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M e p r e s e n t t u g t h e i n d u s t r i a l a n d © a r a r a c r c i a l i n t e r e s t s o t t i l e W a i t e d J i t a t e s .


I t L T T O D E C E M B E R . 1 « 9 4 , I X C L U I I T E .

N E W ! Y O R K :



F IF T Y -N IN T H V O L U M E ,

Embracing the Numbers from July I to December 31, 1894,

E d i t o r i a l a n d C o m m u n i c a t e d A r t i c l e s .P a g e .

ft Ibany National Bank,, Condition o f .... "16 /miner!- -to Cotton Oil Co-. Annual Report- 7o8 American Railway ' Onion, Report of

Prated Stores Strike Commission.......... 856America® Railway Union and Strike* . . . 4S jAnthracite'Cttal Frodnfition.92,251, 491.670 10761Arbitration to Tabor Disputes. Mr Car­

rol ! D. Wright On............ 720 ■Armenian Trouble.................... 991 jAtchUon Topeka* Santa Fe RR. Appoint­

ment of Mr. Walker as Receiver............. 251 ]Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Income and

Mr, Little ’ ................................................. 209Are!,ison Topeka A Santa Fa HR., Air.

Little’ s Report.......................................... 834Atchison Topeka A Santa Fe RR.’s Over-

statement of Earnings, Revelations Re­settling ............... ............ ................132, 13",

Australasia. Gold and Silver Mining la . .. 215 !ad Intore National Banks, Condition of 177 ■'

7 aSHmore ,v Ohio R R , A usual Report. 900 . Baltimore A- Ohio RR. Reduce* Dividend 670 i Bank, Sow York State Organisation, !

S c v .............. 257Bank Note Finn, Baltimore Banters' Con-

volition...................... 718 jBe&k-JfOts Flan. Carlisle. Reported to the

House and tie Substitute Offered byMr. Springer.................................... 1078

Bank Note*. Elasticity and Safety o f ----- 1032Biuili*. Differenc-* lVitU and Change* by

..the Tryteasy M to Interior Movementof C o m a e ? ........................................ 306, 390

Banks, (Sew York Cite; Loans Largestever have been ................ ............718. 756

Busk*, (Sew York Cftyj and tie proposedIssue o f Bond*.......... ...............830,896. 899

Banks, (Sew York City) Redaction of In­terred on Interior Batik Balaam*#,. 718, 786

Bank-, (jr«t» York Cityl Return* as toCast, Bfeiaiwt* Explained............... ........ 390

Bank*, Nation i atm State, Condition of,530. 177. 213, 315,631.723, S13

Bankers' Convention at Baltimore Form ul»t. i Plan for Bank Soto Currency ... <522

Bunker*' 3t« ratine................. ................. . 1037.6-1-dAii EHkfetUru................... ... , , 873 |Bimetallism Impracticable to United

States Alone,' but with Enrobe. Desira­b le . . . .........................................................

Bond Is*ue, Circular Inviting Subscrip­tion*, also List of Subscribers to I*t>-v;-o u s l-sa e ................. .. . . . ___ 859

BoptI Issu*. ( nditlons which have mariei t Necessary............... . ,. ..................... 852

Bond Issue, field Withdrawal* fromTreasury and Bank* __ — ,896.

Blind L-i iie atsd the Money Market...........Boo l N - u\ Odt-iai Feets, the Awarls

and S«b*c»li<tton* ........................Bond !«*»» to Replenish Trri*-itrr tield

R>.'«c-rvc,Sab«,-r1ption* rnvltod 350,852.Bond I sane, Subscriptions Larger tliuu ,

Reported . .............. 1081 IBoie! Itotte, Surprising Success and the

SKllMmisi* ....... ......... .........O il 04 ( :Bond fC h 1 Syndlvate Dissolved ,,, . 1120 | Hondo county, Can they Become a loca l

Oarrenwy.................................................... 870 :.Bond*, Uittted. Stator, Falsity of Rumor* I

Resurffltag Iwm* o f ................................ jag 'Boston M s B a n k a , Condition o f...... 177Bretefettt®* Exports, Our. 1893-94:........ 98Rv-vLtui?* Re- at Lake and River

Ports fmontilivi .55. 21,2. 451 631. ajw, 1035 Brooklyn. BuddingOperation*m 1 s io Brooklyn ,v;t*io>.M) Bank*. Condition of . ITS Banding Operation- in N>»- York, Chi

•w o and Brooklrti *3®, 816Evidence* of Revival Since the

Election......................... smfttwta* ** I eprovement, iiKhrsffoo* of

IBS. 200Bn»Ine*H Inactive Pending Settlement ofTariff Legislation........... . ................., 90BaMae*», In>)(«iMdsg Activity in........... 390 j


899 1 944950)359

Page.China—A Real Eastern War-------------------- 172China, Commerce o f .............. .............. ....... 762China. Is it Worth Preserving,................... S15Cincinnati National Baote.Condition of. 216 City Bond Sales, Review of (monthly 1. .37,

213, 435, 622, 314,, 1023 Clearing* by Telegraph (weekly) see First Page Clearings in United State* (monthly)..34,

169, 392,577, 7-58,956 Cleveland Cinn. Chicago A- St, Louis RR..

Annual Report................ .......................... 627Cleveland National Banks, Condition o f . . 315 Cleveland’s (President; Lester on Senate

Amendments to Tariff B!U. .................. 90Cleveland’s (President) Proclamations and

Senate’s Action and End of Strike........ 44Coal, Anthracite. P roduction ^ , 251, 404,

670,1076Congress, President’s Message and Secre­

tary of Treasury’? Report............... ....... 984Construction. New Railroad, Limiting___ 901Corea—A Real Eastern War................ ........ 172Corea, the Scramble for......... ..................... 10Core*n Difficulty—It- Relation to The

Great Power?........................... 256Corn, Condition Acreage and Yield...46.

208, 446, 0*27Com Crop, Short, Effect on Railroad Earn­

ings......................................... 444Com. Speculation in..................................... 206Cotton Consumption and Overland Move­

ment.............................. ............ .583, 764,951Cotton Crop of 1304-95—What Agricultur­

al Figures Indlest*...... , .......................... 853Cotton Good* at Auction............... . . . . .1087Cotton, Ellison A Co.'s Annual Report (by

Cable).................. 833Cotton Manufaetoritis m Fall River in

1891...................................................... 314.857Cotton Manufacturing and Strike? at Fall

River (fee . 306,350,390Cotton Movement and Crop 0/ 1*93-94... 398Cotton Receipt* at Southern Port*

(monthly>. .. .-5.5. 213.453. 83i. * 10, iosoCrop Cott&tibn. Method of Reporting on

by Government should not be hanged 444Crop*, Condition and Y'ieM of. -4.fi, 2or. 4 15, 620 County Bond*, Can they Become a Local

Currently....................... 670Currency. Bank Koto Plan by Bidliiaert-

Banker'* Convention................. 718Currenov, Back Kotos, Elasticity and

safety o f ............. . .............................1032Currency. Change* a* to Interior Move­

ment »ad Differences between Banks andTreasury... . 306,390

Currency Holding* by United State*Treasury............. ..B. 172, 304. 580, 760

Currency Inelasticity sad Gold Export* . 90Cummer Inelasticity, Possible Cause of

Goid Shipments, Cheufct Bu*in - - Im­provement . 622

Currency Reform—*ht CarludeFlas Should 1* Encouraged and Improved. . 1079 •

O m ency Situation, S«eret*r,r Carlisle-1Report on Deplorable Charac ter of . 987

Currency Suggest Ions, Old and Vow __ 1124currency. Taxation United State* Note*.

Copy of Law............................. 725Currency Plan, CarUaie and Baltimore*

Flan, Mr Dtulworth’* View* Regarding, 1039 Currency, Volume of iu 1879, 1884,1864 532 Custom House Withdrawal* from Ware­

house. Foe Scramble to Get Goods.......... 350Otar’s Death . ........................ 756Ciar** Health,Ac., Effect on Market* A> ,576, 022

n enter A Rio Grande RR. in « Year ofl) preasion. . . . . . . . . . 398

_ Page-.Foreign Exchange, Its Unique Character

Shown............................. ......... .......................90-Foreign Exchange, Reasons why Higher ’

Rates nre Required for Gold Exports,. 1033 Foreign Trade, Large F cvorable Balance,

Gold Export? and Brels stio Currency... 90- Foreign frade Movement (mouthl*)..9l,

251.493,669.851,1077 Floyd r ounty (Georgia) Ronds, Decision

of Solicitor of Treasury........................... 670 -Germany Buying Gold In Open Market

at London...... ....................493,530, 622-Gold. See Bimetallism........... ..................Gold Exports Begun............................ 984Gold Exports, Notwithstanding Large

Trade Balance, Dae to Inelastic Cur­rency ........... 90 ,

! Gold Exports-Reasons why Higher Ratesof Exchange arc Required for.................1033

Gold Imports with Foreign Exchangenear Point of Export.............................. S51

Gold and Silver Mining in Australia........ 215Gold Sold forGcrasauvinOcen Market at

London .............. ......... . ‘ . .. 493,580. 622Gobi, Threatened Shipment* of Caused

by Iin-L 1- Uc Currency, Cheeks BusinessRecovery................ 622'

Gold. II. S. Imports ><nd Exports (month­ly)........................ 92. 251, 493. 669, Sal, 1077

Grain Crop*. Indicated Yield o f............... 636Great Northern RR.. Annual Report........ 1125

I llinois Bank*. Condition o f..................... 635lilnois Central RE.. Annual Report, .. 535

tniaoto Central RR.. Earnings................. 984Import* in Bonded Warehouse, Prospects

or Revenue from ................... .171, 206, 208Income Tax Pro vision of Tariff Bill, Text

of ......................................... 272In>er-State Commerce Act on Pooling,

Bill Amending Passed br House of Re­presentative....... ............. 1030,1033

latereStotc Commerce Commission andKilt - to Southern fatal* ..................... 9

Inter-State Commerce and Income ofR«ilP>i*.!t! Fima! Year 1894 ....................1030

Inter-State Commerce Statistics on Rail­roads .. . ............................................... 090

Ibicr-St >t«- Commerce Statistical Report, Condition of the Railroad Industry. ... 352

Iroti and Steel fyoduction, Our................ 173Iran Furnace# in and out of Blast........... 46Iron Furnace*in Blast, Increase o f . .207,

444,623, S10Italian Victory at K assils.......................... 138¥ apati again Victorious....................495, 897

*F apan, China and Corea—A Real East­ern War .............. ........................172, 582.

.lapmt-Chln*. War Approaching an End. 1081 Japan—-fauna Bur, Effect on Markets ... 576Japan—Is China Worth Preserving.......... 813Japanese Progress A new Treaty, Ac....

355, 622 .I * an.?** City National Banks, Condition* » - of. - ................................................ 315huitMts Pueiilo Cou-ol*................................ sKentucky State Backs, Condition o f........ 217King* 1 ounty. Building Operations in.. 136




1079g ’ >t»»d» Souther:! HR.. Yearly State-w mcpt.....................................................Gurtisl* Bioikhtg Pi:*:r> Ifeptrrted and Sub

■**'!'!?<• Offered................. .... .. 1078Carii*!<. Ser'y of Trciiaurr. Report nti the

I>i-!,)or»b]f Cfindiiion of tile Currency WitUStlna. ... , . . . . ' 9H7 '

Chc*af.atr*V,- 4- Ohio R6 . Antmn! Report Chicago B-arkx Condition of ...... . . 216,630,ettioago. thriiasug Operation* in......... t % *10Ctilcagti Burlinyidn « Quiricy RR. Reduces

lh - Mol be- Nat Bunks, condittoii of Dctrolf Vaibttsai Banks, Condition o f . . Dividend*, Railroad in 1*94 .Dry Good* Withdrew,!:, from Warehouse

and Btisine** Revival ------■ 'Section*. Detent of Populism, Free Hi!* 4 vcri-ir-. A— .................SKI,Elgin Joliet A- Eastern ItR . Am mil Rc

port................... 445Europe. tfuMOtlAa Feeling In, tzar*

Health, A c ....................... 622Enrttpeun Peace—The Feeling in High

Place-.............. ................- ....................... . 454Kun,penri and Win id’* Cotton Conautop

tion !by cable)..... ..................... 633'allure*, Mercantile. ........ 2, 585

Dividend ........ ............. .Chicago Burlington A Quincy RR. Returns

of Earning*...........................C8fe*«0 Mitwaakce & 91. Paul RR., An­

nual ReiKirtChicago Milwaukee A ~t. Pan! RR.. Limit

upon l»*ncnf (internI Mortcage Bond*. Chicago & Northwestern RIt, Reduce* DlTidcun...................Chlruigo t- Northwestern RR... Renewal Ex-

f*vndltiiraa. ......... . ......

997629 '39472194325-4

f .ill River, Cotton Manufacturing in.in 1*94 . ...................... .314. 957

Full Hirer and New Bedford, Lockout andStrike*...................................... 300,380. 390Fail River and New Bedford, Resumption,»f Work by Spinner*. ...................... 06“

Financial Review (ummlily).! 1.179,387,586,766, 953

Financial Situation. -< Fir.-r Article each week.

Foreign Commerce for Fiscal l ent. Feat­ure* o f ............... .................................... 92

Foreign Exchange, Higher Ratos « De­pressing influence .............................. . 022

■ abor Disputes, Compulsory Aridtra-* J (ton itT. Mr. C. D. Wright on ............... 720Labor, Pulluian’* i uliio- Car Co. Annual

Report................................................... 717Labor. U, S. St'ike ( ontiuisslou Report

on piillmaii Trouble, Ac........ .................. 856Lake Short; A Mlohigan Southern RR,.

Yearly Statement.................................... 1079Land Sales, Puldio, In 1394.....- ................ 1092Law Subjecting United States Notes to

Taxation . . ................. ..................... • 725Lltietdn Notional Bunk*. Condition of ... 217 Listings on Now York Stock Exchange In

189-1 . . . . . . .......................... 5 0 ,1127Louisville A- Nashville KB,, Annual Re­

port ............................ .. 580Louisville National Batiks, Condition o f . . 316ft8 a '.og»*ear Difficulty botween Franco

EtiKlatltf. 537Mtumfiictitriiig in due tries of MaaMohu-

ett* . . ...............446, 584Mtumaehuaoi t*. Mamtfttcturlng Indnatrics,

446, 5«4Meri-nMile. Failure* .2, 585Merchandise. TJ. 8. IWpnrta mid Exports

of (monthly . . .92, 251, *93, 669, 851, 1077Michigan Banks. Condition of __ 21", 72r>Michigan Ceidrnl RR., Yearly Statement. 1079 Miltvaukee Backs, National and State,

Condition o f . .............. 315Minneapolis National Bunk*, Condition

o f ................................ 3X6Minnesota Railroad Commission Reduce*

Rate*........................................................ 721Mobile A- Ohio RR., Annual Report 624Money Market, Higher Rate* Anticipated

by B ank......................... 132, 168Money Market. Peculiar Features of 532Municipal Bond Sato* (monthly), 37. 243.

485.022,844, 1023

I N D E X [Vol. W L

f mk&PSm k §4* SiWtf*| ItsiUY4*4 m i

f l » im W%mm$ \ m^r 0 \ N* .. w ft .. . „„ .

j V**® fisi- * o 1

PAG*.Strike (Railroad) Senators Davis and Gor-

i don on Paffer— ..................... ■ • ••-•• -* -d V,- Miur,{.»>'!» ; Strike (Railroad, 4c.). Report o f Dotted;ll m -c .-s Strike Commission..................... . 356

94 7 ; Si: Railroad and Other...................2, 44

PageTt Haasiger** Effort*............ ........ ....... 711

n*w »*.?• *- -ri isfo t r#:m*w

®#... * **, 4.4&9w * m§* M

. •# * v f « § €?ip# T f|l 11ST '&48S&9, Pm

ww L#d%m Sfv$# & Wjf t-w ijfcl.# It

Ofeftttf* ft®Y*«* em%mPm k

liftjjHil n$$i srf*....Jt#ir limtip.P i# ¥«t% §*Mi* Pawfc 3§frt» t**f§ Hi**# ltes-Pf«»»4c

Skw*t»Pt-w YetH 9&*Ml ftn 1* l i # f

P r * If *»rH. l:#ifKftflri&ftlt. - 4

I|fti4fcjifc>*4* §f»l# 8**9*-, < P«rfc

gg^ igy .'iib '" j l i $ t f

l i g f e V * *i ftmM $Lx-

,, ®4$# Mi WmtM%a Eft,

.... ... %0> f 1MSil„ km*

Ofm mUHi*.!##;1, 4 4gMMflt fofe i‘fft&M VMMMSfiiM.IflU,

t New_____ 001

ii-M&gr, 14 • 111l i f t

.SSMPIl!iTO* |l9S» |, 7b% 990

of .. *135-i INmM i ML* 4»®&is*t 8*j?#rt .

te)w JMsttew-S H ia f«»w far c SlJeerCmrn*m__ __________ _

y s M i i Wmk*» C#a4itloa of...

9®46 f?576

■» * a * r * | tJtfaf'• Hwi S HSwpi . 47Piiiiftyffiai* it.fi, Earataf* aa<! Exp^n*

«r%... . ia® ;s3I,717 .943 ,112391PPMgfei* K*t£«mai C«adlt oa

«£,... **.»,........... . . . . .. . . ............ „....... . 177M 8**4tAfj: KB., BreMiociof

sfrtd** . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .....757, 057Baiilt*., of 216

JtoWNE, Mil Am«®4t»f Inter-State Oora- mmm MM. PmmM by Hons® of Rapr»>m fmUTw *............................. . . . . . . 1030,1033

Mpwdtan SMtawfad »f the Poll* 4,....810, 812F » * i****s4 fttrfwntatiiv*. ...... . 48

JLuM S»l*«sa i*04... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1082JpatltsaJMS Boroot^* Railroad Striker and

O e re -»d mti Qov&mov ofmmol*. ...........................2, 4-4

t IXmmsi '* * 'mt Oo., Aatiaal Report 717C * €oti in 1804.......4,11221 » • - .........

m AS^ted t)f Short.................. . ,4 4 1

WtMi%pm4 Co araet.er of Carrpat... .£*2. 13 i. 170, *242, 351. 393,

681* 67$, 023, 759, 811. S5I, «98. 913,0-4, 1031, 1078,1123

Ka4lrps4 WktulbM*, Grts**- timm, mmrrnM Emmh


|««l1 * 1 ^ Esmlnr^Htp IV ,r St, V R ,V I^ 4 fUrrtAe*

JNtttiklLfc»)irr„.J R*rI,fog» «u4 H’iiri'ti'iFVir P;'..

•m*er He*tSBe .. ............................. 492, 030RrtUfN'iid irtemnA i * • i year iS94 tud

tn«n'8t>t<*0nnmi,:v« . ........... . ...a030B*«WS4 sw w lfy , oandttton o t mvl in*

Wr*#l»te CSommeroe Statistical Report. 352 Peolteif BUS, Amending Inter- 1

ststte Oar.rr;< Act, Passed by House°» «JSWha»tamve»................... ! ..1030,1033 I

Fnssfer? -»t..........*70.•Ireland** Proctarns* ■ Action. Effect on!&»*.«». ...................... .it *.nan Bo.vcctt and «d and Governor «t

won* Why Osuid not

8 .sod Ra­ul.. Jaw

. iijointiB, (worse of . S'e.w Yuri: SttltO Com*Be# Construct!'Jti.....it- t'o-nmeroe Com BJls-S athftn. Points------

ate Commerce Statis-



tic 990

:, 10SE I .' 311 - 354

K.ilrciiu’ ■ Nf-urterry Maximum Freightiiiii, dodge Brewer's Decision................ S50

Jl.dread. Report of C. S. Crimm!s*ton onAmrriesti Jia'iwKr 1‘ulon Strik’ ........... 856

It .'!r<n-,<U, Right, of RtX’elvers lu Choos- mg Kmpi'iyers— The Case of Phtladel-»Ma tt Reading Trainmen...................... 947

fUdwny rnitin, tiueriotin. and Strikes... 48It .(pe ws, Stre<-1 Sea litYJCttoa'a SOP-

pwatisT — ovember.Railway* U the Unwed States. Statistics

of. ................................ 13lii-t-'vrr-- Rights in Choosing Employees

—Beadingtn -e ................ 947Uevmoe of Treudiry from Goods lu

Banded Warehouses.................171.206, 208Rto Grande Western EK„ Annual Report, 072 Roberts, President of Penn. BR.,ou Busi-

nea« Conditions........................................ 668Russia, Craps Sickness and ( xarowitz’

■ outrun plated Marriage................. 723Russia, Cinr’s Dentil......... ......................... 756Kij.-ia-.r' o !i iietifu InEuro.*and tba East. 749 Russian Lean Largely Oversuhsoribed. .. 1030 ^ 1 . JO .cull National Banka, Condition of. 316 ~ t . Lotus National Banka, Condition of. 216St. Paul National Banka, Condition o f___ 216San t-rancisoo, Imports and Exports of

Gold and Stiver. 139,316. 455,765,904,1088 Run Francisco Nat- Banks, Condition of.. 316Silver, sen Bimetallism— .........................Silver, Advance in,Due to Warln Corea.. 250 Silver Coinage, Government Policy Re­

garding........................ 494Silver, Free Ooiuage Slade a Political !*•

attain Ohio.......... .. .................................. 576Silver and Gold Mining In Australia........ 215silver (Free Coinage) Rejected Generally

at the Election.................................. 810, 812Stiver, United States Import* and Exports

of {monthly)....... 02, 25t. 493, 670, 851,1077racilic RE. of Cal., Progress of, 366

Southern Points, Rates to and Inter-StateCammerofi C •minissiou........................... 9

Southern Rv-, Gross and Net Past Year.. 1076 Southern Railway Mortgage, Features 0!, 76 !Stote Boils*.Condition o f ................. «3A. 725at it- (New York) Bauk Organization,

New................................... 277a, First Six Months 1894. .173

S- -set EvfUattge. New York, Listing on,Li I -*»t.............................................. ..NO, 1127

Stock.Etr-iiang *, New York, 31inre S ■ 1 -s( -it'hly>............. 'l7"< Odd. 578. 759, 936

Sfr-ck Prices, Range of, iti Leading C ties Sittci 18 -o. see Xavestou's Supple- MK.T—July.

Stock Speeiilation.Duliie## In........................1122.- ’I He i V- 1 Are ISYESTOB’S SUPPLB-

w ENT—Novem her.Strike (Railroad) Cleveland's Proclama­

tion oml Senate’s Action, Ac................... 44Strike {Railroad) Effect on Railroad Earn-

togs and Business..................................... 44Strike (Railroad) Reasons Why a General

Strike Could Not be Successful............. . 47




* I'lariff, Activity in Getting Goods Out ofTariff Bill. Failure o f Conferees to Agree

s,ti-1 President Cleveland’s Letters..,90,Tariff BUI, Its Effect on Government Rev­

enue............................................... .Tariff Bill. New, as a Departure to Our

Economic Policy.................................. . 253Tariff Bill, No Agreement Reached by

Conferees............................................ 168, 206Tariff Bill On!s' Removed Obstacles to

Badness Revival................................... 350TaMff Bill, Passageof, Improves Business

Outlook and Relieves Treasury— .250,Tn t iff Bill, Pnblio by Turns in Fever and

Chill over Reported Agreement and Dis­agreement nf Conferenoe Oommittee,...

Tariff Bill. Public Wish to Have the Sub­ject Settled at Onoe................................. 132

Tariff Bill. Settlement of and Larger Gov­ernment Income..................... 306

T- r j ff B ill, S o spense to Reference to a Veto,Effect on Business................................. 306

Tariff Bill, Text of........................................ 258Taxation of United States Notes, Text, of

Law......................................................... 725Trade (Foreign) Large Favorable Balsnee,

Gold Exports and Inelastic Currency... 90Trade Outlook Better....................................1122Treasury (U. S.) Better Outlook to June

and Brighter Outlook for July, &o.. . . . . 5Treasury (U. S.) Changes by and Differ­

ences with the Banks as to Interior Cur­rency Movement..........................................306, 390

Treasury (U. 8.) Condition—Outlook forRevenue Reassuring ................ 171,206,209

Treasury (U. 8.) Cnrrenoy Holdings---- 6.172, 394, 580, 760

Treasury (tJ. S.) Financial StatementsInterpreted.....................5, 171, 393. 579, 759

Treasury (U. 8.) Fullness and Strength... 393 Treasury (U. S.) Gold Reserve and the

Bond Issue................850, 852, 859. 896, 899Treasury (U. S.) Large Inoome, Present

and Prospective..........................................306, 350Treasury (Tj. S.) Notes, Government Pol­

icy as to Redemption of, and SilverCoinage............. .......... ..........................

Treasury (U. 8.) Outlook Encouraging Notwi (hstanding Small Receipts, Ac,, toSep'ember........................................... 579

Treasury (U, S.) Situation Improving....... 45Treasury ((1.8.) Small October Receipt*

and very large Disbursements.-.......... 759Trunk Line Income. ■ ourse o f ................... 988Trust CompaniesinN. Y. Condition o f .307, 390

U nl'ed States Bonds, Falsity of RumorRegardng Issue o f.................... 182

Un ted States Finances for the FiscalY.-ar............................................................ 6

United St ites Notes Taxed, Text of Law. 725 United States Public Land Sales in 1.-91.. 1082 United States Strike Commission Report

on Trouble at Pullmau, >vo..................... 856Unite ! States Treasury Financial State­

ments Interpreted.......5 ,171, 383, 570, 759'^T'anderbllt Roads, Statements o f........ 1079

'MUnuad! Kit.. Annual Report............... 448” » asiiingtou Nat. Banks. Coudo ion of. 178

War in the Far East—Fresh victories forJapan.................................................582, 716

West. New York & Penn. RR., Annual Re­port............ 874

West. N. Y. & Peon. RR. Bonds........... 98, 139Wheat, Indicated Yield o f.......................... 627Wisconsin State Banks, Condition o f........ 217World's Consumption of Cotton (by cable) S3S


F o r e i g n C o r r e s p o n d e n c e , F i n a n c i a l , C o m m e r c i a l , ^ R a i l r o a d s , <Sfcc{Annual report# are indexed in black-faxed figures, f

Adl'et^JkA. n ilftmmm k b ____ _ „

Octet dMtiflWRfc B R . ..

MMhmmM Mt gRMSmwt $m m Uy, . ................MPmmy m Mmmtmmtm m i .. M u m m y it KmmM Bit . .h m g ^ m un, ............ ‘ ;Mnxninm Oc4l T * > f t v »

Pace, , 374,1102

.1057,1102 ...70. !

MW3, 1141 ......... 73**....... . 007___291, H7S.......... 780

878., 1103 . 795


14* ! |7t.

tTm•1 JSftfMS*Pm'Pm l i f t .

iup r tJhiiblipm <Qm® mm .

P ack.Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern RR..650,_ . . „ , 910, 0 6 0 ,9 6 7Bonk of England. < ondition of (weekly

by Cable) See Finnnoiul Situation.Bw'k o f England Stataments (weekly), see Monetary nnd <’oumier. Eng. News.Batik Stuc-iicnts, New York, Boston and Philu. rweejOj-). See Bankers' Gazette.Bank Stocks, Prices in New York (weekly).

Bunkers’ Gazette. In all leading . itie . .sv ,■ General Quotations (iiionthlv 1.Bankets Gazette (weekiv)............18. d l.

m i. 143. 1x3. 220. 278, 320, 301. 412,458, 502, r. 12. 590. 639, «80, 728, 770.

„ *‘ 61. 907. 950, 996. 1043. 1092, 1132iiauk«. .'atlonal, Alistructs from Report*< iitujitruUer of Currenoy........24, 367,062Bun


H, 09% 91 9 1 1 (a iy


hhiuI. Ortfaniised (weekly). See i;ii au<l Mi oeilHUiJOUR News.

, ! i"r »»»ent............* .115,423- fliJ- 000, 742, 87* 968, 1057 - - of all njaHise*. See 8toe1cs

1,1 ,7 " ( 'rucm i Quotation (inouthly) itonVer- Gazette .weekly).

.• title,—United Statu*, State, •'vitta] ami Railroad Bonds.• Jh a iiv im ................. to I. 1 9 1 , 835o 'c"U RU................................. flip

Page .Boston A Maine RE................... .331, 598 , 878Boston. Philadelphia and Baltimore stock

Exchanges, Prices (weekly). See Bank­ers’ Gazette,*

Brendatuffs, Agricultural Reports on. 81,„ 241,483, 660, 887,1066Breadstuffs, British Prices and Statlstios

(weekly). .See Monetary and Commer­cial English News.Breadstuff's. Exports of. From the United

States (monthly) .81,298, 341, 483, 661,„ , . _ , , , 888,1067Breadstuff.*, Market and Statistics

(weekly). See Commercial Times.Bridgeport Traction Co... 1057Brooklyn Bath A West End RR ........ 514Brooklyn & Briphlou Beach RR ' 421Brooklyn City (Trolley) RR..................27 4 3 sBrooklyn City & Newtown (Trolley) RR 1057Brooklyn Elevated R R .................. 115 3 ™Brooklyn (to»<'o»......... ’ “ osBrooklyn Heights RR........ " ‘423 737Brooklyn Queens Co. & Suburban R R ' 10 5 7 Brooklyn ■> Roekaway Beach R R .. 6 0 0Brooklyn Traction Co..................... . . . 7 3 S 737Brooklj o Wharf A Warehouse Co......... ’ loot,

I Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburg RR 332’, Buff.,10 street BaUw J ? £ .9 SSSf Bullioti. See Gol<l and Sil eir ’

Jnly-December, 1894.] I N D E XPag e .

Calnmet Gas Co . . . . . ................................1057anada Atlantic RR...................... . .......... 6 90

Canada Southern RR....................................1103Canal and Miscellaneous Stock and Bond

List. See Investors’ Supplement fbi- • ' monthly) -Cape Fear i Yadkin Valley RR.................1057Carolina Central RR................28, 228, 331. 600Cedar Falls A Minnesota RR...................... 919Ceutral Cross Town (It. Y. City) Horse

Railroad...............................................42 2 , 955Central Jersey Traction Co.......................... 115Central Hew York & Western RR.............. 6 50Central Pacific KR..................................696, 919Central RR. A Banking Co. of Georgia.

. 28. 277, 780, 835, 878, 1004Central Vermont RR.................................... 1004Charleston Gin. A Chic. RR............. .......... 878Charleston Clendenning A Sutton R R .. . . 1141 'Charlotte Columbia A Augusta RR. .9 7 0 ,1006Chattanooga Route A Columbus RR ....... 191(Chattanooga Southern RR.............. 919,1103Chattanooga Union RR......................... 1006Chesapeake A Ohio R R .1 5 1 ,3 3 1 , 332 .1103 Chesapeake Ohio A Southwestern RR.,

28, 331, 878, 1006 Chicago A Alton RR. .737, 780, 835, 878,1057 Chicago Burlington A Quincy RR . .737, 919Chicago City Ky.............................................. 919Chicago A Eastern Illinois KR................... 647Chicago Elevated RKa. (projected)............ 919Chicago & Erie RR....................................... 781Chicago Gas Co...................... 28, 514, 650,1057Chicago General Ry. (Street)...................... 968Chicago Great Western RR.......................... 4 7 0Chic >go Junction Railways A Union Stock

Y’ardsCo.................................................. 69Chicago Mil. A St. P. R R ... 152,228, 4 2 0, 4 27Chicago A Northern Pacific RR.........650,

737, 919.1006, 1103Chicago A Northwestern RR . 2 28 ,2 29 ,

2 90 , 968Chicago R. I. A Pacific RR.......................... 738Chicago St- Paul Minn. A Omaha RB— 152Chicago A Southern RR. (Indiana)............ 968Chicago A Southeastern RR......................... 1057Chicago A West Michigan RR............... 737Choctaw Coal A Iron Co..............116, 290, 472Choctaw Oklnhotna A Gulf KK.......... 600, 835Cincinnati Extension.115, 472, 879, 968,1141 Cincinnati Jack. A Mack. RR.. 651, 835,1006 Cincinnati Hew Or. A Tex. Pae. RR. .697,

919,1141Cincinnati Portsmouth A Virginia RR___ 695Cincinnati Southern R B..........................1141City Bonds. Inscription of (bi-monthly).

see Investors' Supplement.City Bonds. Pnoes of (monthly). See

Blocks and Bouds, General Quotations.Clntllu Co., H B ......................................... * 9Clark-villi> A North Carolina RR. 70Cleveland Akron AColtimbu* RR. .6 4 9 . 651Cleveland A Canton KR..................... 228, 697Clev.Cau, A Bo KR-920.1006,1058, 1103.11*1 Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago A St, I.ouia

RR.........................................................6 4 0 , CSSCleveland A Pittsburgh RR...................1058Cleveland’s (President) Messag** . . ....... 1009Coin and Bullion, price* in New York

rweeklvl. See Banker*' Gazette. Prices in London. See Monetary and Co miner clal English Hews.

Colonial City Elec. Co. of Kingston, X Y.. 1038 Colorado Fuel A Iron Co.33o. 370 , 373 , 780Colorado Iron A Coal Development Co— 1141Colorado Midland R R ....................................loooColumbus Ave. A Ninth Ave. (H. Y.) RB.. 1007Columbus H. V. A Toledo RR............... 152Columbus ean. A Heck............. 1140Columbus (Ohio) Street Rv___197,1007,1058Commercial Epitome (weekly). See Com

mercial Time*.Commercial and Miscellaneous Hews

(weeklvi.16.59. 98, 141, 181.219, 276,318, 339, 409, 456, 300. 340. 387, 637,

678, 727. 768, 823, 861, 906, 935, 994.1041, 1090, 1130

Commercial Time* (weekly) 30, 74.117,164. 193. 235. 292, 333,376, 429,477,516, 364. 609. 633. 702, 742. 797, 837,

881. 927, 970,1013, 1060, 1106, 1148Comstock Tunnel Co............................ 879.1038C ncord A Montreal RR............................... 1150Coney Island A Brooklyn RR.................... 1038Consolidated Street K’y (Portland. Ore.) . 1141Consolidated Traction Co. X. J................. ugoCon-oi»—Daily Prices of In London. See .Monetary and Commercial English Nuw< (weekly). Financial Review (monthly).

S roM cal. ^ B re a d stu ff* .Corn Production in 1894 ............................. 887Cotton—.* ' also the title ’ Cotton" in

Editorial Article*.T>o Agricultural Bureau’s Report lor

July, 79 ; August, 240; 8ep- te uber, 482; October, 638;November, 885; December___1064

Do Amountof Crop Insight (Weekly).Do Boll Worm Extermination.......... 521Do Clearance*fromU.B.Port*(w'klyi.Do Consumption in Europe. .79, 239.

481.633, 1064Do Consumption and Overland Move-

tnont—June. 34 ; September,583; Octot.er, 764; November, 951

Do Crop Movement, Consumption,Ac., in 1893-4 (Annual Report) 398

Do Crop of 1893-4, Apportioned toState*............................................1152

I>o East India Crop Prospect*— 34,197, 296, 380, 481. 658. 801,

841,931, 974,1064Do East Indian Mill*........................... 613Do Egyptian, Alexandria Report by

Cable (weekly).Do Egyptian Crop.........34,197, 381,

620, 568, 746, 974,1183 Do Ellison A Co.'s Annual Rsvtsw., 333

Page.Cotton Exports (monthly)..81, 29S. 483.

661, 888, 1067Do Exports of Y'ams and Goods from

Great Britain... 122, 296, 521,747, SS6. 1110

Do Exports of Yarns from India toChina and Japan........................ 658

Do Fall River Mill Dividends . .314, 857Do First Bale at, N ew Orleans........... 121Do Georgia's First Bale..................... 296Do Goods at Auction.......................... 1087Do Height of Rivers (weekly).Do India Shipments (weekly by

Cable).Do Interior Towns 3Iovement(w'kly)Do Liverpool Market (weekly).Do Liverpool Stock............................... 613Do Louisiana's First Bale................... 939Da Manchester Maikets (weekly).Do Manufactures, Exportsof (month­

ly) .. ..34, 239. 481. 658, 885. 1064 Do Manufacturing in 1894, Fall

River............................................. 857Do Markets and Statistics (weekly).

See Commercial Times.Do Memphis’ First Bale...................... 295Do Mill Strikes, A c.. . .339. iBO. 434.

568, 657, 706, 746, 801Do Mississippi’s First Bale................. 339Do New Alabama Cotton..................... 239Do New, First Bales.. . 12 i , 239, 295,

296, 339, 380Do New Orleans Exchange Elec­

tion ..................................... I u l9 ,1065Do Overland Movement (weekly).Do Port Receipts and Daily Crop

Movement (weekly).Do Quotations for Middling at Other

Markets iweekly).Do Receipts from Plautat’s (weekly)Do Sea Island Movement (weekly)Do Temperature and Rainfall Aver­

ages................................ 380,1112Do St. Louis Receipts......................... 613Do Texas 1 rop................................... 78, 434Do Visible Supply (weekly).Do Weather Record for June. 159;

August. September, October,November......................................1110

Do Weather Reports by Telegraph

Do Wilmington' s Fitst Bale................ 380

Debt Statemmit (ni'thZy). See. U. 8. Debt.elaware & Hudson Canal Co.................1102

Delawaie Lack. A West. RR............... 234.000, 651, 835. 879

Denver City Cable cn.......... ......................... 47 2Denver Consolid .ted Tramway Co..............105SDeuver A Rio Grande RR .234, 4 20 , 12 4 , «97 Denver LeadviUo A Gunnison KR .152, 291Denver Piioitic KR.................................. 927D. nver Water Co .. 738De* Moines Northern & We-tettl RR..22B

738, 07«, 9ti8, 1103 Detroit Bay City A \ ipena RK 651.697. 8J5 Detroit Lansing A Northern RR ..968,1103Diamond Mutch Co.......................................... 1058Dlatlliing A Cattle Feeding Co............472,

000. 968, 1103Dividends De chared (weekly). Nee I! ink­

ers' Gazette.Dry Dock East Broadway A Battery

(Horae) RR .............................. 4 22,1058Dry Goods Market ind .statistic! (week­

ly). See Commercial Time s.Dubuque A Sioux City RR........................... 101Duluth A Winnipeg HR.......................... 697

IN ast River Gas Co .................................... 191l i s t Tennessee Virginl, A U». RR.......29, 70

Eighth Avenue ( - V 1 Horse RR............... 7*0Electric Storage BnUery Co............ 1007 ,1068Elgin Joliet A Eastern KR........ 191, 4 7 1 ,4 7 6Elmira < ortland A Northern RR............... 4 23England, Bank of. See Bunk Eugllsli Correspondenoe and Cable Re­

ports (Weekly,. See Monetary and Com­mercial English New*.

Erie Telegraph A Tiiephone Co..697, 701, 835Equitable Mortgage ■ o .............................70, 908Evansville A Richmond RR........ 116, 182,

472. 1058,1141Evansville A Terre Haute RR............ lie .

H«4, 697. 738, 1058Exohangr Market nnd Prices (weokly).

See Bankers' Gazette.Exchange. Sterling. Dally Prior* of .

(monthly). See Financial Review.Export* and Import* ot Specie and Mer­

chandise at New York. Value of (Weekly)See Commercial and Miscellaneous xew*.

Exports and Imports of the United Staten am United States

Failures. See Mercantile Failuresall Brook RR............................................ 2 9 0

Financial Review (monthly) See In Edi- • torlal Article*Findlay Fort Wayne 4 Western RR......... 835Fitohburg RR.......................1 91 ,512 ,835 ,1141Florida Southern KR.................................... 738Flour. See Breadstuff*.Fonda Johnstown A GloversviUe RR....... 4 22Foreign Correspondence on Market*

(weekly). See Monetary and Commer­cial English News

Foreign Exohange. See Exchange.Forty-second Street Manhattanvllle A St

Nicholas Ave. (Horse) UR....... . 4 2 2 ,7 8 0Fort Woith A Denver city RK................... 968

C1 alventon Harrisburg A San Antoniok HR........................................................... 1058

Gas Stooks. See N. Y'. Local Securities (w*klv). General Quotations (m’thly)

Genersl Electric Co................................ 472 , 835General Quotations ot Stock* and Bonds

(monthly). See Stocks and Bonds.

Georgia Midland A Golf RR....... ............. 920

P a g e .Georgia Paciflo RK......................................... 331Georgia Southern A Florida RR..234, 551, 920 Gold Export* and Imports at Hew York

(weekly). See omuierolul and Miscel­laneous News.

Grain. Fee Breadstuffs.Grand Rapids A Indiana RR__ 600, 651,

1007, 1141Great Britain. Fee British.Great North'n RR..152, 191, 651, 114 0 , 11-43Green Bay Winona A St. Paul RR.............. 191Gunny Bags (weekly). See Cotton Report.

H ouston East A West Texas RR............ 234ouston A Shreveport RR................. :. 234

Houston A Texas Central RR.....................1058Huntingdon & Broad Top RR......... 968, 1058

I llinois Central RR.........550 , 5 55 ,9 19 ,1 00 7mports A Exports of Great Britain. Fee Monetary A commercial English Hews.

Imports and Exports of Specie and Mer­chandise at Hew York, Values of (w'kly).Fee C ommercial A Miscellaneous News-

Imports and Exports oftheUnitedStates.Fee United States.

Indiana Illinois A Iowa RR.......................... 1103Indiana Railroads, Tax Decision................ 738Indlaua State RR. A Quarles Co............... 182Indpls. Decatur A Springfield RR........ 28,

234 879 920Indpls. Dooatur A Western E R .......... ! ___ ’ 234insurance Stocks, Prices iu Loading

Cities. See General Quotations or Stooks and Bonds (monthly).

International A Great Northern R R..920,1141 Inter-State ( ommerae Commission-Rates

to Southern Points........................................ 600Investments and Railroad intelligence

(weekly).......25. 67, 111, 149, 189, 226,288, 326, 368, 418, 46S, 508, 549, 596,645, 600, 734, 776, 831, 874. 913, 963,

1002. 1053, 1098. 1138 Investors' Supplement (published the

last Saturday of every other mouth) will be found >n this volume at the end of July, September and November respec­tively.

Iowa 1 entral RR................................ . 5 1 3

J acksonville Loulsv. A St. Louis RR.331, 738acksonvtlle South astern RR................ 33V

Jacksonville Tampa A K. W. tui.2 |, 424, 1007 Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Trust Co... .116, 384

K ansas City Ft. Soott A Mom. R R .228 , 877amn« • ltv Mem. A Biriu. UR.............. 291

Kansas City Pittsburg A Gulf RK.......651. 879Kansas 1 iiy Northwestern KR............. .. 152

veport and Gull KR___ 651Kansas ity Water works........................... 835Kan. Citv Wyandotte A Northwestern KR. 152Kansas Paoiflo RR...............116 ,152 , 740, 880Keokuk A Hamilton Bridge Co................... 969Kentucky A Indiana Bridge t o ................. 697Kentucky Union RR...................................... 097Kings couuty Elevated RR................. 4 2 1 , 8.i5Kingston A Pembroke RR............................. 1141Knickerbocker Trust Co. (X, Y .)...........738,835Kansas City Suburban Belt RR................... 879

Lake Eric A Western RR..............->,879, 920ake Shore A Mlohlgun Southern RR.

423, 780, 969, 1104La Porte Houston A Northern RR............1104Lehigh Coal A Navigation Co,. .........835.1058Lehigh A Hudson River R R ..291, 421 ,

1007, 10 5 6Lehigh Valley RR .8 3 4 . 9 1 8 , 969, 1058,1104Lexiugton AEustem RR....................... 697Litchfield Carrollton A Western RR.......... 473Little Rock A Memphis RR................. 969, 1007Liverpool A London Markets (weekly).Fee

Monetary A Commercial English News.Long Island RR.......5 99 , 8 3 4 , 879, 909, 1105Long Island Traction Co.......27. 371, 514, 737Louisville Evansville A St. Louis KK.472,

600,1141Louisville A Nashville R R ... .28, 70, 291,

5 99 , 6 02 , 742.878, 00 ■, 1006 LouDvllle New Albany A Chioago RR.

191,423, 4 70, *73,515Louisville Southern RR................. 28, 291, 331Lynn A Boston RR...................697, 1 004 , 1007a| aeon A Birmingham RR.......................1007

aoon * .'ottheru RR...................... 234, 600Maine Central RR.........................................1055Manhattan Elevated RR..291, 371, 42 ,

780,879, 9 1 8 , 1007Memphis A Charleston RR............... 600. 1 05 5Merchandise, Stocks of. In oew York

(monthly)............ 30, 193. *29, 609, 797, 1015Metropolitan Street Railway, N. Y ............ 600Metropolitan Traction C0..6 OO, 738, 9 5 5 ,1007Mexican Ceutral RR........ ............................ 879Mexican International KR....................... 371Mexican Terminal Co.................................... 835Michigan Central KR....................................... 1104Mlohigan-Peninsular Car Co...................... 778Middle Geogla A Atlantic RR..................... 291Midland Terminal RR......................................1104Minneapolis A St. Louis RR.......116,152,

332, 371,423, 6 13 ,5 51 ,6 00 . 651,697,738, 780, 836, 879, 1007, 1058, 1141.1145

Missouri Kansas A Texas RR. ..8 33 , 920, 1141Mobile A Birmingham KR..................2 9 0 ,1058Mobile A Girard RK...................................... 920Mobile A Ohio RR.................................. 191, 848Monetary and Commercial English News

and Market Prices by Oable (weekly),ID, 58, 98, 140, 180, 217, 274, 317, 358,408, 455. 499, 539, 586. 636, 677, 725,767, 822,860, 904,953, 993,1040,1089,1129

Money Market (weekly). See Bankers’ Gazette.

Money Market In London and Continental Cities (Weekly). Fee Monetary and Com­mercial English News.

Montgomery A EufaulaRR........

I N D E X . fVot. LtL

l*»o»A H I M b HR . » * . * * I . A*-« I M


r *. S. y . CKT. stem Freight ,T 7T ,...T a »t»n m n O i , M■ucartim...- I l l

oi.o 711 » l.Jt IT *

9 .0 . Jcxir 2*1, 4 * 1 , *79

. K lnr A lt, ii . *4 1 , m o. i i4 t> u fa ,. sat.

tel.thU. u t

«B IUm# ••

, , dO


KK i nft \ i > & u H u m .

»«■ 1G5*. U « !T > 1 ld *a l B>; i*» C«. bev

|( w IT * Esciaaat RH . .To. 3 J2 ,* . . 7*1. 930, 99a. 1141

% T H *rtf»fd KK . .4 1 3 , 1*0 6 , 1007. Btil.v Co 741. IOTA. 1 ,1 * 1

1 * 4 >.<ktn Kk ...433.4 4 1 .1 9 0 . 879

' ‘ 0 0 1 IDy 1Y* I. 7 •< ;. n Cp 115

- In rfi nk . .1 8 0 . »7 ii;i p * y i,U 514itrw ym% blaii* Cw&MitlitiAiftl CubTi'to1

• :* va p ■ 5 84 1%*-9 t •US ft |L . .. . 3*1* U>-|p?*)l«lfS—

• i 1* SfftI# ili®, 47S3f mr ] si Mil 3ZsttStAAS# CUxxiug

{• 57, UO, 179, i!l7,|w .1 ssaS$7. l i t , 1IS?, .ft?, 4 !5 , e*l5. 7ft4,

-*4. f Vsi. w a. 10*5r. k rT'*JSJ&p*. hrW Srxtfirl ... i . . ... * "* M l. «*3l,

742. 880. 969, 1058 ack t^kkPfK, h u e* of lit > 1 » UfJett*.

• P.«** «f 9(41*' ici* ■■ to* •■ra kiT'

« WeVrfS HR .4 * 0 , eiiu, 1058 I

klCo . . . . 1007 It. HU 151. 1 1<*2

. . . . 1007 11 W ;

007. lo o * . 1007. . . . . . . . .. 3 ill'0, 116, lftll,

! ft lilki%mOf in . V i—Tr*tVoc*> ,,'• or i'U ftf HA.

" 5 - - :k ? « iSt«« tUffS i m

1 , <k4j. 451, 694. ui*-. n o i i ,i4 i#*!#» ia

IWfc- ........................... 601%mt*» s“t* 4 -»• a MuutiktA« HR ...... lOUB

* T*r»i Jo*lO» 2ft A23$*TU3r 1 l «f 6 1 1004,1104j(nrlA> i» v# -fit Hi(.of 2 40 .1 1 4 1 1J ftlt f l-kfTitMl iCiii. ago) KU «M

0 %NUrWt • a Inc Brtsdftaffft,

i*.»F.p HR . . I I I , 069CM** f* ■ AifimlM*tt RR ...,878.105 m

. 8 >0.851,7*9.12,1101,1142

Oo»»u i m im . ... tfsi.saft. . . . I.Yi, *80. . 142

■ w - iv. C** 71. 153.291, lOibO r* ft 94> I H . 28.71,117.1U.’,

423. luOD. 1142|

p ^ :r >Uil m Cil . . . . .051, 1005. 1104 ’



.117 , 651105i>

782700) 1 s

.370 , 374

. 332,

i w ' F « mt

•., IM l>tS%*•


r v u .!t

. * Ji»f.

iUS. ,1 U>. AM■»t (monthly)

................................... loos

. . . . ................... 401.....................................7*1“ wtrtu ItB............... lOOtt ,It... r k . .097.739. n o * ;

'U . 001i . . . - ' lib r k .f. iwt 552. o o i. u<w. i u 2 ,

-a HR ....................... 1104 ]...........................1D4B. 4*1, Cfit. ana, 1087 " i t ana pnro, 14**li)r). #*r

& v n n . ,s t n * a A C oaatnnt......................... 690

* lU M Itt UR ,471% *4*. 476. 81», 552.- . i , 446, m*). 1006,10JV, 1147

P a« « .fTUiMMphl* Reading A Sew Rng. RR----- 192PIviMUlphia T’ lttUuti Oe................... 1 *1HU*bi7'WM4li|II Floor M ill*...............1008R w O iw i MR- . . ............................. * » «f . i t t w i Alcroa A H'natere Hit.

\ 192.601. 697.739. 6S0 FliuNsir* CietlrsiU Chicago A 8l. Lou)»

|Ulln>*4............................................782, 960n tu i a f , Fori Ways* 4 Chlo<w!» RR........ ... «'*

H'lrnw.ico A lake Erie BK.........1059intuanre Virginia A CbarieaWn KB......... 28hreeeteU A 4 0 4 *1 *Canttal HB . . . . . . . . 601Proeier 4 Gamble Co ............... 291I'm.peel Park A Coney hleixl HR..

37B. 020. 1105rr*n .;*M , x-« Coir an rein! Tlmeii(we*kl)'). n w M e u , i i w t o a w i lk l i i — tu. 29*.

483. 661,988. 1067 Public Debt. See United Stole* Debt Pullman** Pnlace Car0 6 .,..3 6 , 291. 697,

737 , 741

R allrond Boycott...... ........................ 29■Ubond CititttfMCtlett lu 1 6 9 4 ... . . . . . . . 1142

Railroad Earning* (ujouiitlri. See Edite- rtsi Artie!**

Bnttread Earning* freckly). See Invest­ment and Raihv.AU Intelligence.

Railroad Mock And Rond List, See Lv- vtuioK*’ Scprhsuwnr (bi-monthly).

Railroad Block*. See Stock*.Railroad Mock* end Bond*. Price* of.

Stt Banker,' OaMtte. (weekly). See Deni r*l Quotation. (monthly).

Railroad* operated WiiQn V y . stateiQ latterly Eep>-t*)........ 234,201,332, 423

Railway P-ading BUI....................................1008Rapid irau*lt lu S. Y ........................ 936.1142Reu.»el*er A Sanites* RR...................291. 830KaargaoUalion Plan*, A «960 .1008, 1039

110., 1142Richmond Frederleksb'g & Pot R R ..920 ,1142 Richmond NlcbolusViile Irvine A Beatty-

rills R R ...................................................... 153Richmond A Prterabure RK..............9 8,1059Richmond A West Point Terminal Com­

pany................................ ....................... 29, 541RioUrande Wc.teru R t............234, 096 , 6 9sRochester street Railway.............................. 1059Rutland BR ............................................ 1 1 5

(j:t- Joseph A Grand Island BR................ 291* 7 t lA'itit Alton A Terre Haute RR........ 782St Loot* A sen FranclMto RR .737, 90S,

1057,11038 t Lout* Scnthweetern RB................oB8, 7398 t Paul A Duluth RR.................. .............. 64Ts»n Antonio A Gulf Shore HR............782,1105S»o Francisco A Xorth Pselflc RR............ 2 2 saaeanaah Amcrlcu* A Montrromery RR.

423,782'. 927, 1059. 1142Savannah Florida A WMtepn RR 7 30,

738, 779Savannah A Western KK A........ ................ 277Seatilr Rake Shore A Ea* ern RR............. 970Socond Avenue O'. Y. City) Sttrfaeo RR.,

877 ,831 ,955 .1008Sileer and Gold Ceiln*. Price* of, In Nrw

York. .8 . Bankcj*' Oazotte. Price* lu Ijondon. Sec Monetary and Commercial Eu*U«h S ew -.

Silver and Gold K Xpert* and Import* at New York tvreekly), see Commercial and Miecellamou* Xew*. Export, uud lioiiort* of the United State*. ~United State* Export* and Import*.

Sioux City A Northern Rk ,.Sioux C.ty O Neill a Western R B .......................South Jer*ey HR.......................................... ygosouth Tuba Water Co........>................ 6a7, 700Southern Cotton Oil fki......................... ) 1 5Southern Faclflo RR Co. or Cal........ 3 70 . 374Southern By...................74, 153,103, 332,

372, 472. 515. 541, *8H, 651, 697, 739,762,783, 633, 636, 880. 970,1007, 1105

Specie. See Gold and Silver.Spokaue A 1 alouftc R K ...................... 192 , 277bprlnirtteld (Ma**.| Street Railway............ 970btato Bond*, Dr*. rpUou of. Sre’ I.vvtsr-

.oia' supixaiikVT (ui-month y)State Bond*. Market Pine*, etc. See

Banker*' Gazette (*eckly). See Stock* and Bond*, General Quotation* (month­ly..

8t.it« and city Department............37 ,83 ,123, 1UJ. 200, 243, 299, 343, 383, 437,4*3, 524. 571, 616, 662. 709, 750, 801, 844,689. 935. 078, 1023, 1068, 1115,1155

Staten bland Electric RR......... ................. 1031)Stater, bland Ferry..................... uoi, 631, 782Staten blaud Interior RR...........................1142Staten inland Rapid Tran*it Co., 234,4 72,

. 601,651,762,836, 880StsrUnit Exchange. Sr, Exchange.Stock and Bond Market and Prloee

cweeklj). Stt Banker*' Garotte.


Pag®.Stock and Bond Table*. See IrrrnsTOR*’

Mu ru hi. xt (bi monthly).Slock Excliam:.-, New Securities Listed,

. - .1 1 6.152.291,476. 541,631,742,880, and Bond*. General Quotations,

for all Classes (monthly)., 105, 282. 462,

- rock* of Lcadin e Articles of Merchandise In X. Y. (mouthlvi. See Merchandise.

Stocks, Udu.-c In Price* of (monthly). SeeFlu 11 no 1*1 Review of Month. ____

Street Rail" m Account* Uniform............1105street R-ulway A lUuminating Proper-

.........................................6 u6 , 836Sul' Tn I *ury. Now York. Daily Transao-

tlrui* at (weekly). S<e Baukers’ Gazette orCommerclal and Miscellaneous News.

Suburlmu Tractlun Co.................................. 1006Sugar. See Commercial Epitome.Suwannee River RR..................................... 1050St i-couse Binghamton A X. Y’. RB-----234,

4 2 2 927Syracuse Geneva A Corning RR................ 2 9 0

T erminal RR. of St. Lout*........................ 970exarkamt A Ft.Smith RR...................... 879

Texas A Paotflo RK..........................................1008Tex t* Western (Narrow-Gunge) RR.........1008Third Avenue (X. Y.) Cable KR .371, 782,

87 8 1008Toledo Ann Arbor A North Michigan RB.’

71. 192. 515, 6ol, 782, 1059Toledo A Ohio Oentral RR........................... 77 8Toledo Poona v Western HR .. .29, 5 14 , 601 Toledo 8t Lottie A Kansas City RR..154,

742, 880, 927, 1059, 1105Topelta Water Co..............................................1142Tr< a.uirv. See United Suites Treasury.Trow Directory Co........................................ 117Trust Companies of X. Y. and Brooklyn.. 15J'

I "later & Delaware RR............................... 830J nlon Elevated RR. (Chicago)................. 1106

Union Pacilio RK 71, 117, 154 ,192, 601.697, 7 9, 740, 783. 880, 927. 970,1006

Union Paciac Denver A Gulf RR....... 117,372, 740, 783, 1105

Union Railway of N. Y. City..............4 2 2 , 740Union Traction Co........................................... 1059

Lines Telegraph Co...................... 880United States Bonds Held to Secure Do-

posits and Circulation (monthly).......59,181, 410, &88, 823,

United States Cordage Co................ ..154,United States Debt Statement and Treas­

ury Cash Holdings (monthly)... 14, 179, 468,635,821,

United States Express.................................... 740United States Government Revenue..16,

181, 410, 588, 768, 904 United States Imports and Exports. ...98,

274, 499, 676, 904, 1038 United States Legal Tenders (Greenback*)

and National Bank Currency, Move­ments of, Comptroller's Statement(monthlyi....... ..59 ,181 ,410 , 587, 768, 994

United State* Mints, Coinage by (in'thly).59,181. 410, 637, 823,

united States Securities, Market ana Prices (Weekly). See Bankers’ Gazette.Dully Prices of at London (weekly). See Monetary and Commercial English News. Daily Prices of, la N. Y and Loudon (monthly). See Finanoial Re­view ot Mouth.

Universal Gas Co. (Chicago)...................... 154

\ T alley of Ohio RR...332. 601, 740, 783,836, 880

> .vksburg Shreveport A Pactfle RR......... 7 7 9

R1-abashRR. .. .................. 4 7 1 ,4 7 4 , 740» * vner Palace Car Co............................. 300

S.Islington A Columbia River RR............ 372W. 1 *lm 11; 1 on-Baltiinore Electric Llue.........1003

End street RR. (Boston).................... 9 1 8M. st Virginia A Pittsburg RR...................69aWest Virginia Central A Pittsburg RR.,

3G0 filfiWestern X. Y. APmn.RR.332, 6 9 5 , 699', 783 Westeru Union Telegraph C o...4 ,0, 6 4 9 , 740 'V heat. See Breadstuff*.Wheeling A Take Erie RR 1 5 4 , 3 3 2 , 601,

. _ .. 783 ,8 30 ,9 27 .1 00 4 ,1 14 2" ilmlngton Chadbourn A Conway RR.,

Winona A Southwestern RR.......372^697! 1g36n iuoua A Western RR...... R30Wisconsiu Central RR........ U 7, 783,'886', 1142

' st, r Nashua A ltooUeater RR.......... 1008M oroester Traction Co....... 1142




z ane*ville Belt RR- . 105C