4 thought July 2021 - allsaintsvendee.fr


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This month Revd Hazel Door kindly contributed

4 thought – July 2021

Let me first begin by giving thanks for the ministry David and Pat Martin shared

among us. Though I had known them both only since 2016, I was fully aware of the debt of gratitude owed to them both, not only by All Saints, but by the association

caritative. On behalf of All Saints, a presentation was made of a book of photographs of the Vendée to David and a framed photo of our worship centres, to Pat, small

tokens of our esteem. We shall miss them both, but will be holding them in our prayers as they begin their move back to the UK. May the Lord bless them and keep

them safe.

Just a reminder, that if you have not yet applied for your new carte de séjour, time is rapidly running out. A new card is obligatory following the withdrawal

agreement, and the deadline for applications is 30th June. If anyone would like help,

please contact me.

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Chaplain & President: Revd Hazel Door

Phone no: 05 49 87 71 45 email address:

Rev.hazel@wanadoo.fr Vicarage:

27 rue de Malvoisine, 85110 St Vincent Sterlanges:

Vicarage Phone no: 02 51 31 23 71

Church Warden & Lay Vice-Chairman: Doug Green: Phone no: 05 49 72 18 46

email address: greensinfrance@yahoo.co.uk Church Warden:

Margaret Kent: Phone no: 05 49 72 27 72 Email address: maguyjelley@gmail.com

Lay Minister: John Matthews: Phone no: 05 49 75 29 71,

e-mail: matthewsj@wanadoo.fr Website:


Church of All Saints in the Vendée “To know and to share Jesus Christ”

July 2021

Though the French planning for ending Covid 19 restrictions is also the 30th June, we have not yet had definitive guidance from the Diocese in Europe, about how to

conduct communion services, so it might take a little while before “normal” service

can be resumed. Most people have already had one if not both vaccinations, the thorny question may well be, what happens if there are still people without???? The

French guidance for worship seems to be back to normal but observance of stringent sanitary measures remains in place. Which means keeping records of attendees,

thorough cleaning before, and after worship, though a glimmer of hope is that we might, subject to the same conditions, be able to resume lunches, socially distanced,

and bringing food for ourselves only! All of those measures make sense, but someone still has to organise and implement them. Volunteers please contact me!!

Still, we watch, wait, hope and pray.

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July into August 2021

With the closure of all our services until further notice, our Lectionary Readings are included so you can use them for your personal devotions

If, and when, the Covid-19 Restrictions are lifted, please refer to the Church Wardens or website for service times.

4th July 5th Sunday after Trinity 2 Samuel 5.1-5, 9-10 2 Corinthians 12.2-10 Mark 6.1-13 Psalm 48 11th July 6th Sunday after Trinity 2 Samuel 6.1-5,12b-19 Ephesians 1.3-14 Mark 6.14-29 Psalm 24 18th July 7th Sunday after Trinity 2 Samuel 7.1-14a Ephesians 2.11-end Mark 6.30-34,53-end Psalm 89.20-37

25th July 8th Sunday after Trinity 2 Samuel 11.1-15 Ephesians 3.14-end John 6.1-21 Psalm 14 1st August 9th Sunday after Trinity 2 Samuel 11.26-12.13a Ephesians 4.1-16 John 6.24-35 Psalm 51.1-13

Churchwardens’ Report

for July 2021:

(Written by Margaret who is self-isolating in Dorset before her brother's funeral)

As we write, we await to hear if life will approach a little nearer to 'normal' on 21 June in England. In France, we may be able to dine out inside restaurants once again, but, sadly not yet able to worship together in our churches. There are still too many 'hoops to jump through'. However, the ZOOM Worship Services continue very successfully every 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month, although I (Margaret) am not so sure that the campers at Uplyme appreciated my rendition of 'Love Divine, all loves excelling' this morning 13th June at 10.00 a.m. wafting and warbling over the site! Your Church Council still also continue to meet regularly via ZOOM. As you already know, we say goodbye to David and Pat Martin this month. They will be sorely missed and we wish them well in this new episode of their life together.

Keep safe and well,


Doug and Margaret

Next Zoom-services – see “Dates for your Diary”: Services take place on the 1st, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month plus other special days: Everyone is welcome. Do join us and, if you are not already on the ASV Contact List, please get in touch with Doug Green for inclusion on that list: greensinfrance@yahoo.co.uk.

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July 2021

Please check with the website and/or the Churchwardens for any alterations following changes in the Pandemic Restrictions.

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1st Thursday 4th Sunday 11hr00 online Zoom service (Contact Doug to join if not already on List) 11th Sunday 11hr00 online Zoom service (Contact Doug to join if not already on List) 18th Sunday 25th Sunday 11hr00 online Zoom service (Contact Doug to join if not already on List) 31st Saturday

August 2021

Please check with the website and/or the Churchwardens for any alterations following changes in the Pandemic Restrictions.

Dates for August - unknown as yet, watch this space!

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1st Sunday 8th Sunday 15th Sunday 22nd Sunday 29th Sunday 31st Tuesday

Treasurer’s Report for the ASV PCC meeting on 17/06/2021.

Income Expenditure Monthly


Bank balance


4017.27 €

3789.28 €

227.99 €

17095.52 €


740.62 €

1729.65 €

-989.03 €

16,106.49 €


2nd quarter


• As expected, the Common Fund contribution hit us hard.

• We are still having problems sorting out the Orange transfer to CM!

We expect the prélèvement to be finally set up this coming month.

Iain McGregor, 17.06.2021.

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Prayer List

Please remember in your prayers:



David and Chris


Heidi and Millie-Jean and

their parents, Joël and Jo’.



Pat and David

Pat and Roy


….and for the bereaved:

The family and friends of:

Richard Batten

(Maggie Kent’s brother)

Herbie Floate

Janice Adams

Ken Ferguson

Sue Stock

[If you would like a name to be added to the Prayer List, please contact David Pearson. Tel: 02 51 61 05 04 or Email: davidlpearson@orange.fr]

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Sunday Club will take place once again in

the Salle at Puy de Serre when our services recommence. If you know of any children who would like to join our Sunday Club

please bring them along at 11a.m. They will be most welcome.

All children welcome from all denominations, we have lots of interest

Please contact Jenny if you require more information: email: jennywilkinson213@gmail.com

turn to the end of this edition of Grapevine to find our July message…..



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DATE 2021








4th July Zoom 11.00 Morning Worship

All church services have been cancelled until the Restrictions are lifted

Please check with the Church Wardens or website for updates

5th Sunday after Trinity

11th July Zoom 11.00 Morning Worship

6th Sunday after Trinity

18th July No service

7th Sunday after Trinity

25th July Zoom 11.00 Morning Worship

James the Apostle

1st August 9th Sunday after Trinity

Date 2021

Salle Setup/ Clearing away

(Chris Green at PdS)

Refreshments after the service

(Jenny Wilkinson at PdS)

4th July

All church services have been cancelled until the Restrictions are lifted

Please check with the Church Wardens or website for updates.

11th July

18th July

25th July

1st August

Did you miss the last Zoom-Service

or maybe you’re a little Hard-of-Hearing?

Did you know it’s possible to read




Some people have been asking how to make a donation to ASV.

Here are the details:

All Saints Vendée has had to change banks. I have written to everyone who contributes to the Planned Giving Scheme, asking them to change their virement (standing order). Please can anyone affected change their payments as soon as possible.

If anyone else would like to join the Planned Giving scheme, or to make a donation, please ask me for the details of the new banking arrangements. (mcgregor@lalogette.com)

ADVANTAGES: If you set up a standing order (virement) through your French bank, online, it is cost-free. You stay in total control of what you give – the standing order (virement) can be changed at any time, but only by you! Only the Treasurer knows how much you give per month. You know what you are giving, and exactly when the money comes out of your account, and so your budgeting is much easier. If you complete a French tax form, then you will get a significant rebate (depending on your situation) at the end of each financial year. If your French tax bill is small, then you will pay no tax at all!

ASV can plan ahead much more effectively, as it knows what contributions are coming in, rather than guessing who is going be at church!

DISADVANTAGES: I can’t think of any, so why not come and join the party!

and for British residents: If you do not have a French bank account, but would like to support the work of ASV, then please contact me, and I can help you. Please note, you cannot use tax-efficient giving in both France and the UK.

Iain McGregor (Treasurer, ASV) Page 9

These are YOUR pages.....

My thanks to all the Contributors of notices and articles for this month’s “Grapevine”

“Women’s Fellowship”; “Resto du Coeur”, “Sunday Club”, and Polly’s “Food-in-the-Bible” Quiz

Mike Mylod is our link with

Restos du Coeur

He will continue to collect your gifts

of dry goods, etc. which are

particularly important now and

which will be delivered to the local depot at Coulonges-sur-l’Autize.

Please phone Mike before leaving goods with him

at Mouilleron-en-Pareds: 02 51 51 07 36

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Dear Friends,

Joan has returned from UK and we feel it is now safe to resume meetings, albeit outside if weather permits, well spaced out wherever it is! New-comers are MOST welcome to join us so if you feel this is something which might interest you, then why not give it a try? Details from Joan at: jpsmorandiere@outlook.com or Marian at: richard.rackham@cegetel.net or 02 51 27 64 67

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Sunday Club July 2021

Prayer Father we pray you will be by our side whenever we need help

As we live our lives by your word. Give us the faith and encouragement To work and to help others each day

Using the different skills you gave to each of us With your everlasting love.

AMEN PLEASE read 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verses 6-10 and 14-17. Here we learn God's love for us, as he gave his only son to die for us. He is teaching us to understand not everyone approves of our way of living, and he asks us to conduct ourselves with a clear conscience, and asks us to avoid selfishness or personal ambition, and to follow Jesus' word in a tactful, loving way.

Thank you Lord for welcoming everyone of us into your church Answers to last month’s quiz. 1. Who wrote Acts? - LUKE 2.How many days did Jesus stay on earth after his resurrection - 40 3. What did Jesus tell his disciples to do before he returned to heaven? - GO TO JERUSALEM AND WAIT THERE FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT. 4. What did the apostles do while they waited in Jerusalem - - PRAY AND CHOOSE MATTHIAS TO REPLACE JUDAS.

WELL DONE if you got them all right ✅ and we all learnt something if not, so gold

star to everyone.

Hope you are all enjoying the and we can all meet up again to share our faith making and creating with more fun things to do.

God Bless Jenny Wilkinson

Polly’s “Food-in-the-Bible” Quiz

1) Who sold his birthright for a meal of

bread and lentil stew?

Moses Esau Noah Joshua

2) The land promised to the Israelites by

God was said to be flowing with milk and

what else?

Honey Cheese Wine Water

3) Who fasted for 40 days on Mt Sinai?

Jesus Moses David Elijah

4) How many jars of water did Jesus turn

into wine?

4 6 8 10

5) Who fed 100 men with 20 barley


Gideon Joshua Jesus Elisha

6) Who was called a glutton and a drunk?

Jesus Caiaphas Peter Herod

7) Who did Paul advise to drink a little

wine for the sake of his health?

Timothy Silas Barnabas John

8) How many loaves of bread were to be

left on the table in the Tabernacle?

3 6 12 20

9) What fruit-bearing plant did Jesus

liken himself to?

Vine Fig Olive Palm

10) In which parable did the farmer tell

himself to eat, drink and be merry?

The Rich Fool The Rich Man and Lazarus

The Sower The Master and Servant

I hope you have enjoyed this edition of "Grapevine". My thanks to all the Contributors.

Please consult the website for updates at www.allsaintsvendee.fr

Send your items for the July edition to: Jacqui at: sjfamily66@hotmail.com

Flip the page to read before 15th July 2021 the answers to the

“Food-in-the-Bible” Quiz and

finally…. Dog

Collar? Page 12

1) Esau 2) Honey 3) Moses 4) 6 5) Elisha 6) Jesus 7) Timothy 8) 12 (2 stacks of 6) 9) Vine 10) The Rich Fool