3. 4. 5. 6. A oY1 A’r ji Classification of Matter ... of Matter & Chemical! Physical Changes...


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chemIstry I!N4L: CO IVTRevIew PacketName:_________________________


Date:______________________Classification of Matter & Chemical! Physical Changes

1. i.1Pl._’YJ are substances that are made up of two or more elements which arechemically combined

2. M-vv3.






6. A_______________________________7. List 2 lab safety precautions.

oY1 A’r ji

8. Identify the following pieces of equipment:


k- ;41r’. .

- 711. q)

11. Where is the hottest part of the Bunsen burner flame?

r/ IiCT ifli2er eCk1

12. How do you take a meniscus reading?


II,p II L_- (

-c1*brv Y2jSL I

is made from two or more substances that are phi sica/1i combinedare substances that are made up of only one type of atom

is anything that has both mass and volumeis a solid, produced b a reaction that separates a solution.

consists of a solute in a solvent


10. Which piece ofeuipment is used as a cover for the evaporating dish? f7 J

13. Define what a heterogeneous mixture and a homogeneous mixture are and provide an example ofeach.

W2ihr, 2S’ (J

14. Suppose that during a reaction a chemistry student touches the eaker and observes that it feels COLD. Thestudent should conclude that the chemical reaction is F +h.yr,i Q

a’) Why?

ye1L ; ‘d

15. Suppose that during a reaction a chemistry student touches the beaker and observes that it feels HOT. Thestudent should conclude that the chemical reaction is /

a) Why?I

J’ )

16. Classify the following,1san element, compound, homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture.a) Table salt ,/Lb) Aluminum________________________c) Dirt___________________d) Sugar water___________________

17. Define the terms chemical and physical change

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1 8. C1assi1’ the following as ,hemica1 change or physical change.a) Iron rusting


b) Ice melting_______________________c) Evaporation ‘ ph y r -d) HC1 reacting with Mg to create H2 gas /

19. Another name for a homogeneous mixture is a(n)

20. What are four indicators of a chemical reaction?

1)I, = 7jf 1/

(±- 1’L’ 7’ ‘j/’”

Z) iJc//;

c) / .2


Measurement & Density1, What is the difference between a qualitative measurement and a quantitative measurement?

/1i ;/Lii iJ I

2. mL “ is a unit that measures


3. crn” is a unit that measures


4. g” is a unit that measures ç c5. “mm Hg” is a unit that measures


6. K” is a unit that measures


7. What is the difference between accuracy and precision?

.2 ô-P ecoacpd V1 C(cs-e /

8. Try these conversions:a. 500Omg


b. 1L


9. Write the following numbers in scientific notation.

a. 746O0 n 7. 1b. 0.0443km X7

10, Write the following numbers in ordinary notation.

a. 8.SxlO7km________________

h. 9.67x104km 0. OOd17

11. Define density.

j —

12. Find the density of an unknown solid given that a 5.62g sample occupies 2.35 cm3

f_ / )


Atomic Structure, Quantum Numbers, and Electron Notation


6. mole


7. average atomic mass

8. atomic number9. neutron10. isotopes

in the nucleus of an atomb. the weighted average mass of the atoms

in a naturally occurring sample of an elementc. 1/12 the mass of a carboni2 atomd. the number of protons in the nucleus of an

elemente. atoms with the same number of protons

but different number of neutronsf. negatively charged subatomic particleg. the smallest particle of an element that

retains the properties of that elementh. a counting unit; 6,022 x 1 0i. positively charged subatomic particlej. subatomic particle with no charge

3. Suppose an isotope has a mass number of 27 and an atomic number of 13.

a. Write the hyphen notation for this isotope.-2’l

b. Write the nuclear symbol for this isotope. 4 1

5. Wht is the BEST way to describe the nature of an electron?

/e A AiLJ7

6. Fill in the chart below. What do the four quantum numbers indicate?

o- M/t1

___..z___ 1. proton


2. atom


a. the total number of protons and neulrons

3. mass number4. atomic mass unit

5. electron

1. Suppose an atom has 27 protons and 32 neutrons. What is the mass number?


2. Suppose an atom has 29 protons and 35 neutrons. How many electrons does it have? 2 /

4. What is electromagnetic radiation? Provide examples.

a,2 , j, /y 4t k vi C/-S ; )nis /1t&/ .

: v1A, -/c i iii vCS

Angular Momentum Quantum Number

Magnetic Quantum Number

•ci•e ‘-? (PEJY/cL/-i

Spin Quantum Number Ep ir 4 c i4

7. One orbital can hold a MAXIMUM of 2 electrons.

Periodic Table1. AM2jj/,,/1L c2. How are elements arranged on the Periodic Table?


flrs 2. h a4. What is the most electronegative element? i2 e5. Write whether an increase or decrease of a trend occurs as you go across the Periodic Table from icfito right in a period, and when you go from p to bottom in a group.

Trend Across a Period 1 Down a Group

1 St Ionization Energy

Atomic radius1


8. What it the correct electron configuration notation and orbital notation for Na and AlDiagonal Rule:

pL& ‘


252 2p6A 32 3p6 3d1°A

4p6 4d’° 4f14A 52 5p 5dt 514

A652 6p ód’°75Z


f;2. 2

3......i (‘&Z

/> 5.._ p


are elements that show the properties of both metals and nonmetals.

3. What is electronegativitv?

ZiY2 /

6. What name is given to the following? /

a. Group #1 Elements:

b Group #2 Elements /7v4 Icc. Groups #3-12 Elements:

d. Group #18 Elements:

e. Group #17 Elements:,

7. Use the elements from part of period three. listed below, to answer the following questions. Write thesymbol of the element described in the blank provided. (lpt.each)

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

22.99 24.30 26.98 28.09 30.97 32.07 35.45 39.95


a). an element ith 15 electrons i). an element in the same group as potassium (refer towall chart to find potassium-K)ili& b). the most reactive metal r

j). an element that forms an ion with a charge of—2


c). the most reactive nonmetal

a k). an element with a atomic number of 14d). an element with 12 protons


e). an element with the atomic number of 17

-h’ f). the MOST stable element

j,4 h). an element in the halogen group

Bonding1. A bond where there is a sharing of electrons:

a) mutual b) electronegativity ova1jjt_ d) ionic

2. A bond where there is transferring of electrons so an attraction between positive and negative ions isestablished:

a) mutual h) electronegativitv c) covalent

3. What is the difference between nonpolar covalent and polar covalent bond type?



4. How many valance electfons are found in the following groups?a. Group 1 (b. Group 2 7_c. Group 13d. Group 14


e. Group 15f. Group 16g. Group 1h. Group 18


5. Circle the lone pair electrons in the following dot formula of water.

6. With respect to bonds fonned between the following pairs of atoms:• Determine the electronegativity difference. SHOW WORK!• Determine the probable bond type (ionic, polar covalent, or nonpolar covalent).• Assign partial charges to atoms that are part of a polar covalent bond.

Pairs of Electronegativity — Probable Partial Charge (ifAtoms Difference Bond Type polar-covalent)

/ / —:Handil

SandO Z5—3-5Lo— /? ,. —iKandBr C* L) i-oisc

7. A molecule is a


of atoms held to together by (JflJZ IJ-3 7L bonds.8. What is the difference between a cation and an anion?

;::t:• iEc2fr /I i eII


2/C /;

9. List the naturally occurring diatornic elements?

10, What is the molecular geometry of BF3

(72L k_

11. What is the molecular geometry of Cl-I4/k’ze212. What is the molecular geometry of CO2

/ r1* L=c=1

1 j2_


14. A substance that increases the rate of a reaction without itself being changed is a(n)


a) precipitate catalyst c) inhibitor d) none of the above

15. What is a reversible reaction? Flow is a reversible reaction represented.

Ciô16. Label the products, reactants and yields arrow.


CH4 + 202 CO2 + 2H20

1 7. Fill in the correct symbol that would used when writing a chemical equation based on the meaning provided.


“yields”; indicates result of a reaction

Indicates a reversible reaction

A reactant or product in the solid state

, Alternative to (s); used only for a precipitate (solid) falling out of solution

j A reactant or product in the liquid state

a A reactant or product in aqueous solution (dissolved in water)

A reactant or product in the gaseous state

j% Alternative to (g); used only for a gaseous product

Reactants are heated

Zi Pressure at. which the reaction is carried out, in this case 2

Temperature at which reaction is carried out, in this case 0°C

A catalyst is used to speed up the reaction rate, in this case Mn02 would be used_______________________ to speed up the reaction rate.


Kinetic Theory, Solids, Liquids, Gases, Phase ChangesName the S parts of the kinetic molecular theor.

ON / p{c of Pa.r+j S•re //7 /1Y2

11 /1ic 9V/2. How does temperature affect the kinetic energy of a substance?

If 17j3. List the values for SIP.

‘Y: C;C1 2Rk

7&•..• OThrn /D/;;I

4. If the volume of a gas is decreased, then gas pressure will_____________

5. If the volume of a gas is increased, then gas temperature will ZiPiS?6. How does evaporation differ from sublimation?


I’ q

7. Complete the chart to name the four phases of matter and compare their volumes, shapes, and averagekinetic energy

Phase Shape Volume Average Kinetic EnergyLiquid /?) definite

//J definite definite

/1It Not definite Very FAST (violent)

Not definite I Fast>/ ? /-(1ii

8. What is the difference between a crystalline solid and an amorphous solid?

1id 17L1Y?+ p/-- -t9

dJ9. Which of th 4 phases of matter is considered to have the most significant intermolecular forces?

a) The least sigmikant mtermolLLular forces0

10. A liquid will boil when its equilibrium vapor pressure EQUALS (I

11. When a system at equilibrium is disturbed by aipn of a stress, it attains a new equilibrium position thatminimizes the stress. This is known as Ij’ I



12. Use the phase diagram below to answer the following questions:

a. The area on the graph that represents the gas phase is: Ch. The area on the graph that represents the liquid phase is: E

c. The area on the graph that represents the solid phase is:

d. When does the triple point occur?

fr O1e. What happens o a substance as you move from point A to point


Mixtures: Solutions, Suspensions & Cofloids

1. Define the following terms: solution. colloid. suspension


E’:L m/Jç.

2. Suppose 15 g of sugar is dissolved in 1000 g of water. The sugar is the&t4i and the water is thec /ki

3. Explain what the phrase “like dissolves like” means and give an example5(vv &i- 5v1cp iQLV h.c1

dt;-’cs K4. Explain the difference between an unsaturated, saturated and a supersaturated solution. Define these terms!

Th I’cue uc1 io! 4

ii— L ./5


5. What 3 things can increase the rate at which a solute will dissolve?


7. How could you identify a colloid?

i. ..‘/

1LI /, I I2 /? LI

IT I,ii- i- i /1 /7i /1 . -i


10 20 30 0 90 110 130TrC)

Acids/Bases/Salts1. Describe acids and bases according to the theory of Arrhenius.


- ,2ter-

2. Explain how blue and red litmus paper determine if a substance is an acid, base or salt.

i<& ;/c

‘4 k,,!


— /v4,3. Explain the process of neutralization using a chemical equation. LJ

Ac1- &...


4. Define pH and draw the pH scale showing the locations of acids. bases, and neutral substances.

2M:: 7ftt’1/

5. What happens during a splint test? How do you know 02. CO2 or H2 is produced?

!c Jo/oJ /i/ c/i’- t— a /v -


0z PhL 9,ç ,-/)1

z’/àVL 2JI?/‘ S2I

uclear Chemistry

1. Name and describe each of the 3 types of radiation.


/ /

// /c


2. What is a half-life?

7 y......,P L2.L

3. Write the nuclear symbol and the hyphen notation for an isotope of phosphorus with a mass number of 32.



4. What is the difi’erence between fission and fusion?


iY •&

5. Balance the following nuclear reactions.


- 2Pb + He

2Po— zth + 4He

II Things to study:o ALL Noteso Labso Review Guides (Content & Math)

II o Mrs. Hostettertswebsite (review PowerPoints)II o www.epasd.org/hostetterII

The ACCUMULATIVE Final Is Worth 100 points:o 100 multiple choice questions

STUbY&G00t LUCK!!ii


1. Calculate the molar mass of iron (IL) phosphate. 358g

3 (3

f\jtZ CO3

3. Convert 6.25 g of sdium c’loride to moles. O.1O8m


4. Convert 0.500 mol of potassium iodide to grams. 83g

ChemistryI4ND4L: MATh ReviewName: Period: Date:________________

(‘832- Zq


2. Find the percent composition of sodium carbonate. Na,%cj4 5%



5. What is the empirical and molecular formula of a compound with the following percent composition:p 26.7 %, N = 12.1 %, Cl 61.2 %. The molar mass of the compound is 695 g/mol.

EFNc!MFf6N6c!12 PMi2/il-I

,8/i O/mo/’ //j

ILJh c’‘&‘f1’21J,

I /I11 ,q1’ta; /15

zHO/ 2

2 fJdt/ A/ad16. How many grams of sodium phosphate are needed to completely react with 25.0 g of barium chloride?


7. Suppose 100 rnL of solution contains 5.92 g of dissolved calcium chloride. Calculate the molaritv. 38M

f1ZfL /,‘8. Suppose 9.56 g of sodium hydroxide is dissolved in 150. g of water. Calculate the molality.


9. Write the electron configuration notation, orbital notation, and electron dot symbol for arsenic.


76>/ 1y—if A Ii il,i ICJ

/nlO/ C/

ivi/ oa/&k£ F1-;ôii

As= 33e/5Zlcl323?

10. Suppose a gas is collected in a 145 mL flask where the temperature of the gas is 23°C and the pressure of thegas is 785 mm Hg. Calculate the volume of the gas at STP, 3384 2mL

/‘7/?i L

46i i



12. Suppose the length of a piece of string is measured to be 33.45 cm. Calculate the percent error if the string iswly 3450 cm long. 3O4%

/ 3?35JEp -11t-j

flteor- ,I

13. Suppose 4.25 g of sodium chloride is collected after a chemical reaction. Through stoichiornetry calculations itis determined that the theoretical yield of sodium chloride is 5.00 g. Calculate the percent yield. •4

rkeOrc7traJ7/CO 42


14. Suppose an unknown radioactive substance with a mass of 120 g has a half-life of 6 months. How much of the


2. yrc II \ hat is the olume of 10 5 got copper (The denslt\ ot copper is 894 gem ) 1_17c!3



: 17313

i2i11. Suppose 25.0 ml. of a gas is at 24°C. Calculate the temperature at which the gas will occupy 30.0 mL

assuming constant pressure. 356.4K

\J1 ;

\J 2L



substance will remain after 2 years? 7.5g

hi- hfO vrS


