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  • Bibliography

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  • Appendix A


  • 252 A. Questionnaire

    Please evaluate the following statements strongly strongly

    disagree agree

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    My bank knows how to provide excellent service. � � � � � � �

    My bank is competent and has a lot of expertise. � � � � � � �

    The quality of my bank`s services is very high. � � � � � � �

    Overall my bank is an experienced financial institute. � � � � � � �

    The intentions of my bank are benevolent. � � � � � � �

    My bank pursues predominantly egoistic aims. � � � � � � �

    My bank acts in my best interest. � � � � � � �

    It is the aim of my bank to actually help me. � � � � � � �

    The information my bank provides is reliable. � � � � � � �

    Promises made by my bank are reliable. � � � � � � �

    My bank keeps the promises it makes me. � � � � � � �

    My bank is an honest financial institue. � � � � � � �

    I know what I can expect from my bank in the future. � � � � � � �

    I am quite certain about how my bank will act in the future. � � � � � � �

    I do not expect surprising (positive or negative) activities of my bank. � � � � � � �

    My bank deals with me in a predictable way. � � � � � � �

    I have a trusting relationship with my bank. � � � � � � �

    Even if not monitored, I trust my bank to do the job right. � � � � � � �

    Overall I trust my bank � � � � � � �

    Survey on banking services in the U.S.

    In scope of an international research project, we survey the experiences of customers with their bank.

    In this context we are also interested in your general personal opinion and perception of society and

    banking in the U.S.

    This survey should take no longer than 10 minutes. Please answer spontaneously and honestly. We

    are interested in your personal opinion and there are no right or wrong answers. Please answer all

    questions even though some question might seem quite similar to you. Your answers will be used for

    scientific purposes only and not be made available for third parties. The banking business does not

    assist in the funding of this survey.

    Your experiences with your bank

    In the following, you will be asked about your personal experiences with your current bank. In case you are customer of more

    than one bank, please think now of the bank with which you have the most intensive contact.

  • A. Questionnaire 253

    Your overall satisfaction with the recent interactions with your bank....

    very unpleasant very pleasant

    terrible delightful

    highly unsatisfactory highly satisfactory

    How likely are you to... very very unlikely likely

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    � � � � � � �

    ...raise your next credit at your bank? � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    Please evaluate the following statements strongly strongly

    disagree agree

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    Friends of mine already have made good experiences with my bank. � � � � � � �

    Friends of mine have recommended my bank to me. � � � � � � �

    Friends of mine have told me positive things about my bank. � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    I would recommend my bank to someone who seeks my advice. � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    I would recommend my bank to others. � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    disagree agree

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    � � � � � � �

    People in higher positions should not ask people in lower positions too frequently. � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    It is important to closely follow instructions and procedures. � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    � � � � � � �

    Rules and regulations are important because they inform me of what is expected

    of me.

    Instructions for operations are important.

    General personal attitude towards society

    In the following you will be asked about your general personal attitude towards other people. Please answer spontaneously and


    People in higher positions should make most decisions without consulting people

    in lower positions.
