A Loving & Caring Church Transforming God’s Vision Into...


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VOL. 75 NO. 7

A Loving & Caring Church Transforming God’s Vision Into Action

I want to talk about my lawn. In the last year or so, we have had work

done on our lawn. I phrase that sentence carefully, to distinguish what I

have done, and what others have done. I have done very little. Others

have done quite a lot.

The focus has been on planting new grass or laying new sod. About a year ago a portion of the front yard

was given new sod. It has grown, matured, thickened. The different pieces of sod have grown together to form a

beautiful stand of grass. All I’ve done is water it and admire it. The grass looks wonderful.

About five or six weeks ago a significant portion of the back yard and a small portion of the front was

given new sod. It’s coming along pretty well. Much of it is getting green, though there are some brown parts.

I’m noticing some thickening in some areas, though not in others. And in most places the different pieces of sod

are still distinguishable; it will take time for it all to mesh together. All in all, good progress is being made.

Then there is the rest of the yard, the part for which I’m most responsible. The color isn't bad, in most

places, but there are some bare spots. The grass certainly isn't thick, and there are a few weeds. I’m not about to

waste water on it.

Some random observations.

1.) We are all in different stages of Christian growth. Some have developed over the years a deep root

system of faith, and its obvious in their spiritual beauty and maturity. Most of us are a work in progress,

we show signs of Christlikeness in our lives, but there are still some areas that need work, that we need to

give more attention. And then there are some that do nothing to try to grow, its not worth the “trouble”,

and at best they remain stagnate in their faith. The church is made up of all these kinds of people, and we

do our best to encourage and support one another.

2.) God puts us together in the church for a reason. Just as the different pieces of sod grow together to

produce beautiful grass, God brings together different people with different gifts and abilities, and then

uses them to produce an effective ministry to further His kingdom on earth.

3.) God is ultimately responsible for our growth. All the watering and fertilizing I do, may not end up

producing beautiful grass. God takes our efforts and uses them, but the final result is up to Him. God

asks us to be available. What He produces in our lives may be more than we expected, or different than

we imagined. We can trust Him with the final outcome.

So much for the lesson in Agrostology. Seeing lawns —and people—grow is a special blessing.

August Calendar and Birthdays

Summer Book Club Announcement

Women on a Mission Announcement

Wednesday Evening Activities Resume 9/10/14

Check Out Our “NEW” Website http://www.fbcwinc.org/

We continue to work at building an interesting and helpful church website. If you have any suggestions for additional material please let us know. The Tie and the Church Calendar are now available online from the TIE Newsletter page. Audio files of the previous Sunday’s Worship Ser-vices are now available online from the Services page.









JUNE 22 70 155 225 $ 12,346 $ 9,276 $ 308,650 $ 290,997 $ (17,653) $ 396 $ 32,377

JUNE 29 80 155 235 $ 12,346 $ 11,440 $ 320,996 $ 302,437 $ (18,557) $ 196 $ 32,573

JULY 6 70 131 201 $ 12,346 $ 13,455 $ 333,342 $ 315,891 $ (17,451) $ 2,474 $ 35,047

JULY 13 70 170 244 $ 12,346 $ 10,756 $ 345,688 $ 326,647 $ (19,041) $ 316 $ 35,363

JULY 20 93 190 283 $ 12,346 $ 15,034 $ 358,034 $ 341,681 $ (16,353) $ 781 $ 36,144

Nursery Volunteers Volunteers for the 11:00 am service for the coming

Sundays are:

July 27 Peggy Fletcher

August 3 Sharon Woodard

August 10 Sue Spangler

August 17 Teresa Rhodes

August 24 Wanda Diehl

August 31 Whitney Painter

Children’s Story Time Speakers Volunteers for the coming Sundays are:

July 27 Kim Riley

August 3 Sherry Headley

August 10 Marge Davis

August 17 Laine Everhart

August 24 Mattie Fries

August 31 Patsy Stainback

Bible Friends Schedule Volunteers for the 11:00 am service for the coming

Sundays are:

July 27 Lynne Esslinger Sandy Whitesides

August 3 Stephanie Duvall Alison Wright

August 10 Linda Fletcher Linda Ebersole

August 17 Nan Pell Robin Rodgers

August 24 Robin Thompson Gretchen Kaderli

August 31 Sarah Kite Holly Nightingale

A Warm Welcome is extended to Greg and Debbie Price who made their decision for church membership on June 22, 2014.

Christian Sympathy is extended to Martha Mattison and family in the death of Sam who died on May 19, 2014. Sam and Martha were former members who had moved to Richmond.

Tie Publication Schedule

We are continuing with a monthly publication schedule of the TIE which significantly reduces communication costs. The website and online

calendar will continually be updated and bulletin announce-ments will be updated each week. Each Tie will be a calendar Tie for the subsequent month and will be published later in the month. September Calendar Tie — August 20th.

Summer Book Club

Thursday, July 31, 2014 will begin a 5 week book club to be held in the lower auditorium from 10:00 am - 11:15 am facilitated by Lori Horne Pendleton. Have you wondered where God is when the innocent suffer? Where is God when our prayers

seem unanswered? Why is it so difficult to understand God’s will? We will tackle these questions and more while reading Why? by Adam Hamilton. We will also spend a few minutes each week watching a DVD that works with our reading schedule. Personal

copies of the book will be provided. Please call 662-5367 and sign up.

Christian Sympathy is extended to Ste-phen McCalley and family in the death of his grandmother, Wanda Van Duyn, on July 9, 2014.

Christian Sympathy is extended to John Darsie and family in the death of his mother, Ellen Darsie, on July 6, 2014.

Christian Sympathy is expressed to Joe Walter and family in the death of his father, Edwin Walter, on June 26, 2014.

Dear First Baptist Church Friends, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your loving contributions to the SLC Love Offering. As you can see the 'Doodlebug' is now in place on the playground. This piece of equipment will encourage imagination as children see themselves on many adventures. Blessings, The Children of First Baptist Church and 'Son' Shine Learning Center



High School Book Study @

Daily Grind


Massanutten Water Park


301 Open House/Promotion



Youth Council Nominations

{8.31} Youth Council Elections

Mark Your Calendar


August/September 2014 Newsletter of First Baptist Church Youth Group

High School Book Study: The High Schoolers are invited to meet at the Daily Grind on Jubal Early every Wednesday at noon through August 6 for a book study. We are reading selections from the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the books are provided. Massanutten H20: All youth, including rising sixth graders, are invited to come to Massanutten Water Park on July 29th. Meet at the church at 9am with a medical release and $40 as well as money for lunch at the park and dinner on the way home. We will return to the church around 7:30 pm. We do need chaperones, so if any adults are interested, please contact Kristin! RSVP to come. 301 Open House: All rising middle schoolers and their parents are invited to join us for breakfast and an information session during the Sunday school hour (9:45-10:45) in the 301 House on Sunday, August 10th! This is also Promotion Sunday, where we will begin our new Middle School and High School classes! Youth Council Nominations: If you are interested in serving as a Youth Council representative for your grade, just let your Sunday school teacher know!

Questions? / Contact Rev. Kristin Adkins Whitesides church: 540-662-5367 e-mail: kristin@firstbaptistwinchester.com Medical Releases and Trip Covenants are available in the 301 House or on our website: www.firstbaptistwinchester.com/youth and www.fbcwinc.org/ministry/youth-ministry/


Chaperones: Mark Jones and Courtney McCalley!

We also want to THANK our year-round youth leaders who help with Sunday

School and Youth Group weekly!

Joel and Lynne Esslinger, Mark Jones, Nancy Lewis, Kathryn Mayberry, Ste-

phen and Courtney McCalley, Catherine Whitacre, and Sandy Whitesides!

Our program thrives because of their hard work and commitment!

17 Gary Sibert

17 Gary Waybright

18 Tami Barnett

20 Adam Bowles

21 Erin Robertson

21 Hilda Turner

22 John Darsie

22 Barbara Clark

22 Jonathan Edwards

22 Meredith Yost

23 Jackson Bouder

23 Dan Bureau

23 Liam Courtney

23 Robert Saville

25 Molly Rolin

26 Rachel Bayliss

26 Eric Braithwaite

26 Cory Walter

27 Linda Vickers

29 Courtney Bragg

29 Sue Hoover

29 Amy Pell

29 Cheryl Winston

31 Seth Hines

1 Peyton Duvall

1 William Huyett

2 Travis Brown

2 Samantha Rose Jones

2 Janet Kniceley

3 Michele Heath

3 Lawton Saunders

3 Jake Vickers

5 Betty Hanna Hess

6 Matthew Heath

6 Nella Woodard

7 Hamp Hylton

7 John Tomblin

8 Eugene Canupp

8 Naomi Hoover

8 Greg Price

9 Linda Simpson

9 Patsy Stainback

9 Melody Lengel

10 Joel Esslinger

11 Forrest Long

11 Todd Spangler

11 Ian MacIsaac

12 Rich Robertson

12 Russell Tarpy

12 Sharon Woodard

12 Max Wismer

13 Maxine Kern

13 Greg Miller

14 Clyde Brumback

14 James Painter, Jr.

14 Carolynne Pell

14 Kristin Whitesides

15 Vicky Edwards

15 Micah McCalley

15 Daniel Turner

16 Tim Wolfe

16 John Beavers

16 Jonathan Hylton

16 Kayla Hylton

16 Jamie Pendleton

16 Andy Simpson

16 Marilyn Wilkins

17 Bailey Grove

17 Gretchen Kaderli

August 2014 BirthdaysAugust 2014 Birthdays


ANNUAL POOL PARTY Hosted by the Pell’s

On Thursday, July 24, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. we are invited to Rik and Carolynne Pell’s house for our Annual

Pool Party. Please bring a side dish. Chicken, drinks, and dessert will be provided. If you would like a

ride from the church parking lot, arrive there at 10:30 a.m. Please call the church office and sign up so

we will know how many to plan for at 662-5367.

Dear Scholarship Committee, I greatly appreciate the won-derful scholarship FBC has given me. It is well needed and will be well used at UVa next year. I’m so blessed to have a church family that helps sup-port me in so many ways.

Sincerely, Rebecca Lewis

Christian Sympathy is extended to the family of Beth Lumpp, who died on June 27, 2014.

Wednesday Evening Activities Resume September 10, 2014

The Adult Bible Study will begin an 8-week series entitled, “Resolve Everyday Conflict.” Topics will include: What is at the Root of Conflict, How to Deal with Difficult People, and How to Apologize

Peaceably. The study will be led by Frank Briggs and will feature a DVD session followed by group discussion each week. Several volunteers are needed (training provided) to help with the group

discussion. If you would like to volunteer, contact Frank Briggs, Pastor Fletcher, or the church office. Books may be ordered by calling the church office. Cost is $ 7.00.

WOMEN ON MISSION is collecting various toiletry items for the migrant workers who come to our area the beginning of fall each year. This year we are expecting close to 300 workers. The following regular-sized items are needed for each health care kit: Deodorant, Toothpaste & Toothbrush, Soap, Shampoo, Hair Brush and/or Comb, Bug Repellent, Wash Cloth & Towel. You may bring these health care items to the New Narthex through August 24, to be placed in the collection basket provided. W.O.M. will collect or purchase enough items to fill 25 bags. Checks may be made out to F.B.C. with W.O.M. Migrants written on the memo line. If you would like to take a bag to fill on your own, W.O.M. will provide a bag and an attached list of the items needed to fill it. This year we are partnering with Shenandoah Baptist Association and several churches in Leesburg to collect 300 health care kits. Whether you choose to fill a bag, donate money, purchase individual items for our basket, or simply offer up prayers for the workers, we appreciate your help. Any questions—contact Peggy Fletcher (542-1802) or the Church Office.

Here at the Ridge, we are finishing up week three of JP Camp. Two more JP weeks to go! It is

such a wonderful experience to be a part of these youth building their relationships with Christ,

with other youth and serving the community all while enjoying what God has created here.

A huge thank you to: Jim Chirstiansen, John Conrow, Bill Headley, Jeff Hinson, Jim Hollinger, Nelson

Isenhower, Mark Jones, David Kersey, Corey Kite, Don Lewis, Phil Luttrell, Greg Miller, Robert Palmer and Chris

Sweeney, for all your hard work taking down trees, cutting and splitting them. You all did an amazing job!!

Thanks again!

Jeff and Melissa


Tuesday 9:30 AM Senior Handbell Choir (Sanc.) 11:00 AM Singin' Seniors (Sanc.) 11:30 AM Al-Anon (301)


WEEKLY AUGUST SCHEDULE 2014 Sunday 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:30 AM Church Library Opens 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service Nursery (1’s - young 3’s) Bible Friends (older 3’s - 1st Grade) 2:30 PM Hispanic Service

August 2014 1

12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon (LA) 8:00 PM Al-Ateen (LA)


3 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Bible Friends 11:00 AM Worship Service-Baptism 2:30 PM Hispanic Service (CEB)

4 7:30 AM Al-Anon (301) 9:30 AM Electronic Giving Seminar (Low. Aud.)

5 9:30 AM Senior Handbell Choir (Sanc.) 11:00 AM Singin' Seniors (Sanc.) 11:30 AM Al-Anon (301) 6:30 PM AMC (CO)

6 12:00 PM Youth Summer Book Club (Daily Grind) 1:30 PM Piano Tuning (Sanct.) 6:30 PM Deacons Meeting (CEB)

7 10:00 AM Summer Book Club (Low. Aud.)

8 12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon (LA) 8:00 PM Al-Ateen (LA)


10 301 Open House (301) Promotion Sunday 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:30 AM 2nd Sunday Fellowship (LA) 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Bible Friends 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Home Communion 2:30 PM Hispanic Service (CEB)

11 7:30 AM Al-Anon (301)

12 9:30 AM Senior Handbell Choir (Sanc.) 11:00 AM Singin' Seniors (Sanc.) 11:30 AM Al-Anon (301)

13 1:30 PM Staff Meeting (Church Office)

14 10:00 AM Summer Book Club (Low. Aud.)

15 12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon (LA) 8:00 PM Al-Ateen (LA)


17 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Bible Friends 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:30 PM Hispanic Service (CEB)

18 7:30 AM Al-Anon (301)

19 11:30 AM Al-Anon (301) 7:00 PM HRR Committee (HRR)

20 TIE Published 6:30 PM Planning Team (CEB) 6:30 PM Stewardship & Finance Commit-tee (CO)

21 22 12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon (LA) 8:00 PM Al-Ateen (LA)


24 Youth Council Nominations 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Bible Friends 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:30 PM Hispanic Service (CEB)

25 7:30 AM Al-Anon (301) 6:30 PM Children's Ministry Team (CO)

26 9:30 AM Senior Handbell Choir (Sanc.) 11:00 AM Singin' Seniors (Sanc.) 11:30 AM Al-Anon (301)

27 6:30 PM 3rd Quarterly Business Meeting (CEB)

28 SLC Orientation 10:00 AM Summer Book Club (Low. Aud.)

29 12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon (LA) 8:00 PM Al-Ateen (LA)


31 Youth Council Vote 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Bible Friends 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:30 PM Hispanic Service (CEB)

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” —Mark Twain

“Faith is to believe what we do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.” —St. Augustine



Friday 12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon, Al-Ateen (LA)

Abbreviations in the Tie

AMC Admin. Management Com. 301 301 House CEB Children’s Ed. Building CO Church Office HRR Hunting Ridge Retreat LA Lower Auditorium MBC Men’s Bible Class Sanc. Sanctuary WOM Women on Mission SR Schoolage Room BSC Bible Seekers Class

August 2014 1

12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon (LA) 8:00 PM Al-Ateen (LA)


3 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Bible Friends 11:00 AM Worship Service-Baptism 2:30 PM Hispanic Service (CEB)

4 7:30 AM Al-Anon (301) 9:30 AM Electronic Giving Seminar (Low. Aud.)

5 9:30 AM Senior Handbell Choir (Sanc.) 11:00 AM Singin' Seniors (Sanc.) 11:30 AM Al-Anon (301) 6:30 PM AMC (CO)

6 12:00 PM Youth Summer Book Club (Daily Grind) 1:30 PM Piano Tuning (Sanct.) 6:30 PM Deacons Meeting (CEB)

7 10:00 AM Summer Book Club (Low. Aud.)

8 12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon (LA) 8:00 PM Al-Ateen (LA)


10 301 Open House (301) Promotion Sunday 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:30 AM 2nd Sunday Fellowship (LA) 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Bible Friends 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Home Communion 2:30 PM Hispanic Service (CEB)

11 7:30 AM Al-Anon (301)

12 9:30 AM Senior Handbell Choir (Sanc.) 11:00 AM Singin' Seniors (Sanc.) 11:30 AM Al-Anon (301)

13 1:30 PM Staff Meeting (Church Office)

14 10:00 AM Summer Book Club (Low. Aud.)

15 12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon (LA) 8:00 PM Al-Ateen (LA)


17 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Bible Friends 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:30 PM Hispanic Service (CEB)

18 7:30 AM Al-Anon (301)

19 11:30 AM Al-Anon (301) 7:00 PM HRR Committee (HRR)

20 TIE Published 6:30 PM Planning Team (CEB) 6:30 PM Stewardship & Finance Commit-tee (CO)

21 22 12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon (LA) 8:00 PM Al-Ateen (LA)


24 Youth Council Nominations 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Bible Friends 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:30 PM Hispanic Service (CEB)

25 7:30 AM Al-Anon (301) 6:30 PM Children's Ministry Team (CO)

26 9:30 AM Senior Handbell Choir (Sanc.) 11:00 AM Singin' Seniors (Sanc.) 11:30 AM Al-Anon (301)

27 6:30 PM 3rd Quarterly Business Meeting (CEB)

28 SLC Orientation 10:00 AM Summer Book Club (Low. Aud.)

29 12:00 PM Al-Anon (301) 7:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Meeting (CEB) 8:00 PM Al-Anon (LA) 8:00 PM Al-Ateen (LA)


31 Youth Council Vote 8:00 AM Praise Chorus 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Bible Friends 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:30 PM Hispanic Service (CEB)

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” —Mark Twain

“Faith is to believe what we do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.” —St. Augustine

Ageless Adventurer’s Trip!

Back by popular demand is a return trip to the Prime Outlets in Hagerstown, Md. We will depart at 8:30 a.m. Monday, Aug. 11, 2014 for shopping at the outlets, then a late lunch at Red Lobster and finally, a walk around Ollie’s for bargains. Please wear comfortable shoes and note that there are places at the outlets to sit and have coffee. We will return by 4:30p.m. Please call the church office to sign up to go at 662-5367.

We will have a Hymn Sing followed by a pie social on Sunday

evening, Aug. 10, 2014 at 6:00p.m.

Come join us in the Sanctuary for singing and then over in the

CEB for some dessert! Bring your favorite pie!

By Lori

As we prepare for our

annual hymn sing

this August, I thought

I'd share the story

behind one of our


favorite hymns,

“Because He Lives.”

The text was written

by Gloria Gaither and

the music by Bill

Gaither. In the late

1960's the Gaither's

were expecting a child. Bill was recovering from

mononucleosis and they were overwhelmed with the

pressures of work and life. On New Year's Eve, Gloria

was sitting alone in their living room, tormented by

fear about the future, when the Lord sent a peaceful

calm over her that inspired her to write this beloved

hymn. Gloria was reassured that they could face the

future with optimism and trust as she wrote these life

affirming words. Once again the power of Christ's

Resurrection conquered fear and doubt and joy and

peace were left in her heart!

“Because He Lives”

God sent His Son,

they called him Jesus,

He came to love,

heal and forgive;

He lived and died

to buy my pardon,

An empty grave is there to prove

my Savior lives.

How sweet to hold

a newborn baby,

and feel the pride,

and joy He gives;

but greater still

the calm assurance,

This child can face uncertain days

because He lives.

And then one day

I'll cross the river,

I'll fight life's final war with pain;

and then as death gives way to victory,

I'll see the lights of glory and

I'll know He lives.


Because he lives I can face tomorrow

Because He lives all fear is gone;

because I know

He holds the future

And life is worth the living just

because he lives.

Home Encouragement

Ms. Alison Saw


Bible Verse

"Do to others as you would like them to do to you."

(Luke 6:31)

Our children are strongly encouraged to open and

close our time together in prayer. Understandably

so, some of the children are shy. Please encourage

your child to lead YOU in prayer at home.

Molly Moyer donated her hair!

Several of our kids welcomed visitors to our

Weird Animals VBS!

Perfect Sunday school attendance in the

month of June- Reagan Kite, Greta Whitacre,

Sophia Howard, Avery Bowers, Micah


We had over 80 children register and participate in our Weird Animals VBS. Including volunteers we had

about 130 people at FBC for VBS!

Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with every aspect of Vacation Bible School! There truly are not

enough words to express how grateful I am to each of you! VBS is a group effort, and it is because of everyone

who helped that it was such a success!

Promotion Sunday is August 10th. This is the Sunday when children move up in their Sunday School classes. It

is an especially big day for rising first graders who will be in a new building, and for our rising sixth graders

who are leaving the children’s ministry department and starting their journey in youth group.

Appreciation Sunday- The nursery committee is planning an appreciation Sunday for our nursery workers,

nursery and Bible friends volunteers, and Sunday school teachers. It will be on August 10th, look for more

details to come!

The TIE (USPS 629340) is published once a

month by the First Baptist Church, 205 W.

Piccadilly Street, Winchester, VA 22601.

Periodical postage paid at Winchester, VA

22601 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to

address above.

Articles can be submitted to the editor by



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Winchester, VA

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First Baptist Church 205 W. Piccadilly Street

Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 662-5367

Fax: (540) 662-7947 fbcwinc.org

Newsletter Deadline The next Tie will be mailed on Wed. August 20th.

Please submit content by 10:00 am Friday, August 15th.

Email is tie@fbcwinc.org

Bulletin Deadline The Church Bulletin is printed EVERY Thursday Morning.

Please submit content to Kathy by noon on Wednesday.

Email is fbcwinc@fbcwinc.org

First Baptist Church Prayer Chain Ministries

Direct your prayer request(s) to:

Daytime Hours: Donna Walter @ 722-2230 or Linette Spicer @ 662-1120

Evening Hours: Janet Luttrell @ 667-8758 or Laura Beavers @ 667-3191

Sanctuary arrangements are

needed for the 2014 calendar

year. If you would like to place

an arrangement in memory or in

honor of a loved one, please fill

out a Flower Calendar form found in each narthex or the

Church Office. You may also call the Church Office to

place your request.

Homebound Spotlight

Barbara Neely Meadow Glen 315 Dry Mill Road, SW Leesburg, VA 20175

We encourage everyone to send a note to Barbara.

In His Love, Lori & the Homebound Team
