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a3ette OF THE

overnment of Ifralcstmc. P U B L I S H E D F O R T N I G H T L Y B Y A U T H O R I T Y .

No. 139 JERUSALEM 15tli. May, 1925.

C O N T E N T S I. O R D E R S

( a ) Promulgating the Acquisi t ion of land for Uir A r m y and A i r Force Ordinance No. 12־ of 1925

( b ) Under the Immigration Ordinance 1920 (c) Under the Orthodox Patriarchate Ordinance 1921׳ (d) Under the Local Councils Ordinance 1925

I I . G O V E R N M E N T N O T I C E S

( a ) Licensing of Advocates ( b ) Licensing of Surveyors . . . ( c ) Registration of Partnerships . . . .(d) Palestine-Iraq Overland Mai l Service ( e ) Sale of unclaimed goods (f) Tenders and Adjudication of contracts (¡7) Return of Immigrants and Emigrants (/«.) Change of Names ( i ) Brokers' Licences ( k ) Shipping return (I) Appointments, etc (»/) Notices from tFie District Court, Jerusalem («_) Quarantine Summary


224 224 224-225 226

226 226 226-227 227 227 227 228 229 229 2 0-231 232 232-233 2H3

III . R E G I S T R A T I O N O F T R A D E M A R K S 234-239

Price 5 P.T.

224 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 15th. May, 4925.



ORDER. (Gazetted May l o t h , 1925.)

The Acquisition of Land for the Army and Air Force Ordinance, No. 12 of 1925, is hereby promulgated in the form in which it was published in the Gazette of the 15־th April, 1925, and shall be in force as from the dale of the publication of this Order.

H E R B E R T S A M U E L May 8th, 1925 H i g h C o m m i s s i o n e r .




(Gazetted May 15th, 1925).

WHEREAS Section 6 (b) of the Immigration Ordinance, 1920, provides that, where leave to enter Palestine is refused a person may be temporarily detained in such manner as the High Commissioner may direct, and while so detained shall be deemed to be in legal custody,

I hereby direct that any person to whom leave to enter is refused may be detained in the custody of the Master of the ship until leave to land has been given, or if he has been allowed to land, may be detained until he leaves Pales­tine, either at a Police Lock-up or at a Quarantine Station, as the Immigration Officer thinks fit.

H E R R E R T S A M U E L May 2nd, 1925. H i g h C o m m i s s i o n e r




(Gazetted May 15th, 1925),

WHEREAS the Patriarch in Synod on the 1 /14th. day of July, 1921, passed a resolution authorising the Commission on the Finances of the Patriar­chate to sell the properties of the Patriarchate appearing in a list referred to in the said Resolution,

AND WHEREAS the schedule hereto contains a copy of the said list,

AND WHEREAS doubts have arisen as to the interpretation of Section 8 (i) of the Ordinance, and, in particular, whether the said authorisation is a general authorisation to sell the said properties within the meaning of the Section, and secondly, whether the said authorisation is revocable,

T R A D E M A R K S A D V E R T I S E M E N T S .

A D V E R T I S E M E N T S O F T R A D E M A R K S .

N O T I C E .

The following applications for the registra­t ion of the Trade Marks referred to therein are hereby advertised i n accordance w i t h the provi­sions of the Trade Marks Ordinance 1921.

A n y person may wi th in six months from the date of advertisement of any application hereunder file w i th the Chief Clerk of the Court of Appeal of Jerusalem, a notice of opposi­t ion to the registration of any Trade Mark referred to i n any such application.

Formal opposition should not be lodged un t i l after Notice has been given by letter to the applicant for Registration, so as to afford h i m an opportunity of wi thdrawing his Mark before the expense of preparing the Notice of Opposition is incurred. Fa i l ing such Notice to the applicant, an opponent may be disallowed his costs.

S. G . K E R M A C K R e g i s t r a r of T r a d e M a r k s .

I .

Application No. 715 in Class 1, in respect of Chemical substances used in manufactures, photo­graphy, or philosophical research, and anti-corrosives, i n the name of Badische Anilin-und Soda-Fabrik, a Company incorporated under the laws of Germany, Ludwigshafen on Rhin (Germany) Friesenheimers-trasse 38; Manufacturers and dealers.

Filed the 20th day of February, 1925׳.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o Dr. L . Weinberg, Advocate, Tel-Aviv, Palestine.


Application No. 717 in'Class 1, in respect of. Chemical substances used in ^manufactures, photo­graphy, or philosophical research, and anti-cor­rosives, in the name of Badische A n i l i n - und Soda-Fabrik, a company incorporated under the laws of Germany, Ludwigshafen on Rhin (Germany) Frie-senheimerstrasse 38; Manufacturers and dealers/

Filed the 20th day of February, 1925.

The' address for service in Palestine, is c/o Dr. L . Weinberg, Advocate, Tel-Aviv, Palestine.


Application No. 718 in Class 1, in respect of Chemical substances used in manufactures, photo­graphy, or philosophical research, and anti-cor­rosives, in the name of Badische Ani l in - und Soda-Fabrik, a Company incorporated under the laws of Germany, Ludwigshafen on Rhin (Germany) Frie-senheimerstrasse 38; Manufacturers and dealers.

Filed the 20th day of February, 1925.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o Dr. L. Weinberg, Advocate, Tel-Aviv, Palestine.

I V .

Application No. 719 in Glass 1, iu respect of Chemical substances used in manufactures, photo­graphy, or philosophical reasearch, and anti-cor­rosives, in the name of Badische Ani l in-und Soda-Fabrik, a Company incorporated under the laws of Germany, Ludwigshafen on Rhine (Germany) Frie-senheimerstrasse 38 ; Manufacturers and dealers.

Filed the 20th day of February, 1925.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o Dr. L . Weinberg, Advocate, Tel-Aviv, Palestine.




V .

Application No. 720 in Class 1, in respect of Chemical substance used in manufactures, photo­graphy, or philosophical research, and anti-cor­rosives, in the name of Badische Ani l in- und Soda-Fabrik, a Company incorporated under the laws of Germany, Ludwigshafen on Rhin (Germany) Frie-senheimerstrassc 38; Manufacturers and dealers.

Filed the '20th day of February, 1925.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o Dr. L . Weinberg, Advocate, Tel-Aviv, Palestine.

Filed the 20th day of December ,1924.

The address for service in Palestine is c/o H . W . Stock, Patent agent, P.O.B. 544, Jerusalem,, Palestine.

V I I I .

Application No. 708 in Glass 19, in respect of Arms Ammunition, and Stores, not included i n Class 20, in the name of Nobel Industries, Limited, of Nobel House, 2, Buckingham Gate, London, S .W. , England; Manufacturers.

Filed the 9th day of February, 1925.

V I .

Application No. 721 in Class 4, in respect of Chemical substances used in manufactures, photo­graphy, or philosophical research, and anti-cor­rosives, in the name of Badische A n i l i n - und Soda-Fabrik, a Company incorporated under the laws of Germany, Ludwigshafen on Rhine (Germany) Frie-senheimerstrasse 38; Manufacturers and dealers.

Filed the 20th day of February, 1925.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o Dr. L . Weinberg, Advocate, Tel-Aviv, Palestine.

V I I .

Application No. 606 in Class 8, in respect of calculating machines, adding machines recording and not recording, adding machines with typewriting arrangement, envelopping machines, slide rules, and parts of all of the above, in the name of Wanderer-Werke vormals Winklhofer and Jaenicke Aktienge­sellschaft, of Schönau bei Chemnitz, Germany; Manu­facturers and Merchants.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o S.O. Richardson, Solicitor, P .O.B. 300, Jaffa Palestine.

No claim is made to the exclusive use of the word " N O B E L " .

IX .

Wëf,!•'S?Application No. 709 in Class 20, in respect of Explosive Substances, in the name of Nobel Indust­ries, Limited, of Nobel House, 2, Buckingham Gate, London, S.W., England; Manufacturers.

Filed the •9th day of February, 1925.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o S.O. Richardson, Solicitor, P .O.B. 300, Jaffa, Pales­tine.

No Claim is made to the exclusive use of the word " N O B E L " . :

X .

SUPPLEMENT'TO THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE NO. 139 :of the 15th May, 1925.


T R A D E M A R K S A D V E R T I S E M E N T S .

Application No. 710 in Class 36, in respect of Leather Cloth, in the name of Nobel Industries, Limited, of Nobel House, 2, Buckingham Gate, Lon­don, S.W., England; Manufacturers. u,«;.~ -

Filed the 9tl/day of February, 192:). ^ f l f 7 ־ '

The address for service in Palestine is, c/o S.O. Richardson, Solicitor, P.O.B. 300, Jaffa Palestine.

"- No claim is made to the exclusive use of the •word "Nobel".


Application No. 737 in Class 39, in respect of Cigarette paper, in the name of Orientalische Tabak-und Gigarettenfabrik Yenidze, proprietor Hugo Zietz, a firm established according to the laws of Germany, Weissseritzstrasse 3, Dresden, Germany; Merchants.

Filed the 6th day of A p r i l , 1923.

The address for Service in Palestine, is c/o H . W . Stock, Patent Agent, P.O.B. 544, Jersusalem, Palestine.

X I I .

Application No. 669. in Class 45, in respect of Cigarettes, Cigars, Tobacco for smoking, Snuff, To­bacco for Chewing, in the name of Orientalische Tabak-Und Cigarette Fabrik Yenidze, proprietor Hugo Zietz, a firm established according to the laws of Germany, of Weissentzstrasse 3, Dresden, Ger­many; Merchants.

Filed the 1st day of January, 1925.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o H . W . Stock, Patent Agent, P .O.B. 544, Jerusalem Palestine.

X I I I .

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Application No. 691 in Class 42, in respect of Swiss Milk Chocolate, in the name of Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Swiss Chocolates, Société Anonyme, at La Tour de Peilz, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland; Chocolates Manufacturers. I i.

i . • 1 ;

! I Filed 20tïi day of January, 1925. | j

i ׳ I The address for service in Palestine, is c/o David Aboulalia, Advocate, P.O.B. 465, Jerusalem, Palestine]



T R A D E M A R K S A D V E R T I S E M E N T S .

X I V .

<£9 o®

tnyctf par O. PETER toatt nur«

Application No. 692 in Class 42, in respect of Swiss Milk Chocalate, in the name of Peter, Cailler, Kohlcr, Swiss Cocolates, Société Anonyme, at La Tour de Peilz, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland, Chocolates Manufacturerez.

Filed 20th the day of January, 1925.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o David Ahoulafia, Advocate, P.O.B. 465, Jerusalem, Palestine.

X V .

Application No. 693 in Glass 42, in respect of Fondant Chocolates, in the name of Peter, Cailler, Kohler, Swiss Chocolates, Societe Anonyme, at La Tour de Peilz, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland; Chocolates Manufacturers.

Filed the 20th day of January, 1925.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o David Ahoulafia, Advocate, P.O.B. 465, Jerusalm, Palestine.




X V I .


Application No. 095 in Class 42, in respect of Condensed Milk, in the name of Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company, a Company incorporated under the laws of Switzerland, Vevey, Canton of Vaud Switzerland: Chocolates, Milk and Cream Manufacturers.

Filed the 20th day of January, 1925.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o David Aboulafia, Advocate, P.O.B. 465, Jerusalem, Palestine.

X V I I .

Application No. 696 in Class 42, in respect of Cream, in the name of Nestle and Anglo Swiss Con­densed Milk Company, a company incorporated under the laws of Switzerland, Vevey, Canton of Vaud, Switzerland; Chocolates, Milk and Cream Manufacturers.

Filed the 20th day of January, 1925.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o David Aboulafia, Advocate, P.O.B. 465, Jerusalem, Palestine*

X V I I I .

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4/ \

Application No. 725 in Glass 42, in respect of Oranges, in the name of the Eastern and Russian Trading -Company (Palestine) Limited, of P.O.B. 64 Jaffa; Merchants, Agents, and Commissioners.

The Address for service in Palestine is, c/o M . KJiash and K. Friedenberg, Advocates, P .O.B. 433, -Jerusalem, Palestine.

The Applicants disclaim the exclusive use of the word "Jaffa".



T R A D E M A R K S A D V E R T I S E M E N T S .

Applicaton 3 No. 601 in Class 43, in respect of fermented liquors and spirits, in the name of M . Barbaresso Freres, Rue Macras Stoas, Pircus, Greece.

Filed the 26th. day of August, 1924.

The address for service in Palestine, is c/o Samuel & Joseph, Advocates, P. 0. B. 378 r

Jerusalem, Palestine.

X X .

Application No 707 in Class 45, in respect of Cigarettes made fron Palestinian Tobacco, in the name of Maspero Freres Limited, of Westminster House, 7, Millbank, ,London, S.W., England; Tobacco Manufacturers.

Filed the 5th day of February, 1925. The address for service in Palestine is c/o S.O. Richardson, Solicitor, P.O.B. 300, Jaffa, Palestine. The applicants disclaim the exclusive right to the use of the word ".Tabor" in English and Hebrew.

X X I .

Application No. 724 in Class 45, in respect of Cigarettes, in the name of Maspero Freres Limited, of West­minster House, 7, Millbank, London, S.W., England; Tobacco Manufacturers.

Filed the/5th day of March, 1925־

Tlie'address for״service in Pales­tine is, c/o\ S.O. Richardson, Solicitor, P.O.B. 300,Maffa, Palestine.

Registration of this Trade Mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Samsoun".



15th. May, 1925. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 225

NOW, therefore, I, Sir Herbert Louis Samuel, High .Commissioner for Palestine, in pursuance of the power vested in me by Section 16 (b) of the Ordinance, hereby order that, on the true interpretation of Section 8 (i) :

(1) the said authorisation is a general authorisation to sell the said pro­perties within the meaning of Section 8 (i) of the Ordinance ;

(2) the said authorisation was, is, and remains irrevocable.

H E R B E R T S A M U E L May 1st, 1925 H i g h C o m m i s s i o n e r .


No. City Name and situation of property Approximate area in square pics.

1 Jerusalem Tower of Jeronymos, near Ratisbon 4,272 Tower of Patrikios, near Ratisbon 4,062 ״ 2•3 ,, Land of Gregorios, near Ratisbon 43,987 . 4 ,, Land of Makarios, near the Municipal Hospital 15,484 The west part of the Nikephorieh 400,000 ״ 56 ,, Harrirrieh, near the Station 80,000 Land of Birket el Sultan 21,953 ״ 78 ,, The triangle of Mount Zion 9,637 Land of Abu Tor, near the Station 70,000 ״ 9

10 ., Tower of the Bishop of Jordan Meletios 60,000 Land of Arch. Seraphim, Catamon road 31,500 ״ 11 Karat el Lodj, near the Station 80,000 ״ 12 Land near the lands of Mar Elias (in Mbaka) 50,000 ״ 13 The northern part of E. Nikephorieh and the lower ״ 14

part of Talpieh 150.000׳ 15 ,, Vineyard of Arch. Makarios (Mbaka) 64,128 ״ Olive Grove of Joannikios 39,822 ״ 1617 ,, El Mart] Ei-Sliarky and El Mart] El-Gharby, Khirbet

Mutran El Ludd, to the north of the Convent of St. Elias • 400,000

18 ,, Land opposite the tower of Agapios, near Bethlehem 30,000 Rretj 33,654.000 ״ 1920 Jaffa Zariphieh Market 16,500 1,200׳ houses of Monnouyoudi ״ 2 21 Garden of Abu Roudoiian 2,000 ״ 2223 Haifa The House of Sekaly 800 24 12 kirats in the shops of Keasserieh (Bab el Sharky) 60 Land near the Station 28,000 ״ 2526 ,, Land on Mount Carmel 25,000 27 Akka 8 kirats in the garden of Kourdi 28 Jericho Hotel Bougdanova and gardens 40,000 1 Constantinople

Neocharios House near the road Simisti 266 2 1 1 House nea r the road Simisti 266 3 1 1 Garden ne ar the road Simisti 26.666 4 1 1 Garden ne ar the road Derra 2666 5 1 1 A shop near the road Derra 6 y j Land near the road Derra 200 7 1 1 1 1 J ! 200 8 ) } I i 1 1 1 1 200 9 1 } 5 * ? ? -M 1 * } ? 200

10 '•> i 1 1 1 1 1 1 200 11 1 1 •?< I l 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 200 12 1 1 ? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 200 13 Halki House with a garden Sira Sarbi 500 14 i ? i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 500 15 i ! i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 500 16 1•) i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 500 17 1 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 500 18 1 • i i v 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? ) 500 19 ? 1 i i i i 500 20 Garden Sh ׳a Sarbi 8,(300 21 1 1 Degirmon Road 100,000

226 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 15th. May, 1925.




(Gazetted May, 15th, 1925־).

The following paragraph shall be added to clause 9 of the Order consti­tuting a Local Council in the Village of Sarona, published in Official Gazette No. •137 of the 15th April, 1925.

"The boundaries of the village lands in such ownership shall be deter­mined by the Local Town Planning Commission of Jafta, and confirmed by the District Governor of the Jerusalem-Jaffa District."

May l l t h , 1925. H E R B E R T S A M U E L

H i g h C o m m i s a i o n e r .

A D V O C A T E S O R D I N A N C E No. 13 of 1922.


The undermentioned gentlemen have been granted licence to practise before the C i v i l Courts i n Palestine.

M r . S. Mizrahi . Moh. Faiz Eff. E l Kanafani. M r . Baruch Noah. M r . J . Levy. Dr . E . Cohen. Fouad Eff. At ta l lah. M r . A . Makoff.

• T H O S . W . H A Y C R A F T C h i e f J u s t i c e .


N O T I C E .

The undermentioned gentlemen have been granted licences to practise i n Palestine under the Surveyors' Ordinance 1921.

• Name Date. Rushdi Bey El-Imam El-Huse in i 23.4.25. M r . Eliezeir Beloch 23.4.25. M r . Paul Frank 28.3.25.

C H . L E Y D i r e c t o r of S u r v e y s ,

R E G I S T R A T I O N O F P A R T N E R S H I P S .

The particulars given below correspond in each case wi th the following headings.

1. Name and address of partners

2. F i r m name of partnership

3. Names of partners authorised to administer the partnership and sign for same

4. Dates of commencement and determination

5. Object

Gershon Grushka, T e l - A v i v . Moses Garber, T e l - A v i v . Zohar, Grushka & Garber. Both partners jointly. 1.4•.1925 to an unlimited period. Paint manufacturers.



3. 4. 5.

Pinhas H a i m Baltiuester, Jerusalem. Zwi Azulay, Jerusalem. 'Au tomob i l e Service Kadimah, P . C h . Balt-inester & Z . Azulay". Both partners jointly. December 1919 to an unl imited period. Motor car service.

Georges A . Dagher, Jaffa. Aziz Michel Dimian, Jerusalem.

G . Dagher & Co. Georges A . Dagher. to an unl 1.5.1925׳ imited period. Money brokers and general merchants.

Pinhas Chaim Baltinester, Jerusalem. Zwi Azulay, Jerusalem. Abraham Kirshenbaum, Jerusalem. Eliazar Mordehay La ish , Jerusalem. Moshe Loar, Jerusalem. David Kirshenbaum, Jerusalem.

i ( P . C h . Baltinester, Z w i Azulay & Co . " Pinhas Chaim Baltinester, Abraham K i r ­shenbaum and Zwi Azulay joint ly. .to a period of one year 15.12׳. !924Runn ing motor cars for hire.

Moshe Shapira, T e l - A v i v . Malka Mathilde Shapira, Te l -Aviv . Priatco, Palestine-Roumanian Industry & Trading Co. , Moshe Shapira & Co. M r . Moshe Shapira alone. 2.5.1925.-to an unlimited period. Importers & Exporters.

45th. May, 1925 O F F I C I A L G A Z E T T E . 227


Notice is hereby given that the partnership "Pr ia tco , Palestine-Pmumanian Company for Commerce and Industry", notice of which appeared in Official Gazette No. 131־ dated 15th January, 1925, was dissolved wi th effect from 30th A p r i l 1925.

N O T I C E .

P A L E S T I N E - I R A Q O V E R L A N D M A I L S E R V I C E

In addition to the existing Haifa-Baghdad Overland M a i l , a new service via Beyrouth and Baghdad w i l l henceforth be available to the public.

The mai l is scheduled to leave Beyrouth at 6.0 am. on Mondays and to reach Baghdad on the following Wednesday. The last connect­ing despatch w i l l leave Haifa at 10 am. on Sundays.

A l l classes of registered and unregistered correspondence for Iraq and Persia, but N O T parcels or insured correspondence, w i l l be admitted.

A special fee of 13 mi l l ièmes for each 20 grammes or part thereof must be prepaid by means of postage stamps in addition to the postage at the usual foreign rates. Matter on w h i c h the special fee has not been fully prepaid w i l l be forwarded by sea route. -

Correspondence should be superscribed in French with the words "Service Extraordinaire Beyrouth-Baghdad".

W . H U D S O N Post m aster Gen end.

N O T I C E .

It is hereby notified that the Palestine Railways w i l l sell bv public auction at Haifa Station'at 1000 hours on Wednesday, 20th May, certain unclaimed goods consisting of miscel­laneous articles chiefly wearing apparel, sticks, hats, sporting goods, coal, barley, etc.

The goods may be viewed on the day of the sale between 0800 and 1000 hours.

T E N D E R S A N D A D J U D I C A T I O N O F C O N T R A C T S .

The contract for improvements to Nablus-Wady Farrah-Gif t l ik road has been adjudicated in favour of Mahmoud Eff. Hamad at 5°/״ below P . W . D . Estimates. Period of contract 3 months.

The contract for resurfacing section of Nablus road between K . 2-4 has been adjudicated i n favour of Shaheen Ahmed at 2 3 ° / below ״P . W . D . estimate. Period of contract 50 days wi th one roller or 38 days wi th 2 rollers

The contract for resurfacing section of the Jerusalem - Hebron road K . 16 to 18 has been adjudicated in favour of Mustafa Mohamed at o below P/21״ . W . D . estimate. Period of contract 98 days with one roller or 68 days wi th two rollers.

The contract for resurfacing section of Jerusalem-Jaffa road from K . 24 to 26 has been adjudicated i n favour of Daoud Abu H i l l e l at 5 ° / 0 below P . W . D . estimate. Period of contract 40 days wi th one roller or 24 days wi th two rollers.

228 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 15th, May, 1925.

N u m b e r s o f i m m i g r a n t s e n t e r i n g P a l e s t i n e f r o m 1-3-25 t o 31-3-25.



Persons of independent means who intend to take up permanent residence in Palestine

5G7 407 389 1363

D Wives , children and other persons

wholly dependent on residents in Palestine 115 302 163 580


Persons who have a definite prospect of employment w i th specified employers or enterprises.

590 216 — 806

E 2 Wives , children and other persons

accompanying immigrants classified under Category " E "

3 107 378

F Members of religious occupations who

have means of maintenance 6 •14 7 27

T O T A L 1281 1106 767 3154

N o t e 1. 68 Jews, 15 Christians and one Moslem who entered the country as travellers and were given permission to remain permanently are also included.

N o t e 2. 11 Immigrants who failed to comply wi th the Immigration Regulations were refused admission.

N u m b e r o f P e r s o n s L e a v i n g P a l e s t i n e P e r m a n e n t l y f r o m 1.3.25 t o 31.3.25.


Emigrants. Returning Immigrants.




en I


: w.




! Christians r״aT״g״

: a ; o 5־ \ 3 ~

a ׳ : &S ! r> \ a


: a ! ; a> ;

« 1 1 !

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a> s-



! a • a ; o> : r~> \ 2


C h r


istis p <x> a o

ins !

' t-l : 2

12 a


Egypt European countries Central & South America U . S. A . Other Destinations

81 1 ! 1 5 ! 3 ; — 11 — I — 7 1 21׳ |

11 ! 4 ! 5

! 3 ; 6 ! 10 ! 13 ! 5

2 ! 3 3 ! 2 4 ! 3 4 ! 3 A \ 4

. 3 | 2

: (»0 ! — \ 5 ! — : I i ­

2 ! l i — 1 12( 3

9! 6 1 1 5



5 1 8j

2 ! 4 |



1 8 | —I —

Total 1 32 ! 10 : 7 ! 37 17 15 ! 69 ; 2 ; 2 1 23 ; 14 8 | 19 3 11 8! — i —

Total : 191 T o t a l : 76

Grand Total 267

15th. May, 1925 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 229



The following changes of names have been registered and certificates have been issued accordingly.

Old Name

Edel, Jacob Ziwiakowcky, Bennu Velker, Yona Israel Unterman, Sima Krupernik, Shimon Kapota Issac Joseph Shuster, Ben Zion

,, Chassida Izraelewicz, Ajzyk

,, Chaya Kahaneman, Aba, Slobodnic, Abraham

,, Miriam ,, Haim ,, Mordechai

Reinas, Binas ,, Sara

Potasz, Mordechai Nassia ״ Nafshyja ״

Kotowicz, Benjamin Holovchiner, Alexander Seelenfreund, Shlomo

,, Shoshana ,, Jului ,, Alexander

Ernestine Etelka

,, Irine Greenspon, Isaac

,, Shoshana ,, B racha

Yael Zuchowitz, Abraham

Address New Name.

Tel-Aviv Jerusalem Beth Alpha Jerusalem Jerusalem

Lydda Tel-Aviv

Haifa 1 1

1 1

1 1

Tel-Aviv i >


Nahalal Sarafand


Adini, Jacob Ami, Ben Ben Pinhas, Yona Israel Beteli, Esther Sima Kemach, Shimon Cochby, Isaac Joseph Gold, Benzion

,, Chassida Israely, Isaac

,, Chaya Kahani, Aba Kzeizman, l)ov

,, Miriam ,, Haim ,, Mordechai

Nahari, Pina ,, Sara

Narkis, Mordechai ,, Nassia

Nafshyja Ogeni, Benjamin Rosh, Alexander Yedidia, Shlomo

,, Shoshana ,, Gershon Yehuda ,, Alexander ,, Esther ,, Sara

Toba Yoely, Isaac

,, Shoshana ,, Bracha Yael ״

Zachs, Abraham


B R O K E R S ' L I C E N C E S

The following• is a further list of brokers licensed i n accordance wi th the provisions of the Notice dated the 18th February 1924, published in the Official Gazette of the 1st March 1924.

Eliazar Goldfinger Jerusalem Joseph Zarankian Jerusalem R u b i n Shapira Jerusalem Shlomo Z. Gl ikman Jerusalem A r o n Shmerl ing Jaffa A . Pinel lo T e l - A v i v Hashem Shawish Jaffa Ruza Colghassi Jaffa Mohamed Adeeb E l Taji Jaffa Benjamin Stodovnik Tel-Aviv-Le ib Mandel Jaffa Joseph Deutz T e l - A v i v

David Idelevitch T e l - A v i v Esia Benviniste T e l - A v i v Jehoshua Rosenberg T e l - A v i v Moshe Shmuel Medintzky Tel-Aviv-Jami l E l Kudsi Jaffa Ph i l i p Straoud T e l - A v i v Moshe Epstein T e l - A v i v Shmuel Ben Lev i Jaffa Shlomo Nurok T e l - A v i v Moshe Kipniss T e l - A v i v Jacob Tager T e l - A v i v Abraham Ergaz T e l - A v i v Joseph Shwartz T e l - A v i v Aziz A r i d a Jaffa Mahmoud Abdel Nach Jaffa Mustafa Gikhleb Jaffa Zvi Marcus T e l - A v i v Mousa Sh i rkawi Jaffa W a d i Mantoura Jaffa A . E . Pollack T e l - A v i v Yashua E l K a u r i Jaffa




Foreign Total British Foreign Total No. Ton! !age No. Tonnage No. Tonnage No. Tonnage No. Tonnage No. Tonnage

— — 53 850 53 850 58 995 58 995


504842 186 235494 103 39348)2 83 515170 188׳ 245650 105׳ 1 269520 83

Table II



Ports British Foreign Total Ports British Foreign Total Ports No. Tonnage No. Tonnage No.

10 36 .7

Tonnage Ports

No. Tonnage No. Tonnage No. Tonnage

Jaffa Haifa Acre

— — 10 36


351 431 68


10 36 .7

351 431 68

Jaffa Haifa Acre

J 10 24 24

344 436 215

10׳24 24

344 436 215

Total — — 53 850 53 850 Total — — 58 995 58 995

Table II (Continued) STEAM VESSELS.

Jaffa 54 84339 67 161283 121 245622 Jaffa 48 73905 63 142002 111 215907 Haifa 29 185181 38 84367 67 269548 Haifa 35 195443 40 93492 75 288935

• Total 83 269520 105 245650 188 515170 Total 83 269348 103 235494 186 504842







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83 1 3 1 " 21 •' . 4 1 21 17 2 42 1 1 6 8 48 241



Quarter ending 31st March 1924. Quarter ending 31st March 1925.

Steam Vessels Sailing Vessels Steam Vessels Sailing Vessels

Entered Cleared Entered Cleared Entered Cleared Entered Cleared

No. 157 158 54 47 • No. 188 186 53 58 Tons 409239 • 411698 955 806 Tons 515170 504842 850 995

232 OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 45th. May, 1925»

A P P O I N T M E N T S , etc.

" A " Appointments.

H i s Excellency the H i g h Commissioner has been pleased to appoint:-

L t . Co l . G . S . Symes C . M . G . , D . S . O . to be Chief Secretary to the Government wi th effect from the 3rd June, 1925־.

Hassan Faiz Eff. Idrissi to be Palestinian Officer, Grade V , Palestinian Section, Palestine Gendarmerie, on three years probation, wi th effect from the 1st A p r i l , 1924.

Sheikh Suleiman Eff. Saadi, Chief Clerk , Shana Court, Salad, to be Act ing Kadi of Beisan, Sharia Courts, wi th effect from the 26th November, 1924.

M r . F . H . Taylor, Assistant District Engineer, Grade I V , Palestine Railways, to be Dis­trict Engineer, Grade i l l , Palestine and Transjordan Section of the Hijaz Rai lways,

; wi th effect from the 25th March, 1925."

Mr . A . A . Gross, to be AsMstant District E n g i ­neer, Grade IV , Palestine Railways, with ,effect from the 1st May, 1925.

M r . E . N . Koussa, Legal Department, to be Act ing Publ ic Prosecutor, Nablus, during

:the absence on leave of Musa Eff. Nammar, wi th effect from the 5th May, 1925.

M r . E . Hatehwell, Legal Department, to be Act ing Publ ic Prosecutor, Jaffa, with effect from the 10th May,1925.

" B " Postings.

Mohamed Eff. Baradi , Assistant Judicial Ins­pector, Grade V , Judicial Department, to be Magistrate, Jenin , wi th effect from the 1st A p r i l , 1925.

M r . A . Asusa, Public Prosecutor, Jaffa, assumed duty temporarily ab Publ ic Prosecutor, Jerusalem, wi th effect from the 10!Ii May, 1925.

" C " Transfers.

Hi s Excellency the High Commissioner has been pleased to transfer:

Saba Eff. Said, Public Prosecutor, Jerusalem, Grade V , Legal Department, to the post of Assistant Judicial Inspector, Grade V , Judicial Department,• wi th effect from the 10th May, 1925.

' , D ' ' Retirements.

His Excellency the High Commissioner has been pleased to approve the retirement of : -

S i r Gilbert F . Clayton, K . B . E . , C . B . , C . M . G . , Chief Secretary to the Government of Palestine, with effect from the 2nd June, 1925.

M r . S. Ginsberg, Headquarters Inspector, De­partment of Education, wi th effect from the 31 st May, 1925.

" ׳" E " Vacation Leave.

His Excellency the High Commissioner has been pleased to approve vacation leave i n • respect of the following officers:-

S i r Gilbert F . Clavton, K . B . E . , C . B . , C . M . G . , Chie f Secretary 19.4.25-2.6.25

M r . W . J . Fâ r re l l , M . C . Dept. of Education 27.4,25-26.7.25

Dr . H . A b u Rahmeh, Department of Health 14.4.25-13.8.25

Ibrahim Eff. Joudah, Judicial Department 27.4,25-26.5.25

M r . Y . R . D . Wigan , Palestinian Section, Palestine Gendarmerie 1.5.25-31.7.25

M r . F . G . Lowick , District Adminis t ra t ion, Northern District 7.5.25-6.8.25

M r . F . J . Tear, Department of Agriculture and Forests 1.5.25-14,6.25

Dr . R . Oplatka, Department of Health 6.5.25-5.9.25

Musa Eff. Nammar, Legal Department 5.5.25-4.6.25


The date of termination of appointment of M r . F . M r Goadby, Director of Legal Studies, Legal Department, published in the Official Gazette No. 138 of the 1st May, 1925 as 19th. A p r i l , 1925, should read:- "18th A p r i l , 1925".

C I T A T I O N F O R O R D E R O F A D M I N I S T R A T I O N .

h i the District Court of Jerusalem.

The 21st A p r i l , 1925.

In the matter of Samuel Harr is Si lver (Alias Schemuel Zvi Caspi), deceased.

By virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date 21st A p r i l , 1925, I do hereby cite a l l and all manner of persons to appear in the said District Court i n ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why an order of ad­ministration ot al l and singular mulk immovable property of Samuel Harris Si lver , deceased should not be granted unto Robert D. Kesselman, certified accountant, Jerusalem, as in default thereof the Court w i l l proceed to grant the same accordingly.

F R A N C I S H . B A K E B , P r e s i d e n t D i s t r i c t C o u r t , J e r u s a l e m . .

45th May, 4925. OFFICIAL GAZETTE. 233

C I T A T I O N F O R O R D E R O F A D M I N I S T R A T I O N .

In the District Court of Jerusalem.

Dated this 27th day of A p r i l , 1925.

In the matter of Issa Geris Nafal, deceased.

By virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date 24th A p r i l , 1925, I do hereby cite a l l and al l manner of persons to appear i n the said Court i n ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, i f any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights, credits and mulk immovable property of Issa Geris Nafal, deceased, should not he granted unto M i r i a m Issa Abdou of Gifna, Ramallah, as, in default thereof, the Court w i l l proceed to grant the same accordingly.

F R A N C I S H . B A K E R , P r e s i d e n t , D i s t r i c t C o u r t , J e r u s a l e m

Quarantine & Infectious Diseases Summary.

Week ending 11th May, 1925.

1. Quarantine Restrictions. No changes have occurred since 4-5-25.

No restrictions are at present in force.

2. Weekly Report ôf Infectious Dis­eases in Palestine.

Place Typhus Observations.

Tel A v i v , Jaffa


Degania Tiberias District



Terms of Subscription for the Official Gazette.

Single copies sold locally P . T . 5 Post Free.

Quarterly Half-yearly Annua l ly Palestine 25 P . T . 50 P . T . 100 P . T . Abroad 40 P . T . 60 P .T . 120 P . T . Applications with remittances (Cash. Postal or Money Orders only) should be made to : Principal Stores Officer, Russian Buildings, Jerusalem.

The Official Gazette is obtainable by the Trade from the Pr inc ipa l Stores Officer, Russian Bui ldings , Jerusalem. It can he purchased by the Publ ic at all Booksellers and Newsagents i n Palestine.

Printed by Greek Convent & Azr ie l P r in t ing Press, Jerusalem.
