Action steps to gaining muscle fast


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Action Steps to Gaining Muscle Fast


So what are the action steps you need to take to gain muscle fast?

Good question.

That's what we're about to dig into here. But just before we do, it's important to remember that knowledge is useless unless it's backed up by action. So don't just learn for the sake of learning. Take a step closer to the results you're looking for by taking action on what you learn - massive action on a consistent basis, to achieve massive results.

Yes, it takes persistence. Yes, it takes determination sometimes. And yes, you do need to repeat simple, actionable steps over time, again and again, until you receive the results that you want.

And there are 3 key areas you need to understand when it comes to gaining muscle mass, if you are skinny and want to bulk up and increase your weight. And those 3 areas are:

1. Eat Right.

2. Train Right.

3. Rest And Recover Correctly.

And now that you've heard these, let's dig deep into what they all mean:


Very simply, your body needs fuel to grow and gain muscle. And ideally, you need to be eating between 5 and 7 meals every single day. This is really important. Because when you take the time to calculate your daily calorie needs to gain weight and size, and when you learn that you need to increase the amount of food you're eating every single day, you'll discover that 3 meals just won't cut it.

You need a system of eating 5-7 meals, so that your daily calorie requirements become more manageable. This will enable you to get those calories inside of you in a way that your body can make use of (instead of them being excreted or stored as unhealthy fat if you try to eat too much in one sitting).

So part of gaining muscle quickly, is having an effective system to both monitor and stick to your daily calorie needs to gain mass every single day. (And to be honest, this is where most programs and advice falls short. They don't give you a clear and direct method to both calculate how many calories you need, and then monitor your progress, and successfully stick to a plan on a consistent daily basis).

And one more thing. When you're 'Eating Right' to gain muscle fast, you want to split your calorie consumption into proportions that actually support muscle growth too. And, just to mention them briefly here, that's to keep to a diet that's made up of: - 50% carbohydrates (primarily complex carbohydrates like wholegrain rice, sweet potatoes, and wholemeal pasta) - 20-25% proteins (healthy lean proteins like turkey, chicken, fish, eggs etc..) - 25-30% healthy fats (avocado, nuts, flaxseed oil, oily fish like mackerel etc...)


What do we mean by 'train right' when your goal is to gain muscle fast?

Well, training in this sense means lifting weights (or weight training). And more often that not, this means becoming a member of a gym where you have all the necessary equipment (bench, free weights, barbells, dumbbells etc...) to stimulate your muscles to grow. Now, this doesn't mean it's impossible to gain muscle mass by working out from home, as long as you have the right equipment. But your motivation is likely to be much greater when you have a specific place that's dedicated to increasing our size.

And then, once you have a suitable place to train (ideally a gym environment), the next step is to make sure you don't just copy what the big guys in the gym are doing. Very often, these guys are doing 'split body part' routines that target just a couple of muscle groups per workout session. (For example, they might just be working on their shoulders and chest for an entire training session, or their biceps and triceps, or just their back, or maybe they have a 'legs only' day). And so they might be hitting the gym as many as 5 or 6 times a week to fit all this in. And sure, that might be fine for them. But however counterintuitive it seems to say this, you actually need to take a different approach at this stage to achieve gains in your muscle and size.

So, if you're a beginner or naturally skinny, take this approach instead:

ONE: Focus on 'Full Body Workouts' every time you train. Why? Because you're going to recruit the most amount of muscle fiber during these workouts. And if you recruit the most amount of muscle fiber, and as long as you have enough time to recover between sessions, you'll encourage the most muscle growth. You're going to gain muscle fast by doing this instead.

And the other thing to realize when people talk about doing a split body part routine, is that they neglect to consider a very important point. You see, when you're positioning a weight, you end up using other muscles in your body that are not meant to be exercised in that workout session. For example, setting up a barbell rack with weights for a bench press, or carrying dumbbells to a bench for a shoulder pressing movement, you will be using more muscles than just the ones intended for that exercise. It's inevitable. So it's virtually impossible to 'rest' specific muscle groups fully on a day that you are training.

That's why a Full Body Workout routine makes so much sense. Especially if you're skinny or just starting out.

TWO: Perform 'Major Muscle Movements' This is something many guys are not even aware of: How the type of muscle building exercise you do affects the actual amount of muscle you build. Now, 'Major Muscle Movements' (sometimes referred to as 'compound' exercises) are movements that engage a number of your largest muscle groups all at the same time. Some examples of these are the squat, the deadlift, and the bench press. And you want to focus most of your attention on these, because they encourage some important hormonal releases in your body. And this release of hormones such as testosterone and human growth hormone will have a major impact on your ability to gain muscle fast.


So, our third and final component when it comes to how to gain muscle fast is 'Rest and Recovery'. You only want to train 3 or 4 times a week. Too much exercise actually hurts your ability to gain muscle mass. So it is vitally important that you give your body time to rest. That's when muscle growth occurs. That's when muscle adaptation takes place. That's when your muscles actually repair themselves and grow back stronger. So, my recommendation is that you take at least 48 hours off between your weight training workouts. I call this the '48-hour Spread'.

And on top of this, you also need to build in plenty of sleep into your muscle mass plan too. In fact, a minimum of 8 hours sleep per night is a good recommendation for most guys. Why? Well, when you sleep your body is even better at recovering, repairing and generating new muscle tissue. Your body also releases extra amounts of human growth hormone while you sleep too (which as we learned above, is an important ingredient for muscle growth and muscle mass).

So, to sum it up, those are the 3 main areas to pay attention to in your efforts to gain muscle fast:

1. Concentrate on Eating Right.2. Train right with Full Body workouts that emphasize 'Major Muscle Movements'.3. Rest and Recover in a way that supports and encourages muscle growth.

Follow all three steps, and you'll build up a steady supply of momentum to gain muscle fast in both a healthy and natural way.

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