21leos02.qxd 5/29/07 3:11 PM Page cov1 IEEE · 2016-11-28 · April 2007 Vol. 21, No. 2 IEEE THE...


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April 2007Vol. 21, No. 2www.i-LEOS.org IEEE



Hybrid SiliconEvanescent Device


Hybrid SiliconEvanescent Device


Could Photonics Flourish Again via Fabless Start-ups?

The Globalization of LEOSThe Globalization of LEOS

Could Photonics Flourish Again via Fabless Start-ups?

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Layout of the racetrack res-onator and the photodetectors.Page 6, Figure 3a April 2007 Volume 21, Number 2


Editor’s Column………………2 President’s Column………………….3





Correction notice: 1) Editor’s Column; 2) names and biographies of Profs. Eric Van Stryland and Ron Shen omitted from their columns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18• IEEE LEOS Awards Reminder!! “Call for Nominations”

- William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award - Engineering Achievement Award - Aron Kressel Award - Distinguished Service Award

• Nomination form• Petition for Candidates for Election to the Board of Governors• Call for 2008 John Tyndall Award Nominations• Graduate Student Fellowship Program – now accepting applications

Careers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20• IEEE Women in Engineering Engineer of the Year: Mary Y. Lanzerotti

Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24• Benefits of IEEE Senior Membership• New Senior Members

Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27• Call for Papers• IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (JSTQE)• IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology (JDT)

Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26• LEOS 2007 Ad • Conference Calendar



University / Industry Research HighlightsHybrid Silicon Evanescent Device Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Alexander Fang1, Hyundai Park1, Richard Jones2, Oded Cohen3, Omri Raday3, Mario Paniccia2, & John Bowers1

Industry PerspectiveCould Photonics Flourish Again via Fabless Start-ups? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12A. S. Helmy

MembershipThe Globalization of LEOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22G.D. Khoe and K.A. Williams

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Hello and a belated Happy New Year 2007! The firstparagraph of my column in the February issue was inad-vertently removed before printing, so I was unable toproperly introduce myself and acknowledge my prede-cessor. I have the privilege of serving LEOS as NewsletterEditor starting this year, and would like to thank Dr.Mary Lanzerotti for her outstanding work as Editor forthe past six years. She has been very helpful in passingthe editorial torch to me, and I hope to maintain thehigh standard that she has set.

The Research Highlights section this monthdescribes the development of a Hybrid SiliconEvanescent Device Platform at the University ofCalifornia Santa Barbara and Intel Corporation. Thiseffort is a good example of successful collaborationbetween academic and industrial research partners

The Membership Section includes an article writtenby 2003 LEOS President Prof. Giok-Djan Khoe andNewsletter Associate Editor Prof. Kevin Williams on theGlobalization of LEOS. The impressive growth of thesociety is noteworthy during this 30th anniversary year.

In our ongoing series reprinting the most cited arti-cles in LEOS Journals, this month we are pleased tohighlight a paper by Prof. Ursula Keller of ETH Zurichet al describing the semiconductor saturable absorbermirror (SESAM). This article from the Journal of SpecialTopics in Quantum Electronics has been cited an impres-sive 261 times since its publication in 1996. Prof. Kellerhas also provided a commentary about the origin of thework and its impact since its publication.

Associate Editor Prof. Amr Helmy has contributed anarticle exploring how the photonics industry might ben-efit from the presence of foundry services to allow smallcompanies bring products to market with lower cost andshort development time. This subject is of interest tomany members and we hope that the article prompts fur-ther discussion within LEOS, the Photonics Society.

Please feel free to send any comments and suggestions tok.parameswaran@ieee.org. I would love to hear from you!

Krishnan Parameswaran


PresidentAlan WillnerUniversity of Southern CaliforniaDept. of EE-Systems/ Rm EEB 538Los Angeles, CA 90089-2565Tel: +1 213 740 4664Fax: +1 213 740 8729Email: a.willner@ieee.org

President-ElectJohn H. MarshIntense Photonics, Ltd.4 Stanley BoulevardHamilton International Tech ParkHigh Blantyre G72 0UX Scotland, UKTel: +44 1698 827 000Fax: +44 1698 827 262Email: j.h.marsh@ieee.org

Secretary-TreasurerFilbert BartoliLehigh University19 West Memorial DrivePackard Lab 302Bethlehem, PA 18015Tel: +1 610 758 4069Fax: +1 610 758 6279Email: fbartoli@lehigh.edu;fjb205@lehigh.edu

Past PresidentH. Scott HintonUtah State UniversityDean of Engineering4100 Old Main HillLogan, UT 84322-4100Tel: +1 435 797 2776Fax: +1 435 797 2769Email: hinton@engineering.usu.edu

Executive DirectorRichard LinkeIEEE/LEOS445 Hoes LanePiscataway, NJ 08855-1331Tel: +1 732 562 3891Fax: +1 732 562 8434Email: r.linke@ieee.org

Board of GovernorsM. Amann K. HotateF. Bartoli D. HuffakerK. Choquette H. KuwaharaC. Doerr C. MenoniS. Donati D. PlantC. Gmachl A. Seeds

Vice PresidentsConferences – E. GolovchenkoFinance & Administration – S. NewtonMembership & Regional ActivitiesAmericas – S. UnluAsia & Pacific – C. JagadishEurope, Mid-East, Africa – J. BuusPublications – C. MenoniTechnical Affairs – N. Jokerst

Newsletter Staff

Executive EditorKrishnan R. Parameswaran Physical Sciences, Inc.20 New England Business CenterAndover, MA 01810Tel: +1 978 738 8187Email: krp@psicorp.com

Associate Editor of Asia & PacificHon TsangDept. of Electronic EngineeringThe Chinese University of Hong KongShatin, Hong KongTel: +852 260 98254Fax: +852 260 35558Email: hktsang@ee.cuhk.edu.hk

Associate Editor of CanadaAmr HelmyThe Edward S. Rogers, Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Toronto10 King’s College RoadToronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G4Tel: +1 416-946-0199Fax: +1 416-971-3020Email: a.helmy@utoronto.ca

Associate Editor of Europe/MidEast/AfricaKevin A. WilliamsEindhoven University of TechnologyInter-University Research Institute COBRA on Communication TechnologyDepartment of Electrical EngineeringPO Box 5135600 MB Eindhoven, The NetherlandsEmail: K.A.Williams@tue.nl

Staff EditorKatrina EdsellIEEE/LEOS445 Hoes LanePiscataway, NJ 08855-1331Tel: +1 732 981 3405Fax: +1 732 562 8434Email: k.edsell@ieee.org

IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society

LEOS Newsletter is published bimonthly by the Lasers and Electro-Optics Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,Inc., Corporate Office: 3 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY10017-2394. Printed in the USA. One dollar per member per year isincluded in the Society fee for each member of the Lasers andElectro-Optics Society. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NYand at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send addresschanges to LEOS Newsletter, IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ08854.

Copyright © 2007 by IEEE: Permission to copy without fee all or partof any material without a copyright notice is granted provided thatthe copies are not made or distributed for direct commercialadvantage, and the title of the publication and its date appear oneach copy. To copy material with a copyright notice requires spe-cific permission. Please direct all inquiries or requests to IEEECopyrights Office.

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President’sColumnALAN E. WILLNER

“Students: LEOS’ Crown Jewels”

“It’s not what is poured into a studentthat counts, but what is planted.”Linda Conway.

OK. So it’s no surprise that I woulddevote one of my columns to LEOS’ stu-dents. I’ll assume that we all agree thatnurturing our young is good for LEOS’long-term health and is wonderfullyaltruistic. Now what?

If the students are LEOS’ customers,then we must understand their motiva-tions. High on their list are jobs, jobs,and jobs. They can be quite anxious abouttheir future and might need some gentlehand-holding through uncertain times.What else do they want? Like all of us,they are motivated by intellectual stimu-lation, recognition, appreciation, respect,fairness, and a vision forward. Can LEOShelp and mentor them? Without a doubt!We can: (a) help them build a high-qual-ity resume with publications in presti-gious journals and conferences, (b) givethem access at our conferences to technol-ogy leaders and hiring opportunities, (c)keep them abreast of hot topics, emerg-ing fields and rising stars, and (d) providevaluable and prestigious fellowships andawards. Engineers hate uncertainty, and itis our responsibility to help themthrough their period of trepidation.

I want to approach the issue of men-toring students by addressing each majorcategory of relevant individuals: avuncularelder statespeople, mid-career engineers,staff, recent graduates, and, finally, ourcrown jewels - the students themselves.

To the Avuncular Elder Statespeople

You are the rock stars of a student’s world.Wisdom, perspective, sincerity, humor,advice – these all come naturally to you.

a. You have traveled the path, attained“immortality” through your accom-

plishments, and believe that it was arewarding journey. You have seen thegreat times and the turbulent periods.What was it like?

b. How were the great research resultsachieved by you and other people?Memories of the day-to-day sciencethat might seem trivial to you may beof great value to a student, and youcan confidently state that most greatachievements required much perse-verance and patience.

c. You have met numerous peoplethroughout your career, thus enablingyou to direct students to people whomight be able to hire them or collab-orate with them. Your rolodex over-floweth, and students would love topick your brain.

Nobody is better at gentle guiding andhand-holding than you.

To the Mid-Career Engineers“Setting an example is not the main means ofinfluencing another, it is the only means.”Albert Einstein.

Students see in us (me included) theirown path forward. We have the ability toinfluence students towards or away fromour field. Frankly, we are the embodi-ment of their future. If they don’t likewhat they see, then why should they staywith us?

If we inspire students, then they willkeep our field vibrant even when we are

(continued on page 17)

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AbstractWe present a research effort to develop a photonic integrat-ed circuit technology on silicon. We review several noveldevices, including electrically pumped hybrid silicon evanes-cent lasers, amplifiers, and photodetectors. These devicesform the basis of a low-cost, scalable solution for hybrid inte-gration on a silicon platform.

IntroductionSilicon photonics has seen many developments in recentyears, driven by the promise of low-cost, high-volume man-ufacture of photonic integrated circuits. These advancementshave come in the form of Raman lasers and amplifiers [1, 2,3], high speed modulators [4, 5], and photodetectors [6, 7,8]. A key goal for realizing practical silicon-based photonicintegrated circuits is achieving electrically pumped siliconlasers and amplifiers. This objective is difficult because sili-con has an indirect bandgap. An alternative to creating anelectrically pumped all-silicon gain mechanism is couplingthe output of prefabricated lasers to silicon waveguides.However, the tight alignment tolerances of the opticalmodes and the need to align each laser individually limit thescalability of this approach due to its prohibitive cost.Recently, we demonstrated an electrically driven laser [9],amplifier [10], and photodetectors [11], based on a hybridwaveguide structure that utilizes III-V quantum wells bond-ed to silicon waveguides to achieve optical gain and detec-tion. The lateral homogeneous nature of the III-V quantumlayer structure allows the optical mode to be defined by the

silicon waveguide, leading to an alignment-free bondingprocess. Moreover, the mode lies primarily in the siliconregion leading to low coupling losses from hybrid waveguideactive regions to passive silicon waveguide regions. Thisarchitecture allows for thousands of lasers, amplifiers, andphotodetectors to be fabricated in a single bond step.

Device Structure and Optical Mode CharacteristicsThe hybrid silicon evanescent waveguide cross-section isshown in Figure 1. It consists of a III-V multiple quantumwell epitaxial layer structure that is transferred to a siliconon insulator rib waveguide through a low temperature waferbonding process. Backside processing of the III-V layers isdone after bonding to control the flow of current throughthe structure to ensure efficient optical gain to the wave-guide mode.

As stated above, the optical mode characteristics aredetermined by the silicon rib waveguide dimensions. Figure2 shows a BeampropTM calculation of the optical mode witha fixed waveguide height. As the silicon waveguide becomeswider, the mode is pulled more into the silicon region. Thewaveguide height follows the same trend. This feature can beused to tailor the optical gain characteristics of each device.For example, lasers could be designed with narrower wave-guides whose high modal gains help lower threshold current,while amplifiers in an adjacent section of the wafer could bedesigned to have wider waveguides that allow increased sat-uration power.

Integrated Hybrid SiliconEvanescent Racetrack Laserand Photodetector ResultsAn integrated silicon evanescent race-track laser and photodetector based onthis platform were reported recently [12].Unlike previously demonstrated siliconevanescent lasers, this laser does not relyon facet dicing or polishing and can betested on-chip with simple probing of thelaser and photodetectors.

The waveguide height, width, andrib etch depth were 0.69 μm, 1.5 μm,and 0.5 μm, respectively. The laser lay-out and SEM are shown in Figure 2. Itconsists of a racetrack ring resonatorwith a straight waveguide length of 700μm. A directional coupler is formed onthe bottom arm by placing a bus wave-guide 0.5 μm away from the racetrack.


Hybrid Silicon Evanescent Device PlatformAlexander Fang1, Hyundai Park1, Richard Jones2, Oded Cohen3, Omri Raday3, Mario Paniccia2, & John Bowers1

University/Industry Research Highlights




Figure. 1. Cross-section of hybrid silicon evanescent device structure.

p contact

n contact

III-V Mesa

Optical Mode

not to ScaleSi Substrate

Buried Oxide



H+ H+

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The laser power is collected by two 440-μm-long photode-tectors whose waveguide architecture is identical to that ofthe hybrid laser and are reverse biased to collect photo-gen-erated carriers.

The LI- curves as a function of temperature are shown inFigure 4. The laser has a total output power of 29 mW witha maximum lasing temperature of 60°C. The detectorresponsivity is 1.25 A/W. The differential efficiency andlaser threshold at 15°C are 17% and 175 mA, respectively.

Hybrid Silicon Evanescent Photo Detector ResultsDiscrete silicon evanescent photodetectors have recentlybeen reported [11]. The devices consisted of a ~100-μm-long passive silicon waveguide coupled to a 400-micron-long hybrid photodetector region (Figure 5a). The passive toactive junction is shown in Figure 5b.

The photodetector responsivity was measured by launch-ing light into the passive waveguide through a lensed fiber.The TE responsivity versus reverse bias is shown in Figure6a. With a 5.5 dB measured coupling loss from the fiber, thedevice responsivity is ~ 1.13 A/W. The quantum efficiencyis ~90% as shown on the right axis of Figure 6a. It can beseen from Figure 6b that the responsivity is relatively flat

from 1500 nm to 1600 nm under 3 V reverse bias. From measurements of the output power from the sili-

con output waveguide, the TE material absorption is esti-mated to be 1594 cm-1. The TM responsivity was measuredto be 0.23 A/W which is, as expected, substantially lowerthan the TE responsivity due to the compressively strainedquantum wells.

Hybrid Silicon Evanescent Amplifier ResultsHybrid silicon evanescent amplifiers have also beenrecently demonstrated [12]. The devices consisted of1.36- mm-long hybrid waveguides with a waveguideheight, width, and rib etch depth of 0.76 μm, 2 μm, and0.76 μm, respectively. The facets were diced and polishedat a 7-degree angle and coated with a single quarter wave-length layer of Ta2O5 to minimize cavity effects caused bythe facets. The quantum well confinement factor was cal-culated to be 3.4%. The amplifiers were tested by launch-ing a laser signal into one side of the amplifier through alensed fiber and collecting the amplified light through alensed fiber on the opposite side for various device drivecurrents. Figure 7 shows the TE fiber-to-fiber gain as afunction of current. The chip gain is given on the second-ary y-axis, and takes into consideration the 5 dB coupling

Figure. 3. a) Layout of the racetrack resonator and the photodetectors. b) Top view SEM micrograph of two racetrack resonator lasers; theradii of the top and bottom devices are 200 and 100 μm, respectively.

PhotodetectorPhotodetectorDirectional Coupler







Figure 2. Calculated optical mode as a function of waveguide width

− 2 − 1 0 1 2μm

W 1.5 μm

− 2 − 1 0 1 2μm

W 2.5 μm BondedInterface





− 2 − 1 0 1 2



W 1.0 μm

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loss measured for these waveguide dimensions. The maxi-mum chip gain for this length is ~13 dB. The observedgain saturation for drive currents greater that 100 mA isdue to thermal effects. The inset shows the net modal gainand material gain as functions of current density.

Figure 8 shows the TE fiber-to-fiber gain spectrum with variousdrive currents. The peak gain occurs in the 1575 nm range with a62 nm full width half maximum under 200 mA drive current.

The 3 dB output saturation power from the chip ismeasured to be 11 dBm as shown in Fig. 9a. The 3 dB out-put saturation power can be written as,where G0 is the unsaturated chip gain, w is the optical mode

width at the quantum well region, d is the total thickness ofthe active material, hν is the photon energy, dg/dN is thedifferential gain, and τ is the carrier lifetime. Figure 9bshows the calculated 3 dB output saturation power with dif-ferent confinement factors (Γ) and optical mode widths (w).

Figure. 4. LI curves for a laser with radius R = 200 μm andLinteraction = 400 μm at various temperatures

15 C

25 C

35 C

45 C

55 C

60 C







00 100 200 300 400 500

Current (mA)




ed L



er (



Figure. 5. (a) SEM image of a fabricated device (b) Magnified view of a junction between the input silicon waveguide and the hybrid photodetector.

III-V RegionN Pad

P Pad

50 μm

SiNx Insulation Layer

Silicon Waveguide

2 μm

(a) (b)

Figure 6. (a) Photodetector responsivity for TE polarization with different biases at 1550 nm (b) Spectral response for TE polarization.

Reverse Bias (V)


@ 1550 nm






0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3





/W) 92.25




86.57 Qua




cy (


Wavelength (nm)














01480 1500 1520 1540 15601580 1600 1620 16401660

V= 0 VV= −0.5 VV= −1.0 VV= −1.5 VV= −2.0 VV= −2.5 V V= −3.0 V

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21leos02.qxd 5/29/07 3:12 PM Page 9

The measured value agrees well withcalculations using a mode width of 2µm. The evanescent coupling schemeof the device structure typically pro-vides 2% to 3% of QW confinementfactor resulting in higher output satu-ration powers than conventional III-Vamplifiers with centered quantumwells whose typical confinement factoris between 5% and 15 %.

ConclusionWe have demonstrated lasers, pho-todetectors, and amplifiers utilizingthe hybrid silicon evanescent wave-guide architecture. This architectureholds the promise of a high volume,low cost manufacturing technologyfor use in optical communications.The lasers demonstrated operated upto 60 °C with 29 mW output power.

The photodetectors operated from1500 nm to 1600 nm with quantumefficiencies in the 90% range. Theamplifiers operated with maximumon-chip gains of ~13 dB and 11 dBmsaturation power. These devicesillustrate a few types of devices thatcan be realized using the hybrid sili-con evanescent device platform.Moreover, the integration of the on-chip laser and photodetector can beused in conjunction with other sili-con based photonic devices such ashigh-speed modulators, and multi-plexer/de-multiplexers without suf-fering high coupling losses to buildcomplex photonic integrated cir-cuits. Future work will seek toimprove device performance, increasedevice integration, and apply thishybrid platform technology to opti-cal communications applications.

AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by DARPAthrough contracts W911NF-05-1-0175 and W911NF-04-9-0001, andby Intel. The authors would like tothank Jag Shah, Mike Haney andWayne Chang for useful discussions.

References[1] H. Rong et al. “A continuous-

wave Raman silicon laser.” Nature433, 725-728 (2005).

[2] O. Boyraz, & B. Jalali,“Demonstration of a siliconRaman laser,” Opt. Express 12,5269 (2004).

[3] R. Espinola, J. Dadap, R. OsgoodJr., S. McNab, & Y. Vlasov,“Raman amplification in ultra-small silicon-on-insulator wirewaveguides.” Opt. Express 12,3713-3718 (2004)

[4] A. Liu, L. Liao, D. Rubin, H.Nguyen, B. Ciftcioglul, Y.Chetrit, N. Izhaky, and M.Paniccia, “High-speed opticalmodulation based on carrierdepletion in a silicon waveguide,”Opt. Express 15, 660-668 (2007)

[5] V. R. Almeida, C. A. Barrios, R.R. Panepucci, M. Lipson, “All-optical control of light on a siliconchip,” Nature 431, 1081-1084(2004)

[6] J. F. Liu, D. D. Cannon, K. Wada, Y.


Figure 7. Amplifier gain vs. current Inset shows net modal gain extracted from the chipgain vs. current density at 1575 nm.

















−3050 100 150 200 250






n (d










p G









500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000











l Gai

n, g





al G



α (c



Current Density (A/cm2)

Current (mA)

Figure 8. Amplifier gain vs. wavelength at different currents.







−251540 1560 1580 1600 1620 1640

Wavelength (nm)









p G









n (d


200 mA

150 mA

100 mA

50 mA

21leos02.qxd 5/29/07 3:12 PM Page 10

Ishikawa, S. Jongthammanurak, D.T. Danielson, J. Michel, L. C.Kimerling, “Tensile strained Ge p-i-nphotodetectors on Si platform for Cand L band telecommunications,”Appl. Phys. Lett, 87, 011110 (2005).

[7] J. F. Liu, “Waveguide-IntegratedGe p-i-n Photodetectors on SOIPlatform,” Proc. Group IVPhotonics Conference, ThA2,2006.

[8] A. O. Splett, et. al. “Integratedoptoelectronic waveguide detec-tors in SiGe for optical communi-cations,” Proc. SPIE 2550, 224-234, (1995).

[9] A. W. Fang, H. Park, O. Cohen,R. Jones, M. J. Paniccia, and J. E.Bowers “Electrically pumpedhybrid AlGaInAs-silicon evanes-cent laser,” Optics Express 14,9203-9210, (2006).

[10]H. Park, A. W. Fang, O. Cohen,R. Jones, M. J. Paniccia, and J. E.Bowers, “An Electrically PumpedAlGaInAs-Silicon EvanescentAmplifier,” IEEE Photon.Technol. Lett. 19, 230-232(2007).

[11]H. Park, A. W. Fang, R. Jones, O.Cohen, O. Raday, Matthew N.Sysak, M. J. Paniccia, and J. E.Bowers, “A hybrid AlGaInAs-sili-con evanescent waveguide pho-todetector,” Opt. Express 15(2007)

[12]A. W. Fang, R. Jones, H. Park, O.Cohen, O. Raday, M. J. Paniccia,and J. E. Bowers, “ Integrated

AlGaInAs-silicon evanescent racetrack laser and photodetector,” Opt.Express 15, 2315-2322 (2007)


Figure 9. (a) Amplifier gain vs. output power at 1575 nm (b) 3dB saturation output power vs. confinement factor and different opticalmode width.







0 2 4 6 8 10

Chip Output Power (dBm)


p G











−51 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 103

QW Confinement Factor (%)

3 dB





put P




W=1 μmW=2 μmW=3 μmW=4 μmW=5 μmMeasured

(a) (b)

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Although the photonics industry is again growing steadily, it hasnot recovered to the levels experienced during the boom time atthe turn of the century. Much speculation and analysis has beendone to determine the root causes behind the massive downturn.Whatever the causes, one thing is certain: the manufacturing mod-els employed by the industry at the peak of the bubble were notsustainable. Overhead costs of the fabrication and packaging ofphotonic devices have been identified as substantial obstacles toreducing product cost structures. A chief disadvantage for photon-ics is that it has not yet benefited from the economy of scaleenjoyed by the silicon-based electronics industry. Albeit intuitive,arguments as to what prevents photonics from benefiting from theeconomy of scale have not yet been fully explored. I aim to use thisspace in the Newsletter to initiate a discussion within the LEOScommunity about the topic.

Conventional wisdom, as discussed in relevant meetings andforums, suggests that photonics manufacturing should use amodel similar to that on which silicon thrives. Such a modelshould include the development of standard processes for a varietyof devices, analogous to the CMOS model. Photonic circuits wouldthen be implemented through outsourcing to central fabricationfoundries. In this model, innovation rests largely in the circuitarchitecture domain, which can be carried out in fabless companieswith substantially reduced overhead.

Before debating the issue, it is instructive to bear in mind thatphotonics contract manufacturing existed in some form at theheight of the photonics and optical telecommunications bubble.Even today, contract manufacturing is being used by many pho-tonics companies. For example, on January 15th, 2007, GlobalCommunication Semiconductors (GCS), Inc. of California andXponent Photonics, Inc. signed a foundry service agreementwhereby GCS will utilize its proprietary laser and photodiodeprocesses to manufacture Xponent products. Therefore, contractmanufacturing for photonics is not a new idea. So why look in thisdirection if it was tried and tested during the peak of the bubbleand did not help avoid the downturn?

One often-overlooked argument may shed some light on thereason why contract manufacturing has not worked for photonicswhile it did for electronics. Photonics does not yet have an estab-lished technological route for fabricating integrated circuits. Assuch, some aspects of the silicon model do not have photonicscounterparts. For example, a photonic circuit that includes lasers,modulators, amplifiers, and arrayed waveguide gratings will notallow many variations in device layout. Instead, it is the intricatestructure of each component that defines its performance.

The topic of central fabrication foundries was discussed inNovember 2005 during a forum held by the OptoelectronicsIndustry Development Association (OIDA). This forum was thefirst serious post-downturn attempt to identify a route for photon-ics contract manufacturing. Out of this gathering of more than 70participants emerged the thought that contract fabrication facili-

ties alone are not sufficient to enable photonics manufacturingwith low overhead. Participants concluded that the silicon-stylefoundry model probably would not work for photonics. Devicesmade in silicon VLSI foundries look nothing like those made inthe photonics domain. Silicon wafers do not require the growth ofquantum confined structures like quantum wells, wires, and dots.Moreover, manufacturers of photonic devices have various tech-niques by which doping profiles, carrier lifetimes, etch stop layersand numerous other processes are controlled. A minority of theseprocesses are standardized. Further, no single device in photonicshas a standard structure used by multiple manufacturers.

A key to the success of any model is the minimum demand thatwill warrant its economic viability. The demand for photonic com-ponents does not remotely resemble that for silicon VLSI chips. Onthe other hand, if you make components cheap enough, moreapplications will be able to afford them.

Many other challenges should be considered when scrutinizingfabless models for the photonics industry. Standardization of devicedesign, extent of monolithic integration, integration of hybridmaterials, and market demand are all points that could be includ-ed. By doing so, some device research in companies, research insti-tutes, government labs, and academia could be steered to addressthe obstacles identified.

With profits still elusive, substantial research and developmentis rare among photonics companies. Consequently, initiativestowards standardization are scarcely being supported.Nevertheless, two initiatives have recently begun in the US andCanada that aim toward general-purpose foundries for compoundsemiconductors. The Photonics Technology Access Program(PTAP) is organized through OIDA and the photonics fabricationservice is organized through CMC Microelectronics. Details ofboth programs are provided in the sidebars to this article.

European groups have also addressed the issue. The ePIXnetprogram, led by IMEC-Ghent University, is funded by theEuropean Union and is a Network of Excellence to prepare Europefor a fabless industry model with a mix of academic and industrialpartners. The strategy of the network is to start at the research level,where it offers foundry-like services for joint research. Industrialbacking for these plans is growing quickly because of consensus inEurope that this approach seems to be an optimum route forward.

OIDA championed the InP foundry concept in the US in 2005and has identified PTAP as the most feasible first step in thatdirection. Although it does not include any central fabricationfacilities, the PTAP program may achieve some milestonestowards the InP foundry aim by grouping academic and industri-al partners around a critical mass of technologies. This programmay lead to a standard or multi-source agreement on the deviceand technology levels. Another benefit of the program is that itprovides a much needed research effort for the devices currentlyproduced by the surviving photonics companies, whose extremelytight budgets rarely allow extensive R&D efforts with critical

Could Photonics Boom Again via Fabless Start-ups?Industry Perspective:

A. S. Helmy

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Detail Box I: The Photonics TechnologyAccess Program (PTAP)PTAP is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) andthe Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), andis managed by OIDA. PTAP provides academic researchers withpre-commercial photonic devices. The premise behind the pro-gram is that if researchers had to wait until devices were com-mercially available, by the time they performed their experi-ments and published, the results would be one generationbehind the then-current technology. By providing access to pre-commercial devices, PTAP cuts the latency, publications aremore relevant, and students get to learn on state-of-the-artdevices.

The Optoelectronics Industry Development Association(OIDA) is a Washington DC-based, not-for-profit associationthat serves as the nexus for vision, transformation, and growthof the optoelectronics industry. OIDA advances the competi-tiveness of its members by focusing on the business of technol-ogy, not just technology itself. OIDA members include theleading providers of optoelectronic components and systemsenabled by optoelectronics, as well as universities and researchinstitutions. OIDA provides roadmaps, reports, and marketdata for the optoelectronics industry, serves as the voice ofindustry to government and academia, acts as liaison with otheroptoelectronic industry associations worldwide, and provides anetwork for the exchange of ideas and information within theoptoelectronics community.

PTAP allocates devices to academic researchers based onbrief proposals that are competitively evaluated. Alternatively,researchers may also request devices and pay for them with theirown funds. PTAP compensates industry for the devices thatthey supply to the program. PTAP deals only with pre-com-mercial devices that a supplier may be sampling to prospectivecustomers, but is not yet selling in the open market. They alsoinclude commercially available devices that are screened for par-ticular performance parameters that lie outside the guaranteed

range – the “golden devices.” The term device encompassesmaterials, specialized processing, components, modules, andsubsystems within in its scope.

A Prototype may embody the Provider’s proprietary intel-lectual property. Recipient agrees not to reverse engineer orallow anyone else to reverse engineer Prototypes provided byPTAP.

The Recipient is provided the Prototype strictly for use bystudents and employees within Recipient’s organization.Recipient agrees not to sell, lease, transfer, exchange for value,or give away the Prototype to any person or entity that is notcontrolled by Recipient’s research organization.

PTAP encourages researchers who obtain photonic proto-types through the program to publish their research results. Theonly constraints are that articles acknowledge PTAP and thesponsors as the provider of the prototype, and that the devicemanufacturer’s name not be disclosed without the manufactur-er’s prior written permission. The latter requirement arisesbecause the pre-commercial devices may reveal details of busi-ness strategy, or may be different from those eventually offeredon the market.

The transactions are simple arrangements with no contracts,but instead, with a signed statement by both parties agreeing tofollow the published recipient and provider guidelines. Theproposals are short and the program encourages student authors.The program considers the writing process a valuable teachingtool.

PTAP looks for places where it can make the most differenceand leverage government funds. For example, PTAP has paid forspecialty fiber draws and now makes excess material available toother researchers for independent or follow-on projects. It alsohas arranged for vendors to supply devices without lids – atricky proposition because of the associated intellectual proper-ty issues. To accomplish such transactions, PTAP facilitatesnon-disclosure agreements between researchers and vendors, butdoes not enter into such relationships with the vendors.

mass. An educational component is also pursued by PTAP, whichprovides substantial benefits to the participants.

The program led by CMC is centered on a physical photonicsfoundry. CMC has established a strategic partnership with theOttawa-based Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre (CPFC) ofthe National Research Council Canada. The fabrication serviceenables university clients to prototype a broad range of devicestructures and technologies using industrial-class processes, whileleveraging the expertise of an on-site optoelectronics design engi-neer who helps them to optimize their designs. As it is chieflygeared towards the academic community, it caters to a broad rangeof device structures and technologies. While the focus has not beenon centrally standardized designs of photonic components, theservice provides academic researchers with the ideal opportunityand vehicle for such development. The program is used by all theCanadian players in the photonics field, and although it is in itsinfancy, it is quickly gaining momentum. As researchers who ben-efit from the service generate new and important insight into pho-

tonic device design and fabrication, CMC and the CPFC areuniquely positioned to influence and drive standardization effortsin the development of photonic devices. This work includes issuesrelated to fabrication and processing, and perhaps more impor-tantly, challenges related to device structure and design to achievea specific functionality. For example, can we design a universalwafer structure that accommodates most photonic functionaldevices that are of interest? I recognize this question has partiallybeen addressed before in different articles and could be exploredmore fully in a special edition of the IEEE Journal of SelectedTopics in Quantum Electronics. However, I am hoping this articlewill stimulate some thought-provoking discussion and debate inlabs across our community. I welcome any insights or ideas youmay have on this topic. Please direct them to the author AmrHelmy at a.helmy@utoronto.ca or the editor KrishnanParameswaran at krp@psicorp.com. There are plans to publish thediscussion on the LEOS Web portal. More information about thisforum will be posted in the Newsletter and on the web page soon.

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Detail Box II: CMC MicrosystemsCMC Microsystems is a national, non-profit corporation thatprovides university researchers with industry-caliber designresources, access to state-of-the-art manufacturing technolo-gies, and support services for microsystems research and devel-opment.

CMC offers products and services that include microelec-tronics, micromechanics, microfluidics, embedded software,and recently photonics/optoelectronics.

A comprehensive suite of photonics products and services isavailable to university researchers through its partnership withthe Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre (CPFC) of theNational Research Council Canada (NRCC).

About CPFC: Fully operational in 2005, CPFC is a nation-al technology centre offering a comprehensive suite of indus-trial grade foundry services in both III-V semiconductor (GaAsand InP) and silicon-based materials for organizations interest-ed in developing leading-edge photonic devices. CPFC hasbeen designed and equipped to facilitate innovation in all areasof photonics applications, including telecommunications,health, energy, the environment, defense, and security.

With a total budget of $43 million allocated in August2002, the CPFC embarked on an aggressive program to pro-vide Canada with a capability that bridges the gap betweenCanada’s photonics research and development community andits high technology industry.

This partnership started in 2005 and provides the followingbenefits:• Enables university researchers to effectively prototype opto-

electronics and photonics devices using industrial-classprocesses.

• CMC manages the interface between the CPFC and univer-sity researchers for the delivery of photonic and optoelec-tronic prototyping services to researchers

• A CMC optoelectronics engineer is located onsite at CPFC

to provide a single point of contact for the researchers.• The mandate of this engineer is to enable the successful use

of photonics prototyping services delivered through thispartnership, in support of university research and develop-ment.

• CPFC works with start-ups, small and medium-sized com-panies, large corporations, government laboratories, andacademia to provide prototyping and production runs ofphotonic devices & photonic integrated circuits.

Access to industrial-grade fabrication is a critical part of thecomprehensive suite of photonics products and services provid-ed by CMC. Other offerings include:• Design tools: layout tool with photonic element library and

design rule checking• Photonics/optoelectronics packaging• Photonics Test: Access to a broad range of test equipment,

including capability for testing unpackaged devices.

Graduate students and professors at Canadian universities whoare registered clients of CMC are eligible to access these servic-es through CMC. These services may only be used for academ-ic research or teaching purposes at a Canadian educationalinstitution.

Access to fabrication resources through CMC is a competi-tive, peer-reviewed process with 2-3 application rounds peryear. Applicants submit a short application form, describingthe fabrication resources requested and addressing the fabrica-tion allocation criteria. To ensure the best possible use ofresources available for prototype fabrication, requests for theseresources are reviewed by an external committee of experts.

Designs that are granted fabrication resources in thisprocess receive sizable discounts (on the order of 80%) on stan-dard manufacturing prices. Clients also have the option ofpaying the non-discounted price in order to bypass the peerreview process.

VViissiitt tthhee LLEEOOSS wweebb ssiittee ffoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn::


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“Nick” Cartoon Series

Prof. Eric Van Stryland received the Physics PhD degree in1976, from the University of Arizona, Optical Sciences Center,Tucson, AZ, where he worked on optical coherent transients andphoton counting statistics. He worked in the areas of femtosec-ond pulse production, multiphoton absorption in solids, andlaser induced damage at the Center for Laser Studies at theUniversity of Southern California. He joined the PhysicsDepartment at the University of North Texas in 1978 helping toform the Center for Applied Quantum Electronics. In 1987 hejoined the newly formed CREOL (Center for Research andEducation in Optics and Lasers) at the University of CentralFlorida where he was Professor of Physics and Electrical andComputer Engineering. His current research interests are in thecharacterization of the nonlinear optical properties of materialsand their temporal response as well as the applications of thesenonlinear materials properties for sensor protection, switching,beam control etc. He helped develop the Z-scan technique withMansoor Sheik-Bahae with whom he also established themethodology for apply Kramers-Kronig relations to ultrafastnonlinearities. He is a fellow of the Optical Society of America,a former member of its Board of Directors and co-chair of theScience and Engineering Council, a senior member of the LaserInstitute of America and a former board member, a senior mem-ber of IEEE LEOS and a member of the APS, SPIE, and MRS.He also served as a topical editor for Optics Letters. He served asOSA President in 2006. He has graduated 25 Ph.D.s and pub-

lished well in excess of 100 papers. In 2003 he was awarded thehighest honor UCF bestows, the Pegasus Award. He wasDirector of the School of Optics/CREOL from July 1999 to Mayof 2004. With the elevation of the School to the College ofOptics and Photonics, he has become the Dean of the College. Inaddition, Governor Bush established the Florida PhotonicsCenter of Excellence (FPCE) in 2003 and he is the Director ofthat Center along with CREOL, both centers within the College.

Yuen-Ron Shen is a Professor Emeritus in the Departmentof Physics at the University of California, Berkeley. ProfessorShen has been on the Berkeley faculty since 1964 and aPrincipal Investigator at the Lawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory since 1967. Professor Shen is a Member of theAmerican Academy of Arts and Sciences, the NationalAcademy of Sciences, and Academia Sinica. He is a Fellow ofthe American Physical Society, and a Sloan Fellow of theOptical Society of America. He was a Guggenheim Fellow in1972-73, a Miller Professor in 1975 and 1981. He received theAlexander von Humboldt Award in 1984, the C.H. TownesAward in 1986, the A.L. Schawlow Prize in 1992, the MaxPlanck Research Prize in 1996, the F. Isakson Prize in 1998,the Dept. of Energy Award for Outstanding ScientificAccomplishments in Solid State Physics in 1983, for SustainedOutstanding Research in Solid State Physics in 1987 and forSignificant Implications for DOE-Related Technologies in1997. Dr. Shen received a Ph.D., Harvard University in 1963.

Biographies of Authors of Discovering the Z-Scan and Celebrating the Z-scan Technique

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beyond the point of doing the “heavy-lift-ing” ourselves. (Note: A field that iscomposed of only senior people and noyouth has the “smell of death.”)Moreover, students will long rememberwhen someone was helpful to them whenthey were in need.

One way we can be good role mod-els for students is by behaving like weare still students ourselves. Do we seekadvice from and show respect to ouravuncular elder statespeople? Do we goto seminars and read journals, or are wetoo busy? Are we too busy to chat withan eager student but have all the timein the world for a potential fundingagent? Are we trustworthy and fair?Do we nominate students and seniorfolk for awards? It is a given that stu-dents will emulate our priorities.

We can’t just “talk-the-talk,” butit is critical to also “walk-the-walk.”

To the LEOS StaffWhen students publish papers in ourjournals and conference, they tend tohave a fair amount of direct contactwith you. You provide insightfulinformation that is well beyondexplaining the mechanics of submit-ting a paper. How does the conferencereally work? How are papers reviewed?Which positions are the most influen-tial? What is the rejection ratio?What is the best way to connect witha company that is recruiting at theconference? What usually happenswhen a review says “major revisions”?Who on the committee should be spo-ken to and how can they be contacted?All important and all readily answer-able by a caring staff person.

LEOS staff are extremely profes-sional and wear warm smiles. You

know better than anyone that poormanagement and a surly attitude canturn a student away from a field just ascertainly as can a pompous and gratu-itously-critical technical paper review.

Today’s students are tomorrow’svolunteer leaders. When I see LEOSstaff showing respect to students, Iknow that you are training youngpeople to be respectful of colleaguesand staff for years to come.

To the Recent GraduatesYou have substantial influence onstudents. You have been formed dur-ing one of the strangest “bubble-&-bust” periods in engineering. Youcan be a source of encouragement, oryou can scare the daylights out ofthem. Was the experience of lookingfor a job exciting or painful? Didpeople help you or did they ignoreyou? Is there a bright future in ourfield, or is it dying? I hope theanswers are positive.

I want to emphasize that you canuse your still-fresh connections toyour advantage since you have easieraccess to students than do the olderpeople. For example, you can easilyrecommend them for positions with-in your new company. In so doing,you will build strong and lastingalliances.

There is a challenge: Be diligentnot to feel threatened by your soon-to-be competitors. Instead, buildrelationships that will last yourwhole career. The saying goes that“blood is thicker than water” whendescribing people from the same fam-ily. You will always be part of the aca-demic “family” that you came from,and they can be your biggest allies.

Older siblings can be sources ofgreat comfort.

To our StudentsYour professional life is full of prom-ise and opportunity. Many peoplewant to help you, but they can onlybe of assistance if you reach out tothem. A few points of advice:

a. Uncertainty in our field is fact oflife, but it is not nearly as bad asmost other types of work.

b. The majority of positions are neveradvertised and are filled by “someonewho knew someone on the inside.”Therefore, get to know as many peo-ple as possible and let them knowwhen you are looking for a job.

c. Your background and problem-solving skills can be applied tomany different disciplines, even ifthat means switching subfields. (Iand many others did it!) Therefore,prepare in “fundamentals.”

d. Don’t be embarrassed to “stand onthe shoulders of giants.”

e. Give credit whenever credit is due,and be generous throughout yourlives. You never lose respect whenyou share credit, you only gain.

f. Evaluate your career path and setprofessional goals periodically. Bepro-active, not passive.

g. The Internet is a wonderful tool, butit doesn’t take the place of personalcontact. Doing great work coupledwith a face-to-face interaction willhelp achieve your long-term goals.

My hope for you is that you willbecome the wonderful, avuncularelder statespeople of LEOS in about40-50 years!!

President’s Column

(continued from page 3)

In the February 2007 issue’s Editor’s Column, page 2, the first paragraph of the editor’s column was deleted.The authors’ names and biographies of the articles on pages 28-29, were omitted in the February issue. The articles in reference are“Discovering the Z-scan”, authored by Eric W. Van Stryland, of the University of Central Florida, School of Optics and Photonics,Orlando, Florida; and “Celebrating the Z-scan Technique”, authored by Y. Ron Shen of the University of California at Berkeley,Berkeley, California.

Please see Profs. Van Stryland and Shen’s biographies on page 16.

Correction Notice

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Petitions for candidates for the nextBoard of Governors election must bereceived by the LEOS ExecutiveOffice no later than 1 February 2008.

The Petition must bear the signaturesof one percent of the members ofLEOS as of 30 September and an indi-cation by the candidate of his/her

willingness to serve if elected. Printedname, signature and IEEE membernumber are required for all individu-als signing the petition.

Petition for Candidates for Election to the Board of Governors

Deadline: 10 August 2007Nominations are now being acceptedfor the 2008 Tyndall Award, whichwill be presented at OFC’08 in SanDiego, CA (24-29 February).

This award, which is jointly spon-sored by the IEEE Lasers andElectro-Optics Society and the

Optical Society of America, is present-ed to a single individual who hasmade outstanding contributions inany area of lightwave technology,including optical fibers and cables,the optical components employed infiber systems, as well as the transmis-sion systems employing fibers. With

the expansion of this technology,many individuals have become worthyof consideration.

Please contact Gail Walters at theLEOS Executive Office for nomina-tion forms or further information (Tel:732-562-3892; Fax: 732-562-8434;email: g.walters@ieee.org).

The IEEE Lasers & Electro-OpticsSociety established the Graduate StudentFellowship Program to provide GraduateFellowships to outstanding LEOS stu-dent members pursuing graduate educa-tion within the LEOS field of interest(electro-optics, lasers, photonics, optics,or closely related fields). Up to twelveFellowships of $5000 each will be award-ed, based on the student membership ineach of the main geographical regions:

Americas - Europe/Mid-East/Africa - Asia/PacificPrize: Up to twelve Fellowships of$5,000 each will be awarded every year.A travel grant of up to $2,500 towardstravel and lodging expenses plus acomplimentary conference registration,will be available to each Fellowshiprecipient to attend the LEOS AnnualMeeting for the award presentation.

Eligibility: Fellowship applicants mustbe an IEEE LEOS student member pur-suing a graduate education within theLEOS field of interest. Students should

normally be in their penultimate year ofstudy at the time of application and beplanning to submit their thesis on atimescale of 6 to 18 months after theapplication is submitted (i.e. those apply-ing in May 2007 would normally expectto defend their thesis during 2008).

Schedule: In a given year, applica-tion packages will be due at the LEOSExecutive Office by 30 May andrecipients will be notified by 30 Julyof the same year. The Fellowships willbe presented at the LEOS AnnualMeeting.

Award Committee: The LEOSMembership Committee will select theFellowship recipients.

Fellowship Application PackageRequirements: Cover letter to include name,address, email, IEEE member num-ber, expected date of submission ofthe thesis, names and contact infor-mation of two references.

A one-page CV, including all degreesreceived and dates. One copy of educa-tional transcripts. A 300-word state-ment of purpose describing the student’sresearch project and interests. The state-ment is to include the background tothe project, what the student hasachieved so far and how the research willbe continued and developed by the stu-dent over the rest of the project. A list ofthe student’s publications with the mostsignificant paper indicated and a 100-word description of the significance ofthe paper. Two reference letters fromindividuals familiar with the student’sresearch and educational credentials.

Note that additional informationand submissions over the specifiedword count will not be forwarded tothe evaluating committee.

Guidelines have been establishedfor the 2007 application process. Pleasecheck the LEOS web for more details(www.i-leos.org). Submission informa-tion is now available

For more information contact:soc.leo@ieee.org

Graduate Student Fellowship Program

2008 Tyndall Award Nominations

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News (cont’d)

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Career Section

Dr. Mary Yvonne Lanzerotti receivedthe Engineer of the Year 2006 awardfrom the New York Section of the IEEEWomen in Engineering (WIE) Societyat the IEEE Annual Dinner Dance inNew York City on February 10th. Shereceived the award

“In recognition of her outstanding technical and service con-tributions to the engineering profession and promotion ofwomen in the science and technology disciplines.”

Dr. Lanzerotti is a Research Staff Member at the IBM T.J.Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY. She receivedan A.B. degree from Harvard in 1989, an M. Phil. Degree fromthe University of Cambridge in 1991, and the M.S. and Ph.Ddegrees from Cornell in 1994 and 1997, respectively.

She joined IBM in 1996. She is currently in the VLSIDesign Department, where her research interests includeanalysis of POWER6 timing-critical paths and the designand implementation of on-chip interconnections for thePOWER4. Dr. Lanzerotti is a member of the IEEE Solid-

State Circuits Society, where she is the co-editor of the socie-ty Newsletter, and has been the driving force behind its cur-rent makeover. She is also a member of the IEEE Lasers andElectro-Optics Society (LEOS), where she has been an electedmember of the Board of Governors (2003-2005) andExecutive Editor (2001-2006) and Associate Editor (1995-2000) of the LEOS Newsletter.

In addition to her technical work, Dr. Lanzerotti has lec-tured on the steps engineers and scientist can take to improvetheir professional development at the NY Section of the IEEEWIE. These steps been identified by the American PhysicalSociety (APS) Committee on Careers and ProfessionalDevelopment, and is given in the first ProfessionalDevelopment Resource Guide that list resources identified asimportant for the professional development of today’s engineersand scientists. This guide is posted on the APS website athttp:// www.aps.org/careers/index.cfm. Dr. Lanzerotti is also amember of the APS Women Speakers List posted athttp://www.aps.org/programs/women/speakers/ and partici-pates in National Engineers Week, visiting local schools withother IBM scientists attracting female students to engineering,science, and information technology.

Mary Lanzerotti named IEEE NY Section Women in Engineering Engineer of the Year

News (cont’d)

Art Guenther Was NewMexico Optics PioneerNew Mexico optics pioneer ArtGuenther has died after a shortillness. Guenther, who retiredfrom his position as a researchprofessor at the Center for HighTechnology at the University ofNew Mexico last year, wasinstrumental in establishingundergraduate and graduate

degrees in optics at UNM, an associate degree program at theCentral New Mexico Community College and a program forhigh school students at West Mesa High School in Albuquerque.

Guenther helped form the New Mexico Optics IndustryAssociation, and worked hard to build a career training lad-der for industry workers in New Mexico.

Guenther began work in New Mexico at Kirtland AirForce Base. When the first laser was demonstrated atKirtland in 1960, he was the only person at the basewith a background in optics. He went on to serve aschief scientist at the Air Force Weapons lab for morethan 15 years.

Guenther also worked as chief science advisor forthree New Mexico Governors, pushing them to developCenters of Excellence to shape technology developmentin the state. He was chairman of the InternationalCommission of Optics from 1999 to 2002, and was amember of the Russian Academy of Science. In addition,during his long career, he also held positions at the LosAlamos National Laboratory and Sandia NationalLaboratories.

Guenther is survived by his wife, two sisters, twodaughters and two grandchildren.

Art Guenther In MemoriumApril 26, 2007

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Membership Section

Over its thirty-year history, LEOShas evolved into a global profession-al society promoting the interestsand activities of a broad laser andelectro-optics community. Theinternational spread of journalauthors, conference activities, chap-ter development, award recipients,and volunteers at all levels in thesociety are testament to this globalrepresentation. This article docu-ments this globalization, reflects onthe recent trends, and highlights the

local initiatives that are enablingmember engagement in the globalsociety.

The international nature of LEOSis reflected first and foremost throughits membership. In 2006, while justover half of the members were locatedin the US and Canada (54% in theAmericas), the remaining proportionis near evenly split (23% each)between Europe and Mid-East Africa /Asia Pacific. The attractions for mem-bership in terms of dissemination,

recognition, and networking arenumerous [1], with the underpinningingredient being the internationalprestige which the Society has beenable to garner. LEOS journals arehighly respected, and this is evidencedthrough the high rankings achieved[2] as listed in table 1. Authors con-sider publications in LEOS journals tobe valuable markers in their trackrecord and a recognition of the impor-tance of their research. Since the qual-ity is recognized world wide, expertssubmitting manuscripts to LEOSjournals are based not only in theUnited States, but also in large num-bers from Canada, Europe, and Asia.Indeed corresponding authors foraccepted articles in 2006 originated inapproximate equal measure from thethree membership regions: Americas(30%), Europe / Mid-East Africa(32%), and Asia Pacific (36%) [3].

To reflect the needs of anincreasingly global technical com-munity, the LEOS Board ofGovernors (BoG) has been con-sciously working towards global-ization of the Society membership.The first of the most importantobservations made by the BoG hasbeen that globalization can only befacilitated with the help of activelocal volunteers. A second keyunderstanding is that the leader-ship structure of the Society shouldreflect the global interest shown init. An important step made by theBoG in 1996 was to install threeseparate vice-presidents (VPs) ofMembership for the Americas,Europe, and the Far East to replacethe previous unitary post of VP forInternational Affairs. These newVP positions are assigned to localvolunteers, and while regional VPsfor membership matters do not pro-vide a guarantee for successful

The Globalization of LEOSG.D. Khoe and K.A. Williams

Table 1: Rankings for LEOS journals in 2005 [2]:

Rank byImpactFactor

Journal Title TotalCites Articles Cited


14 IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 9796 200 >10.0

16 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics 4277 153 5.2

19 IEEE Photonics Technology Letter 1176 913 4.8

26 IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 8162 466 7

Figure 2: Proportion of senior-level volunteer posts within LEOS by region. Posts include themembers of the board of governors, officers, and editorial teams of the journals.




















ber o

f Pos


Europe, Mid-East, Africa

Asia & Pacific


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Membership Section (cont’d)

membership development, it is aformal recognition of the impor-tance of the globalization of mem-bership. A significant next step wasfor the Board of Governors to holdmeetings outside the US, with thefirst such meeting in Nice, Francein 2000. Until then, all BoG meet-ings had been held in the US, caus-ing a structural imbalance in thetravel expenses between the partic-ipating volunteers. A global spreadin the candidates has also been pur-sued for the annual elections andLEOS has now had three Presidentsfrom outside the US, namelyProfessors Ikegami (University ofAizu, Japan), Melchior (ETHZurich, Switzerland), and Khoe(Technical University ofEindhoven, the Netherlands) in1994, 1999, and 2003 respectivelywith Professor Marsh (University ofGlasgow, Scotland) now beingPresident Elect. Volunteering atthe senior levels of the society hasevolved with increasing numbers ofmembers from European and Asianregions participating in both socie-ty governance and on the editingteams of the technical journals.Figure 2 reflects the evolution byregion of such senior level volun-teering by highlighting the region-al affiliations of the officers, vicepresidents, BoG members, and thejournal editorial teams [4].

International seedsThe impact of the new structurewas soon visible, particularly inEurope, where a large number ofLEOS chapters were started withinthe space of just a few years. This isparticularly evident in figure 3,showing the number active chap-ters in the three membershipregions. The initial US-centricmembership has evolved steadilyto incorporate chapters in the AsiaPacific region, with a markedincrease in the number of European

and Asia Pacific chapters in thelast ten years. The European chap-ters have been particularly success-ful, with chapter of the year awardsin eight out of the last ten yearsand the largest membership

increases in seven of the last tenyears [5].

The number of chapters inEurope has now begun to stabilizeand the challenge for the LEOS lead-ership is to generate new forms of

Figure 4: Recipients of LEOS awards by region





















of R




Europe, Mid-East, AfricaAsia and PacificAmericas

Figure 3: Numbers of LEOS chapters in the three membership regions over thehistory of LEOS






1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006





of C



rsEurope, Mid-East, Africa

Asia & Pacific


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Membership Section

local nurseries for LEOS-relatedactivities. A way to proceed may beto encourage the start of more stu-dent chapters. The student chapterat Orlando pioneered this approachin 1996 [6], with California SanDiego, Novosibirsk State TechnicalUniversity, and Kharkov StateTechnical University following suitin 2000 and 2001. The Benelux areais a further example of how an activeLEOS chapter may be complement-ed by an active student chapter [7].The interest of students in theBenelux was gradually stimulatedby inviting students to join theboard of the chapter until 2004,when the students decided to formtheir own chapter.

International collaborationThe leadership of the Society hasalso recognized the importance ofcollaborations with other nationaland international organizationsactive in similar areas, especially inthe area of conferences. A well-known example is the Optical FiberConference (OFC), where LEOS hasa long-standing cooperation withthe Optical Society of America(OSA). In Europe, LEOS has joinedforces with both OSA and theEuropean Physical Society to organ-ize the biannual CLEO Europe. Anew collaboration was initiated in2006 with the European Conferenceon Optical Communication (ECOC)to include CLEO Focus Sessions inthe even years when CLEO Europeis not held, LEOS is also a technicalco-sponsor of ECOC and has beengradually improving its visibility atthis prime European event. Sincethe first LEOS participation inECOC in 1996 at Oslo, Norway, ithas become a tradition to have aLEOS Booth at a prominent placeduring the event, and since 2001, ithas become a regular feature to holdthe LEOS Workshop onEntrepreneurship on the Sunday

preceding the conference. Similarly,a LEOS Booth has been staffed atthe CLEO Europe conference sincethe 1998 meeting in Glasgow,Scotland. A conscious decision hasalso been made to hold the LEOSAnnual Meeting outside the US,requiring a close collaboration withlocal volunteers. These meetingshave been highly appreciated by thelocal membership. Until 2001, theLEOS annual meeting was held inthe US, but subsequent meetingshave been hosted in such geograph-ically diverse locations as Glasgow,Puerto Rico, Sydney, and Montreal.

Professional recognitionThe achievements of LEOS membershave been recognized though the pres-entation of awards over the last fourdecades. The number of awards pre-sented by LEOS has increased from thesingle Quantum Electronics Award inthe early eighties (with Prof Suematsuof the Tokyo Institute of Technologyachieving the award in 1982 as thefirst Asia Pacific recipient), to a muchbroader range of awards [5].Distinguished lecturer awards werestarted in 1984, and the WilliamStreifer Scientific Achievement Award,the Engineering Achievement Award,and the Distinguished Service Awardfollowed in 1991. More recently, theJohn Tyndall and Aron Kressel awardshave become annual features. As themembership has become more interna-tional, so have the award recipients.Figure 4 shows an increasingly inter-national proportion of award winners.In the first ten years, they were prima-rily from North America, but as thesociety has become more global, theAsia Pacific region accounted for 9%over the period 1987-1996, increasingto 14% over the period 1997-2006.Over the same periods, Europeanaward winners have accounted for 1%and 20% of the total, reflecting a sig-nificant engagement with the societyin recent years. However, these propor-

tions still fall short of those that mightbe anticipated simply from the geo-graphical distribution of the member-ship and the authorship of the society’sjournals.

ConclusionsLEOS global membership hasevolved considerably over the pastten years, with journal authors com-ing near equally from the three mem-bership regions. However, the mem-bership is still predominantly locatedin the Americas. The concerted effortby the BoG to globalize has led toincreased numbers of chapters in Asiaand Europe that are proving to beparticularly active. Increasing num-bers of European and Asian membersare also engaging at the senior levelsof the society, and the society as awhole is engaging more withInternational conferences and meet-ings. A lag still exists in the propor-tion of European and Asianresearchers being awarded the mostprestigious LEOS prizes, but thismay reflect reluctance in someregions to nominate colleagues.Overall, LEOS has evolved into atruly global professional society.

References[1] K. Matthews, “Membership in

US and South America”, LEOSNewsletter, June 2006

[2] Private communication, LindaMatarazzo at the LEOS office:Thomson Scientific rankingsfor titles in Electrical andElectronic Engineering for2005

[3] Private communication, LindaMatarazzo at the LEOS office: Areaof origin for the correspondingauthors for papers accepted in IEEELEOS journals in 2006. Journalsincluded are the Journal ofQuantum Electronics, PhotonicsTechnology Letters, Journal ofLightwave Technology and theJournal of Display Technology. The

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Membership Section (cont’d)

remaining percentage is ofunknown origin.

[4] LEOS Membership directoriesand journals

[5] Award recipients publishedon-line at http://www.i-leos.org/

[6] N.A. Riza, “Growth by empow-ering student members”, LEOSNewsletter, Feb 2005

[7] D. Geuzebroek, “Chapter high-lights: IEEE LEOS Benelux stu-dent chapter”, LEOS Newsletter,June 2005

G.D. Khoe received the degree ofElektrotechnisch Ingenieur, cum laude, fromthe Eindhoven University of Technology,Eindhoven, The Netherlands. In 1973 hemoved to the Philips Research Laboratories tostart research in the area of optical fiber com-munication systems. He was appointed fullprofessor at Eindhoven University ofTechnology in 1994 and is currently chair-man of the Department of TelecommunicationTechnology and Electromagnetics. He hasmore than 40 United States Patents and hasauthored and co-authored more than 300papers, invited papers and chapters in books.

His professional activities include a number ofjournal and conferences activities. He is alsoclosely involved in the Research Programs ofthe European Community and in Dutchnational research programs. He has served inthe IEEE/LEOS organisation as EuropeanRepresentative in the BoG, VP Finance &Administration, VP Membership, BoGElected Member, President and member of theExecutive Committee of the IEEE BeneluxSection. He was founder of the LEOS BeneluxChapter. He has been an IEEE Fellow since1991, OSA Fellow since 2006 and receivedthe MOC/GRIN award in 1997.

Benefits of IEEE Senior Membership

There are many benefits to becoming an IEEE Senior Member:• The professional recognition of your peers for technical and professional excellence• An attractive fine wood and bronze engraved Senior Member plaque to proudly display.• Up to $25 gift certificate toward one new Society membership.• A letter of commendation to your employer on the achievement of Senior member grade

(upon the request of the newly elected Senior Member.)• Announcement of elevation in Section/Society and/or local newsletters, newspapers and notices.• Eligibility to hold executive IEEE volunteer positions.• Can serve as Reference for Senior Member applicants.• Invited to be on the panel to review Senior Member applications.

The requirements to qualify for Senior Member elevation are, a candidate shall be an engineer, scientist, educator, technicalexecutive or originator in IEEE-designated fields. The candidate shall have been in professional practice for at least ten yearsand shall have shown significant performance over a period of at least five of those years.”To apply, the Senior Member application form is available in 3 formats: Online, downloadable, and electronic version. Formore information or to apply for Senior Membership, please see the IEEE Senior Member Program website:http://www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/md/smprogram.html

New Senior MembersThe following individuals were elevated to Senior Membership Grade thru April:

Walters K. ArnoldRaymond G.

BeausoleilChristopher A. BowerSrisakdi CharmonmanG. CincottiPaul A. CrumpAntonio D’AlessandroDennis J. Derickson

Sarah D. DodsJohn E. Epler Shanhui FanWei GaoMatthew S. GoodmanKazuo HagimotoAmr S. HelmyJ. H. HinesYing Hu

Olivier LouisJerphagnonThomas J. KarrSung J. KimUt-Va KocHongbing LeiRichard G. MadonnaTing MeiShigeru Nakagawa

Nobuhiko NishiyamaSusumu NodaU. OlinRudiger PaschottaSilvia M.

PietralungaParas PrasadJames J. Raftery, Jr.James A. Schlaffer

Vitor M. SchneiderJoseph E. SluzLeo H. SpiekmanJohn J. StankusRengarajan

SudharsananStephen J. SweeneyEdward W. TaylorYi-Ping Wang

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Conference Section

Conferences through 31 December 2007 For further information please see the LEOS conference calendar at www.ieee.org/leos

International Conference on Indium Phosphide Related Materials(IPRM 2007)Conference Dates:18-May-2007 to 21-May-2007Kunibiki Messe, Matsue, Shimane, JapanConference URL:http://www.iprm.jp/index.htmlConference E-mail:miya@pe.titech.ac.jp

High Speed Digital Workshop(HSD 2007)Conference Dates: 20-May-2007 to23-May-2007Eldorado Hotel, Sante Fe, NM USAConference URL:http://www.i-LEOS.orgConference E-mail:s.blodgett@ieee.org

Optical Data Storage Topical Meeting (ODS 2007)Conference Dates:20-May-2007 to 23-May-2007The Benson Hotel, Portland, OR USAConference URL:http://www.osa.org/meetings/topi-calmeetings/ods/default.aspxConference E-mail:kmirab@osa.org

Education & Trainingin Optics & Photonics

(ETOP 2007)Conference Dates:03-Jun-2007 to 05-Jun-2007Ottawa Convention Center, Ottawa,Ontario CanadaConference URL:http://www.opeta.ca/ETOP2007/index.htmConference E-mail:Marc.Nantel@oce-ontario.org

9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks(ICTON 2007)Conference Dates:01-Jul-2007 to 05-Jul-2007Ministero Rome, ItalyConference URL:http://www.itl.waw.pl/konf/icton/2007/Conference E-mail:marian.marciniak@ieee.org

12th OptoElectronics andCommunications Conference/16th International Conference on Integrates and Optical Fiber Communication (OECC/IOCC 2007)Conference Dates:09-Jul-2007 to 13-Jul-2007Ministero delle Comunicazioni, Rome, ItalyConference URL:www.i-LEOS.orgConference E-mail:hattori@ics-inc.co.jp

Summer Topicals 2007Conference Dates:23-Jul-2007 to 25-Jul-2007Embassy Suites Hotel Portland-Downtown, Portland, OR USAConference URL:www.i-LEOS.orgConference E-mail:m.hendrickx@ieee.org

2007 IEEE/LEOS InternationalConference on Optical MEMS and Their Applications(MEMS 2007)Conference Dates:12-Aug-2007 to 16-Aug-2007Hualien Farglory Hotel,Hualien, TaiwanConference URL:http://www.i-LEOS.orgConference E-mail:kcchan@mx.nthu.edu.tw

7th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Pac Rim 2007)Conference Dates:26-Aug-2007 to 31-Aug-2007COEX, Seoul, KoreaConference URL:http://www.i-LEOS.orgConference E-mail:byoungho@snu.ac.kr

th International Conferenceon Group IV Photonics (GFP 2007)Conference Dates:19-Sept-2007 to 21-Sept-2007Radisson Miyak Hotel,Tokyo, JapanConference URL:http://www.i-LEOS.orgConference E-mail:m.hendrickx@ieee.org

Avionics, Fiber-Optics PhotonicsConference (AVFOP 2007)Conference Dates: 02-Oct-2007 to 05-Oct-2007Ghe Fairmont Empress, Victoria, British Columbia, CanadaConference URL:http://www.i-leos.org/Conference E-mail:c.bluhm@ieee.org

IEEE LEOS 20th Annual Meeting(LEOS 2007)Conference Dates:21-Oct-2007 to 25-Oct-2007Wyndham Palace Resort & Spa, LakeBuena Vista, FL USAConference URL:http://www.i-LEOS.orgConference E-mail:leosconferences@ieee.org

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Call for Papers

Publication Section

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IEEE Lasers and Electro-OpticsSociety Newsletter

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Advertiser’s Index . . . . . . . . . . .Page #

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General Photonics . . . . . . . . . . . CVR4

LEOS Mission StatementLEOS shall advance the interests of its mem-bers and the laser, optoelectronics, and pho-tonics professional community by:• providing opportunities for informa-

tion exchange, continuing education,and professional growth;

• publishing journals, sponsoring con-ferences, and supporting local chapterand student activities;

• formally recognizing the professionalcontributions of members;

• representing the laser, optoelectronics,and photonics community and servingas its advocate within the IEEE, thebroader scientific and technical com-munity, and society at large.

LEOS Field of InterestThe Field of Interest of the Society shall belasers, optical devices, optical fibers, andassociated lightwave technology and theirapplications in systems and subsystems inwhich quantum electronic devices are keyelements. The Society is concerned with theresearch, development, design, manufac-ture, and applications of materials, devicesand systems, and with the various scientificand technological activities which con-tribute to the useful expansion of the fieldof quantum electronics and applications.

The Society shall aid in promoting closecooperation with other IEEE groups andsocieties in the form of joint publications,sponsorship of meetings, and other forms ofinformation exchange. Appropriate cooper-ative efforts will also be undertaken withnon-IEEE societies.

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