6. stakeholders




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That stakeholders are those groups or individuals with an interest in a business

Recognise that business decisions have different effects on different stakeholders and the problems a business may face in meeting the demands of all stakeholders

Specification detail

Stakeholders: Define

A stakeholder is an individual or a group with a direct interest in an organisation’s performance or who is affected by an organisation’s activities


The main stakeholders in business are: Workers Managers Owners Customers Suppliers Government Local community

What does this cartoon tell you?

Meeting the demands

Kingston Guardian: Here

Plans have begun to put a tube line between Kingston and Earls Court

There would be numerous stations, including one on Kingston Hill

This will cut times from Kingston to the city by over half an hour!

But what does this mean for Canbury School?????

Meeting the demands of all


You will be split into different stakeholders of the school Pupils Parents Teachers Governors Neighbours Local businesses Admin/cleaning staff

In your groups….

Decide on how your group will be affected What positives can you think of? What negatives can you think of ? Are you in favour of this new tube opening

or not? Back up your reasons!
