A Comprehensive Internship Report Campus Bulletin



Internship report

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Internship Report

A Comprehensive Internship Report

Campus Bulletin


Internship Report

An internship is a unique aspect of education that integrates study with planned and supervised career-related work experience. Students are involved as non-paid internees receiving academic credit for work.

Internship is to train the internees to prepare themselves for challenging tasks in the future. It provides the students with a great understanding for career demands and qualifications.

As a part of the course it allows students to understand the connection between what is studied and how it is applied in practical work. It enhances the students knowledge and views.

At the department of Journalism and Mass Communication there is an opportunity for internship which is of two months duration. During this specified time internees need to complete internship program. It is compulsory to submit the report on exact date before viva.For the last few years it has been made optional for the journalism students to opt for internship in any media organization.

A student has two options either to go for research or to do internship as a degree requirement.

After having as two months training at any chosen media organization the students are then required to submit a 30-40 pages report mainly based on their work experience in field during the internship period. The selection for the subject depends on students requirement.

As a student of Journalism and Mass Communication department I was told to choose any organization for internship as a subject.

I have discussed with the editor of the Campus Bulletin a fortnightly newspaper that I wanted to do my internship in reporting section to improve my reporting skill.

He approved my application and I was selected as an internee of Campus Bulletin to work in reporting section.

Internship Institution

Campus Bulletin

I have started my internship programme in Campus Bulletin, an a fort nightly newspaper which is published form Journalism and Mass Communication department under the editorship of Mr. Faizullah Jan, lecturer at journalism department.

The objective of the Campus Bulletin is to inform the community about various curricular, co-curricular and non-curricular activities taking place on the campus. .Another major purpose is to enhance the reporting and editing skills of the students in various sections so that to prepare them for future professional responsibilities.

There are many section in Campus Bulletin Every section performs different functions.

Functions of the various sections

Reporting section

Reporting section is the most important section in Campus Bulletin newspaper. In this section a reporter covers a particular happening in all its aspects for his newspaper.

He provides raw material where the editors after its news validity send it to the editing section for publishing in the newspaper.

Editing section

In the subediting section the subeditors desk is the center of the newspaper. It is the center around which all activities of the newspaper production is decided. The basic duty of the subeditor in this section is to control the use of news. He has to choose enough for filling in the pages on a given dateline.Duration of Internship ProgramThe time period or duration which is specified or fixed for internship work depends on the requirements of every media or institution. The training period in various departments varies from two months to eight weeks depending on their required tasks.Our internship in Campus Bulletin is based on two months practical work for the student of Journalism and Mass Communication. In the internship training program the internees of their relevant organization are required to familiarize themselves with the guidelines and principles of report writing. They must know how many kinds of reports are there. They must first of all understand who the audiences of their report are. They must learn how to compose better their reports. It must be clear understandable and must contain valuable information. Further it must contain analytical information as well.As an internee of Campus Bulletin I was asked to perform my assigned tasks in the given specified time.

Those students who join other media organization, if they showed good performance then they are appointed as a employer in the concerned organization if needed. When as internship a practical training is completed a report is written on it where students mention there performed tasks about the internship program.

Impact and importance of Campus Bulletin on community

Campus Bulletin started its publication in December 9, 2005 under the editorship of Sir Fazallah jan. It is a fortnightly newspaper published in Journalism and Mass Communication department university of Peshawar.

It contains four major pages with different titles. Students collect stories from their specific beats, then they compose it before publishing in the newspaper.

Every newspaper serves its function for the welfare of the society; people can get information through newspaper.Campus Bulletin was started with the same purpose to have a community new paper. Campus Bulletin, a community news paper, affects the community in different dimensions.The basic purpose of this news paper is to cover the events and to train the students of Journalism and Mass Communication department in practical field.

It stimulates the energies of the students to work for the development and improvement of the community. It helps them to establish a platform to discuss the issues and to find out the solution for it.

It enhances the students knowledge and views. It increases the interest of the students who really wish to become trained journalists ,they are provided a chance to participate in it.Campus Bulletin projects the image of the Journalism and Mass Communication department in the university so that students come to know the importance of journalism, as they considered it a reliable professional career for themselves.It develops harmony in the community to control any propaganda lunched against it, the basic impact on the community is to provide a research minded logical minded persons in the field of media communication skills.

It also helps the students to choice the correct path until he/she proved his/her energies for the improvement of the community. In the other words it streamlines their potentials. It produces a number of experienced and qualified workers in the community, as they offer a chance to evaluate potentials.

It is of great help on pinpointing problems of the community i.e mostly students and teachers of the university.

Highlighting community problems is just one aspect of its importance.

Importance of media organization for communityFollowing are the list of the function performed by Campus Bulletin

To inform people:The Campus Bulletin informs the audience about the developmental activities that occur in university. It also informs about the functions ,seminars and other activities in outside universities.

Increase awareness among students:Campus Bulletin as a community newspaper helps to increase students awareness about their organizational environment; it helps them to solve their problems by themselves.

It also provides opportunity to participate in different activities that occur in university.

To highlight developmental project:Campus Bulletin is to highlight all the developmental projects such as building new educational institutions etc. Through its material one can clearly understand about the environment of university.

To build confidenceCampus Bulletin helps the internees students of Peshawar university specially students of Journalism and Mass Communication department.

It builds up confidence and trust among them and prepare them to face the hard

To solve the problems:Campus Bulletin helps students to think over problems and infuse abilities to solve it by themselves.

It also provides information for the betterment of community; it is not used for propaganda purposes.

Capacity building The campus bulletin offers the students opportunity to build their capacity as community activists and reform minded members of the community. Through the bulletin they can express their views on relevant issues and problems. They can identify the existing problems in the community or in the whole campus to others and at the same time they can propose ways of solving those problems. Introduction to Campus Bulletin

Campus Bulletin, a fortnightly English newspaper is published from journalism department. Mr Fazullah Jan lecturer at the department at the editor of this newspaper.It started its publication on 09 December 2005. Dr. Shahjahn Syed Chairman of Journalism and Mass Communication is the chief editor of this newspaper.

The purpose of this news paper is to help the newcomers to learn how to write how to share ideas. To inform the students of various departments about the developmental activities accruing in the whole campus.

To project the positive information of all outside the communities, highlights their problems and suggest solution for it

To enlighten students of journalism to understand the communication problems of the community. To develop liberty among the students to say their voice. To increase the students awareness to keep them in touch with the upcoming events for its newspaper.It helps the students to take positive action for the betterment of community.

To provide the element of entertainment is the main purpose of the Campus Bulletin.The content of the Campus Bulletin is concerned about the students problems and developmental activities occur in the university internees are the contributor s for its material.It also provided press releases from different organization. Its news items is free from commercialism and sensationalism it tires to buildup good image of the university.Format of the Campus Bulletin is very simple. It is a tabloid size newspaper which is half of the size of the standard newspaper it is divided into five columns it has four pages each and every page contains different contents based on different issues those issues are mostly concern with the problems of the students.The front page of the Campus Bulletin highlights the most significant news items covered by its own reporters from various departments. In the inner pages feature type stories are mentioned. Editorials are in third page and the back page contains the sport news to entertain the readers.

It covers the events with great accuracy and fairness. The news items are free from commercialism it does not publish advertisement in both sides pictures are provided to give a good look.Campus Bulletin is the representative of Peshawar University. It is leader then it comes in the basic responsibility of the bulletin to truly present the university on the right track. In this newspaper the students give their comments, views and opinions about the day today happenings that are occurred in the universities in the form of features, columns and editorials. Hence we can say that it is the voice of the students of campus. Policy of the Campus Bulletin newspaperSince campus Bulletin is a student community newspaper representing and highlighting student affairs and activities thats why most of its contents concentrate on issues and reports relating to students interest.

Also the paper is sponsored by the university of Peshawar administration these two aspects of the campus Bulletin demands clearly studied objectives of the paper, and for that matter some specified policy.1.The primary purpose of the Campus Bulletin is to inform the community about the ongoing activities and news worthy events taking place on the campus.2. Campus Bulletin has to work to create a conducive atmosphere.

3. Campus Bulletin is and will strive to create positive image of the University of Peshawar within the academic circles of the country.

4. Campus Bulletin deemed it necessary to highlight students problems and help address such problems

5. Campus Bulletins is bridge between the students and teachers as well as administration.

6. Campus Bulletin is and will encourage and highlight the achievements of the students and faculty of the university.

7. Campus Bulletin is and will provide a platform to journalism students to master their journalistic skills learned in the theory.8.Campus Bulletin is and will encourage students from other departments of the University of Peshawar to exhibit their writing skills by contributing some knowledge based information.9.Campus Bulletin aims at providing well trained journalist to the local and national print media.What is Community? Community is not a new concept in human history it is as old as human history itself. According to new world college dictionary community is a group of people living together as a smaller unit within a larger one and having interest, work act in common. It comes into existence by the gathering of people.

Community is a sociological structure of the same people having same feelings and expectation. It is the name of fellowship and the participation in the selected group of the people. Campus Bulletin is the community newspaper. As it is considered a community newspaper which gained good position in Peshawar University it is called community newspaper because it builds the concept act local think global among the students. This news paper helps student to share ideas, information. To increase the participatory level by exchanging massages.This newspaper is the main source of providing news and information to the students and the teachers of the whole campus. It provides information to make the people of concern areas to participate in different activities. It structured the idea of participation and fellowship in one community. It helps the community people to involve in the issues that are important in their community. It basically creates a new way for each journalist to do is or her task with full responsibility.

Structure of Campus BulletinCampus Bulletin is comprised a number of staff members that make up its organizational structure. The staffs are mainly members of the journalism department, which contribute to the structure and working of the Campus Bulletin.

Editorial boardEditorial board is the main section of the Campus Bulletin that handles news raw material for publishing in the newspaper.

The members working in this section write an article for expressing opinion of its editor on any issue they projects the policy of newspaper.

Chief EditorThe chief editor of the Campus Bulletin is Mr.Shah Jahan Syed a chairman of the Journalism and Mass Communication department. He has a great duty over his shoulders to keep in consideration the activities of the Campus Bulletin.

His role in making the Campus Bulletin a best place of internship cannot be denied


A person responsible of the selection of material of news items that is to b e published in each edition of the newspaper.Mr.fazullah jan is the editor of the Campus Bulletin.

Assistant editorAssistant editor is a person who assists the editor in the selection of news items for newspaper.He plays important role in the formulation of Campus Bulletin, he change with almost every issue. Sometimes the internee is employed and sometimes the editor.

Sub editorsAfter editor another responsible person known as subeditor. His duty is to reads and writes headlines to the news stories.

He is also supervises the layout and make up of the newspaper, before published it to Mr.Shahid is the sub editor of this newspaper.Reporters

Reporter is a person who go form place to place to gather the news for newspaper

As well as Campus Bulletin news paper is concerned It has included its own staff reporters who are the students of Journalism and Mass Communication department. These reporters go and cover the events takes place in university.

PhotographersPhotographers are also the internees of the Campus Bulletin who take pictures of the important event for the newspaper. They can drag the attention of the readers towards its material by proving attractive information along with picture.

Circulations/distributionCampus Bulletin is circulated in the whole campus after its publication with the help of its internees or staff assistants. It is the only source for The students and teachers of various departments to gain information about the developmental activities occur in other universities. It costs three rupees per page.


Designers are also considered the internees of the Campus Bulletin. To make a layout, page makeup, adjust picture etc in the newspaper. Is done by the internees of the same newspaper. The editor after its designing completed approved it for publication.Structure of Campus BulletinReasons for joining Campus BulletinBeing a student of Journalism and Mass Communication department I was asked to choose any media organization of my choice for internship program.

I raised the issue to the selection for a media organization with Sir.Inam and my other \Colleagues. They advised me to join for Campus Bulletin and then welcomed me with great affection.

As I was interested in Campus Bulletin because its profile and stature me attracted greatly.The main reasons of joining the Campus Bulletin was

1 I was much interested to become a good reporter to learn the art of coverage the stories, Write features, columns I felt that I could do it through Campus Bulletin.

2 Second reason of joining of Campus Bulletin was that it was comfortable for me to work and learn from my own teachers as they could provide me much needed guidance of guidance which is often not provided in other organization.

3 I usually wanted to have my own stories published in the same newspaper.

4 I personally wanted to collect stories for Campus Bulletin.

5 Another reason for selecting the institution was I wanted to familiarize myself with the institution and the updated concepts at use in todays media.

6 Newspaper as majority students did not heard before so when I used to visit different departments then students come to know that I am from Journalism and Mass Communication department and covering the story for Campus Bulletin newspaper.

7 Transport problems often stands in the way of working outside for girls it was difficult for me to work in any organization. I was the student of morning shift so it was difficult for me to leave my classes.Internship taskIn addition to gaining great experience, to complete your class room learning internship program help students to get experience, professional contacts and set them up for a future in the field they want.Performing practical training internees of different organization can gain real-life skills that they can use out in the corporate world.

Journalism Department provides facility to the students to do practical training at the end of academic session. After the start of our internship program the in charge of the program called us an introductory meetings at the department library to discuss the whole procedure of how to start practical work in our concerned media organization based on two months or at least six weeks training program.

Through out the internship program we had attempted three meetings in the first meeting the in charge of the program briefed us to take proper steps for covering the story.He informed that each internee must publish at least four to six stories. In the second meeting we were provided a Campus Bulletin newspaper to write a review on it.We were also given an internship report format paper to mention information about how to write a report and what issues to highlight in the report, the coverage of the stories along with general hurdles and personal problems which face during internship at the end suggestion for its improvement.

In final meeting we are told to select a beat of your choice to start the training program. Properly it was also recommended for a student to cover their beats with full responsibility.

As an internee of Campus Bulletin I told to my in charge that I want to work without beat because I wanted to observe the environment of various departments.Before starting my internship program I was selected for reporting section the in charge of my program told me that I must familiarize with my duties in the given period of time my duty was to work as a report for Campus Bulletin.A reporter is a person who go from place to place and covers all the happenings occur in university of Peshawar. The reporter must have a strong sense of responsibility to serve the community in the right direction which leads towards improved society. A reporter is a person who can dig out the true realities for the general public. He can make them aware and helps them to take any action in favor and against it. The reporter must be free to cover the events and other happening occurred around him. Our campus Bulletin provides opportunity to every students of journalism and mass communication who wants to judge himself and herself as a good reporter in future. Campus Bulletin is a leader for students to come to understand the entail steps for collection information. To highlight the students problems is one of the main objectives of the campus Bulletin.Assigned TasksThe eight weeks internship programme is based on students practical work for achieving the most prestigious degree of master from any university in which the students prove that potentialities that whether they can face any difficulty in practical work which would assign to him or her in practical life.As I earlier said that I was the internee of Campus Bulletin newspaper In this two months based internship program I considered myself for reporting section.

The in charge of the program assigned me the fallowing tasks.

1 Search for stories.

2 To discuss the story with the supervisor.

3 Handed the story for informal editing to a colleague internee.

4 To submit the story to the editor finally.

Beside this tasks I also given

1. To write a weekly progress report on your performed tasks.

2. To compose the stories in computer.

Performed TasksPerformed tasksInternship program is the compulsory subject has a limited time to be accomplished by the students in any media organization.

In this period of time students have full authority to select any media institution and no restriction is imposed on themAs a student of Journalism and Mass Communication department I have selected Campus Bulletin for my internship training. Our eight week Internship in Campus Bulletin newspaper was started on 23rd January 2008 in Journalism Department.To start my assigned task the supervisor of our internship programme of the Campus Bulletin briefed us that how to cover a story, how to make a list of questions, how to find the relevant sources to collect Information, how to arrange the points to make a story out of it. He also told us that you must familiarize your duties, work as a good journalist. Your duty is to cover the occurred events seminars and functions in the university in order to keep the students and teachers inform about that happenings. He further explained that every internee needs to show his or her performed tasks to the supervisor of the program for its approval. After understanding clearly I made myself active to cover the story for Campus Bulletin with full responsibilities.

In the process I always took advice of our supervisor about making a list of questions. In the end I covered some stories including news stories feature type stories, article type stories and general stories (related about universities activities)

Following is the list of the storiesI tried my best to cover the stories with dedication and great zeal during the internship period. I learned a great deal from every story that I covered, which added to my knowledge and confidence on every step to the way

In the following lines I have mentioned the names of both published and unpublished stories 1 World Getting Back to Old Traditions 2 Islamian Brings Laurels From Abroad3 Advantages of University Education ( an article type story)4 Hepatitis C on Driving Seat, Seminar Told5 Eid Melad-un- Nabi Celebration6 Exhibition in Botany Department7 News Internship Program in Radio Journalism 8 Central Library

9 Engineering University P10 Welfare Party in Computer Science Department 11 Home economic arranges competition dayAt the begging it was difficult for me but story after story I familiarized with the process of covering the stories along with this I saw different departments and its environment then my level of understanding increased and with it the problems that I faced in the beginning started to dissipate. This also gave me an opportunity to familiarize myself how to keep contact with people The most important thing that I want to point out is that I summoned courage to talk with the people and that relieved my inner fear and anxiety.

This internship training allows me to apply the class room knowledge in the real life, how to search for the story and work on improving skills. This is why working for Campus Bulletin stimulated a strong sense of responsibility inside me.As the purpose of the Campus Bulletin is to focus how to teach the art of reporting to its internees. to enhance the students of journalism to develop their writing and communication skills and reporting analysis.What is Reporting?

Reporting technique:Reporting is the act of discovery and presentation of something that has happened. It is an art of gathering of news for the public that occur in daily life. It is the process where the reporter develops the ideal for the story.

Every media organization has their policies for collection news, news is gathering and distributed and delivered to public in a verity of ways by number of different organization or news agencies by their reporters.Reporters are the foot soldiers of the news world they are the persons how go from place to place to collect news and situation for his or her recognized organization. Reporting is not an easy job it requires extreme car in the part of reporter the reporter needs to understand the technique of accurate reporting it means that the reporter must care to report that news and pictures accurately and without distoration.For reporter it is very important to keep in mind the sense of news value he should be flexible and decide the focus for writing after he collect the material. he must begins with a pan for his story developing ,go through his notes and mark only the information which shows the validity of news a good reporter does not write a story without a plan. This technique helps reporter to develop their mind.

Reporting depends on nature and subject every reporting is investigative by itself .covering various kind of reporting depends on the reporters ability and research technique. Reporting is not only mean to collect the news a process to familiarize the public to understand the circumstances, happenings around them, reporters try to cover the occurred event in order to inform the pubic through any media channel to take any action positively and negatively .

Editing technique:Editing is the process of preparing languages, images or sound for preparation through correction condensation organization and other modifications a person who edits is called an editor.

To superintend the publication of to revise and prepare for publication, to select, correct arrange in print media. There are various levels of editorial positions in publishing ,typically one finds junior editorial assistants reporting to the senior level editorial managers and directors who themselves report to senior executive. Editors responsible for project development to find releases.

Organizing and publishing a magazine the top editor may be called editor-in chief. Those who get the magazine into the hands of readers and subscribers even have editorial titles are also called circulation editors producing a definite edition of a newspaper is editor.Editing is about correcting spelling grammar and matters of house style. a copy editors in any media either in news paper or electronic have greater and higher responsibilities which may include the design of pages and the selection of news stories they are also called subeditors. Editors at newspapers supervise journalists and improved their work newspaper editing encompasses a variety of titles and functions; those include copyeditor managing editor news editor editorial broad executive editor. Technical editing involves reviewing text written on a technical topic and identifying errors related to the use of language in general to a specific style guide.This activity ensures that documentation is of good quality.

Copy editing is the essential work that an editor does to make formatting change in magazine and book publishing. His job is to make the copy in clear form. Copy editing involves correction, spelling, terminology punctuation, and grammatical errors, adding headers and footers, headlines.Skills learned in Campus Bulletin

As a internee of Campus Bulletin I learnt some skills given bellow

Reporting skill

Reporting is the art, the skill of gathering information for immediate use. It is a journalistic word for research deals with current events and contemporary issues and people.

As an internee of Campus Bulletin I was chosen to work as a reporter to get information about a wide range of events and human activities that occur in Peshawar University.

Writing about events activities for publication helped me to recognize the characteristic of news and what gives something news values.

It familiarized me with the basic journalism terminology it enabled me to know the importance of information. It Simulated my reading and analytical capacity.

Editing skill

Editing is the process of cutting your work down to size and making your writing fit together.

Along with reporting I also learnt a little bit about editing because after writing stories we used to exchange them with colleagues for editing and vise versa.

I understood the technique of editing the story on the bases of Check the grammar, word use. How to use style manuals such as Capitalization, numbers abbreviations signs and symbols.

I was given single page report for editing then submitted it with progress report to the in charge of my training program.

Composing skill

Beside reporting and editing I composed few stores of other internees in computer before published in newspaper. Composing helped me in speeding up my typing skills I composed my internship program by myself.

Quark xpressCrux express is a soft ware used for designing the layout of Campus Bulletin. the in charge of our internship program stressed that internees should familiar themselves with quark xpress but there was only one computer in the news room which was not enough for all internees to learn along with covering the stories .I learnt some shortcut keys used in crux express such as


Alt +shift +ctrl=zooming of picture

Ctrl +z=undo

Ctrl+ [=to increase text size

Ctrl=] =for decrease

I also learnt form this internship to judge news values. It helps me to understand the accurate information which is vital to the development and improvement of our society.

I am thankful to my teachers for their timely support and corporation and almighty Allah who enabled me to bring out good performance in internship grogram

Coverage of My StoriesTo cover the story it depends on its nature and subject some stories need sources some need other requirement to be completed To have a everlasting effect the story should be attractive it can be done if a reporter has the ability to understand the news value. He can be considered a good reporter If he has the knowledge of to show accuracy, balance clarity in his reporting. These are the basic requirements for covering the stories to inform the general publics and in the case of campus bulletin to inform (the students and the faculty members of the university) about it. As an internee of Campus Bulletin I have covered stories for my internship training .those stories included article type story general stories (related Peshawar university news). From each and every event I learnt different experience. I covered these stories with great joy. There are limited equipments uses in Campus Bulletin such as camera reporter card, computer set, flash, internet etc.

I used only reporter card while covering the story because at the beginning the organizer of the event wanted to see a card. They provided me information by showing this card I faced problems for receiving this card because it was limited one.Second equipment I used that was computer. I composed my stories after approved from editor. Explanation of the stories step by step

Published stories: My first story

My first story was an article type story related

Advantages of University EducationWriting article types stories is a little bit difficult than news stories because it requires some sources, an authorized person to get the correct information so it was difficult for me as it was the start of my covering the stories. I wanted to start from this type of story so I told to the in charge of my program. He agreed and gave me some sources that could help me in covering the story. The basic aim of the story was to understand the importance of education which is to draw out mental faculties, to train the human power of thinking and help them live a meaningful life. University education has many advantages it develops culture and turns an educated man into a cultured man. Its purpose is not just to enable students to earn a good living but to make them better citizens.With the help of these sources I wrote an article on it. And then submitted it to the editor for editing on 4th March 2008 before publishing it in the newspaper. This story was published on 1-15 March 2008 in first issue in a column at the back page of the Campus Bulletin.My Second Story

MY second story was titled Eid meelad-un-nabi celebration

This program was held in convocation hall, University of Peshawar in connection with the 12th Rabi-Ul-Alwal to pay homage to the holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUM).Female students of various departments presented naat, darood.Dr Jamshed Javad was a chief guest at that program. He shared his views with students that Muslims should follow the foot prints of the prophet (SAWW). He also urged the students to be honest and dedicate their energies to the progress of their country and Islam. I covered this story on 21 March 2008 by my self and attended the function till the end. After coming to my department I went to my library and tried to make a story from it. Then I submitted it to the editor on 27th March 2008

On his approval it was published on April 1-15 2008 in one column in the second issue of Campus Bulletin Biweekly newspaper.

My Third Story

Hepatitis C on Driving Seat Seminar Told:

ON April 3rd 2008 I attended one day seminar held at auditorium of the pharmacy department. Dr.Amir Ghaffar delivered two hours long lecture on hepatitis C, how it was dangerous, how people get caught in this disease. Prevention will help people to get ride of dangerous diseases. He also said that the numbers of such patients are increasing day by day which is very dangerous. It is just because of using un boiled water and foodstuff. At the end he emphasized that water should be boiled before using. After collecting information I made a story on it and submitted it to the editor on 8TH April 2008.It was published on 1-15 April 2008 at the back page of the newspaper with two columns in the second issue of campus Bulletin.

My fourth story:My Fourth story was about Islamian Brings Laurels From Aboard On 14th April 2008 after classes were over I asked on of my class fellows if they come to know about any event, function, seminar let me know. Then one of my friends told me to go to Islamian College for covering the event as I was without beat and went there with my friend. When we reached there the event was already over. I did not have any idea about that event so I went to the administration and asked them to provide me information, and they were kind enough to help me. This story was about one of Islamian college lecturer named Rashid Jalal Qureshi. He became the first higher education commission (HEC)scholar to complete his PhD. He did his PhD from university Francois Rabelais de Tours under the HEC program entitled PhD scholarship for Natural and Basic Sciences, France. He has been admired for his research work by the director Georges Pirron of Gestion des programmes. He took part in several other scholarly programs. He was sent by HEC to France to promote young Pakistani scholars. It was published in the bi-weekly newspaper on 1-15 May 2008 at the back page with two columns in the third issue of campus bulletin.Fifth story

Worlds Getting Back to Old Tradition When my three stories were published in Campus Bulletin then one of my class fellows told me about the event which was to be held at Lincon cornor of the central library. I went there to attend the event. Students of various departments had also gathered. This event was about the red feather woman named Lakota, a well known Native American story teller, who visited Peshawar University on 21 April 2008. The main aim of her visit was to familiarize the students with her culture and religion. She believes that oral tradition of story telling is one of the essential elements to establish ones national identity.

She has told the stories from her ancestors to audience of all ages. These stories were very interesting for students in the universities of America and Europe. She introduced her national identity through this medium of story telling and music performances. She got music award in June 2006 in Hollywood FL and was nominated for ISMA (Indian summer music award) in the spoken word category in 2004. After attending the event I made a story about it and submitted it on 23 April 2008 to the editor. It was my final story published along with the fourth story on 1-15 May 2008 in the inner page of the third issue of campus Bulletin, biweekly newspaper.

Unpublished Stories:Central library: It was an article type story. I covered it with great joy.

Before covering the story I drafted questions properly with the support of my teacher, who told me that I need to keep some points in mind while covering an article type story because in such kind of stories one needs to give full information like the establishment of the central library, its importance, the number of books etc. He also provided me some sources for covering the story. On 17 March 2008 I went to the central library to get permission from the Head of the central library Mr. ABRAR. I met with him and told about my purpose. He agreed and told me to come on next day to collect full information about central library. Next day I went there on 9 oclock he welcomed me and provided me the answers to my questions.He told me that the central library, previously known as center training college was established in 1951.The foundation of the present building was established late in 1971.It underwent renovation in 2000,which was completed in September 2001.The present building of the central library is three story building.

He also said that the central library provides services and facilities to the staff and students. It houses a good collection of valuable and rare books. In answering my questions he further explained that the central library has been declared as an official United Nations library which is one of the seven UN depository libraries. The materials found in library are divided in three categories, namely print resources, non- print resources other print resources.

At the end, he elaborated the method of issuing books from the central library. First of all students who want to get books from the central library, they are required to fill the form provided by office members. It must be signed by the chairman of the library.

This story was not published, because my five stories had already been completed.

My another unpublished story was about a Farewell party in computer science department Farewell party in computer science department was held in Agha khan auditorium in Journalism and Mass Communication department.

To cover this story, I went to the office of Sir Inam to ask him for providing me a reporter card. After receiving the card, I went to the auditorium, met with its organizer to collect the data for my story. After asking all my questions he provided me full information and then I tried to make a story about it and to submit it to the editor for editing. This story was not published because of limited space.My next story was titled News internship training in radio journalismOne month based news internship is an effective training program introduced in Journalism Department to make students to know about radio journalism.

As a student of journalism I did this tanning program for one month. It was a good experience for me and I made three radio programs on different issues and social problems etc.In this training I learnt the usage of the tape recorder and doing vox pops from different people, conducting interviews etc. After completion of my radio training program, I decided to make a story on it. So for this purpose I discussed with Sir Inam (in charge of my internship program)that I have a knee interest to write an article on it.He agreed and advised me to make a list of questions and collect information from the staff members of the program. He further told me to make a comprehensive story about it so that it could help the students to understand its importance.

So I prepared myself to cover it. For this purpose I met with Sir Numan (media organizer) and lecturer of news internship program.He was kind enough to provide me proper answers to my questions. To make it more informative, I took some comments from those students who already did it. Different students elaborated its importance in different ways. After collecting information I wrote an article on it and handed it over to the editor for editing.Models Exhibition in Botany departmentWhen I came to know about the exhibition in botany department, I informed the editor of the Campus Bulletin about it. He told me to collect information from its organizer as he could provide me the authenticated information. After the classes were over, I went to the botany department.

This exhibition was held on 26th March 2008 in the University of Peshawar. It was arranged by students of the final year. To make this exhibition more eventful, the students expressed messages through models and charts of environmental pollution. Students of different departments visited the event and took active participation in it. I also enjoyed the event a lot by observing different models and charts of the environment pollution. I asked form each organizer of those models about its purpose and every one explained their views in different ways. I have colleted some comments from Sonia, a students of psychology department. She said that she enjoyed the exhibition a lot and said that art work is a fantastic. Rabia, another student stated that she liked the exhibition especially because it can provide information related to environmental pollution and provide incentives for controlling environmental pollution.

Dr.ABRAR was the organizer of this exhibition. After the exhibition ended I met with him and asked about its purpose.He stated that the main objective of arranging this exhibition was to raise awareness of the students about environmental pollution.

This story was about Home Economics arranges competition dayOn sixth April 2008 in the college of home economics university of Peshawar an annual competition day was arranged. I went there to cover the arranged function presented by the students of the final year. They showed candle making competition, glass painting competition, flower arranging competition.

Rashia Ghazanawi director of sports was the chief guest on the occasion who distributed awards among students.

I gathered information from Mis Mumtaz Begam Lecturer of Home Economics College

Conclusion and SuggestionCampus Bulletin a fortnightly newspaper is published by journalism department.

It is one of the newspaper collected information in accurate manners helps to bring social welfare.

The newspaper makes students aware about the developmental projects in the whole campus.

It highlights the achievement of a high profile personality for the university. As an internee at this organization I would like to give some suggestions for its improvement.

General problems faced in Campus Bulletin

As an internship program in Campus Bulletin I faced some general problems. During this specified period of time I observed that other internees are also facing the same problems.

Following I mentioned a few drawbacks in Campus Bulletin.

Lack of computer set: there is only one computer in the newsroom it was difficult for all internees to get chance as they were in large number. It was difficult for each and ever students to work on computer such as compose the stories, learning about Quark express etc.

Lack of camera: there was only one camera available in Campus Bulletin it created difficulty for internees to use the camera. Due to shortage of camera all internees could not take a picture for his/her story. I also faced the same problem while covering one of my story to get a picture I used my own cell phone camera.

Lack of reporter cards: it was another problem faced by all internees along with me. Reporter card was issued to the internees of Campus Bulletin to identify his or her as a reporter before covering the events. Some internees were provided those cards at the beginning and the rest remained without cards. Due to lack of this card I could not cover two stories at the beginning of my internship program.

Late publication: it is published after every fifteen days. Our second edition published very late due to this internees story remained incomplete. It became difficult for internees to complete their required five to six stories at least during the internship. Some internees could only publish three to four storiesThese were the general problems face by every internee along with me. Beside this personally I did not face such series problems but some times I come to face

Shortage of the stories.

Shortage of class time for covering the story.

Number of times other internees had covered the same stores as mine and therefore my story could not be published.

1.Limited pagesCampus Bulletin which is a biweekly newspaper consists of four pages which do not meet the requirement of all the students in one issue.

I would like to suggest that the number of pages should be increased to at least six from four to accommodate maximum stories.

2.Late publication

Campus Bulletin is published after every 15 days which is very long time for a publication. A student could hardly meet to complete his or her required stories in the specified time of internship.

I would like to suggest tat it should be published daily as a regular news paper so it will meet every students need.

3.Shortage of computer system in newsroom

Shortage of the computer system is other serious problem which cant provide a chance to the internees of Campus Bulletin to work on it so few students get a chance to learn page makeup designing etc

I would like to suggest that many more computers network should be provided in the news room so that each and every internee of the Campus Bulletin could avail the opportunity of learning the act of editing reporting etc. one by one to work and compose their own stories.

4.Develop interest

Majority of the students it seems, do not take interest in reading Campus Bulletin so the circles of its readers is very limited to extend the circle of its readers the paper need to be made more diverse, up-to-date, current, colorful, live and interesting .

5.To make attractive and colorfulTo make more attractive it should be color printed to enhance the computer skills related designing newspaper format regular classes must be given.

Evaluation of Internship ProgramInternship practical training provides students of graduate and post graduate with the opportunity to gain professional experience in any field they want.

The ideal internship offers students the opportunity to develop their skills to gain a deeper understanding of the professional context of subjects which they study in classes.Internees are expected to do meaningful work that develops their skills in research, writing or editing.

Students of journalism begin to consider possible internship institution towards the end of their final year to receive a degree. At the beginning of internship students submit a list of preferred media institution to the in charge of internship program.An internship committee of staff begins the process of matching interested students preferences. When the media is selected, timing allowed students to gain valuable work experience before beginning their career search. In charge of the internship program evaluate internees performance at the end of their internship period and students evaluate their internship report.

As student of journalism I have chosen practical field to fulfill my desire. For this I started with Campus Bulletin and learnt the art of covering the stories.After completing my internship program in suggested time I wrote a comprehensive report on it where I described my performed tasks.

Some general problems which I faced during my internship program are also mentioned.Here I want to say that internship training is very important or valuable for those students who really want to do something in practical field. It defines career-goals for them. It trains students for the future to have a trained journalists media managers and communication researchers.At the end I am winding my report with great thanks to Dr. Shah Jahan Syed a chairman of Journalism and Mass Communication department for making Campus Bulletin a possible pace to the students of journalism to gain practical experience in the required field.Glossary of Terminologies

BannerTechnically banner is a page-wide headline running across the entire column at the top of newspaper front page.

However in general sense a banner refers to the leading of main headline of newspaper of magazine also called streamer when appeared on inside pages then called binder.

Bar lineOne line headline in a narrow font size.Blind head

A headline that entices readers without telling about the story also

called teaser.


Refers to the name of the journalist or author placed at the top of the story, article and below the headline of title when appears at the end of such material then called sign off.


A specific geographical area of subject assigned to a reporter for regular coverage for example university beat, police beat it is a reporters regular source of information.Captions

The caption is usually typed on a slip of a paper and pasted lightly to the back of the print in the center never type directly on the print as this will usually result in a Braille-like impression on the front.

The other method is to type the caption on the lower half of a slip of a paper and to paste it to the bottom of the print from behind so that the caption projects.

This enables the caption to be read without turning over the print and if the picture editor cares to use the caption as it is written he can just tear off the slip and send it to the press.


Column is a term which has two different meanings in journalism. column is a vertical space of a newspaper page ,secondly the term column is also used for a permanent writing appearing with regular intervals with the name of a writer columnist column is considered to be a personalized and subjective writing the columnist is free to give him own opinion it can be written on a variety of subject from political national and international crises ,social problems etc. Dateline

A word of phrased at the beginning of a newspaper article that gives the date and place of its origin

Nowadays many newspapers avoid mentioning date in dateline and even name of the place is omitted in case of city news.Deadline

A time limit by which news story must reach to the newsroom to insure its in time publication. Reporters must sure to submit their assignment on time. Daily Newspaper that appear every day or every weekday.


Editorial is an assay written on the most urgent issue of the day basic aim is to bring about conformity between newspaper and its readers it is considered the show window of the policy of newspaper.

Without editorial newspaper cant make its history. The survival of newspaper depends on its editorial page.

Editorial writer is a person who writes editorial he is very conscious toward localism he is very sensitive person his basic aims is to influence the readers mind through his arguments he can be written on any topic


An popular form of journalistic writing found in modern press is called a feature the feature is similar to a news story in its from but written with more details and presented in a dramatic and personalized fashion it is closer to an investigative report in the sense that facts are multiplied through research study and interviews.

Feature is intended to guide inform and entertain even those average readers who are not capable of grasping the subject through a news items only. HeadlineA headline is text composed display type and placed over an article in a publication indicating the summary of contents of the article below it. It is a summary mentioned above the main article or news story normally using present tense.


To insert a word or a letter written a word print it nearly above the line and indicate its intended position with a bracket a couple of start lines above the line add a small caret bellow the line to further indicate where the insertion is to be made

KickerA small headline more or less like a teaser above main heading as in a newspaper or magazine also called eyebrow and highline.

An attractive picture or text used to brighten a page some times at the top of left column to kick off or start the page.


Is also known as flag it is a formal statement regarding the name location and other information about a newspaper of magazine such as motto name of editor publisher and printer.

Masthead usually appears on editorial page above the man editorialMagazine:A periodical then a daily newspaper may appear weekly biweekly monthly quarterly of even yearly. Magazine generally has covers and binding containing articles news stories commentaries pictures and advertisements and other such material. There are news magazines ports magazine fashion magazine literary magazine.News story

News story is a systematically presented report about an event situation of general interest.


If you have for example drawn a line trough a word to delete it and then changed your mind there u are editing mark to undo your change you can write in the word stet above the unwanted correction.

Stet means let it stand circle it of course to indicate that it is and instruction no part of the copy.Subhead

Also known crosshead small heading usually of one or two words within a body text in large size then the body type.Slug Slug is a word or phrase given at the each copy sheet by reporters or news agency to help sub-editors identify and classify new stories. Slugs are no retained in the composed text. Also a mental strip used for spacing purposes. Called catchline.

Stylebook A list of spellings capitalization punctuations given to ensure that editors and reporters follow one and the same style and hence attain consistency in the publication broadcast stylebook includes a pronunciation key as well.

Subbing Putting editing symbols in text of books newspaper thus making it ready for printing.

1Department of Journalism and Mass Communication University of Peshawar
