7 Reasons to Protect Your Big Data


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7 reasons to protect your

big data

Big Data Could Present Big Risk

Big Data. It’s the new normal that IT enterprises cannot ignore. In fact, it's been predicted that data protection needs will be 44 times greater in 2020 than 2009.1 Yet, one thing that has been ignored is data protection for Big Data, and that presents great risk. Without a strategy for protecting Big Data with the same careful processes used for ‘regular’ data, you could be headed for trouble.

Here are 7 reasons to implement a data protection strategy for your Big Data.1 Forbes, "How Entrepreneurs Are Winning by Understanding Big Data," February 2015

Unstructured data is the fastest growing component of today’s data center. Yet, SNIA reports that 32% of organizations said managing unstructured data was not a priority.2 That’s risky business. Effective Big Data management solutions must easily accommodate unstructured data – and lots of it – to deliver the comprehensive protection and recovery your business requires.

1. To Control Unstructured Data

2 Adoption and Trends in Object-based Storage, 2015 Data Storage Innovation Conference, http://commvau.lt/2bnNvwz

Just as you protect ‘normal’ data with disaster recovery (DR) strategies, Big Data needs a DR plan. With an automated recovery solution for multi-node Big Data environments you can reduce the risk of human error caused by manual recovery while meeting recovery time and point objectives for even the largest of data sets.

2. To Be Disaster-Ready

Without a data protection strategy for your Big Data, you are unable to comply with critical governance and regulatory mandates. All data, ‘big’ or ‘regular,’ falls within compliance laws and must be equally treated when it comes to protection strategies, or your organization risks failing to meet data governance requirements.

3. To Ensure Compliance

At no time in history has data security been more critical. Big Data compounds the challenge creating greater opportunity for breaches and putting more information at risk. Employing comprehensive data protection and management strategies for Big Data can help prevent security vulnerabilities while ensuring data recovery is effective and fast.

4. To Enhance Security

Data portability becomes more critical, the larger the volumes you manage. An advanced data protection strategy can help to ensure that you have choice in where your data is stored and managed – in the cloud, on-premises, virtualized or traditional. This will give you the agility you need to avoid vendor lock-in so you can take advantage of new innovations or pricing models with ease.

5. To Achieve Portability

Traditional data sets are already complex, often comprised of a mix of disparate systems. Add managing Big Data multi-node systems to the mix and you have a new level of inefficiency and budget waste. Advanced data protection and management solutions can help you simplify and consolidate data sprawl while optimizing greater efficiency and lowering overall resource and management cost.

6. To Optimize Efficiency

One thing everyone agrees on: Big Data will only get bigger. And as data grows, its management challenges will too. Advanced data protection and management solutions can help you more cost efficiently prepare for continued growth, with the security, compliance and control you require to minimize risk and stay one step ahead.

7. To Manage at Scale
