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  • 8/2/2019 57_Philemon_Nepali


    Ka Ixw yaezaUka o ka kaq dI paAvaL r hAmao BaAitamaoTaIbaAw

    hAmaA iP ay a banD au taTaA sahk amaIR p aLe m aonaL A R

    iBavaAdna. 2saATa q hAmaI baihnaI ippayaALAR/ sahkamaIRiKaRppasaLAR r itamaA GarmaA BaeLA hnae ma,fLILARpaina?

    3parmaezvar hAmaA ipataA ina PaBau yaezaU Ka Ixw baAwnauah ina zaAinta itamaIh saATa rhosa.


    4Apanao PaATaRnaAmaA ma itamaILAR samJanCu r itamaoina mta ma saDa maer o parmaezvarLAR DanyavaAd caFA

  • 8/2/2019 57_Philemon_Nepali


    333311113333 ppppaaaaLLLLeeeemmmmaaaaoooonnnnaaaa22223333----22225555iiiinnnnttttaaaammmmaaaaiiiiBBBBaaaavvvvaaaaAAAAddddnnnnaaaa

    23maero saATaI paAPaAsa paina KaIxw yaezaUkao inamta maisata bandI C. saLe itam aILAR iBavaAdna paWA

  • 8/2/2019 57_Philemon_Nepali


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