About me Brittanie Azeez I love going to Chucky Cheese The reason why I like going is because my...


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About me Brittanie Azeez

• I love going to Chucky Cheese

• The reason why I like going is because my little cousins like going to and when there happy Im happy

This Christmas is my favorite movie

I like this Christmas because it is a family movie

There is a lot of my favorite movie stars in there to like,, Lauren London, Chris brown, Loretta Devine, Reqina king,etc

My favorite TV show is for the love of ray j

I watch this every time I see it on

I like this because it a reality show were real stuff happens and even though people get hurt they still keep there heads up high

Chris brown is my favorite male singer

I have always liked Chris brown since he was 16 and even when he got into trouble

The things I like a bout Chris brown is that he is the cutest boy on earth he is nice he has a nice smile he always puts his family before he would even do anything with himself I no a lot about Chris brown and no I don’t stock Im I just no a lot about him if I ever had a son I would want him to be just like Chris brown except the fact that he beat up rihanna

My favorite food would be pizza

Other people like fried chicken or something casual but I like Italian food its good

I like pizza because I can put of stuff on it like pineapples French fries u can put different verities on it

My favorite car

My favorite car is and 2003 Cadillac Escalade ext

I like this car because this is a nice car

Some people say this is a dudes car but I like this car so I am going to get it when I come from college

My favorite thing to do My favorite thing to do

is sleep

I don’t know why I like to sleep so much but I do

My mom says I am lazy because I can sleep for like 12 hours if I wanted to

The thing that frightens me the most

• I am most scared of walking home by my self and someone snatching me

• I don’t know what to do and my mom does not pay any attention because she thinks Im at the store with my friends

• I am most scared of rapist

My Favorite Book series to read

• My favorite book series is Bluford high series

• I like these book because it shows how real life really Is I haven't really read all of them but I read some and they where really good
