A Case Study: Fabienne Fredrickson s Millionaire...


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A Case Study: Fabienne Fredrickson’s

Millionaire Entrepreneur Mindset Secrets

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© Copyright Daphne Bousquet


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Case Study – Fabienne Fredrickson’s

Millionaire Entrepreneur Mindset Secrets

Fabienne Fredricksen came to Atlanta in 2011 on her Millionaire Entrepreneur

Mindset Secrets Tour. She taught many things, but most of all, she taught me how

she is filling her event.

This short report is a case study from my observations and inquiries.

However, we can learn a lot from Fabienne’s strategies and I love going to events and seeing what other people are doing.

Who is Fabienne Fredrickson?

Fabienne Fredrickson is founder of www.ClientAttraction.com, a company devoted to teaching women around the world how to consistently attract ideal, high-paying clients, put their marketing on autopilot and authentically create a highly successful business, while working less. Through her workshops, courses, coaching programs, and products, Fabienne shows her students how to experience freedom inside and out and create an abundant life they love.

This is Fabienne and I at the Millionaire Entrepreneur Mindset Secret Workshop in August 2011

DISCLAIMER: Please note that I have no intimate knowledge of Fabienne’s

books or numbers.


Fabienne started off by talking about brownies. Yes, brownies. I don't know about you, but that is a subject near and dear to my heart.

She told the story of imagining you being in your house full of people and you are in the kitchen baking brownies. The whole house smells wonderful, and you take your wonderful brownies out of the oven.

They are hot, steamy and delicious. Yum! And yet you don’t share your brownies with any of the people who are in your house, but you keep them all to yourself.

Of course when you keep all those brownies to yourself, you are likely to feel sick to your stomach. You will also become fat, start feeling guilty and a host of other bad, bad things happen to people who don’t share their brownies.

And there are so many people who would LOVE to have even one of your brownies.

Your Business Gifts

Now imagine that those brownies are your business gifts. It is what you do well that you need to share with the world. Don’t think that your brownies (read: business gifts) are the same as those of the next guy/gal. Trust me, you have a different recipe. (Even if they come out of box!)

It is your duty and obligation to share your brownies. Without you, some people will never have the chance to taste a delicious brownie.

Of course, sharing your brownies is another word for marketing. Does that change the way you look at marketing? When you think of marketing as sharing your brownies, does it all of a sudden feel less sleazy and pushy?

What Is Your Unique Brownie Recipe?

It made me think about what it is that I do. What is my unique brownie recipe? I found out that I help entrepreneurs like you share your brownies through workshops and seminars.

What is yours? How are you sharing your brownies? Are you sharing your brownies with enough people? Introductory workshops are a great way to start sharing your brownies with more people.

Millionaire Entrepreneur Mindset Secrets Tour

The Objective

At Fabienne’s workshop, she taught great mindset principles and the audience

had numerous “aha’s” in that area.

However, the primary purpose of Fabienne’s tour was to fill up her Inner Game of

Abundance Mindset Retreat coming up that September.

Going on a big national tour to fill your seminar is an advanced strategy. It is

difficult to pull this off unless you have a large database and systems in place

where you can attract full workshop rooms in several cities. Fabienne chose 4

cities for her tour: Dallas, New York, Atlanta and Los Angeles.

However, an introductory workshop is easier to pull off if you stay local.

Fabienne marketed heavily on social media and that is the way that I came to her

workshop. She also used direct mail, video and of course, emails to her list.

Selling From The Stage

You have to have the confidence that you can deliver great value and that you are

excellent in selling from the stage. You will only be able to fill your event this way,

if you can convert your front end workshop audience into high level seminar


So let’s see how Fabienne structured her front end workshops for maximum

impact. She allowed the first ½ hour for registration and networking, followed by

content for about 2 hours. After a short break, Fabienne came back and coached

2 people live during a “hot seat” session.

The content and hot seat sessions were completely designed to pinpoint the

problem that is holding entrepreneurs back from making it to the next level and

what your business and life could be like if you broke through the mindset issues.

Throughout the presentation Fabienne sprinkled in wisdom and some strategies

that you could use immediately to get results.

However, although a short workshop can teach some wonderful things, it is not

the forum for lasting transformation.

The Art of the Pitch

And so, for the last hour of the workshop, Fabienne demonstrated the art of the

pitch. The key to a successful pitch of course is that you are not aware that you

are being pitched until very late in the process.

Fabienne is a master and started her offer by talking about the problems she has

had in her business and how she had to change her inner game to be successful.

Still using herself as an example, she showed us pictures from her life now to

serve as an inspiration and to illustrate what is possible for each and every one of


Then she went on to tell us how she could have gotten to where she was so much

sooner and how you can’t do it alone. (Isn’t that true for us as well? Our

audience needs our help in getting to where they want to go so much sooner.)

She also showed the step by step formula of what exactly you need to do in order

to change your mindset. The list was long and went very quickly. It was designed

to create overwhelm and the realization that yes, there is no way you can do this

by yourself.

The formula was followed by case studies of clients who were in situations that

many of the audience could identify with and the results they achieved after

working with Fabienne.

Before she introduced the Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat, she also

positioned the price of the event, by revealing how much it costs to work with

her privately. Finally she asked permission to introduce her resource, in this case

the event she was trying to fill, and to “stack the cool”.

Stacking the Cool

“Stacking the cool” refers to adding cool bonuses you get for registering for her

event. And yes, the bonuses Fabienne offered were definitely cool.

Long before Fabienne was finished speaking, offering more testimonials and

stacking the cool, attendees were moving to the back of the room to sign up for

the event.

So was Fabienne’s tour successful? She announced that they are almost full and

that was before she had even gone to Los Angeles. Her assistant/event planner

told me that they are thinking about changing the set up to fit in more people if

they can’t get a larger room. So in short, yes, the Mindset tour was very

successful in filling the Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat.

How successful? See for yourself!

Millionaire Entrepreneur Mindset Secrets Tour

By The Numbers

4 Workshops: 1 each in Dallas, New York, Atlanta and Los Angeles

Approximately 75 attendees at each front end workshop

Percentage of attendees who registered in the last week: +/- 50%

Front end workshop price: $45 (although attendees could bring guests for


Inner Game of Abundance Mindset Retreat Price: $1,495

Number of front end workshop attendees registered for retreat:

approximately 20 (in Atlanta)

Conversion Rate: approximately 25%

So what can we learn from these numbers?

Lesson 1: Break Even On Tickets

The introductory workshops tickets are designed to break even. Between hotel,

food, and travel expenses, $45 per person just covers the costs.


DISCLAIMER: These numbers are based on my own observations. In no way

do I claim to have intimate knowledge of Fabienne Fredrickson’s numbers or


Lesson 2: Never Stop Marketing!

You are not the only one who struggles with attendees signing up at the last minute. My information was that about 50% of the attendees signed up in the last week right before the workshop. I have to admit, I was one of those. And since I wasn’t on Fabienne’s list, I just happened to catch one of my friend’s blurbs on social media, otherwise I would have forgotten about it. Lesson: never stop marketing!

Lesson 3: Pay Attention To Your Offer Presentation

You have to be good at selling from the stage without being salesy. There is a fine balance between delivering good content and presenting an offer. Be sure that your offer is a natural extension of your content, so that it is only logical to sign up for the next step.

Lesson 4: Social Media Works

Without Fabienne’s push on social media, I would not

have known about the workshop and I would have

completely missed it. Social media and introductory

workshops are a match made in heaven.

I didn’t know much about Fabienne at the time of her

workshop, but the barrier to attend her introductory

workshop was low and I was interested enough to

take a chance.

You too, can fill up your introductory workshops with

social media. It just takes a solid strategy and plan.

Get them both with the How to Market a Seminar with Social Media online


Meet Daphne Bousquet, CMP

Daphne Bousquet works with speakers, coaches, consultants and service professionals to attract clients, generate instant profits and add as much as 6 figures to their bottom line with their own events.

Coaches and consultants are used to working 1-on-1 with their clients, which leaves them with little time left to grow their business. As a result, they work very long hours with not enough income to show for it.

By setting up simple workshops and boot camps, they can leverage themselves by providing extra value to existing clients, adding a steady stream of new clients and adding exponential profits to their bottom line.

Although many coaches and consultants see the marketing and cash flow value of hosting their own events, many just don’t know where to start and are afraid that they will make mistakes so that no one will show up.

The most successful coaches and consultants understand that they need expert help. By working with an experienced event strategist and planner, they will eliminate the costly trial and error process and have a clear plan to add the elements that will make for a successful and lucrative event.

For the last 20+ years, Daphne has made hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars for her employers and clients through the events that she has planned. Today she and her company Event Strategy Solutions bring those strategies exclusively to coaches and consultants that want to make more money in a single weekend than most people make in an entire year.

Daphne also has experienced some of the greatest events in the world. As a springboard diver for the Netherlands, she was fortunate enough to compete in 3 Olympic Games, including the Olympics in Los Angeles, Seoul and Barcelona. When you are involved in events like that, you get an up close dose of the fabulous pageantry of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies and a peek behind the scenes that you don’t get as a spectator. You also you quickly get a sense of the differences in organizational styles and the mistakes that accompany them.

Looking for more information?

Daphne teaches workshop and seminar leaders how to get butts in the seats

through several online courses.

Check out the in-depth Butts in Seat Home Study Course at


For a step by step course on how to use social media for filling your workshops

and seminars, check out How to Market a Seminar with Social Media. You can

find it at http://howtomarketaseminar.com/socialmedia.

For one-on-one mentoring, coaching and marketing expertise, check out Daphne’s private coaching packages at http://eventstrategysolutions.com/splash.

Wondering if a program or coaching package is right for you, or want to have a question? Email Daphne at daphne@eventsandprofits.com or apply for one of her 15 minute consultations at http://eventstrategysolutions.com/talkwithdaphne.

What is that “CMP” after your name?

It stands for Certified Meeting Professional. The CMP designation is conferred by the Convention Industry Council, an umbrella organization encompassing over 25 associations from all aspects of the events industry. The CMP credential is recognized worldwide as the badge of excellence in the meeting, convention and exhibition industry, and is based on professional experience and a rigorous academic examination.

Connect With Daphne On Social Media

Twitter: www.twitter.com/BousquetCMP

Facebook: www.facebook.com/DaphneBousquetCMP

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/DaphneBousquetCMP

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/DaphneBousquet