Accessing the Subconscious Mind



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English: The wooden beam ceiling in the old room from Sanok area (1681), with rosette form of "flower of Life" geometric pattern. Flower of Life or thunder marks such as these were often engraved upon roof beams of houses to protect them from lightning bolts. Identical symbols were discovered on Proto-Slavic pottery of 4th century Chernyakhov culture. Skansen in Sanok, Poland.

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Accessing the Subconscious Mind

Douglas Leber and Diane Leber Aquatron Diagno click Leber in book


   The subconscious mind, which fulfills desires, can be most easily accessed every year on the days surrounding a birthday. It is like a submarine captain returning to port every year to await orders for the following year. If no command is given he returns to sea to follow previous orders. Writing down the deepest longings and desires brings them to the attention of the conscious mind where they can be reviewed periodically until they are fulfilled.   Connecting with the Subconscious Mind                I realized that vows and oaths affect the subconscious mind deeply because of my experience with one of my patients on the evening before her birthday . I also came to realize that the subconscious is most easily accessed on a birthday. This revelation began my research into the connection between our deepest desires and longings, the subconscious mind and the anniversary of our entrance into this world. Through further research, I found that the subconscious reveals itself to our conscious mind through dreams or visions.              In 1999, on a Sunday evening I returned to my office to finish up some paperwork before starting a new week. It was unusual for me to be there on Sunday. I had Sundays set aside for my family.                While I was in my private office around 11:15 pm, I heard a knock on the outside door. When I answered it, one of my patients was standing there. It was the evening before her 40th birthday. She had just been at the airport to drop off a friend and decided to stop by  just in case I was there. The Wellness Center of Grapevine was near the Dallas/Ft Worth airport.                I let her in, then she said that her heart was doing strange things. Since it did not seem to be life threatening, I tested her. Her heart and circulation were fine according to the test but she felt like she was dying. I prayed for discernment.                 I said, “Did you ever make a vow or an oath?”                She admitted that she had, when she was 5 years old. She and her 4 year old sister had decided that their mother, who was about to turn 40, was really OLD! So they vowed that they would not live beyond 40 years of age. Now, on the eve of her 40th birthday, her subconscious mind was carrying out that vow by making her heart constrict.                At first I did not know what to do. I asked if she wanted to break the vow. She answered that she did. Suddenly

40 did not seem so old to her after all. In fact it seemed quite young!                I said, “Pray after me…”                We proceeded to pray together to break that curse that she had put on herself so long ago. It worked. At 15 minutes before midnight her heart calmed down and she felt peaceful.                I said,  “Imagine yourself 80 years old, looking back on the last 40 years of your life…what do you want to have accomplished in those years?”                She wrote down what she wanted.These are the examples that I gave her:

     Your children will be grown, will they have children by then?Do you want to have written a book?  Written a song? Drawn something?  Painted something?  Sculptured something?Traveled somewhere?   If so, to where?  To The United States…which States?  To Canada?  Mexico?  Central America?  To South America?  To Europe? To Africa?  To the Middle East? To Asia? To Australia? To the Pacific Ocean?  Do you want to have made a difference?  Emotionally? Physically?  Spiritually?Do you want to have created a foundation?  Started a business?How much money do you want to have made? 

                Over the next 3 days I asked her to ponder this and write it all down. I asked that she bring it with her to her next appointment. This was the beginning of my discovery.                She did that. Then, a year later, she brought a horse picture that she had drawn for me. She was beginning to accomplish what was on her list.                Through further research, I found that the subconscious mind is like a submarine captain who only surfaces about three days before the birthday then stays until three days after the birthday. At that time the captain is awaiting the next set of orders for the following year or years.  At other times of the year it is more difficult to contact the captain as he is running submerged. It can be done but it takes time and concerted effort.                With each birthday starting with the first the mind is ready to receive orders for a certain number of years from then. On the first birthday the orders are only for the following year, which must seem like an eternity to a one year old. By the second birthday the child is ready to imagine 5 years in the future and look back over those years. Three year old are able to imagine 8 years ahead. So they will be like an 11 year old looking back on their life. A four year old

will imagine being 14 years old. A five year old will add 12 years and imagine being 17, then look back at his or her accomplishments.  For a 12 years it is 60 years into the future.  At 13 years of age, it is 55 years, like he was 68 years looking back and saying, “What have I done?”                I have compiled a table of the years since birth and how many years to look forward to and the years to look back on for up to 140 years (just in case there are Life Extension specialists among you). I certainly am one after my brush with death.              Since my discovery I have written down a list on my birthday. My wife and children have done it, too.  I have encouraged on my clients to do this as well.                The subconscious mind is a mysterious thing.  It gathers information and data and processes it without our conscious mind knowing about it except in dreams or visions.              A biblical example is Joseph, in the Old Testament, one of the 12 sons of  Jacob, who had a dream one night which he interpreted as his father and his brothers bowing down to him. He was his father’s favorite, demonstrated by the colorful coat specially made for him.  He explained the dream to his father and all his brothers. His brothers were angry and resentful.  Eventually they were even going to kill him when one of the brothers suggested that they sell him into slavery instead,  which they did.           In Egypt, he was Potiphar’s slave and he did what he was told very well.  But Potiphar’s wife found him attractive and wanted him for a lover. He escaped the clutches of Potiphar’s wife then was thrown into prison because of her accusations.                He met two servants of Pharaoh there. They wanted to know the meaning of their dreams. Interpreting the dreams, he saw that one would be restored to his position, while the other would be put to death.  That is exactly what happened.                        Two years later, when Pharaoh had a dream and called his soothsayer to interpret, it none of them could do it.  At this time, it occurred to the one who had been restored to his position whocould do it: the slave in the prison! Pharaoh had Joseph come.  He interpreted the dreams and told about 7 years of abundant harvests followed by 7 years of lean harvests.  That was what Pharaoh was looking for. He made Joseph second only to himself in power. It happened as he said it would, 7 years of abundant harvests, followed by 7 years of lean harvests.  He had been taking 20% of the harvest and had been putting it aside for the 7 abundant years.                In Canaan, where Jacob lived, the 10 brothers of Jacob, leaving the youngest brother, Benjamin, with his father,

would go down to Egypt because they knew that Egypt had enough grain.  There, the 10 brothers bowed down to Joseph, they did not recognize him, and paid for the grain.  He had to see if they had changed.  They had!  And eventually they moved down to Egypt. So the dreams can also predict the future if you know how to interpret them.                Another example is my own case.  In 1967 and 1968 I watched The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour on Television.  One of the writers was Mason Williams.  He was a guest on the show singing, “Them” Songs.  For example, “Them Dog Catchers” or “Them Toad Suckers” or “Them Moose Goosers.”  A  4 line, 5 stanza song with a humorous twist written by Mason Williams himself.  A few years later Mason Williams came out with two books which had 9 of the songs along with other printed materialso of course I had to have these.  It made an impact on my mind.                  In 1999, I remember waking up and writing a “Them” poem on Saturday morning, in about one hour. Over the next four months I wrote about 60 of them.  I wrote 5 of in the same day, I was obsessed with “Them” songs, in a positive way.  On 2 separate occasions, I performed them on stage with my Banjo.                   In 1993, John Paul Jackson, a prophet, came to the Saturday morning church leadership meeting. After the introductions and a brief teaching period he shared demonstrated by pointing out various individuals then speaking a prophecy for each of them. He told me, ” I see you in a medical ministry. I see you in Israel helping people.” I had never been to Israel. Nine months later I was invited to train a Medical doctor in the use of the Computronix system. She had bought the system through Jim Jose, one of the salesmen in the US. I was invited to be the one to do the training. I have been to Israel many times since that time testing, teaching and training.                My research has shown a connection between the promises we make to ourselves, our deepest desires and the subconscious mind. Imagining ourselves years into the future looking back at our lives gives us a means of connecting the conscious and subconscious minds, of identifying the deepest motivations propelling us toward our desired outcomes.                               Here is the chart:1 year old…………………………add 1 year…………………….…...becomes 2 years to look back on2 years old…………………….…..add 5 years……………………..…becomes 7 years to look back on3 years old…………………….…..add 8 years………………………..becomes 11 years to look back on

4 years old…………………….…..add 10 years……………………....becomes 14 years to look back on5 years old………………………...add 12 years…………………..…..becomes 17 years to look back on6 years old………………………...add 15 years……………………....becomes 21 years to look back on7 years old………………………...add 4 years……………………..…becomes 11 years to look back on8 years old………………………...add 6 years……………………..…becomes 14 years to look back on9 years old………………………...add 9 years………………………...becomes 18 years to look back on10 years old………………………..add 15 years………………………becomes 25 years to look back on 11 years old………………………..add 28 years………………………becomes 39 years to look back on12 years old………………………..add 60 years………………………becomes 72 years to look back on13 years old………………………..add 55 years………………………becomes 68 years to look back on14 years old………………………..add 14 years………………………becomes 28 years to look back on15 years old………………………..add 16 years………………………becomes  31 years to look back on16 years old………………………..add 18 years………………………becomes 34 years to look back on17 years old………………………..add 19 years………………………becomes 36 years to look back on18 years old………………………..add 32 years………………………becomes 50 years to look back on19 years old………………………..add 34 years…………………..….becomes 53 years to look back on20 years old………………………..add 36 years…………………..….becomes 56 years to look back on 21 years old………………………..add 56 years……………………….becomes 77 years to look back on22 years old………………………..add 3 years………………………...becomes 25 years to look back on23 years old………………………..add 7 years………………………...becomes 30 years to look back on24 years old………………………..add 10 years……………………….becomes 34 years to look back on25 years old………………………..add 27 years………………………..becomes 52 years to look back on

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137 years old………………………..add 26 years…………………...becomes 163 years to look back on138 years old………………………..add 42 years…………………...becomes 180 years to look back on139 years old………………………..add 12 years…………………...becomes 151 years to look back on140 years old………………………..add 40years…………..……… become 180 years to look back on  Written ByDouglas Leber APAlso worked on 12 month research system with Full-Circle , Ayterion and Perfect Science AD Inc studing the effect of pollution using Aqutron AD Inc , Dark Field , Micro Current systems creatored by Ms Nancy and Ms Terry Welch in the late 1980's in Joliet , and Cocoa Beach , Florida . The systems tested the Clear PS (tm) Empoerment , Breaker , Water of Life ,Life Essance , Alpha , Perfect Science Gels , and eye drops .Tests were done all over the world including Grapevine , Texas , Chicago , Boulder , Joliet , Sweden , Norwway, Croatia , and South America using the procalls creatored by Nancy and Terry Welch Perfect Science Inc .

EAV Protocol for Use with Treatment By Nutritional Formulations

 Michael Mickley, PhD, Scientist, Perfect Science A.D.Joseph Arme, DC, President, Full Circle Technologies

International, Inc.  

Introduction and Purpose

This presentation discusses 1) protocol developed for the treatment of a variety of disease states by nutritional formulations (‘waters’) and 2) observations from extensive use of the protocol and waters.   There are several unique aspects of the situation surrounding both the product and the interrelated protocol and product use.  One is the wealth of experience and history of success in the use of this water in several countries

over a broad range of patient conditions treated, including various forms of cancer, AIDS, and MS.  While, historically, most of this information has been anecdotal in form, it provided the basis for development of the subject protocol now in use with EAV machines.  Other unique aspects include the degree of detail of the protocol that has evolved, the consistent treatment patterns that have occurred, and the interpretative theory that has emerged to explain the beneficial role of the waters.   Together these different aspects provide a good example of how energy medicine is evolving as it integrates with science.  The purpose of the presentation is to educate the audience and improve their understanding of a segment of energy medicine such that they can identify and describe differences between treatments based on symptoms and those based on energy patterns.   

Description of Treatment Product

Full Circle Technologies, Inc. is manufacturing and distributing nutritional formulations developed by Perfect Science’s Ayterion Aqua AD Inc. group and marketing them to healthcare professionals and consumers.  Their mission is to provide a safe and superior formula, as well as the technology to measure its effects accurately, for detoxification of human tissue.  The products (Balance, Breaker, Clear, and Alpha) are designed to promote systemic balance and they contain an increasing level of saponins mixed with spring water.  They are formulated as a concentrate and are available in the US only through licensed practioners who have been certified by Full Circle. 

Description of Subjects Treated

Prototypes of the products were tested in several Middle Eastern countries during the early and mid 1990’s.   The products were originally envisioned as treating different symptoms or disease states.  Several hundred successful treatments occurred with many different diseases.   With few exceptions, these situations were not quantified or documented, although several testimonials exist.  In an effort to place the use of the formulas on a more scientific basis, in 1999 the distribution and use of the formulas was tied into the use of an EAV machine called the Aquatron 2000 AD, marketed by Full Circle Technologies.  Although data from EAV machines is still questioned by mainstream medicine, this data is providing insight and understanding in the use and effects of these products.  Today, more formal clinical

studies are being planned and research is ongoing in the US, Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, Germany, and elsewhere.   In cases where*e the products are used to treat indigenous populations, the sophistication of the available data is low.  At the other extreme, clinical animal studies have been undertaken in Turkey.  Description of Research MethodsThe protocols below, all involving the use of the Aquatron 2000 AD EAV machine, are used in the sequence given.  

∙••••••• Determination and possible correction of the patient’s hypothalamic state to assure that the site-specific readings correspond to intended target organ sites. ∙        Determination of the baseline energy balance patterns in the patient∙••••••• Determination of the general environmental cause of the energy imbalance pattern∙••••••• Determination of the particular nutritional formulation and the particular dosage of use∙        Determination of the effectiveness and tolerance of the proposed treatment to avoid unpleasant patient side effects and also to select a formula when it appears that multiple formulas or dosages are appropriate∙••••••• Periodic monitoring of the patient’s response to treatment and of changes indicated in the appropriate dose and particular ‘water’

 Ideally, a patient would be tested every 2 or 3 weeks for a period of up to 3 months.  This permits monitoring of the changing energy patterns and changing of the treatment water and dosage as the monitoring indicates.   After a period of time the monitoring schedule becomes less frequent and eventually the patient may be put on a maintenance water and dosage. 


Using the protocol described, data sets have been collected on over 50 patients covering a range of symptoms and, in some cases, previously diagnosed conditions.  From examination of the data and from observations by practioners, several consistent results may be noted.  

▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Patients with similar symptoms have different energy patterns.▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Patients with similar symptoms indicate need for different treatment schemes (different waters and different

dosages).▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ When the EAV machine is used to indicate treatment (water, dosage), treatment results are consistently good; when treatment was given according to symptoms, treatment results were much less consistent.▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Changes in energy patterns (patient response to treatment) are much quicker with the Perfect Science nutritional formulations than with homeopathic medicines.▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ The most frequent causative factors affecting the energy patterns are pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental hydrocarbons▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ The causative factors most frequently encountered vary according to geographic location (such as Florida, Texas, and Japan)


Discussion of Results

It is assumed that illnesses develop in definite sequences progressing in the following order: 

1. dysfunction at energy and cellular level2. biochemical abnormalities3. alterations in tissues and organs4. recognizable disease

 Energy changes first due to some stressor agent, then blood chemistry changes.  Ultimately, there are physical changes that produce symptoms.  Such bioenergetic changes can occur due to: 

1. constitutional/genetic factors2. toxic load3. nutritional balance4. mental/emotional state

 The focus of the work presented is on the role of environmental toxins, such as synthetic organic compounds and heavy metals.  A premise of the Perfect Science AD organization that developed the technologies is that such toxins have compromised the immune systems of all forms of life, preventing the natural defense system from to effectively warding off viruses, bacteria, and other challenges to the body’s health.   The effect of toxins may be viewed in terms of the ‘bucket syndrome,’ where the body’s reservoir for toxins fills up and at a certain level the body becomes sick; when the bucket overflows, the body is very sick.  The aim of the use of the treatments involving the EAV machine and the nutritional drinks is to remove toxins from the body.

 A general theory of what is happening to the patients is as follows: 

∙••••••• The waters do not heal; the patient’s immune system does the healing.∙••••••• The appropriate treatment of water is indicated by the EAV machine according to the major stressing agent compromising the patient’s immune system. ∙••••••• The treatment water affects the various stressor agents and removes them from the body.∙••••••• The waters thus allow the immune system to operate at higher efficiency∙••••••• Changes in treatment water are indicated with time as a given stressor agent is successfully eliminated from the body and the next major stressing agent now controls the patient’s energy pattern. 

 An appropriate level of more detailed description will be provided as a handout including various case studies showing how energy patterns change with time and increasingly reflect balance in the patients energy system.  11.15.2000

yterion Agua - Perfect Science System has bio-health products that been documented in our clinics in assisting in removing toxins, restoring normal biochemical and electrical capacities within and around the body.  Research has established that in the human body diseased cells are surrounded by what is called “unstructured” water and healthy cells are surrounded by “structured” water. The difference between unstructured water and structured water is that unstructured water is missing some electrons.  

Our system contains a water formula  called Ayterion that is a natural plant using our Perfect Science removeal of toxic material by using Pan-Thor and other formula.s of Perfect Science AD Inc

  Some of the near miraculous documented research effects of saponins covers a wide range of health effects which includes a strengthened immune system, energy boost, intestinal toxin cleansing, cholesterol lowering effects, anti-cancerous effects through inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and the prevention of heart disease. The health benefits from the saponins have been well documented and received recognition for its natural healing properties.Add do not add saponins by work with transforming the water using Perfect Science Systems .  All of the Ayterion Agua  products, when used together, produce a synergistic process to promote wellness. 

Currently through research science has brought forth the understanding of certain health and wellness  benefits for the human body from phytochemical called a saponin.

These health benefits include prevention of cancer, immunological support, effective cholesterol lowering agent, and anti-oxidant properties.

There is continuing research to expand the scientific findings on the health benefits of saponins.  As we derive health support from a natural plant compounds called a saponins, there is research being conduct on the ways saponins affect the health of plants.  Saponins are one of the main elements or “trigger” that support some plant life in being healthy, and receiving and utilizing its nutritional needs. Saponins have many gifts to offer the human body in the area of health.  They may also be providing a link to understanding our inter connectedness to the plant kingdom.   Ayterion Agua AD Perfect Science System  is very excited to offer products that have the active support of saponins. When combined with super Ayhanized tm Water, you have total access to wellness, and anti-aging …….health, wellness, and balance are just a drink away.   There is no separation regarding the importance for using both the Environmental Household Kit System for your home environment and Ayterion Agua System for health and balance. All products are purchase together as a system. The products developed for the Ayterion Agua system are fulfilled in a facility called Perfect Health located in the state of Washington, USA and Vancouver, Canada.   Perfect Health provide fulfillment for products that work with the human body on the most advanced levels to produce a complete state of balance within the human body.  As the need to expand has come forth, different formulas are developed. To get involved with our classes and be tested on the Aquatron AD 2000.

Please email at  or Joanne 1-815-726-4000 fax 1-321-783-5000.

We have a medical wellness program that we would love to help you with. We can come to your city, town and bring our Doctors and our testing machine Aquatron AD 2000. Call Jim 1-941-320-0002 or Joanne 1-815-838-7629 fax 1-914-838-2001.Private label is the best way it is cost effective . It is sold as a Perfect System . We will have your understanding on the uses of our Products, it would be advisable to use our best products go to  Royal Kadin / Perfect Science this is our bathe treatment program . Please contact us  1-815-838-7629 fax 1-914-838-2001

.........The picture is the Perfect Science products marketed by Perfect Water is a company in the Chicago land area that Joanne Spreitzer and Bill Spreitzer Vital Earth Solutions help set up and teach Aquatron , and how to work with the Perfect Science Formula . Joann and William Spreitzer were the first client using the Perfect Science Formula's at Alderson clinic in Joliet . They also know first hand how Drunvalo paid Doctor Alderson money to stop working on a level of research with the wellness system . Drunvalo use people creation to feed his new age followers so they pay him at work shops to become younger and just learn to Flower His way of thought . His occult thoughts . ...............

Terry started in 1998 at Aldderson clinic in Joliet , Illinois  years ago working with the skull.

Perfect Science's gel to areas such as behind the ears, back of skull, temporal areas, forehead and back crown area. Anita you should have the procedure for this application.To will well in Norway and Croatia test them using your I-Health . In Sarasota Jim Trider and David Morse used the Aquatron AD Systems the soft

ware following the procalls in Joliet using Vital Earth Solutions Ayterion systems today we also using Nuroscrope following the procalls set up with the Doctor Lennox PHD and Perfect Science's in 1998 .

If you don't remember;Apply gel to area that you want affected, massage into scalp and then place hands, (using your palms in most cases) over the area. Hold area while feeling the energy and telling it to release and have pathways return to original state. You will feel anything from soft bumps to hard protrusions. Keep working until the "swelling" is gone.As you hold the skull sometimes you might also feel a shifting of the bones, rotating around, moving sideways or up and down motion.Besides the release of the energy you want to work on having pathways to return to original state. Address all areas of the brain and their pathways. Especially the amygdala, hippocampus, and the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal connection.Subconscious memories in the amygdala need to be released and transformed.This area of the brain will hold memories that were stored as past experiences but at an unconscious level. This is a burden to carry.  During this time when more help is needed add internal formula to bath along with external bath formula.Fix tub water as usual (formulas and spring water) , after tub is 1/2 to full add what ever internal formula you drink (clear is good to use). Use drinkable blend and anywhere from 8 oz. to 28 oz or more. you can get more affect and can take more formula at one time using this method.The bath will relieve the pressures but some time when there is overwhelming energy repeated baths will be needed. Even when the energy is not extremely intense work on the pain or pressure as soon as possible. If you don't keep up it will manifest in intensity. Hearing and eyesight can also be affected.You can feel pressure in ears and loss of hearing.Eyesight can appear to have a film, black dots or even a filter that makes an object seem darker. Your sight can be distorted. Pressure can be felt behind the eyes. When pressure is intense you cannot think or function normally and coordination between mind and body is difficult.

 If you have any questions, if this is not clear enough let us know. Love to you, Ms Joanne SprietzerVital Earth Solutions


Sunday, May 8, 2005 2:08 PM


"Silvia Tomic" <>

To:"terry welch" <>My dear Terry

Nanotechnology is a very popular notion today in modern science and technology, and a lot of scientists in order to get a good

funding claim their project is in the field of nanotechnology, while in reality it is not. Nano means the scale of 0.000000001 m, what is extremely small and not many techniques could measure that.I have a project on DNA, and I would never say that I do nanotechnology.In short, there is no basis to claim that AA is nanotechnology. Or better, there is no need to do that.

To say to do nanotechnology, you should work at nano-scales. I mean at physical level. And Perfect Science Ayterion

 formulas (manipulation of them) are done in gallons, or liters, so far above nano-scales.This is my understanding.

Love, Silvia.

At 05:11 5.05.2005.Ýs -0700, you wrote:> PLEASE READ>> Dear Silvia

Do you think Ayterion Aqua is or can be classified as Nanotecholgy ?This is totally wrong information I believe that Doyuk was told by Doctor Roshman MD in Germany just to use the term Nano . I do remember that when Melita , Anna Ramzwer ,and you met in Germany in his office who could explain Prognoses in a more science view point .

The same happened to Doctor Mickely PHDclick when Perfect Science ask him to work with Ayterion  (Computron ) and turn over the results to Doctor Mickley . He answer was more on the commerical side of selling and making money . Roshaman is the past sold Computron then starting selling Prognoses when that happend he starting making sly remarks about the other beside of money . No science ! The same case is with Peter  Roshman and Doyuk claims do be Nano Tech . When in fact Perfect Science formula research shows differently .

Peter Roshman explain how he using both testing device inhis clinic and formula's he is testing were made in the USA he receive from Stella Zambrano were made by Vital Earth Solution .

In 2002 after Elya Stella Maris Zambrano  , Ole , Liz ( Roshman American wife spread fear and lies with knowledge ,because they wanted to control the formula's and in 20002 they believe they could control Doyuk )

Today in Germany and Poland Doyuk was charge with many thing copy of police report Click here for Police Report

Letter from Jim Trider, Full Circle BioMedical:To whom it may concern,I am Jim Trider founder of Full Circle Biomedical I worked with Perfect Science formulas and set up a research programs for Health and Wellness formulas, Animal formulas and Household products.I worked with Dr. Joseph Arme and David Morse. When the research was completed and we were in the first stages of commercialization I attended along with Andrew Nixon, Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk the Wesak conference in Mt. Shasta, California May 2000.  I was there to hear a formal speech/ presentation of Perfect Science.We witnessed first hand Ayhan Doyuk” out of control rage” at Mr. David Jeans that he adamantly insisted Andrew Nixon not be allowed on the stage. And according to Ayhan Doyuk I heard him

personally say, “ It is all about me!”; “They are here to hear me!”.Mr. Andrew Nixon a polite humble man stepped down from his position to give his speech afraid for his life for Ayhan Doyuk had threatened him to take him out of the company and ruin his life.Later at the Wesak Mt. Shasta, California conference Full Circle had a meeting with Ayhan Doyuk where Ayhan Doyuk told us that if we did not stop any further research and marketing Perfect Science formulas he would destroy Perfect Science and everything connected to it.There is little morality in Doyuk, only when he judges others. His design is to illustrate the evil and hypocrisy of any one who does or even does not hand over their money to him. He depicts everyone in business as crooks, evil and himself as a crusading hero for truth and the light.In September 2000 Ayhan Doyuk was in Sarasota, Florida. He came to Dr. Joseph Arme’s Office where we were doing research for the Perfect Science AD formulas. He congratulated us on our work and later went to dinner with Anna Ramser, David Morse, Debbie Fourst, Terry Welch, his daughter and myself. At that dinner Ayhan Doyuk said that Terry Welch was the inventor of the Perfect Science health and wellness formulas.If you want evidence of this visit to Sarasota, Florida there is a video taken with Ayhan Doyuk available from Wanda Pratnicka & Zbyszek Ploszczca, Poland,

http :// www . amazon . com / Possessed - Ghosts - Exorcisms -21- Century / dp / 8360280681//Racketeering…I know first hand that in January 2000 Anna Ramser, who had been trained by Full Circle and also worked with Dr. Silvia Tomic from Croatia, assisted by Roger Larson had set up a conference in Ireland. This conference was to introduce the commercialization of Perfect Science products after the research done by Full Circle Biomedical.Ayhan Doyuk told these same people that they were not allowed selling products and he condemned them and instructed his followers not to buy any products.Free Commerce…

In fact in 2002 Ayhan Doyuk sent some of his followers into stores that had products of Anna RamserWalk ON Water , Roger Larson and Full Circle to divert sales and in addition instructed his followers to send letters regarding Perfect Science stating the research was not valid, it was poison and added it was not supplied by him.

This was done in 2002 so the work that Full_Circle of Sarasota and Grapevine Texas did in Europe so the sales of products would go to Ayhan Doyuk and Peter Roshman The way Roshman , Ole , Elya and Doyuk work / after the work was done they tried to stop the research .   Roshman

This is the link toRoshman work to try to Anita in Norway

they used a former pt Stella Elya Zambrano stating in the W_O_W newsletter for Perfect Science research pt ( in which Stella was one of them ) Elya ask Stella claims that Doyuk is not supply the US when she knew full well that Doyuk was not the inventor Zambrano work with Roshman when he was in South America so Roshman and Zambrano would recieve the systems without waiting for the research of Full -Circle to be complete. Roshman in the 1980 did the very same thing to Doctor Douglas Leber AP creator of the Computron and who was working with Full Circle and Perfect Science AD Inc . In the 1980's Liz the American wife of Peter Roshman told Douglas Leber after a shipment of Computron was sent to Germany to his clinic that Roshman was a Doctor and he did need to pay for the machine he sold . This is a pattern with Peter Roshman and Doyuk taught by the belief systems of what every movement they claim they are bring to earth. Drunvalo's , or just a Flower of Lie's

The pattern that Ayhan Doyuk uses is concerning money and trying to prevent clients from having the real researched formulas. He, like gurus such as Drunvalo through their followers lie and diverts the real technology. They believe it is not necessary to follow the law but are above the law.He attacks spiritually but the movement is in the commercialization attacking the economic base. He sets up “henchman” to do his work.We set up the Europe market; he did not produce or distribute the health and wellness formulas and cosmetics. They were produced in the USA. He did not have a network or distribution set up.Ayhan Doyuk used “Mother’s Water" that had been set up by Full Circle with Wistancia Stone in Mt. Shasta, California, Mina Olen in Finland, Ann Merril and Christan Hummel and Douglas Leber AP. We were in Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Holland, Switzerland, Belgium, France, England, Spain, Ireland, Lithuania, South America, Croatia, Russia, Haiti, Japan, Israel,

Philippines, South Africa, Australia, Mexico, Canada, Egypt and now Kuwait.He set up nothing!In April 2002, Ms. Elya Stella Maris Zambrano and Dr. Peter Rohsmann, a German doctor, contacted patients and clients of Full Circle Biomedical through the newsletter W_O_W monitored by Mrs. Shirley Carroll.Ms. Zambrano is a paid worker of Ayhan Doyuk but was a former patient and client of Full Circle Biomedical. Dr. Peter Rohsmann has been claiming to be making some products from Ayhan Doyuk but not the Full Circle Biomedical’s researched formulas of Perfect Science AD nor the original Pan-Thor household products.Rohsmann obtained lists of clients while he was in the USA promoting the Prognos testing device. He had used the Perfect Science AD formulas and was incorporating the formulas with his testing.TodayAyhan Doyuk goes around Europe with the aid of his investor promising the followers that they will become “ascended master”; live forever. They become victims especially the 56-60 year olds. Ayhan Doyuk is associated with the "Ascension movement”. We also want no part of Drunvalo Melchizedekor followers such as Richard & Jocelyn McIntyre, Steven Torrence and Evelyn Levy. We have had first hand information and have met these people. These are not credible people. They may state they have been swindled but they are indeed swindlers.We are not part of this movement but are active environmentally conscious individuals It has recently come to attention that a group of Breatharians paid $5,000 to Steven Torrence for Aydo Aqua Elixer that they never received.If you have been in this situation contact Zbyszek Ploszczyca for Wanda Pratnicka in Poland at centrum office Control…Ayhan Doyuk uses some of his followers to threaten people, to have them attack others' character and aims to destroy their work. Many of his followers were originally trained by Drunvalo.First, the attacker must portray his attack as an attempt to support the order of values of society by exposing a violator who deserves to be exposed, in essence enhancing his own image as he assaults another. If this were all there were to these disguises, we might have an easier time discerning the role of discredit, domination, assertiveness and sadism in public life. But the disguise of motives is often supplemented by a far more insidious deception, one that masks the fact that an attack is taking place at all,

that is what Ayhan Doyuk has done in the past and is doing today in Poland .


I have recently received a phone call from a gentleman in Venezuela claiming to be ….He said that the reason for the call was that he wanted Perfect Science health and wellness formulas and was unable to obtain them.I assured him that there was no problem and I would try tomake arrangements for him to receive the formulas.This conversation stirred my memory of when we traveled to Venezuela and also encounters we had with Stella Zambrano and her son Daniel.As I mentioned before Stella had been under the care of Dr. Joseph Arme during her patient participation in our research. She also had set up clinical appointments for patient to be tested and for them to also under Dr.Arme’s recommendation use the Perfect Science formulas.

Stella Zambrano ( partner of Eric Ekvall )  had public relations connections in Venezuela that allowed us to have presentations on their television broadcasting station.Stella’s son, Daniel was introduced to us and it had been made known thathe was skilled as a webmaster.

Anna Ramser, who I also have mentioned before was trained by Full Circle Biomedical had come to Venezuela to help with a conference and organizing the filming of the conference.Anna Ramser had been present when Ayhan Doyuk was in Venezuela and she organized the filming of the Ireland conference that Ayhan Doyuk was also present at.Stella Zambrano has been personally working for Ayhan Doyuk the last….years. And it has been known that Ayhan Doyuk has had personal conversations with Stella’s son Daniel regarding work on his website. If there is any question regarding this connection contact Zbyzszek Ploszczyca for Wanda Pratnicka centrumoffice @ gmail . com For more information go to: http :// ayhandoyukbeyonddeception . webs . com / researchjimtriderfull . htm  

FROM SCIENCE FICTION FANTASY TO MEDICAL REALITYMy search for a practical model of the Star Trek medical scanner.By Douglhat medical evaluation I could find.

My introduction to electroacupuncture was through Reinhold Voll, a German medical doctor, who together with his study group had researched measuring classical Chinese acupuncture points with an ohm meter. Dr Voll and his associates used the meter to measure electrical resistance of the skin above the acupuncture point. They had become interested in the French work of using diathermy on acupuncture points. Dr. Voll’s ability with short wave radios came in handy in their research. Before modern electras C. Leber, AP

Dreams of creating a Star Trek scanner piqued my interest in EAV. How fascinating it was to see the Star Trek medical scanner waved in front of a person then report information on the inner workings of their organs. EAV (Electro Acupuncture according to Voll) appeared to be the closest working model of t

onics had been invented Dr Voll had the idea of creating a device that could measure the electrical resistance of the acupuncture points. Dr Voll originally used a diatherapunctur device developed by 2 German engineers.  

In 1980, while I was a student at John Bastyr College of Naturopathic Medicine, I went with my stepfather, a naturopath and chiropractor, to hear Dr. Voll speak on his method of Electroacupuncture. Dr. Voll spoke in German, while a Spanish speaking Colombian, Simeon Duque, who also spoke German and English, translated and explained what Dr. Voll was trying to communicate. The method involved a tester, a person being tested, a testing device and an assistant to write down all of the information from the point tests. Simeon Duque had met Dr Voll when went to high school in Germany. His brother, German Duque, MD was practicing EAV in Columbia. The testing device Voll used, the Dermatron, was invented by Peter Pitterling, another German engineer.During the lecture, Dr. Voll covered the classical acupuncture points which represent the four physical parts of the specific organ. In addition, he introduced the new points he had discovered both on the classical meridians and on his new vessels. Then he spoke about the indicator drops shown on the Dermatron which meant a short circuit in the organ, and the homeopathic remedies which balanced the points.After three days of lectures, Dr. Voll dedicated a fourth day to testing several people so we could see what it was like. Pitterling also was there with the Dermatron, with the meter displayed on an overhead projector so everybody could see. It was a fascinating and exciting day!

Eventually I bought a Dermatron and began testing. The method was tedious since I did not have an assistant. Bruce Douglas, a

naturopathic student with an engineering background suggested that I develop my own system and computerize it with the help of one of our professors, an English MD with a background in programming. Bruce also knew of an electrical engineer who had come to Seattle and might be interested in working with me.

Dr. David Makins and Todd Weisner joined me in creating the Computron and the Acupro II software for the Commodore computer. In my youthful enthusiasm, I paid them out of my inheritance to work on this project with me. The system incorporated the work of Dr. Voll, Dr. Morel and Dr. Schimmel. Todd helped me create the imprinter that works with the Computronix system. The program was converted to IBM DOS by John Shell and is the method that I still use today.Classical Chinese acupuncture has been aware of 675 acupuncture points. Dr. Voll and his associates used only 250 of those points, but Voll hoped to understand more of them. Before Voll died, he understood the correlation between 1,050 point and the organs to which they corresponded, discovering over 700 new points! They found them by using vials of organ preparations to understand the specific points actually being measured.

Immersing myself for years in this work, I persisted in laborious testing with the result being the understanding of 1,200 acupuncture points, the rest of the classical acupuncture points and discovering 750 new points. I discovered meaning of the last classical point in February before the stroke. Now my Computron better resembled the Star Trek medical scanner! Owning the intellectual property and the copyright of the Acupro II software (including the new points that I discovered) I hired George Loving to be the CEO to run Computronix for me while I built the Wellness Center of Grapevine in Texas.Having the misfortune to suffer a stroke, the Wellness Center I built closed. I entrusted the Computronix manufacturing business to George Loving while I was in a nursing home recovering.With much help, I have come a long way in the last four and a half years.

Now I work with individuals on a private consulting basis while I strive to regain what was lost with the stroke. However, the vision of my youth has not been lost, nor the drive to serve people. I have trained doctors around the United States and around the world to use my method of EAV testing. Many of them

also continue to use this method to help their patients in their quest for better health.

My personal time line:1971-1973: Enrolled in Western Washington State College.1974: Attended ITT Peterson School of Business to study Computer Programming.1974-1977: Graduated from Northwest College of the Assembly of God with a B.A. degree in Religion and Philosophy, minors in New Testament Greek, Counseling and all the theory classes for a minor in Music.1977: Met Dr. Bruce Dewe, MD from New Zealand. We attended the Touch For Health seminar for nurses, followed by their Advanced Seminar where I was introduced to acupuncture. Bruce and I became certified instructors and taught a seminar together. Bruce encouraged me to attend an alternative to regular medical college or move to New Zealand and study with him. I looked into Northwest Naturopathic College in Portland, Oregon but was discouraged by the first two years of study in Kansas, having just purchased a house in Kirkland, Washington.1978: I went to Austria with Dr. Ernst Winter, PhD. (He had 5 PhD's.) When I returned, I found out about the Naturopathic College opening in Seattle. I was accepted into the first class of the newly formed John Bastyr College of Naturopathic Medicine. I participated in a study group in homeopathy at lunch time for two years. Also attended acupuncture classes with John Amaro, DC in Portland, Oregon.1980: Attended my first Dr. Voll seminar in San Francisco, California.1981-1990: Attended Walter Sturm's seminars in EAV went to Germany to study electroacupuncture, bought an RM-10S and a MORA device.1981-1985: Attended Charles McWilliam's seminars.1982: Bought a Dermatron, Dr. Voll's measurement device made by Pitterling.Dr. Morel, MD taught me how to test the points of EAV testing.Met Rick Kiteaff, first doctor of acupuncture in Japan who was not Japanese. He was a Canadian, who had to learn Japanese to be able to attend the acupuncture college there. He found me eager to begin his new apprenticing program which I did for a year and a half before the Acupuncture College opened in 1983. I subsequently taught at that school and was elected the Vice President of the Acupuncture Association of Washington.1982-1983: Years of intensive testing with the RM-10S and the Dermatron. I worked two days a month in the office of Dr. Greg Spencer, DPM.1982: Attended another seminar with Dr. Voll in Chicago.

1983: Attended Voll's seminar in Phoenix where Pitterling introduced his computer program on an Apple 2e. It was more efficient because an assistant was no longer necessary to write down the information. It could even indicate nosodes, sarcodes, and accompanying homeopathic remedies depending on which acupuncture point you were on. However, it could not display text and graphics on the same page. It was black and white.Later that same year Bruce Douglas, a John Bastyr College student with a degree in electrical engineering encouraged me to meet with Dr. David Makins, one of our professors, an English MD with experience in computer programming and with Todd Weisner, an electrical engineer. This alliance allowed me to create the Computron and the Acupro II software on the Commodore 64 computer, combining text and graphics in color. The Commodore was the only computer at the time with programmable graphics, which allowed me to meticulously program the pictures of the hands, feet and head.The same eventful year I attended Helmut Schimmel's (DDS, MD from Germany) first seminar in California on VEGA testing, then added his testing method into the Computron.Dr. Leo Bolles, MD in Bellevue, Washington, bought the first Computron we produced. I provided training for him and his assistant.Todd Weisner had decided to leave Seattle and sold the Computron schematics to me for $900.1984: Jeff Harsh bought a system from me and I trained him in Kansas.1985: Jeff Harsh and I exhibited the Computronix system at an Integrative Association of Medical Preventics meeting where we met Jim Jose, who was marketing another acupuncture system. Through his company, Synergy Health Systems, he decided to sell my Computronix systems also.Later that year Jeff and I went to Medicine Week in Baden-Baden, Germany.Jim Jose put on a seminar and invited me to speak for two hours, my first seminar lecture!1988: Jim Jose and I found John Shell at a seminar I taught. He was a freelance computer programmer who claimed that he could change the program from Commodore 64 to DOS in one month. The month turned into four years! John Shell moved from southern California to the Seattle area to continue working on the program. I paid Jim Jose back for the money he invested in John Shell's work then continued to pay John out of my own resources.Later in 1988 Jim Jose showed me a basic imprinter made by someone else. I brought it to Todd saying I thought he could improve the design by adding a hologram with lasers. He did and later added peizo-electric sound to create the imprinter which we

sold with the Computronix system. Jim and I sold the first IBM DOS program. I continued to upgrade the program with John's help.Jim Jose and I were motivated to set up an FDA study after Corrine Allen was raided by the state of California Medical Quality Assurance. The state confiscated her Computron and the ACUPRO II Software. She later won her case against them, but her Computron was “lost” and never returned to her. Now I have an informed consent which follows the FDA Guidelines for a study with a class 3 device.I asked Fred Lam to be on the institutional review board. He recruited Julia Tsuei to join us. Fred Lam was using a Dermatron with my ACUPRO II software. I created an interface to link the two.1992: John Shell finally finished the program conversion and upgrades. I added his name to the copyright then later paid him for his share of the copyright. (I ended up paying him twice for the same work – out of my dwindling inheritance.) Jim Jose became the head salesman for Computronix.1997 “EA Doug Leber” medical society was formally formed in Germany by Christine Amlacher and the practitioners using my method of testingThrough the years many people have helped me with the management of Computronix while I concentrated on testing, researching and teaching seminars. Levels 1 & 2 were for the beginner and starting practitioner followed by the certification test I developed. Level 3A, 3B, 3C were for the advancing practitioner with a test to see if the student could branch and do the remedy test. Level 4 covered advanced topics such as: Dental, Cancer, Heavy Metals, Parasites, etc. Level 5 covered research. Level 6 involved original research. Level 7 was when the practitioner was asked to give a lecture in a conference as an expert on EAV/EDS Testing.

Ken Talbott helped in the early years; John Reich took over after I moved my family to southern Florida to create Health Enhancement Services Incorporated (HESI). Peter Rohsmann, MD in Germany worked with me in Florida then moved back to Germany and sold many European systems, which we translated into German. Eventually Rainer Burkelbach began creating the systems in Europe. Peter Rohsmann passed the business to Bernard Weber. Eventually it went to Christine Amlacher, DDS (now Christine Dreimuller). We began showing the Computronix system in Baden-Baden, Germany on Medicine Week. Two doctors from Italy bought systems so I began training there. Eventually BIOMED sold the systems in Italy.

George Loving became the CEO (in the US) after Hurricane Andrew devastated the Miami area and I moved my family to Dallas, Texas. Next Japan became involved with the Vector Company as the Japanese supplier. Then came Portugal, Israel, England and Scotland, Taiwan, Australia, and China. I began to teach all over the world as well as the USA, along with continuing research and development as well as having a busy practice.

One other machine I made was the Aquatron with all the parts of the Computron except in a different case. This was done in Sept , 1999 for Full-Circle Tech , Perfect ScienceAD Inc using the Ayterion Royal Kadin  Eco-Systems Balance , Perfect Science AD . Inc. / / tel-phone N. Welch or Bill Spreitzer 1-815-838-7629/1-815-838-3941/ this systems was created to work-in a world -wide research study using Ayterion systems created by Ms Terry ( Ayterion ) Welch , Nancy Welch and ADoyuk systems of healing, wellness , balance, empowerment . Some of the system products are know as Breaker, Clear , Alpha , Empowerment , and can be broughts on their web store.

This was distributed by the Perfect Science Company and Full-Circle Int . The solf ware was their we put the device , the solf ware using other device such as I-Health , Mico Current and the work of Terry and Nancy Welch in Alderson Clinic, and other clinic around the work who were working on this systems with our team. The Perfect Science Team .

I went to Croatia on my 25th Anniversary with my wife Dianne because I was the featured speaker at the Perfect Science seminar. Which was on TV in Zagreb arrange by Ms Silvia Tomic PHD , MailtaAfter returning from a trip to Israel for my oldest son's wedding after which I traveled away from home on a business trip and had the stroke. The Wellness Center closed. George  assumed all responsibility for Computronix while I was relearning to walk and talk. ........ Today 12-06 -2009 Douglas with his wonderful wife Dianne travel all over the world testing using Ayterion Perfect Science . After Mt Shasta Full - Circle Perfect Science

In the nursing home, my wife and I signed the manufacturing business to him and his wife so that the work could continue and the doctors who had my system would continue to have the support

that they needed to keep their equipment running and their patients in good health.Jim Jose (Synergy Health Systems) came to me just before I had the stroke and asked permission to take the DOS program and upgrade it to a Windows version so that it would work on the newer computers. I gave him my blessing. In Florida, at Dan Clark's seminar this last September, I was able to talk with Jim and see what he has done with my system. Konrad Kail, Nitek Health Systems, is helping him to market the new update. I'd like to work together with them to take this system worldwide.While the Computronix system can provide the information that the Star Trek scanner promised, it does not have the portability or handling ease of a handheld device. I still want the research to go on, both mine and any other research by people who use EAV/ EDS or Vegetative Reflexive Test (VEGA). I welcome you to join me in creating the future devices which can benefit mankind.

ABSTRACTIn 1983 to my knowledge no one had invented an EAV device in the USA (I was unaware of the work of the Clark brothers in Utah). So Todd Weisner and I invented the Computron (an EAV/VEGA Test Device), and the computer software with David Makins, MD. Later, with the help of Jeff Harsh and Jim Jose, I began marketing my system. In 1988 John Shell began a project to shift the software from Commodore to IBM (DOS). Jim Jose lent me his imprinter which Todd and I improved upon to become the imprinter we have with the Computronix system. In 1992, production of the European version began in Germany. / tel-phone 1-815-302-3941 fax 1-815-838-2001 e-mail / /// email / /// /

12 month research Douglas Leber Perfect Science /////     

tel-phone 1-815-302-3941 /1-815-302-3945/ fax 1-815-838-2001e-mail /       

                                                                                                                  INDIVIDUAL FORMULAS


Creates an environment that allows:Balancing pH.Heavy detoxification of “internal water system.”Transforming and balancing of emotions & feelings.

Recommended/suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken at bedtime.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.


Creates an environment that allows:Enhancing the process of transformation of the “informational overload”. Clearing and transforming the web of self-consistent interactions.

Recommended/suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken at bedtime.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)Can be chilled in refrigerator.

You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.


Creates an environment that allows:Transforming patterns adopted through physical and emotional experiences.Clearing the path for new creativity.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken during the day or at bedtime.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.


Creates an environment that allows:Balancing the body and clearing pathways and networks.Creating a higher energy and purify the body.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water, Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken during the day or at bedtime.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)

Can be chilled in refrigerator.You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.


Creates an environment that allows:Empowering all aspect of the physical and emotional bodies.Transforming issues.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60 cc-240cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken during the day or at bedtime.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.


Creates an environment that allows:Balancing in the physical and energy bodies to accept the new purified energy.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken during the day.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)Can be chilled in refrigerator.You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.


Creates an environment that allows:Purifying the neuro- connections.

Recommended/suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken at bedtime.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

BREAKER™Creates an environment that allows:Transforming and clearing viruses.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken during the day.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)Can be chilled in refrigerator.You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.


Creates an environment that allows:Transforming by bringing the internal electronic water to harmony and healing.Natural relaxing and calming.Transforming poisons to bio nutrients.Balancing genetic information and the building of proteins.Balancing inner water.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken during the day.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.


Creates an environment that allows:Transforming and correcting dissimilar internal water.Balancing pH.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc- 240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken during the day.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)Can be chilled in refrigerator.You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.


Creates an environment that allows:Transforming of body energy centers.Clearing energetic blockages.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240cc) followed by same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken during the day or at bedtime.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.


Creates an environment that allows:Clearing and transforming naturally the inner water bringing about a free internal vortex.Transforming and balancing emotions, feelings and automatic motor operation in the physical body.

Recommended/ suggested dosage 2-8 oz. (60cc-240 cc) followed by the same amount of spring water. Average amount is 4 oz. (120 cc).Taken at bedtime.

For best results include:Spa formula; to be added to bath tub water.Gel to be applied to skin liberally.Skin spray applied to skin and energy field liberally.

Any of the formulas can be heated as tea. If you make tea take blended formula plus spring water. Then heat for tea. (Example 4 oz. of formula and 4 oz. of spring water.)Can be chilled in refrigerator.You can add apple juice, grape juice or grapefruit juice as needed.

More links for new age

Kathi Barns lied so did Linsey who the source of the phoney report after Richard on orders from Doyuk would not return Linsey moneyhttp://kathibarnswherephoneyfakehttp :// kathibarnswherephoneyfakereportswhere . blogspot . com /2008/04/ slim - spurling - home _05. html former girlfriend of Peter Jackson http :// docs . google . com / Doc ? docid =0 Ad 57 f 1 ZjdUUaZGY 0 OXJuanRfNDY 2 ZGo 5 aGNiaG 4& hl = Perfect

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(c) Copyright 2000

     This was posted on Flower of Life before Earth Quake in Istanbul by Andrew Nixon , Charles Knox and Terry Welch in 1999 . Which was the very reason so many people came from the Flower of Life to Istanbul (After Wesak 1999 Drunvalo )

Ms Terry Welch founder and Creator of the Ayterion Health System

Friday, July 20, 2007

Perfect Science Ayterion Agua

Perfect Science Ayterion Agua

Posted by Ayterion at 9:20 PM 0 comments

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Pan - Thor - Perfect Science the Perfect Solution : Elya is a pt in research project who does not like Americans

Posted by Ayterion at 9:05 PM 0 comments

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Randall miller Ayterion perfect Science - Yahoo ! Search Results

Posted by Ayterion at 4:47 PM 0 comments

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--Daniel Luten, Sierra Club Bulletin, 1964"

Posted by Ayterion at 4:39 PM 0 comments

Perfect Science Energetic Formula

Perfect Science Energetic Formula

Posted by Ayterion at 1:32 PM 1 comments

Perfect Science technologies

Posted by Ayterion at 1:28 PM 0 comments Labels: copyrights 1990-20007 Ayterion Perfect Science Tuesday, May 15, 2007

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This document which was prepared as input to the Habitat 2 conference in 1996 explains some of the various Perfect Science Technologies and how they work.



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Istanbul, Turkey, January 3, 1996 The following statement is being addressed to Mikhail Gorbachev of the International Green Cross, Dr. Wally N' Dow, Secretary General of The Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II), The World Bank, The World Health Organization, The White House and Ms. Carol Browner, Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

On January 3, 1996 Perfect Science received full approval from the Turkish Standards Institution for implementation of the Perfect Science Environmental Purification Technologies. Perfect Science took emergency action here today to halt to world-wide flood of hydrocarbon pollution by calling for geopolitical adoption and accelerated implementation of a global delivery system for its patented Environmental Cleansing Formulae and Technologies.

The Perfect Science Chairman announced details of what he called a new "direct business" format. He said Perfect Science was prepared to grant each of the world's 216 independent states controlling interest in individual joint ventures and was prepared to accept payment from them in countertrade, with barter levels based on a sliding scale of energy use per capita, in order, he said, "to permit simultaneous adoption and participation by all the world's governments."

The Perfect Science chairman described the Perfect Science Formulae as the master key for unlocking the entire complex of hydrocarbon substances, as well as all the other organic chemicals, that are currently laying siege to and disabling the earth's soil, water and atmosphere. "Having the passkey to organic chemistry means you can clean up all carbonaceous fuels and everything petrochemical from cradle to grave, " he added.

"But in addition to neutralizing all the poisonous effects, the Perfect Science Formulae will renovate industrial processes at all levels and in all sectors, permitting continued economic expansion without environmental debacle." "The sudden and thoroughgoing revision of all organic chemistry," he continued, "will require similar revision of the industrial, financial and insurance matrices within each sovereign state. Moreover it is the responsibility, and it will become the duty, of each government to take effective measures locally for rescuing its people and region. This task will naturally include the proper co-ordination and regulation of the Perfect Science Formulae."

The Perfect Science chairman stated further that the projected rescue of the planetary environment by the emergency implementation of the Perfect Science Formulae will simultaneously produce at least six other major stabilizations:

· of energy supply and demand· of insurance markets· of unfunded liabilities· of soft currencies· of international relations· of national debts and revenues

Mikhail Gorbachev's speech delivered at the Fourth International Global Forum conference in Kyoto, Japan delineated the grave implications of a breakdown in the stability of the biosphere and the potential planetary catastrophe that might ensue. Mr. Gorbachev called for all nations and each individual to bring to bear all their efforts for the cause of human survival.

It is now a well known fact that the severe disruption of global ecosystems is the direct result of 140 years of irresponsible industrialization resulting in the extensive contamination by hydrocarbons and petrochemicals of sovereign atmospheres, lands, surface waters and critical drinking water supplies.It is no understatement to say that these deadly industrial wastes have brought ecosystems around the world to the precarious state of potential collapse. As more and more third world countries enter into industrialization for the benefit of their economies, the added pressure of their industrial wastes, improperly dealt with, will most certainly result in the drastic destabilization of planetary ecosystems.

Mr. Gorbachev clearly stated in his address that the foundations of human existence could be undermined, threatening life on earth. Although these issues of industrial and economic

development are complex and are interwoven with cultural and social trends internationally, three major challenges can be identified for discussion.

The first major challenge is the intensive remediation of global environments which have become supersaturated with toxic hydrocarbon and petrochemical wastes. This task will require the development of environmental purification technologies which must be applicable for wide scale, cost effective implementation.

The second major challenge is the complete restructuring of industrial toxic waste stream management which to date is based upon the premise of irresponsible disposal and dumping of toxic wastes into the global environments. This task will require the development of broad based cost effective neutralization technologies which will eliminate the continuation of industrial toxic waste stream disposal into the environment.

The third major challenge is the renovation of The Liquid Fuel Cycle which has been supplying global industry and commerce with fuels that cause massive and aggravated pollution of global atmospheres due to incomplete combustion. This task will require the development of technologies for the construction of new clean burning hydrocarbon eco-fuels, that will permit, through complete combustion, continued use of the vast stockpiles of hydrocarbons available for industry and commerce without the backlash of environmental degradation.

It is the great pleasure of Perfect Science, at this time, to announce that Perfect Science has finalized historic research and development in the above mentioned fields of environmental remediation, industrial toxic waste stream neutralization, and clean burning hydrocarbon eco-fuels. Perfect Science engineers have developed methodologies for the in situ destruction of toxic hydrocarbon and petrochemical wastes.These methodologies can be applied for macro-purification of polluted atmospheres, toxic soils, contaminated surface waters, poisoned drinking water supplies and urban sewage streams. The Perfect Science in situ Purification Technologies render all hydrocarbon and petrochemical pollutants into bio-nutrients.

Toxic surface waters have been completely purified and restored for aquatic life.Toxic soils have been completely purified and restored for agricultural production.

Toxic drinking water supplies have been completely purified and restored for human consumption. Through aerial application, polluted atmospheres have been completely cleansed.

With regard to neutralization of industrial toxic waste streams Perfect Science has finalized research and development for technologies that thoroughly cleanse industrial waste streams by settling out all heavy metals and at the same time completely destroy in situ toxic chemicals, thereby rendering all industrial effluents suitable for disposal into the environment.Perfect Science has developed for industry advanced fire suppression and fire fighting technologies which make possible, for the first time in industrial history, the collapse of toxic explosive vapor domes prevalent wherever industrial chemicals are stored and utilized.

The Perfect Science Technologies, by successfully collapsing volatile vapor domes of explosive chemicals, can effectively eliminate the threat of aggravated industrial disasters resulting from the use and storage of explosive chemicals.

Thirdly, the renovation of the Liquid Fuel Cycle is a clear priority for mankind at this juncture in human history during which time all industry and commerce worldwide are dependent on a variety of hydrocarbon fuels for their diverse requirements. The simple tragedy of these hydrocarbon fuels is their inability to experience complete combustion during their use. Whether these hydrocarbons are in the form of heavy crudes, coal slurries or diesel fuels the inability for these fuels to completely combust on a molecular level renders vast devastation of global atmospheres. Perfect Science has finalized research and development for the construction of revolutionary clean burning hydrocarbon eco-fuels.Quite simply, The Perfect Science Technologies permit complete and total combustion of all liquid hydrocarbon fuels. The Perfect Science Technologies also purify these hydrocarbon fuels of unwanted sulphur and other minerals. As can be easily surmised regarding the above developments, this process of complete combustion will render a vastly increased yield where each molecule of hydrocarbon fuel will now be utilized during the combustion process.

n truth, Perfect Science has laid the foundation for a new global reality of petrochemistry where the science of hydrocarbons merges with the science of water. From time immemorial water has served as the primary medium for the innumerable complex chemical reactions needed to sustain all life. Within this aqueous medium, at ambient temperatures, chemical reactions are constantly

supporting the simplest of micro-organisms to the most complex of species, Man himself. Most certainly, without the complex chemistry of water, all planetary life would cease to exist. Truly, then, the science of water is the chemistry for life.

In the view of history the science of water and the science of hydrocarbons have been at odds. The science of hydrocarbons, with its man-made complex chemical reactions, has supplied much bounty to mankind. However, within aqueous mediums at ambient temperatures, hydrocarbon chemical reactions have been impossible. All that has now been changed forever.

Today, I bring to you a new science of petrochemistry where the complex science of water and the complex science of hydrocarbons are joined as one. Here, within this new petrochemistry, unlimited chemical reactions, heretofore impossible, are now manifested easily, perfectly. Here, within this new petrochemistry, the true science of hydrocarbons will blossom forth and the blessings of Our Creator will be multiplied a thousandfold.

Perfect Science is therefore pleased to announce that it has finalized research and development pertaining to historic scientific advancements in the field of petrochemistry. Perfect Science has developed Formulae, in the form of aqueous based phase transfer catalysts, which have the remarkable capability of reducing or increasing the molecular weight of hydrocarbons in aqueous mediums at ambient temperatures.This remarkable scientific accomplishment is made possible because The Perfect Science Phase Transfer Catalysts disrupt the hydrogen bonding attractive forces of water molecules. This disruption drastically collapses the interfacial tension of water molecules and transforms water in the True Universal Solvent. This new Universal Solvent now has the capacity, for the first time in history, to disrupt the inter-molecular attractive forces binding hydrocarbon molecules (van der Waals force) at ambient temperatures. As a result of this phenomenal action initiated by the Perfect Science Catalysts, the hydrocarbon molecules are place into micro-fine colloidal dispersions. The hydrocarbons are completely dissolved within this new Universal solvent. Aqueous solutions are now created with hydrocarbons in which new and vastly accelerated chemical reactions can take place. Science has determined that the rates of the fastest chemical reactions in aqueous mediums are determined simply by the encounter frequency (frequency of collision) of the reactants or solute particles.By placing hydrocarbons into micro-fine colloidal dispersions the Perfect Science Phase Transfer Catalysts initiate an exponential

increase in the frequency of collision of the solute particles within the transformed aqueous medium. This exponential increase in the frequency of collision of the solute particles will permit an unlimited number of accelerated chemical reactions whereby unprecedented oxidation reduction reactions (electron transfer) can take place at ambient temperatures.

The historic capacity of the Perfect Science Phase Transfer Catalysts to reduce or increase the molecular weight of hydrocarbons at ambient temperatures will transform the Liquid Fuel Cycle from cradle to grave. Applied to current hydrocarbon related activities the Perfect Science Catalysts will streamline all phases of extraction, transportation, production, processing, distribution and utilization of hydrocarbons. Perfect Science has engineered specific Phase Transfer Catalysts for application throughout the following hydrocarbon Sciences: enhanced oil reservoir stimulation; viscosity reduction for pipeline transmission; desulphurization; cold cracking; low energy refining; new petrochemicals development; new plastics production; fire suppression and spontaneity inhibition; fuel additives for complete combustion; toxic materials clean-up and disposal; oil storage tank maintenance; by-product neutralization; waste water treatment and environmental remediation of polluted waters and polluted soils.

In summary, clean energy, clean industry and a clean environment are the hallmarks of The Perfect Science Technologies. The advent of The Perfect Science Technologies truly satisfies the dual demands of continued worldwide industrial growth and environmentally sustainable development. In brotherhood, let us conjoin our mutual visions of peace, prosperity and ecological responsibility for the benefit of all nations, their peoples, and the planet that sustains us all.

PERFECT SCIENCE ISTANBUL, TURKEYPerfect Science Technologies - Options for Humanitywhiteaglesoaring@yahoo.comfor best results use Internet ExplorerOptions for HumanityAYTERION PERFECT SCIENCEWWW.PERFECTSCIENCE.COM1

______________________________________________________________------------Terry Welch was attacked by Doyuk and Drunvalo following so Sue Mount wrote  this small information on the net .

Their a lot more to story as the Flower of Life followers know very well. The reason of Flower Of Life founder Drunvalo was money and she would not go along with the lie's both Doyuk and Drunvalo were spreading around the world .

History of Pan-Thor Technology/Perfect Science

My name is Ms  Terry Welch and I am an activist; I am an environmentalist and a multi-dimensional being. I do not believe in colors, borders or countries. I believe in humanity. I lived in Turkey and all over the world on my quest to find a solution and funding for the Pan_Thor Formula's .

My father, mother and brother Kevin  are activists. My sister has been a Green Peace activist for years, both in the field and office. She worked and lived with Cesar Chavez in California and along with her husband, participated in the United Farm Workers protest.

We brought to ISKI (the municipality of Istanbul water and sewer) all the publications of the Green Peace magazine and different environmental magazines. As well as the Pan_Thor Formula's ( In Turkey Pantor ) with the Pan_Thor Think in Cornwall and Sharon ,Ct.

In 1992, there was no environmental awareness in Turkey. The Turkish government graciously translated all of the magazines and became environmentally aware. They were a team of government workers, improving the Pan-Thor formula, alongside Andrew Nixon , Randall Miller  Ralph Huntington , Charles Knox , Jake Bell , Joe Eke , the late maryanne Chapla Gerald Thomas Welch  Nancy O'Brien Welch , Theresa O'Brien Greboski , A Doyuk  and myself who lived in Istanbul at the time .

While in Istanbul I  was exposed to toxic waste from a shoe factory in Istanbul, and was treated for it. My body and skin were covered with sores and rashes three levels deep. I have lupus and am a multi-dimensional human being. The toxins were so bad in Istanbul where I lived, we had no running water for 2 months. The whole area – a million people – was exposed to toxins. If I turned the faucet on, the water ran black. They finally shut the water off. Every day I had to boil buckets of water to use for cleaning; I had to bring home gallons of spring water. At that time in Turkey, there was no doctor who could treat me; I had lupus for which they had no method of treatment. During this period, I was pregnant. I started to treat myself

with the Perfect Science Breaker formula. I promised myself after coming back to the United States that when we succeeded in getting a commercial grant, that we would bring forth the health remedies to cleanse the body and help the body heal itself.We did do just that with Ayterion Wellness Systems . Created by Nancy Welch , Gerald Welch and my self .

We accomplished that and more we were able to bring a complete system  with Full Circle Techology, and the help of the late Kevin Thomas Welch , Donald Braun his wife Betty Braun who funded us including Doyuk ( his many tax problems )  John Alderson, D.C., Joe Arm, D.C., John Mikuzes, D.O., Jim Trider, David Morse , JoAnn Spreitzer, William Spreitzer, Randall Miller, Nancy Welch, Gerald Welch, Dan O'Connell, Esq. and my daughter, all of whom believed in me. We succeeded in completing a research project based on all the work  and various formulas that we  developed. The development of these formulas happened in Joliet, Illinois at the clinic of John Alderson, D.C.and in Cocoa Beach , Florida where we also live 

With the help of JoAnn ,  William Spreitzer,of Vital Earth Solution of Lockport , Illinois ,who loan us a large sum of money went to Istanbul many times , they work on many projects who help we can never repay .

Mr Dan O'Connell who also loaded us money ,Mr. Lex Hahn of Natural Resourse Systems who loaded us the money back in 1998 brought our first delivery wagnon we grew fast . Help shipping and setting up orders .

For two years, we treated people and taught them how the environment is directly linked to their health. Then in March, 1999, we had a conference a the Cocoa Beach Beach Island Resort ( arrange by Eric Ekvall ,  Andrew Nixon , Charles Knox , and Myself.

). In attendance was the late  Slim Spurling, his wife Katrina from Germany, Erick Eckvall, his wife, Joell from Venezuela, James Sia, (who gave Perfect Science  a conference in Torrance, California at the Marriott in April, 1999),the late Dennis Weaver (whose picture is on the website of the Cocoa Beach Beach Island Resort), Daniel O'Connell, Andrew Nixon, Nazarene Sefar ( who paid our Doctor Alderson a sum of eight thousand which he took and they ran away together leaving his wife Tim behind it was told to many people that Drunvalo gave her money to stop working on health systems which he and Doyuk were

trying to take control of , Ms Campbell, Mr  Jackson (whose ticket was purchased by Slim Spurling and who is one of the verifiers along with Slim Spurling  that Drunvalo Melchizidek speaks aboutat Wesak in 1999. The famous meeting in Cocoa beach my second home for many years .

Doing the presentation were Dan O'Connell,  Andrew Nixon, Terry Welch, and Ayhan Doyuk of Perfect Science AD, and Doctor Alderson DC before he ran away . 

Mr Eric Ekvall wife  Joell started marketing the Breaker, Alpah as well as the bath formula's and Blood Disease (Clear) formulas in Venezuela.

After leaving Cocoa Beach, a few months later, a secret meeting was arranged by Peter Jackson (which was not a secret at all), that Drunvalo speaks about in his famous speech at Wesak. This was after Perfect Science had Doyuk go to England and Doyuk would not work with science so of course science would not work with him . Today in 2009 Doyuk tell people a complete lie if it true then where si his proof .We be glad to show our's in court and will be soon in Germany and Poland .(2009) click police report

The intentions of Mr. Peter Jackson and Drunvalo were to utilize the environmental formulas for the company called SAIC. Because of politics (we have this communication in emails with Peter Jackson in our attorney's office), they chose not to move forward, and instead formed a company which consisted of Peter Jackson, Drunvalo Melchizidek and Drunvalo's special group of friends, on their own, in an attempt to hijack the formulas from mainline science and environmental cleanup and, place it into the realm of mysticism. greed and spoiled Drunvalo and Doyuk

This was a conspiracy based on greed, not greed of companies, but for the personal agenda of Drunvalo. This we have in writing, including conference calls, between us at our attorney's office. We are in dispute, as they say differently. We're asking them to face us with a lawsuit. We ask you or them  to contact Dan O'Connell, our attorney, if this is not true. We show you the proof . It will soon be in the court case in Germany and Poland .

We set out to do this work until we accomplished our goal; in 1999, we sought out a group to research the work which we had already accomplished. We wanted new testing device working with Bio-Feed back , Micro -Current which we were already working with Doctor Lennox PHD since Alderson day's.

That group is Full Circle Technology. We took a device ,Jim Trider renamed and called the Aquatron, developed by Douglas Leber, N.D . whom you can read about in the book Diagnosis Unknown written by Randy Smith.

Jim Trider , David Morse of Full Circle work on a solf ware program for tesing pt following Perfect Science Ayterion systemsinvented by Ms Nancy O'Brien Welch and Myself . We called Ayterion Aquatron Aqua Inc Systems . Using also Portal of engery

At the completion of our research, after the flood in Venezuela, I personally donated to Full Circle over $100,000 or more of formulas, all that we could carry on an airplane, and began treating people in Venezuela. We were accompanied by Joseph Arme, D.C., Jim Trider and David Morris. If you wish to verify this info, you can reach Jim Trider at 941-320-0002. We have receipts for the airline tickets. Not only did we (Perfect Science A.D.) donate formulas, we paid for the tickets, and we donated the testing. No one received any monetary reimbursement whatsoever from any of the work that we did in Venezuela. We treated them in Angel Falls, Caracas and other areas all over Venezuala. We were on TV in Venezuala. David Morris, free of charge, donated his testing and treatment of hundreds and hundreds of people. We have in our possession copies of all of these tests and all of the work I am writing about, including all the people's signed release forms (that we can publish). This was a research project.

Dr. Michael Mickley and Dr Joseph Arme published a paper that was on our website, (this website is no longer online). This is the truth and the story of Pan-Thor/Perfect Science/Perfect Science AD. I am not a crook, nor a criminal; I am an activist and a multidimensional human being. Our motive was to bring forth a new paradigm, not a new guru.

The Historical Timeline

The Beginning

Andrew Nixon, Charles Knox, Ralph Huntington - 20 years of marketing an exclusive formula for cleaning up toxic waste, nuclear waste, and all environmental toxins.

1992 –

Joint Venture between the Ayhan Doyuk group of companies which consists of Ms. Terry Welch, Randall Miller and Ayhan Doyuk.

This Joint Venture was developed for the research and development of the Pan-Thor formula, which we prototyped in 1992 through 1996 with the Turkish government for the cleanup of toxic waste of sewers, lakes, rivers, streams, aquifers, oil, etc., under the auspices of ISKI, the municipality of the water and sewer department of Istanbul. Mr. Doyuk and Terry Welch worked with Mustafa Koresh in July, 1992 at the time of the workers' strike on the sewers and garbage dumps in Istanbul, Turkey. Our offices were in Istanbul, run by a woman by the name of Mrs. Zerrin Bayraktar in Erenkoy, Istanbul, Turkey. Mrs. Bayraktar was gracious enough to allow the Ayhan Doyuk group of companies/Pan-Thor Technology to operate out of their office in Istanbul. She and her partner brought us to the municipality of Istanbul for the project of cleaning up the Golden Horn.

1992 -

Randall Miller brought a man by the name of Ira Boggs to finance the company called International Beef Live Animal Import and Export. Randall Miller lives in New Jersey and is quoted on the internet on Alan Heart's website, and gave a speech in Chicago, Illinois at the symposium in 1998 that introduced to the American public, and the companies present (some of them being SMC, Shell Oil, Clark Oil) and many other companies who worked with us This event was held in Carol Stream, Illinois and was paid for by Mr. Jerry Tulley, who returned from Istanbul after being sent there by Mr. Lex Hahn and Ms. Terry Welch to tour the Perfect Science A.D. factory, in Torlu, Turkey. Terry Welch and Andrew Nixon called the address the Story of Hope, the Golden Horn. Terry Welch, Andrew Nixon and Charles Knox released an immediate newsletter to all governments of the worlds announcing the "Good News." (Perfect Science is a new paradigm. It is the idea and the thought that everything is possible with work, duplication, application, correction, beta testing, blueprinting. It is not about a guru; it is not a mystical formula. It is a paradigm shift.)

1994 –

In early 1994, Ms. Terry Welch and Randall Miller talked to a very gracious and famous man who is personal friends with Terry Welch and her family, Sheik Jamjoom, the owner of Jamjoom Center for Commerce and Industry, and his assistant and vice president Nacim, who has been working in a business association with Terry

Welch for many years in Saudi Arabia. He came to Istanbul, and witnessed the work and accomplishments of what the Ayhan Doyuk group of companies, including International Beef Live Animal Import and Export (opened 1992 and funded by Ira Boggs for the sum of $50,000 for improvement of genetic stock and work). Sheik Jamjoom, on whom you can find information in newspapers in Saudi Arabia, supported the vision and mission of Mr. Ayhan Doyuk, Mr. Andrew Nixon, Mr. Randall Miller, and Ms. Terry Welch, of cleaning up the planet.

Early in the year 1994, Jamjoon Group (Sheik Jamjoom), Ayhan Doyuk, Pan-Thor Technology (Randall Miller, Andrew Nixon, Terry Welch, Ayhan Doyuk) and Dick Wensel formed a company by the name of Perfect Science, which has been published in newspapers and is described as a Saudi Arabian/Turkish company.

1996 -

The UN conference Habitat II –

Present were Mr. Lex Hahn, Mr. Andrew Nixon and Mr Ayhan Doyuk. All arrangements for the United Nations presentation were made by Terry Welch and Andrew Nixon. We presented for the commercialization part of the United Nations conference and we also spoke at the office conference (Mr. Andrew Nixon) arranged by Sir Anthony Edwards.

In 1996, Andrew Nixon (an unexpected last minute speaker) spoke at the United Nations conference, Habitat II, that was held in Istanbul, Turkey. For verification, the U.N. is in receipt, through Anthony Edwards, of documents that Terry Welch and Andrew Nixon wrote to Anthony Edwards and various other people who were the head of Habitat II at that time. The people in Kenya, Africa then called and spoke personally with Andrew Nixon and Terry Welch, who at that time were in Chicago, Illinois at the home of Karen Erickson in Orland Park.

They sent over official notification they had reviewed the work that we had done in Istanbul, which is seen on the video of the conference in Chicago in 1998, and asked Andrew Nixon and Terry Welch to speak in China, and eventually in Istanbul.

September, 1997 –

Pan-Thor Technology/Perfect Science demonstrates to the Corps of Engineers in Chicago, Illinois, and a Mr. Hason Peker (Perfect

Science A.D., Torlu, Turkey). We did a demonstration inside their offices in Chicago at their invitation.

At the international office of the EPA, Chicago Illinois, (Dirksen Federal Building on Jackson Street), we did a live demonstration for the EPA, including all the division heads and regional division heads, introducing the Perfect Science formula. Present were Hasan Pecker, Terry Welch, Aysha, a reporter from Torlu, Turkey, Ayhan Doyuk, and a congressman from the Joliet, Illinois office.

We demonstrated to the city of Chicago Heights Mayor's office the cleanup of a dump site in Chicago Heights, which was written about in the W_O_W. (Walk on Water) Yahoo group (

September, 1997 –

Terry Welch, Andrew Nixon visit the IGT (International Gas Technologies, Des Plaines, Illinois) at the invitation of John Kilbane, Ph.D.

December, 1997 –

John Kilbane, Terry Welch, travel to Istanbul, Turkey to witness cleanup of a Shell Oil station (tickets paid for as a humanitarian gesture by Lex Hahn).

March, 1998 -

John Micuzes, D.C., an EPA official (with special permission from the EPA as a consultant), Dr. Tom Ball and Ms. Terry Welch, travel to Torlu, Turkey to tour the factory and to discuss future cleanup in joint cooperation to do research development in the United States with the Perfect Science formula.

June-August 1999 –

Perfect Science was approached by Michael Mathias who stayed in Istanbul for 3 months, making an offer on behalf of Drunvalo Melchizidek in writing (which our attorneys have a copy of), asking Andrew Nixon, Terry Welch, Randall Miller and Ayhan Doyuk to turn over the mission and the movement that we created.

August, 1999 –

Michael Mathias' Invitation to Symposium:

"Greetings from Istanbul! My name is Michael Mathias and I am working with Mr. Ayhan Doyuk to form a worldwide organization aimed at cleaning the environment through the global distribution of Perfect Science products

Many of you recently emailed me inquiring about a symposium to be held in Turkey on August 7th and 8th. Apparently, there are many different accounts of the content and purpose of this symposium floating around cyberspace. So let me attempt to clarify the situation by telling what is known at this point.

On August 7th and 8th, a symposium will be held at the Tarabya Hotel in Istanbul. The event will feature Mr. Doyuk demonstrating and explaining his technology – particularly as it relates to its application in the cleaning of the interior and exterior of buildings. (This comes on the heels of a recent contract with a government contractor to do this type of work.) The symposium is sponsored by the Turkish government and will be targeted to management-level government employees and employees of government contractors who may have an interest in utilizing Perfect Science technology within their organizations. At this time, the agenda for the event has yet to be finalized. There are no fees to attend and no formal invitation is required. Understandably, given the target audience, the symposium will be conducted entirely in Turkish. Nonetheless, to those of you from abroad who are planning to come to Turkey for this event, we whole-heartedly welcome you and we will do everything we can to ensure that it's an informative and enjoyable experience.

For those of you who are unable to attend this particular event but have an interest in coming to Turkey to better understand Perfect Science, I invite you to attend a very special event to be held in Istanbul from Saturday, September 18th through Tuesday, September 21st. This four-day event will mark the grand opening of the new Perfect Science manufacturing facility and the public launch of Perfect Science International, Mr. Doyuk's newly formed worldwide organization. There will be a number of demonstrations and talks given throughout the four-day event (including a world press conference on the 21st), all designed to provide a better understanding of the Perfect Science technology and the new organization. During your time in Turkey, you will be able to tour the new facility and hear directly from Mr. Doyuk and others involved in Perfect Science International. In addition, participants of this event can take part in sightseeing trips through historic (and very charming) Istanbul during that weekend. [One more added incentive for those who don't speak

Turkish: this event will be conducted entirely in English, as the target audience and content will be of a much more international scope.]

If you are interested in attending this special four-day Perfect Science event, please respond back to this message confirming your interest, and I will be sure to send you further details in the coming weeks. Also, please feel free to forward this message to friends and family who may also be interested in attending this special event. If you are planning to attend the symposium in early August, please respond with your planned arrival date and flight information and I will be happy to assist you with hotel arrangements or whatever else you may need in anticipation of that event.

Your interest in these events and your underlying intent to help restore the Earth to its original, pristine state is sincerely appreciated. We look forward to continued interaction with you related to the Perfect Science mission and hope to welcome each you to Istanbul in the very near future.

Sincerely, Michael J. Mathias Download Neoplanet at http :// www . neoplanet . com "

In attendance (we cannot name all of them - there are so many) Anna Ramser , Switzerland, Roger Lawson, England and Ireland, Joanna Buckland, big island of Hawaii, JoAnn Spreitzer, Lockport, Illinois, William Spreitzer, Lockport, Illinois, Lex Hahn, Joliet, IL, Randall Miller, Oakhurst New Jersey. Andrew Nixon Sharon, Connecticut; Sheila McCarthy (whose tickets were paid for by AD Perfect, Joliet, Illinois for the purpose of filming the conference, and who refused to turn over the film after the conference, asking AD Perfect for $11,000, which was impossible after the earthquake – all the money we had was going to restoring the factory), Gunner Keeler, the son of the film star late Howard Keel, Dallas TX; Vicki Goodwin, and many others.

August, 1999 –

Earthquake devastates Perfect Science factory in Istanbul.

I, Terry Welch and Daniel O'Connell would like to thank the late Dr. Joshua Stone, his wife, Wistancia Stone, for purchasing a large amount of the Water of Life ( formula from us in the United States at our company, which is owned by Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk (AD Perfect, Inc.) after the earthquake to help us pull machinery out of the ground and hire

people to help us do that. That money went with receipts and wire transfers to Ayhan Doyuk to assist him after Perfect Science, the factory and all the work we had accomplished was destroyed by an earthquake We would also like to thank Ann Merill for purchasing the Perfect Science formula, Mother's Water; that money also went to help support pulling the equipment out of the ground. That money was delivered (with receipts) by the Perfect Science team to Ayhan Doyuk to pay for equipment, bottles and labels. I, Terry Welch, would like to thank Richard and Joslyn MacIntyre for the $50,000 they personally gave Ayhan Doyuk for the sole purpose of helping him start all over again. I, Terry Welch, would like to thank Wistancia Stone, the late Joshua David Stone. Anna Ramser, Roger Lawson, Carol Lawson, William Baumgartner, Joanne Spreitzer, Bill Spreitzer, the late Mona Harris, James Sia, Miceal Ledwith (What the Bleep Do We Know), World Water Day, Yelm, Washington, Dan O'Connell, and Lex Hahn, for all the financial support, belief, complete true faith, dedication to serving the planet, and the work they've done with Mother's Water, Planet Water, and Water of Life and for their financial support over the years that went (with receipt and proof in our attorney's office, 815-723-2909) directly to Turkey. At no time did Lex Hahn, Daniel O'Connell, JoAnn Spreitzer, William Spreitzer, or myself, Terry Welch, receive any money, any profits or any gain. The monies that were made from the sale of Mother's Water and the Water of Life went directly to Turkey to try to recover the equipment and bottles, and to cover all the expenses that were needed after the devastation of the earthquake. This can be proven. So for all of you out there that say we have gained financially and are charging a high price for the formula – this is not magic water – this is a formula. Formulas cost money, time, factories, workers, people, wages, and taxes. Considering all the above, including research and development over many years, the price of the formulas is very reasonable and affordable.

October of 1999 –

The development with AD Perfect, Inc., Joliet IL, Perfect Science A.D., and World Water Day, Yelm, Washington, and Miceal Ledwith of a joint venture between AD Perfect, Inc., Full Circle, the World Water Day, Perfect Science A.D., to market and sell formula in Yelm, Washington and all over the world. We marketed and sold Concentration, Grail, Breaker and Clear and many other products. They purchased an Aquatron and assisted Full Circle in the research and development of the Aquatron and Perfect Science A.D. formulas for health.

November 1999 –

Yelm Washington -Mr. Doyuk, World Water Day, Carol Lawson, and Miceal gave a symposium. Speaking were William Baumgartner, Daniel O'Connell, Miceal (What the Bleep Do We Know) and Ayhan Doyuk - who demonstrated the Perfect Science A.D. formulas.

Ayterion Agua™ Perfect Science

Copyrights Ayterion Agua™ Perfect Science 1990-2008Perfect Science A.D. is an American research company. The environmental products are manufactured in Turkey, whereas the products for human beings and animals are entirely manufactured in U.S.A. Perfect Science considers the cleansing of the human bodies, as well as the local and global environment in which we live, to be essential in the realization of the new world of free energy.

DisclaimerDISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to diagnose or recommend medical treatment of any kind for any one. Please consult with your doctor for approval before using these products as part of treatment of any disease or condition.
