A time to be still and know the presence of God


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One: His terrible beauty makes the gods look cheap;

Pagan gods are mere tatters and rags. All: God made the heavens - Royal splendor radiates from him,

A powerful beauty sets him apart.

One: Bravo, God, Bravo! Everyone join in the great shout: All: Encore! In awe before the beauty, in awe before the might.

One: Bring gifts and celebrate, bow before the beauty of God,

Then to your knees - everyone worship! Get out the message: All: God Rules!

He put the world on a firm foundation;

He treats everyone fair and square.

One: Let’s hear it from Sky, with Earth joining in, and a huge round of

applause from Sea. All: Let Wilderness turn cartwheels, Animals, come dance,

Put every tree of the forest in the choir -

One: An extravaganza before God as he comes,

As he comes to set everything right on earth, All: Set everything right, treat everyone fair.

Choir Anthem: God of Great and God of Small Natalie Sleeth

Scripture Reading: Galatians 1:1-12 Doug Bruce

Luke 7:1-10

One: The Gospel of the Lord.

All: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

Praise: Sing a new song unto the Lord 422

Sermon: Creation’s Doxology


A Time for Reflection Praise God from whom all blessings flow 830

Chalmers’ Life and Mission

The Offering of Our Gifts We praise you, O God 425 (1&3)


Musical Prelude A time to be still and know the presence of God

Silent Prayer

Call to Worship

One: With loud engines at the race track,

and with soft-spoken wisdom: All: sing to God new songs of wonder!

One: With planets spinning in the galaxies,

and with jack hammers tearing up our streets: All: sing to God new songs of joy!

One: With fireworks in summer’s night skies,

and with winter’s ice crunching under our boots: All: sing to God new songs of grace!

One: With crowds at exciting sports venues,

and with children whispering dreams to their pets: All: sing to God new songs of hope!

Prayers of Adoration and Confession

Declaration of Pardon

The Peace May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

And also with you.

Praise: Psalm 100 (Make a Joyful Noise)

(The church school children and staff depart.)

WE LISTEN TO GOD’S WORD Prayer for Illumination

Lord, as we hear your Word proclaimed may it be for us truly good news, a

gospel not of human origin, but a revelation given through Jesus Christ, made alive

to us through your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Scripture readings: Psalm 96 Sue Garner

One: Sing God a brand-new song! Earth and everyone in it, sing! All: Sing to God - worship God!

One: Shout the news of his victory from sea to sea,

Take the news of his glory to the lost,

News of his wonders to one and all! All: For God is great, and worth a thousand Hallelujahs.

Chalmers Presbyterian Church

Worship Celebration

20th Sunday after Pentecost

October 22nd, 2017—10:00 am

Chalmers’ Ministry Team:


Clerk of Session

Music Director

Office Administrator



All the People of Chalmers

Tom Hunter

Beth Hickey

Lizz Thibodeau

Brad Dobbie

Rev. John Bannerman

342 Pond Mills Road 519-681-7242 www.chalmerslondon.com

Chalmers’ Life & Mission

We welcome you to worship at Chalmers. If you are a guest, visitor or newcomer to Chalmers

we reach out to you with hospitality and friendship in Jesus’ name. Please take a moment to

fill in a guest card—available in the pew holder or from the welcome table. Completed cards

may be placed in the offering plate, in the designated box on the welcome table, or given to

Rev. John

There will be a time of refreshments and fellowship in the lower hall. The striped mugs at coffee hour are for visitors. Please help our visitors feel welcome.

Please note that some fellow worshippers are sensitive to perfumes. We ask that you consider keeping Chalmers scent free. Thank you.

The doors to our beautiful new Prayer Garden will be unlocked prior to and following our

worship celebration. Enjoy.

We are very pleased to welcome Rev. Courtney Crawford this morning. It is wonderful to have

her lead us in worship today.

Offering prayer & Prayers of the People Holy God, we offer to you a portion of what we have received from you: a part

of our treasure, our effort, our attention, our songs, our desire to say “thank you.”

Thank you, God, for all that we have. Thank you, God, for all that we can do.

May our gifts bless your church and your people, so that others may sing and

dance and praise your name, however they call you.

Praise: Lord, I lift your name on high

(The church school children and staff return.)

Celebrating with the Children and The Lord’s Prayer

Praise: Praise Him, Praise Him Jesus our blessed Redeemer 372

Commissioning and Benediction

Choral Amen

Musical Postlude

This symbol is used to invite people to stand. All songs and responses will be projected on the screens.

Please PRAY

For Edith Ladd and her family as they grieve the sudden passing of Ron.

For the family of George Smeltzer as they grieve his passing.

For Tammy McRonald as she returns from Guatemala with Compassion Canada.

For Daisy Herbert who is now residing in the Western Counties Wing.

For healing and strength for Jack Webster as he continues to recover at home.

For God to provide healing and pain relief for Dorothy Barfoot as she deals with health challenges.

For God’s blessing for Shirley Bakelaar, Ross Cole, Doris Doskas, John Gaskin, Maureen Gaskin, Martin McHardy, Linda McPherson, Margaret Middaugh and Eileen Reid.

For healing for Al, Roy Young’s brother ~~~~~~~~~~~~

St. Andrew’s Concert

Help us start advertising the Scottish/Canadian concert on Saturday, November 18th @ 2pm. Take a flyer to share with a friend! Tickets are $25 ($10 for students).


Speaking of Stewardship

To cherish what remains of the Earth and to foster its renewal is our only legitimate hope of survival. -Wendell Berry, (1934 -), American novelist, poet, environmental activist, cultural critic, and farmer.


Our Mission Committee is leading worship at the Men’s Mission on Sunday, October 22nd. If you can help by making sandwiches or by attending and being another smiling face, please speak to Linda Bone.



Chalmers Annual Christmas Bazaar – Saturday, November 4 – 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Something for everyone –Tea room, baking, meat pies, Christmas Room, knitting, crafts, jewellery and much more! Bring your family, friends and neighbours. We need baked goods and preserves as well as new and like new Christmas items for the Christmas room. Please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Thank-you for your continued support. FINANCIALS: Total cost of metal roof - $125,000 Funds as of October 8 - $67,815 Donations received October 15 - $260 TOTAL Donations received to date - $68,075 OTHER DONATIONS PENDING … Memorial Fund Donation - $12,500 THANKS BE TO GOD! The fundraising team - Janet Bruce, Yvonne Daniel, Bob Finlay, Pat MacKay and Brenda Webster


If you would like information about becoming a professing member of Chalmers, please speak to Rev. John.

October 22 – Thanks be to God! Presbyterians Sharing supports the Rev. Dr. Paul McLean, a Bible translation consultant working in partnership with The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan and The Bible Society in Taiwan. In a recent blog post, Paul writes: “Maelaanenge ki Twaumase!” (Thanks be to God!) These words were repeated during the joyful 3-hour thanksgiving service for the publication of the Ngudradrekai Bible on July 11, 2017 at Kucapungane Presbyterian Church in the mountain foothills of southern Taiwan. Nearly 30 years after The Gospel first took root in Old Kucapungane village, Ngudradrekai people now have the complete Bible printed in their own mother language.” The Rev Peter Bush, Moderator of the 2017 General Assembly, attended the celebration. He shares, “To read the Bible in one’s mother language is to be affirmed culturally as a people having value and it is to be called to discipleship following Jesus Christ.” Presbyterians Sharing equips people to read the Bible in their own language


Financial Report – As of September 30, 2017

INCOME: Offerings $161,461.45 Rent & Other Income 8,288.03 Total Income $169,749.48

EXPENSES: Committee Expenses $ 6,072.54 Church Building 41,555.55 Manse 855.00 Office & General 9,005.66 Salaries 123,876.77 Presbyterians Sharing 16,627.50 Presbytery Assessment 4,256.47 Total Expenses $202,249.49 DEFICIT -32,500.01


Sister Chicks in Gondolas by Robin Jones Gunn This was my favourite of all 8 books. Jenna is invited to spend a week at a 15th century restored palace in Venice - but she must agree to cook for a group of ministers who are having a retreat at this palace. She ask her sister-in-law, who has been going through a difficult time with her husband’s illness, to join her.. And the fact that Sue is a good cook, and happy to be in the kitchen makes it a win-win situation. They have some very zany adventures, but also love to listen to one of the men on the retreat reading from the Psalms each morning at devotions. The ladies’ gondola trips and attempts to taste all flavours of gelato make this a fun, but amazingly spiritual experience. Christine Hunter, Librarian


Pastoral Care Update

Our committee would love to have you join us. We meet the 1st Tues. of the month at 9:30am. We support our sick and shut-in. Funeral receptions are on our agenda. Our group supplies the coffee hour and kitchen. * Did you know that Victoria & University Hospital parking passes can be purchased for 5,7or 14 days and are good for in and out parking. The passes are good for I year and can be purchased at the booth as you are leaving * We will be having a Memorial Service on Sunday Nov 5 during our worship service. We will be remembering the loved ones that have left us since Nov 1st 2016: Bernie Elliot, Marion Weldon, May MacKinnon, Mac McInnis, Mary Biro, Sue Sam, Kathleen Cushman, Jean Morris, Ron Ladd, George Smeltzer. Please notify Lizz if there is a family member you would like us to add. * We are also still assisting Wendy and George Lefler with meals as they continue with health issues. If you can provide a meal please call me at 519-681-4541 and I can deliver the meal . Thank You - Mary Taylor chair Pastoral Care Committee

AT A GLANCE: October 22 – 29

SUNDAY Worship – 10am Library Open – 11:15am Tasteful Topics - 11:15am Worship at Men’s Mission - 7pm

MONDAY Worship Committee – 7pm

TUESDAY Session – 11:15am

WEDNESDAY Knitting Circle – 1:30pm Reachout - 7:30pm

THURSDAY Care & Share – 1pm Property Management - 7:30pm

FRIDAY Seniors’ Fitness – 9am Seniors’ Euchre – 1pm Senior Choir - 6:30pm Volleyball - 7pm

SATURDAYDAY God’s People Together - 11:30am

SUNDAY Worship & Sunday School –

10am Library Open – 11:15am

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Thursday 9-3 Friday 10-4


Rev. John is enjoying his last week of holidays for 2017 by taking part in the Huntsman World Senior Games in St. George, Utah (55+ men's volleyball).

UPCOMING DATES: Saturday, Nov 4 - Christmas Bazaar Saturday, Nov 18 - St. Andrew’s Concert

TODAY’S HOSTS: Lorna Wilson & Bill George Murray & Lois Cummings Charles & Kathy McCartney NEXT SUNDAY’S HOSTS: Keith & Phyllis Johnston Linda Bone & Barb Jessop Muriel Bertling & Debbie Scott

COFFEE FELLOWSHIP SERVERS: Oct 22: Tasteful Topics - no coffee Oct 29: Jackie & Laurie Bannerman Nov 5: Sherry & Kevin Hartman Nov 12: Keith & Phyllis Johnston

NURSERY VOLUNTEERS: Oct 22: Wanda MacKay & Winter Hales Oct 29: Dan Duffin & Rashmi Nehamaye Nov 5: Jane Vannus & Torry Thibodeau Nov 12: Wanda MacKay & Joycie Nathaniel


Sunday morning hosts are required to be at church by 9:30 to hand out the order of worship, and they take up the offering during the service. Each volunteer is needed 3-4 times a year. If you would like to volunteer as a host, please speak to Cathy Spooner cspooner@execulink.com.



When you give blood at Canadian Blood

Services, mention that you’re a ‘Partner for

Life from Chalmers’ and mention our ID#


To the young and healthy, it's no loss. To the

sick, it's hope. Donate blood to bring hope to

life's journey for others!

Together with the Village Opera Company of London, Elmwood Avenue Presbyterian Church is presenting the Christmas Opera “Amahl and the Night Visitors” by

Giann-Carlo Menotti. The opera lasts

about 50 minutes, and tells the story of a young crippled boy named Amahl who, with his Mother, are visited by the Three Kings on their way to find the Christ Child. It is a very touching story with beautiful music. The role of Amahl is played by two remarkable boys, Will Cramp (Nov. 17) and Denver Milner (Nov. 19). The Mother will be performed by Katy Clark. The Three Kings are Chris Fischer as Kaspar, Paul Grambo as Melchior and Chad Louwerse as Balthazar. The Elmwood Choir will form the core of the chorus as a group of shepherds. All will be accompanied by a small professional musical ensemble. Tickets $25/Adults $10/Students and Children available at Tuckey Home Hardware in Wortley Village and Attic Books downtown, at the church office (call 519 438 3492) or at the door.


Elmwood Presbyterian Church is

holding a bazaar on Saturday, October 28th

from 10am until 12:30pm. There will be

baking, mincemeat, pickles & preserves,

produce, crafts, attic treasures, jewelry and


DATES TO SAVE FOR THE 2017 and 2018 SEASON: Senior High Retreat: October 27, 2017, from 7:00 pm to October 29, 2017, at 1:00 pm. (register through the Camp Kintail Website) Winter Weekend: February 9 to 11, 2018, in Hamilton. (watch for more details to come register through the SWO PYPS website) May Camp: May 18, 2018, at 7:00 pm to May 21, 2018, at 1:00 pm (watch for more details to come register through the SWO PYPS website) Please let us know if you would like to be added to our email contact list, this way we will be able to send you current information about the Ministry of PYPS, events, and retreat information. We are present on all social media and you are invited to join any of our pages; Our contact information: Website: www.swopyps.ca, Email: exec@swopyps.ca, Facebook: www.facebook.com/SWOPYPS, Twitter: @SWOPYPS


Join us for a wonderful Women's Fall Weekend on "Living a Life of Prayer”

with speaker Mary Jane Bissett, November 10


th at Crieff Hills Retreat and Conference

centre near Guelph. Come learn and share together about different forms of prayer and how to pray as a family. Retreat begins with Friday dinner and ends after Sunday lunch. Cost $240 for double room, $300 single and $175 commuter. Limited spaces available for one day Saturday. www.crieffhills.com 1 800-884-1525

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