ABG English Speech Final 2014 15



Mumbai municipal corp. budget speech 2014-2015

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  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 1

    Mr. Chairman,

    I am presenting to the Standing Committee, the estimates

    of receipt and income and expenditure pertaining to the Budgets

    A (Fund code 11, 12, 60, 70), B (Fund Code 21, 22, 23) and

    G (Fund Code 40) for the financial year 2014-15 in pursuance

    of Sections 125 and 126E of the MMC Act, 1888.

    Revised Estimates 2013-14 and Budget Estimates 2014-15

    The size of the Budget Estimates and the abstracts of the

    revenue account and the capital account under A (Fund code

    11, 12, 60, 70), B (Fund code 21, 22, 23), E (Fund code

    30), G (Fund code 40) and Tree Authority (Fund code 50)

    are given below and the details thereof are given in the

    Annexures I to IV on pages 115-118.

    The total size of Budget Estimates for 2014-2015 is

    `31178.19 crore, which is 27.72% more than Revised

    Estimates 2013-14.

    The Revised Estimates of Capital Expenditure for the

    year 2013-14 i.e. `6430.33 crore as against Budget Estimates

    2013-14 is `9369.41 crore. In the Budget Estimates 2014-15,

    the Capital Expenditure is estimated at `11051.69 crore which

    is 17.96% higher than the current year Capital Budget


    The Estimates of the Revenue Income is `22111.97 crore

    vis--vis the Estimates for the Revenue Expenditure is

    `20120.73 crore for 2014-15.

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 2

    SIZE OF BUDGET ESTIMATES A (Fund code 11, 12, 60, 70) B(Fund code 21, 22, 23), E (Fund code 30), G (Fund

    code 40) and TREE AUTHORITY (Fund code 50)

    (` in crore)


    Budget Estimates


    Revised Estimates


    Budget Estimates




    Expenditure Income /


    Expenditure Income/




    Income 20472.61 20756.89 22111.97


    Expenditure 18123.16 17908.53 20120.73


    Receipts 7106.06 3654.81 9066.22


    Expenditure 9369.41 6430.33 11051.69

    Total 27578.67 27492.57 24411.70 24338.86 31178.19 31172.42

    Excess of




    86.10 72.84 5.77

    Size of


    Estimates 27578.67 27578.67 24411.70 24411.70 31178.19 31178.19

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 3


    (` in crore)

    Fund Code






    11 General Budget 17143.50

    12 Health Budget 193.48

    21 Improvement Schemes 50.74

    22 Slum Clearance 0.89

    23 Slum Improvement 20.31

    30 Education Budget 513.90

    40 Water Supply and Sewerage 4140.85

    50 Tree Authority 48.30

    60 Provident Fund ..

    70 Pension Fund ..

    Net Income 22111.97


    11 General Budget 9524.62

    12 Health Budget 2179.35

    21 Improvement Schemes 177.50

    22 Slum Clearance 5.08

    23 Slum Improvement 158.94

    30 Education Budget 1642.75

    40 Water Supply and Sewerage 2747.03

    50 Tree Authority 67.56

    60 Provident Fund 6.61

    70 Pension Fund 3611.29

    Net Expenditure 20120.73

    Revenue Surplus during the year 1991.24

    Surplus transfer to Capital Account 1990.07

    Surplus 1.17

    Net of transfer to other budgets.

    Includes withdrawal from accumulated surplus

    amounting to `10.23 crore

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 4


    (` in crore)

    Fund Code Particulars Budget



    Capital Receipts

    11 General Budget 6410.99

    21 Improvement Schemes 288.15

    23 Slum Improvement 22.50

    30 Education Budget


    40 Water Supply and Sewerage


    50 Tree Authority 10.82

    Total 9066.22

    Transfer from Revenue Account 1990.07

    Total fund available for Capital



    Capital Expenditure

    11 General Budget 6737.97

    12 Health Budget 727.38

    21 Improvement Schemes 287.25

    23 Slum Improvement 61.45

    30 Education Budget 345.38

    40 Water Supply and Sewerage 2881.44

    50 Tree Authority 10.82

    Total 11051.69

    Surplus 4.60

    Withdrawal from accumulated surplus.

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 5

    Now, I enumerate provisions under Budget Estimates

    A, B & E. The Budget Estimates for the year 2014-15

    alongwith Budget Estimates and Revised Estimates for the

    year 2013-14 (Budgets A,B & E) on Revenue Account are

    given in the following Table :-

    Table-1 Revenue Account Budget A, B, E

    (` in crore)








    2013-14 2013-14 2014-15

    Revenue Income 16452.30 16859.39 17958.82

    Revenue Expenditure 14932.91 15140.84 16863.15

    Surplus during the year 1519.39






    Transfer to Capital

    Account 1518.00 1718.00 1094.50

    Surplus 1.39 0.55 1.17

    The above table shows that the Revised Estimates of

    revenue income have increased by `407.09 crore as compared

    to the Budget Estimates of 2013-14. In the Budget Estimates

    2013-14 income of `3362.41 crore was estimated from

    Development Plan department. In the Revised Estimates for

    2013-14 it is revised to `4743.95 crore showing an increase of

    `1381.54 crore as compared to Budget Estimates 2013-14.

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 6

    This is mainly due to the slightly higher than the anticipated

    realization of revenue income from the new source of premium

    against fungible FSI. However, the gross income from octroi

    estimated at `7840 crore in the Budget Estimates of 2013-14

    has been revised to `7300 crore. Thus, as compared to the

    Budget Estimates 2013-14, the income from octroi is likely to

    be decreased by `540 crore while in the Revised Estimates the

    gross income from the source of Property Tax is estimated

    equal to Budget Estimates of 2013-14.

    In the year 2013-14, the Revised Estimate of Revenue

    Expenditure is `16858.84 crore as against Budget Estimates

    of `16450.91 crore showing increase of `407.93crore. While

    revising the estimates of Revenue Expenditure of 2013-14,

    contribution to Capital Fund from Revenue Account is

    proposed to be increased to `1718 crore from `1518 crore in

    B.E. 2013-14. Similarly, the provision for Infrastructure

    Development Fund is proposed for increase from `1330 crore

    to `2040 crore. Moreover, in the Revised Estimates 2013-14,

    it is proposed to give contribution of `1000 crore to Assets

    Replacement Fund.

    Likewise, Revised Capital Expenditure is estimated at

    `4289.66 crore as against Budget Estimates of `6143.64 crore.

    In the B.E. 2013-14, the total Capital Receipt was estimated to

    `6214.65 crore. This included internal loan of `2000 crore,

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 7

    withdrawal from Special Fund of `1669.10 crore and

    `200 crore from Central Govt. for BRIMSTOWAD Project,

    contribution of `1518 crore from Revenue Account and other

    receipt of `827.55 crore. As per Revised Estimates 2013-14,

    the Capital Receipts are estimated to `4352.24 crore in which

    no amount of internal loan is proposed. It comprises

    withdrawal from Special Funds to the tune of `1684.05 crore,

    contribution of `1718 crore from Revenue Account and other

    receipts of `950.19 crore. Due to revision in Capital

    Expenditure, there is no need to raise internal loan of

    `2000 crore as envisaged in the B.E. 2013-14.

    The estimated revenue for 2014-15 at `17958.82 crore

    exceeds the estimated revenue expenditure by `1095.67 crore.

    Hence, funds of `1094.50 crore are proposed to be transferred

    to the Capital Account.

    The estimated Capital Expenditure for the year 2014-15

    is `8159.43 crore. It is estimated that internal loan of `2000

    crore will have to be raised to meet this Capital Expenditure.

    For estimation details of various sources of income

    vis-a-vis Budget Estimates of revenue income under Revised

    Estimates for 2013-14 and the Budget Estimates for 2014-15,

    I refer to Table 2 which gives the details of various sources of

    income with comparative position of Budget Estimates for


  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 8

    Table-2 - Details of Revenue Income Budget A, B, E

    (` in crore)

    Octroi, Development Charges and Property tax are the

    main sources of revenue for the Municipal Corporation of

    Greater Mumbai.



    Particulars B.E. 2012-13









    1. Octroi (Net) 6900.00 7025.00 7740.00 7200.00 7800.00

    2. Property Tax 2200.00 2156.82 2259.66 2258.37 2259.66

    3. Receipts from



    3435.49 3240.43 3362.41 4743.95 4444.27

    4. Interest 1030.84 1036.89 1034.74 1086.95 1026.05

    5. Grant-in-Aid

    from Government

    304.04 274.07 322.94 212.60 322.88

    6. Receipts from

    Roads & Bridges

    116.97 253.81 307.17 179.03 664.33

    7. Supervision


    250.00 170.00 250.00 250.00 350.00

    8. Solid Waste


    99.99 102.43 109.64 104.91 112.80

    9. Receipts from

    Hospitals &

    Medical Colleges

    110.45 114.87 122.33 120.87 130.38

    10. Receipts from

    License Deptt.

    143.82 136.23 149.41 153.91 168.09

    11. Receipts from

    Markets &Deonar


    70.45 39.69 126.45 51.57 92.28

    12. Other Receipts 551.10 517.37 667.55 497.23 588.08

    Total 15213.15 15067.61 16452.30 16859.39 17958.82

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 9


    Improved Procurement Procedure in MCGM

    In my statement, while submitting the Budget Estimates

    of 2013-14, I had discussed the Road Map for improved

    procurement procedure. With a view to restoring the

    credibility of procurement process and to achieve the

    principles of public procurement such as ensuring efficiency,

    economy and transparency, providing fair and equitable

    treatment to bidders, promoting competition, preventing

    corrupt practices and reasonableness of price with quality, the

    MCGM has decided to formulate improved procurement

    procedure, in consonance with the principles contained in the

    Draft Public Procurement Bill 2012 and the tool kit developed

    by World Bank and Transparency International. Accordingly,

    a Procurement Tab is developed on MCGM portal for

    suggestions/feedback on procurement from general public/

    organizations. Procurement Redressal Committee has been

    established under the chairmanship of a Retired High Court

    Judge for redressal of grievances. Integrity Pact has been

    introduced to prevent corrupt practices. Technical Advisory

    Committees are formed. Best Price/No Cartelization Affidavit

    has been introduced and Procurement Manual is prepared for

    the support and guidance of various departments of MCGM

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 10

    for uniform, systematic, efficient procurement of goods,

    services and works.

    Operation of CFCs for 12 hours in a day including

    Sundays and Holidays

    Continuing MCGMs efforts to provide optimum level

    of services to the citizens of Mumbai, it is proposed to provide

    services at CFC for 12 hours in a day (8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.)

    including all Saturdays and Sundays excluding only 10 days of

    specified holidays in a year. The pilot project is started from

    1st February, 2014 in G/N, H/E & L ward. After successful

    implementation of this project in these wards, same will be

    replicated in all remaining municipal wards on or before

    1st April, 2014.

    Reforms in the Area Performance Management

    I am pleased to state that the trainings for capacity

    building and to improve communication and behavioral skills

    of staff of several departments has commenced at renowned

    institutions like IIT Mumbai, NEERI, All India Institute of

    Local Self Government, The Institute of Chartered Accountant

    of India, Yeshwantrao Chavan Administrative Institute - Pune,

    NIFM Faridabad etc.

    A DPR has been submitted to Central Government with

    a view to availing grant towards training expenses for a period

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 11

    of four years. Estimated cost is `112.50 crore. A budget

    provision of `30.38 crore has been made in the Budget

    Estimates 2014-15 for capacity building.

    Providing / Taking over the infrastructure facility like

    Water Supply, Sewerage, Storm Water Drains, Roads

    and Street Lights in MHADA colonies and colonies on

    public lands.

    Infrastructure facility like Water Supply, Sewerage,

    Storm Water Drains, Roads and Street Lights in MHADA

    colonies and colonies on public land are maintained by

    respective authorities. The residents complain about inadequate

    facilities and also improper maintenance of the facilities leading

    to unhygienic conditions. It is proposed to take over such

    facilities in these colonies by MCGM to provide improved

    services and draft policy therefor will be framed.

    Administrative Reforms

    Continuing our efforts to deepen use of IT through SAP

    backbone, comprehensive use of Project systems (PS) module

    and Material Management (MM) module is initiated.

    Integration of Vigilance Departments workflow in SAP-PS

    system (for works carried out at wards) as well as the MM

    module, for the purchase of materials including medicine

    supply etc. through Central Purchase Department and other

    departments, is achieved.

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 12

    A new system of preparing Sanction Master in PS

    Module System, before issuing work order/purchase order, has

    been developed.

    Administration has also initiated the bill tracking system

    in SAP that can be used by vendors to track the status of their

    bill payments. Online verification by vendors will be possible

    in the next two months. Presently, a tracker of notification is

    under implementation. This will pave the way for a more

    efficient payment system in MCGM.

    Improvement in the system of settlement of

    claim due to retirement

    To streamline undue delay in certain cases in settlement

    of dues payable to ex-employees and/or their legal heirs, the

    appointed consultants have studied MCGM Pension Rules and

    existing procedure of settlement of claim and have submitted

    their report. Revisions in the procedure of claim settlement

    will be completed in the next three months.

    Dues from State Government

    Municipal administration is vigorously pursuing

    recoveries of outstanding dues from different departments of

    the State Govt. Total outstanding dues from the various

    departments of the State Govt. amounts to `2531.02 crore on

    account of Grant-in-aid, Property Tax, Water & Sewerage

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 13

    Charges, MCGMs share in various taxes collected by the State

    Govt., etc., by the end of November, 2013. This includes an

    amount of `1685.02 crore on account of grant-in-aid from

    Education department of the State Govt.

    On the other hand, an amount of `564.36 crore is payable

    to the State Govt. by the MCGM. Five officers of the MCGM

    have been appointed as Nodal Officers for reconciliation and

    regular follow up of the outstanding dues with the respective

    departments in the State Govt. The State Govt. has formed a

    committee of Secretaries of UD 2, Finance and the concerned

    departments, to deliberate with the MCGM officials on

    outstanding dues and its payment to MCGM.

    I hope this issue will be finalized on priority by the State

    Govt. and MCGM would be able to recover its long outstanding

    dues in the near future.

    The following provisions in Revenue Income have been

    proposed in B.E. 2014-15 in respect of Education related dues

    from State Government :-

    1. Primary Education, Secondary Education, Road Grant, Entertainment

    Tax, Non-agricultural Assessment Tax

    and other misc. grants.

    `322.88 crore 2. Primary Education Grant from Govt. `54.86 crore 3. Secondary Education Grant from

    State Govt. `117.53 crore

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 14

    Structural audit and structural repair and

    reconstruction of municipal properties

    The unfortunate incident of Babu Genu Mandai collapse

    has highlighted the urgency of a systematic structural audit of

    municipal properties. An amendment in MMC Act, 1888

    incorporating Section 353B directs that buildings in existence

    for 30 years and more shall necessarily be structurally audited.

    Accordingly all the user departments have been instructed to

    carry out structural audit of all municipal buildings which are

    more than 30 years old and in exceptional cases, even buildings

    which are less than 30 years old, but which on a visual

    inspection need a structural audit. Accordingly, the user

    departments have already taken up the structural auditing of

    municipal properties. These Structural Audit reports will be

    scrutinized by an expert committee to decide on a techno-

    financial action plan wherein evacuation/propping/demolition/

    structural repair/reconstruction of the structures will be decided.

    I have proposed a substantial provision of `519.40 crore

    under Budget A and `22.10 crore under Budget G in B.E.

    2014-15 for project management and consultancy charges for

    heritage structures and other municipal properties, their

    structural repairs, and for their demolition and reconstruction as

    per recommendation in the audit report.

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 15

    Unified schedule of rates

    Every department in MCGM had its own Schedule of

    Rates, which lacked linkage with the Fair Market Schedule or

    Schedule of Rates of other departments resulting into extra

    items and fair rates. A new Unified Schedule of Rates has now

    been prepared after conducting a thorough factual market

    research and studying schedules of rates of Govt. bodies like

    CPWD and PWD. This Unified Schedule of Rates has been

    implemented from 16.09.2013 and all the new tenders

    thereafter are being invited on the basis of the Unified Schedule

    of Rates.

    A new Dynamic Rate System (DRS), based on a data

    base of quantities and bidding prices of awarded contracts, is

    also planned for future. This DRS will help apply necessary

    corrections to the Unified Schedule of Rates at specified

    intervals. MCGM will now be in a position to revise the

    Unified Schedule of Rates every year.

    Financial assistance to BEST undertaking

    Hike in bus fares proposed by BEST undertaking, while

    submitting the Budget Estimates C for the year 2014-15 to

    BEST Committee, has not been approved by Standing

    Committee and Corporation. While submitting the Budget

    Estimates C of BEST undertaking for the year 2014-15 to the

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 16

    Corporation, the Standing Committee, for the first time in

    108 years, has recommended to make provisions in the

    Municipal Budget for giving financial assistance to BEST with

    a view to recovering the loss to some extent incurred by the

    BEST and to provide relief to BEST administration.

    With reference to these recommendations and with the

    approval of the Corporation under Resolution No.1097 dated

    17.03.2011, a special fund viz. Dedicated Urban Transport

    Fund has been created and after its creation, a separate budget

    head Contribution to Dedicated Urban Transport Fund for

    Mumbai has also been created for giving contribution to this

    fund. To enable financial assistance to BEST undertaking, it is

    proposed to give a portion of income expected in the year

    2014-15 from various sources pertaining to transport and traffic

    as contribution to this fund. Accordingly, a portion of actual

    income of 2014-15 from the sources such as income from Pay

    and Park Scheme, income from the advertisement hoardings on

    roads as well as on street light poles, income from way leave

    charges from various utility companies, income from premium

    received from public parking under Section 33(24), or an

    amount of `100 crore whichever is less will be diverted to this

    fund as a contribution for BEST. This arrangement for

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 17

    grant-in-aid to BEST will however be restricted for the year

    2014-15 only.

    Advance for Budget G

    It is proposed to give an advance of `500 crore to Budget

    G on the same terms and conditions of advance given to

    BEST Undertaking for implementing its capital works projects.

    Creation of Slum Improvement Cell in MCGM

    Inclusive development is a mandated public policy focus.

    Access to urban services by the people living in informal

    settlements is important for inclusive development. The basic

    amenities provided in slums in Mumbai need to be upgraded to

    ensure hygienic conditions in slum colonies.

    A Slum Improvement Cell has been created under control

    of D.M.C.(C.R.A.). The Cell will deal with basic infrastructure

    and amenities in slums on MCGM, Govt. of India, Govt. of

    Maharashtra, MHADA or private lands. The Cell will assist

    administration to take strategic decisions in relation to the

    obligations associated with Clause 5A of The Maharashtra

    Slum Areas Act, 1971 for providing basic amenities in slums.

    Integrated Slum Development Programme

    It has been decided to implement an Integrated Slum

    Development Programme (ISDP) to fill the infrastructure gap

    for providing the necessary basic amenities to slum residents.

    Under this programme, plane table surveys of the entire slums

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 18

    will be carried out and the deficiencies in basic amenities will

    be mapped and a road map for integrated development of slums

    will be drawn. This Integrated Slum Development Programme

    will be implemented in a phased manner. Zonal D.M.Cs have

    been directed to implement a master plan for ISDP in their

    respective wards. Required funds will be made available only to

    those slums for which the exercise of surveys with probable

    phasewise fund requirement for the works to be carried out

    during the year 2014-15 is done.

    A specific budget provision of `50 crore has been

    proposed in B.E. 2014-15. A separate provision of `2.40 crore

    has been proposed for appointment of Architects/Consultants to

    prepare the Master Plan.

    Service Level Bench Marking (SLB)

    An exercise of assessment of present Service Level

    Bench Marks of MCGM has now been completed by All India

    Institute of Local Self Government and their report is under


    MCGM has appointed a consultant that will help

    MCGM strengthen the process of data collection and

    subsequent performance monitoring for the four SLB services.

    This institutionalization is critical to the success of

    benchmarking initiative and providing a strong platform for

    performance improvement and infrastructure planning.

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 19

    Creation of a new Department of Business Development

    Keeping in view the fact that Mumbai is the financial

    capital and business hub of India, it is proposed to create a new

    department in MCGM, namely Department of Business

    Development. This department will target the index of Ease of

    doing Business.

    It will deal with single window clearances, attracting new

    green field investments into Mumbai in sun rise sectors and

    development of connectivity & infrastructure in Central

    Business Districts located in Mumbai.

    Establishing Safety Department in MCGM

    To meet the objective of National Safety Policy, 2009

    and to implement Safety Rules prescribed under Maharashtra

    Factory Rules, 1963 at all installations of MCGM covered

    under Factory Act, 1948, it is incumbent to create an

    independent desk to consolidate the safety activities of various

    departments as well as to fix the responsibility and functioning

    and outcome of safety work. The norms and measures

    adopted in other institutions, Govt., Semi-Govt. offices are

    being studied and an action plan to consolidate the safety

    activities of various departments of MCGM will be finalized in

    the next financial year.

    Extension of services to the urban poor

    With a view to extending various civic services to the

    urban poor and improving the standard of these services a total

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 20

    provision of `7923.08 crore is proposed in B.E. 2014-15 under

    the following heads :-

    (` in crore)

    Gaothans, koliwadas and adivasipadas 26.74

    Adhar Kendras 5.11

    Upgradation of slums 467.97

    Improvement, management and

    maintenance of chawls for poorer classes.


    Primary Education(Budget E) 2658.34

    Secondary Education 211.54

    Health 2629.02

    Water Subsidies 1237.10

    Others 111.51

    Total 7923.08

    Special provision for implementation of various

    schemes for women

    MCGM has decided to implement various development

    schemes for women within the framework of its obligatory and

    discretionary functions laid down in the MMC Act, 1888.

    It is proposed to strengthen this activity further for which

    a special provision of `15 crore for capital works is proposed in

    the Budget Estimates 2014-15 for the first time to focus on the

    women issues. I appeal to Councillors, specially lady

    Councillors to propose innovative development schemes for

    women. Once the scheme is approved, funds will be made

    available for project implementation. I am confident that this

    step would help in enhancement in development in living

    conditions of women in Mumbai.

  • B U D G E T E S T I M A T E S A , B & G 2014-15

    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 21

    While making allocation for different sectors and

    activities therein, I have kept in mind the obligation cast upon

    Urban Local Bodies through the XII Schedule referred to by

    Article 243W of the Constitution of India and Obligatory

    duties under Section 61 of the MMC Act, 1888.

    I, now discuss some of the important activities/services

    and facilities related to Budget A, B as well as E.


    Revenue Income (`in crore)







    1. Octroi (Net) 7740.00 7200.00 7800.00

    2. Property Tax 3955.81 3954.52 3956.28

    Excluding Govt. revenue

    Implementation of Capital Value Based Property tax system

    The Corporation has adopted Capital Value based

    property tax system with effect from 01.04.2010 which holds

    the promise of transparency, buoyancy and equity. Property tax

    bills based on Capital Value System have been served since

    January 2013 and the Capital Value based Property Tax System

    is under stabilization. Property owners, whose tax liability has

    reduced in view of the new Capital Value based system, have

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    received refunds to the tune of `300.91 crore,

    by 31st January, 2014, which includes `17.70 crore by way of

    interest for delayed refund.

    Web display of Property details with

    Capital Value and Tax payable

    Services like tax calculator and tax outstanding status are

    provided on MCGM Web Portal, which has facilitated the

    citizens to work out their property tax and also to pay property

    tax online. In future, complaint filing etc. will also be provided

    on MCGM Web Portal. MCGM is also intending to provide

    integrated solution for visual validation of all properties using

    360 degree immersive panoramic data whereby GIS base map

    will be created for user departments with 360 degree panoramic

    view of the properties. This will ensure better compliances and

    detection of missing properties for better realisation of property

    tax and licensing revenue.

    Future initiatives

    Flatwise bills will be issued from the forthcoming year in

    case of housing societies who demand for the same.

    Issuing of property tax bills via email, payment through

    Kiosks, and confirmation of payment made through SMS

    will be implemented in phases. Other payment options

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    like NEFT, credit card etc. to be introduced in the

    financial year 2014-15.

    Assessment of undeveloped land by procuring details of

    the CTS numbers & scanning thereof in the system.

    Communication and education campaign for informing

    the taxpayers on the details of bills issued, last date of

    payment of tax, imposition of penalty, stage of complaint

    disposal etc. will be initiated in 2014-15. Call center will

    be set up to resolve the grievances of the taxpayers.

    Imposition of penalty on account of unauthorized

    construction as per section 152A of the MMC Act to be

    initiated in 2014-15.

    Necessary steps to be taken in the year 2014-15 for

    preparation for revision in the capital value and

    subsequent taxation from 01.04.2015

    It was stated in the last years budget speech that

    administration had initiated steps for transition to Local Body

    Tax system in place of Octroi by 1st October, 2013. The

    necessary amendment for LBT in the MMC Act did not take

    place and now MCGM is the only ULB in Maharashtra where

    Octroi is collected. Thus, Octroi will still remain the prime

    revenue source for MCGM in 2014-15.

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    Urban Planning including Town Planning

    Revenue Income (`in crore)







    Development Plan





    1. Work of revision of the Development Plan (2014-2034)

    is underway. The Existing land use survey is completed

    and existing land use maps are also prepared. The report

    on existing Situation Analysis, Growth Scenario and

    Vision for the next twenty year period (2014-34) is also

    uploaded on the MCGM website. The Proposed land use

    maps are under preparation. The draft Development Plan

    is expected to be published for invitation of

    suggestions/objections from public by April 2014.

    2. The strengthening of the Development Plan Deptt. is

    initiated in the year 2013-14. The Corporation has

    approved a Town Planning Cell under a Dy. Municipal

    Commissioner (Town Planning). The process of

    recruiting Sr. Planners for this Cell is underway and a

    fully equipped Town Planning Cell will become

    functional by end of 2014.

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    3. GIS development for all 24 Wards is complete and DP

    remarks can be given through the GIS system.

    Digitization of important documents of building proposal

    files like C.C., IOD, O.C. and Completion Certificate is

    underway. Implementation of Auto D.C.R. for approval

    of Building Proposals is also initiated.

    4. All completed files are henceforth sent for safe storage

    where online retrieval is also possible.

    5. DP department is taking steps for paperless office system

    and pilot project is underway. It is anticipated that efforts

    in this direction would help to eliminate avoidable delays

    and facilitate maintenance of permanent retrievable


    6. To expedite the building proposals of Government

    departments /Semi Government authorities, it is proposed

    to establish a Special Desk under a dedicated Deputy

    Chief engineer.

    7. Necessary amendment to the Section 22(m) of the

    Maharashtra Regional & Town Planning Act, 1966 in the

    year 2010-2011 entitles MCGM to levy premium while

    regulating development of lands within Greater Mumbai.

    8. The DC Regulation 32 entitles recovery of premium by

    MCGM/State Govt. for grant of additional 0.33 F.S.I. In

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    the year 2013-14, `325 crore is expected to be realized as

    premium. A provision of `417 crore is made for B.E. of


    9. Due to fungible FSI an amount of `1823.91 crore has

    been collected till 01.02.2014 as against anticipated

    revised revenue of `2040 crore in the year 2013-14.

    In the year 2014-15 it is expected to realize `1760 crore

    from this source of revenue.


    (` in crore)












    112.74 97.26 119.82



    121.90 112.79 105.67

    Total 234.64 210.05 225.49

    E-Governance & IT initiatives

    Continuing our endeavor to infuse modern technology

    for good governance, we are deepening paperless office,

    creating systems to exploit mobile technology especially in

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    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 27

    citizen interface and enhancing our presence in social media.

    Our focus areas for I.T. will be -

    1) M-governance :

    Mobile Applications are planned for launch for fast and

    hassle-free access of civic services. For Citizen facilitation

    nearly 1100 private centers have been commissioned to cater

    to services of Birth & Death certificates, Renewal of Licenses,

    payment of water & property taxes, etc. At present, 55 types of

    services are offered through Cyber CFCs.

    2) GIS : MCGM has planned a holistic implementation of

    a GIS system. The initiative, Mapping Mumbai entails

    Procurement of Base Maps, Commencement of GIS Surveys,

    Application Development, Publishing of Maps and Periodic

    review of Maps, etc.

    3) Audit : It has been decided to conduct a Systems Audit

    and Security Audit of IT Infrastructure that will help establish a

    secure IT environment as per regulations of Act.

    4) BI: (Business Intelligence) The BI tools can benefit

    MCGM in its revenue and expenditure monitoring, citizen

    engagement, and perspective of operations and maintenance.

    The BI module will also aid senior management (dashboard),

    middle management (Ad-Hoc reports), employees (Standard

    Reports), and citizen (event based emails).

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    5) Web Portal: Comprehensive web portal revamping has

    been initiated for improved user experience, deployment of

    latest technologies, compliance to various Govt. guidelines with

    tools of content upload.

    6) DMS: The Document Management System (DMS) will

    provide a repository for all departments of MCGM to store

    scanned documents for easy search and retrieval.

    7) E-office: MCGM have adopted NIC's e-office

    application as a software solution for processing files/

    documents electronically. E-office will entail :

    a) Saving of space currently occupied by

    record/files/ documents

    b) Speedy trace of any file/documents

    c) Facility for employees to work from

    anywhere/any time.

    E-office is planned for implementation at 2 Level below

    HoDs and fully in Zone - I, N & P/N ward from 10.02.2014.

    8) MPLS (Multi-Protocol label Switching) Provisioning

    of 16 Mbps connectivity to various departments through MTNL

    using MPLS cloud base technology is under implementation.

    MPLS will aid easier access of online application line,

    e-office, SAP etc.

    9) DR Site: The data center can become non-functional for

    several minutes to months depending upon the magnitude of

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    natural or manmade disaster. Disaster Recovery Site

    development is taken in hand to ensure uninterrupted business


    10) VPN (Virtual Private Network) facility is proposed to

    be provided to field staff of MCGM. This will help users to

    operate anywhere through Internet operating application like

    SAP, e-office etc. on their devices.


    (` in crore)












    628.07 537.63 638.38



    1545.48 1016.54 2500.00

    Total 2173.55 1554.17 3138.38

    In Mumbai, the total length of the roads is 1941.16 Km.

    out of which 506.46 Km. length is in City division, 927.64 Km.

    length is in Western Suburbs division and 507.06 Km. length is

    in Eastern Suburbs.

    1) First Master Plan for Roads in Mumbai

    For the first time a Master Plan for 3 years i.e. for the

    years 2013-14, 2014-2015, and 2015-16 is prepared. This plan

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    aims to overcome the limitations in selection of roads for

    project work, which was time consuming and subjective. It

    also gives details about Major Roads (width more than 30) and

    Minor Roads (width upto 30) and also gives the information

    about number, length and approximate cost of the Roads to be

    taken up.

    As per the Master Plan, in the coming 3 years Roads

    totalling a length of 1239 Km. are proposed to be taken up for

    improvement at a total cost of approximately `7774 crore.

    This year, a substantial increase from about

    `1545.48 crore to `2500 crore in allocation of funds is

    proposed for improvement of roads in Asphalt & Cement


    The Master Plan will serve as a guideline for taking up

    roads in the next 3 years.

    A Pilot Study for assessing the Pavement Condition

    Index (PCI) is also being taken up for the first time so as to

    assess the PCI of roads, with respect to roughness index,

    undulations, potholes, rutting of surface etc., and which will

    help in maintenance and management of roads.

    It is also proposed to get upto 10% of the estimates of

    Capital Works prepared by the Engineering staff of the Road

    department instead of getting the same through Design


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    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 31

    It is now proposed to improve 78 km and 149 Km. of

    road length in Cement Concrete and Asphalt during 2014-15.

    Accordingly, I propose a provision of `954.93 crore and

    `1180.74 crore for Cement Concrete & Asphalt Road works

    respectively in the year 2014-15.

    N.S. Road (Marine Drive) work was done in 1939. It is

    now taken up for strengthening & improvement as per STAC

    recommendations. Beautification of the central divider is also

    proposed by re-designing the same.

    I propose, `7 crore in R.E 2013-14 & B.E 2014-15

    `40 crore for this project.

    Similarly, S.V. Road in Western Suburbs and R.C. Marg

    in Eastern Suburbs are proposed to be taken up for

    improvement in the year 2014 -15.

    2) First Mobility Plan for Mumbai:

    It is now proposed to prepare a Comprehensive

    Mobility Plan for entire Mumbai City which will help in the

    development of transportation network of all modes of transport

    including pedestrians, cyclist & Intermediate Public Transport

    (IPT) to achieve convenient and cost effective accessibility to

    places of employment and education. It will also help in

    optimal utilization of funds and human resources.

    The Comprehensive Mobility plan will be completed in


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    3) Parking Policy :

    For the 1st time, a comprehensive Parking Policy has

    been proposed which envisages different on-street parking rates

    for different locations depending on location of Government

    offices, Business Centers / corporate offices where people

    frequently visit. The locations have been categorised as A,

    B & C with differential rates. It envisages demand

    management of Traffic, incentivising Public Transport & I.P.T

    vis-a-vis Private transport.

    It is now proposed to cover all Pay and Park locations

    with operation of hand held devices by appointing agencies

    subject to final court order on reservation. New policy on

    Resident parking, PPL parking to promote tourism and parking

    free Zones near schools is proposed for good governance.

    4) New Trenching Policy :-

    The trenching policy is now streamlined and the salient

    features of which are as under:-

    Internal & external utilities should submit their annual

    plans for trenching works to be carried out during fair


    MCGM appointed contractors will be carrying out the

    work of reinstatement which will be monitored by

    Trench Tracking System and also audited through Third

    Party Quality Auditors.

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    It is also approved to levy (right of way) access charges

    @ `100/- per metre for existing as well as proposed

    external utilities which will fetch around `200 crore per


    5) Panel of Third Party Quality Auditors :-

    This year a Panel of Third Party Quality Auditors is

    formed for the work of quality monitoring & quality control of

    road works on day to day basis. Consultants of International

    repute, M/s. SGS India Pvt. Ltd. and M/s. Indian Register of

    Shipping are Empanelled for Third Party Quality Audit of the

    road works. From this year it is also proposed to audit the

    works of re-instatement of trenches being carried out by

    appointing trenching contractors. 20% of the pot-holes will also

    be got audited from the panel of auditors.

    6) Road Maintenance & Management System (RMMS):

    Taking ahead the implementation of RMMS, the same is

    integrated with GIS based pothole tracking & management

    system which has enabled transfer of data from one system to

    another. Also, the numbering of roads carried out in RMMS is

    used in SAP and pothole tracking system, making it a common

    feature. The pre-monsoon works are also proposed to be

    carried out through RMMS.

    The ongoing works will also be monitored in Real Time

    through GIS based Live Works System, which will track and

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    record the parameters on Asphalt and Concrete Mixing Plants

    as well as on site, related to quality and quantity of materials.

    The practice of using RMMS will be continued.

    7) Mumbai Coastal Road Project:

    The Joint Technical Committee constituted by Govt. of

    Maharashtra under the chairmanship of Municipal

    Commissioner has recommended about 35.6 km. coastal

    freeway starting from Nariman point to Malad-Marve Road,

    comprising a combination of coastal road on reclamation,

    bridges, elevated roads & tunnels on Western side of Mumbai,

    which will create badly needed open spaces in Mumbai for

    recreation without involving any Real Estate or Building


    Request For Proposal (RFP), for preparation of Detailed

    Project Report (DPR) including Environmental Impact Study

    and Clearances thereof, Techno Economic Feasibility and

    preparation of Bid documents & Bid Process Management,

    have been invited from Consultants and the scrutiny is


    8) Think Tank on Mumbai Traffic & Transport Issues:-

    Traffic issues in Mumbai need to be addressed on

    priority, in a sustainable manner. Providing spaces for road

    transportation, inter-modal integration, leaving spaces for

    pedestrians, encouraging non-motorist transport, parking, etc.

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    are to be dealt with in short and medium term. At the same

    time, measures should be such that they are sustainable in the

    long run.

    As such a multi-disciplinary Think Tank on Mumbai

    Traffic & Transport Issues is formed to advise on traffic related

    issues to evolve solutions.

    The Think Tank consists of experts as well as members

    of civil society who will discuss & advise the administration on

    transportation planning, incentivizing public transport,

    pedestrianization of road spaces etc.

    9) Bottleneck Policy:

    In order to smoothen the traffic flow in Mumbai, City

    and Suburbs, a comprehensive policy for removal of bottleneck,

    establishing missing links of D.P. roads, providing alternative

    accommodation, compensation to the PAPs is framed.

    Dedicated cells under Zonal DMCs have been formed to

    expedite implementation of this policy. This will ensure that all

    the DP roads come to corporation as soon as possible and we do

    not have to wait for request for the development permission in

    the adjoining plots to get these roads as setback. The policy is

    under execution in eastern suburbs

    10) Area Traffic Control (ATC):

    In continuation of the World Bank assisted Area Traffic

    Control (ATC) project already implemented in Mumbai City

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    for 253 Traffic signals, the work of upgradation of remaining

    373 Traffic signals in Suburbs area is included in the proposed

    Comprehensive Mobility plan to be taken up shortly.

    The installation work of Digital countdown timers on

    non-conventional traffic signals in Suburbs is proposed to be

    taken up in 2014-15.

    The display of travel time on existing Variable Message

    System (VMS) boards installed at various junctions in Greater

    Mumbai is proposed to be taken for installation in 2014-15 and



    (` in crore)












    7.61 6.69 14.00



    310.49 209.74 331.07

    Total 318.10 216.43 345.07

    Providing bridges is one of the responsibilities of the

    Municipal Corporation as per Twelfth Schedule of the

    Constitution of India (Article 243 W), Item No.4. In order to

    carry out comprehensive inventory of the bridges, as per

    STACs recommendation, tenders are being invited for

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    appointment of the Consultant for structural condition survey

    and to suggest the remedial measures for repairs and

    reconstruction of the bridges.

    A comprehensive programme for resurfacing of

    17 bridges has been undertaken, as per the technical

    methodology of resurfacing recommended by the STAC and

    the procedure for inviting tenders for the resurfacing of

    3 bridges is in process.

    Two major bridges underway are Jogeshwari North and

    Jogeshwari South. Out of `45 crore for each bridge, provided

    in the year 2013-14 budget, the works to the tune of `38 crore

    and `18 crore respectively has been completed. The progress

    of Jogeshwari South Bridge is in progress by overcoming the

    problem of encroachment. Considering the need of work, it is

    necessary to carry out the extension of 2 bridges in Western

    Suburbs, one is at Jogeshwari (South) from Majas Nalla to

    Pratap Nagar and the second bridge is at Jogeshwari (North)

    from Ram Mandir to Siddharth Nagar Road No. 2 & 6 and

    therefore, amount of `50 crore has been proposed in the budget

    for 2014-15 for these works.

    It is proposed to undertake bridge works which will

    improve the connectivity to decongest the traffic. Department

    of Bridges is considering to construct the bridges / flyovers at

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    Madh Jetty to Versova Creek, Andheri (West), at Mith Chowky

    along Link Road at Marve-Road Junction, Malad (West) and at

    the Junction of S.V.Road and Veer Savarkar Bridge,

    Goregaon(West) in Western Suburbs and at G.M.Link Road,

    Shivaji Nagar & Baiganwadi Junctions and upto Deonar

    Dumping Ground Road Junction in Eastern Suburbs.

    Bridge Department will also undertake the reconstruction

    of Hancock and Carnac ROBs in the city and ROB near Nahur

    Railway Station in Eastern Suburbs. New ROBs at Vikhroli

    and Vidyavihar Stations are also in pipeline.

    FOB on Goregaon-Mulund Link Road is being proposed

    for construction.

    It is also proposed to reconstruct the FOBs on Mithi

    River at Jai-Bhim Nagar and Morarji Nagar, in S Ward.

    Subways at CST and Churchgate are also proposed to be

    improved and redeveloped, taking into consideration the

    heritage precinct character of the area.

    MCGM has undertaken the work of remodeling of

    10 existing bridges on Mithi River, as per the requirement of

    Mithi River Development & Protection Authority (MRDPA).

    The works of Bamandayapada Bridge, Ashok Nagar Bridge and

    Kranti Nagar Bridge are completed and the works of Kurla-

    Kalina Bridge & Vakola Bridge are in progress. The tendering

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    procedure for the remaining five bridges, viz. CST Bridge,

    Dharavi Bridge, Vaitarna Pipe Line Bridge, Tansa Pipe Line

    Bridge and Mahim Causeway Bridge, is in process and the

    work of these five bridges will be undertaken after the receipt

    of environment clearance/approval from the Ministry of

    Environment and Forests (MoEF).

    In addition to the above, 23 Bridges, 33 FOBs. and

    widening of 8 existing Bridges have been proposed.


    (` in crore)












    284.52 260.52 337.10



    1100.19 927.62 1136.08

    Total 1384.71 1188.14 1473.18

    BRIMSTOWAD Project

    MCGM had been improving its Storm Water Drain

    network based on BRIMSTOWAD report of 1993, which

    prescribed design criteria of rainfall intensity of 25 mm/hour

    with runoff coefficient of 0.5. However, after inundation of

    July, 2005, the Fact Finding Committee (Chitale Committee)

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    constituted by Government of Maharashtra recommended

    revision of criteria, upgrading them to 50 mm/hr and 1 as

    run-off coefficient, leading to increase of width as well as depth

    of nallas / drains over that recommended in BRIMSTOWAD

    report especially in the tidal zone.

    The Government of India has sanctioned special funds of

    `1200 crore for implementation of BRIMSTOWAD Project as

    per DPR of the year 2007, out of which, `1000 crore have been

    received till date. Total expenditure incurred till 30.12.2013 is

    `1884.34 crore. However, due to increased width and depth of

    the drains due to change in design parameters, requirement of

    unconventional technology especially in tidal zone and passage

    of time particularly due to encroachment issues, total

    financial requirement of the project increased from `1200 crore

    to `3884.61 crore for which revised DPR is submitted to

    Director (WS&LSG), Ministry of U.D., Government of India

    on 12.3.2012.

    Out of total 58works under BRIMSTOWAD Project,

    17 works have been completed till date, while 37 works are in

    progress. Work Order for 1 work i.e. Britannia Pumping Station

    is being issued shortly. Remaining 3 works are yet to be

    tendered. As the city needs to complete these works to protect

    itself from any future onslaught of rains equivalent to that of

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    July, 2005, MCGM has to go ahead with the full

    implementation plan for which the provision of `486.25 crore

    has been made in the year 2014-15. Liability of

    BRIMSTOWAD works on MCGM budget will continue up to

    the year 2015-16.

    MCGM has also undertaken Non-BRIMSTOWAD works

    for improvement of SWD Network. During the year 2013-14

    expenditure of `104.30 crore has been incurred till date on Non

    BRIMSTOWAD Project work. The provision of `634.82 crore

    is proposed in Budget estimate 2014-15 for

    Non- BRIMSTOWAD works.

    For SWD project works during the year 2013-14

    expenditure of `386.19 crore has been incurred till date.

    Provision of `1100.19 crore was made in B.E. 2013-14.

    Catchment Engineer Concept

    The Catchment Area which is also called Water Shed

    Area comprises of ridge and valley portion leading the runoff

    from the upstream point to the downstream point, up to the


    It has been proposed on experimental basis to appoint the

    Catchment Engineers in various catchments. The catchment

    engineer will have all relevant and comprehensive information

    of the catchment area. Mumbai City & Suburbs have been

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    divided into total 122 catchment areas for which it is proposed

    to appoint about 80 Sub Engineers.

    Besides efficient and effective desilting and cleaning of

    storm water drains, safety of personnel is also paramount.

    Therefore, mechanized cleaning of such drains is being done by

    upgrading machinery. Roadside Open Drain Desilting (RODD)

    machine with silt container, Robotic Multipurpose excavator

    machine and vehicle mounted suction-cum-jetting Machine

    with recycling facility is being used.

    In the forthcoming financial year 2014-15, it is proposed

    to introduce the Operation and Maintenance wing in Eastern

    and Western Suburbs on similar lines as that in City section in

    order to have better control on redressal of Mechanical and

    Electrical issues.

    During the year 2013-14 total 4, 87,116 Cu. M. silt has

    been removed from Storm Water Drains, Major nallas, Minor

    nallas and Mithi river in City and Suburbs, before monsoon.

    In Revenue Budget 2014-15 provision of `207.35 crore

    is made for maintenance of Storm Water Drains.

    Storm Water Pumping Stations

    Under the BRIMSTOWAD Project, the work of design

    and construction of storm water pumping stations including

    supply, delivery, erection, commissioning of mechanical,

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    instrumentation & automation work and comprehensive

    operation and maintenance of pumping plant at various outfalls

    at Haji Ali, Love Grove, Cleave Land Bunder, Britannia and

    Irla have been undertaken.

    Out of total 8 nos. of pumping stations to be constructed,

    pumping stations at Haji Ali and Irla are commissioned in May,

    2011. Work of pumping stations at Love Grove and Cleave

    Land Bunder are in progress. Pumping station at Lovegrove is

    likely to be commissioned from 30 April, 2014 and Cleaveland

    Bunder pumping station is proposed to be commissioned by

    15 June, 2014. This will provide relief to the flood prone areas

    such as Keshavrao Khadye Marg, Dr. Dadasaheb Bhadkamkar

    Marg, N.M. Joshi Marg to B.D.D. Chawl, Sane Guruji Marg,

    Dadar Market, Bhavani Shankar Road, Fitwala Lane, etc. As

    on today, 55 nos. of flooding spots existing in the year 2011 has

    been reduced to 40.

    The Work Order for construction of pumping station at

    Britannia Outfall, Reay Road, is being issued shortly. The

    e-tender for proposed storm water pumping station at

    Gazdharband is invited and work will be awarded soon.

    The provision of `232.41 crore is proposed in Budget

    Estimate of 2014-15 for all pumping station works.

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    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 44

    Development of Mithi River

    Mithi River under MCGM jurisdiction is being improved

    for augmenting its water carriage capacity under direction of

    Mithi River Development and Protection Authority set up by

    Govt. of Maharashtra.

    Construction of retaining wall for a length of 10.3 k.m.

    out of 20 k.m. is completed. The work order of 4.2 km retaining

    wall in group No.2 & 4 was issued in the year 2011 & work is

    in progress. The work of retaining wall of 568 mt. out of 1325

    mt. of group no. 2 & work of 1161 mt. out of 2800 mt. of group

    no. 4 has been completed. The tenders for group No.1 & 3 will

    be invited; however there is an encroachment to an extent of

    90% in both the groups which will be required to be removed.

    As regards to group No.5, the tender notice is issued & the site

    is clear to an extent of 70%, & the work can be started on

    issuance of work order. Deepening work of Mithi River has

    been completed up to 95%.

    A provision of `1136.08 crore is made in Budget

    Estimates for 2014-15 for Storm Water Drain works.

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    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 45


    (` in crore)












    1885.02 1693.85 2179.35



    659.86 436.14 727.38

    Total 2544.88 2129.99 2906.73

    Mumbai Aarogya Abhiyan :

    `cegbyeF& Deejesie DeefYeeeve' was launched on 7th April, World

    Health Day 2010. What began as a campaign for outreach

    services to slum population has since then grown into a

    comprehensive programme to provide quality health care in

    Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors.

    I am happy to announce that year 2013 saw an

    unprecedented growth and augmentation in Health Care

    Services both in form of commissioning of New Health Care

    facilities & Hospitals and also in areas of concern such as

    Mental Health, Diabetes, T.B., Cancer, Dialysis and diagnostic

    facilities such as MRI & CT scan.

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    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 46

    Malaria & Dengue Control Programme :-

    `cegbyeF& ceb$e', M.C.G.M.s 5 point programme for Malaria

    Control is now recognized by Govt. of India as a role model for

    control & reduction of prevalence of Malaria in urban settings.

    I am happy to note that 2013 witnessed a further downward

    trend in prevalence of malaria in mumbai.

    Particulars 2010 2011 2012 2013 % reduction (in

    comparison with


    Cases 76755 39822 16086 10565 86%

    SPR 5.5 2.4 1 0.7 87%

    Death 145 69 45 30 79%

    While mumbai has remarkably controlled the once

    widespread prevalence of malaria, M.C.G.M. has also put in

    place a programme to control new global concern of dengue.

    Dispensary upgradation programme.

    Under this programme over 100 dispensaries have been

    given the necessary facelift and have been branded to ensure

    qualitative primary health care service delivery. I have also

    proposed adequate provision for the reconstruction of fifteen

    existing dispensaries.

    While 13 new dispensaries are in the process of being

    commissioned in the current year 2013-14, I have also proposed

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    adequate provision to commission another 15 new dispensaries

    especially in slums.

    Aarogya Camps

    Innovative outreach campaign launched by M.C.G.M.

    during monsoon 2011, for reaching primary health care services

    to the door steps of communities living in slums, is being

    continuously strengthened, and has significantly helped MCGM

    in ensuring early detection and correct treatment of not only

    malaria & dengue but also diseases of high prevalence such as

    diabetes & T.B.

    Maternity Home upgradation programme :-

    74,754 out of 1,75,208 (42.66%) babies born in Mumbai

    are born under a MCGM roof. I am happy to announce

    `megjef#ele ceele=lJe DeefYeeeve' M.C.G.M.s progamme to upgrade

    and augment maternity home services.

    2 new maternity homes at Kherwadi & at Bail Bazar,

    Kurla will be commissioned during the year 2014.

    Construction for 5 new maternity homes (Kasai wada at

    Kurla, Shivaji Nagar & Maharashtra Nagar at Govandi,

    Malvani & Pathanwadi at Malad) will begin in 2014, and

    I have proposed adequate budget provision for the same.

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    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 48

    Adequate budget has also been proposed for

    reconstruction of maternity homes at Deonar, Vile Parle

    and Goregaon and major structural repairs of maternity

    home at Mahim.

    5 maternity homes (Marol, Oshivara, Mother & Child

    Hospital Magathane, Chembur Naka & Bhandup) will be

    augmented as Sentinel Centers while 6 maternity homes

    will be upgraded (Vile Parle, Akurli Road, Borivali,

    Deonar, Mulund & Mahim).

    Overall it is proposed to add 130 new maternity beds,

    25 new NICU beds and 130 new pediatric beds to ensure

    qualitative health care services for the mother & new


    Life long commitment for Diabetic Care :-

    MCGM had, in the previous year, commissioned

    55 diabetic dispensaries, becoming the first Corporation to offer

    lifelong medication for diabetes at the primary health care level.

    This commitment to non-communicable diseases (NCDs)

    will be further strengthened in this year & I have proposed

    adequate budget for the same.

    Mumbai Mission for Tuberculoses (TB) control :-

    T.B. and especially DRTB (Drug Resistant TB) has been

    an area of concern in recent years. I am happy to note

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    that in order to ensure early diagnosis of DRTB, 4 Gene

    Xperts (at Govandi, Kurla, Shivadi & Kandivali) have

    been commissioned in the year 2013. I am further happy

    to note that LPA (Line Probe Assay) diagnostic facilities

    has been commissioned at Shivadi T.B. Hospital. I am

    confident that introduction of these state-of-art diagnostic

    facilities will improve early detection of DRTB, thereby

    ensuring control and reduction of drug resistant TB in the

    years to come.

    India first hospital for DRTB, provision for which was

    made in the previous year has also been commissioned in

    the year 2013 thereby addressing a felt need in treatment

    of DRTB patients.

    Govt. of India has acknowledged MCGMs efforts

    towards control & reduction of DRTB in Mumbai. I am

    happy to note that Govt. of India has approved in

    principle the new proposed algorithm for even earlier

    detection of XDRTB (Xtremely Drug Resistant TB) and

    patient-centric individualized treatment regime. Govt. of

    India has also approved in principle nutritional support to

    DRTB patients of Mumbai.

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    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 50

    I am also happy to note that Bill & Melinda Gates

    Foundation (BMGF) has joined hands with MCGM in

    Mumbai Mission for T.B. control.

    I am confident that we will be able to achieve significant

    reduction in the prevalence of DRTB in Mumbai due to

    these united efforts.

    Dialysis Services :-

    Acknowledging the need for more dialysis services in the

    suburbs at affordable rates, MCGM has commissioned

    67 dialysis beds in the year 2013 through Public Private

    Partnership (PPP).

    I am happy to note that commissioning of 67 beds for

    affordable dialysis has also resulted in a general reduction of

    dialysis charges in the private sector thereby addressing a major

    concern of patients in need of dialysis.

    Similarly another 100 affordable dialysis beds will be

    commissioned in the year 2014-15 ensuring much needed relief

    for patients in need of dialysis.

    24 X 7 Helpline for Stress Depression & Mental Wellbeing:-

    I am happy to note that `efnleietpe' a 24 X 7 Helpline for

    mental wellbeing (Tel. 24131212) has been launched in the

    year 2013. It is proposed to further augment MCGMs services

    in the era of Mental Wellbeing in the year 2014-15.

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    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 51

    Diagnostic services :-

    I am happy to announce that First Ever MRI centers in

    public sectors were commissioned at Kandivali Shatabdi &

    Govandi Shatabdi Hospitals in 2013, thereby addressing a

    major need of affordable MRI centers in the suburbs.

    In order to further ensure availability of CT scan & MRI

    services to Mumbaikars in the suburbs at affordable rates,

    MCGM is in the process of finalizing 5 CT scan centers

    (Bhabha Hospital, Kurla, MT Agarwal Hospital, Mulund(W),

    Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Centenery Hospital, Kandivali,

    Siddharth Hospital, Goregaon & Cooper Hospital, Andheri) and

    3 MRI centers (Rajawadi Hospital, Ghatkkopar,

    Hinduhridaysamrat Balasaheb Thackray Hospital, Jogeshwari

    & Cooper Hospital, Andheri) through PPP (Public Private


    Cancer Care :-

    I am happy to note that 75 bedded chemotherapy services

    have been initiated at Nair Hospital in 2013, thereby

    helping in reduction of waiting period for chemotherapy.

    I propose to further augment cancer care services in

    MCGM hospitals in the year 2014-15.

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    In order to ensure affordable cancer care to the needy,

    MCGM is in the process of finalizing cancer care

    hospital at affordable rates through PPP at the sites of

    Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Maternity Home at Reay Road

    and Gaurabai Maternity Home at Kamathipura. I am

    confident that these 2 Cancer Care hospitals will, in the

    years to come, address the crying demand for affordable

    cancer care.

    State-of-Art Centre for Burns :-

    I have proposed adequate budget provisions to augment

    the existing Burns Centre at Sion Hospital & Kasturba Hospital

    and create a State-of-Art Burns Centre at the newly

    commissioned Cooper Hospital.

    Peripheral Hospitals :-

    I am happy to note that MCGM has successfully

    commissioned 3 new hospitals at Kandivali, Andheri &

    Jogeshwari in 2013 thereby creating additional 850 beds

    in the suburbs. This has helped in bridging the gap

    between demand for & supply of beds in the public

    sector to an extent.

    With a view to ensure enhancement of affordable beds

    and healthcare services along the eastern corridor, I have

    proposed adequate budget provision for redevelopment

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    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 53

    of Shatabdi Hospital at Govandi, K.M.J. Phule Hospital

    at Vikhroli, M.T. Agarwal Hospital at Mulund, work for

    which will begin in the year 2014.

    Similarly, in order to enhance health care services in the

    eastern suburb, I have proposed adequate budget

    provision for a 500 bedded new hospital at Bhandup,

    which when commissioned will become a part of KEM

    Group of Hospitals and work for which will also begin in

    the year 2014.

    Adequate budget provision has also been proposed for

    phase II of redevelopment of Bhagvati Hospital, Borivali

    and reconstruction of Kasturba Cross Road, Borivali.

    I am also happy to announce that MCGM will be

    commissioning its 4th

    Medical College at Cooper

    Hospital in the year 2014-15 for which suitable budget

    has been proposed.

    I had, in last budget, announced the concept of paying

    beds for the middle class. I am happy to note that

    106 paying beds have been commissioned in 2013 in the

    newly commissioned hospitals at Dr. Babasaheb

    Ambedkar Centenary Hospital, Cooper Hospital and

    Hinduhridaysamrat Balasaheb Thackeray Hospital and

    have been welcomed by the middle class and tax payers.

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    MCGM also plans to add another 500 such paying beds

    for the middle class in next 3 years.

    Major Hospitals :-

    At the helm of M.C.G.Ms 3 tier health care systems are

    the 3 renowned major hospitals. I have proposed

    adequate budget provision of `126 crore for procuring

    state of art equipment in all the 3 major hospitals.

    Similarly, I have also proposed adequate budget

    provision to further augment health facilities, especially

    ICU & NICU facilities at 3 major hospitals.

    MCGM beds at Seven Hills hospital :-

    I am also happy to note that M.C.G.M. has finally signed

    MoU with the Seven Hills Hospital and has operationalized

    MCGM quota thereat.

    Beautification & upgradation of Crematoriums :-

    M.C.G.M. has in principle accepted the policy of conversion

    of wood based crematoriums into PNG based green

    crematoriums. Accordingly, work for the following 8

    crematorium in Phase I and 12 crematoriums in Phase II will

    commence in early 2014. It will be our endavour to convert

    all wood based crematoriums into green crematoriums over

    the period of next 5 years.

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    Phase I

    1. Shivaji Park 2. Amboli 3. Babhai 4. Charai 5. Sion 6. Undarai (Malad) 7. Dahanukar Wadi 8. Daulat Nagar.

    Phase II

    1. Worli 2. Reay road 3. Bhoiwada 4. Oshiwara 5. Aarey colony 6. Teachers Colony 7. Marvey Road 8. Wadar pada 9. Sonapur Kurla 10. Tagor Nagar 11. Chandan Wadi 12. Mulund Composite

    Several demands have been made to MCGM for

    development of Hindu, Muslim & Christians crematoriums

    in various areas of Mumbai. Due note has been taken of

    these demands and the same will be incorporated in the D.P.

    revision exercise currently underway.

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    M U N I C I P AL C O R P O R AT I O N O F G R E AT E R M U M B AI 56


    Primary Education

    (` in crore)












    2115.45 1677.15 2312.96



    356.98 217.43 345.38

    Total 2472.43 1894.58 2658.34

    The Budget Estimates for the year 2014-2015 of the

    Education department is `2658.34 crore as compared to Budget

    Estimates of `2472.43 crore in 2013-14.

    1. Introduction of Semi English pattern of

    education in MCGM Schools

    It is rightly believed that the education imparted in the

    mother-tongue is more effective. However the knowledge of

    modern technology, computer science and computer software

    being mainly available in English language, so also the new

    jobs and the economic transactions requiring adequate

    knowledge of English, make parents and students to prefer

    education in English medium. Keeping these counter factors in

    mind, the MCGM has decided to introduce the Semi English

    pattern of instructions in its schools. It has been introduced in

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    177 schools during 2013-2014. The results are encouraging, as

    enrollment in many of these schools has increased. The Semi

    English pattern of instructions is proposed to be rolled out in all

    the 1150 schools in a phased manner during next five years.

    Under this pattern Mathematics and Science are taught in

    English language and the rest of the subjects in mother tongue.

    2. English language training to MCGM teachers

    For effective implementation of Semi-English pattern of

    teaching it is necessary to impart English language training to

    MCGM teachers. The British Council, a world leader in

    English language training has undertaken the training of

    MCGM teachers. An MOU has been signed with British

    Council to train 9600 MCGM teachers during next five years.

    Under this programme every teacher is given 20 days training

    per year for two years. Training of 2400 teachers has already


    3. Connecting MCGM schools and education offices through internet

    Computerization and automation is to be introduced in all

    the MCGM schools and different branch offices of Education

    Department. The Hardware in the form of computers, printers,

    and scanners will be provided in all the schools alongwith

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    broadband internet services. For this purpose budget of

    `2.38 crore is proposed in the year 2014-2015.

    4. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009

    As per schedule appended to the R.T.E. Act, 2009, it is

    necessary to comply with the requirements of norms and

    standards as laid out in Sections 19 and 25 of the Act.

    Neighbourhood school is to be provided within one kilometer

    for Standard I to V and within 3 kilometers for Standard VI to

    VIII. Following works / actions are proposed in the financial

    year 2014-2015 to comply with RTE Act :-

    a) Starting of VIII Standard in 100 MCGM schools,

    which are currently upto VII standard.

    b) Construction of 9 new school buildings and

    reconstruction of 8 school buildings with additional

    classrooms proposed for complying with the

    requirement of satisfying PTR (Pupil Teacher Ratio)

    and Classroom Ratio.

    c) Implementation of School Management Information

    System and Child Tracking System.

    d) Providing Bus fare for easy transport wherever

    neighborhood school is not available within the

    prescribed limits. An outlay of `76 Lakhs for primary

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    schools and of `4 Lakh for secondary schools is

    proposed during the financial year 2014-2015.

    5. Upgradation of Science Labs

    Concepts of science are better understood by the students

    through the experiments in science labs. Provision of

    `1.50 crore is proposed for upgradation of science labs in

    50 secondary schools.

    6. Powai high level Scout and Guide camp site upgradation

    Scout and Guide camp is located at the picturesque seven

    acre site at Powai. Scouts and Guides camps, Roads Safety

    Patrol units of students and sports camps are arranged regularly

    at this site. A master plan of development of the camp site with

    facilities of adventure sports like rock climbing, valley

    crossing, wall climbing, rope climbing, monkey bridge etc. is

    initiated. It is proposed to upgrade and develop the camp site in

    phased manner. During the financial year 2014-2015 a budget

    of `1.02 crore is proposed for this purpose.

    7. Virtual Classroom

    In the year 2013-14, MCGM, through 4 studios, has

    extended interactive education system of virtual classes in 480

    Primary and Secondary Schools of Marathi, Hindi, English and

    Urdu medium. Audio-visual education imparted in

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    360 Primary Schools and 120 Secondary Schools by relay of

    lectures from Primary and Secondary Teachers and experts

    proved to be more effective. A budgetary provision of

    `8.12 crore is proposed in the Primary School budget and `4.50

    crore in the Secondary School budget of 2014-15 for this



    (` in crore)












    1618.13 1395.10 1789.83



    260.95 93.65 446.97

    Total 1879.08 1488.75 2236.80

    Cleaning of roads and other municipally owned premises

    is done by MCGM. However, maintaining cleanliness and

    collecting of solid waste and to transport to municipal

    collection point is the responsibility of the owners of the

    premises. Mumbai has large colonies belonging to State Govt,

    Central Govt, MHADA, BPT and privately owned, where

    responsibility of solid waste is with the owners. A policy

    decision has been taken to extend cleanliness facility in all such

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    colonies by levying service charges. Such a system has been

    implemented in Bandra-Kurla Complex owned by MMRDA.

    House gullies especially in the island city are privately

    owned, but are big accumulators of solid waste. MCGM has

    made arrangement with NGOs to clean these house gullies.

    890 volunteers have been deployed so far.

    Budget provision 2014-15 - `15.03 crore

    MMRDA is constructing housing colonies for

    accommodating project affected persons. Though cleanliness is

    the responsibility of PAPs occupying the units, they are unable

    to keep their premises clean. MCGM has taken this


    Budget provision 2014-15 - `2.74 crore

    Slums residing near the