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Project Manager: Maria Teresa Coronella, Regional Director of the Regional Statistical System SectionAnalysis and text supervisors:Pierantonio Belcaro, Manager of the statistical information system (Ch. 4)Desirè Molin, O.P. Statistics on education and work (Chs. 9, 10) Carla Pesce, O.P. Planning and economic statistics (Chs. 1, 2, 6, 7) Linda Vegro, O.P. Sistar - Sistan and infrastructure and mobility statistics (Chs. 3, 8, 11)Nedda Visentini, O.P. Social health methodology and statistics (Chs. 5, 10) Manager of publishing and dissemination:Andrea Fosco, P.O.O.P. Data acquisition, documentation and disseminationAdministrative manager: Paolo Capacci, O.P. Legal and Administrative

Contents by Regional Statistical System Section officials with some outside contributionsChapter 1Carla Pesce, Giorgia FaggianChapter 2Carla Pesce, Massimiliano Baldessari, Giorgia Faggian, Valeria Boscolo Galazzo, Desirè Molin, Alessandra Padoan, Elena Santi, Antonella Trabuio and contributions by: Sub-chapter 2.3, Veneto Agricoltura Settore Economia, Mercati e Competitività: Alessandro Censori, Antonio De Zanche, Renzo Rossetto, Gabriele Zampieri, Alessandra Liviero and Nicola SeveriniChapter 3Linda Vegro, Massimiliano Baldessari, Pierantonio Belcaro, Giorgia Faggian, Lorenzo Mengotti, Desirè Molin, Carla Pesce, Elena Santi, Antonella Trabuio, Patrizia Veclani, Nedda VisentiniChapter 4Pierantonio Belcaro, Lorenzo Mengotti, Federica SchenatoChapter 5Nedda Visentini, Giorgia Faggian, Alessandra Padoan, Cristiano Vanin and contributions by:Arsenàl.IT - Veneto’s Research and Innovation Center for Digital HealthChapter 6Carla Pesce, Massimiliano Baldessari, Giorgia Faggian, Valeria Boscolo GalazzoChapter 7Prometeia: Livia SimonginiRegional Statistics System Section: Carla Pesce, Massimiliano BaldessariChapter 8Linda Vegro, Elena Santi, Carla PesceChapter 9Desirè MolinChapter 10Nedda Visentini, Desirè Molin, Alessandra Padoan, Cristiano Vanin, Patrizia Veclani e contributi di:Office of the Regional Councillor for Equality of Veneto: Sandra MiottoIkon comunicazione: Marta GiacomettiChapter 11Linda Vegro, Diego Gasparini, Antonella Trabuio, Umberto BaroneAccessibility and computer supportCarmelo Paganino, Federico Bonandini, Alberto Dal Piai, Nicola Diblasi, Fabio SalernoOperational supportMarco De Bianchi, Rudy Panciera, Matteo Rigo, Massimo Zuin


Rapporto Statistico 2015

Operational supportAci, Aefi, Ance, Anci, Arpav, Arsenàl.IT, Auma, Banca d’Italia, Banca mondiale, Bureau van Dijk, Cbre, Censis, Cfi, Cib, Com-missione europea, Confindustria Veneto, Consorzio Interuniversitario Almalaurea, Ente Bilaterale Industria Turistica Veneto, Euromonitor, Eurostat, Expo 2015 S.p.a., Expovenice S.p.a., Federalberghi, Fio.PSD, Fondazione di Venezia, Fondazione Symbola, Fondo Monetario Internazionale, Global Insight, Gta, Ice, Infocamere, Inps, Isfol, Ismea, Ispra, Istat, Istituti nazionali di statistica di altri paesi, Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del territorio e del mare, Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Ministero dell’Interno, Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Ocse, Okkio alla Salute, Oms, Onu, Organizzazione mondiale del Turismo, Parlamento Europeo, Politecnico di Milano – School of Management, Prometeia, Ragioneria Generale dello Stato, Ref Ricerche, Ri-sposte Turismo, Siae, Sinab, Sistema di Sorveglianza Passi, Unctad, Unioncamere, Veneto Agricoltura, Veneto Lavoro, Wto

Regione del Veneto

Department of Local Governments, legal entities, acts control, government commission and post-emergency management, statistics, major events, Controls Section, regional development strategy government and personnel, Labor Division - Office of the Councilor for Equality, Information Systems Section.

In implementing the Regional Law no. 8 of 2002, the Statistics Office of the Veneto Region collects, analyzes and disseminates statistical information of regional interest. The processed data are an endowment of the community and are disseminated through publications and through the website of the Veneto Region at www.regione.veneto.it/web/statistica.

The reproduction of text, tables and graphics is authorized for non-commercial use provided that their source is mentioned.

This publication is updated for data available as of 31 May 2015.

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