abaci - S€¦ · light. his un'troubled faoe. peaoeful and ae rene. It there are dreams...


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abaci - S••p

d.f/.<98;;" !I'.Jr - CAI./~('AIpN~;IJ. '--ISSUE 110••,f

.The f1rlt low ray ot 'the young morninglight. his un'troubled faoe. peaoeful and ae­rene.

It there are dreams behind the olosed

eyelids .• they are boyish dreauna ot bikes andBBgun. and the herolc explol ts of Supeman.

It there is conoern here~ it is a sort01.' puzzlement over wh"t v S oomeover MomandPop of late ,.,"

Pop doesnYt get home 80 early ae he U8edto; .omehowhe isn't quite as ready t.", rompand play.aa once he was,

Jaom'" Ihe ~8 quieter ~ end every now andthen 18 oaught looking at him" long and slow"• broading tenderneu in her eyes 0

W.r~ lure •. he know. there v s a war.) I t ~sin the headl1nes¥ names ot faraway landa. un­real as any talr.y taleo

Pop .aYI they om ~t get new t1re. tor theoar beoaune at the war: and instead at g1vinghim nickels now and then to spends: brings homeWar Savin~8 Stamps that he says will be epend•.ing money "attar the warva wontl "

But whatvs aU this got to do 'Wi th alittle boy?

He doesnvt kno.~ 01.' course. that evenwhile he sleeps here in the dawns' early light~somewheresoldiers y sailors and airmen .tandvigilant guard =: f'OT his sake,

ne doesn't knowthat while kids like himplay their .hout1ng games of d1ve...bomber andmock air alarm~ Teal AmeTioanplanes are spi! t­tlng the sky, real Amerioan bombs are arrow­lng to their targets, <real American maohinegun. are ohattering torth destruction ~~ torhiB aske,

He d08snit knowthat vast faotoTiea humin angry haste through seven three~sh1ft dayse. week ~ that to help America reaoh its goalof 60.\1000 war planes this year" aU plantsarepouring torth eounti.eu airplane wings"tellis, naQeUea" IJtabilizerllll wheels, brakesand other .ub=aaaembUolSand instrumentl ~<'

for his .ake~


,. "BY ;Y LtG: "He 4oesn\t l'.al1 ••• you •••• that BE

18 the com1ng ~rio ••ae do•• n't know BE IS 'rUE P'UTUJlE. her •

with u" todq. living emblemof the one thingin tha world worth tigh1;1ng tor -- hope. andpromise. the oh~e tor a better life.

Be doeen~t knowthat •• long as boys canbe BarS. mon can b. MEN• that Jrfomand Popunderstand that. as he will himaelt 80medaywhen he has a .on 01.' his own, .

It wonYtbe the billion •• e spend thatwill win this war/, not all our tactorie.and the maohines that are in them - ... 1twillbe the things men .ee in the faoes of 11ttl.boy•...

It will be the wi1lincnes. of tather.not only to tight~ but to work and sacrificein fieroe guardianship 01.' tho.e they love.

So may hi. sleep be .weet,Somoday he i '1 take up the burden. ~ the

tru1 ttu 1 task. 01.' manhoodi it i. our job noW'to .ee that he ~an take them up as •• FREEman~ tit ·to raah10n a better world.

Sugge.ted by_


CENSORSHIP-This publioation ie subject to the regula­tions of the War Department and the U u S-,Otfice 01.' tho Censor"

These restriction. have been made severe inan effort to prevent information of valuetrom reaohing the enemy,

Westrongly urge all Ltbra.cope employees toco-operate :nth us in seeing that they rectrain from imparting any information =~ torelative. or friend. == that 18 not actuallypublished in this paper,

~.5.r~,;;dcove:'~t:d wf.gonsb ,yJl1g 11 ~f.!,-~.~ J.1li3i t"..nCO


l. ~,

~·hG1:"E" .'c.tur,·

Thi2 is f(!r:;h~i benGf'i, t. of, hope your resp::.n.£ls w:llJ b"of' ind.1'TridueJ d~(;idon

11 'X',

FEllEM:3ER g;

td.U of U8.~ llnd"OO;~ l'6>gai'dles

t \..h·~ l"'L~.:<.\~i·c.y dfSocide to (~':':l1tinus:10'W'~

"yor J lY1. n t If L~ prop";;:- mer.sut''?!5 £Sf.: the.t in';'J:w lut'U'f;J"lt;;'3 'tiJ 11 ha>::'6 no mot'/!) 'l'HOUBLB,'


IIMuch hu been •• l.tten aboutlNaln ••• !IAIl, ~-1er.politic!yot we •• 14om hear about; the •1n« man .•


Tiben. God puaed out the' braiM,I thouch~h~ laid traina •.•And 1 m1.alo) mine ••

Lo't u. tiret I.' wba't 1.: melQlt by that oftmi.conatrued term "Succos.att" Wob.ter de­tinea luoc •• e ~s obtaining the desired re.·aultJ thUI leaving the yardstick or mealureof succeaa entirely in 'the hauds of thewould-be lucees.or. True lucceSI must beot a permanent nature ..

When God pUled out tohe look.,I thought he 1&1d booke --And I d1dnVt want any ..

When God passed out the noae. ~I thought he aaid roael •..".And I asked tor a big red oneo

.For inltanoe. let us take the cale of an un­"orupuloue ciVil engineer who cOl18truota a.bridge of faulty materiala in order to in­crease hie profi't. Can we call such a manreally successful atter the collapse of thebridge With. 101S of 11vesand his consequentexpose and \"onv1otion? Were he to use theproper materiall in its conatruct1ons; andalthough the bridge were to collapse due 'toan aot ot nature" he would take refuge inthe fact that he did hie level best$ andwould profit by the experienoe in construct­ing future bridges.

So. when we think of succeu i 1et us take thelong rang. attitude. W. oan control the out­como of our efforts for the outcome 1s theresult of our every-day efforts. And to theextent that we perform our every-day dutiesacouratelyp positively and efficiently, theoutoome will be favorable and sucoess .,,111be ourso




When God pas.ed out ears,I thought h. said beer ••..~And I asked him tor 'two ahort ones.

When God palsed out legl,I thought he aaid kega --And I asked for two fat one. 0

When God pal sed out hipe,I thought he a&1d lips •.-And I asked tor two large round ones 0


Submitted byJerry nROSEBUD" Snella


Mirror. are •. 1'lOnderful invention?

•• *••..•.•••

ViELCOME-- .... .-.- ...•• -A moat hearty welcome ia extended to the fol­lowing people who have joined our organizat1onin the paat few weeku

We~ the personnel of the Adjustment Depart ...mentg would like to thank the managementfor thoir unbla8edoonsid~rat1on in install­ing the. air oondi tioning un1t in our depa.rt ...ment~ With a few added beach loenes on ourgrapious White walla the ooean aide oouldnot offer us ahyth1nc better" With all jok­ing a.side" we -think i t~ 8 swell and we thankyou very muoh·,



George B. FadnerPauline F1aherRaymond HillVirgin1a Iv ••Nona Irene Kitohen.George Co Maudsl.ayCarl K, MilleHenry G? Riese





WAR I' B 0 N"D S--- - -- --..- --PLUTOCRAT

•••• __ •.,I •••. t.,.., _

"LetVs look at your reoord. you9ve been wi'thua fOf' one year now. Since ;you worked only8 '001:' or th-e 2"1:hours each ailt that lel\veliUI one ~1thil'd'of a65 day. or 1t2 dS:ya., Then <.

too~ youl' didntt wo~k on Sundays 50 we mustde duo t, an $.diU t1ol1wl: 52 daysp :reaving us 10days :that, you worktsd, The three holidAyile8~ ye~r-lsavee you & granditot&l of 61 days.Since yoti w&-o·pa1d~tl_340.00!Ayour pay fig­ures OU~ to be ~20>OO per day~ which 1s more

than Imltkemylelf . !'m'very ~la'd: yO\;' cam~to see me"

Perhap. you have notioed the perplexed ex­

preseion on one ot our .hop men's fac~, Ite.tirlr ~.'t ~-6.skVfii"Jir-.~"DUtjt f'cfi'! a rai'8e~l~~eek II!JatlJoeoMTed theill'bllow1'nt reply,

"I have been "a Jittle .hort "this w~ek, Can

you lend me five do.i.ll!\!"s till next pay day???"

"" " ,.A JEEP costa the Army :,900,00"¢aU them "FOUP..-BY .••FOURS"

name i~'l"ftO~nnn18tun It. "peed ,,1: -4i..t.1Itilea half ton ot ~ppl


___ ,4"""",We 110"a t.houiands (1.1' 'the ••• ;pr&Gticlll'\ U ttle~!!rs " You and f'Or.ty""Bf)Ven of your naighb;;;rsbuying $in ~J.8, '/5 Wax-; Bond can buy one J}~BP_

Do it. t:oday" f'c't th6 Army ni!lilt'lds 't"J1ousc.nd.s (}fth~ Top the qu~taend buy War Bonds ev~rypfty o..t.r.y'

Submi t.ted by:



"r'i",liW lc\boU'l;, q, !pll\.ot)in our papa!' gi.vinga 1\",,1­como to nel( empio~r~eB . their nar,le;. m'1I1 tlwdeptl.rtmtu.~l.;hey w\')rk in????" ONLY MORE VilLI. WIN THE WAR

;'Why not rol'\ke one depar't'ment, l-esponsible 't!)T'page each week (one week Enp;inuo]."':ing, the

next A~5~bl~r. and $0 on). a cor-'l:n.J.n por':'.I.:onta.g;eo r;f tho page t1;1 be cO!l.atr-ucti.ve _II

O~· T R F, ! N SID E fl

,,'.. " .. '<I ••••.••

l'h;efint i temp ns you will no to,: hAs beeninCOf'poratt!d in this iuue and aha) 1 bft con­tlnucd !':t'om her", on out 0

In J:"egfU-ct tc tpo 8eCOn(~ item Now we l\l"e move

in!;; t.hat js thel -,ommentwe have been Wl\i tingfor One w~ek from today the LIBRA-SCOPP.publication staff will be expecting to ~eceive~ page from the Asst1mLY Dep.rtmento 1mw about1t ASS~BLY? The week after thAt the SHOPv

Here is'a laugh on STU (it ~here~G anything

you don'" t ~10W" jus t a.lJk me) KALMUS~ on$ of'our draftsmen> He appl:i ad for the Army AirCorps; ~nd when &sked f'or his birth certi~

l'1cate •. whioh he produced~ they said nnoaoap"~ instead of having his full nllma on it,it merely said BABYKALMt'S., Wonder if he 18still wearing those three corner 'pants??????

Thi a time when we l$ay we WMt to thank FREDNORBlmG fo!:" promp't deUvery of (Jur pay checks J

we rn~iUl it Yo~ 'WOu}d be surprised how popu~,n you WtHl. ~ m.•.kr, luur be~f h ., .J. wtJt;~c. cor:-

Ul...f"I th.r! pr'h·.·~ A we"'" .•~o ~h>¢ -X"IH) t

p ~ \ ,(." "" I..

Nothing wrong with the vacl9.tion news in ourlast illlue8 was there,??????We should really take advantage of this break,and get II. good rest instead of helling Groundlike MARTIN(you know the one that raiseschickens??) will probably do, It may t.ske himsix months to get back into shape> I know my••.self for one am going to spend my full' vaca­tion on the be~ch (and my n~e isngt DIETRICH).

I think this column 1s doi.ng everyone a 10i:'/ of' good" Even FLORENCESTEVENS9 voioe i8 get­

ting huskier and stronger. But, however, Ihave given up hope for GALEN(lambs lettuce)

~ MANNAN.We~11 have to put a oupid on hi.grave stone shooting arrows into the air. Youcan ease up now GALEN; now that you are mar­ried to the gal she'wonat get away sweetie face.

QUESTION, Why is it that now thr-t we have anair oondit1oning unit that it is very seldomturned on??????????

Tho8e of you that were here this time last yearwill remember what l'l swell time we h/l.d aeeing"The Drunk8.rd" 0 What do you .ay now that wehave a larger personnel, that we all get to­gether and do it again?????? I think thatCHUCKREYNOLDSwould be a good man to voiceyour opinions to» as·he has been very .ucce88~ful at ~rranging our ice skating partieso Bythe by every Thursday these parties get l&r~erand larger" So come on out to the Polar PalaeeThursday and watoh your friends play squat tag.

Boy oh boyp are the faces of th~ boys who or~ganized the stag party ever red? Each onethought the other one had posted a bulletin.Consequently i no bulletin was posted and somedidn°t learn about 1t until too l&teo

Looks like DICK (politics) GRAGGis going tobe stuck with the permanent ed! torship of thiflhayer papor unless .omeone else 18 electedoWhat lay p if his ed1torship is 0 oko. that wegive him the pos to Let him knoW'if you are be­hind him and the paper by putting your eomments

-in the suggestion boxp

YOUCANQTWIN., Seems that JAMES(moneybags)RICHEbeat the curfew on long tem 'iontn.cta onoa~ purcha8e8~ He bought up a friendos of hiscontractD and just 'think that car will be his lnthree er F ~ 0 - U Q R years 0 Do you think thetires will la8t RICHE??????


LUTEwi 11 you remove this broken tap???

Evidently there are som~ now projeots comingup 9 One LID..•.IS VI' 0 (the inventor) 11M!. hasn ~tbeen seen much of late~ Weoll be glad whenit~a over; we~d11ke to see more of you LEWIE

Hl\VEYOUHF.ARD???HowV,'lLLARD(the wonderboy) OPOCENSKYhas been receiving his mail oflate? One day he recel ves hie mail addressedto WILLARDporoSBNKYand "the next to WILLARDDOPOCENSKY0 What about this WILLARD??????

The Coca Cola ratloninE; (u'o'Jnd the plant hashad one good effect anyway' NAMF'..LY,F.JJ..."ER

NANCARROWiegett1ng. back his trim schoolgirl figure onoe againo Howabout thatELMER???

Everyone has noticed, no doubt. the trim signsthat have been reoently added to the walle ofour shop; seems to mfJthat the .hop i. steal­ing potential engineering materia19 but allkidding a6lide~ JOHNNYJOHNSON1, the boy whodid it,. and it wee really a nioe job"

NICKNAMEg JOHNFULLER,one of our .hop boy••suggested the other day the niokname of"LIBRASCOPIC MICROBES"Q ,

The'last luue of LIBRA-SCOPEcarried a "run"1tern in this column whioh may very well havebeen misinterpretedo In it TOmrr was advisedthat he had be'tter get off. the dimo or hemight. loae .ome of his friend80 It haa beenlearned on good author! ty that the author ofthis comment intended to oonvey the thoughtthat these friends were about to perioh withthe heat unlees the cooling equipment 'was in .•stalled quioklyo Apologies to TO}~~ are inorder"


Do it Well and Give iem HELL


Dooli ttle Dood It •••. So oan We


'"\ . '

G U E SSW H 0 1 ~ ?

----------~--_.-.... -..- --

