS C n 1 , e mo ed to PSO as researc er in t e iotec no ogy de artment n 14 eo tained an er as ue e o s i to oin C C ioma as researc associate is researcas main y ocused on eterogeneous iocata ysis to o timize enzymes as cata ysts o greenand sustaina e c emica rocesses O er t e ast 11 years e aut ored 61 eer re ie edu ications in internationa ourna s, o t e artic es are u is ed in 1st uarti e ourna sandmany o t em are to ran ed est 1 in t eir res ecti e ie ds e im act o is researcin di erent scienti ic areas is su orted y an inde o it more t an 16 tota citations

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 10


Since anuary 14,15 new grants a e eena arded it atota contri utiono 2,842,973.80€.ist O Financed Pro ects Since anuary 14FundinggencyP Ca mount Period Fu it e

esearc rou sc ange in t e interna organization o t e researc grou s as im emented during 14e re ious y e isting researc units io unctiona anomateria s, iosur aces and o ecu armaging eresu ressedandeac a oratory asgi enas eci icnamet at ro ides in ormationa out t e researc ine eac grou carries outs a resu t, C C ioma current y com rises t e o o ing researc grou srou eaders

esearc ssociates

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 12

FUNDINGesearc contracts it nstitutions Com aniesuring 14 se era researc contracts it t e o o ing institutions com anies ere in ace

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 14

SCIENTIFIC OUTPUTScienti ic Out ute scienti ic acti ity o C C ioma during 14 can e summarized as o o s 11u ications in ig im act scienti ic ourna s, 6 P t eses de ended and 1 ne atenta icationCo er Pages

Enzymatic Growth of Metal and Semiconductorano artic es in ioana ysisPa o

Part. Part. Syst. Charact.2014, 1, 6 4

Light Harvesting and Photoemission by Nanoparticles for

Photodynamic Therapyrguinzoniz, uggiero,a temariam, ern ndez i ,Sa assa, C are ue i asPart. Part. Syst. Charact.

2014, 1, 46Gold Spiky Nanodumbbells:

Anisotropy in Gold Nanostars S o i o , S nc ezg esias, Sc midt,C u i in, iz urua,rze cza , iz arz nPart. Part. Syst. Charact.

2014, 1, 8Exploiting Hydrophobic

Interactions at the Nanoscalerze cza , iz arz nJ. Phys. Chem. Lett.

2014, , 4 46

A general approach toward polymer-coated plasmonic nanostructures rze cza , S nc ezg esias, iz arz nCrystEngComm2014, 16, 4 4Gold Nanowire Forests for SERS Detectiona Porta, rze cza ,iz arz nChemistryOpen2014, , 146 1 1

Pen-on-Paper Approach Toward the Design of Universal SERS SubstratesPo ara a u, a Porta, So i o , Coronado Puc au,iz arz nSmall2014, 1 , 6 1An Iron Oxide Nanocarrier for dsRNA to Target Lymph Nodes and Strongly Activate Cells of the Immune SystemCo a eda Si es, enri senacey, uiz de ngu o,ernec er, mez a e o,Szczu a , o , Pastor, SP aza arcia, auregui Osoro,eszaros, C are uei asSmall2014, 1 , 4 6


e ernier, Cur , u ac e a, ic ter,P ognetti, e Con igurationa iasSc eme or Sam ing Su ramo ecu ar StructuresJ. Chem. Phys. 2014, 141, 44ang, Po a ara u, iz arz n, educedra ene O ide Su orted o d anostars orm ro ed S S Sensing and rug e i ery ACS

Appl. Mater. Inter. 2014, 6, 1 8 18 Frati a, itc e , S de Pino, Prazu, de a Fuente, Strategies or t eio unctiona ization o o d and ron O ideano artic es Langmuir 2014, , 1 1 1rosio, C iodo,F eina, are i, Penad s,S an ooy , arcia a e o, ernardi,ecti e argeting o C S y Fucosy amideFunctiona ized o d ano artic es Bioconjugate Chem. 2014, , 44 1 S io ara, ang, iz arz n, ecentroac es to ard Creation o ot S ots or S Setection J. Photoch. Photobio. C 2014, 1,u ta, S e ia ine, e S eeter s ects oP ate et cti ation ectin ased ssay e ea sgonist S eci ic ycosy ation Patterns Biochim. Biophys. Acta 2014, 184 , 4 4 anas, C ei , azarenus, s er, Sisse , i era i , P Para , iodegrada eCa su es as on ira ectors or in itro e i eryo P si Po y e es or icient eneSi encing J. Control Release 2014, 1 6, 1 1 8Co a eda Si es, enri sen acey, de ngu o,ernec er, a e o, Szczu a ,o , Pastor, P aza arcia, S auregui Osoro,et a eranostics n ron O ide anocarrieror ds to arget ym odes and Strong ycti ate Ce s o t e mmune System Small 2014,1 , Carre o Fuentes, P ascencia i a,Pa omares, oya, S am rez, Oodu ating t e P ysicoc emica and StructuraPro erties o o d Functiona ized Proteinanotu es t roug io Sur ace odi ication

Langmuir 2014, , 14 1 14 8ate, Coy, ang, e tr n, iazarriga, Saucedo, Ceniceros,a s i, arena, er, et a ai oringec anica Pro erties and ectrica Conducti ityo F e i e io ium Car ide anocom osite inFi ms RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 61 61 6

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 16


Pourceau, a e Carrandi, de iian incenzo, P ic e ena, O Penad s, S Ont e C iro tica Pro erties o u i t io ateycocon ugate Precursors and eir n uenceon Sugar Protected o d ano artic esg yconano artic es RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 8488 i, ao, P gartua, a a ousiou,Sa mon, oya, S uiz, struc, Sta i izationo u Ps y ono unctiona riazo e in edto Ferrocene, Ferricenium, or Coumarin andications to Synt esis, Sensing, and Cata ysisInorg. Chem. 2014, , 118 118 8unoz arcia, C arcia imenez, Carrero,P Cana es, imenez ar ero, artin omas,m erty, de Paz, ngu o, ortataco , et a m ortance o t e Po arity o t eycosaminog ycan C ain on t e nteraction itF F 1 Glycobiology 2014, 4, 1 4 1 arano a, S n orzato, riggs, Ci a aratna, ng i d, a ar, i ner,C ay, ic ter, P ncor oration oPentra in into ya uronan atrices s ig t yegu ated and Promotes atri Cross in ing J. Biol. Chem. 2014, 8 , 481 4 8amon, C o i o , S Scara e i, asa eesmonts, iz arz n, ierarc ica Sessem y o o d ano artic es into PatternedP asmonic anostructures ACS Nano 2014, 8,1 6 4 1 ari, C Pierroz, u iani, Patra, ess,S ing er, Oe ninger, Sc ur, Ott, Sa assa,et a nterca ating u Po y yridyCom e es as ecti e P otosensitizers inP otodynamic era y Chem.-Eur. J. 2014, ,144 1 144 6ode n, ourdi oudis, S ate, PastorizaSantos, P rez uste, iz arz n, ic eano artic e o ed Pa er as a ioacti e Sca o dor argeted and o ust mmo i ization oFunctiona Proteins ACS Nano 2014, 8, 6 16 1 a n, oeroes, am e i, uning t eectroc emica S e ing o Po ye ectro yteu ti ayers to ard anoactuation Langmuir 2014, , 1 1 66ay, C Setya ati, ie, Para , eong,ac to asics oiting t e nnate P ysicoC emica C aracteristics o anomateria s oriomedica ications Adv. Funct. Mater. 2014,4, 6


oc a artin, costa, erenguer, uisan,o ez a ego, F Se ecti e O idation oycero to 1, i ydro yacetone y Co a ent ymmo i ized ycero e ydrogenases itig er Sta i ity and o er Product n i itionBioresour. Technol. 2014, 1 , 44 4ig iorini, a ar, Sadir, P einer,a eu , F ortat aco , Coc e uerente,ic ter, P e e ined iomimetic Sur acesto C aracterize ycosaminog ycan ediatednteractions on t e o ecu ar, Su ramo ecu arand Ce u ar e e s Biomaterials 2014, , 88 1 arai a e, o er, Saa, rinyte,Pa o , Pero idase imic ing zymeodu ated ro t o CdS anocrysta ineStructures in Situ t roug edo eactionication to e e o ment o enosensors andtasensors Anal. Chem. 2014, 86, 1 1 64e Pino, P ai oring t e nter ay et eenectromagnetic Fie ds and anomateria s to ardications in i e Sciences e ie J. Biomed.

Opt. 2014, 1 , 1 1 s ra , S Carri o Carrion, C ang, So iman,artmann, Pe az, de Pino, P Para ,F uorescence ased on Sensing it Co oidaPartic es Curr. Opin. Pharmacol. 2014, 18, 8 1n ari, de Pino, P undra, Para ,iomimetic and ioins ired ateria s orications in io otonics J. Biomed. Opt. 2014, 1 , 1 1 1 a s, S oris, iz arzan, an ende oo,ree imensiona C aracterization o o eeta ano artic es and eir ssem ies yectron omogra y Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, , 1 6 1 61ie, in, azo, C ia ini, C S nc ezg esias, iz arz n, Ste ens,denti ication o ntrace u ar o d ano artic essing Sur ace n anced aman ScatteringNanoscale 2014, 6, 1 4 1 4 azarenus, ang, So iman, dePino, P Pe az, Carrega omero, S e man,ot en utis auser, C i t, e ner, eta n itro nteraction o Co oida ano artic esit amma ian Ce s at a e e earnedus Far Beilstein J. Nanotech. 2014, , 1414So s, a oada, O e eiro, F izarz n, arc a de a o, F o ardtimate ano asmonics ode ing ACS Nano 2014, 8,

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ontes arc a, P rez uste, Pastoriza Santos,iz arz n, eta ano artic es andSu ramo ecu ar acrocyc es a e o SynergyChem.-Eur. J. 2014, , 1 8 4 1 88 Soria, F Perez Samartin, artin, a uona, o , Szczu a , Car os C ara,atute, C omerc , trasyna tic utamatee ease t roug Cystine g utamate nti orterContri utes to sc emic amage J. Clin. Invest.

2014, 1 4, 64 6uggiero, a temariam, onso de Castro,S are ue i as, C Sa assa, ano artic eediated P otoacti ation o nticancer etaCom e es J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. 2014, 1 , SS en, ao, oya, S ao, C mmo i izationo nzymes on ydro yet y et acry ate andycidy et acry ate Co o ymer rus es Chem.-Asian. J. 2014, , 1 1Po a ara u, Porta, o i o , SCoronado Puc au, iz arz n, Pen onPa er roac o ard t e esign o ni ersaSur ace n anced aman Scattering Su strates

Small 2014, 1 , 6 1 a moudi, eng, ue, iang,a man, P ei er, C artmann, i , PPe az, Para , et a nteraction o Sta eCo oida ano artic es it Ce u ar em ranesBiotechnol. Adv. 2014, , 6 6ozano Fernandez, a ester nt ordo i,Perez em rano, o as, Sanz, g esiasas ar, oya, S onza ez Fernandez, ey,Potentia m act o eta O ide ano artic eson t e mmune System e o e o ntegrins,Se ectin and t e C emo ine ece tor C C 4

Nanomed-Nanotechnol 2014, 1 , 1 1 1 1 a Porta, rze cza , iz arz n,o d ano ire Forests or S S etectionChemistryOpen 2014, , 146 1 1rigoyen, Po ita os, urray, oya,S esign and Fa rication o egenera ePo ye ectro yte u ti ayers or ications inFou ant emo a Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2014,1 , 1 4 1 a a, omez a e o, Puigi i a, PerezCam ana, C artin, arcia Osta, Ca oFernandez, Cuadrado e edor, Franco,o , Synt esis and a uation o 1 a e edzo Com ounds or eta my oid maging inice Mol. Imaging Biol. 2014, 16, 8 4


Co a eda Si es, enri sen acey, de ngu o,ernec er, a e o, Szczu a ,o , Pastor, P aza arcia, S auregui Osoro,et a n ron O ide anocarrier or ds toarget ym odes and Strong y cti ate Ce s ot e mmune System Small 2014, 1 , 4 6c e arria, oyo, F Pazos, Sa azar,Fa con Perez, eic ardt, C icroarrayased denti ication o ectins or t e Puri icationo uman rinary trace u ar esic es irect yrom rine Sam es ChemBioChem 2014, 1 ,16 1 16 6 rze cza , iz arz n, oitingydro o ic nteractions at t e anosca e J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2014, , 4 46oris, uzzinati, Fern ndez ez, C P rezuste, iz arz n, r g er, o enester,er eec , a s, S an ende oo, P asmona ing in u g anocu e ssem ies J. Phys.

Chem. C 2014, 118, 1 6 1 6 Po a ara u, P rez uste, u, iz arz n,O tica Sensing o io ogica , C emica andonic S ecies t roug ggregation o P asmonicano artic es J. Mater. Chem. C 2014, , 464 6o inc, iner Casares, ay, S na yticode or t e i o e Potentia o a i id ayer J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118, 68 6 i, c e erria, oya, S uiz, struc,C ic Synt esis o ona P ranc edriazo e endrimers and Sta i ization oo d ano artic es at icient y Cata yzeP itro eno eduction Inorg. Chem. 2014, ,6 4 6 61ontes arc a, Fern ndez ez, C mez,P rez uste, arc a o, iz arz n,P rez uste, Pastoriza Santos, Pi ararene ediated Synt esis o o d ano artic esSize Contro and Sensing Ca a i ities Chem.-Eur. J. 2014, , 84 4 84 i, ao, P iu, c e erria, oya, SSa mon, uiz, struc, C ic C emistryi d y Sta i izes i unctiona o d ano artic esor Sensing and Cata ysis Chem.-Eur. J. 2014, ,8 6 8 6Scara e i, Coronado Puc au, iner Casares,anger, iz arz n, onodis erseo d anotriang es Size Contro , arge Sca e Sessem y, and Per ormance in Sur ace n ancedaman Scattering ACS Nano 2014, 8, 8 84

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S io ara, anger, Po a ara u, iz arz n,So ution Processed Po ydimet y si o anego d anostar F e i e Su strates or P asmonicSensing Nanoscale 2014, 6, 81 8 C iodo, F arradi, Ca o, uste,Penad s, S ycosystems in anotec no ogyo d yconano artic es as Carrier or ntiProdrugs Beilstein J. Nanotech. 2014, 1 , 11 46ang, Cummings, Smit , F u e t,Cam e , C i ders ee e, C er ac ,i coyne, os i, Serna, S et a CrossP at orm Com arison o ycan icroarrayFormats Glycobiology 2014, 4, 1 en, u, S ao, nri ue oya, S an,ao, C Com ementary ensity radient oPo y ydro yet y et acry ate and SSe ecti e y uides igration o ndot e iocytesBiomacromolecules 2014, 1 , 6 64oris, Po a ara u, a s, S an ende oo,iz arzan, onitoring a anice acement roug ree imensionaor o ogica and C emica a ing Nano Lett.

2014, 14, 6 iner Casares, iz arz n, P asmonicano artic es in or io ogica icationso ard cti e u ti ur ose P at orms Nano Today 2014, , 6or ecc ia, arino, C iano io, Sa assa,o etto, am erti, C onitoring cited Stateynamics in Cis u y y y tra astSync rotron ec ni ues Catalysis Today 2014, , 4 4 u ia Paya, C iner Casares, artin omero,oe ius, Camac o, C ira Structuresin uino ine i ed angmuir ono ayers J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 1 844 1 8 4ander eu en, S u ac e a, ogterom,ic ter, P eunissen, C andS ectrosco ic i sometry easurements ot e P os o i id i ayer nc oring Sta i ityand inetics o ydro o ica y odi iedO igonuc eotides Langmuir 2014, , 6 6 arcia a dez, O edezma odriguez,Sa di ar uerra, ate, oya, S io o, Fra ene O ide odi ication it ra t Po ymersia itro ide ediated adica Po ymerizationPolymer 2014, , 4e asco ozano, S ez a ego, F z uezu a t, ateos az, C uis n, Fa e aorres, Carrier Free mmo i ization o i aserom Candida ugosa it Po yet y eneiminesy Car o y cti ated Cross in ing

Biomacromolecules 2014, 1 , 18 6 1


rze cza , S nc ez g esias, iz arz n,enera roac to ard Po ymer CoatedP asmonic anostructures CrystEngComm 2014, 16, 4 4Coustet, rigoyen, arcia, urray,omero, Susana Cortizo, no ,zzaroni, O oya, S ayer y ayer ssem yo Po ymersomes and Po ye ectro ytes on P anarSur aces and icrosized Co oida Partic es J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2014, 4 1, 1 14 Cao i n, iz arz n, o d ano artic eCon ugates ecent d ances to ard C inicaications Expert Opin. Drug Del. 2014, 11,41gu a, rea, rgi ay, o o, Cam os, FSo rino, anco, Casti o, amos Ca rer, Puic d ustmento maging racerPay oad, or ini o ications o eranostic anostructuresin t e rain Nanomed-Nanotechnol 2014, 1 ,8 1 8 8 n ante, z iroz, anco, uggiero,ga de, are ue i as, C Sa assa,uantum ot P otoacti ation o Pt nticancergents idence o an ectron rans erec anism ri en y ectronic Cou ing J. Phys.

Chem. C 2014, 118, 8 1 8 1a n oya, tantzis, e issen,Peeters, F rze cza , iz arz n,a s, S an ende oo, Se Organization oig y Symmetric anoassem ies atter oCom etition ACS Nano 2014, 8, 86 8 ri sson, Serna, S ag inao, Sc ege ,See erger, P eic ardt, C e enies,io ogica a uation o u ti a ent e is1 nteractions ChemBioChem 2014, 1 ,844 8 1Ortiz, oreno F ores, S uintana, i anco,Sarasua, oca errera, tra Fastaser icro rocessing o edica Po ymers orCe ngineering ications Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl. 2014, , 41 o ete, atorre eda, i ar arez,Carrega omero, S ar osa, S Para ,a oada, P os uera, Po ymeric o dano y rids or Com ined maging and Cancerera y Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2014, 1 , 11ot en utis auser, u n, i, asser,min, F Para , an ec e, Fin ,e r, P randen erger, C uanti ication oo d ano artic e Ce ta e under Contro edio ogica Conditions and de uate eso utionNanomedicine 2014, , 6 6 1

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P rez Cam a a, C mez a e o, Puigi i a,artin, Ca o Fern ndez, oya, Sarsen, S is ert, o , ssessing ungn ammation ter ano artic e n a ationsing eo y 18F uoro ucose Positronmission omogra y maging Mol. Imaging Biol.2014, 16, 64 n ante, ago, uiz de guino, Ca oFernandez, omez a e o, o , Sc angen,Fu aondo, ransay, artin, et aPre amin ccumu ation and Stress Conditionsnduce m aired Oct 1 cti ity and uto agyin Premature y ged uman esenc yma StemCe Aging-Us 2014, 6, 64 8mez a e o, z uez, ona, Puigi i a,onz ez, Se asti n, S artin, o ,Synt esis and in i o a uation o 11 C a e ed1, icar a C oso odeca oran 1 S1 t y yrro idin met y amide Car oranyeri ati es as Potentia ece tor igands J. Label. Compd. Radiopharm. 2014, , 14 mez a e o, a a, ona, o ,itrogen 1 istorica e ie and FuturePers ecti es itrogen 1 istorica e ie andFuture Pers ecti es J. Label. Compd. Radiopharm.

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C iodo,F arradi, Par , am, F Penad s,S an ie, e sen, a acto uranose Coatedo d ano artic es icit a Pro n ammatoryes onse in uman onocyte eri ed endriticCe s and re ecognized y C S ACS Chem. Biol. 2014, , 8 8aestro, aro onz ez, P S nc ezg esias, iz arz n, arc a So , a ue,uantum ot ermometry a uation oeometry e endent eating iciency in o dano artic es Langmuir 2014, , 16 16 8 ocate i, ost, Fourne e, o ,i , rena, F orusso, Franc ini, Cargeted Po ymeric ano artic es Containingo d anorods era eutic roac againstio astoma J. Nanopart. Res. 2014, 16, 4mora arrios, o e erut , iting,P iz arz n, ez, eoreticaescri tion o t e o e o a ides, Si er, andSur actants on t e Structure o o d anorods

Nano Lett. 2014, 14, 8 1 8 u ac e a, Cur , ognetti, uz ye ty, Fren e , ic ter, P Su erse ecti eargeting sing u ti a ent Po ymers J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 1 6, 1 1z uez i o do, omerc , art n,o , mez a e o, atute, C P 4ece tors Contro t e Fate and Sur i a octi ated icrog ia P 4 ece tor cti ationi s icrog ia Glia 2014, 6 , 1 1 184 Soenen,S ontenegro, de monem,ans ian, oa , S Para , e Smedt,S C raec mans, e ect o ano artic eegradation on Po y met acry ic cid Coateduantum ot o icity e m ortance o Partic eFunctiona ity ssessment in o ico ogy Acta Biomater 2014, 1 , 41Soenen, S ans ian, de monem,ontenegro, an, S a caen, an aec e,F risson, Para , e Smedt, S C eta e Ce u ar nteractions o P y ated o dano artic es ect o P y ation on Ce u arta e and Cytoto icity Part. Part. Syst. Charact.

2014, 4 8 o se, S urro s, Scara e i, izarz n, ur y, C nisotro ic o eeta anocrysta ro t e o e o a idesChem. Mat. 2014, 6, 4 4P rez ato, amos Ca rer, P So rino,anco, u an, ire man, enendez,P Casti o, Cam os, F uman ecom inantutamate O a oacetate ransaminase 1 O 1Su emented it O a oacetate nduces aProtecti e ect a ter Cere ra sc emia Cell.

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arai a e, Saa, Pa o , ioc o ineediated Sta i ization o in Situ Produced CdSuantum ots ication or t e etectiono cety c o inesterase cti ity and n i itorsAnalyst 2014, 1 , 8 84 ern ndez i , Ferrer, S Casti eiras,iu onz ez, oret, F i es, oga,ernec er, are ue i as, C o o eernary ico er uanazo e Com e esit romatic mines Strong y cti ated yuantum ots or C ea age Inorg. Chem.

2014, , 8odr guez Fern ndez, tantzis, eidari,a s, S iz arz n, Protecting rouroac to ard Synt esis o u si ica anusanostars Chem. Commun. 2014, , 81 uaresma, P Os rio, ria, Car a o, PPereira, anger, ra o, P PastorizaSantos, iz arz n, Franco, et a StarS a ed agnetite go d ano artic es or Proteinagnetic Se aration and S S etection RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 6 66P rez Cam a a, C Sansa oni, F mez a e o,az, artin, oya, S agares, io o,F o , Production o 18F a e ed itaniumio ide ano artic es y Proton rradiation oriodistri ution and io ogica Fate Studies inats Part Part Syst C aract 2014, 1, 1 4 14 Pa o , nzymatic ro t o eta andSemiconductor ano artic es in ioana ysis Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2014, 1, 6 4o i o , S S nc ez g esias, Sc midt,C u i in, iz urua, rze cza , iz arz n,o d S i y anodum e s nisotro y ino d anostars Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2014,1, 8 o , stre a o is, io o, F onz ez,F eddermann, orn, a e o, Simonaz uez, onat , ao, et a ta e,io ogica Fate, and o icity o eta O ideano artic es Part. Part. Syst. Charact 2014, 1,4iz arz n, e as ue Country S eciassue Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2014, 1, 1 rze cza , u isic, Prato, ateo onso,e n uence o o ecu ar Structure on t eSe ssem y o P enant ro ine eri ati es intoCrysta ine ano ires Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2014, 1, 1 1 1


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Commun. 2014, , 1 148 1 1 1Saa, Coronado Puc au, Pa o , izarz n, nzymatic tc ing o o d anorodsy orseradis Pero idase and ication toood ucose etection Nansocale 2014, 6,4 4 uggiero, a temariam, ate, are uei as, C Sa assa, ear n rared P oto ysiso a u Po y yridy Com e y con ertingano artic es Chem. Commun. 2014, , 1 11 18Pino,P de Pe az, ang, a re,P ien aus,Para , Protein Corona Formation aroundano artic es rom t e Past to t e Future Materials Horizons 2014, 1, 1 1 iz arz n, ur y, C ang,ano asmonics Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014, 4 , 88

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rze cza , iz arz n, e e e anceo ig t in t e Formation o Co oida etaano artic es Chem. Soc. Rev. 2014, 8ona, au et, omez a e o, ei idor,F o , inas, C COS as a o ecu ar magingP at orm Synt esis and in i o maging Chem.

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c e err a, iu, urray, oya, Somero, o e roac to onitorntrace u ar egradation inetics o Po y actideCo yco ide ano artic es y eans o F oCytometry J. Mater. Chem. B 2014, , 8 6 8Candiota, costa, Sim es, e gadoo i, o e Piedra ita, S rure, arradi,omati igue , O igue Sanc o, aso o,et a e i o et od to a uate t ePer ormance o Candidate Contrast gentsProo o Conce t Study J. Nanobiotechnology2014, 1 , 1

ao, C Conde, Po o, de Pino, P oros,a tista, P razu, Cui, de a Fuente,Promising oad it C a enges ere reo d ano artic es in rans ationa esearcNanomedicine 2014, ,

nge om , P C iz arz n, Synt esis andications o eso orous anocom ositesContaining eta ano artic es J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 2014, , 18 1

Pa a icini, P ona, ag ietti, inzioni,P Patrini, acarro, C irico, Sironi,oise, isai, et a Se ssem edono ayers o o d anostars Con enient ooor near P otot erma io i m radicationChem. Commun. 2014, , 1 6 1 1


1 r Cami a atassinio e synt eseso iminosugarsand t eir con ugation togo dnano artic es or io ogicastudiesSupervisor: Dr. Marco MarradiDate: 20/03/2014r S a ti u taSe ecti e cti ation o P ate ets y Sur aces and So u e gonistsSupervisor: Dr. Ilya ReviakineDate: 21/03/2014r uan iuFa rication, Sur ace ngineering, Ce u ar ta e and Cytoto icity o eta ic andPo ymeric ano artic esSupervisor: Dr. Sergio MoyaDate: 27/06/20144 r eodoro onsom edances Studies o rans ort P enomena in Su ramo ecu ar Po ymer ssem iesSupervisor: Dr. Sergio MoyaDate: 30/06/2014r i ay a aSynt esis and rec inica e a uation o 1 a e ed azo com ounds or amy oidimaging and synt esis o car orane deri ati es or radio a e ing it ositron emittersSupervisor: Dr. Jordi LlopDate: 22/07/20146 r Car os P rez Cam a airect acti ation o meta o ide nano artic es a ication to iodistri ution studiesusing ositron emission tomogra ySupervisor: Dr. Jordi LlopDate: 24/07/2014

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Patent icationsSam e S ides or aser esor tion onisation ass S ectrometry and O tica icrosco ye o ui izazu, C o ez de a Orden, ate omez, C eic ardtGB Pat. Appl. GB6936413 (Priority date March 20, 2014) Patent tensions 14Synt esis and use o isoto ica y a e ed g ycansC eic ardt, c e erriaGB Pat. Appl. GB1305986. Priority date April 3, 2013tension to PC PC nt PC P 14 6 4 14Sam e ates or sur ace assisted aser desor tion ionization mass s ectrometryC eic ardt, Ca o, t e arria uizGB Pat. Appl. GB1307914. Priority date May 2, 2013tension to PC PC nt PC P 14 8 1 14et od or t e roduction o uman t rom in and uses t ereoPa o , Saa Pena and ire Sanc ezPCT/EP2012/071572. Priority date November 4, 2011PC ationa P ase ntry in Canada or PC P 1 1 8 4 418 14PC ationa P ase ntry in t e S or PC P 1 1 14 4 14PO egiona ntry o PC P 1 1 P1 8688 16 14et ods or ma ing microarrays and t eir usese i ui izazu, C eic ardtUS Pat. Appl. US 61777202. Priority date March 12, 2013.S atent a ication 14 611 11 14


esearc ards and istinctionsig y Cited esearc ersuis iz arz n and o gang Para a e een inc uded in t e ne ists o ig y Citedesearc ers omson euters , in t o ie ds C emistry and ateria s Science14 eda o t e oya S anis Society o C emistryarded to uis iz arz n y t e oya S anis Society o C emistry S as recognition oris scienti ic career is is t e most restigious a ard granted y t e institution t at re resentst e c emistry scienti ic community o S ain14 Franc ui C airarded to uis iz arz n y t e Cat o ic ni ersity o eu en e Franc ui C airs area arded to reno ned e gian or non e gian scientists or stays at e gian uni ersities, eret ey s ou d artici ate in t e scienti ic i e and ro ide s ecia ized teac ingri ute to t e Scienti ic Career o Pro anue art n omase iannua eeting o t e Car o ydrate rou o t e S anis oya Society o C emistryornadas de Car o idratos as een dedicated to anue art n omas in recognition o isscienti ic careerest ora resentatione or entit ed ise o e m ementaci n de un Sistema de icro uidos ara a S ntesis de18F F ediante eacci n en Fase S ida , carried out y t e adioc emistry and uc earmaging grou at C C ioma in Co a oration it 4 er an, and resented y r ordio in t e 4 Congreso de a Sociedad s a o a de edicina uc ear e magen o ecu ar , aseen a arded it t e rize to t e est ora resentationC Starting rant a arded to ormer C C ioma P studentr i ae a e cea, o com eted er P t esis at C C ioma in under t esu er ision o r os uis oca errera, as een one o t e 14 a ardees o t e restigiousC Starting rants rom t e uro ean esearc Counci er ro ect i e carried out atni ersity edicine rei s a d ermanyeni a ard rom O a arded to ormer C C ioma s P studentFa rizio C iodo, o recei ed t e P under t e su er ision o Pro So edad Penad s at C Cioma , as een a arded it t e restigious eni su sidy rom t e O eni is targetedat outstanding researc ers o a e recent y o tained t eir P to conduct inde endentresearc and de e o t eir ideas or a eriod o t ree years is ro ect i e conducted at t eni ersityo eiden e et er ands

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 30


iocon ugate C emistryAdvisory Scienti ic BoardSoledad PenadésangmuirSenior Editor – Luis Liz-MarzánCS anoAssociate EditorWolfgang ParakEditorial Advisory Board Luis Liz-MarzánC emistry o ateria sEditorial Advisory BoardLuis Liz-Marzán

uis iz arz n ser ed as guesteditor o t e irst issue o o ume 1issue 1 o Partic e Partic e SystemsC aracterization is dedicated toartic e researc in t e as ueCountry t e artic es in t is issueare o ered or ree (open access).

uis iz arz n ser ed as co guesteditor it Cat erine ur yand ian ang ang o a s ecia issueo C emica Society e ie s onano asmonics (07 June 2014, Issue 11, page 3813 to 3994).

ano odayAdvisory Board Luis Liz-Marzán Co oids andnter ace ScienceCommunicationsAdvisory BoardWolfgang Parak

Scienti ic e ortsEditorial BoardRalf Richter

ourna o ateria sC emistryInternational Editorial Advisory Board Luis Liz-Marzán

uest ditoria cti ities

ScienceBoard of Reviewing EditorsLuis Liz-Marzán

anoto ico ogyEditorial BoardWolfgang Parak

eranosticsEditorial BoardWolfgang ParakLuis Liz-Marzán

anomateria sEditorial BoardWolfgang Parak

Science etAssociate EditorPedro Ramos

Frontiers o iomec anicsEditorial BoardRalf Richter

eta odrugsAssociate EditorLuca Salassay rid ateria sEditorial Advisory Board Luis Liz-Marzán nge andte C emie

Editorial Board and International Advisory BoardWolfgang ParakC emistryO enInternational Advisory Board Luis Liz-MarzánC em ano atInternational Advisory Board Wolfgang Parak, Luis Liz-Marzán d anced O tica ateria sInternational Advisory BoardLuis Liz-Marzán Partic e Partic e SystemsC aracterization Executive Editorial Board Luis Liz-MarzánAdvisory Editorial Board Wolfgang ParakC emistry uro ean ournaEditorial Board Luis Liz-Marzán

ourna o Car o ydrateC emistryEditorial BoardManuel Martin Lomas

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 32


e io anoP asmonics a oratory at C C ioma toget er it t e O CSgrou rom P re orts a met od or t e atterning o su strates it go dnano artic e su ercrysta s

e integration o nano artic e su erstructures into dai y i e a ications acesma or c a enges inc udingt e sim i ication o t e se assem y rocess, reduced cost, and sca a i ity t is, o e er, o ten di icu t toim ro e on one as ect it out osing on anot er e resent in t is a er a enc to met od t at a o satterning amacrosco ic su strate it go dnano artic e su ercrysta s in a one ste rocess emet oda o s ara e ization, and atterned su strates can emade it ig t roug ut e se assem y o aariety o ui ding oc s into crysta ine su erstructures ta es ace u on so ent e a oration, and t eirrecise acement o er mi imeter sca e areas is induced y con inement o t e co oida sus ension inmicron sized ca ities e main y ocus on go d nanorods and demonstrate t eir ierarc ica organizationu to t e de ice sca e e eig t o t e ormed nanorod su ercrysta s can e tuned y sim y aryingnanorod concentration, so t at t e to ogra y o t e su strate and t e resu ting o tica ro erties cane readi y modu ated e crysta ine order o t e nanorods resu ts in omogeneous and ig e ectricie d en ancements o er t e assem ies, ic is demonstrated y sur ace en anced aman scatterings ectrosco y

et od or t e a rication o ede ined and tunea e iomimeticsur aces t at dis ay s toget erit ot er iomo ecu es

e met od is ased on a generic immo i izationat orm, i e a stre ta idin mono ayer t at ser esas a mo ecu ar read oard or t e attac mento desired mo ecu es at tunea e sur ace densityand contro ed orientation and atera mo i ityuisite contro as a orded t roug t eengineering o sur aces and iomo ecu es,and a set o sur ace sensiti e in situ ana ysistec ni ues, inc uding uartz crysta micro a anceand s ectrosco ic e i sometry e researc ersana yze t e interactions et een a se ectede aran su ate, S and a signa ing mo ecu et at romotes t e migration o immune ce st e c emo ine C C 1 to demonstrate t eersati ity o t e sur aces or iomo ecu ar andce u ar interaction studies ey ind t at immunece s can ad ere s eci ica y to sur aces resentingound C C 1 e en in t e a sence oa c assica ce ad esion igand e sur aceio unctiona ization strategy s ou d e road ya ica e or unctiona studies t at re uire ae de ined su ramo ecu ar resentation o sa ong it ot ermatri orce sur acecom onentst may a so e used or t e design o c emo ineoaded im anta e de ices or regenerati emedicine or tissue remode ing ur oses

e iosur aces a oratory at C C ioma toget er it researc ers inreno e as esta is ed an O ime igation met od or t e se ecti e con ugationo S

e met od com ares t e iotiny ation o s ya uronan and e aran su ate at t eir reducing endia t o di erent c emose ecti e igation c emistries t e o u ar ydrazone igation and o ime igation,ic so ar ad not een used or s o c aracterize t e con ugates, t e researc ers o o edt e inding o iotiny ated con ugates to sur aces dis aying a iotin ca turing rotein mono ayer,using C e researc ers ound t at con ugates unctiona ized ia o ime igation are sta e incom arison to t e common y used ydrazone igation O ime igation as esta is ed as a aci e, oneste and ersati e met od in t at it can e a ied to s o arious most i e y any ty es and sizesoreo er, C toget er it a suita y unctiona ized sensor sur ace as s o n to e instrumentaor t e c aracterization o con ugates made rom c emica y com e mo ecu es suc as s, ro idingin ormation a out reaction yie ds, sam e degradation and sam e com osition, ic are di icu t toassess it con entiona ana ytica tec ni ues, in articu ar en t e amount o sam e is imited to ae micrograms e met ods s ou d ind road use, as too s in t e g ycosciences and in iotec no ogicaa ications n articu ar, t e contro o er and sta i ity o con ugates is crucia to ards t e re ia ere aration o unctiona ized sur aces and sca o ds or tissue engineering and undamenta io ogicastudies

e io anoP asmonics a oratoryre orts on t e ertica y gro t ogo d nano ires on a so id su ort toe used as S S su strates

is manuscri t descri es t e contro ed gro to suc go d nano ires and t eir corres ondingasmonic ro erties Sim e et c emistry aseen a ied to contro t e ertica gro t o go dnano ires on a g ass su strate s a conse uence,t e ongitudina oca ized sur ace asmon andosition can e tuned rom 6 6 to 14 nm in ae minutes y sim y contro ing t e gro t rateand time is a o ed us to se ect t e o timumconditions or ma imum e ectromagneticen ancement and er ormance in sur aceen anced aman scattering S S detectionS S measurements con irmed t e uni orm andre roduci e distri ution o t e nano ires on t esu strate, it t e su se uent ig re roduci i ityo ot s ot ormation etection o ma ac ite greenin ater and o 1 na t a enet io rom t e gasase are demonstrated as roo o conce ta ications o t ese t ree dimensiona S Ssu strates P asma c eaning as used to remo et e adsor ed ana ytes and reuse t e nano ireorest or su se uent detection measurements

ierarc ica Se ssem y o o d ano artic esinto Patterned P asmonic anostructuresC amon, S o i o , Scara e i, asa eesmonts, iz arz nACS Nano, 2014 , 8, 1 6 4 1

e de ined iomimetic sur aces toc aracterize g ycosaminog ycan mediatedinteractions on t e mo ecu ar, su ramo ecu arand ce u ar e e sig iorini , a ar , Sadir , P einer ,a eu F, ortat aco , Coc e uerente ,ic ter PBiomaterials, 2014, , 8 1

o d ano ire Forests or S S etectiona Porta, rze cza , iz arz nChemistryOpen 2014, , 146 1 1

uartz Crysta icro a ance et od to Study t e erminaFunctiona ization o ycosaminog ycansru a ar, isa ig iorini, i iane uerente, a ia Sadir,ugues ortat aco , idier oturyn, O i ier enaudet, Pierrea e a d a P ic terChem. Commun., 2014, , 1 148 1 1 1

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e grou o r ordi o , inco a oration it r anessa meza e o at t e adioc emistry P at ormand researc ers at C CS C asde e o ed a genera strategy or t eradio a e ing o COS s

a e ing met od or t e co a entattac ment o radioiodine to t e oronric 8 co a ta isdicar o ide COSand a i unctiona iodine and P COSderi ati e, , Co 8 1, C 1 8OC C COOC6 1 , C 1 , isre orted iodistri ution studies in rodents usingdissection gamma counting and in i o nuc earimaging a e een er ormed e genera strategyre orted ere can e a ied in t e uture to COSderi ati es earing a ide range o unctiona itiesence, t e strategy may a e a signi icant im actin t e e a uation o otentia C oron eutronCa ture era y agents

e researc ers r ra am art n and r ordi o rom C C ioma so ecu ar maging nit in co a oration it researc ers rom t e c ucarroCenter and t e P a e disco ered a ne t era eutic target or raindamage resu ting rom stro e

Cere ra isc emia is t e t ird cause o deat and t e irst cause o disa i ity in industria ised countries toccurs as a resu t o t e transient or ermanent reduction in cere ra ood o and causes irre ersi eneurona damage considera e art o t is deterioration is due to t e c ange in t e e e s o g utamate,t e most a undant e citatory neurotransmitter in t e rain t at, in turn, acts as a o er u neuroto inen its concentration is raised, as occurs during isc emia is ne inding underscores t e im ortanceo a mo ecu e, t e cystine g utamate e c anger C , in t e increase in t e concentration o g utamate toto ic e e s in e erimenta mode s t at re roduce t e main c aracteristics o stro e in atients e orcarried out y t e c ucarro and P researc ers s o s t at during cere ra isc emia t e g utamateis trans orted outside t e ce ia t e C e c anger, and is accumu ated u to e e s t at are et a or t eneurons n turn, t e C C ioma researc ers a e o ser ed y Positron mission omogra y t atC e e s are increased in rat rain su ected to isc emia, ic under ines its im ortance in t e stro erocess s a conc usion, it o o s t at t is researc carried out on e erimenta anima s i o en u t edoor or t e de e o ment o ne neuro rotecti e treatments y means o drugs t at are directed againstt e C e c anger in order to mitigate t e cere ra damage and neuro ogica disorders caused y cere raisc emia

e io anoP asmonics a oratoryre orts on t e use o asmonics in sto rite S S su strates

e trans ation o a tec no ogy rom t e a oratoryinto t e rea or d s ou d meet t e demand oeconomic ia i ity and o erationa sim icityns ired y recent ad ances in conducti e inens or e ectronic de ices on a er, e resenta en on a er a roac or ma ing sur aceen anced aman scattering S S su stratesroug t is a roac , no ro essiona training isre uired to create S S arrays on a er using anordinary ountain en i ed it asmonic in scom rising meta nano artic es o ar itrary s a eand size e demonstrate t e use o asmonicin s made o go d nanos eres, si er nanos eresand go d nanorods, to rite S S arrays t at cane used it arious e citation a e engt s estrong S S acti ity o t ese eatures a o ed us toreac detection imits do n to 1 attomo es o dyemo ecu es in a sam e o ume o 1 , de endingon t e e citation a e engt , dye mo ecu e andty e o nano artic es Furt ermore, suc sim esu strates ere a ied to esticide detectiondo n to is uni ersa a roac o ersorta e, cost e ecti e a rication o e icientS S su strates at t e oint o care is a roacs ou d ring S S c oser to t e rea or d t rougin cartridges to e i ed to a en to createasmonic sensors at i

COS asamo ecu ar imaging at ormsynt esis and in i o imagingiran ona, dnana au et, anessamez a e o, Francesc ei idor ordio , C ara i asChem. Commun. 2014, , 1141 1141

Pen on Pa er roac o ard t e esigno ni ersa Sur ace n anced amanScattering Su stratesPo a ara u, a Porta, S o i o ,Coronado Puc au, iz arz nSmall, 2014, 1 , 6 1

trasyna tic g utamate re ease t roug cystine g utamate anti ortercontri utes to isc emic damageF Soria, P rez Samart n, artin, ona, o , Szczu a , CC ara, C atute and ar a omercJournal of Clinical Investigation, 2014, 1 4, 64

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e io anoP asmonics a oratory, in co a oration it t e Co oid C emistryrou rom igo, re orts on t e use o do ed a er as ioacti e sca o d

Ce u ose ased materia s are ide y used in ana ytica c emistry as at orms or c romatogra icand immunodiagnostic tec ni ues ue to its count ess ad antages e g , mec anica ro erties, t reedimensiona structure, arge sur ace to o ume area, iocom ati i ity and iodegrada i ity, and igindustria a ai a i ity , a er as een redisco ered as a a ua e su strate or sensors Po ymericmateria s suc as ce u osic a er resent ig rotein ca ture a i ity, resu ting in a arge increase odetection signa and im ro ed assay sensiti ity o e er, ce u ose is a rat er nonreacti e materia ordirect c emica cou ing iming at de e o ing an e icient met od or contro ed con ugation o ce u oseased materia s it roteins, e de ised and a ricated a y rid sca o d ased on t e adsor tion andin situ se assem y o sur ace o idized i nano artic es on i ter a er, ic ser e as doc ing sitesor t e se ecti e immo i ization o roteins containing o y istidine tags is tag e demonstrate t att e interaction et een t e nic e su strate and t e is tagged rotein is remar a y resi ient to ardc emica s at concentrations t at uic y disru t standard i and i com e es, so t at t issystem can e used or a ications in ic a ro ust attac ment is desired e iocon ugation it istagged rotein a o ed t e inding o anti Sa mone a anti odies t at mediated t e immuno ca tureo i e and moti e Sa mone a acteria e ersati ity and iocom ati i ity o t e nic e su strate ereurt er demonstrated y enzymatic reactions

e a oratories o r S oyaand Pro S Penad s re ort ont e aggregation and dynamicso uorescent y a e ed g ycogo d nano artic es y means oF uorescence Corre ation S ectrosco yFCS in t e intrace u ar en ironment

e use o F uorescence Corre ation S ectrosco yFCS or uantitati e ana ysis in io ogicaen ironments is gaining o u arity as it yie dsin ormation on ey ysica and c emicaarameters suc as di usion time and a eragenum er o uorescent mo ecu es, icu timate y a o s or t e determination o t eoca concentration and size o t e s ecies understudy o d nano artic es coated it g ucoseand uorescent y a e ed it i yte F uor64c u i Ps ere incu ated it ece s e atocytes FCS as used to isua ise t eresence o sing e Ps or P aggregates o o ingu ta e and to estimate, oca y, P concentrationsit in t e ce s FCS data ere success u yrecorded a ter a ying a re eac ingmet odo ogy ic a o ed t e e ecti e remo ao t e immo i e P raction e di usion time oc u i Ps in t e intrace u ar en ironment asmeasured and com ared it t e di usion time inater and ce media O era , e demonstratedt at t e re eac ing FCS strategy can ea ied or studying t e intrace u ar dynamics oio unctiona ised go d Ps and or increasing t eno edge a out t e state o Ps it in t e ce

e io anoP asmonics a oratoryre orts on t e synt esis andro erties o monodis erse go dnanotriang es

u nanotriang es dis ay interesting nanoasmonic eatures it otentia a ication inarious ie ds o e er,suc a ications a e eenindered y t e ac o e icient synt etic met odsyie ding su icient size and s a e monodis ersity,as e as y insu icientmor o ogica sta i ity eresent ere a synt esis and uri ication rotocot at e icient y addresses t ese issues e size ot e nanotriang es can e tuned it in a ide rangey sim y c anging t e e erimenta arameterse o tained monodis ersity eads to e tendedse assem y, not on y on e ectron microsco ygrids ut a so at t e air i uid inter ace, a o ingtrans er onto centimeter size su strates esee tendedmono ayerss o romising er ormanceas sur ace en anced aman scattering su strates,as demonstrated or t io eno detection

ic e ano artic e o ed Pa er as a ioacti e Sca o d or argeted ando ust mmo i ization o Functiona Proteinsode n, S ourdi oudis, ate, Pastoriza Santos, P rez uste, izarz nACS Nano, 2014, 8, 6 1 6 1

uantitati e Study o t e ntrace u arynamicso F uorescent y a e ed yco o dano artic es ia F uorescence Corre ationS ectrosco yic ard urray, uan iu, Fa rizio C iodo,arco arradi, So edad Penad s, and SergiooyaSmall 2014, 1 , 6 61

onodis erse o d anotriang es SizeContro , arge Sca e Se ssem y, andPer ormance in Sur ace n anced amanScatteringScara e i, Coronado Puc au, inerCasares, anger, iz arz nACS Nano 2014, 8, 8 84

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e a oratories o r a ery Pa oand Pro iz arz n re ort on t euse o go d nanorods or ood g ucosedetection

o d nanorods u s a e ecome some ot e most used nanostructures or iosensing andimaging a ications due to t eir asmon re atedo tica res onse, ic is ig y sensiti e to ardminute c anges in t e u as ect ratio n t isconte t, O as eenused to trigger t e c emicaetc ing o u s, t ere y inducing a decrease ot eir as ect ratio o e er, s ecia conditionsand re ati e y ig concentrations o O areusua y re uired, re enting t e a ica i ity ot e system or iodetection ur oses o o ercomet is imitation e a e introduced a iocata ytics ecies, t e enzyme orseradis ero idase Pt at is a e to induce a gradua o idation o u sin t e resence o trace concentrations o Onteresting y, t e resence o a ide ions as a soeen ound to e essentia or t is rocess s aconse uence, ot er enzymatic reactions, suc ast ose cata yzed y g ucose o idase, can e easi ycou ed to P acti ity, a o ing t e detectiono di erent amounts o g ucose On t e asis ot ese indings, e de e o ed a ig y sensiti eand sim e co orimetric assay t at can e readout y t e na ed eye and a o s t e detection oysio ogica g ucose concentrations in umanserum

e io anoP asmonics a oratoryin co a oration it t e ni ersity ont er en, re orts on t e synt esis ogo d si ica anus anostars

n t is artic e, t e conce t o rotecting grou s,ide y used in organic c emistry, as een a iedor t e synt esis o anus nano artic es com risinga s erica go d core a co ered it a si icasemis e and it go d ti s ranc ing out romt e ot er a d ances on t e co oida synt esiso anus artic es a o ed us to de osit si ica as e s on meta ic s eres, ic ere t en usedas ard mas s to re ent t e gro t o go d s i eso er t e o e sur ace e mas can e easi yremo ed y disso ing si ica in a ueous so ution,t us com eting t e simi arity it rotectinggrou s inOrganic c emistry ese artic ese i ito tica ro erties simi ar to t oseo go dnanostarsin so ution, ut en anced anisotro y can ee ected or oriented assem ies y e oiting t eanus con ormation is con iguration o ens une ossi i ities to a y t e asmonic ro ertieso go d nanostars, as e as a ariety o c emicaunctiona izations on t e si ica com onent

e ycotec no ogy a oratoryre orts on t e use o eat ering steeor S

eat ering stee is ide y em oyed as amaintenance ree construction materia e g orstee ridges and rai ay cars and or scu tures ordecorati e e ements due to t eir c aracteristic redco our e ycotec no ogy a oratory eadedy ie s eic ardt and anue artin omas asem oyed t is materia to re are sam e atesor matri ree aser desor tion ionisation masss ectrometry S o sma mo ecu es u toa mass range o around 1 a e e ecti ea sor tion, eat conducti ity and orosity o t enanostructured inner rust ayer ormed duringassi ation determine t e e ce ent er ormancein S or a road range o di erent ana ytec asses is ine ensi e materia as e a uatedin a series o re e ant ana ytica a icationsranging rom t e matri ree detection o serummeta o ites, actose uanti ication, or i idana ysis in mi , to t e g yco ro i ing o anti odiesand imaging mass s ectrometry o rain tissuesam es e origina sam e ate as eenurt er o timized to im ro e er ormance seeicture and is current y eing e a uated or oodmeta o ite ana ysis

e a o yco anotec no ogy inco a oration it t e ni ersityedica Center o msterdam and t enstitute o io ogy o eiden ni ersityas u is ed an artic e ere t ero e o t e non se car o ydratega acto uranose a in ost at ogeninteractions is studied y using go dnano artic es coated it mu ti e co ieso a as a mode system

Sma go d artic es nm diameter coated itdi erent amount o t e non se car o ydratega acto uranose a Ps are s eci ica yrecognized y t e anti a anti ody ,ic is ide y used to detect ga actomannanin t e serum o s ergi osis atients umanmonocyte deri ed dendritic ce s Cs ind toa Ps, ro a y ia t e C ty e ectin C S ,and t is inding increased as t e num er o amoieties er artic e as ig er Furt ermore,a Ps e icited a ro in ammatory res onsein Cs, as demonstrated y t e u regu ation osur ace maturation mar ers and secretion o roin ammatory cyto ines So u e a did notcauset e ro in ammatorye ectsseen ort e aPs, indicating t e im ortance o mu ti a encyor t is acti ation mec anism ese data indicatet at suita y resented a is recognized y t euman innate immune system and t at a Psare synt etic too s t at can e understanding t ero e o a in ost at ogen interactions

nzymatic etc ing o go d nanorods yorseradis ero idase and a ication toood g ucose detectionSaa, Coronado Puc au, Pa o ,iz arz nNanoscale 2014, 6, 4 4

Protecting rou roac to ard u Si icaanus anostarsodr guez Fern ndez, tantzis,eidari, S a s, iz arz nChem. Commun. 2014, , 81

a acto uranose Coated o d ano artic esicit a Pro in ammatory es onse in umanonocyte eri ed endritic Ce s and reecognized y C SFa rizio C iodo, arco arradi, oo ae Par ,rt ur F am, So edad Penad s, rma anie, and oris e senACS Chem. Biol. 2014, , 8 8

anostructured eat ering stee or matriree aser desor tion ionisation masss ectrometry and imaging o meta o ites,drugs and com e g ycanst e arria , Ca o and eic ardt CAnalyst, 2014, 1 , 8 88

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e iosur aces a as de e o eda e de ined, ig y s eci icand tuna e mode system asedon ost guest interactions t atro ides t e irst direct e idence orsu erse ecti ity in t e mu ti a entinding o o ymers to sur aces

e e eriments com ined synt etic c emistryit se era sur ace c aracterization tec ni uessuc as uartz crysta micro a ance, s ectrosco ice i sometry and e ectroc emistry emeasurements re ea ed t at mu ti a ent o ymerscan e i it a ronounced su erse ecti e indinge a ior Su erse ecti ity means t at t e o ymersur ace density increases aster t an inear yit t e density o inding sites on t e sur acesing ana ytica mode ing, it as een s o n t atsu erse ecti ity is a conse uence o mu ti a encyand is en anced y t e a i ity o o ymers tointer enetrate, a uni ue eature in com arisonit ot er mu ti a ent sca o ds suc as artic ese otentia tuna i ity o t e de e o ed modesystem e g in terms o a inity, o ymer a ency,o ymer in er s a e e ored in uture orand s ou d ro ide additiona mec anistic insig tsinto t e regu ation o mu ti a ent inding t s ou de to understand t e regu ation o mu ti a entinteractions in io ogica systems and ro idemeans or t e rationa design o o ymers ortuna e, su erse ecti e targeting

e grou o r Sa assa as s o no u con ersion nanocrysta scan e e oited to trigger t eotoc emistry o transition metacom e es using near in rared ig t

a F4 r nanocrysta s u con ert nearin rared ig t 8 nm into ig er energyisi e otons ca a e o e ecting t e otodissociation o t e monodentate yridy igand incis u y y C o ening an o ortunityor ad ancing t e use o otoacti ata e metacom e es in medicine and io ogy

18 1 14C ristmas ecture anomedicine o decades ins iring t e ne t Can radioc emistry end a andDr. Jordi Llop - CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastián, Spain 1 1 14Patc y ano artic es Synt esis, Pro erties and C aracterization

Dr. Javier Reguera - CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastián11 14u ticom onent and Cascade eactions e O ortunities or atura Product Synt esis and edicinaC emistryDr. Félix Rodríguez – Universidad de Oviedo, Spain 1 11 14Contro ed Synt esis and o e Pro erties o imensiona ateria s From o ed ra ene to Smono ayers and more

Prof. Mauricio Terrones – Penn State University, USA1 11 14From t e a oratory to industria a icationProf. Avelino Corma – CSIC, UPV, Spain 1 14ectrostatic interactions in io ogica rus es

Dr. Ekaterina Zhulina - Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia1 14Synergies et een C emistry and anosciences ications to anomedicineProf. Maurizio Prato – Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy 1 14mode or t e mec anism o rotein sta i ization y mono and o igo sacc arides

Dr. Allen Minton - NIH, USA4 1 14e mystery o starc granu e mu tisca e iomateriaProf. Serge Perez - CERMAV, France 1 1 14oo ing and istening to ig t rom i osome anostructures or Cancer eranostics

Prof. Kostas Kostarelos - University of Manchester , UK

Su erse ecti e argeting sing u ti a entPo ymersa ina u ac e a, ine Cur , orto oognetti, ac e uze y e ty, aan Fren e ,and a P ic terJ. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 1 6, 1 1

ear n rared P otoacti ation o a uPo y yridy Com e y con ertingano artic esuggiero, a temariam, ate,are ue i as, C Sa assa,Chem. Commun., 2014, , 1 1 1 18

raining cti ities and Outreace training acti ities and outreac o C C ioma during 14 can e summarized aso o s seminars, recei ed researc interns i s, organized 4 o en doors interacti etours and a eared 6 times in t e mediaSeminars

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 42


14 1 14Co oida ssem y o Sur actant O igomer Com e es Se ssem y, P oto ysics and ntimicro iacti ityProf. David G. Whitten - University of New Mexico, USA 1 1 14ano orous si icon and a umina tec no ogies in nanomedicine

Prof. Lluís F. Marsal - Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona1 14Synt esis at t e Frontier Cata ytic et ods and indersProf. José Luis Mascareñas – Universidad de Santiago de Compostela 14S ar domains io ogics it ite

Dr. Caroline Barelle - University of Aberdeen, UK1 14rain maging o neuro ogic diseases ocus on Stro e and u ti e Sc erosisDr. Abraham Martin – CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastián, Spain 14easuring and understanding order and disorder in nanosca e semiconductors

Prof. Bradley F. Chmelka – University of California, USA8 14Sur actant and o ymer dis ersions it i uid crysta ine coresProf. Watson Loh - Instituto de Química - Unicamp, Brazil 8 14esigned iomateria s or mediating ce migration and ce u ar u ta e

Prof. Dr. Changyou Gao- Zhejiang University, China14One o t e sma est ossi e drugs io ogica acti ity and ce u ar imaging o car on mono ideProf. Dr. Ulrich Schatzschneider - Würzburg University, Germany 1 14irect acti ation o meta o ide nano artic es a ication to iodistri ution studies usingositron emission tomogra y

Carlos Pérez Campaña – CIC biomaGUNE18 14O tica orces a in et een c assica and uantummec anicsDr. Mathieu Juan - Macquarie University, Australia 14esign and synt esis o go d nano artic es it otentia use in 1 F

Mónica Carril - CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastián4 6 14m edance studies o trans ort enomena in su ramo ecu ar o ymer assem iesTeodoro Alonso - CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastián, Spain

6 14Fa rication, Sur ace ngineering, Ce u ar ta e and Cytoto icity o eta ic and Po ymericNanoparticles Yuan Qiu - CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastián, Spain1 6 14e g ycan s ie d as a target or road y neutra izing anti odies

Dr. Katie Doores – Kings College London, UK 8 14P otoacti ation o nticancer eta Com e es sing con ersion ano artic esDr. Luca Salassa - CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastián, Spain16 14i usion o roteins in icontinuous microemu sion noma ous su di usion induced ycontro ed cro ding

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hellweg - Biele ield University, Germany 8 14adio ogica c aracterization o ung damage, remode ing and res onse to treatment inrespiratory diseases Prof. Arrate Muñoz - Universidad de Navarra, Spain1 4 14esto ing c ira ity to e de ined go d c usters

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bürgi - Université de Genève, Switzerland 11 4 14ano artic e ce interactions m ortance o rotein structureDr. Christine Payne - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA4 4 14e o er o one at can e earned y studying indi idua mo ecu es

Dr. Johann Ho kens - University of Leuven, Belgium 4 14ication o P asmonic ano artic es in Se assem y and P otoc emistryIkerbasque Fellow Dr. Marek Grzelczak – CIC biomaGUNE, San Sebastián, Spain14esign o organometa ic atinum grou meta odrugs or io cata ysis and oto acti ation

Prof. Abraha Habtemariam- Ikerbasque Visiting Professor 14eranostics in t e Centra er ous System romises and it a sDr. Pedro Ramos – University of Santiago de Compostela14u timoda O tica Co erence omogra y

Prof. Wolfgang Drexler - Medical University Vienna, Austria 14P rogrammed Se ssem ies in C emica io ogyProf. Nicolas Winssinger - University of Geneva, Switzerland

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o

nternationa raduate Sc oo ProgramSince 11 C C ioma and C C io toget er it t e ni ersity o i er oo orun t e nternationa oint graduate sc oo rogram, aimed at im ementing 4 year oint Pdegreese o ecti e o t e oint P rogram is to a ro ide P students it to ua itymu tidisci inary training at t e inter ace et een t e ie ds o io ogy, c emistry,nano iotec no ogy and materia s science e students ene it rom an internationa trainingand are e osed to di erent researc areas e oint training o P candidates osters c oserties and coo eration et een researc grou s and researc ers o ot C Cs and t e o

e o o ing P ro ects are current y runningC emica io ogy too s or structure unction studies on e aran su ates decoding s eci icityin g signa inge ro ect is oint y su er ised y r ie s eic ardt C C ioma and Pro erry urn u oe e o ment o P asmonic y rid ano Systems or iodetectione ro ect is oint y su er ised y Pro uis iz arz n C C ioma and Pro at ias rustoSu ramo ecu ar structure and dynamics o e trace u ar matrie ro ect is oint y su er ised y r a ic ter C C ioma and Pro a e Fernig and r dates ondergraduate Student Programn artners i it t e ni ersity o t e as ue Country P , C C ioma is acti e yartici ating in t e o o ing Sc courses y ro iding ectures and direction o master t esisaster in o ecu ar io ogy and iomedicineaster in anoscienceaster in C emistry and Po ymers



1 1 14esigning inorganic nano artic es or t era y and diagnosisDr. Jesús Martínez de la Fuente - University of Zaragoza, Spain 1 1 14u ti enzyme systems in so id ase e ne a e o t e synt etic io ogy

Dr. Fernando López Gallego - Instituto de Catálisis y petroleoquímica - CSIC, Spain1 14From ard to so t a ourney o c ondroitin su ate roteog ycans CSP s in t e regenerationand asticity o t e ner ous systemDr. Jessica C.F. Kwok -Cambridge Centre for Brain Repair, UK

8 nni ersary ectureOn t e 14t o o em er C C ioma commemorated its eig t anni ersary it a s eciaguest, Pro essor e inoCorma, a reno ned S anis scientist o as accumu atedmany a ardst roug out is career, t e atest one eing t e Prince o sturias ard or ec nica Scienti icesearc 14Pro essor e ino Corma de i ered a eynote ecture entit ed From t e a oratory to industriaa ication

P Programn artners i it t e ni ersity o t e as ue Country P , C C iomaartici ates in t e o o ing P rogrammesP in Synt etic and ndustria C emistryP in ied C emistry and Po ymeric ateria sP in o ecu ar io ogy and iomedicineP in edicine and Surgeryso in artners i it t e ni ersity o igo O , C C ioma artici ates in t eo o ing P rogrammesP in Co oid and nter ace Science and ec no ogy

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o

ocationa raining ProgramC C ioma as agreements it CP S C S P and on osco, Centers or ntermediateand Su erior e e ocationa training in t e ie ds o C emistry or iosciences to ost traininginterns i s o students eryyear se era training acements ta e aceatdi erent a oratorieso t e center eundergraduates arementoredand su er ised yP students or a ostdoctoraresearc ers and recei e ands on training

ig Sc oo Summer Student ProgramFor t e irst year, C C ioma as ta en art in t e out and Science rogramme romt e Fundaci Cata unya a Pedrera C C ioma as artici ated in t e acti ities o t erogramme y recei ing a ig sc oo student or ee s in summer into t e a oratories o t eCentre as art o t e esearc Centre stays rogramme e undergraduate as mentored andsu er ised y a P student and carried out a researc ro ect in addition to recei ing trainingoreo er y t e end o t e interns i t e student as re uired to resent a s ort re ort andresentation o t e or and resu ts o tained

esearc nterns i s



Emma Sery ni ersity o i er oo , 10/06/2013 – 30/06/2015 ost r ie s eic ardtBeatriz Pelaz P i i s ni ersity o ar urg, ermany , se era isits et een 01/10/2013 – 30/04/2015 ost Pro o gang ParaStavros Azinas C C io , 07/10/2013 – 06/01/2015 ost r a ic terMartin Mayer ni ersity o ayreut , 07/01/2014 – 28/03/2014 ost Pro uis iz arz nDouglas Dyer ni ersity o Ca i ornia San iego , 06/01/2014 – 14/02/2014 ost r aic terJakub Ostapko Po is cademy o Sciences , 20/01/2014 – 14/02/2014 ost Pro uis izarz nNaiara Muro C , 07/01/2014 – 30/06/2014 ost ne o San Se asti nCyrille Hamon ni ersity o ennes , 07/01/2014 – 05/01/2015 ost Pro uis iz arz nEsteban Piccini ni ta , 15/01/2014 - 15/03/2014 ost r Sergio oyaLorena Cortaz ni ta , 15/01/2014 - 15/02/2014 ost r Sergio oyaMª Aparecida Godoy ni ersidad de rasi ia , 21/01/2014 - 25/02/2014 ost r Sergio oyaAlbert Strauss ni ersidad os ita de eide erg , 26/01/2014 – 01/02/2014 ost r ordioPeter Knoll i e mines ita , 26/01/2014 – 01/02/2014 ost r ordi oChristian Weis ni ersidad os ita de eide erg , 26/01/2014 – 01/02/2014 ost r ordioXabier Unamuno ecnun , 03/02/2014 – 30/06/2014 ost r uan are ue and r SergiooyaZhengwei Mao ni ersidad de e iang , 06/02/2014 - 20/03/2014 ost r Sergio oyaPengfei Jiang ni ersidad de e iang , 06/02/2014 - 07/08/2014 ost r Sergio oyaJimena Tuninetti ni ta , 15/02/2014 - 15/05/2014 ost r Sergio oyaEliana María Maza ni ta , 15/02/2014 - 15/05/2014 ost r Sergio oyaMaddi Ibarbia ecnun , 03/03/2014 – 30/05/2014 ost r a ery Pa oCinzia Marceddu ni ersity o o ogna , 03/03/2014 – 27/06/2014 ost r ordi oTriana Hidalgo Maraver osco , 12/03/2014 – 03/06/2014 ost r a ery Pa oIanire Zúñiga Martín osco , 12/03/2014 – 03/06/2014 ost r So edad Penad sLiliana Mangas o y arma , 17/03/2014 – 02/06/2014 ost o y armaIván Bandres CP S C S P , 05/03/2014 – 06/06/2014 ost r orsten eeseJosé Alberto Rodriguez Centro de n estigaci n en u mica icada C , 17/03/2014 - 15/06/2014 ost r Sergio oyaRoland Ziolo Centro de n estigaci n en u mica icada C , 17/03/2014 - 10/05/2014ost r Sergio oyaAhmet Bekdemir PF , 28/04/2014 – 30/05/2014 ost Pro uis iz arz nFabrice Laye , 28/04/2014 – 30/05/2014 ost Pro uis iz arz nMary Ann Elvina Xavier ni ersidad de rasi ia , 14/04/2014 - 28/11/2014 ost r Sergiooya

Argentina 8 / USA 1 / Brazil 6 / Spain 23 / Italy 7 / France 3 / Switzerland 1Poland 1 / United Kingdom 2 / Germany 10 / China 7 / New Zealand 1

Paula Carrasquedo ecnun , 07/10/2014 - 21/12/2014 ost Pro uan are ueLars Dähne Sur ay , 13/10/2014 - 12/11/2014 ost r Sergio oyaMarcelo Henrique Sousa ni ersidad de rasi ia , 15/10/2014 - 15/11/2014 ost r SergiooyaJanna Fledermann ni ersidad de ei zig , 27/10/2014 - 17/11/2014 ost r Sergio oyaDamien Mertz PC S stras urgo , 03/11/2014 - 12/11/2014 ost r Sergio oyaGabriella Egri Sur ay , 30/10/2014 - 29/11/2014 ost r Sergio oyaJorge Blanco González P , 10/11/2014 - 15/09/2015 ost Pro So edad Penad sIsabel Gil os ita de e itge , 01/12/2014 – 23/12/2014 ost r ordi oÁlvaro González P , 01/12/2014 –30/09/2015 ost Pro o gang ParaDruv Thakar ni ersidad ose Fourier , 08/12/2014 – 19/12/2014 ost r a ic terPeter Knoll i e mines ita , 15/12/2014 – 19/12/2014 ost r ogus a Szczu a

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o

O en ays and isitsC C ioma regu ar y recei es isits rom ig sc oo and uni ersity students o come tot e center to a e a c oser oo at our acti ity isits ty ica y inc ude a ecture a out iomateria sand or nuc ear imaging in t e conte t o i e sciences, an o en discussion it researc ers ot e center, and a guided isit to t e a oratories and aci ities inc uding t e o ecu ar magingP at orm

March 2014 isit rom UPV-EHU Chemistry students osted y Pro anue art n om s andr ordi oMarch 2014 isit rom SUMMA Aldapeta high school students osted y Pro anue art nom s and r ordi oSeptember 2014 O en ay at t e o ecu ar maging P at orm asic introduction toradioc emistry andP osted y unice So ia a Si a andSameer ano ar os i, P studentso t e adioc emistry and uc ear maging rouOctober 2014 isit rom researchers members of the ETP- Nanomedicine osted y r Sergiooya and r arco arradi So t atter anotec no gy a oratoryOctober 2014 isit rom TECNUN (University of Navarra) Biomedical Engineering studentsosted y r anessa mez adioc emistry and uc ear maging a oratoryOctober 2014 isit rom La Salle (Beasain) high school students osted y r uan os inerand r or eta imenez de erasturi io anoP asmonics a oratoryJanuary-December 2014 tota o 41 guided tours to C C ioma s aci ities inc udingt e o ecu ar maging Faci ities ere gi en to a in ited s ea ers rom t e C C iomaseminars rogramme



Ana María Percebom ni ersidad de rasi ia , 05/05/2014 – 03/05/2015 ost Pro uis izarz nArturo Morales Portillo ni ersidad de ranada , 05/05/2014 – 31/07/2014 ost ProSo edad Penad sTatiane Oliveira dos Santos ni ersidad de oi s , 25/05/2014 - 14/06/2014 ost r SergiooyaJuan Antonio Moreno Fundaci n im nez az , 02/06/2014 - 06/06/2014 ost r nicaCarriWaldemar Marmisollé Conse o aciona de Ciencia y ecno og a, rgentina , 16/06/2014 - 15/08/2014 ost r Sergio oyaLayza Alejandrina Arizmendi Centrode n estigaci n en u mica icada C ,09/06/2014 - 08/08/2014 ost r Sergio oyaDaniele Mantione PO , 19/05/2014 - 18/05/2015 ost r uca Sa assaMaite del Corte ni ersidad Francisco de itoria, adrid , 02/06/2014 – 30/07/2014 ost ra ery Pa oCandida Pipitone ni ersity o Pa ermo , 27/06/2014 - 02/09/2014 ost r uca Sa assaPamela Benzan ni ersity o Pa ermo , 27/06/2014 - 02/09/2014 ost r uca Sa assaAlessandro Chiara ni ersity o Pa ermo , 27/06/2014 - 02/09/2014 ost r uca Sa assaGiulia Licciardi ni ersity o Pa ermo , 27/06/2014 - 02/09/2014 ost r uca Sa assaClara Fabregat Programa o es i Ci ncia, Fundaci a Pedrera , 01/07/2014 - 18/07/2014ost Pro uis iz arz nGermán Riva CS C , 07/06/2014 – 11/07/2014 ost r a ic terAlex Marki CS C , 07/07/2014 – 16/07/2014 ost r a ic terMarta Urtizberea Merino , 07/07/2014 – 01/09/2014 ost r ordi oAinhoa Uribarren , 03/07/2014 – 31/07/2014 ost r ie s eic ardtShan Yu e iang ni ersity , 22/07/2014 - 15/10/2014 ost r Sergio oyaMing Zhou e iang ni ersity , 16/07/2014 - 13/08/2014 ost r Sergio oyaWenbiao Xu e iang ni ersity , 22/07/2014 - 21/09/2014 ost r Sergio oyaPu Zhang e iang ni ersity , 22/07/2014 - 21/09/2014 ost r Sergio oyaChangyou Gao e iang ni ersity , 15/08/2014 - 10/09/2014 ost r Sergio oyaBrendan Darby ni ersity o e ington , 25/08/2014 - 12/09/2014 ost Pro uis izarz nAnna Li Volsi ni ersity o Pa ermo , 15/09/2014 - 15/12/2014 ost Pro uis iz arz nPaolín Rocío Cáceres Vélez ni ersidad de rasi ia , 17/09/2014 - 15/12/2014 ost rSergio oyaLluís Marsal ni ersity o ira i irigi i , 02/10/2014 - 31/12/2014 ost Pro uis iz arz nAiseta Baradji ni ersity o i er oo , 01/10/2014 – 01/10/2016 ost r a ic terAnder Urien Tellería ni ersity o a arra , 01/10/2014 - 31/12/2014 ost r Sergio oyaSvetlana Avvakumova ni ersity i ano icocca , 06/10/2014 - 02/11/2014 ost Pro uisiz arz n

CICbiomaGUNE i o CICbiomaGUNE i o 50


dditiona y, se era ress re eases, ig ig ts and ideos on C C ioma s researc acti itiesa e een re eased on t e oca and nationa mediauring 14 C C ioma as oined

Twitter @CICbiomaGUNE

19/05/2014 e a ard o t e 14 Medal from the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) to Pro essor uis izarz n as a recognition o is scienti ic careeras re ected in se era media ne s a ers,radio, s ecia ized media and socia media oucan ind a media co ection ere


Press release: e iannua eetingo t e Car o ydrate rou o t eS anis oya Society o C emistryornadas de Car o idratos asdedicated to anue art n omas inrecognition o is scienti ic career09/05/2014

Press release: ringing nanotec no ogy to reai e n it nano artic es or ra id diagnosis


Press release: o d and Si icanano artic es imitate t e t o aces ot e god anus ress c i ing co ection


On the news: a ideo e aining o t e researcconducted at C C ioma can contri ute int e ig t against cancer or t e annua te et onroadcast y EiTB (Basque country TV channel) toraise unds or scienti ic researc15/10/2014

Interview by Euskadi Innova to Pro uis izarz n, scienti ic director o C C ioma03/10/2014e award of the BBVA esearc rant to arerze cza as re ected y t e media


On the news out t e resu ts o tained in t erame o t e co a oration esta is ed et een C Cioma , P and c ucarro C researc ersdenti ication o a ey mo ecu e in t e de e o mento uture t era ies or rain damage rom stro e


Press release: a out t e or conducted at C Cioma on t e rame o t e uro ean Pro ectPneumo PCIC biomaGUNE cooperates in the European ight

against antibiotic resistance

The PneumoNP Project was created to develop inhalable antibiotics modi ied using nanotechnology

27/06/2014Pro uis iz arz n, scienti ic director o C Cioma inter ie ed at ntrada i re from Eitb (Basque Country's TV Channel)


Press release: o d nano artic es to detectner e gases and esticides


On the news: out t e resu ts o tained in t erame o t e co a oration esta is ed et eenC C ioma and Com utense ni ersity oadrid researc ers t e otentia o ya uronicacid or com ating res iratory disorders one orns

PARQUE TECNOLÓGICO DE GIPUZKOAdi icio m resaria CPaseo iram n 18onostia San Se asti nui zcoa S ain
