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iiipftPiiir*"toy $ >v vy3 q^ J^ ¦¦?¦

oí. XXIII. «.««'s0' 6.954. NEW-YORK. SATURDAY, JULY l8, 1863. PRICK THREE CENTS.

wv ¡mci m chirlestoNs


The Grand Attack Wa3 to Take Placeon the 14th.. ?

Tremerdous Powei to bo Broigl. to Bear.PliilAni:! i-iiiA. KriJay, .lily 17. 18o1

It is »ladenwod, a $ an bority, thal ibe Qov«tram -.¦¦¦. ttam Gea. Brae

rmii-1 1 ¦¦ I 1 Cn the raptare of Ckarleetoa eathe

Nib ¡1,1-t.Tit I i* roftkiocitj kaitkefollowingpoelod

ou it* balk iii board:.. lafonaati-on intuí Washing-tow, reewrad here,

le.n ^ *».. baiiei that Ckarlosioa irai captaredoaIke l-b

| »:i . .' ». .- Il M f UoWli" Geeeral Boeiiregard bai evacuated and kami

(' -'. Ii."'li ii» Iii! liBleweBl te tali io luve ron f vin Chut

tai»».. ».

Al: 'ii 11 bet i^ reported to bara told !''.* ito «..

i n >a iriJuy. lalyir. 1A le"ei *n Tit Brarta Hun.A. .mud ii 1 barlee»

ti».. .' raye tke pnad an,¡ leal attaekwnthe 1th. 1 ....

F.irv.i ne is 1 <>v\- working well b» ¦. M rrisli!ni 1 tooan. Cbarleaon una the fbsta hm .¦.¦.

].''¦ K'.vt ima slade ead Ifteea gan«T. ,- :-.:.»,¦

f1 le, and ibe Kew In lidee, will eorae oear ti i

b». night at I wah rkree non irao»cladsvu,1 irri-i ¦!!. 8 .\ und red fresh Bara

:». 1 hare armedBali »keei j S lei '. --¦ n»s

.M - l- ai i j tra ; s, a ill ia

patt ni ike ouherdaietf of Be.m-

Ilfim 4BM1 of r 11:: potosi it..m

lin- ii» tir-i Anuí ¦rarann bet«. iht Walo¡unit »linair ti i»li'.1 It» ll.iii 1. 011 *liin>

»lit» Ilia I 01 J'* < oniiiiiniili ra «ai't.

Aifiiinai ii 'ti Hid Will Waitan lassmii 111 la It Tiir- Ali») Keilli«! c til.

FU 'i. la'Ll l»| »C1 a, l ,,l,<.-t> ..

H » -," T au

r.- ti ..' Lee ':¦¦ i -i n.a-.i - ..1 1ron«

rafthePotea a ireaebedGea. Meade, raen

la kara keaa trae. Neveitkelen, ike Beael itmy¡a-i- -..*...* ¦ Ike 1..- r.

»¦'. a' tijw»r!. sâd m mt- dark and raiaol loot n _-'..! tks wko s

arrii\ waaw ted aerosi ¦.¦¦ * k y- i <¦

c< ¡1-i .'.-»! at? ,.'.:, k ktit Bight] and «' 7 t!»i«Bseroiag iii« r»-nr ¡piard nari »bed otra Ihi bridge,A lew straggler» and norelirred ] reiegatb

ertrd 11, bj KjT|ietrkk'o Cavalry. Bejood this ut>-

;l m a - 1 Inn I.w ... ¦- »..... sa irt, »¦ was ¡ir«»l m fron Ike» . a nilli .. .vu.

h. II« ade 1< . 1 -.'i-'ii f Lee'ss-ii ... *¦ day, .. intake nu attii» »

raenj.1 a. the Am of lb»

Y -. r ordere. A week an- -. bad 1 ,ip-» »'.

¦. 11ti. íb Nortb 1 andina,

Wa 1..,.,, v menta I... ''i

mm and ti t '

ab(.;-». Bal 'inlyof baitm 1 « vi taltra ii- wea,M.,1 |. I. .Vi ¦...

ma » ». nndm I ..! ti li ' ni<-»

see ».the eon tad, ihe argie« l rael1.1 Qi

wa.- : . equal. Tbatx-,, ...... », i ras stih. - I 1 1 .reUla, si s king tarty u

mort a anny. In «kaii » .','»¦ ".Otoaa in eon I hi, Coria < BrigWada-,M .. »- I 1 MCoq*; MIl a


Co.«; - \1 -li»- 1

i.« 1. Wama,C'Biei ; ....-¦.-. and l.r .'.->..Hunt, Chief of -Artillery. Inr Oeeaial li»;cara befen bk edvison an«! announced bimwli kifavor »if iirSiinl jaa ibe eaee y » w»»ik« ea tiomhaj¦oraingat daylight» Attcr Batan eeasstferaiioa,wbKl ia -1 he ftrain i-art o¡ Ike eight, »raYuin,,* i* vv.ts to Hid Ui« i-'ini.i. il »t'ioil three 111 un m

of, ai» .j-iei; Hii-aiiisl uiakiiiK ll»e at'.a< k.1. Meade, therefore, acoordiag to tke eery de»

ci led a .' Mi-», aben I wed '»is ialaatloa <;f allanpt«ÍD|f la (arrv lin BMaia r ¡ nit» u, and n'ierinliir»! lu

await ine arrivai -i »«eBfon suents wbkb he kaewwrr- io-..iiig ay, ^nd in lw» üays would lu- rtlle t»»v»i!i blas.

It >:e will donlitlrfs be m'i'-h rensnie heaped on

Ikaboweeraaandnfer kavràg tkra délayée!, ii.«eoanry ikoagkl rali "i " annihifetioB, " ro.i.-

ing, r'-baggiag" I.a*es amy. luu was Iheboya and v. -ii »,t atttty loyal niin. Hopes aii'i

-witha-s, owever, do !.<»i win vi-tmi»-». l/«'Ug an»!

fai^nii./ wankae, dirían-!»rei ding toil, mire

no ia »' »nu lerriiile sUu^mt-r, are Hie OBInara pud tor titi i. Wbeiker it wera better tkall&.UOO 01 Trtfltii loyal inrii Bhoald tit deed ai da*randsd -ra ths bighie of WUlianepnty and la«-e'.ariiíjr -,,-j alny üv-lettl-cd, or l',»i« tbl t-iii-üiV |ko likara nseprd to be mata eaaoeeefalir, ead al »fea»eral it >a'.»;<) m nun etkn plan, u nrañfa] peoplewill dseide.

i-r-tt-niay the army »»its stronger then it wa. tin-day t»»t»»r»-; adeykisotreagei ibu il une tai «¦

-dm, aadlo worruw H will be itioagereUll. Jaot ofldally aaneearad, bal u li wall BBdamoodtrat lhal .»e.-i. Meade will i.ut shea ion ihe jiur»uit,nor will lie pióse« nie a Unly vi ate.

1 be otin|>«i«ii has vhi-iig«d Oin Ibe tam "ne willbe tig rii'is and jiro.i.jt. ¡The emin«, bur not gi ..»

aaDuiosbed; the iiiva»i»,ii if ended ead lortheilaMbeing, .. Waebiaftoa is saír." lae ehaafse ia the\Neal, too, will 11..ike adi!li-n*i.» a», 1. .,1 theoi mu,il«ol (iiaiii uno K'.st/cini.« wi \. m-ite.'iulv iiil«*» »

¦oreineats ia the t.ort. ii » »aadwiekn lav»been dmapeiated, bul a« 1 thinji w-oaid baw.been ihe defeat of an army j. n. ,.

The i:«iiij». of I. a knut «.uni lllanp-po 1 m m. m al the Aim» Who i« io¦taara!

PlVUiOut tiye . Lvntipo: i!-r t

I 1 » nthir K, July 16, 1863.As eur' us last *»aiurdiv/ morning I tefegrapked

Tin. ii 1.0BB fioui her«, iLiat ike Bobele tad abridge al Walling Watei1!.that his înliaiiiiy WMnutt-».,¡, i.» 1 &i WiiiiauiDfioii, hm ia ita knee ahoeoenj of the nvei »»¡¡,. .-it»- Ikeakoveraarasd plaladtkai la'-e was Badoaktadly prepariag bia «rapeu ibat bmmmdIi -My dispatfb wan baasdapoB tks»ftaieii.enis of a laaraMd ti l\m rieiaity, wko badjust retí lied OoaokOlO with his fumily, lertimg Qaa.raanVi "..»in mjht asea kkntriiainig l^e would in-

volve »Unaalf and hflúlj .u j I.!. The fuit turnsout io be nw Ueiy -it I laiempked, andas pablistu ito ShtunJay e-rening's Inm ii* a, and enlar^ciupon ni ivrially lu Moaday 11,ni nuil«'« jiaper.ine ciiagiiii lind diBUj'i "iiiliii-ein ol BV .¡my \t

UtOri keenly fell, and by nono iiioiu bo Itaa by it»

t_.aader. Iiist..««, te eríaüoate wad n-old, and»Ptr¡BB tin one au'l thal oin; blaim« tor li"lsooni-r aii(/»(<ii / 1^. bul it is ijuiie probuble thal¦bail our 1ü¡i*b ' newsd BfBi Un- t-neiuy s Works' atthe Lui j,osait»tc uioinini, ilie result would mt J.avub*titu, tpty materially O-broni. Lee woald ia aajerent afier Bataiday Banlag last baie gol in 1 ramilli bis army, and ihe best we con Id have tapedlor would have been to have hairnaned Ins nar tuni.OnaM natarad . grealer numil, r .t ina men. ItI« due io Ot-i,. M.-a-ii«, kowern, tanuy Ita! mini di-Meiy on i-oming ap, ko pamwelly ferared openingiLe muh <it ean aad talga, but out oi¦.fenaeete «eveial «bl« Corra Coe*anaden beWaixoi kit otu o«tt«( |udgi_«ut. Lie, does not

ri .¡m Bay fM'iiii'i»»ii Cross Ita ju*i trapera««j1'iliiv of bis »action, lowever, ead -nil »tai thermilideutf» of hk olí rrsii I men onahated. Never»i«ii«-", tin i- li i"> dkgaiaing or eoveriaa ap Ibe¡in -i. j »»iir army i» i It lint n baa |, ni ti day.aadelmon attained m torr) ead nea reel this Bonki-ii'iy i»i ii utdy th»,ii Ora. tiempo, himself, wlm bram r, tied i« men np to the ti rge * p| ys-toel *¦ r=. 111

iiin-i'. li lhere be ml blame i" attara aaywkere,it will be at.ita heads of thora who (if it abellbi> toand mai ;,i\» aegleeted ooeol the plainestsuggestions ol oomaraa rann, ia havinga toree oa

:». s »lilli »ade ol Ihe l'i>.MU to i,,i,lunn l.i-i»,« iii« »..-ii. Moi le a-.- nit- hu ¦<¦ n-. It 1« mool too«

,'\ inserted bj oot unlit rj mea thal we baveMa h »i l-l» B, I'll! I C iiiiint ti-., i- ti in gi !ir»rnl itii|ui\-M"ii la un", mort- Ml li.»ii uni li-'. liv I bun ',.it n M n«»lmi. (».»-i d lill M nu hi- »'ii,,, ii ii y eiii'iii;ii m in.» Inni". lum iii i»» .:ivc suffered such e pall:«''''" Begin '. Im -' davontly pntj thal so reasonable au e* pet-toLu "ii the par »of any one amy ara tara eat in itaeini t»> have been bal aaotber raw of "mkpkcedCt lili'» «',¦ It llf :, a ! »ii .. a» h a-ln nut »i »! ¦

.. exktoattaa itkaideefl i Potowue, readyto »i - ¦. ii s mirani "i I. s '»« I: i> ml, j mi m iv

apon it, U ore the wt-ek eods, there will beia i »i n» the li.-i ¦» inn-, ol Virginia. It I..I»-

», it ij iiate - .< -i nidi« i .ii be inn 11 aptcd In SM baanM rOSiral, j li ut.

i .ire "! ti»»« New«! i., i. ope tor n len-

daye* furlough, to go Lome ead charge u(»"ii ii,»-tera y lu ti» ai i« '¦' »lateara. Do the poor.At--.- i ara .' tug, beaiiug, and maimingnek hi 'I woun led so ¦::¦ .a lu yow i-lirt-t* und han«;la. Hi- » ,'. »I \ ,» al is id »ii ¡ii ii-t, I li i ni» !nr n in.»-

ii « ni what a ti» ni ii retribaiioa tney «ra »provi« I» ,. . »-ii, i, I li. un! me rrmu -

It»i ih». :. i. \i, lin« .it oiben'» .rr I lo III O I. I: MU lag !.» ItOI

i.-.. utiuuallj in.-it».1 tiiem lo thara waatoa an»*.

o wurdi* a :» ol bru ilny. Bl i\.m

(»iii. touiir« ii." j- >t-tt-*ti» i. ti i,i m

til Ililli I*. SI.»; ¡ t (.a.I'. IO lill' Warnlanac Dearrved PrwwssrtMw of t mn.Until ¡tuilioiiil Id ¡mir».

b1ii.» narau .-«. w -»li. «-,:,» imv IJ lue.»

.\- n »ii ¦¦¦¦ Qa»n. Cow learned »it the erooeiag "t

- i... departmsaiii, toort i"i a ,.i»i a. ble dkj ah b.

i. i si» ni a traopeoaabe wed lo great advaatafi. irdeof the I ..'a... Meade ¦

.ii ...i ¡. .*:»!. . '»!.i-The New-Yorh troops will be seal boan. Tin

.» will »be i.< ,i m «i-i vi. .. nniiiin. ra i» ae IartI i-i .-«¦ for m» m » ¦ ti»»- Hotraara,

t;.»v. c u:in goes i H i .» ii. li ti... \ .;. .. ti. ¡... ., itof ita tro ipi ra « i -n a« die«Ill Li »'.

i- - ritiaera of ti C V itiy I te ii.. t > I :,

II ly gOlM I'm k In Illili".i i w H. i »m »i mr 1»! ti. .. Cava1!», bas

by ( ."i. i Hin,.« "i j nan ,i» . ..i

8 »it nrvi .. 11. -.. ». known »l-,-m. m».; m Mwa«rad daiiag n»«- neeraii. i. ney.

I.the ( '. Ik* I: ii]ned»t. ill i n I Ii will ra»

.I uri* a monta - inn"- i» r the llagara-toa«.. - I . I

Ile fullest t ill ibe matt-rial:.'!-.-. i, ii - || « \,

t crowded wi it bäum te,lil mmpotanli inspsarti d

during :' re neu ps .I is not,i l. K. M Clue

miara .¦ til wa t, ora i bita peon ol Poooayls M M lan seiia ni- p« e Aim un 'i i'»"-! lo

Bl l' ¦¦ a

wishes tor *U?

I' » am» ilia V a Wtii. If. Oa S lit Ion Hilo

.I ii r» nuil I ilatil.on ni I'i nu.» 11 ii-

milli» 1 S . r i a lil« lio. l.iglii-ii ii KiiHrn tal Ibi Kianinni.'., .-.-'. ...

is i »». MA, lol* 14.1tt ....'¦'

1er, we have t

realms -.

»,f thal Blata, with « í a i, waa i

.... l :» suma individuak in it wkoseam to appreciate tbe fe thal we I «ve lebftahle kenn tor tin porpraooi eei eiag in drivingu.e '-n<-!: y t.-"iu »theil »»»ii ami evi.' lb« Potonae, bal

: ú ( :, ii. a« fuir sub-ia is f»r «.j. ilati o. ht m lbs Mortli in i-i erg 'i réagit lo li .. tornen on Ita I ordei iiwratke »»ii,«-. sixty» iwo »nan toe a pair ed oomii.un ru!!..ii leeka, «A.ill,, pntapo. -.'., «t-n'aj and

,.i, ... in the capital of euck a State as Penna*I«vu,,i.i, ..ii rentr foi B loaf of .' n I, iits a | len-f».r eggs, '-i t-i»"i foi ¡i le »abo n l In ..* muara,ead oUtarthings io proportion i »ir»»:i»ii » mc strang«aaglect oa eilan ihe i>mi ..! »ita auifot Peoaeyl«rauia, w i tit- Ueoerel Uoverontent, oely akoat nae«third rations wen isoood eu »Ike »nea wen forcedla pay wah oxiorttoauM »prion, or iterve. I have-rou Un-» i"l'iii»n K»i Im IWOaty«tWO ions» tin ni-

hi'urs (twelve ol ii.r:n nanbiag) oa tnree "hardita» k ' uni a cap of "»ii«-«, lett notenough to bnekenera any »ei "i m»-i mon especially law eera,freak toon all tke euntoneof atanal I bave to

complained ol tins before, beraura, wkile creasinglue ii '» niit iiu« mil« was an ex» us Ita BBmIjliaira »soald im! '"nu ni. líiii tor me nal weet wi

have bean marching i roagb the brtOe valleys ol

Pennsylvania end Maryland, and »Ita impraraioa israpidly gaining groand aaamg Ita tayalkal sera

BM then grapkic Isngeefe "ii making albig thing ol u. My owa mira hae beea »veil pro«viood «Min funds, bal we bave bera alaraB »tai vi-1«t unie. 1 tave BMtfttad atong mo the aightofton,«tier baviag Oaten nu'nina' »inn* II in tne lint,whan it ».¦» ni»- a- ii 1 men »dab lo Ita emin from... ,, ... ... scores did and throw mynlf oa the¡¿m m»I, when we did Snail* bait, completely worn

un'. I,r»itk!.irt whs rum» uni,»¿ WS knew nothingol, »aiilen the pHlanra we neeáved w llo'eloea

ihm aame. Owce ia ¦ wbih io n

l. .... forjgei would | wsoahkwaj lobkregimenti staggering under Um W-eigbtoi two or Ibneloamof bread, and mhny h liaw have] r"-u SSeeotsidnredfoi lAu.-l,.'--. fromooed Itara It win nut

t»,. I, di tim ompany ra roginei lal »sommaitders,,). \». ei ¦¦ .-i, i., y powerkee to reesedy the evU.

il.« hebn« of the different rafirawu aeran to hetiiatni anv time ttay ara tvillraf toreepoad to Itai.annul Uovorameoti requieltlea t"r iroope, balt. e» will not stn m» lack again to rave each aa infernel mean S ate a.- P« uustlvaaia.

rta eoeotry tkroogh whkb we bava traveled k a

magnifleeat ooe, ¦ perfeel lueurasioa sd wavksg.m,, .ii .uni i-uní »lane. Ita face of ita eeaatiy m«..iv uni! ui iii lg, Bl '1 li li* '¦'¦, Itaodiin ou an t-iii.-

li» nu-, uni lookiug »il'uvir toe broadezpease. issap«rb.the waving ti'-ii* befne ead oa eitbei ndsnt ii«, ihe hine inlnniii WlaOttg Us \miv Ihroagb it,ia u.¡my a siaaora raapa, ami Ita white wagoaa«tren lung lui away ia the rael Wa eecanpea oaHundas ai Capetown, Maryland, and walla thereWere overlakeii bl a m"iit ten'li» t IhiikI'r stnriii.

I'uiiii| ihe bight "t ti"- Marm the Ufhlaiog serai k a

ina un» ¡t i wiucii mom m .mi" i« ot ita Suth (Brook¬lyn! Hrgimenl win stawliug, inataatly killing doheHonman, rasldlnn in Eleventh street, New-fork( wy, iimi partially paralysing Hylveeter Comu lugs,li» my Newtoo, David Uauneger, «ml Ttataaev\, all ed -Uonpoay 1 "I lae akora ngiment.VVe an bow ein bo ped in-ar Boooaboro, aurroanded

I hy heavy murnea ed l.'iimii Iroooe, but thenm« e» ii,nur ranon of wkai ih le be aoao, all eqaal«ly uiiii'UHlwoilliy, 1 lelinin h«ui «¡i. u,gt m >.

1 think you may l<-«ok lui us about Sunday.A Mi «4BUI nh i n.Ml-.lNY ('

,llu»rmima til *Ior|sn'a Ita lu I Parera.I tai i.iMil, .¦ .«i daly 17, tig J

Monaa'i Bokal Iönm pgggai mru'igh PkkatewByetttiday gftanooa, g"iug in the direction of J«ik

sum He ia «vidently mnl.iug for ti.o river, ria

Pomeroy ur Ualliuivlie.

THE RIOT.Quiet Roistored and Business Resumed


Gen. Canby Supersedes Geii. HarveyBrown.

.- epr.--



¦IICIlLAIIlbVl I I I* n a.

-ieetin**; r.t the Archiépiscopal Residcnc-,


Folico and military Ordered IVot to


tbt riotStS, uf!« r t!ie ter: Ibis paaiabflMBl ibe] I-

ii-ii.ed 1,11 ThandayM Iba ksadi al the military,ral ».Jed darli g :'.. eight, ti «¦ sala body diap. rail asad i-tiiii-- to h n 1. .¦ ¦. Mumban M them,fat anser, la gssgi ,,f ir..iu thies to Ire reaaadthtoilgh titty Itree« m the city xre¡ when therewat a j--t-r-.î, attacking Indiieri aatelj wuil-dreaaed pen a wtaas Ifcsj Inatd akraad, 1rs?! "1 king do.v n tkeil va -i::.», ikw ke ItiBf uni nb<

" em.

i'i.'¦.»». aal tbUrrs bl«., t k adrsBtafi of tbtJ polka fa ' 'set

Bad heated (he eta] ia assnk of pisada. Eesrj.",it i,i wkiek it Wa

I a | ard« I fay mi., ui 1 «I .¦ .

iel aide ol* tk« rea andnat 1 Mit

e ',': u! : «j ¦, -er- vi. rt 11 -t BWB

a! .r ::, .......

and renos I v a. roe peaths bes« i., agisaaahas 1 .,

g of m iritj 1 Bar < ». An laka ><'.t. - ,:i.r,| o, .- t .. i. ¡er theB of the I lit j

.1 ¡. rd ! ti ; . J-t .. I. !..

I 1 V . the art. ii-.


feeling WM el

try. I,. - ». «.«

«t-.!. 11 :. -.


ra at night < »

¡nar i-y. Maay kari » rib« ranas tor waa1 1. Seed hese Mied (

their rooan wtak »tone» ra 1 brit '«-

About S .. In » tester.U» ii Btaiagi «- « «| :. .1 .huII. Howell, ef the 3d M. T. Art-let] I v., wa«

Bp 'V .*¦< rsatb nv. Baa t" i itjnreet, m hu ¡.i»v».:.« eerriegs, t" traaiae lbsMfedneedaj leesasst sell i a »/ tag at ais "t e ghiof tba rioters, any ins his uniform, < ned oot, '. then -

«: e labu * ho nd on n kara; rat's I » bia.

ii.- oatory wbisk they aade »»o-'it awalladtkslowd lo »! Ill] who at oin I lau le a lili li-ioli

the m toy, Irred the di iver to MSB. I a|-nu u li. drew bia i'.. riser, aad told ti t drina toM.rn down I i.nly-liirl nie.-! at BOO, a he WSBM»hoot him. 'lie in.! t | t' i the tair.u,'

breakbigtbswJadswssadpaaetat Oaast then..»du« «trin I« an ..hi v, ..n,I io tia. Captain, aide, per«a,./.iig lol bim f. r a lew u.on., m». Ta« dnver-lu . d on a gallop Bl dire« ted, lia) ci.-wd, Willi

tell* and ii.out», pSBBBBg tbs gsfatols. Gap.II. tired Ha aksto from tie lu.'U windonof the ..uiriiige into the lui!»*, of the tiotvl.

saptyiog hi« revolve;, vviii. li hud t no eliotol balling the Bob until thu BBirtagB |0btv ..lal tl.t-ir reach. He i- anal It to ray poeitii el]win any one wa» »illud, altkoBgh kg »aw tbtBob beal ¡ig awa. one of munter. One "t

IBS rioter« WBO Bttoaptod to eliiiib in at lin- '.t iii-

dow ¡"it hi» hold an I wa» run t.ver.

Capis Howell waa the ladigaarioa at Iba rielerain thal distill'! fa] tiring SpSB timm, "li tVudin-iihiviiioriiiiik', With the 8th l.egiliici.t Artillery,ef vvhuh he had c iiiitiiiiinl. Be lays thalthe story riri ulatel by '/''. /'», , .Vthal be tired into I'll ii li .. li» «Ttwd ol

worn n aad li Mi »'«i u an " ia/aaesi lit, and thatlh« I .. Is ure an follow 'I he tioojj airier "inman.I'.! li. ii. I» "Le and ( '¦ !. Mott prsSBSdsd "D Wet-OBday moriniig, at daylight, l>« I htrty second street,where tba noten -.?..« haiiging colored men and»hi i«,iig booem. Mo lera tuan ikraa tagrasa had al*

teiidy been killed by the rioter» when the foi co

Bl-lrsd BpOB tbt BraBBdj the lilelfss body of «Hie

of ike Bogrooa waa «ral down hy Csloasl MoM Manself, Willi hil »wold. Th» h|¡ieiilbil to be lb«

rigiiul for lim liston IS « "lumen, g their utt.i, k uji'iiibalroapa with Moaea, brirkksM and »lung rica».

Csloael Mott then orden- I Cut tam llotvoll to bum;m | n a o into bsttsrj at the asara M I Mity raeoad,

»ti« et and S.-v« nth avenue, but he was only gasklo «lo io by the ail ol the iiil.nilry and cavalry, who

charged down the street with IiJ'-d bat oust und

draws siihresdrirag lhi iaaargsslg »» 'sr a» possible,Cbj.t. II. ui this time gpprsasfasd lh» mob iiloiie andaaiaad Ikan to dhpsns,st he » lire apee Itin m vvi:h gISpa and ''»¡inter »hot. (.nlietulDedft und (dolí'I Mott did tho »aii.«* S.

otk« |.nis of th«' Mraet anl srsaaa. Ibas mm«

lissa tv tue »apeale i y girea, snd ii wsg sol until ita«lOieiH lint! nilli, d and u,; u a nit.n kid the militarywilli Meats, alni mudo u nilli to tliko the idon», thal

Cii| tullí II. guv«) the command lu lim, About BStflii di MB round» ol grape and cuiiialer were then BlSdia «bru«-el, wbii h ». kui IsSISd (bo »dent. The

tliry not» broke into column, mid marclied over the

diriiiil, nriesliiig u lurg«) iiumber of the rioters, who

wero locked nil in lint station bMMSta ami s"*"1 .«-*

thu military had left the icena of atliou, the IiicleBSj

bodiei of the negroes were taken in hand by themob an«! again gBBBMSBd to the lump-no. tt.

Captain Howell is itntiBBSd at Xewhern, N. C,and lit.«) attfl borne on a furlough. He wai at thetime the riot commenced enjroute for hil battery,and wes dstained here by order of GeneralWo.iland | laced in gaSBBBgd of two baiieties of artillery.Heil now BMfaM on QsBSntJ lae.e's Staff, hutBBI es to be relieved to-day, wie n he will proceed at

SBM to hi» command, dp'.. II. wa» formerly Lieu-Isasal Is Cri Ballay'aralebnra*] Artillery, and wa«

jWSBSSS- StMr Oik», willie CsL H. fell. Uponrecovering f.,111 his WOSB I" lie wus promoted to S

('i.ptaiuiy in (he Third Artillery, and ma le Chief efArtilleiy on (len. N'egiey's »!_!.'. Ile pas>ed withth,i c ia :,ii ihroagk hi» eaapalgaa in North midBoatk Cuioliiia, and upon ('. ti. «f. relieved fayQSB. Hunter lu- wu» returned to the gSSBBBSd I ¡»

t. .ii ti¦' Third \ itiib ry, win. li he now ho''!».«in.. Muir.

Tkerioten karo »worn rsagaaace BgaiaM Col.

Meit, nilli an- (they ray) Jetairaised i" ksvt hi* lite.(»:i Ii.-ii'tl y it.. ni Bg, vv I i l | rating down Mthe an ion"» ¡n u earriage, he nat atoasd ead Undupon, one of the »hoir, lansing through the cushion

II). I) Vii..eli he WM relit«"«!. He Cr. Ilpili III by It

Ililli., le.'.I V I HI I»! AM» « ia, III I»».I

Ittttli oi thoa ofltoen bara abo wea ttaelion "i til.- n."h foi t'ieir «s. ni a..m« aflfrta in ,¡ lalliagth.* not. c. n. !.. tliie waa -oiiiii-riy Chief st Artil-lery on Can. Potter*! »

(.: N. llltnMN UTI II g1 I».ga r«M b, t ait n

(»i i Ii "'"¦ IV ui" to iartra lioat baa the- . '.v.r : lan .!,«¦ «1 iel.¦« ii «« iii* ci nu Ihs Li ait ti Sisan It -.t .u ti .. u j an J liarttor ul Na«. ,. a

la p-rtlni f/ an th» Ireat.t .f ii St ni'it.1 in th» halb r

i« _ ma io Bastees* ina amma! their asl/enal*) t»"' Bat. : . fas . .¦ t ir;,«'»i» from th-«* uf lila

r. «1,1 In lae ut, *»,t..t. ,i lilt t»«t.u.'in« ef

«lair «f » a» in.l i«>;.i;«rlT I-, ort a.-

. li.-. na I ''¦ -ti- ttir

. . «lester Busts I .tri-.

r 'h n, im tosas, .

ut 1 .» II..«' If . » *,. ... I !'.«l Ita).-«.lui.

Ia not ... . .....'. t ».i r, i I bl

- - . mm i ra,., ) rm laieti n.d .,! p¡oy» ". j .i at >?.« mai k hsi '¦-« :¦ '»r .'

i»it. li Lit beni lernet.» »i. I .!».. I. ti., .n J with

tobn B N «t ,n I« ii j», «utrea«.!.J »

i | . ¦, « fast »' ¦ «'*i « lan « of árasBssesM b.i bl ¦¦¦..

Bid»! lit u!,.«.»»!ioa.. Ul I .u II ti til |> t .. -.t '» a- d TlTi-iTr.'.

ill »»lierai bl te 1-r. I'., i. ( i h.t tit. I '.(


I'.. . I ' i .'¦ . -T» » Ir. ». sr:, ¡n loi li «J.l'r. J ¦.«¦-. .-»i « .»*..r». Ihs i'i.ti »4» '¦'.

¦. l»'n. si. ¦ Bl Um i'. m t'r;»it'.r. » ».Sir»..

.* ..»... ii, I 11 n ».* ir »e »

: r ¦..«.. ... .i ü i- . gan»¦i... i . .:..». s li.»ir k1: tlo»M lit Li

liitt»V- N, liri,.

«I V. « «.MU taSI Ml - « "MM V«?l>.(;..'. Caoby hes sssaasd waaaat" of the troop»

,m «I « depart rat,and bat e«;«i,ii»!i.-ti fafaj he«.!-- t e i- iu-., latiste, M 988 Mul¬

ti - Btteadi i !'» Aaafasaal \ )t>«IsssdM« I.» » - K ,, A. I». C

J ..tara in tie I ye» »


ii». ».. r Petrea SratasT .

t « ¦.. . « li I I li I l-l «

¦ . .

.si .1

... .«.--. .-l

... . .. ; .. ¦

.' .

. ', »t» . . ,

« ». I | .I I r,

I'l,..'..' r . r . ¦ a .

.,'. -. a '..*). r , |, » ,a

. . . 1 .... .

t r .,,... | ».

- »r: '.¦ * ... »

.» . sr a I a leal » s .'.at.

«Leali*. ,' .ii, !,'.. -...»..'iiii

A. . J r «<. » I'l ...

. :. s . . user, twl. . f tb«ir dut) »nJ

aysBj I.! i »o ». E- B. g CAN

V I' ».st«. A A OI..»«l*i. B Kim M«,, r anti A II I

I Hi. IK< lilli . tt* »f 't VII I its.«II ..... ¦, - «..*» j

. » " . » B or Net»-1 I, July j(»«ira. S .- i.e .. u. .' rat . .iii g

-.- ,.a * || a: c « itt.r.i, ( at :. .*

., r .,,,.»,. i, .. . i ._».

liai» -r .¦ '...,.. «'

sr'. a,«!, «at ida.ui ..

'.- lag etea eei - st li»«*ituo.i.i Kui Um »RSI AN il Y.

A I'.!..« V 1.1,1i ii «tero mi.allant gil B to the

in.I.tar) and pollen.i.l.V. B. K. .«?. ( INIIY.

i..ii. Conby, who raUsrsa Qsn. Browafrsratbaeoaasad of tas city, sa nell se ti ibe harbor de*I. Ml « N'- I - >. W l» bile lil it'lnlllilld tlf th''

Itopsrtaaat of New-.Mi-.ii-o, where he wea kigfal,11 1.1 NilU. «I'll. EdWVd RiC '«rd Sjllgg ('illa!.'

wa» I'orii iu Ike Si.ile ot Ki nil. By, and enter, li.e

Military Academy ia tbs yeer 1 *m\ Da i? ki tv-ei.

tony and fo|iy-!ive vnuia ul age. He gru Justed on

the itdlh dal "f June. 183 '¦

He wes praawted oa ibe Irt of .lulv, 119., ta therank of ikeioud li.-utcii nt ol ihe M United S'u'.e»

Iiiiuuir) uial .ii li.e I8tk of Jinn, 1838, waa lui -

tin r proa 'led to iha tir.i lieolsasw y- Dorieg thatyear be Bald tke lagtaaaal adjstaasy, and on theui..! Hank, 1847, waa appofaiisd mb aaiataal adjabratsgl Baal, a Ilk the brevet rank of captaiu on lite»i'iti. II* wa» breeeted trajo, la Augutint, I8t », «nil men >iioii» .'induit ill tin) battle» ol

Contrent ami Cbsmbaeeo, la Msrlra, and was

lil«., ii lill.,..ii rthed in the ball le of Cerro (ioldo. Till»hr-vt raak fated baa Aag. l8, 1847.

In Marah, 18.1, ha ara fkiifca brarstsd s i'..loi. i foi galiauteoadseteltke Beleagstolha biev.t iiiinii.; iioinSi.piei.ii.ei 13, i*»ir. ile toddthese ranks while iii thu Ad|iitaut.(ienetiil s Depart*lii. i,t. In «liiiif, I".ii, h« wai promoted to th.- fullia k .» Cáptala al lae M Called Btalea latoatry,ead n-ii-nu.»hail fata raab fat the ifara« On the .id ot

.Mar. h be win upp uni' d MgJag "I the IHlh lutanliy,win. h p"nil.hi he In-lit ill lh«) Army Kagirter ot .liui-

tluiy, I*-'» I. Hu ibe 1 lib of May, 1881, be Wa» fur.tlni proiiioted to the Colonelcy of the now It,-loninill'*(ii lagiaaal ot LTaieed lutoa Intuitiv, and ta (he'a h oI N'liVe-nber Wa» lippollll' d to lliO «.'llUI'gu ot the

department of NeB-MoAii o.

lit iu (len. Caaby WOB tata lirnt laurels in the pres¬en' II.'bullion, by a skillful*«!, feus'- ol Fort Craign a ¦: .i reportar ferae el CosfeesraMs eatha Um.I Kel niiiiy, 18l '«.'. The hattlo was fought ut Vu!*

venle, BbatS ("ii miles below Kort Craig.Qea» Cunby fought «<> desperutely ami tkillfully

lliut, shtaSBgk be was co a- elie.I to fall buck, upon1'olt ClSig Willi the los» ol lim ball.-l V, ho lo sue-

etrafSlly aripsb-<l (be Rebel* ti at they were unableto make uti in.m. dnile iidviuui'.Ou tbaMik <»f Marak, 1888, Ota. Cunby routed

a large body of Texan» al Ap.iilie l'ani.(»n ihn '-'Hth oí .Milich, he defeated the liehels ut

PisjBSB i IMS kB, agafal in ti.o early putt of April at

(«.ii««..., und »ubae'iueut IBBSt th« middle of April,

he dflfcRti-il the Kcbela at Pierefo, wkkft successes

completely routed and broke np the Rebel anny inNew-Mexico; they absmloned »II the fortificationswhich they bad erected, in anticipation of an over«

ivl rlriiintf victory.He is a man full of fire and energy, and evidently

will not be trilled with, arfck impunity.I'll!H I.A.MATKiN Ol' MATOS (U'DYKE.

The fdhowlag proclamation Pttg issued by MayorOpdyka y -steril» y »fternoon:

Mtr» ki iirrn-r, Nsw-. "UK, July 17 li«!Te «rae Omsara «e Mea faaai 'ih« nenas an«» bu»»»

li«»« I,mi disponed. Hunnen I» rounms in in uiutl rhan-'m i. Th« vsrleiss llass «f «Bsalbasas ra.lwiy. tad Magrathtuvr r«iu!i,«d iii« ir orluiiry o|i«ri!lon». h«w lyoip'ou.i »,t,1 » 1-: r»» un, air.-pt in a null district I« H « «i»-»-n put»»I til« city, r»,n»|,ruin-i . I'Brt o: tim 1 Utiti-iith Bad T-"' li 1-¦rat Wara«, ih« »palin i» etasywhsm ai«rt A «uHvi.ntun iltar v lura« ii low hw« to * -i ii"»- »'. y lUsSJsl limaen..".;,ll-w-rer i in.» lal,!»hm in»» «mort you. tlmrufor«. ti pi.r»ue your o»dli»ay

iiuiii h»».. kr*niataottmlt eli enmrie, lieimin quietly itfl ii linn»!. a»r»|»t *li^n MJSasd io li i»inan or aatiatin, the» liles ja unie mftttome tm «. Whra lb« atlBtary ep»p«»r» in ihe »rai t», d i.»,i f.tii.r ,'m-ii i\ i,«ia, »uri' that itii Sala, ii» «¡my I», t -i,» i. « ,o m»!».a f «.!, »o|.«n..r tatbor¬kt} y o h .' lion.«» »lil j» ii r pi» »e of ihiud-ii yoi liar« a li^liti,,,:»« irid it is y» ur datj t" ieAni ikem »'. illkasirdi.VlsldI««alilli Iilillnisniftt ni dsmsad in marney »» ti»«l r.» ¦. »."ir 11 »i v I' »i y | «'ion «i»i,i yoi to deelit fl in

. al .» .' .".i. ia ¦«. a. n io I.«»d to ii»« araralaa, bal»n«at it«- pel» omo lilli, nun M tint urare»! glslls« Ho >.¦

lor p.., Illili] idI I. a rou.¡ Irai«,B« -ir« tint th. pabH« i,ih altin lu»» the a!i,lity iu,l tli«

wi io |»r- t». !» i », u t,.ot, »o», ¦»- S< »I ir»d i Ita»,n» .'. T II i" e ug lil,»l ih« it irtu ueul ol >». mr h..», »,

ai.h i,aii»»i the i*»« wini ¡i »our ri-pi«»»-!»!« i;», i,»y« ¦¦¦ MiadI.Milli.K 'il'IVKK M.jor.

Till1. MOTKM Mili (ilHMIIHl I'MiK.At um* e'cloeh oa Friday woraiaoji Jaunisselinn

arra raraivod «i Oavaby Uaadfoanen itatabaadof mea, »Brand with eavkian and musket«, bud

! inken poerassioa of nras koaan near OraannyI'hi U Hotel, »i"l wen ergaaisiag for opera»m.ü«. Gea. Brawa was at our« anidad ofthe lacis, iiini Lil. 1. P, Mott sent one

conpaoy t»i the rapport of CoL Fergeraa,of the lilli IS. Y. Cavalry. They met with

giarii us lunes«, saptariag, aftas asevere a afliet, a

.'.iré*«* Banner of prisoaen and »tone arms, aimingwhich wera eight UailadStatn broeckd-oa-diag Bart

af apetien Bawafratarad in 1*1?. iii.t -.

¦»¦ bato been stub'ii fioin the \avy-\ard. Anigaaat el Compaaj L, of the ldtklwas killed ¡aihe atta» 1». on ita riuieis. Ile rei-tiveJ two si.»»'«and ablon wkickcraskedia b.s ckuii. The mm«

Jerra «.«¦ii''rai Brad.titijmt Variek, in paasiagtkwagfc »n alley, anea »I

in'tii^ waaara, aaJw which he felt mu otii'n,^ hurd iolit feet, wkich ujon «rianiiiiatii.ii ¡ roved tu be Íjui.f ii,e bneeb>loadiaf rites la |awtlea.

iiiMiniiiN <'F Jin: linon.On« of the tiKst dtanarfag rigkti poedbh fora

»ranea ia wiraeee, is ita grutip ti aban thirtynuImed people raagregaled b1 the ramee «»f the,ir-. ual "ti "ih A v-t-iiii»-. nt ',,»-in«' ita oalj pin i« tt bantiny feel any aseur,ti.c>i .»f | «ivinal safety.

1 bee un- Bsostlr isoana, and nmai of t:.a»m olda *

and u."¡n ., sou.« bave beeatken sinca Mondayi ,1 ". last, with scarcely eiinna«h le «nt, and yet ps-inntly bearing th«-ir » ,.». p and WaklBg BOOOOH

plaint, aad oalj ««xj meeiag their grant,i le :í,ut theyLava) even tl.ia ptr.r pla» e u/ Ti,ey have ni

p »re n ii«* duwn, but have airani(eil board, ou Itasid«walk up».n whiru ttn-y »BOBBBBBSd side by t: le,aw.iiini; li r leur .f ihr del .»..«i.» I u! the ray fr^inthe ham's of the in».». I

(in I BJ sight, us a ci'tni iii y ai t*ÂAmXtt tota. Iowa '" lill In <'ii 2-Ttk »tie.t, a r

w.lh biselottas nearly ton fron bi« l»atk, frauiii-, i- .-! op BovoMk aveaae, aad la bia tttatj

.,». -.- ; .i ;, !,.( ita I '-'j- a ¦¦¦ t

«s h «tat mari.. ng d wa, with t',e !.. »-: distrn. .r ».

lu itadarkhan ita Capnia wai nuable to die.tiagaiek who r what he me, r t" taagira bli mo»

[Urs n paroora, tad !.¦ s-n;»'» ;!.'« poorb i .

b >. «. with -i« raker, it llirtiag a heavy tram i -, ahis brad, n »i failiBg lum lo ihe ur» ii: i.

Hi- tia» it' "lire brought to Ibe -\r-.-ü.»'. when it

-. in» discovered thal ka was « raving aianfar. gi >w«m«; "in al ii«* latearaaaeiteanatwhieh bad em-

iti.mdt»! him and the other MÍ red ;. p llotioo for theIt l"ii» "i '. ,r dsy*, and against wl.irli he wait

miali' ti» n.aiii'.a.u bil ni» nU- IibIbBOB Mi« v.»»un le\vi»re dreaasd, und daiiag jr»ealaida| ki »'.,!i »toa*i -I -.t Am Bg al» -'.t wir in the i'"ii rail,iic"H ihulr'lrriiiind ita Areeaal, atteil** erased. He wee.--.-:¦ ni!y a fugitive tr,»in »nias Boatkera I >:<-.

a« he ii»: In mod all wl.'i .-puke to I ¡in n« 'liurru.

MM. g1 Mil li*..

dipt. Ryadan yoatotdaj orado a ntjacel forannt»» ii. tri. »I iekean, »Bad ..»..« uterr. »1 t»v lien. S.tiuiiii ie ita p ittra. He bra »sol yet pnfnrad his rc-

,»i. «t lo Ita PoHee CoBsadeeioaeniBl l/l III <'l I "M I Ml D MiM*.

Irataidaj Baaaiag a dstrakaaral efeoldion undercommand of Cot. Mott, enerad a taara ia Tweaty«raooad fir»-et( botireea Beeoad au.i Tklrd »veuiit«,

with a >i.-w ».f eecssleiaiag it Ikara were rajrieten tkna» Dpoa eouringjta yard Ita raldien

ii» rd thal ita rtntw unil litter ly iij,« thir« hadbeen disturbed, and Ihraotlag thtir bavoaete latoltaflnBB|UU.lap t »ur Daited S.utcs navy tai-

bu.» i», ihe house was then si-urched, when faflOwere fuiiud MBNalod in ita beds oil whiih woiiit-n,Wko wire ihe only OOCnpaate, were ap¡ un -ntl«,

¦lee] lag. The anns wara mostly raw, aadaarabee»ed lift) [ ieces. They WON takeu to pottw tankipii'.rters.

It is di»ir ni¦ 1 to Marah every lionne in the,

siKKM.tii (it nu: mii.iiauv.Aniou^ the troops now in the I ty are the 7th

BegiaamM N. I. s. \. ii., SOd Biglmaal X. Y. V.,; iti, Reguaaal x. Y. S. X. <¡.; rm Regiamai [Oldiiuiird nih Regiann ti. V. v.; :t.l lagfaaaalt'avulry; btth Uegiinenf X. Y. V. Cavalry, Raetae»In*; .'lib BegioteM X. Y. V., Kichi-ster; b'lth K«-g»-ini'iit, Millhill'; Kegulars ami Marines, 700 m uaiu-

Ikt; Mik BeginnB«] HiakigaBi v

(tiber troups »re OBpaetod, an»l it i* cahiiluti'.i(hut |ka ¡i'.nil- r will he augmented to 10,M im-ii

bafon M"nliv inuriiing. The ".'.'»ih Mnhigiiii andthe .V-.M X. Y. V. ar»« Veteran troup«, and wen« on

ti i r way ii »mi the IViiiirulu lo Fiederick City to

«.-«ist lien. Mernie. On arrivuiK at «-Tra.iagtoa, tiie

noniag hy iicu. Lee of ita PotoaaM beeaaMknu-A n, nu I tim two lej-iuu'iits wen raal to How»Y"ik. There» «re no b-ulier inuu in the service.

Ine} ure tully dis'i¡'liiK»d.Ill VI.IMI, KII.rATUIl K.

Qoaanl Kdpatrieh niiiod hen» un Thursdaynielli, on leave of Bkaaaaa ban lu, po^t, ami iiuuie-

dniliily volutiteüti'il to lui in n cuvnlry cotps to Urtift

:u putting down the mob. The (¡euorul sutters nt illliuui his WuUIld, but to it slight extent. Young unil

bavtaj hoist s aro requested to juin the (¡enerul at

.Mudinoll -y-iiia. l'erions uot "ivning hornt'i, hut ii»'

ustoiiifil to riding, will be supplied. Arum willalso be furul.hi-d.

CmZBXg KNItlll.I.lMi ti- TiiWN.Srn ni. Xui i< *.. Ih«- citi/.em ot the Nineteenth

»n I 1'*.ni),J warda I.a»« tonne»! au aaiueialiini forin..1,ia! |»iiil«cli»i. SfSfara rtotari ll«id,|»,ntrii at ti,« lull.i-n.ii.-i it. ili.ri ai,,l lliolilwir. All olilx-xne WS In».(«Jto call toil turon ibouisairei. Titi» u s r-sulsi |t)i|aiiUiltoa,

L_I______Sfrom ".¦, btasrasa a»d ha. rajñmj rawand aaiunliiou from the S-a ». Hill »pan dar awl nl.btW. A HARDENHROOK,

i«* Hu...., BmsmwT. c,puin Co,un"*B-iin«^ .*. ICitizens iniean of insisting the authorities ia

O'lintaiuiiitf law and order are requested to renortat Xo. 9M Braadway, the Amory of the 37th Reg-tan« X. Y. X. (¡. Tb« men will be well organised,furnished with good officers, and properly au-ie-d.Tho following order to the 37th Regiment hita

been issued:Armokt or tub 37th Riot. N. V ti (1 i

Nu. tot llroidwiT. July 17, IMS.' \Si-ai ni. Ohdrr. .Mmib.r« of ilni r»|iai«nt ramain ni la

Ita« «tv ne un"» d t" r»|"»r! for duty at »»nae at tin Auuory1« uniform. Delii.q «i it will t>« pm.ialied according la lair.

O. '¦> ASHI.KY, Li.ateaanl-Co oaal.the vrwnron ai much»*- hospital.The iollowiin--iiauied [arsons, wouded during the

riot« of Thursday night, were yesterday adnntted toBellevue llonpital. In addition to the wounded,about Inna Unlies of the killed (natnei unknown)have been ra -ived at the Dead-House of that insii«tullin. Coroners are all en«a«»d in holding in¬quests over tie remsins of ibe slaughtered rioters.Ml» !;ii-l Million, «.ili'i, i :»r. r..,.).., omer of ivei.u«

A lint IT-.h » r»o'-tr.i ,. r r» r ti lath .»reel tod lit ««roi.*--«"liin llmt houiiiI o| l«:t «li ,n iler.J- ,i» I'm f, ami I Mm, company C 4'h D» a«

wii». fHtid. lit Till ii- i i-f, oui fui.t of Kiiltou itieet,Nmtli H'ver -ii-'ir» in be jj.

Klitt KlUett. and I Saan iniivir r»ildn 110 Eut Tlyb ii» i-t'il nun.lier |i,nilioi w. 'liad 14 fice

in »m « mi. r. «.«1 ..i, peate« tSear Bim Pnssratiinn'», li ,v «at, 5 1 f ¡Oil te..f. .h i. i.-oí Itta it. tolet «v. lajmy ototai.Hil iaui l.'yi-" mai H feen, liw.r. resides 1 I Bra iii

n riant Uli ii "ii-lie,.tin.» :»." .*. ol tit alie. rt,hibr«Ml1 a ¦,,,-!

ii i.« ¦. sfsd ii nara h ,»tier, raMss wsF»i-t l-l« >. »t-- rn «»ii -'tee'., ! in J I. ii,, on th« lidewj.k.lame» t tri» sid »»i teaks 'd.An.lin i'.n g. i, ge Jo yetiti. tot, i..n:*t. ret'.ir* i', i Yetti

3lli .fiema* I'll,»» ---.» i-i, »«. worn. I »>f aim.Kile« Clyat», -(¡--In f» '- i- »i i«, t * i»t it.,

fi m .- »I ii aber -li.Jory «f IMtchaalBel ra« m »i .'.»-. «»a, labaesr reel'!» . 32-8 ItI »v.

tfr ra said «c, bar.|uasoa>t wound of breast a«d lafl »boulJer.i,r. -. i t..,l " >.¦-,.. »I» »i.N IWaetStih

at.-«» . ijii i iv h»»d ITla l.eel Leiwrt-D Stn and Cb aV»

,Mii-birt Ki«-;-'!, tari IB «nara, tioitl.r. N»» îOSPtbiieaoe.

.i-i» '.. t baa»ld«i .ii . », ssnm «l -Wtù »tieet it.« «ihBVSfl e.

I" II. i.-l M »um ii r. r tia tit Kilt 2îd tti»et.¦ i, »! "»i: ii da«! ii. t leen .'I h tai tilt ttrea'i.

j" lin t..» -. ' pearn, .n id nanas t>«. «i »I 8d ilraati I j ..en «mumm old »treetaail le*

st .

:» .. M .» kier, li»! il JMK.ÎIM' n»k«r««« ll-in.9¦ey. iHiim.iijir-i y L«li| li a 4 Kaiiioad al ILa.tia1 ., i.Lj-. .» i ti d tge.l :j fmmim, ge M Weil Uti. itreet.

g nsBat «-titilad tfssft «If sad « : loot, corner lid tirrel andIt» ». i. i«.

Hi-.i, .. S te ,|»on. tgtd ii yeiri. j.lano-fnrte maker. No.tttt.» l.» .i te- guvbit vi .mtt'vol, votan limm¬

en t ,i, I J . ¦ r-r

Hu..-i Macs lil ttp-iM iibor«r. s« m K«it llsl rtmsli ad m ¦'- »i , nranJMh Mmm »iii M av-

i labard VVrl-li. «t»d 5»' y»»n. c«rpent«r, i-tJn No 90.-.»i -..,-..n left i..i,h coriiMt 7tli S-SWOS and 334

i»r»»«.,,. s -.»»-. ..-¦: 1, ¡tb'i.i. -».¡diir'.r |i1hitaud

r..'. !i »i .» .i., .* ni. i g11 i.d», 4"ih it near 'atti tie.J Vi!- ...n .1 y-at. riva», i«. da» ¿oA Kail lttb it..

». i r '.-¦ a»--, xu 'Id »L¦¦! j.- i. ia .-. a -i .» ymum, i ».ile.» !"*I

. -sa« »am «T lay sssanJBd meet sad ii«t»l U,l

ii Barret! ii»! II men r»i.d».| No. Ubi lit are.-»

I ta .! tig .- lab -' sad I«- i»»- ii«

J«t«. ii«h S iv ni . »I »( -tar«. l«»M.r».r tealJei 2M K«»tli.i.. -, iii...1 »o,;.J »I «a and a.'to, cor. lit tve analIB n «t.

Jotin li IMirior a,-I 2.« »em. «b,ir«r. r»»i I»« Ho «"»I Railtar., ."i ive beta»«» s .lit »ui tin .'..

Cbarles Haaala, »«»I I ».«-. rup».-n i»»r, r». I», r, r.

MU »l »u ,1 Mt i", «i. i wouid at D.ct, t2d it be-i».. -., i» ii, IStb »v .

«¦I tel H f «.¦ -.¦«,.' r««rs IshaesTi ssssin l**B Msasnst..san ». t» as io » . rrtminii I'm »t»

ft M ititi! OWitgM I" IH.-iP.Mlt COMMITSMI" IHL.

Coroeer V-Mmeaa jeeterdej keld nu icjosst oo

the I inly ni Win. 11» nr» Yie», a colored man, lii Huf aha oomadttod eoleideattko kearaof

hit tu j lover, .Mr. Jaiiii-s .M'irün, R i. -¿.'S Mhdii»tQstieet, b> InteaBtiag bil t'iroai aud then haning

iinr' t tn the cellar <:oor by means of a small cord.The BVideaOO went to *htoW that áBMMBd lived at

No. -V'5 Water street, thnt the mob »ii that neigh«bael.I -.N' m rael said -> bim t.- ray they wouldkui ! un uni burn his i.'m-e. Yates became veijuiiifii axeiied and reinainual concealed in the h if«

tr.i lute on Wedaeedaj ti**jbt, when be raamad ral'. -I '»n M M'ir io.

Ho: m Iraviaf boona» kea-evar, Y^ies »r 1 hieWife I ¦ the laz-T, s«) :; li »I be BTBllted to dei'eo-l

n. . : t'.-.'tn the ri'c-.i ... eis- they BH tdd tthhtm.i.i. After tko laiarviem milk Mr. M »ititi, Ya-.e«

«.»ni be n i araeeod ntke naatka»*Boan, and-t» » j ruin" mat the buds «>t the Police, or else

go ia bed. i ii»- fiii.»a...* -.. ».-iiiiip- he mae i niauopeitded ia the collar. I'»»- m baafnaj biamalf^

.,-. i ¡,.i i ii bil mat, in InliafdaBB-.\n...; i.»a fii«iii" ¡ri'iii he:i.iiirhak.«i", he deti riiuned to

aedkiaeai bl/ ca<eor by straagaktiioa. He was li

yeanof ego, ead bora ia Connactieet. Mr.M.r-iiii, m \\ nee em Itiy he had bet-n for the laet three

yean, gave ile .le»«--««ed u gi>od moral »baracier,t»i -ii»« v. !, !i he was a :'.ne ¡ eumau and au excellentI »nu

OTHKR INQIt>rs.t'»r»'iier WIMBI l»tld «u iu»|iie»t at No. M Kost

I w» ni t »:xth nue;, on the liidy Bf Mary Core ran,an li en Brearaa, M Jttn I : age, who dieil from th«

edecU »fit |anal el M Atoi received ai ti e hand, ofHie mililiirj on Ililli-day laet. She was standing on

ike ti '¦¦ vu 1», v\-i»e;i »»le "f the mob tired a pistol at

the :. ii iiy. a: »I y lüntantly tired a volley at therioter«, killing her among SthWBaCola .¦! < in ti.-l'l mi iii'i'iesl at No. 176 K»st

ikin «fin maali ra " e body <>f James IradniekiII yean of iv«, and bon la Ireland, who died fiotnibt- i-tl,iiaot a . ....-.-'» *>..i..-l !"ii|,".««d to baveberu receivtd tro in ihe military during the rut in

Nuiit» aramaaUearj »Ck f, tong Wtt eliot in the abdomen during

the Ninth «Neutle il. t ou Wtdue-dav last, died

yesterday afteraeea in ttic Vew*Trak BwpilhLdB ii »1 Met »\as held by foi tier Kauuey on the

body 11 Doue Lao-ten a, au aroBraa, H feraiof Baa, ."»... was a.. »; Mini ia.Hi »I d iring the rim ia

Forty lirnl el e"-t, Liar Tenth Avenue last \\ a dorl»

day night, lue tevtimoiy went lo show themob were vtunied repeatedly to tall back and go

bonhi but they u» t mil) ke¡ I ikail I'litcet, but |»elle4the iHilic« au.l military morn nntnerciftiHy

c'.iihs, at» ne«, matt tin rectiiii.g the otdet the

iiiilitaiy tiled aud slaughtered several of ti.e moi',daowrad beiagaanag the nmuber.

Coronel ICiiii;.ey v»a» notilied >e»terday aftermt o

to bold iU|iieBts on the bodiisof Garvey, foruiodie.Casey and Gernty, who were shot at the rim in

K itv.trrt suei't, on \Vedll'»sdaV.¦ I «titi M. AN I.X.MI-I.1: WUK I HY or IMITA ItWtiaOn 1 iteduy BWniag about 3 o\!otk a block of

l»i lid gs OB Third avenue, belweeii Ous-buudred-audiwentyeighth mil 0'ie-h;indred-aiid-tiventy-uiutb atriet. was at t ou lire and deetroyed. Theexcuse ottered waa thal Mr. frasto oecujiyiug thecorner of Oua-liundrcd-aud eighth street as a bul«cber's stall, was au Aholiliouist. Mi. Crosio there«

hy lost all lie (Mt-eeieed, hut with the spirit of a

true Ameucau ciiueu, instead of silling down to

inouru toi a lint could uot then be remedied, in¬

stantly cn»(»erated-witli others in orgauliing theciti/.eus toa dete, se. A ii.ob uf about ilOO rioters

tiaversid Harlem arum pii'.ect ininumty duni g

Tuesday. At t o clock iii the evening about 70ciii/.i'iia met at the l'oiiio Station, orgaiuied in com»

panics, and immediately commenced duly.goingtnr. i,h Mai l«"iu ;u i-»j.iad.« .»f al»,»ut au', »uU clearingthe st teeta 11 all su»[lciius BaiBBMh Killi ui»a

wuk . n| ies-ed Willi the tuet that his life WM A

patpa) suciitice foi the defense of bis home and Ihm-

ily agaiml the îuhiimau Cohorts of -f«b«lliou whoUiieatened them, and the only «Tucslion mot, bom

such tBBsilra might BOBO-Bftfcfe ti»« i"0»1 ioT luB eu-*

¦r»'| oied.tim tim was eni['liatically onder a reign of terror,

but ti e next day stroug arms said stout hearts, with

no oilier wea»;>otia but oiubs and bars of iron, provedthe abihtv of loyal cittxens to preserve order, rifa

* '__, ¦ ¦ uamaus« laabih **.««»».
