Web viewFW: RAMBAM Inbox Rafi Weiner Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 7:16 AM . To: michelle ment


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Rafi Weiner


Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 7:16 AM

To: michelle ment <michellement@ > Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

Hi Michelle,

I attach a copy of your latest statement received from Rambam.

You will note that there remains a debit balance of R1 653.00 which amount is due, owing and payable by you.

Since April 2011 you have only paid R247.00.  Your last two payments were R5.00 or less which is, to say the least, a joke.

It comes as no surprise to me that I have been asked by the Trust to discharge the remainder of your liability in my capacity as your Surety and Co-principal Debtor.

Consequently I will be making payment to Rambam of R1 653.00 in settlement of the outstanding amount due by you to Rambam.

As you know, by virtue of my payment to Rambam as surety, you become liable to me for the amount paid on your behalf.  I don't expect payment from you and I regard my discharge of your indebtedness as a charitable donation on your behalf.

As they old saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished.


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Michelle Ment

<michellement@ >

Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 8:24 AM

To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

Thank you for your mail.However, I have already explained my position on this matter.Since I have not received the balance of my inheritance owing to me and as I did not wish to go to Small Claims Court -I had hoped we could settle this amicably.It is and has never been my intention to shirk any responsibility however the balance owing to me from the inheritance is contentious to say the least.I do not know if you have even looked at the last will and testament of Reuben Sanfield.The balance owing to me is +-R2600 and I could sue for more because of the loopholes in the will.

It has never been my intention whatsoever to deliberately upset you or "do you  in".The payments I have made were all that I could afford.I barely have a roof over my head-not that I am any responsibility of

yours.And was severely beaten by two lunatic women 2 days ago -not that that is of any interest to you.I do not know where you get the notion that I have deserved all of this garbage that has been dumped on me, quite clearly the 36 hours that I have spent in your company over the last 25 years could not possibly have led to any reasonable understanding of my personality at all.My father must have rolled in his grave a thousand times over at the deplorable way in which I have been treated.Every one has choices on how they decide to live their lives and I am not the family bank nor should ever have been treated as such.I have requested and received an interim protection order against my mother because of certain circumstances.Your part in this has not gone unnoticed either.Where did you ever get a notion that I am anything like my mother? Where did you ever get a notion that I deserved to be treated like a piece of garbage.The sorry part of this is, that you and the rest of the family could have just been nice towards me and have enjoyed a wonderful relationship with me.Do you have any idea of what you have done?- Show quoted text -

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Michelle Ment

<michellement@ >

Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 9:35 AM

To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

It pains me to ask, but since the only emails I have received from you have been entirely derogatory and since you took much pleasure in describing my person in a way that is unprofessional, and unbefitting to an attorney- transgressing the right to freedom of expression clause in the Bill of Rights- should I assume that this letter of yours is really about the inheritance or about the fact that I have a juicy case on my hands and will run with it.Are you playing ambulance chaser? because you sure don't care about my health and well being?

Michelle- Show quoted text -

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Michelle Ment

<michellement@ >

Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 3:10 PM

To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

What amazes me is that I have been living below the breadline for the last 3 years.There are no and have been no investments- I received approx R10000 from a corporate investment scheme in 2008 and that money was immediately disboursed to debt consolidation.Where exactly or who exactly sucked out a story that I have money on the side.You will have to believe me that there was no money at all, and that if I could have paid more, I would have.I have never ever tried to manipulate monies out of people for ill gain and have kept to the straight and narrow.I have never supported any form of substance abuse and continue not to support it.I  do not support gambling either-there are much better ways to spend money.Quite frankly I have been malnourished for the most of the last 8 years and changed my diet to a seratonin-high diet to keep as healthy as possible.I had all my medical check ups handled by government hospitals because my health and well being  has always been important to me.I have paid every month towards all of my debts as much as I could.There is no and has never been a Woolworths deal and I most definitely have not prostituted myself, nor would I .I have made money by launching my own ice cream brand at the food markets, by baking and selling muffins and by knitting and selling hand made scarves.I have all my receipts and will put it all together for SARS in the next month.All my tax filings are up to date.

For what possible reason would I lie about this?You all made it clear how unwelcome I was a long time ago and I decided not to approach anyone for assistance.I have been virtually self employed this entire last year.But am currently in a very bad place with very bad people.SIGNED AFFADAVIT if you need it.- Show quoted text -

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Rafi Weiner


Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 4:35 PM

To: michelle ment <michellement@ > Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

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I am in receipt of your last emails.


Your emails would make a lot of sense which you stick to the point and not go off on a tangent with all sorts of unnecessary and irrelevant issues.


I am not upset and I do not in any way feel done in by the fact that I have been called upon to pay Rambam the outstanding balance.  It is an obligation which I took willingly at the time in order to facilitate a loan to you.  As a Surety it is an obligation which I took on at the very outset.  I did not complain then and I do not complain now.


I also know that it has not been your intention to shirk your responsibility and that you have done the best you could having regard to your financial circumstances.


Issues concerning your inheritance and your relationship with you mother is really of no concern to me and you are well advised to let this go.


Sadly, it is impossible for anybody to be nice towards you or to enjoy a good relationship with you.  The reason for this is that you antangonise people by sending the abusive emails, thereby inviting a backlash that you don’t like. And as you continue to do this, so you burn bridges, which are difficult to restore.


Having spent more than 30 years as a litigation attorney, I can tell you with a degree of certainty that a kind word goes a long way.  Michelle, you are an intelligent, vibrant, healthy and good looking woman.  Put those attributes to good use. Vengeance and retribution will get you nowhere.


Come on, Michelle-  It’s time to put all the crap behind you and kick butt!




Ashersons Chambers, 34 Plein Street, Cape Town, 8001

P O Box 2219, Cape Town, 8000

T +27 (0)21 461 6240F +27 (0)21 462 2536E rweiner@ashersons.co.za

This e-mail and its attachments if any, are subject to the Ashersons e-mail disclaimer which is available on request.

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Michelle Ment

<michellement@ >

Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 5:11 PM

To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

Rafi- I am not seeking any vengeance.I am seeking employment in earnest as I have done for most of the last 3  years.And  I agree that a kind word does go a long way which is something I mentioned to you a few weeks ago.

I have a lot to organise very quickly as my current living conditions are appalling and I am spending time in the office to use the PC for salaried job applications.This office will be closing in the next week to two weeks and as such I have a lot to do within a very short time.Thanks for your letter.I do not need to discuss my mother with you since I have made my position on the subject quite clear.Thanks again for your letter.

Kind regards,Michelle- Show quoted text -

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  Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 5:27 PM

Michelle Ment

<michellement@ > To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

I have come to the conclusion that the best place for me to work in is a legal department somewhere.Once you understand what your rights are, you cannot pretend not to know them and you cannot pretend to be okay with people who have no respect for it.The law exists to promote peace and to regulate society.It is the basis of any infrastructure of any city or country- as is the backbone/spine of the anatomy.I was very pleased today to hear that the Constitutional Court has voted in favour of a balance between human rights and the right to freedom of expression which has been somewhat "my baby" for the past few years.I am very glad to see things moving in a more constructive direction in general.Of course, though, I am not putting all my eggs in one basket and am applying for a variety of other salaried positions as well.I have put forward a motion in some circles for the Law Society to begin to regulate salaries for candidate attorneys to include provision for their accommodation, food and studies until the completion of their articles-I hope it receives approval soon.

Regards,M- Show quoted text -

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Michelle Ment

<michellement@ >

Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 5:32 PM

To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

Lastly, I am not responsible for what people choose to understand.- Show quoted text -


Michelle Ment

<michellement@ >

Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 9:16 AM

To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

I also have a question for you: Considering that you pre arranged to have me evicted from my flat, do you have any intention to try and rectify matters? I am sorry your plans to marry me off did not work,

Or are you going to pretend that it is all my fault when you are well aware that it is not.- Show quoted text -


Michelle Ment

<michellement@ >

Sun, Jun 10, 2012 at 2:02 PM

To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

Attempted murder- Show quoted text -


Rafi Weiner


Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 10:18 AM

To: michelle ment <michellement@ > Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

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Your last thread of emails all made reasonable sense until the last email sent at 09:16 on 08 June 2012.


As you well know, I did not pre-arrange to have you evicted from your flat. 



Your eviction resulted out of your failure to pay the rental which was followed by an application to Court which was unsuccessfully opposed.  You see, you don’t seem to understand that a tenant is liable to a landlord for rentals. This is very basic. The Magistrate’s Court, Cape Town, ordered your eviction from the flat because you failed to pay rental for many months.


I don’t know where on earth you got the idea that I have plans “to marry you off”.   What an utterly ridiculous idea!!


And what the point of the “attempted murder”? Rather don’t reply.


It is indeed regrettable that your emails have once again degenerated into meaningless accusatory gibberish.  Consequently, no purpose will be served in any further communication with you.



Ashersons Chambers, 34 Plein Street, Cape Town, 8001 P O Box 2219, Cape Town, 8000

T +27 (0)21 461 6240F +27 (0)21 462 2536E rweiner@ashersons.co.za

This e-mail and its attachments if any, are subject to the Ashersons e-mail disclaimer which is available on request.

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Michelle Ment

<michellement@ >

Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 8:15 PM

To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

It is indeed regrettable that you do not have the ounce of interest in my welfare, that you deliberately gave me bad references so that I would not be able to secure employment in Cape Town and continue living my life lawfully and in peace.And then proceeded to collude with the opposing counsel to ensure my eviction- as if you thought you were putting on a magic show.Even on the day of the actual eviction you ,personally, refused to take my calls.Are you never responsible for anything?It is indeed regrettable that you persist in denying any involvement in the situation.It is indeed regrettable that you persist in attempting to demean me.Are you aware that according to the protection order, your client may not use third parties to continue her economic, psychological and emotional abuse of my person.Nor do I have to put up with it from you either.

By the way, I lent your son Benji, Denis Richards History book- I did not give it away or give it to you.And I would appreciate its return to my personThank you for enquiring about my health and my wellbeing- it is really nice to know that one can rely on family when necessary.It is also nice to know that I have such an intelligent family that takes the time  to actually sit down with me and discuss matters one adult to another instead of that family fabricating stories that are in breach of the Bill of Rights and can be upheld by law. You are going to fix the mess that you and the rest of the family created for me.I am in Cape Town and have no interest in moving, By the way, in case you did not know- I did launch my ice cream brand in Cape Town at the food markets September /October 2011 and my clients gave me more support and more warmth than anyone in my own family.It was authorised by the City Council, taking into account zoning rights and other food production regulations, is SARS compliant and legally compliant.Hopefully I will get a little tax rebate for it since everything I do is usually done in an organised fashion and takes the necessary regulations into account.You are going to fix the mess that you and the rest of the family created for me.I am in Cape Town and have no interest in moving, I have the right of choice

Michelle Ment


Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 9:51 AM

To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za>, Evan Rubenstein < @actioncoach.com>, Leila@, jonathan@ Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

By the way: In December of 2011, I sold ice cream at food markets on approximately 7 days and enjoyed a healthy cash flow of about R12000- selling out most days and retaining very little stock unsold. The amount also includes several private orders that I received where deposits were largely paid in full and in advance.The money you lent me, X went towards steel buckets for display etc at the Cape Quarter food markets on Sundays and then I used them for the other markets as well.

I have a full breakdown of all expenses spent on ingredients, display and the table rentals which I paid. And I tell it to you because it is important to me be transparent in my dealings especially where you lent me the money on TRUST- which I value and appreciate immensely!All things considered- it was a great cash flow, especially for a launch- which any business would want and excellent considering the few days that I actually paid for a table and sold.Thank you very much for that.The reason I mention it is because I have to forward my tax income/expense sheet to SARS and have been going over the figures.Because I had a business licence- I am hoping that there will be some rebate- it would be great!I am exploring a new strategy for it. I realise that money is not everything (and  I have always known that)and someone quite smart says that wealth is what you are left with when you have lost everything.He means the element of humanity- the personality.For me, wealth is a combination of elements: health wealth, human value wealth(which is why I am so happy at the recent outcome of the court case between a debtor and the Standard Bank in South Africa-since the Bill of Rights Dignity clause was upheld to be valid, reasonable and overriding), wellness health-including mental wellness, knowledge wealth, happiness wealth and relationship wealth. Strength does not lie in being mean and pitting people against each other to make other people's lives as miserable as possible.There is a strength in kindness, humility, warmth and compassion and in dealing with people wisely and with understanding.There are no repeat performances of any kind.You cannot change people and to expect people to behave differently is an absurdity second to none.Everyone has the choice of how they decide to behave under any given circumstance.A person cannot make another behave badly or well, cannot make another violent or peaceful.There are no excuses for why people chose to behave the way they did or do; every adult is the master of his/her own behaviour- that is what distinguishes us from the animal kingdom.

I am enjoying lucky days the last few days, with lovely people and good opportunities and hope to see that grow and grow.Nice is and has always been appreciated by myself.

Have you fixed the mess that you created for me Raphael? Because if you don't , I will fix you permanently.Your behaviour to me has been nothing short of disgusting from the time that I rented a flat from the Ashersons and you ensured that furniture would be removed from the flat so that I could not even entertain friends.

Fix the mess you created for me Raphael Weiner, attorney at low.I am not putting up with your choice of behaviour any longer.Nor will I put up with any of the family's garbage any longer and that includes your daughter, the brat, Jonathan.Or your problems that I was overseas and had a good time away from the family-because believe me -I am entirely aware of what each of you has done.Your choices are your choices and mine are mine alone.I am in Cape Town and have no interest in changing that at the present moment.

Michelle Ment- Show quoted text -

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Rafi Weiner


Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 11:54 AM

To: Michelle Ment <michellement@ > Cc: Evan Rubenstein <evanrubenstein@actioncoach.com>, "Leila@ " <Leila@ >, "jonathan@ " <jonathan@ > Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

As I said in my last email to you, nobody is interested in anything you have to say on any topic,least of all your family.Your opinions and vacuous and irrelevant, so keep them to yourself.

Sent from my iPad- Show quoted text -

Rafi Weiner


Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 7:50 PM

To: michelle ment <michellement@ > Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

Ha Ha Ha  Ha

Your last emails are such a hoot, so I couldn’t resist a reply just for you.

You wouldn’t know what the Bill of Rights was if it bit you on your arse.

While you may get some perverse enjoyment out of criticising my family, at least I have one.

By your own doing, your family, friends and community have long since deserted you. Effectively, you have been written off as an utterly hopeless case.

The only thing you're capable of is puerile insults. And you're not very good at that either.

Don't you ever get tired of dishing up your crap? It's getting boring, you  know. You really must find some new topics.

Now go and have an ice-cream or do some research on what Milton Kellman likes for breakfast.

--And fix the mess you have created for yourself. It's so embarrassing!

PS  Your mother sends her regards.

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Michelle Ment


Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 7:55 PM

To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Cc: Evan Rubenstein < @actioncoach.com>, Leila@fedglass.co.za, jonathan@ Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

Your desperation is embarrassing as is the attachment you sent me.No one wants anything to do with you .No one wants to be your friend let alone your client. The fact that you have no regard or respect for your profession is your problem.The fact that you have no regard for the ethics of your profession is your problem.The fact that you cannot control your habits is your problem.The fact is : YOU REALLY NEED ANTHONY HALL And the truth is that you are an addict.And you need help. Sort it out asap.Or I will sort it out for you and you will not like the

results.The family is waiting: The family is waiting to hear whether you and your wife dipped into the trust fund for Liora and Amy which was held under your curatorship. We all want to hear about it and we want to hear the truth about it.- Show quoted text -

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Rafi Weiner


Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 8:29 PM

To: Michelle Ment <michellement@gmail.com> Cc: Evan Rubenstein < @actioncoach.com>, Leila@, jonathan@ Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original



…..And all we want is for you to f$%@ off.



From: Michelle Ment [mailto:michellement@ ] Sent: 16 June 2012 07:56 PMTo: Rafi WeinerCc: Evan Rubenstein; Leila; jonathanSubject: Re: More Michelle(mental)ia

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  Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 10:49 AM

Michelle Ment

<michellement@ > To: Rafi Weiner <rafi@ashersons.co.za> Cc: @actioncoach.com>, Leila@, jonathan@ Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

 Sure, that is why you continue to send me all your abusive and inane emails.I will be sure to pass that on to the magistrate.You know Raphael - even your own mother doesn't trust you which is why she had another will drawn up by an attorney other than yourself. So tell us: Did you and Debbie dip into Liora and Ami's trust fund as Perry ascertained. We still want to know.

- Show quoted text -


Rafi Weiner


Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 12:27 PM

Reply-To: rafi@ashersons.co.za To: Michelle Ment <michellement@> Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

Liora and Ami and everybody else wants nothing to do with you. You don't speak on behalf of anybody and nobody answers to you. Its common knowledge that you have a screw loose. This is the last you hear from me. Do everybody a favour and stay out of our lives. You don't belong anywhere. Yours faithfully

Rafi Weiner


From: Michelle Ment <michellement@ > Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 10:49:26 +0200To: Rafi Weiner<rafi@ashersons.co.za>Cc: Evan Rubenstein<@actioncoach.com>; <Leila@ >; <jonathan@ >- Show quoted text -

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Michelle Ment

<michellement@ >

Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 7:15 PM

To: rafi@ashersons.co.za Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

I will be sure to pass this on to the magistrateRectify what you and your wife have done.Or I will and you will not like the results.See you in court.- Show quoted text -


Michelle Ment

<michellement@ >

Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 7:21 PM

To: rafi@ashersons.co.za Reply | Reply to all | Forward | Print | Delete | Show original

