6-Kingdom of Malaca


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  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    Wan Nor Fawezah Wan Ahmad900627-02-5812

    Yogadarshene A/P Visulanathan901120-08-5300

  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    U sing the historical perspective show the changes thatoccurred in race relations in Malaysia starting from theKingdom of Malacca.

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    KINGDOM OF MALACCAy Parameswara established himself in Malacca in 1936.y According to a theory, Parameswara became a Muslim

    when he married a Princess of Pasai and he took thefashionable Persian title "Shah", calling himself Iskandar Shah

    y Within a few years of its establishment, Malacca

    officially adopted Islam, and the Raja became a Sultan .

  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    y B y the time of Parameswara s death in 1414,Malacca was already a bustling trading state. Islam

    was introduced here through traders from India.The third ruler of Melaka, Maharaja Mohammed

    Shah, converted to Islam, and his son, MudzaffarShah, took the title of sultan and made Islam thestate religion. Soon the religion spread to most of the peninsula.

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    y When Sultan Mansur Shah(4 th ruler) ruled Malacca,

    Malacca rapidly took the place of Srivijaya, establishedindependent relations with China , and dominated thestraits to control the China-India maritime trade.

    y In 1405 Admiral Cheng Ho of China arrived in Melakabearing gifts from the Ming emperor and protection from

    Siamese enemies.y lead to arrival of Puteri Hang Li Po(5 th wife of Sultan

    Mansur Shah)y Chinese settlers followed and intermingled with the locals,

    married them and adopted Malay customs. They came tobe known as the Peranakan or Straits Chinese.

    y Like the Chinese Peranakan, Indian s traders from Panai,Tamil Nadu India also settled, married the locals andadopted Malay customs. These Indian peranakans arecalled Chitty.

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  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    y In 1509 the Portuguese arrived at Malacca seeking the

    wealth of the spice and China trades.

    Arrival of thePortuguese, 1511 .

    Porta de Santiago@ A Famosa

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    The Kristang :* This group arose in Malacca between the 16th and 17thcenturies, when the city was a port and base of thePortuguese.* Eurasian ethnic group of people of mixed Portugueseand Malaccan origin based in Malaysia and Singapore.* Many people of this ethnicity also have Chinese, Indianand other Asian heritage due to intermarriage, which wascommon among the Kristang. Today, they are classifiedas Portuguese Eurasians . [Amalgamation]

    Evidence : Portuguese Settlement

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  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    y Malacca passed into Dutch hands and was ruled for about150 years(1511). In Melaka they built fine public buildingsand churches, which remain the most solid remainders of European presence.

    y The B ritish, temporarily took over administration of the Dutch colonies, which include Malacca. In 1824Malacca was permanently ceded to the B ritish.

    T he Headquarters forDutch VOC.St.Pauls Hill .

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    The Japanesey The Japanese army landed in Kota B haru in Kelantan

    and Singora and Patani in Thailand. They humiliated

    and tortured the Malayan Chinese.y There was widespread unemployment and marked

    social and economic problems, destruction of miningequipment and decline in rubber and tin industries.


    However, there was no any effect in terms of ethnicrelation among the people.

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    PRE INDEPE NDE NCEy European domination also led to the fourth phase of

    foreign influence : the mass immigration of Chineseand Indian workers to meet the needs of the colonialeconomy created by the B ritish in the Malay Peninsulaand North B orneo.

    * Chinese - associated with tin-mining.* Indians - mainly linked with the development

    of the plantation & agriculture mainly rubber. There was a large scale immigrationfrom India and Ceylon(Sri Lanka).

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  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    y The Chinese posed a profound threat to the

    Malays, dominating economic life and theprofessions, and at one time threatening to makethe Malays a minority in their own country.

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    AFTER INDEPE NDE NCE y May 13 race riots in 1969.y Lead rapidly to riots and inter- communal violence in

    which about 6,000 Chinese homes and businesses were burned and at least 184 people were killed.

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  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    NOW ????

  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    Discuss the strategies theGovernment use to create unity

    and national integration

  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    National P rinciples/ R ukunegara

    It is proclaimed on 31 August 1970The Government effort to promote racial unity,balance and stability among the citizens (after

    the 13 th May 1969 incident)- To achieve greater unity of all people- To maintain a democratic way of life

    - To create a society in which the wealth of thenation shall be equitably shared

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    The content of theR ukunegara

    Good behaviourand morality

    R ule of law

    Upholding theconstitution

    Loyalty to Kingand country

    Belief in God

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    New Economic P olicy(DE B)

    The aim is to foster unity by narrowing thedivide in several sectors like economy, social,culture, housing and so on.

    The implementation strategies:- Improve productivity and quality of life for poorthrough the modernization initiatives in therural areas

    - Increase Malaysian investment throughownership of public company stock and shares- Move the ratio of economic ownership in

    Malaysia from 2.4:33:63 to 30:40:30

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    - Create incentives for the expansion of large-scale manufacturing industries as well asenergy-incentives industries.The DE B ended in 1990 and was succeeded bythe National Development P olicy in 1991.

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  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    Malaysian race

    (Bangsa Malaysia)

    V ision schoolsSK,SJK(C),SJK(T)

    One common area

    Open communication

    Diversified staff

    P ositive ethnicdiversity

    E thnic and culturaldiversity

  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    1 Malaysia concept

    an idea to harmonize citizens of differentraces in this country without changing theidentity of these races1Malaysia is based on the principle of P eopleFirst, P erformance Now-a concept in administration that suggests

    government leaders execute their tasksefficiently, trustworthily and responsibly forthe sake of the people.

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    Culture of excellence








    8 core values in 1Malaysia

  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    Culture of exellence-It will bring Malaysia to greater heights of success. Thesuccess and achievement of the community andcountry depends on how much this culture is practisedby its people.E ndurance

    - Malaysians need to be fervent in facing trials andchallenges for the sake of their individual successes andthat of the country.Humility

    -To be humble does not mean that we bow down orsurrender to others.

    - Malaysians are extremely humble and accord muchrespect to others but possess inner strength and strongwill towards certain principles.

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    -Acceptance is evident in positive reaction in receiving

    something sincerely and without force.-Acceptance of all races to get the best is needed todevelop a national race.

    Loyalty-Loyalty to King and country as outlined by the secondNational P rinciple has to be embraced unconditionally.All races have to make loyalty and importance to

    country a priority over loyalty to own group and race.-Loyalty to leaders and head of an organization is thebasis for authority, firmness,success and excellence.

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    Meritocracy-Meritocracy is a way or direction that needs to be ingrainedand practiced in a democratic country to ensure that wequalify and fulfill the criteria to be given the opportunity tospur growth for the country.-emphasizes open competition based on pre-requisites thathave been pre-determined and whosoever is able to fulfillthe required criteria has the right to be chosen.

    Education-The country needs a community that places importance oneducation and knowledge over and above anything else.-The curriculum that has been developed for the three typesof schools must stress common values that are inculcated toform 1Malaysia.Integrity-it means gaining people s trusts and confidence. This valueneeds to be assimilated by all from leaders downwards

    regardless of position.

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  • 8/8/2019 6-Kingdom of Malaca


    R eferencesBaradan.K.,(2008). R etrieved 15 August, from

    http://www.journeymalaysia.com/malaysiahistory.htmChoong, L.K. (2008). Philosophy and Education in

    Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Kumpulan Budiman Sdn Bhd.Kementerian P enerangan Komunikasi dan

    Budaya.(2010). 8 Nilai dalam konsep 1 Malaysia .Retrieved August 23 rd ,2010 from www.kpkk.gov.myMansor.M.N., R ahman.A.A.A., AinuddinM.I.L.,

    (2006),Hubungan E tnik Di Malaysia:Malaysia: P earsonMalaysia.

    Shamsul.A.B.(2007), MODUL Hubungan E tnik:Kementerian P engajian Tinggi Malaysia: MASKHASdn.Bhd.
