Action Line March 2013



Newsletter for Civitan Canada District East

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Hello Fellow Civitans

April is Civitan Awareness Month!

Invite someone to join this month we

need to grow Civitan. So many people

have not heard about Civitan. Lets take

advantage of April being Civitan

Awareness Month by inviting everyone

we meet to join our local Civitan clubs.

You can help Civitan shine during Civitan

Awareness Month by taking part in one of

the following activities:

Place a radio or television public service

announcement (PSA) on a local station or

cable company. Civitan has a number of

PSAs featuring celebrities such as Paula

Deen, Richard Petty, Kurt W arner and

Jake Delhomme.

Publicize a club project or fund-raiser to

the local media, and display banners and

posters at the event to gain even more

recognition! Banners, posters and road

signs are available from Civitan

International. Request a proclamation

from your local municipal government

recognizing Civitan Awareness Month.

W hatever you do, make an extra effort to

promote Civitan during this special

month. For more information about these

suggestions, or other promotional ideas,

review the new Public Relations Training

V ideo o r G u ide fo r F R EE a t, or order them by

calling 1-800-CIVITAN. Our staff can help

plan your promotion, so give them a call

and make this awareness month


Membership Drive

O u r t w o p a r t

membership challenge is off to a

wonderful start! Awards and prizes will be

handed out for both challenges thanks to

the generous donation from Scott Bartlett.

Chateauguay’s President Louise Kinney

is leading all Presidents with 4 new


Chateauguay’s Civitan Club is 1st place

with 6 new members. Greater Petawawa

has 5 and Carleton Place and Perth are

tied with 4 each.

Congratulations to our two MST`s -

Greater Petawawa`s Secretary Marie

Arnold and Chateauguay’s President

Louise Kinney.

As of February 28, 2013 we have

installed 33 new members this year

compared to 21 new members same time

as last year this is an increase 57%.

Unfortunately we have had 43 deletions

this year compared to 33 last year this

represents a 30% increase in deletions.

Winter Convention/Trade Fair

Pembroke Civitan hosted our W inter

Convention and once again did a

wonderful job!

Friday night’s theme was Civitan Got

Talent and before dinner a W edding

Ceremony was performed by Past

Governor Eric Pottle. Civitan Gobo

married the love of his life Lamb Chop.

The Play was written by Civitan Julie

W iltsie and the puppeteers were Civitan

Leanne W oods as Gobo and Civitan Julie

as Lamb Chop.

A special thank you to Julie and Leanne

for giving so much of their time to make

this a humorous memorable event. J

Saturday Meeting

G overnor E lec t E d ie p resen ted

recruitment awards and announced

Geographic Training for Presidents

and President Elects would be held in

Lanark on June 15th.

Awards were presented by Past Governor

Eric Pottle:

Civitan International recognized Perth for

having the 2nd largest net membership

gain for 2011-12 - AND Perth is the


The Pembroke Civitan Award - greatest

% Increase in Membership - Brockville CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 1

Gov. Bryan and Pres. Louise

The Marjorie Hawkins Award - Civitan Sponsoring the Most

New Members - Ken Fournier, Perth

W estern Grizzard Award - greatest Aggregate Distance

Travelled - District & Area Meetings - Chateauguay

District Cake Sales Award - Largest Percentage Increase-

Lanark & District

District Cake Sales Award - Largest Poundage Increase -


Chateauguay Civitan Club Rookie of the Year - Ivan Jeacle

- Perth

Nominations for Elections:

Governor Elect: No nominations were received.

Past Governor Director:

Ted Coqueran - Chateauguay

Ross Munro - Almonte

Lieutenant Governor/directors:

Michael Bothwell - Smiths Falls

Louise Kinney - Chateauguay

Darlene Lambert - Greater Petawawa

Trish McConnell - Perth

Bill Lawrence - Almonte

Nominations of candidates for District Officer will be

received by our District Secretary/Treasurer Ken Fournier

until 9:00 p.m. on May 3rd at the Spring Convention.

Secretary/Treasurer Ken will provide a list of all qualified

candidates to Past Governor Eric Pottle immediately

following the close of nominations. Past Governor Eric will

make known the list of candidates for election following the

closing of nominations.

A New Policy was adopted to have two members elected

at each convention to review the Financial Records for the

period of time between each convention. Chateauguay’s

Civitan Louise Kinney and Carleton Place Civitan Heather

Legge were selected to review the financial records for

2011-2012 and the first quarter of 2012-2013.

W e held our first Annual Trade

Fair at our W inter Convention in

P e m b r o k e w i t h 6 c lu b s

participating. Banner patches and

wine donated by Civitan W alter

Trenholme were awarded for the

three categories.

Best Fund-raising Project – Smiths Falls Civitan

Best Awareness Project – Almonte Civitan

Best Overall Presentation – Almonte Civitan

Congratulations to both Almonte and Smiths Falls Civitan

Clubs. Chateauguay Civitan was second in all three


I hope you will make every day count this year and let

your “Civitan Passion Speaks with Action”

Please contact me if you have any questions, concerns,

ideas, etc.

I would appreciate hearing from each of you! or call 613-283-8006

GREATER PETAWAWA: by Civitan Marie Arnold

The Members of the Greater Petawawa Civitan Club have

been keeping busy this past three months. W e hold a

Bingo every Sunday Night and we have also held a Bake

Sale and Raffles for home made Quilts and Tie Blankets

all made by Civitan Marie Arnold.

At Christmas and on other events like Mothers’ Day,

Fathers’ Day and Easter we give our players a free

dabber. At Christmas we gave out twenty $25.00

Certificates for Bingo. Since December we have donated

to the Ontario Special Olympics the sum of $914.30;

Pembroke Civitan Club $325.00; Jr. Civitan Dance-A-Thon

$200.00; $5000.00 to St. Joseph’s Food Bank; $5000.00

to the Salvation Army Food Bank and Soup Kitchen and

$4000.00 to the Deep River Food Bank. For total sum of

$15440.30 donations made in a three months period from

December 2012 to end of February 2013.

The Greater Petawawa Civitan has made donations of

$17302.20 since October 2012. As we are a small group

of people I think we are doing a very good job. As some of

you may not know that Petawawa is an Army town and we

have about 16000 people that live here. W e also have to

compete with four other groups that are looking for new

members. Just when we think we are really building up our

Club, out come the posting and we loss some of our

members. Now we have to start and try and get some

knew members from the people coming in to Petawawa.

W e have to tell them about Civitan and what we are doing

for our community and for Civitan. A lot of our people come

from all over Canada and some have never heard of

Civitan. So it is up to us to tell them about Civitan and for

me to get out a newsletter in our local papers. This is done

every other week. Yes we are a small Club but we are

doing a very big job and we don’t give up very easy.

W e are getting ready now for our 25th: anniversary that

will be held September 14, 2013. Also some of us will be

attending the Spring Convention and also the International


On Sunday-night February 10, 2013 MPP John

Yakabuski presented Civitan Bruce Skelhorn with the

Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. Civitan Bruce was really

surprised when he was called out in front of all the Bingo

players. He had no idea what was going on. That he was

about to be the one that would be honored in front of the

Bingo players. Thanks Civitan Bruce for your dedication

to Civitan for the past 35 years and the serves to your



ONLY in CANADA EH! CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 2

COBDENby Civitan Gary Younghusband

Greetings from Cobden. Since our last report in the Fall,

our Club has been busy throughout the community.

November saw our Civitan Christmas float entered with

Santa and Mrs Claus aboard. In December we had our

annual Civitan Christmas Party with a delicious dinner

followed by dancing. Shortly after the New Year many of

our Civitans fled south. Most of the remaining members

organized what is becoming an annual fund-raiser "Ice

Fishing Derby" on Muskrat Lake. W hile in Florida I

checked the Pembroke Newspaper and saw pictures of

rosy cheeked Civitans enjoying the breezy outdoors

working the Derby. Our members who attended the District

East W inter Convention reported a well organized event

and had a good time. Our Civitans who volunteer at Bingo

Country in Pembroke are undergoing training to work the

new EBingo format. Times are changing; no more old style

gaming. As we ease into spring we look forward to the

District East Convention in Chateauguay and our usual

involvement BBQing to support the Cobden Public

School's fund-raiser "Fun Fair". That's all the news from

here. Best wishes from The Upper Ottawa Valley.

LANARK AND DISTRICTby Civitan Debbie Keaney

The Lanark & District Civitan Club has been busy this

winter. Lots of activities were planned at our hall for the

Frosty Fling W inter Carnival at the end of January. W e

participated and raised $2500.00 for the annual Big

Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl-A-Thon in February. On March

23rd, our club is hosting a Hypnotist Dinner/Show, which

promises to be a fun event. The Lanark & District Civitan

Club is starting to organize an open house to celebrate

our 40th Anniversary in June.

Brrrr, those frozen windows!


W ife is at home and texts her

husband on a cold winter morning:

"W indows frozen."

Husband texts back:

"Pour some lukewarm water on it slowly."

W ife texts back 5 minutes later:

"Computer completely screwed up now."

KINGSTON & DISTRICTby Civitan Dan Burns

It’s been approximately 10 years since Kingston &

District Civitan club hosted a darts tournament. So the

members decided it was time to try again, but to make it

a fun filled afternoon and evening that anyone could

participate in, we organized a dual event. Darts

tournament followed by karaoke & dance, which took

place on Saturday March 9th. W e had late registration for

darts tournament so we could carry on with the karaoke

and dance.

The chairs for this event were myself, President Elect

Dan Burns and Laura-Lee Jobin; Laura-Lee is a member

of the board directors. W e decided make it a little more

interesting by having a blind draw to make up the teams.

This allowed all players an equal chance to win the prize

money. Everyone that registered put his or her name in a

hat. Once all the players had registered the names were

drawn for each team.

This made playing darts both challenging and a lot of fun

for everyone. Soon it was obvious to everybody that the

real point was to be engaged with all players and let

loose for the day. Laughter filled the room as experience

players stepped up to the line like a real pro, drew back

the arm to take a practice throw when someone from

behind would make some funny comment and cause

them to loose their concentration. The tournament took a

little longer then normal but all players agreed they had


W e had a prize table set up so players and spectators

could purchase tickets on the draws including the 50/50

draws and tickets on a large tub filled with glass turkeys.

By the time the tournament was wrapping up people

were arriving for the dance and karaoke night. Showman

Dave started off with songs to get everybody on the

dance floor, then after a few dances people jumped up

on stage to started signing. The evening carried on until

midnight when it was time to announce last call and good

night. This event turned out to very successful, thanks to

the Civitan members Laura-Lee, Dan, Joy, Rachelle,

Trina, Doreen, Edie and John, who came out to work and

stayed to the bitter end. W e also want to express a heart

felt thanks to our special guest and friends Mark and Jill

who gave up a couple hours of their afternoon to assist

us. CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 3

Civitan Decks of Cards – Fundraiser/Awareness

from Gov. Bryan

Carleton Place President Civitan Sue Baker presented

the district with a great fund-raising/awareness project

and our Publicity Chair Julie has created the artwork and

we have contacted all 29 Civitan Clubs in the East and

W est to see if they would like to purchase decks for their

clubs. W e need a minimum order of 2000 deck to keep

the cost at $2.10 plus HST per deck. W hen we reach our

minimum order all clubs will be contacted once again

with a deadline to submit their order and payment. W e

currently have 1900 decks ordered between 6.

These cards are a great promotional

item for Civitan Awareness. Listed

below are some ideas.

Gifts to guest speakers who

come to our clubs.

Gifts for family and friends.

Gifts for members at club

awards nights.

Gifts for invited guest for

special occasions.

G if ts fo r our week ly

dedicated bingo supporters.

W e can also sell them to help raise funds. W hat a great

idea to get our Civitan name out there for only a m inimal

price! $2.10 plus HST.


A s w e e t g r a n d m o t h e r

telephoned St.. Joseph 's

Hospital. She timidly asked,

"Is it possible to speak to

someone who can tell me

how a patient is doing?"

The operator said, "I'll be

glad to help, dear. W hat's the

name and room number of the patient?"

The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said,

"Norma Findlay, Room 302."

The operator replied, "Let me put you on hold while I

check with the nurse's station for that room."

After a few minutes, the operator returned to the phone

and said,

"I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Norma is

doing well. Her blood pressure is fine; her blood work just

came back normal and her physician, Dr. Cohen, has

scheduled her to be discharged tomorrow."

The grandmother said, "Thank you. That's wonderful. I

was so worried. God bless you for the good news."

The operator replied, "You're more than welcome. Is

Norma your daughter?"

The grandmother said, "No, I'm Norma Findlay in Room

302. No one tells me anything.!!!"

Hey… What’s Up With Those Perth Junior


W e’re glad you asked us that!! J

After an extended Christmas break, the Juniors resumed

their first business meeting January 14th.

After some discussion the Junior’s voted to change

meeting nights to Wednesday’s in future ~ to enable

President Max to continue working within the group… as

his Monday nights are now being taken up with

W restling!

W ith this notice, we are so very proud to announce that

Perth Junior Civitan President, Max Doyle placed 2nd

at the 2013 Provincial Wrestling Championship (held

at Brock University). Photo below:

As a result of this win, Max

is invited to go to the

National’s…being held in

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

in April 2013

~ W ell done Max!!

Don’t be too surprised to

hear of the Perth Junior Civitan’s fund-raising to help our

President Max get to Sask!

January 21st the Juniors were

invited to an Art & Stained Glass

W orkshop, which YAK generously

sponsored for them. They learned

how to work with stained glass

and how to do facial profile

sketching working with charcoal.

Fun was had by all ~ below are

photos of the group’s combined glass art creation… and

their awesome sketching work:

January 30th, saw over ¾ of the

Junior members away due to the

bad flu making the rounds, so

we had a short business

meeting that night.

A special Monday night meeting

was held February 4th – W here the Juniors were thankful

to be very warmly received at The Table for a tasty ham

dinner, followed by a tour of the Perth & District Food


The staff here did a fabulous job at explaining how the

Table and the Food Bank (and their other available

programs) work; and they delivered an exercise so that

the youth could experience “shopping” there - as if they

were real clients.

As a result, valuable insights were explored surrounding

the hardships others face in their day to day life. The

youth engaged in good discussion about that, and the

importance of aiding others in non-judgmental and

dignified ways. CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 4

The youth also experienced the sincere dedication of the

staff working and volunteering here… and witnessed

firsthand the generosity of the “community” (including

local businesses) who work together as a whole,

donating food & many other much needed items for

others in need.

In appreciation of this evening, the Juniors donated a

bag of groceries, and committed themselves to helping

out in future with the need for used plastic bags ~ to

make it easier for the client’s to carry their items home.

And in closing off this latest update…

The Juniors February 13th Pre-Valentine’s Dance was

Fabulous!! It ran from 5 to 8 p.m. Everyone danced and

sang … or screamed out loud, depending on your

appreciation of music…LOL

Prizes were given out for specialty dances – balloons

were everywhere – and the soda pop and cupcakes were

eaten in great quantities to keep energy levels up.

Time to insert a special THANK YOU to Tannis and Dan

at Yak for helping the Juniors out by providing all the DJ

equipment, and for decorating the space so nicely for this


At last count there was 20 youth a’rockin’ and dancing

away ~ it was a party to remember!!

As for the next Junior gathering… its back to the grind

stone - a business meeting will be held on W ed Feb.


That’s it for now, so until next time, we remain, Yours in

Civitan J PS: Hope you and yours all had a great

Valentine’s Day.. and an even better Family Day


LAKESHORE CIVITANby Civitan Helen Molot

Total sales this year generated a

profit of almost $13,000 for

Lakeshore Civitan, the best in

the past 5 years.

Members are already looking for

new locations for next year’s


The residents of Valois

G r o u p H o m e a r e

always excited to see

L a k e s h o r e C iv i t a n

m e m b e r s f o r a n

evening of Bingo the

third Tuesday of each

month. Prizes are given out and everyone enjoys the


Forty recipients will receive

E a s t e r B a s k e t s f r o m

Lakeshore Civitan this year.

The boy scouts will be helping

our m em bers pack and

deliver the baskets to needy

families in the W est Island.

Lakeshore Civitan will be

s u p p o r t in g th e Q uebec

Special Olympics Provincial Games this year being held

in the W est Island area from July 4th to 7th.


SEPTEMBER 21ST !! CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 5



In January we celebrated our Christmas Dinner at Civitan

Jean's and had it catered. It was great. Food was

wonderful thanks to Foodies in Almonte and the gift

exchange and entertainment were wonderful. W e have

never celebrated like this before. Several of our

members attended the Convention in Pembroke and that

too was a great event. The celebrity W edding was

wonderful. W e ran a 50/50 project for the arena to help

them raise funds for the Town Hall restoration. W e ran

our first Euchre Tournament thanks to Robbie

Aitkenhead for the winter festival and we were very

pleased with the results and have had several requests

for more of these tournaments so we are working on that.

Our Bingo's have been successful and are going well.

Several members have been away lately basking the

sun. Can't remember just what that is anymore, all the

rest of us are able to see is snow! W e are starting to gear

up for our spring events, roadside cleaning, Friends In

Sport Fishing etc. W e are running a Barbeque for Arklan

School at the end of May. So as you can see we are

busy. It's nice this year as we have some new members

and they are bringing a lot of talent with them. W e are

planning on going to the Montreal Convention in May as

well. Hope this finds everyone in good health and busy.

Happy Civitaning from Civitan Sue in Carleton Place. CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 6

I never knew that one word in the Englishlanguage can be a noun, a verb, an adjective,an adverb, and a preposition.


Read until the end ... you'll laugh.

This two-letter word in English has more meanings than anyother two-letter word, and that word is’ UP.'

It is listed in the dictionary as an [adv], [prep], [adj], [n] or [v].

It's easy to understand the meaning of the word UP, meaningtoward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken inthe morning, why do we wake UP?

At a meeting, why does a topic come UP? Why do we speakUP, and why are the officers UP for election (if there is a tie, itis a toss UP) and why is it UP to the secretary to write UP areport? We call UP our friends, brighten UP a room, polish UP thesilver, warm UP the leftovers, and clean UP the kitchen.

We lock UP the house and fix UP the old car.

At other times, this little word has real special meaning.

People stir UP trouble, line UP for tickets, work UP an appetite,and think UP excuses.

To be dressed is one thing, but to be dressed UP is special.

And this UP is confusing: A drain must be opened UP becauseit is blocked UP.

We open UP a store in the morning but we close it UP at night.

We seem to be pretty mixed UP about UP!

To be knowledgeable about the proper uses of UP, look UPthe word UP in the dictionary. In a desk-sized dictionary, ittakes UP almost 1/4 of the page and can add UP to about thirtydefinitions.

If you are UP to it, you might try building UP a list of the manyways UP is used. It will take UP a lot of your time, but if youdon't give UP, you may wind UP with (UP to) a hundred ormore.

When it threatens to rain, we say it is clouding UP. When thesun comes out, we say it is clearing UP. When it rains, it soaksUP the earth. When it does not rain for awhile, things dry UP. One could go on and on, but I'll wrap it UP, for now . . . my timeis UP!

Oh . . . one more thing: What is the first thing you do in themorning and the last thing you do at night?



Did that one crack you UP?

Don't screw UP... Send this on to everyone you look UP in youraddress book . . . or not . . . it's UP to you.

Now I'll shut UP!


I am really looking forward to the Mayconvention. It doesn’t seem like ten andhalf years have past since I first joinedCivitan. At least 9 years since I attendedmy first Civitan Convention. Ross Munrowas the outgoing Governor and DonRubino (2004-05) was the incomingGovernor at the Region 5 convention. Imust admit I was a little over whelmed at

the time; I had met several members who were allextremely pleasant. But looking back I was even moreimpressed with beautiful dresses and long gowns as wellas the suits and tuxedos members were wearing and thelaughter that filled the convention room. I remember watching the new District Officers were beingsworn into office, the low lights and glowing candles asthey passed the flame from candle to candle. After theceremony the music was playing low in the backgroundand the members were standing around talking to Rossand Don and I thought; W OW how important these menwere, to be the leaders of the District. I must admit at thattime I was a little nervous when Don came over andshook our hands and welcomed us to the convention.The following year we met George Hooper; George wasthe Scottish debonair who seemed to impress everyonehe spoke with. It was very easy to carry a conversationwith George, exchanging jokes and laughter with bothhim and Jeanie. I can still see George standing at thehead table, holding up his glass of wine to toast Civitan.

Then Peter Guthrie became the next Governor, I recallPeter and I talking, on the Friday evening. I was tellinghim about hearing Andrew McFadyen Isaac’s father onthe radio and how this little boy’s father was reaching outto the community. The next day I was a somewhatshocked when Peter stood up and announced to themembership at the District East meeting that I had someinformation to share. At that moment Peter called me upin front of everyone and asked me to share the story. Iwas almost paralyzed, but Peter stood there andencouraged me to share Isaac’s story. The followingyear, Carol Rubino became the new Governor. Carolimpressed me right from the start. Carol led with poiseand she had the utmost respect from the members. Oneday Carol asked me to take on the position as the newDistrict Publicity Chair. I remember, telling Carol that Iwouldn’t know where to start. Carol took me by the armand suggested that I really take time to think about it.Carol would not take no for an answer. She called laterthat week and asked if I had made a decision. I wasfeeling quite nervous, but with Carol and John’spersuasion I agreed to take on the position. Carol hadalso heard that I had been nominated as the PresidentElect of the Kingston club, and she wanted tocongratulate me. She told me that I would do anexcellent job. I looked up to Carol and soon she becamemy mentor and I was able to step into the Presidentposition 9 months sooner then expected.

Following Carol was Greg Dobbie, who also encouragedme to step into other District Chair positions. I couldn’timage myself actually managing theses new positionsbut with the encouragement and support from Carol,Greg and John I was able to move forward. CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 7

The next year Ted Coqueran became the new DistrictGovernor, Ted and I work closely together. I wasextremely impressed with Ted, the French debonair. Asthe Governor, Ted wrote very powerful and inspirationalmessages that made you feel you were an important partof Civitan. Another member who really impressed me byhis inspiration is Fred Applebee. Have you ever calledFred and got his answering machine. Fred always hasnew inspiring messages or as Fred puts his thought fortoday. Fred reminds others to believe in themselves andto be kind to others.

The message that I’m trying to share with all Civitanmembers is this; if you have never been a project chairor held an executive position in your club, then pleasemake 2013-2014 the year you step forward. There areseveral good long-standing members who would makegreat mentors that will support and coach you as youstep up to the plate.

One final comment; if you are now or have ever been amember of your own club’s executive then you qualifiedto run as Lt. Governor in Canadian District East.

CHATEAUGUAYby Civitan Claire LeBlanc

Meals on W heels has been cancelled due to severalreasons. Christmas Baskets were given to 20 families,gifts (247) were wrapped and given to all the families.The Awards/Programme night was a success in spite ofa malfunctioning DVD. A Charter member Civitan MaryBremner was quite surprised to receive an Honor Keyand Civitan Jessie Amy was chosen to be Civitan of theYear. Several certificates were handed out and receivingCENTURY AW ARDS were Civitan John and CivitanClaire. The Blue Grass group is proving to be very enjoyableand successful as a fund raiser for the club. Mealsprepared by Civitan Louise are appreciated. Next BlueGrass is scheduled for April 20th. The Blood Donor Clinicchaired by Civitan Paul exceeded objective by 10 pintsfor a total of 105. On February 24th the Valentine’sBrunch was as popular as usual. Junior Civitans helpedwith the serving. Twenty club members volunteered andother members came to eat and socialize. Paul Duffywho comes to all our brunches is making a habit ofwinning the ½ and ½. (Civitan Paul is the ticket sellerLOL) .The General Meeting to be followed by a W ine & Cheesewas postponed to April 2nd. The Executive Meeting willstill be held in the afternoon. St. Pat’s Parade took place in Chateauguay. Many of ourmembers are also members of the Chateauguay ValleyIrish Heritage Association. Civitan Fred promises thatTheodore will be driven along by Civitan Denis. COBDEN your loss is our gain.Civitan Doug McKinnon has a membership in both clubs. He married Audrey in Las Vegas during the CivitanInternational Convention. Doug and Audrey werechosen to be the Chateauguay Irish Couple of the Year.Some time ago someone sent a photograph throughoutthe District and Civitan Rick has asked me for detailsregarding the photo.

In photo L to Ra r e A u d r e yM c K i n n o n ,Princess AlyssiaB r a y , C i v i t a nDoug and Fr.John W alsh.The photo creditsare unknown atthis time.

Hope to meet you at the Spring Convention in ValleyfieldMay 3rd.Take care and drive safely. For information call CivitanFred or Civitan Claire.

YOUR EASTER CHOCOLATE (Answer on last page) CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 8






AYLMERby Civitan Doris Erwin

Our club has been very busy in the last few months withcommunity involvement. W e are continually inrecruitment mode attempting to add new members, anddeveloping new projects & fund raising events.


Once again this year the Aylmerclub had a lot of fun participatingin the annual Aylmer SantaParade. In addition we handedout hundreds of hot dogs to thecrowd. This year we wereprivileged to have a group ofspecial needs individuals join usin marching in the parade from

L'Arche Agape. They had a great time as did we andthey truly endeared the crowd. The individuals were froma group home that we help out periodically throughfinancial support. The objective of the group home is toallow individuals to share an environment where they canlive a fulfilled life maximizing their potential whilerecognizing their special needs.

Members & Spouses all participate and a Group fromL'Arche Agape joins us in the Parade


This new commemorative medalwas created to mark the 2012c e le b ra t io n s o f t h e 6 0 thAnniversary of Her MajestyQueen Elizabeth II’s accession tothe Throne as Queen of Canada.It is awarded to those who havemade a significant contribution toa particular province, territory,region or com m unity withinCanada. The Aylmer Civitan Club

is very proud that one of our own members, Mary AnnLatimer, is a recipient of this very prestigious award. Inaddition to her work with Civitan, Mary Ann is a pastpresident of the Royal Canadian Legion and is currentlyvice-president. Presenting the award to Mary Ann andthe other recipients is our current MP Nycole Turmel.


One of our objectives in ourcommunity is to support theother service clubs as theysupport us. To that end severalof our members attended aDisco N ight sponsored byanother local service club andhad a great time!

Steak-out/Citizen of the Year

For 35 years the club hasbeen honouring one of ourresidents for communityinvolvement. The awardis presented at our annual‘Steak-out’. This year'sworthy recipient, Mr. BobM cR ae, was anotherexample of the type ofindividuals we have inAylm er and how theefforts of one person canhave such a positive

impact. An example of what this individual has done: hehas donated a kidney to a stranger, donated blood morethan 160 times, and significantly improved the quality oflife of a down and out individual stricken with a long termillness. He has provided ongoing management andvolunteer work for cancer, kidney foundation and amateursport for many years.

Once again we were happy to welcome so many of ourCivitan colleagues from around the District who came tosupport us in this event. Some of you traveled over 2hours to get to the event and all of the members of theAylmer Club wish to say how much it was appreciated. Itis a better event when you can attend. Thank you, wehope you all had a good time. W e also hadrepresentatives from all levels of government, each ofwho made a short speech saying nice things about thework of Civitan in the community to the approximately 250attendees, great visibility for Civitan!

Mark Wright for Lt Governor

The Aylmer Civitan club is most pleased to nominate ourPresident, Civitan Mark W right for the position ofLieutenant Governor in Canadian District East. CivitanMark is a charter member of our club, a very activemember, and he has twice served as President in ourclub. Mark also has experience as Lieutenant Governorhaving served in district in this position in the past. Mark isa management consultant, educator and business ownerwho has a lot to offer our district. Mark has also beenworking very hard this year to build our club, promote ourbrand, and to help us focus even more strongly on workwith the developmentally challenged. W e ask for yoursupport in helping us elect Civitan Mark in our upcomingDistrict election!

Upcoming Events

· Regional Special GamesAgain this year in May we will be sponsoring andproviding hands-on support to the Regional SpecialGames which will be held at a local high school, withschools from around the region participating, and morethan 100 special needs athletes competing.

· Annual Road BlockOur annual road block, one of our best fund raisers, willbe held on June 1st . This year the proceeds will go to thelocal food bank, and a group called ACCESS who helpthe elderly and needy of our community.

· Annual Golf TournamentOur annual golf tournament will held on Sunday, August25th this year once again at the beautiful Kingsway GolfClub. Contact Civitan Nora Graham at 819-827-1937 forinformation and to reserve your spot. Mark your calendar!









CITIZEN OF THE YEAR 2012 CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 9

PAKENHAM & DISTRICTby Civitan Doris Rankin

Our club has a new President as of their March meeting.Civitan Doris Rankin has stepped up from herVice-President's position into the President's role afterBrenda Hurrle resigned for personal reasons. Brendahad been the President for 2 years and the Club is verygrateful for her time and energy.

The Club ran a very successful Tea and Gift Basketauction in November. Guests paid $5.00 to enter andwere then treated to pots of tea and loads of delicioushomemade cookies and squares. John O'Neill thenauctioned off over 50 beautiful themed baskets that weredonated by local businesses, club members and friends.Almost $3,000 was raised during the mid-afternoonevent.

Following the Auction, the Club decided they and theCommunity would benefit from renting a large sign toadvertise local events for all organizations in Pakenham.A contract was signed and a very large board has beenplaced in the small park that is situated near the 5 SpanBridge. It is difficult to miss and many events have beenlisted to date. The Civitan Logo is part of the regularsignage. W hen there is no event the Club will advertiseour regular donations and work in the community.(Thanks to Lt. Gov Lambert for the suggestion).

The Club's annual major fund-raiser, The PakenhamFrost Festival took place in January - it is a 5 day eventwith many winter activities. This year's most interestingevent was the guided tour of the St. Peter CelestineRoman Catholic Church. The church, one of the SevenW onders of Lanark County, is nearly exactly the buildingconsecrated by Archbishop Duhamel in 1901. Pakenhamparish is very fortunate that the church has beenmaintained in its original state over a century. Over theyears churches were stripped and "modernized" duringthe changes following the Second Vatican Council in1963 but St. Peter Celestine was spared. It now offers aunique opportunity for people to see the fervent belief ofour ancestors in its full artistic expression. A lunchsponsored by the parish was served to all visitors and acollection was taken for the Club.

As we move into spring the Club will be trying once againto provide an outdoor summer bingo - no childrenallowed - and will get some use of the BBQ grill cateringto a some summer events.

ALMONTEby Civitan Marsha Guthrie

Almonte Civitan welcomed one new member in January and kept the newer members hopping. TheMedical Loan Cupboard never seems to sit idle withequipment coming and going. W e were the recipients ofa wonderful electric bed. Canteens at the monthlyauctions have continued as have our monthly FiddlersDinner and Dances.

Hall caterings were quiet this winter but rentalscontinue. W e catered to a number of functions includingfuneral receptions, birthday parties and the BlissW edding Show in which we took part. As well, in thesecond quarter we continued to support our communitywith the use of our Hall for a Stop Smoking Seminar,MTO, Therapeutic Riding, the local Boy Scouts and twoBlood Donor Clinics offering home baked cookies andmanning our posts for one of them.

The Facilities Manager and his committee has aFood Handling Course scheduled for April, W i-Fi hasbeen introduced and appreciated while the automatedbooking system is getting fine tuned. A new phone systemwill accommodate messages getting to the appropriatehandler. The monthly cleaning of the Hall saw thewashing and “de-gumming” of 400 chairs and always thekitchen scrub down. Our maintenance team ensures afresh look with ready repairs. The new bathroom vanitieslook fabulous.

Almonte and Pakenham Civitan Clubs will againbe sponsoring the Mississippi Mills Relay for Life. Tosupport the Relay, a Pub Night was enjoyed withentertainment supplied by the Bob Haughian Band whichdonated its services. In February our Civitan TeamCaptain attended the Relay Kick-Off and introduced ournew name: “Too Hot to Trot”. The Club met withorganizers to plan out the event with the hopes ofattracting 40 teams, up from 31 last year. It is hoped theSurvivors Reception and Lap will increase from 59 to 75.The organizers have done a great job of keeping teamsinformed and energized.

The Junior Civitan Club is always supported byour Club. Sno Do was supported by both Juniors andSeniors. The Club once again supported Dance-a-thonand along with the Jr. Club pledged two of our juniors whoattended the fun filled weekend in Midland. The girls wereexhausted after 12 hours of dancing. The Juniors ablyprepped in the kitchen for their annual Spaghetti Supperbut really appreciated the support of the seniors whodonated to the event, staffed the kitchen or attended thedinner.

The visitation barrel made a surprise visit in earlyMarch from Perth and was last seen heading to SmithsFalls the following week.

Almonte Civitan President Ross Munro made histelevision debut at the Heart and Stroke Telethon in earlyMarch with our presentation. W e supported Big BrothersBig Sisters Bowl for Kids, the Ottawa Mission, two localFood Banks, our local International Puppets Up Festival, aUnited Church Youth Trip to Tuscaloosa to help rebuildafter a tornado, Camp Banting for diabetic kids, a childwith Spinal Muscular Atrophy in need of a specializedstroller, and contributed to a trust fund for a local family.The Club supported a course hosted by the local highschool “Mental Health First Aid” - to train youth and staff inthe area of suicide and mental health issues.

March was especially busy as we hosted a MarchMadness Calendar Raffle, a joint fund raiser with St.Phillips Parish to celebrate Father Bill Penny's “birthday”,and the annual Lenten Fish Fry. Fryers inside and outwere kept busy!

Members are getting ready for the SpringConvention in Valleyfield hosted by Chateauguay CivitanClub. See you there.


SEPTEMBER 21ST !! CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 10

CDE Convention - May 3 to 5 2013 - Hosted by CHATEAUGUAY

This is an important convention for our District, Election of officers, can you make a difference?

A bus will be available to take anyone who would like to go to the Montreal Casinoon Saturday afternoon $5.00 return transport. Anyone wanting to take this triphas to let me, know by e-mail A.S.A.P.

(W ord puzzle solution - ‘To D ie For’) CDE March 2013, 2nd Quarter - Page 11