3 Temptations That Will Ruin Your Chances for a Successful Home Based Business



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Home business opportunity seekers must avoid three common temptations in order to be successful. These

three deadly temptations are:

1. Fast Cash

2. Easy Cash

3. Lotsa Cash

The first temptation, "Fast Cast", is all too easy to fall prey to. Almost everyone who wants to start a home based business wants to earn money as quickly as possible.

Sometimes it's a matter of desperation. If you're out of work and can't find another job, you may really need to

earn some money quickly. But, that desire or need for fast cash can lead you down many destructive paths.

You might even spend your grocery money on a "sure-fire get-rich-quick system" that promises you will be making $10,000 per month in 30 days or less. That just doesn't

happen. Sad, but true.

Don't throw your money away. Buying the latest get-rich-quick offer is worse than buying a lottery ticket because the offer will cost 50, 100, or 1,000 times the cost of a

lottery ticket, and the odds aren't any better.

It takes time to build a successful business. Count on it taking from 3 months to a year or longer. Really. Count on


Don't give in to the "Fast Cash" temptation.

The second temptation, "Easy Cash", isn't much better than the first. Yes, starting a home based business you love

is a lot easier than a J.O.B. The perfect home based business is one you are so passionate about you consider it


But, whoever tells you that you can buy a business-in-a-box and push a button or two to make your fortune

without any work, is lying to you.

You know in your heart that it takes some real work to plan, start, and build a business.

Sure, after the first few months, you can ease up a bit. But, you will have to work hard (though you will really enjoy this work), during the early stages of creating your new

home based business.

Don't give in to the "Easy Cash" temptation.

The third temptation, "Lotsa Cash", is the crowning blow to home business opportunity seekers that give in to these

temptations. Why should you be satisfied with an extra $500 or $1,000 per month. This guy on the internet is

promising you that you will be a millionaire in no time flat. Who cares whether or not you will really be helping

people. The guy says you can earn a $587,993 dollars in just six months just like him.

You know that isn't the way it works. If you don't make your first dollar online, you will never make $100,000 or


First, you have to make the initial $1, then $100, then $1,000, and then $10,000. Step-by-step. And, the only way to make the first $1.00 and anything after that, is to offer

something of real value that helps people solve a desperate problem, meet a need, or satisfy a deep desire.

Greed leads to ruin. Instead, over deliver. Provide incredible value for the money you receive, and you'll be

richer than you can possibly believe.

Don't fall prey to the temptation of "Lotsa Cash".

So, there you have it. Three deadly temptations that can ruin your chances for a successful home based business. Avoid them at all costs. And, I hope you succeed beyond

your wildest dreams.
