2.3.2 Green Building and Sustainable Design



2.3.2 Green Building and Sustainable Design. 1) Collecting Rain Water. Rain Barrels – It's as simple as it sounds, barrels are placed outside of buildings for the use of collecting rain water to use during dry months. 2) Beneficial Environmental Construction Methods. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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2.3.2 Green Building and Sustainable Design

1) Collecting Rain Water

Rain Barrels – It's as simple as it sounds, barrels are placed outside of buildings for the use of collecting rain water to use during dry months.

2) Beneficial Environmental Construction Methods

Indoor air quality filters – A built in system that reduces air pollution in buildings. This is beneficial in that the air produced by buildings doesn't negatively effect the environment.

3) Construction Waste Recycling

Recycling – Basically, a way in which extra materials and components can be used positively is by recycling them or reconstituting them into other useful materials.

4) Reducing Energy Consumption

Sealing and Insulating – By putting in high quality insulation into buildings, it prevents heat from escaping & entering. This benefits in energy for both the heating and air conditioning.

5) Natural Resources

Materials – trees that are already there, land and other sources of nature can be used in the construction of a new structure.


1) www.compostore.com ( found at usgbc.org)


2) www. epa.gov/iaq/homes/index.html


3) www.generalkinematics.com/C&Drecycling (found on usbg.com)


4) www.epa.gov/greenhomes/reduceenergy.htm


5) www.cchgroup.com (found at epa.gov)

By : Brooke Adamsand

Clay Fellows
