45 WILUS WAY SELIN NJ 08830 · Brad Chasse, and Rosalie Cook asking God to reward them with joy Go...


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45 WILUS WAY, ISELIN NJ 08830 GPS—USE 51 VERNAM ST., ISELIN NJ † Phone: 732-283-2300 † Fax: 732-283-3326

Stceceliaparish.website@gmail.com † ceceliaparish@gmail.com † www.stcecelia.com † (For quick reference—See pages 2 &3)

Parish Staff Fr. Thomas Naduviledathu, S.D.V. Pastor Fr. Vernon Kohlmann, S.D.V. Parochial Vicar Deacon Richard Lutomski Permanent Deacon Deacon Anthony Pepe Permanent Deacon Mirabella Parota Music Director Kathleen Beglan Parish Secretary kbeglan@stcecelia.com Sr. Anna Tran, SCC

Maria Campos

mass Schedule Monday—Friday 7 am—9:15 am Saturday 8 am—4:30 pm Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am, 5:00 pm Spanish Mass 6:30 pm

Holy day mass times Weekday Evening before Vigil Mass 7 pm, day of: 7:00, 9:15 am, 12:05 pm, and 7 pm.

Parish office hours Monday—Friday 9:00 am—4:00 pm

Confession Saturday 11:00 am—12:00 pm / 3:15—4:15 pm

Gift shop Gift Shop—732-283-1775 Monday—Friday 10:00 am—1:00 pm Saturday 3:00 pm—6:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am—12:30 pm Hours may vary, please call before you come.

Registration To enable us to better serve you, all parishioners are asked to register at the Parish Office. Family members over the age of 18 should register as individuals. To receive a letter of recommendation or character reference you should be registered for at least three months.

House Blessing If you would like to have a home visitation or blessing, please call the Parish Office. The Sacraments SPONSOR LETTERS: Church law mandates that a sponsor for Baptism and Confirmation be an active Confirmed Catholic. An active Catholic is a parishioner who is registered, attends Mass weekly, contributes to the support of the Church, is in a valid Catholic Marriage, and publicly leads a life compatible with Church teaching. We can only write letters of eligibility for parishioners who meet these criteria. BAPTISM: Please contact the Parish Office for all information and to make arrangements. MARRIAGE: Make arrangements one year in advance of the proposed wedding date. One party must be a parishioner; call the Parish Office. MINISTRY TO THE SICK OR HOMEBOUND: If any of your loved ones are in need of a priest and need the sacraments, please call the Parish Office at any time. The priests are always on call! Regular communion calls to the sick, aged or homebound should be arranged in advance. ALTAR SERVERS Children in grades 3 and up are invited join. Contact Ann Cecilia Trinh, Coordinator at the parish office 732-283-2300. Our lady of Fatima Statue—Home Visit If you are interested in having the statue visit your home, please call Carol 732-494-8697. Education—732-283-2816 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES for grammar school students are held on Mondays from 5:45 to 7:15 PM at the former St. Cecelia School Building. R.C.I.A.: If you know anyone interested in becoming a Catholic or are baptized and want to receive other sacraments, please invite them to join RCIA! Call Deacon Rich at 732-680-1921. Social ministry office—732-283-0150 x105 FOOD PANTRY is open for food pick-up TUESDAYS from 10 AM to 2 PM ONLY. Call or email stcecelia.socialministry@gmail.com for food requests/appointments for pick-up. OTHER SERVICES provided by the Social Ministry Office. Those in need may call the number above. Devotions CENACLE FOR MARIAN MOVEMENT OF PRIESTS every Wednesday after 9:15 AM Mass. NOVENAS to St. Jude and Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal after 8 AM Mass on Saturday. DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET—Fridays after the 9:15 AM Mass. 2,000 HAIL MARY’S every 2nd Saturday of the month, in the Chapel starting at 7:00 AM.

ADORATION CHAPEL—Daily starting after 7 AM Mass to 4 PM. Please arrive before 4 PM for admittance to church. When you come in the Chapel and the Tabernacle doors are closed, open them. If you are the last one in the Chapel, please close the Tabernacle doors and shut off the light (make sure they are completely pressed down). societies/organizations LEGION OF MARY—Saturdays—9 AM, Conference Room ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY—The Rosary is prayed before every daily/weekend Mass. The meetings are the 1st Monday after 1st Sunday at 7 PM in the Church Conference Room. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCE— 2nd & 4th Mondays, 7:30 PM in the Parish Office. SPIRITUALITY GROUP—Every other Thursday evenings from 7:00—9:00 pm in the Conf. Room. YOUNG ADULT ADORATION—Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm in the Chapel. music ministry CLASSICAL CHOIR—Practice Tuesday evenings from September—June at 7:30 PM in the church. Coordinator—Mirabella Parota.

CONTEMPORARY CHOIR—Practice on Saturday from 1:30—3:30 pm. Youth ministry The meeting will be held on the first Saturday of every month after the 4:30 pm Mass in the Youth Ministry Room. Coordinator—Break Ministry. Church etiquette Upon entering the church, make the sign of the Cross and bless yourself with Holy Water and genuflect before you sit. Please participate in the singing and responses. Come to Mass early enough not to disrupt and leave late enough not to insult the Lord. The Mass does not end until the final song has been completed. Worship reverently enough not to distract. This includes silence in the church and vestibule before Mass. Be mindful to turn off your electronic devices and quietly put the kneelers up and down during the Mass. Dress modestly and appropriately as you would for a special occasion.

Mass Intentions—January 25—February 2, 2020


4:30PM Irene Reda req, Rose Drake

SUNDAY—1/26 7:30AM Living and Deceased of the Parish 9:00AM *Virgilio Galen req, Carlos & Donna Austria and Family *Blenen Macalintal Gonzalvo req. Rida Monongson 11:00AM Marceli & Maria Faszczewski req, Bohdan & Dorota Jarosz 5:00PM John Crusafulli req, Joan & Lou Leva 6:30PM SPANISH MASS

MONDAY—ST. ANGELA MERICI—1/27 7:00AM Edward & Muriel Giese req, Frank Pfeifer 9:15AM Broderick Icarangal req, Peter & Joan Icarangal 1:15PM Veterans—Gerard Dowling req, Maria Campos

TUESDAY—ST. THOMAS AQUINAS—1/28 7:00AM Donald Rowley req, Jack & Rita Bryson 9:15AM Salvatore Aloe req, Eleanora Aloe & Family

WEDNESDAY—WEEKDAY—1/29 7:00AM Isabel Muizones req, Cecilia M. Florentino 9:15AM Salvatore Aloe req, Pat & Vincent Cordasco

THURSDAY—WEEKDAY—1/30 7:00AM Scuv Lewis req, Michelle Dixon 9:15AM Mae Kristofcak req, Carol LaRouche

FRIDAY—ST. JOHN BOSCO—1/31 7:00AM Kathleen Rozanski req, Valerie & Lee Rose 9:15AM John Craig req, the Craig Family

SATURDAY——2/1 8:00AM The Sick, Dying Souls in Purgatory in Honor of St. Joseph req, Arnold Franco


4:30PM Anna Ma Klary req, Joe Ma Klary

SUNDAY—2/2 7:30AM Living and Deceased of the Parish 9:00AM *Helen Ma Klary req, Joe Ma Klary *Maria & Tony Nocella req, Ron & Gerry Nocella 11:00AM Catherine Donahue req, children 5:00PM Sew Queen Ong req, Sew Fong & Jim Jordan 6:30PM SPANISH MASS

Responsorial Psalm The Lord is my light and my salvation

(Psalm 27) Readings for the Week

Monday: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Ps 89:20-22, 25-26; Mk 3:22-30 Tuesday: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Ps 24:7-10; Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27- 30; Mk 4:1-20 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5, 11-14; Mk 4:21-25 Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51:3-7, 10-11; Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41 Sunday: Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]

Questions of the Week Question for Children: How do you hear Jesus calling you to do what he wants you to? Question for Youth: As you grow into young adulthood, Jesus calls you to follow him in particular ways, both big and small. What are some of the small ways in which Jesus calls you to follow him? Question for Adults: How does Jesus call you to assist in his ministry: the building up of the Reign of God? How do you know what God wants of you in this regard?

Sick Relatives & Friends Mirabella Parota, Cathy (Napiorski) Harris, Jamie Nestor, Joseph Jonathan Cem, Ryan Michael, Liz Lutomski, Lena Zimbardo, Nicole C. Rossi, Marieta M, Samuel & Rose M., Marina Gomez, Gloria Reichley, Shawn Ekatan, Alberto Batista, Thomas, Amanda & Christine Porcelli, Ligia Riezenman, Kat T., Marilyn Rentko, Robert & Mary Maurer, Raymond Kneckel, Craig Soper, Lucy Angela Knoth, Julia & Robert Hilinski, Gail Rezmerski

In Loving Remembrance Let us remember all our departed brothers and sisters, especially Joseph Herold,

Brad Chasse, and Rosalie Cook asking God to reward them with joy

and eternal peace. Go to www.faithdirect.net to enroll; our church code is NJ425.

January 19, 2020:

In-pew Faith Direct Total

$ 9,313.50 $ 1,493.50 $ 10,807.00

January 20, 2019:

In-pew Faith Direct Total

$ 7,506.50 $ 1,598.25 $ 9,104.75

Catholic Ed. 2020:

In-pew Faith Direct Total

$ 1,646.50 $ 152.00 $ 1,798.50

Catholic Ed. 2019:

In-pew Faith Direct Total

$ 1,785.50 $ 150.00 $ 1,935.50

From the Desk of Our Pastor...

Dear Friends in Jesus Christ,

I would like to repeat what I wrote in the bulletin on the 27th Sunday of last year. To help the church grow in love and faithful witness to God, Pope Francis has declared the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time to be dedicated to the Word of God. It’s sweeter that he chooses the Feast of St. Jerome who said “the ignorance of Bible is the ignorance of Christ”. Salvation, faith, unity and mercy all depend on knowing Christ and sacred Scripture, he said in a new document.

Devoting a special day “to the celebration, study and dissemination of the word of God” will help the church “experience anew how the risen Lord opens up for us the treasury of his word and enables us to proclaim its unfathomable riches before the world,” the Pope said. The declaration to have a “Sunday of the Word of God” was made in a new document, given “motu proprio,” on the Pope’s own initiative. Its title, “Aperuit Illis,” is based on a verse from the Gospel of St. Luke, “Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.”

“The relationship between the risen Lord, the community of believers and sacred Scripture is essential to our identity as Christians,” the Pope said in the apostolic letter, released by the Vatican September 30th, the Feast of St. Jerome, and patron saint of biblical scholars.

“The Bible is the book of the Lord’s people, who, in listening to it, move from dispersion and division toward unity” as well as come to understand God’s love and become inspired to share it with others, he added. Without the Lord who opens people’s minds to his word, it is impossible to understand the Scriptures in depth, yet “without the Scriptures, the events of the mission of Jesus and of his church in this world would remain incomprehensible,” he wrote.

With this apostolic letter, the Pope “invites us to hold the word of God in our hands every day as much as possible so that it becomes our prayer” and a greater part of one’s lived experience, he said. Pope Francis said in the letter, “A day devoted to the Bible should not be seen as a yearly event but rather a yearlong event, for we urgently need to grow in our knowledge and love of the Scriptures and of the risen Lord, who continues to speak his word and to break bread in the community of believers.”

I am sure you all know what the word “anorexia” means. It means, lack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition) or an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat. I think there is “spiritual anorexia” going around in our time. People are having no hunger or thirst for spiritual things. We Catholics have anorexia to the Word of God. There is a lack of interest and desire to learn and read the scripture. We need to cultivate in us a hunger and thirst for the Word of God.

Pope Francis wrote, “We need to develop a closer relationship with sacred Scripture; otherwise, our hearts will remain cold and our eyes shut, struck as we are by so many forms of blindness. Sacred Scripture and the sacraments are inseparable. Jesus speaks to everyone with his Word in Sacred Scripture, and if people ‘hear his voice and open the doors of our minds and hearts, then he will enter our lives and remain ever with us,’”.

Pope Francis urged priests to be extra attentive to creating a homily throughout the year that ‘speaks from the heart’ and really helps people understand Scripture ‘through simple and suitable’ language. “The homily is a pastoral opportunity that should not be wasted. For many of our faithful, in fact, this is the only opportunity they have to grasp the beauty of God’s word and to see it applied to their daily lives,” he wrote. I do believe that I put a good effort to preach to you the Word of God every week. I apologize to you for my limitation of language and my bad accent.

Please take time every day to read and listen to the scriptures that will give us the wisdom to deal with the day and help us to reach heaven. I remind you again of what St. Jerome said, “I interpret as I should, following the command of Christ: ‘Search the Scriptures,’ and ‘Seek and you shall find.’ For if, as Paul says, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God, and if the man who does not know Scripture does not know the power and wisdom of God, then ignorance of Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” St. Jerome.

God Bless You, Fr. Thomas

Religious education Religious Education Office phone number is 732-283-2816; CELL phone number is

732-343-1132 and is located in the brick building to the left of the school. Classes are held on Mondays from 5:45 to 7:15 PM at Oak Tree School #29 Building.

January 27 Religious Education Classes Grades 1-8 January 28 Grade 2 – Parent meeting for First Eucharist 7:00-8:00 pm Atrium February 3 Religious Education Classes Grades 1-8 February 4 Grade 2 – Celebrate the Sac. of Reconciliation at 6:30 pm. February 9 Family Mass at 9:00 AM –

Hosted by Grades 6&7

February 10 Religious Education Classes Grades 1-8

February 17 No Religious Education Classes – President’s Day

February 20 Grade 8 Journey of Faith 7:00-9:00 pm Lourdes Hall

February 24 Religious Education Classes Grades 1-8

St. Cecelia Winter Dinner Dance

Saturday, February 22, 2020 6:30 – 11:00 pm in Lourdes Hall

Buffet Dinner ~BYOB Must be 21 to attend

Tickets $35 per person. Must be 21 to attend.

Snow date—Saturday, February 29, 2020.

Tickets are available in the Parish Office and after Masses

payable with cash or check—payable to St. Cecelia Church.

Adult Confirmation Classes are forming for Adult Confirmation. Candidates should be baptized and received Communion. Please contact Denise Kolibas at 732-634-8515.

Please submit a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Parish Office.

Be sure to include your envelope number with your request. Please note that all envelopes from the holidays must be posted in our offertory program before statements are issued. A statement of Faith Direct offerings must be obtained

directly through your Faith Direct account.

For Statements of 2019 Donations

Once we “close” the year, we can send your statement. Please be patient!

January Wedding Anniversaries Zito & Sharon Ferrao, 20 years Vincent & Naina Fernandes, 20 years Dominic & Agnes Saldanha, 30 years Arthur & Lucille Grosskopf, 51 years Clifford & Barbara Kra , 62 years Joseph & Mary Herold, 68 years

Spinach improves mental function by helping to prevent oxidation of the


The annual drive to support our diocesan newspaper, The Catholic Spirit, is taking place during the month of February, National Catholic Press Month. Please support their good work by using the envelope in your packet. Any amount you contribute will show your support for the minis-try of The Catholic Spirit and will be greatly appre-ciated. And please remember to take home a copy of the paper—it has a special role to play in your life as a practicing Catholic.

Diocesan Youth Day 2020 February 8, 2020—2:00 to 7:30 pm St. Joseph High School, 145 Plainfield Ave, Metuchen

Mass and Healing Service St. James Church, Woodbridge Wednesday, January 29th at 7 pm Fr. John Campoli, I.V. Dei Director of His Love Ministries will celebrate Mass. Following the Mass, Fr. John will pray for Special Blessings and Healing for those present.

For more information call Maryann at (732) 803-7466.

Catholic Charities is currently seeking volunteers for the Connections Program. This program provides positive adult role models for children who have suffered loss or who have special needs. Both male and female mentors are needed to participate in one-to-one activities and be a role model to young people. Do you:

1. Have a minimum of three hours per week to offer a child?

2. Like having fun? 3. Reside in or near Middlesex County? 4. Want to make a difference in

a child’s life? For more information contact Jeanette Cullen at 732-738-1323 or jcullen@ccdom.org.

World Day for Consecrated Life will be celebrated on the weekend of February 2-3, 2019. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation.

SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS O.P. (Dominican) (Doctor of the Church and patron saint of universities, colleges and schools)

(b. 1225 – d. March 7, 1274) (Feast day: January 28) *This account of his life is especially written with young readers in mind.)

Thomas was born to a noble family around 1225 in Aquino, Italy in the kingdom of Sicily. When he was five or six years old, his mother and father sent him to the Benedictine Monastery at Monte Cassino to study. In the fall of 1239 he transferred to the University of Naples to continue his education.

In Naples, Thomas met some members of a new religious order called the Order of Preachers. Their founder, St. Dominic, was still living. Thomas knew that he wanted to be a priest, and he felt called to the life being lived by the followers of St. Dominic (soon to become the “Dominicans”). Thomas joined the Order of Preachers, but his family was totally against his decision. His brothers even kidnapped him and brought him back to Roccasecca castle. His family kept him there, almost like a prisoner, for about fifteen months, trying to make him change his mind. But Thomas spoke so beautifully about the joy of serving God that they finally changed their minds and let him go back to the Dominicans.

Thomas rejoined the Order in 1245, and was sent to study at Paris. Even though he was very intelligent, Thomas was always very humble. He never showed off. His classmates often thought that he was not very bright because he did not speak much, in fact he was called “the dumb ox”. Thomas was ordained a priest at Cologne, Germany, in 1250 or 1251.

He taught at the University of Paris where he became famous for his wonderful teachings on the Bible. He returned to Italy where he wrote many books. Some of them were about God and others were about our Catholic faith. He wrote so well that people around the world still use his books. His explanations came from his great love for God and his effectiveness was because he wasn’t trying to make an impression on anyone. He only wanted with all his heart to offer the gift of his life to Jesus and the Church. While his intelligence was amazing, Thomas knew that holiness of life was the most important thing. He used to say, “I learn more things from praying before a crucifix than I do from books.” He became a saint by doing everything for God with love. He will help us do the same if we ask him.

The Upcoming Opening of our Parish Mass Book for 2021 The Parish Family of St. Cecelia is blessed by the number of parishioners who request the celebration of one or more Masses each year in memory of their loved ones. Following the parish policy established in 2005 for a fair and considerate distribution of Masses, we will open the 2021 Mass Book on Thursday, January 30th at 9:00 am—12:00 pm and 1:00 pm—3:00 pm., for the reservation of your intentions. Please use the outline below to assist in planning your memorial requests prior to the Mass Book’s opening date.

Policies and Procedures for Reserving 2021 Memorial Masses and other Memorials May be reserved beginning Thursday, January 30th at 9:00 am, with a maximum of FIVE (5) Masses per family by visiting the Parish

Office IN PERSON ONLY. CANNOT be reserved over the phone or in writing. Dates and times will be accepted and confirmed on a FIRST-COME, FIRST-SERVED basis. Can be reserved on only TWO (2) WEEKENDS each year (subject to availability)

The 9:00 am Sunday Masses will have two intentions—to share by 2 separate families. You cannot take both slots as part of your two weekends. *Both intentions will be read at Mass and sent to a Mission with one of the stipends.

Can be reserved on only THREE (3) WEEKDAYS each year (excluding Christmas and subject to availability) Can be reserved on only ONE (1) of the following days: Mothers’ Day or Fathers’ Day (subject to availability)

The SANCTUARY CANDLE may be reserved for one-week periods (use Sunday’s date). The BREAD & WINE may be reserved for Masses for one-week periods (use Sunday’s date). The ALTAR or BLESSED MOTHER FLOWERS, together or separately, may be reserved for one-week periods (use Sunday’s date).

For your convenience, please fill out and bring this planner with you to the Parish Office on/after Thursday, January 30th . MEMORIAL MASSES Weekend date Person(s) memorialized or Intention Requested by __________________ ___________________________________________ _________________________________________

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Weekday date Person(s) memorialized or Intention Requested by

__________________ ___________________________________________ _________________________________________

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SANCTUARY CANDLE Sunday’s date Person(s) memorialized or Intention Requested by

__________________ ___________________________________________ _________________________________________

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BREAD & WINE Sunday’s date Person(s) memorialized or Intention Requested by __________________ ___________________________________________ _________________________________________

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FLOWER(S) Sunday’s date Person(s) memorialized or Intention Requested by __________________ ___________________________________________ _________________________________________

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



27 5:45—7:15 Rel. Ed.

7:30 pm—St. Vincent de Paul—Parish Office

7:30 pm—Spanish Bible Study—Chapel

28 7:00 pm—Rel. Ed.—Gr. 2 Parent Meeting, Atrium



7—9:00 pm—Spirituality Group—Conf. Room



3 5:45—7:15 Rel. Ed.

7:30 pm—Spanish Bible Study—Chapel


8 2,000 Hail Mary’s in the chapel starting at 6:30am


World Marriage Day—Blessing of all Marriages at all Masses

9 am—Family Mass gr. 6 & 7

Coffee and Fellowship hosted by gr. 6 & 7

6:30 pm—Spanish Mass

10 5:45—7:15 Rel. Ed.

7:30 pm—Spanish Bible Study—Chapel

7:30 pm—St. Vincent de Paul—Parish Office


7—9:00 pm—Spirituality Group—Conf. Room

14 15

16 12:30 pm—Baptism




20 21 22

6:30—11:00 pm Winter Dinner Dance

2nd Collection—Parish Impr. Fund

January/February 2020

INFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS 511586: St. Cecelia 45 Wilus Way, Iselin NJ 08830 PHONE 732-283-2300 (Church) CONTACT PERSON Kathy or Stephanie @ 732-283-2300 SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2010 Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard Windows 7 PRINTER HP® Laserjet 1200 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT We are a 12 pager this week.


January 26, 2020 TRANSMISSION TIME Thursday, 8 AM SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (for production)


FedEx shipping address: 45 Wilus Way, Iselin NJ 08830

Special instructions (for delivery): If atrium locked, please leave by doors.

FedEx tracking e-mail: kbeglan@stcecelia.com
